Request for Proposals – South Glens Falls/Route 9 Study

Village of South Glens Falls
Route 9 Corridor Study
Request for Proposals – October 7, 2024

Introduction and Overview
The Village of South Glens Falls has requested assistance from the Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council (A/GFTC) to analyze the Route 9 corridor for the purposes of identifying opportunities to improve traffic congestion, safety, and multimodal access.
The Route 9 Corridor study area includes portions of Main Street and Saratoga Avenue. This corridor experiences high levels of congestion, particularly in the PM peak hour. From a multimodal perspective, NYSDOT Region 1 is reviewing if Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) are warranted at 1st Street, 2nd Street, and Massie’s Restaurant; however, additional opportunities to improve pedestrian conditions remain. For example, there are insufficient pedestrian crosswalks south of the intersection with Main Street/5th Street and no meaningful bicycle accommodations.
Specific emphasis areas of this study are to include:
1. Analysis of signal timing, including a comparison of traditional coordination techniques versus Adaptive Signal Control Technology (ASCT) principles, to determine whether congestion can be improved. Consultants should use engineering judgement to determine whether the traffic signal at Glen Street (Route 9)/Mohican Street/Oakland Avenue within the City of Glens Falls should be included in the analysis of signal timing. This project does not include a pedestrian/bicycle analysis of this intersection.
2. Concept-level design recommendations for pedestrian improvements at key intersections
3. Identification of additional opportunities for pedestrian crossings, especially along Saratoga Avenue
4. Identification of opportunities for bicycle accommodations

Approach and Management
Project Steering Committee
Staff from A/GFTC (the project sponsor) will establish and lead a project steering committee (PSC) to provide guidance to the consultant during the progression of this study. The committee will include representatives from the Village of South Glens Falls, NYSDOT, A/GFTC staff, and other community stakeholders. A/GFTC staff will chair the committee and direct the project overall. The consultant will attend any necessary meetings with the study advisory committee. Additionally, the consultant will communicate with A/GFTC staff as needed to report on progress and clarify other issues that may occur.

Study Content, Scope & Deliverables
At a minimum, the Consultant shall be responsible for the following tasks and deliverables. Additional components may be proposed by the Consultant if relevant and feasible.

Project Meetings. The Consultant shall attend interim review meetings with the Project Steering Committee (PSC) as outlined in the project scope. The Consultant shall be responsible for scheduling, hosting virtual meetings, and coordinating with the Village and/or A/GFTC to arrange for in-person meeting facilities. Agendas shall be supplied one week in advance of meetings. The Consultant shall provide meeting summaries within 2 weeks of each meeting.
Progress Reporting. The Consultant shall provide periodic updates to A/GFTC to track project progress. The frequency of progress reports should be no less than two per month unless otherwise specified. Progress reporting is anticipated to include emails, phone calls, or virtual meetings, as appropriate.
Task 1 Deliverables:
* Project Meeting agendas and minutes
* Project Report emails

A study kick-off meeting shall be held, including A/GFTC, the Consultant, and PSC members. The purpose of this meeting shall be to:
* Confirm project scope and schedule, including tentative dates for subsequent meetings
* Confirm geographic boundaries of the research study (i.e., determine which, if any, additional signals or intersections should be included in the study area)
* Discuss data needs and determine data sources
* Confirm public outreach strategy (see Task 6)
* Confirm communication protocols among PSC members and Consultant
Task 2 Deliverable:
* Agenda and meeting minutes

The Consultant will prepare an inventory of existing conditions within the Route 9 corridor. The Consultant shall include activities outlined below at a minimum; additional data and analysis may be included as appropriate and relevant. The Consultant and shall prepare a summary of this information and present it to the PSC for discussion. This shall include:
* All pedestrian and bicycle accommodations at the study area, noting any deficiencies according to the design guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act, NYS Pedestrian Safety Action Plan, and other relevant design criteria
* All data necessary to prepare a microsimulation model of the corridor, anticipated to include traffic and turning movement counts
* Technical specifications of all signal hardware including actuation (if applicable)
* The preparation of a microsimulation model of the corridor
* Current Level-of-Service (LOS) for all signalized intersections within the study area
* Current Measures of Effectiveness, which may include travel time, reliability, number of stops, delay, or other relevant metrics
Task 3 Deliverables:
* Existing conditions technical memo
* Presentation materials as provided to the PSC
* Meeting minutes

The Consultant shall prepare concept designs for pedestrian improvements at select signalized intersections, anticipated to include Main Street/River Street, Main Street/5th Avenue/Saratoga Avenue, Saratoga Ave/NYS Route 32, and Saratoga Avenue/Hannaford Driveway. In addition, the Consultant shall determine appropriate locations for 3-4 mid-block crossings of Saratoga Ave between Main St and NYS Route 32, taking into account factors such as (but not limited to) pedestrian generators and destinations, sight lines, transit stops, and traffic volumes.
The pedestrian/bicycle improvement considerations shall also include safety for multi-modal operations throughout the corridor, in addition to specific recommendations at intersections. Pedestrian accommodations shall include features as recommended in the NYS Pedestrian Safety Action Plan, such as pedestrian count-down timers, high-visibility crosswalks, rapid rectangular flashing beacons (RRFBs), refuge islands and/or bump-outs, and any other facilities deemed relevant.
Bicycle improvements may include concepts such as bike lanes, improved detection systems, “bike boxes,” and/or lane markings. Concept-level cost estimates for all improvements shall be provided as part of this task.
Task 4 Deliverables:
* Pedestrian/bicycle improvements technical memo
* PSC presentation materials
* Meeting minutes

The Consultant to use the microsimulation model from Task 3 to prepare at least two (2) signal coordination alternatives. The first shall be a traditional, optimized signal coordination system (such as Time-of-Day or other traditional coordination system) and at least one other should be based on Adaptive Signal Control Technology (ASCT) principles. A summary of current and projected LOS for both/all alternatives shall be provided and presented to the PSC. A summary of relevant Measures of Effectiveness shall also be provided, including:
* Changes in travel time, reliability, number of stops, delay, or other relevant means to quantify the travel experience
* Changes in greenhouse gas emissions
* Changes in fuel consumption
* Changes in crash rate (if feasible)
The Consultant shall prepare a summary of upgrades needed to the signal hardware for both/all systems and provide an order-of-magnitude cost estimate for installation. For ASCT examples, the potential cost of ongoing operations should also be included.
Task 5 Deliverables:
* Signal coordination comparison technical memo
* PSC presentation materials
* Meeting minutes

The Consultant shall prepare a cost/benefit analysis for the alternatives proposed in Task 5, prepared using the latest available guidance from U.S. DOT, anticipated to include:
* U.S. DOT. “A Guide for Leveraging ITS Evaluation Tools for Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) and Return-on-Investment (ROI).” July 2022.
* U.S. DOT. “Use Case: Adaptive Signal Control Benefit-Cost Analysis.” July 2022.
* U.S. DOT. “Benefit-Cost Analysis Guidance for Discretionary Grant Programs.” January 2023.
Data inputs to arrive at the cost/benefit analysis shall be derived by the Consultant. The Consultant shall also research and document alternatives for the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the proposed signal coordination and ASCT systems, including issues such as responsible entity, training needs, software/ hardware/IT requirements, shared staffing initiatives, and/or vendor contracts. The Consultant shall identify how a new system would be properly maintained to mitigate O&M issues that have been experienced with the current system.
Task 5A Deliverable:
* Cost-benefit analysis and O&M technical memo

The Consultant shall prepare a Public Outreach Strategy to define the proposed methods and formats of any public outreach for the project.
At a minimum, Task 6 shall include an in-person presentation of the draft final report to the Village Board. Additional in-person events, such as a workshop or open house, and online opportunities, such as an interactive online map and/or survey, are also encouraged. All comments received shall be summarized in an appropriate format by the Consultant.
Task 6 Deliverables:
* Public Outreach Strategy (presented during Task 2)
* Draft presentation materials
* Public comment summary memo

Upon completion of the contract period, the Consultant shall prepare a draft Final Report, integrating all aspects of the work performed for the project. In addition, the draft Final Report shall include:
* Recommendations for project phasing and implementation
* Overview of relevant environmental, economic, mobility, and/or other benefits to the community
* Concept-level cost estimates
* Funding strategies and next steps
The draft Final Report shall be provided to the PSC for one round of revisions. Subsequently, the revised Final Report shall be made available for public comment according to A/GFTC’s Public Involvement Policy. After the comment period ends, the Consultant shall summarize all comments for inclusion into the report; substantive comments shall be addressed through additional revisions to the report, as needed.
Task 7 Deliverables:
* Draft Final Report
* Revised Final Report

Proposal Content and Selection Procedures
Proposal Content
Proposals should demonstrate a thorough grasp of the study’s intent and include detailed descriptions of the approach that the firm will use to complete the project, including anticipated deliverables.
A summary of similar or related work completed by the firm over the previous three years should be included, as well as a summary of any projects that the proposing firm(s) will be managing concurrently with this project if selected. This summary should also contain the name and email of the contact person for each contract.
In addition to the firm’s background, the resumes of any staff to be assigned to the project should be included. Proposals should provide the estimated amount of time that each assigned staff person (by name, not just job position) is likely to devote to the project, as well as a detailed project schedule that includes key milestones toward project completion. The proposed project manager should be clearly identified. Demonstrated participation of senior-level staff with applicable experience will be considered.
Firms should provide a detailed summary of the cost to complete the project. All costs that can be identified should be listed. The fee and final scope of work will be negotiated with the selected consultant. Proposing firms should be aware that completion of this study is funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and that the awarded contractor will be required to fully comply with all requirements and certifications that are imposed by federal funding sponsorship.

Pre-Screening and Evaluation
Proposals will be screened by a consultant selection committee and a preliminary assessment will be made based upon the overall project approach, technical applications, relevant experience, past performance with locally administered studies, assigned staff capacity/availability, demonstrated project management skills, and Disadvantaged/Women Business Enterprise (DBE/WBE) participation (proposals that demonstrate meaningful and substantial participation of DBE/WBE of at least 10% or greater share of the overall proposal cost will have a competitive advantage in the evaluation process).
The following evaluation criteria will be used to score the proposals:
* the firm’s demonstrated understanding of the study goals and overall approach to the project;
* the relevant experience of the firm and ability to commit resources within the desired timeframe of the proposal;
* the background and qualifications of staff assigned to the project tasks.

Presentation and Consultant Selection
A firm may be selected after pre-screening and evaluation by the Selection Committee if there is clear consensus on a preferred response. If a firm is not selected based upon the results of the pre-screening and evaluation, the firms submitting proposals that demonstrate the best study approach and experience will be interviewed by the Selection Committee. The Committee will then complete its final evaluation and selection recommendation. No more than three firms will be interviewed. Previous experience has shown that the presentation and interview performance have strongly influenced the eventual selection.
A/GFTC reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. If a low number of proposals are submitted, A/GFTC reserves the right to extend the deadline for proposal submittal. It also reserves the right to reject all proposals if determined to be in the best interest of involved parties.

Standards of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest
Questions regarding this RFP are to be directed in writing to designated A/GFTC staff only. A/GFTC staff will not engage in private communications regarding this RFP. No contacts to A/GFTC committee members regarding this RFP are allowed during the solicitation and selection period. All contacts to A/GFTC staff regarding this RFP may be made only to the following designated staff member, and only in writing:

Jack Mance, Senior Transportation Planner

Those questions that generate the need for technical clarifications to the RFP will be published in an updated RFP. Proposers must contact A/GFTC staff to confirm the intent to respond to be included on any correspondence associated with addenda to the RFP. Written questions to A/GFTC regarding this RFP will only be accepted up until ten days prior to the proposal deadline.
Potential respondents shall screen their proposed personnel teams and subconsultants carefully to ensure that no individual proposed to be assigned to this project has any potential personal or financial interest in its outcome, or any other source of external motivation that could compromise the objectivity of this analysis. A/GFTC reserves the right to terminate the contract should a conflict of interest be discovered.

Target Budget
A target budget of $60,000 has been established for this project based upon the costs associated with the administration of previous consultant studies by A/GFTC. As this is a conceptual planning study and not an engineering study, A/GFTC reserves the right to eliminate from consideration any proposals that entail costs that are more than this target and to re-solicit for this project if no acceptable proposals are received.

Proposal Due Date and Schedule of Work
Please submit one (1) electronic copy of your proposal to the following office by 3:00 p.m. on November 8, 2024. Electronic copies may be transmitted via email or download link.
Jack Mance, Senior Transportation Planner
Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council
11 South Street, Suite 203
Glens Falls, NY 12801

Selection Timeframe and Contract Term
The final contract between the selected consultant and the Lake Champlain / Lake George Regional Planning Board (A/GFTC’s host agency) will be drawn up subsequent to consultant selection. Completion of the final document is expected within 12 months of contract signature. The term of the contract will expire upon the successful and mutually agreed-upon completion of the study and will not exceed eighteen (18) months barring extension.

Greenwich Bike-Ped Plan RFP

Town and Village of Greenwich

Bicycle-Pedestrian Connectivity Plan

Request for Proposals 11/21/2023


Project Goals and Background:

In 2022, the Town and Village of Greenwich requested assistance from the Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council (A/GFTC) to prepare a joint Town/Village pedestrian and bicycle connectivity plan. The project goal is to examine existing connections and network gaps at the municipal scale and identify opportunities to improve pedestrian accessibility and bicycle connectivity to key nodes. Recommended concept level improvements could include new trail connectors, on-road bicycle infrastructure, or sidewalk extensions, among others.

In recent years the Town and Village have pursued several planning projects, both individually and in partnership; several of these initiatives include recommendations for improved bicycle and pedestrian facilities. These include:

  • 2023 Town/Village Comprehensive Plan Update
  • 2022 BOA Nomination Study (Greenwich Revitalization Plan) and BOA Designation (Town/Village)
  • 2021 North Road Pedestrian Connector Feasibility Report (Town)
  • 2021 Complete Street Code Revisions (Village)
  • 2019 Main Street Streetscape Plan (Village)

The Town/Village Pedestrian and Bicycle Connectivity plan will support and supplement the efforts of these previous plans.

This RFP seeks responses from interested and qualified professional transportation planning and engineering firms to develop a plan that identifies opportunities for improved bike-ped connectivity, establishes concepts and cost estimates for high-priority projects, and recommends a framework for implementation including realistic funding opportunities. The selected consultant team will work closely with A/GFTC staff, the Town and Village of Greenwich, NYSDOT Region 1, and community stakeholders to complete this analysis.

The scope of work, while not formally set and open to suggestion via consultant responses, is anticipated to include:

  • Development of a Public Outreach Plan, including a diverse array of potential outreach formats to ensure the participation of the community and relevant stakeholders as well as gain feedback on proposed improvements and/or recommendations
  • Evaluation of existing bicycle/pedestrian facilities (NOTE: GIS data for pedestrian amenities in the Village, including ADA ratings, will be made available to the selected consultant)
  • Recommendations and prioritization of potential connectivity improvements on a community-wide scale
  • Development of strategies and/or concept plans and associated cost estimates for up to 5 Priority Focus Areas (could include intersection improvements or typical streetscape sections)
  • Development of an implementation plan

Approach and Management

Study Advisory Committee

Staff from A/GFTC (the project sponsor) will establish and lead a study advisory committee to provide guidance to the consultant during the progression of this study. The committee will include representatives from the Town and Village of Greenwich, relevant community stakeholder(s), A/GFTC staff, Washington County, and NYSDOT. A/GFTC staff will chair the committee and direct the project overall. The consultant will attend any necessary meetings with the study advisory committee. Additionally, the consultant will communicate with A/GFTC staff every other week or as needed to report on progress and clarify other issues that may occur. Public outreach is also anticipated.

Sample Approach

The following outlined approach is provided as an illustration of the potential range of services that could be necessary for the successful execution of the requested analysis. Responding consultants are encouraged to provide alternatives to this outline as warranted or beneficial to the overall work effort. It is anticipated that A/GFTC staff will take an active role in developing the draft and final report to allow consultant proposals to focus on the preparation of technical analyses, public outreach, concept plan graphics, and cost estimates.

  • Task 1 – Kick-off Meeting: The consultant will meet with the Steering Committee to review and confirm the scope and objectives of the requested analysis, anticipated project schedule, public outreach methods, and data collection strategies.
  • Task 2 – Existing Conditions Analysis: The consultant will assemble existing information and collect field data as necessary to identify existing conditions related to pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, streetscape amenities, and any broad issues related to the creation of new pedestrian/bicycle connections (such as right-of-way, sightlines for road crossings, environmental conditions, etc). These findings will be documented in a technical memo for distribution to the steering committee. (As noted above, GIS data will be provided for all pedestrian infrastructure in the Village, including ADA ratings. A/GFTC will also provide crash data as warranted.)
  • Task 3a – Connectivity Plan: Based on the existing conditions analysis and public outreach, the consultant will create an analysis at the community level to identify needs, gaps, and potential opportunities for connectivity improvements. The results of this analysis will be used to select up to five (5) Priority Focus Areas for further refinement. Stakeholder and/or public outreach is recommended during this task or during Task 3b, below. The connectivity plan will be documented in a technical memo for distribution to the steering committee.
  • Task 3b – Concept Plans: Based upon the results of task 3a, the consultant will formulate, evaluate, and map recommended improvements for the Priority Focus Areas including alternatives (if applicable). Conceptual graphics and planning level cost estimates associated with each of the recommended improvements will be developed by the consultant and presented to the Steering Committee for evaluation and prioritization. Public outreach is anticipated during this phase to share the recommendations. The final concept plans will be documented in a technical memo for distribution to the steering committee.
  • Task 4 – Prepare Report: The final report will encapsulate the results of tasks 2 and 3; in addition, recommendations for implementation, funding, and/or project phasing will be developed. It is anticipated that A/GFTC staff will be available if needed to take an active role in developing the draft and final report to allow consultants to focus resources on the preparation of technical analyses, concept plan graphics, and cost estimates. The draft report will be presented to the Steering Committee for review prior to finalization. The final report will be presented to the Town and Village Board by the consultant and A/GFTC staff.


Proposal Content and Selection Procedures

Proposal Content

Proposals should demonstrate a thorough grasp of the study’s intent and include detailed descriptions of the approach that the firm will use to complete the project.

A summary of similar or related work completed by the firm over the previous three years should be included, as well as a summary of any projects that the proposing firm(s) will be managing concurrently with this project if selected. This summary should also contain the name and email of the contact person for each contract. In addition to the firm’s background, the resumes of any staff to be assigned to the project should be included.  Proposals should also provide the estimated amount of time that each assigned staff person (by name, not just job position) is likely to devote to the project, as well as a detailed project schedule that includes key milestones toward project completion. The proposed project manager should be clearly identified.

Firms should provide a detailed summary of the cost to complete the project.  All costs that can be identified should be listed. The fee and final scope of work will be negotiated with the selected consultant. Proposing firms should be aware that completion of this study is funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and that the awarded contractor will be required to fully comply with all requirements and certifications that are imposed by federal funding sponsorship.

Pre-Screening and Evaluation

Proposals will be screened by a consultant selection committee and a preliminary assessment will be made based upon the overall project approach, technical applications, relevant experience, past performance with locally administered studies, assigned staff capacity/availability, demonstrated project management skills, and meaningful Disadvantaged/Women Business Enterprise (DBE/WBE) participation.

Proposals that demonstrate meaningful and substantial participation of DBE/WBE of at least 10% or greater share of the overall proposal cost will have a competitive advantage in the evaluation process. The following evaluation criteria will be used to score the proposals:

  • the firm’s demonstrated understanding of the study goals and overall approach to the project;
  • the relevant experience of the firm and ability to commit resources within the desired timeframe of the proposal;
  • the background and qualifications of staff to be assigned to complete the majority of the project tasks.


Presentation and Consultant Selection

After pre-screening and evaluation by the Selection Committee, a firm may be selected. If a firm is not selected based upon the results of the pre-screening and evaluation, the firms submitting proposals that demonstrate the best study approach and experience will be interviewed by the Selection Committee. The Committee will then complete its final evaluation and selection recommendation. No more than three firms will be interviewed. Previous experience has shown that the presentation and interview performance have strongly influenced the eventual selection.

A/GFTC reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.  If a low number of proposals are submitted, A/GFTC reserves the right to extend the deadline for proposal submittal. It also reserves the right to reject all proposals if determined to be in the best interest of involved parties.

Standards of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest

Questions regarding this RFP are to be directed in writing to designated A/GFTC staff only. A/GFTC staff will not engage in private communications regarding this RFP.  No contacts to A/GFTC committee members regarding this RFP are allowed during the solicitation and selection period. All contacts to A/GFTC staff regarding this RFP may be made only to the following designated staff member, and only in writing:

Jack Mance, Senior Transportation Planner                                              

Those questions that generate the need for technical clarifications to the RFP will be published in an updated RFP. Proposers must contact A/GFTC staff to confirm the intent to respond in order to be included on any correspondence associated with addenda to the RFP. Written questions to A/GFTC regarding this RFP will only be accepted up until ten days prior to the proposal deadline.

Potential respondents shall screen their proposed personnel teams and subconsultants carefully to ensure that no individual proposed to be assigned to this project has any potential personal or financial interest in its outcome, or any other source of external motivation that could compromise the objectivity of this analysis. A/GFTC reserves the right to terminate the contract should a conflict of interest be discovered.

Target Budget

A target budget of $30,000 has been established for this project based upon the costs associated with the administration of previous consultant studies by A/GFTC. As this is a planning study and not an engineering or design study, A/GFTC reserves the right to eliminate from consideration any proposals that entail costs that are in excess of this target, and to re-solicit for this project in the event that no acceptable proposals are received. It is anticipated that the approach for this project (including greater reliance on MPO staff for writing and final report development) will in turn yield a potential time savings as well as enhanced concentration of consultant effort towards technical analysis.

Proposal Due Date and Schedule of Work

Please submit one (1) electronic copy of your proposal to the following office by 5:00 p.m. on December 18, 2023. Electronic copies may be transmitted via email or ftp download.

Jack Mance, Senior Transportation Planner

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council

11 South Street, Suite 203

Glens Falls, NY 12801

Telephone: (518) 223-0086



Selection Timeframe and Contract Term

Consultant selection is anticipated by January 8, 2023. The final contract between the selected consultant and the Lake Champlain/Lake George Regional Planning Board (A/GFTC’s host agency) will be drawn up at that time. Completion of the final document is expected within 10 months of contract signature. The term of the contract will expire upon the successful and mutually agreed-upon completion of the study and will not exceed twelve (12) months barring extension.