White Creek Pedestrian and Parking Study

The following text has been extracted from the report to facilitate screen reader technology. For the full report including graphics and appendices, please refer to the .pdf file.

Final Feasibility Report
White Creek Pedestrian and Parking Study
Prepared for:
Adirondack |Glens Falls Transportation Council
11 South Street, Suite 203 Glens Falls, New York 12801
Town of White Creek
28 Mountain View Drive Cambridge NY 12816
Revision 2 September 2023
White Creek Pedestrian and Parking Study
September 2023
Prepared by Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C. 10 Airline Drive, Suite 200 Albany, New York 12205

The Town of White Creek has identified several pedestrian improvements and parking needs to be addressed near the Cambridge Community Forest (CCF) and Town Hall area including Rockside Drive and Mountain View Drive. The need for this study has developed from the expansion and increased popularity of the CCF. Currently the CCF leases a small parking lot area near Rockside Drive and Old Route 313 intersection that is approximately 1,000 ft. away from the CCF entrance. Users of the CCF will frequently park along Rockside Drive to be closer to the entrance or because they are unaware of the leased parking lot. Rockside Drive is a narrow two-way local residential roadway that does not include provisions for on-street parking. Parked cars will often block the traveled way of the roadway or encroach on the resident s lawns. This study also includes parking improvements to the nearby Town Hall with the intent to provide additional parking capacity for both the CCF and the nearby Cambridge Central School, and to improve pedestrian mobility from the Town Hall to the Nearby State Route 22. Additionally, the Town intends to install Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations at or around the Town Hall. EV charging stations for public or commercial use are categorized as Level 2 or Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC or Level 3) equipment. Level 2 stations will charge a Batter Electric Vehicle (BEV) in 4 10 hours and a Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) in 1 2 hours. The Level 3 equipment will charge the BEV in an hour and is not compatible with most PHEV s. For the purposes of this study, level 2 EV charging stations are assumed to be the most compatible with the needs of the Town of White Creek.
The study will examine the existing conditions of the project area including the Town Hall parking lot, the CCF parking area, Rockside Drive, and Mountain View Drive. This report will assess potential mitigation options to address the parking concerns as well as provide conceptual designs of the revised parking plan at the Town Hall.

A site visit was conducted on April 10, 2023 to inventory the existing project area conditions. The inventory included signing, striping, roadway widths, existing structures, and any noteworthy features or conditions. The existing conditions of the roadways are described below as well as displayed on the existing conditions map in Appendix A. The existing roadways included as part of this study, Rockside Drive, Brookside Drive, and Mountain View Drive, are all owned and maintained by the Village of Cambridge.
2.1. Cambridge Community Forest Parking Assessment
The trailhead and entrance to the CCF is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Rockside Drive and Brookside Drive. Currently, parking is not accommodated within the vicinity of the trailhead to the CCF. The flat berm at the trailhead entrance to the CCF that connects Rockside & Brookside Drive to the bridge over the White Creek is approximately 24 feet wide, which is not wide enough to support parking in any configuration at this location. Additionally, the available pavement width of both Rockside and Brookside Drive ranges from 19-20 feet, which is the minimum recommended by the NYSDOT Highway Design Manual for two-way travel on local residential roadways.

A small area for parking has been leased by the CCF located approximately 1,000 feet west of the trailhead on Rockside Drive. The parking lot is a grass and gravel surfaced area delineated by wooden logs and signage directing CCF users to park in this area. The area measures approximately 55 feet in length by 40 feet in width. The parking area can accommodate approximately 6-8 cars in its current configuration. However, without clear parking delineation, the lot is percieved to hold less vehicles as users tend to park their vehicles further apart when parking stall delineation is not provided.

2.2. Town Hall Parking Lot The existing parking facility surrounding the White Creek Town Hall consists of a gravel surface with two separate parking areas, one directly in front of the entrance to the town hall and a larger area to the side of the Town Hall building. The front area measures approximately 72 x 33 and the larger parking area on the east side measures 65 x 125 . There are two reserved parking spaces in front of the Town Hall for ADA accessible parking.
2.3. Pedestrian Mobility between Town Hall and State Route 22 No dedicated pedestrian facilities are present along Mountain View Drive between the Town Hall and State Route 22. There are sidewalks along State Route 22, and a marked crosswalk to cross State Route 22 to the Cambridge School Campus.

3.1. Standards
The proposed design layouts and recommendations are based on the following standards:
. NYSDOT Highway Design Manual (HDM),

. AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 7th ed., 2018,

. FHWA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), 2009,

. NYS Supplement to the MUTCD,

. Empire State Trail Design Guide, October 2017

3.2. Cambridge Community Forest Parking Opportunities
Since parking within the immediate trailhead area and on-street parking on Rockside or Brookside Drive is not feasible within the existing right-of-way (ROW) and roadway footprint, additional auxiliary parking lot improvements should be considered to provide more parking opportunities for users of the CCF. One opportunity for additional parking is within the former roadway footprint and ROW of Old Route 313, which connects Rockside Drive to State Route 22. The roadway is currently barricaded off on the northern side near Rockside Drive and appears to be most recently used as a driveway to access adjacent properties along State Route 22, which have since been abandoned. The ROW of the former roadway is owned by the Village of Cambridge. A Highway Work Permit (HWP) from NYSDOT will be required for any work that overlaps onto State Route 22 or State Route 313 (Gilbert Street). The available ROW width of the former roadway is approximately 40 feet, which is enough space for one way travel operation and 45 parking stalls. If installed, traffic operation should be from Rockside Drive to State Route 22 and should contain 8-10 parking stalls. The recommended travel lane width is 14 feet, and the parking stalls should be 20 feet measured perpendicular to the edge of the travel lane to the edge of the parking surface. An asphalt pavement surface is desirable for the roadway and parking stalls to provide a durable surface and reduce the future maintenance of the roadway and parking area. Additionally, pavement markings should be installed on the asphalt to delineate the angled parking stalls. Wayfinding signage should also be installed to notify users that this area can be used for CCF parking and to direct them to the trailhead. EV charging stations should also be installed near the new parking stalls and connected to the existing utility pole for power supply.
Optional: To reduce parking along the roadways around the CCF, parking restriction signs along the roadways can be installed to limit parking for residents only. It appears that some residents may have already installed similar signs on their own on adjacent trees. All signs installed on public roadways should conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which states that the legend on parking signs shall state applicable regulations. Parking signs shall comply with the standards of shape, color, and location. Therefore, the Town or Village may pass a local ordinance to restrict parking along these roadways for residents only and install signs indicating that this restriction is in place. Signs shall follow the requirements of the MUTCD and should include a green outline and text that reads Resident Parking Only or a sign with a red outline and text that reads No Parking Expect for Residents . The locally placed signs on trees should be removed to not cause conflicts with the MUTCD compliant municipally owned signage.

3.3. Town Hall Parking Opportunities
Improvements to the existing Town Hall parking area should consist of formalizing the parking by adding asphalt pavement and delineating spaces with pavement markings. Drivers will typically park their vehicles further apart from others when no pavement markings are present; therefore, reducing the number of available parking spaces. If paved within the existing footprint of the gravel parking area, the new asphalt parking lot will accommodate 30 vehicles. The two existing handicap parking spaces should remain in front of the Town Hall and an EV charging station could be added to the east side of the building. Additionally, there is a large grass field to the North of the Town Hall building that could be converted to parking in the future, if the need for more than 30 parking spaces arises. See Appendix B for conceptual plans.

3.4. Pedestrian Mobility Improvements between Town Hall and State Route 22
Until recently, the Town Hall parking area has been used as an informal drop-off location for the nearby Cambridge Central School. Parents would drop their children off at the Town Hall and the Children would then walk along Mountain View Drive and cross State Route 22 at the crosswalk with the assistance of a crossing guard. However, the drop off situation recently ended, and the school is no longer providing a crossing guard at this location. The option to install sidewalks along Mountain View Drive to provide pedestrians with a dedicated walking area still exists. Providing dedicated pedestrian facilities will allow residents to access Town Hall on foot, which benefits those who choose not to, or cannot, drive. The parcel of land in the northeast corner of the intersection of Mountain View Drive and State Route 22 is owned by the Town and a sidewalk could be installed directly from the crossing of State Route 22 to the Town Hall. Additionally, new ADA compliant sidewalk ramps should be installed at the State Route 22 crossing as the current crossing is not ADA compliant. This sidewalk connection along with an extension along State Route 22 in front of the Car Dealership would provide the continuous pedestrian facility between the Town Hall, pedestrian path or parking area along the abandoned road ROW, Rockside Drive, and the CCF.

3.5. Environmental / Permitting Requirements
Preliminary investigations into Environmental and Cultural Resources and potential impacts and recommendations are included in the following discussion, along with the anticipated permitting needs. Additional detailed environmental investigations will be required during the Engineering phase, depending on the type of funding that is secured.
3.5.1. Surface Waters Review of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Environmental Resource Mapper (ERM) indicated that White Creek is a mapped NYSDEC Class C Stream with C Standards, is identified as resource PWL:1102-0026, and is a tributary of the Upper Hudson River. The ERM also indicated that the creek is listed as a 303(d) stream. No work is proposed to this stream. There are no mapped NYS wetlands located within or adjacent to the project area.
The National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mapping was reviewed to determine whether any wetland polygons are depicted within the project limits. There are no mapped NWI wetlands within or adjacent to the project area.
3.5.2. Flood Zone The 100 year flood zone of White Creek encroaches into the project area along Brookside Drive and a portion of Mountain View Drive. However, no proposed excavation work is located within the floodzone of the White Creek. See Appendix C for the Flood map.
3.5.3. Historical Resources A review of the New York State s Office of Historic Preservation s (SHPO) Cultural Resource Information System (CRIS) was completed. The review indicated that the corridor is not located within an historical district, and there are no recorded National Register (NR) Listed, Eligible buildings, or structures within or substantially contiguous to the proposed improvements. Coordination with SHPO should be progressed once the SEQR process begins and a Lead Agency for the project has been established or coordination with a permitting agency requiring SHPO coordination such as NYSDEC or USACE has begun.
3.5.4. SEQRA/NEPA Review If federal funding is obtained for the project, a review under the National Environmental Policy Act is required. The project will likely be categorized as a Categorical Exclusion. If state funding, federal funding administered by a state agency, local funding, or a permit is required from a state agency, then a review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act is required. The project will likely be categorized as an Unlisted Action and the Town of White Creek will be able to issue a Negative Declaration as the Lead Agency.
3.5.5. State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) If the excavation area of the proposed project disturbs more than one acre of land, then a SPDES permit (GP-0-20-001) and the development of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan will be required. The proposed parking lots/areas at Town Hall and on Old Route 313 total approximately 0.4 acres; therefore, will not require a SPDES permit at this time.
3.5.6. Anticipated Permits

-NYSDOT Highway Work Permit for work within the State Route 22 and Route 313 right-of-way.

Preliminary cost estimates were prepared for the four project elements and also combined to show the total project costs, if pursued as one project. The cost estimates were prepared with the assumption that the project would receive funding through a federal or state grant and constructed through the traditional design-bid-build process. Federal or state grant programs typically provide funding to cover 50% to 80% of the total project costs and require engineering and construction inspection services. The total anticipated project cost is $363,000.
*The draft study currently assumes that the EV Charging Stations would be level 2 equipment and 1 would be installed at the proposed new parking area along Old Route 313 and 1 would be installed at the Town Hall.

There are several potential funding opportunities that are available for pedestrian, parking, and recreational improvement projects. The Town should be aware that all the funding sources are reimbursement programs that will require the Town to expend the initial project costs and then receive reimbursements from the funding source. Most of the programs also require the local municipality to provide a portion of the total grant amount, which varies by program.
A/GFTC Make the Connection Program is available to assist municipalities with funding to improve the region s non-motorized travel network. Project types that are considered in the program include new sidewalk and trail connections, pedestrian safety improvements, and pavement marking improvements. Make the Connection funding is available through the FHWA and administered by the A/GFTC.
. 20% Local Match

. Design Only Projects have a minimum of $25,000

. Design & Construction or Construction Only Projects have a minimum of $75,000

. Federal Aid Procedures Apply

. EV charging stations are not eligible for funding through this program

NYSOPRHP Recreational Trails Program (RTP) provides funding for the development and maintenance of recreational trails or trail-related facilities. RTP funding is available through the FHWA and administered by the NYSOPRHP. RTP can be applied for through the NYS CFA that is due at 4:00pm on July 28, 2023.
. 20% Local Match

. Federal Aid Procedures Apply

. Design & Construction: Minimum = $25,000; Maximum = $250,000

. $1.9 Million available during the 2023 CFA application period

. EV charging stations are not eligible for funding through this program

NYSOPRHP Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) provides funding for the development and planning of parks and recreational facilities open to the public to preserve these lands for recreation, or conservation purposes. EPF projects can be applied for through the NYS CFA that is due at 4:00pm on July 28, 2023.
. Grant will fund up to 50% of total project cost

. Design & Construction: Minimum = $25,000; Maximum = $500,000

. $26.0 Million available during the 2023 CFA application period

. EV charging stations are not eligible for funding through this program

Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC), Catalyst Program is designed to stimulate economic growth and inspire partnerships that improve rural economic vitality across the NBRC region that includes public infrastructure and outdoor recreation projects. The 2023 application process has already passed so the spring 2024 program should be targeted.
. 100% Federal Funds (0% Local Match)

. Federal Aid Procedures Apply

. $45 Million was available during the 2023 application period

. EV charging stations are eligible for funding through this program

NYSDEC Municipal Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Grant Program is available to municipalities for the installation of Level 2 or DCFC electric vehicle supply equipment that are for public use. The 2023 program has not been announced at this time.
. Up to 80% State Funds

. There is no project minimum cost; Maximum = $250,000

. Funding may be combined with the Utility Make Ready Program

Electric Vehicle Make-Ready Program is available in White Creek through National Grid to provide municipalities with funding assistance for the construction of the infrastructure necessary (transformers, meters, electrical panel, trenching, conduit, etc.) to support the Level 2 or DCFC charging stations for public use. The charging stations can be municipal pay to park or free parking locations. Currently the program can be applied for at any time.
. Up to 90% of costs are covered

. There is no project minimum or maximum costs

. Funding may be combined with the NYSDEC Municipal Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Grant Program


A presentation was given at the White Creek Town Board meeting on July 11, 2023 which included an overview of the proposed concept plans and a question-and-answer period. Subsequently, a draft of this report was made available for a public comment period from July 12-August 8, 2023. Given that the project area is located within the Village of Cambridge, a discussion was also held at a Village Board meeting on September 6, 2023.
From this public outreach, four comments were received. The proposed improvements to the Town Hall parking lot were well received. However, there were concerns and opposition related to several aspects of the proposed CCF parking improvements and related parking restriction signage. Most importantly, the Village Board was not inclined to restrict parking on Rockside Drive due to concerns over enforcement and setting an unfavorable precedent. The Village Board also discussed the possibility of selling the abandoned Old 313 roadway in order to promote the redevelopment of the adjacent parcel to the west. This course of action could restrict the ability to construct the proposed parking improvements for the CCF.
Ultimately, the decision to pursue any of the concepts included within this report is the purview of the respective municipality. The analysis of existing conditions and development of the proposed concepts are intended only to provide information which can be used to inform the decision making process.



Warren County Rural Electric Vehicle Charging Station Analysis

Warren County Rural Electric Vehicle Charging Station Analysis
Prepared by: Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council
April 11, 2023

The following text has been included to facilitate the use of screen reader technology. For the full report including graphics, please refer to the pdf file.

1. Introduction and Overview
a. Project Goals
Throughout the region, electric vehicles have grown in popularity as more consumers adopt this innovative technology. This trend is expected to increase further as efforts to reduce emissions ramp up to meet state and federal goals. However, despite the growth in popularity of electric vehicles, the deployment of charging stations throughout the rural areas of Warren County has not kept pace with the region. The investment required to install electric vehicle (EV) charging stations is significant, and the rapid evolution of technology and seemingly overwhelming amount of technical guidance may pose a further barrier to implementation.
This document provides a general overview of EV charging needs, gaps, opportunities, and challenges for the rural areas of Warren County, New York. The proposed analysis builds on the planning tools outlined in Charging Forward: A Toolkit for Planning and Funding Rural Electric Mobility Infrastructure, created by the US Department of Transportation1. As such, the intent is not to replicate existing guidance, but to provide an initial analysis to guide future policy and implementation efforts to establish EV charging stations throughout the rural areas of Warren County.
b. Project Study Area
The Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council (A/GFTC) is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for Warren, Washington, and northern Saratoga Counties in New York State. A/GFTC is a regional association of governments, public agencies, and transportation providers responsible for conducting a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process. This analysis has been conducted by A/GFTC staff on behalf of the Warren County Planning Department as part of the 2022-2023 Unified Planning Work Program.
This analysis is focused on the rural areas of Warren County, namely, the portions of the county located outside the Urban Area as designated by the US Census. (See Figure 1). A/GFTC previously completed an EV charging station analysis for the Urban Area in 20152.
c. Methodology
There are a variety of factors which influence the location of EV charging stations. These include:
* Present and future demand
* Availability of required electrical infrastructure
* Distance from existing charging stations
* Land use
* Availability of incentives for installation
* Ongoing maintenance and operation costs
This analysis identifies geographic gaps and opportunities for future charging station locations on a community-wide scale as a way to provide guidance to local business owners and municipal officials. This plan will not identify specific parcels as future locations for EV charging stations, nor do the analysis results and/or recommendations constitute a mandate for public or private investment or construction.

2. Overview of current technology
a. Charging station types
At first glance, the electric vehicle charging technology can seem daunting, given the wide variety of electric vehicles, connector types, and charging station providers. However, at the most basic level, all charging stations can be categorized according to the speed at which the vehicle is charged.
> Level 1 equipment provides the slowest charge. These can operate from a common residential 120-volt (120V) AC outlet. Level 1 chargers can take 40-50 hours to charge a battery electric vehicle (BEV) from empty and 5-6 hours to charge a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) from empty. This type of charging equipment is suitable for residential use, usually to charge vehicles overnight. The estimated range per hour of charging is 2-5 miles.
> Level 2 equipment operates on 240V or 280V service, which can be accommodated at both residential or commercial applications. Level 2 chargers can charge a BEV from empty in 4-10 hours and a PHEV from empty in 1-2 hours. The estimated range per hour of charging is 10-20 miles.
> Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) (also known as Level 3) enables the fastest charging rates, making it a favored choice for high-traffic corridors and rest stops. DCFC equipment can charge a BEV to 80 percent in just 20 minutes to 1 hour. It is important to note that most PHEVs currently on the market do not work with fast chargers. The estimated range per hour of charging is 180-240 miles.
It should be noted that not all cars are compatible with all charging ports. Specifically, Tesla charging stations cannot be used by non-Tesla vehicles. However, Tesla vehicles can use an adapter to connect to non-Tesla charging ports.
b. EV range
This document is focused on EV charging stations; as such, the discussion of electric vehicle range is limited to vehicles which are capable of being recharged from an external power source, namely battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs). Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) cannot be plugged in and are therefore excluded from this discussion.
> Battery electric vehicles also referred to as all-electric vehicles run on electricity only and are recharged from an external power source. They are propelled by one or more electric motors powered by rechargeable battery packs. According to the US Department of Energy Alternative Fuels Data Center3, almost all BEVs can travel at least 100 miles on a charge, and many new vehicles coming on the market offer an all-electric range of 200-300 miles or more.
> Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles incorporate a small internal combustion engine that can recharge the battery as the vehicle travels; the total range with a full tank of gas averages about 300 to 550 miles or more. PHEVs can usually drive moderate distances in EV mode using only the battery, typically from 15 to 50 miles in current models, according to the Alternative Fuels Data Center.
i. Considerations for residents
Current vehicle registrations in Warren County indicate that PHEVs outnumber BEVs by a significant margin. (See Figure 2). PHEVs with a full tank of gas have a much larger range than conventional vehicles; in addition, even with a low charge, PHEV owners can simply stop at a gas station to top up the tank before driving home. In addition, residents already have a clear idea of their daily driving needs in terms of milage; trips for work, school, and errands are often similar from day to day, allowing owners of PHEVs and BEVs to plan accordingly. As such, range anxiety may not be a significant consideration for Warren County residents seeking to drive within the county for day-to-day trips.
However, this is not to minimize the importance of expanding the network of available charging stations within the county. In particular, large employers should consider adding EV charging stations to their parking lots. Employment centers without significant customer activity (such as manufacturing or offices which do not provide customer service) would benefit from Level 2 chargers to allow employees to charge their vehicles while working. With gas prices fluctuating near historic high points and continuing competitiveness in the labor market, providing charging stations may be a critical factor in attracting and retaining employees. Employment centers with significant customer activity would benefit from providing either Level 2 or DCFC chargers, which may encourage people to patronize their business over a competitor. Finally, EV charging stations can also help businesses achieve sustainability goals, where applicable.
ii. Considerations for tourists
Although EV technology has made significant strides towards increased range in the last few years, range anxiety4 is still a concern for many to many visitors, especially in rural areas. Access to Level 2 and DCFC charging stations is a key consideration for trip planning. Online mapping tools are widely available to assist BEV drivers to plan routes around available charging infrastructure. Tourists driving BEVs will also keep in mind what activities are available within walking distance while the vehicle is charging.
Another consideration for locations where EV charging options are limited is whether existing charging ports are available to use. Online mapping tools allow drivers to see which charging stations currently have vacant ports. In areas with a high density of chargers, this allows a driver to find an open port before or during their drive. However, in rural areas such as Warren County, traveling between one community and the next may take over an hour, with limited cell phone range in between. EV drivers must therefore weigh the odds that a charging port will still be available when they arrive at their destination. If there are only a handful of available charging stations, and those ports are full, visitors may face the prospect of having to wait 1-2 hours (or even more) for ports to open up. This may serve as a disincentive to visit outlying areas, especially if there are no nearby activities to pass the time.
3. Analysis of current/projected needs
a. EV ownership trends
As stated previously, EV ownership has expanded significantly in the last few years. According to NYSERDA s EvaluateNY data portal, the number of EV registrations in Warren County increased over 700% between 2016 and 2021. In terms of the overall proportion of EVs to total vehicle registrations, Warren County lags slightly behind New York State and the Capital District as a whole. (See Figure 3). However, the overall share of EVs continues to increase. As additional incentives become available and more car manufacturers expand their offerings of EV vehicles, the trends of increased EV ownership are anticipated to continue.

b. Existing EV Charging Stations
Just as the number of EVs on the road has increased, so too has the number of charging stations. Since 2017, the number of charging ports in Warren County has increased from 9 to 214. (See Figure 4).

However, as the map in Figure 1 illustrated, the majority of these stations are located in the urban area of the county. Aside from pockets of charging infrastructure in the Village of Lake George and the hamlets of Bolton Landing and North Creek, options for EV drivers in the remainder of the rural areas of the county are very limited.
c. Range gap analysis
A distance-based range gap analysis was performed using GIS to determine the potential mileage afforded by existing EV stations. The parameters of this analysis were designed to be conservative, to provide a realistic worst-case scenario for BEV vehicles; as such, the analysis was intended to model range for the lowest-capacity BEVs while also taking into account potential diminished battery capacity during winter. To account for these variables, a range of 60 miles5 was selected. However, it is important to keep in mind that the average range of BEVs on the road in the Capital District today is about 255 miles under optimal conditions, according to NYSERDA s EValuateNY data portal.
Even considering the limited range of this conservative scenario, all areas of Warren County are within 60 driving miles of a public Level 2 or DCFC station. Under ideal circumstances, BEV drivers should be able to access the entire county; as such, the minimum requirements for charging infrastructure are met.
However, as stated above, charging options are limited in outlying areas. Although it is feasible to get from point A to B, visitors to Warren County may be less inclined to venture into more remote locations or to travel rural roads for the purposes of leaf-peeping or scenic exploration. These trips often benefited isolated businesses along scenic routes. To provide a greater incentive for BEV drivers, rural businesses which install Level 2 chargers may want to consider the addition of activities or amenities which increase the duration of the visit.
In addition, some municipalities have town-wide events, such as the Warrensburg Garage Sale or the Thurman Maple Days, which are heavily dependent on driving. Businesses and attractions which offer EV charging will create an incentive for BEV drivers to participate in these local events.
4. Recommendations
a. Best practices for site selection
The best locations for charging stations address convenience, safety, user-friendliness, and efficiency. Good candidates include:
* Public venues such as town halls, libraries, and museums
* Public parking areas near walkable downtown clusters
* Public or private parking areas for long-duration venues (restaurants, theaters, tourist attractions, medical clinics)
* Public or private parking areas within 1 mile of interstate exits
* Public parks and/or boat launches which have sufficient access to electric infrastructure
* Large employers, especially those not located within downtown areas
* Locations along busy roadways
Finally, although it is important to consider best practices, an imperfect site is better than none.
Once a site is selected, a number of factors may influence the specific location of the charging stations. For new development, the location of EV-only parking spaces can be integrated into the overall site plan prior to construction. However, in many cases EV charging stations will be retrofitted into existing parking areas. Considerations include:
* ADA access. Where possible, EV-only parking spaces should also integrate ADA design elements. Further detail regarding best practices for accessible EV charging can be found here: https://www.access-board.gov/tad/ev/
* Electrical infrastructure. All EV charging stations require sufficient electrical power to operate. For new construction, electrical conduits and other required elements can be integrated into the site plan. Retrofitting an existing parking area may involve digging trenches for new conduit to be extended from existing buildings or utilities, which can increase site costs substantially. Building-mounted charging stations may reduce the need for underground installations but may also require upgrades to the wiring systems in the structure.
* Visibility. In many cases, EV charging is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even if the associated business or office is closed. For the security of EV drivers, charging ports should offer a high level of visibility to surrounding areas and should be well lit.

A detailed checklist of considerations is available here: https://www.energetics.com/projects/developers-and-planners-guide-to-electric-vehicles-and-charging-stations/EV-Site-Checklist-v07-2019.pdf
b. Community profile assessments
Although this analysis does not include individual recommendations for charging station types, an overall examination of EV station suitability was completed for the community centers/hamlets within rural Warren County. This is intended to provide broad context for both municipalities and local businesses, to inform priorities for expansion of EV charging infrastructure.
This assessment takes into account the following:
* Downtown clusters. To determine whether a community center contains a downtown area, GIS data from Warren County was utilized. Downtown clusters are defined as concentrations of community services, retail, recreation, employment, and housing within a walkable area, which increases suitability for EV charging stations.
* Number of community features. This includes amenities and services used primarily by residents: groceries, libraries, schools, town halls, health centers.
* Number of tourism/recreation amenities. This includes parks, attractions, golf courses, beaches, historic and cultural landmarks, shopping, and major hotels. These facilities are used by both visitors and residents.
* Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT). Traffic volume for the most-traveled roadway segment within the community (not counting interstates) was analyzed.
* Number of existing charging stations. The number of Level 2 and DCFC stations were examined. The assessment includes locations where charging stations are available primarily for patrons of specific businesses or for Tesla vehicles only; these facilities may not be easily accessible by the general public.

In terms of prioritization, Warrensburg stands out as having the highest traffic volume, number of community features, tourism/recreation attractions, while only containing one Level 2 charger. This represents a prime opportunity to expand the number of charging stations in the community, especially given the proximity to Exit 23 off Interstate 87.
In addition, Chestertown, Brant Lake, Stony Creek, Hague, and Thurman should also be considered priority communities, due to the lack of Level 2 charging stations available. Bolton Landing, North Creek, and Lake Luzerne are all good candidates for continued expansion of EV stations, building on the charging network already in place.
5. Implementation/Next Steps
As stated in the introduction, the two largest barriers for the installation of EV charging stations are funding and regulatory uncertainty. Steps that local business owners and municipalities can take to reduce these hurdles are outlined below.
a. Funding
In general, the two main costs of EV charging stations are associated with installation (including site preparation) and networking fees. Prices for the installation and networking of Level 2 and DCFC stations have fluctuated both up and down, due to inflation, supply chain issues, and advances in technology. Historically, the purchase price of Level 2 charging stations ranges from $1-4K per port and installation costs are $2-10k, inclusive of labor, materials, and permitting. The equipment cost of DCFC charging stations is about $25-50K, with another $50-100K in required electrical service upgrades. In terms of networking fees, until recently the annual cost could reach $10,000; however, recent expansion in the market has resulted in lower cost options which may be less than $1,000 per year.
One way to reduce installation costs is to integrate the potential for EV charging stations into new development proposals. By adding underground conduit and an additional electrical panel to new construction, the cost of installing EV stations in the future can be reduced by up to 33%. However, this option only applies to new development projects (or substantial redevelopment).
Funding programs are available to assist public and private organizations with the installation of EV charging stations. Opportunities for assistance vary depending on program availability, which in turn varies depending on the funding source.
For example, the popular ChargeReady NY program6 administered by NYSERDA ran out of funding in 2021. Although no announcements have yet been made, it is possible that this program will be renewed sometime in the future.
Similarly, statewide guidance for the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program7, a new funding source focused on locations within one travel mile of designated EV corridors, is still being developed. (Interstate 87 is a designated EV corridor.) Over the next year, New York State will continue to determine the most efficient/effective way to provide NEVI Funding Program incentives to support the installation and operation of electric vehicle infrastructure and the availability of a trained workforce to support the operation and maintenance of this infrastructure.
Given the rapid changes in funding streams, it is highly recommended that any public agency or business seeking funding assistance first reach out to NYSERDA (transportation@nyserda.ny.gov) for the most up-to-date information. As of January 2023, current opportunities in New York State include:
* Utility EV Make-Ready Programs: Through this program, entities seeking to install or participate in the installation of L2 and/or DCFC chargers can earn incentives that will offset a large portion of, or in some cases, all of the infrastructure costs associated with preparing a site for EV charger installation. (https://jointutilitiesofny.org/ev/make-ready)
* New York State Tax Credit for Public and Workplace Charging: New York State provides an income tax credit of up to $5,000 for the purchase and installation of an electric vehicle charging station. The credit is targeted at commercial and workplace charging stations. The tax credit is available through the end of 2025. (https://www.tax.ny.gov/pit/credits/alt_fuels_elec_vehicles.htm)
* ZEV Infrastructure Grants: The Municipal ZEV Infrastructure Grant program provides grants to cities, towns, villages, and counties to install hydrogen fuel filling station components and Level 2 (L2) and direct current fast charge (DCFC) electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) primarily for public use. (https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/administration_pdf/22zevinfs.pdf)
* FHWA Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program: The CFI Program is a new competitive grant program created by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to strategically deploy electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and other alternative fueling infrastructure projects in urban and rural communities in publicly accessible locations, including downtown areas and local neighborhoods, particularly in underserved and disadvantaged communities. (https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bipartisan-infrastructure-law/charging.cfm)
In addition, USDOT has a consolidated matrix of federal funding programs which may be used towards EV charging infrastructure8. Please note that many of these programs are highly competitive and/or may not be available in the A/GFTC area. Many reputable EV charging station installation companies will be able to provide current guidance on funding opportunities.
b. Permitting
The permits required to install an EV charging station depend on the proposed location. In Warren County, all EV charging stations require a building permit from the County, with the exception of the City of Glens Falls and the Town of Queensbury; Glens Falls and Queensbury have their own building permit requirements.
In terms of the Adirondack Park Agency, the requirement for a permit depends on several factors, including but not limited to:
* Location inside or outside a Hamlet land use district
* Whether the installation will disturb wetlands
* Whether the EV station is a commercial or public use, including whether the users will be charged a fee
* If the EV station constitutes an expansion of the existing use under APA regulations
It is highly recommended that all project applicants submit an APA Jurisdictional Inquiry Form9 to determine the exact requirements for each site installation.
In addition, local regulations such as site plan review or special use permits may apply, depending on the zoning requirements of the municipality. Municipalities which are interested in supporting the installation of EV stations may elect to review and revise their land use regulations to streamline these processes. Table 2 outlines a range of options which support and encourage the installation of EV stations.

Table 2: Municipal Actions to Support EV Charging Station Expansion

* Define EV and EV charging stations in land use regulations
* Include EV charging stations in Zoning Use Tables, either as a permitted use or under site plan/special permit use
* Review zoning ordinances to ensure EV charging stations are permitted in logical locations such as commercial areas or hamlets
* Set high-level design, accessibility, and parking enforcement criteria
* Standardize EV charging station permitting procedures

* Lower or eliminate EV charging station permitting costs
* Add incentive zoning: EV charging station site preparation or installation in exchange for incentives such as fewer required parking spaces or density bonus

* Require or set numerical or percentage-based goals for EV charging infrastructure in certain zoning districts or uses, especially commercial and multifamily
* Establish minimum number and type (level) of EV charging stations for development projects over a certain threshold
* Require conduit to be included in new parking lot projects

NYSERDA has compiled sample templates of local regulations, available at: https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/-/media/Project/Nyserda/Files/Programs/ChargeNY/Planning-and-Policy-Tool-Guide.pdf
Finally, it is recommended that municipalities seek training for Town Board, Planning Board, and Zoning Board of Appeals members as well as relevant staff. This will provide an opportunity for local municipal leaders to gain a more thorough understanding of the issues, opportunities, and challenges, as well as build momentum and support for the proliferation of EV stations throughout the region. Options for these types of training sessions may be available through the Clean Cities Coalition, NYSERDA, or A/GFTC.


Appendix 1: Resources and Links

1 https://www.transportation.gov/rural/ev/toolkit
2 https://agftc.org/publications/electric-vehicle-charging-station-location-analysis/
3 https://afdc.energy.gov/vehicles/search/
4 Range anxiety refers to the fear that an electric vehicle has insufficient energy storage to cover the road distance needed to reach the destination.
5 The ESRI Network Analysis tool modeled a 60-mile range according to the actual centerline mileage from existing EV charging stations.
6 https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/All-Programs/ChargeNY/Charge-Electric/Charging-Station-Programs/Charge-Ready-NY
7 https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/All-Programs/ChargeNY/Charge-Electric/Charging-Station-Programs/National-Electric-Vehicle-Infrastructure-Program
8 https://www.transportation.gov/rural/ev/toolkit/ev-infrastructure-funding-and-financing/funding-matrix
9 (https://apa.ny.gov/Forms/jiform.pdf)

2023 Bridge NY applications

Applications for the 2023 Bridge NY solicitation: Hudson Street over Mill Creek in Johnsburg (Warren County) and County Route 3 over Mill Brook in the Town of Putnam (Washington County).