City of Glens Falls School Circulation Study

Resource Systems Group, Inc.
60 Lake Street, Suite 1E

Burlington, VT 05401
TEL 802.295.4999 | FAX 802.295.1006

Glens Falls School District
Traffic Circulation Study

Technical Report
August 9, 2012
Prepared for
Glens Falls School District and
Adirondack / Glens Falls
Transportation Council
Resource Systems Group, Inc.


Table of Contents
1 . 0 I n t r o d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Study Area …………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
1.1.1 School Characteristics ………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
1.1.2 Adjacent Street Network ……………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………. 2
1.1.3 Travel Options to School …………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
1.1.4 Pick-up and Drop-off Procedures ………………. ……………………………………………………………………………. 4
1.2 Purpose and Need ……………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
2 . 0 R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1 Short Term Recommendations …………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 6
2.1.1 Expand Quade Street Drop-Off Area …………….. ………………………………………………………………………… 6
2.1.2 Shift Sherman Avenue Parking to North Side of Stree t ……………………………………………………….. 7
2.1.3 Encourage Counter Clockwise Circulation ……….. …………………………………………………………………… 8
2.1.4 Increase Temporary Barrier Ballast ……………. ………………………………………………………………………….. 8
2.1.5 Install All-Way Stop Controls at Shippey / Empire . ……………………………………………………………… 8
2.2 Long Term Streetscape Enhancements ……………. ……………………………………………………………………………. 9
2.2.1 Improve City Sidewalk Network ………………… ……………………………………………………………………………. 9
2.2.2 Automatic Quade Street Closure Features ……….. ……………………………………………………………………. 9
2.2.3 Quade Street – Sherman Avenue Loop ……………. ……………………………………………………………………. 10
2.3 Programmatic Strategies ……………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. 10
2.3.1 Promote Coordination with Transit …………….. ……………………………………………………………………….. 11
2.3.2 Participate in Active Transportation Encouragement Programs …………………………………….. 11
3 . 0 T r a f f i c O b s e r v a t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1
3.1 Observed Traffic Volumes …………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
3.2 Tube Count Data Collection …………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
3.3 Observed Vehicle Queues ……………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… 15
3.4 Vehicle and Pedestrian Observation Summary …….. ……………………………………………………………………. 16
4 . 0 C r a s h A n a l y s i s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6
4.1 Western Avenue / Sherman Avenue Intersection …… …………………………………………………………………. 17
4.2 Sherman Avenue / Quade Street Intersection …….. ……………………………………………………………………… 18
4.3 Quade Street / West Notre Dame Street Intersection ……………………………………………………………….. 18
4.4 Shippey Street / Empire Avenue / Harrison Avenue In tersection ………………………………………….. 18
4.5 Sherman Avenue Corridor ……………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………. 1 8
4.6 Quade Street Corridor ……………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19
5 . 0 E f f e c t o f A l i g n e d S c h o o l D a y s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9
5.1 Approximating the Existing Demand …………….. ……………………………………………………………………………… 19
5.2 Typical Glens Falls Street Traffic Characteristics ……………………………………………………………………….. 20
5.3 Isolating High School Related Traffic …………. …………………………………………………………………………………. 21
5.4 Effect of Aligned School Days ………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 23
5.5 Sherman Avenue & Quade Street Intersection Analysis ……………………………………………………………. 25
5.6 Effect on Observed Vehicle Queuing ……………. ……………………………………………………………………………….. 26
5.7 Summary of Effects of Aligned School Days ……… …………………………………………………………………………. 27

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ii August 9, 2012

6 . 0 C o n g e s t i o n M i t i g a t i o n S t r a t e g i e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7
6.1 Develop Alternate On-Street Pick-Up and Drop-Off Lo cations ………………………………………………… 27
6.1.1 Encourage the Use of Clayton Avenue and Grant Avenu e Entrance Points …………………… 28
6.1.2 Restrict Parking along Quade Street South of West N otre Dame Street ………………………… 28
6.1.3 Move the parking aisle along Sherman Avenue ……. …………………………………………………………….. 28
6.1.4 Encourage counter-clockwise circulation ……….. …………………………………………………………………… 28
6.2 Restrict Access to School Parking Lots…………. ………………………………………………………………………………. 29
6.3 Enhanced Temporary Street Closure Barriers …….. …………………………………………………………………….. 29
6.4 Construct New Site Circulation Patterns ……….. …………………………………………………………………………….. 30
6.4.1 Alternative 1: Sherman Avenue High School Loop …. ………………………………………………………….. 30
6.4.2 Alternative 2: Quade Street to Sherman Avenue Drop- Off ……………………………………………….. 30
6.4.3 Alternative 3: Grant Avenue Access Road ……….. …………………………………………………………………… 30
6.4.4 Alternative 4: Quade Street Middle School Loop …. …………………………………………………………….. 30
6.5 Increase the Percentage of Students that Walk / Bik e / Bus to School ………………………………….. 30
7 . 0 I m p l e m e n t a t i o n M a t r i x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1

List of Figures
Figure 1: School campus within Glens Falls. ……. …………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
Figure 2: Glens Falls School District High School a nd Middle School Campuses. ………………………………….. 2
Figure 3: Street operational characteristics and in tersection controls near the study area campus. .. 3
Figure 4: Bus staging areas and primary entrances t o the high school and middle school. ………………… 3
Figure 5: Maintained pedestrian paths accessing the school campus. …………………………………………………….. 4
Figure 6: Schematic illustrating on-street parking, assigned student parking, and pick-up and drop-
off designated areas. (Not to scale) ………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Figure 7: Recommended drop off area expansion, look ing south along Quade Street near High
School entrance. ……………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
Figure 8: Realigned parking on north side of Sherma n Avenue. ………………………………………………………………. 7
Figure 9: Short-term recommendations to enhance saf ety and reduce congestion at the Glens Falls
School District Campus. ……………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Figure 10: A view of the recommended automatic gate s at Quade Street and West Notre Dame
Street. Similar treatments are recommended at Quade Street and Shippey Avenue. …………………………… 9
Figure 11: Potential high school drop-off loop. Req uired sidewalk reconstruction not illustrated. .. 10
Figure 12: Clean, colorful, and fun new bicycle rac ks may attract additional bicycle ridership.
Pictured: the Loop Rack from Muchi East. ………. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
Figure 13: AM peak hour traffic volumes in the stud y area ……………………………………………………………………… 12
Figure 14: PM peak hour traffic volumes in the stud y area ……………………………………………………………………… 13
Figure 15: 15 minute volumes through three studied intersections along Quade Street in the AM
arrival period………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14
Figure 16: 15 minute volumes through three studied intersections along Quade Street in the PM
arrival period………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14


Figure 17: Road volume data from street network adj acent to the school campus from January 18,
2012. ……………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
Figure 18: Reported vehicle collisions near the pro ject areas from 2008 to 2011. …………………………….. 17
Figure 19: Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Study wee kday traffic calming data, July 28 – August 3,
2011. ……………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20
Figure 20: One-hour incremental data from other nea rby Glens Falls City streets. ……………………………. 21
Figure 21: Approximate volume of the traffic relate d to the school campus along Quade Street and
Sherman Avenue. …………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22
Figure 22: Approximate expected shift in volumes al ong Quade Street and Sherman Avenue under
aligned school days. ………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22
Figure 23: Approximate anticipated volumes along Qu ade Street and Sherman Avenue under
aligned school days. ………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23
Figure 24: Approximate anticipated volumes along Qu ade Street and Sherman Avenue under
aligned school days, with specific traffic peaks an notated. ……………………………………………………………………… 25
List of Tables
Table 1: Level-of-Service Criteria for Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections ………………………………. 26
Attachment A: Conceptual Cost Estimates for Recomme nded Improvements
Attachment B: Off Street Parking and Drop-Off Expan sion Alternatives and Evaluation Comparison

Technical Report

Resource Systems Group, Inc. 1
Insights and Solutions for a Better World

1 . 0 IN T R O D U C T I O N
Resource Systems Group, Inc. was contracted by the
Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation
Council (A/GFTC) to evaluate and address site circu lation, vehicle access, and pedestrian safety
issues around the Glens Falls High School and Middl e School campus. Beginning in the 2012-2013
school year, the arrival departure times of the hig h school and middle school are to be aligned. The
objectives of this study include:
 An evaluation of the current access patterns,
 A projection of access issues under aligned arrival and dismissal times, and
 Proposed short and long term congestion mitigation strategies with improvements to the
circulation patterns and bicycle and pedestrian saf ety considerations.
This report summarizes the methods of data collecti on, the analysis techniques, a review of the
alternatives investigated, and short-term and long- term recommendations. This study has been
organized into the following sections:
Section 1.0 – Introduction : Provides background information, explains the goa ls of this report,
states the formal purpose and need of the study and provides a general description of the campus
area, school characteristics, and adjacent street n etwork within the City of Glens Falls.
Section 2.0 – Recommendations: The short and long term recommendations are present ed early
in this report for those that are most interested i n the conclusions to be able to quickly and easily
reach this information.
Section 3.0 – Traffic Observations: Documents the data collection methodology and pres ents the
observed operational characteristics of the pick-up and drop-off periods.
Section 4.0 – Crash Analysis: Reviews the available crash records and documents a ny safety
hazards near the study area.
Section 5.0 – Effect of Aligned School Times: Discusses the methodology used to project the
resulting traffic under aligned school days and rev iews the resulting data.
Section 6.0 – Congestion Mitigation Strategies:
Presents the investigations into the various short- term
and long-term congestion mitigation strategies.
Section 7.0 – Implementation : Identifies the leader
and other partners that will participate in or supp ort
the implementation of the recommendations.
1 . 1 S t u dy A r e a
The study area for the circulation analysis surroun ds
the Glens Falls School District Campus in west-cent ral
Glens Falls, roughly bounded by Quade Street,
Sherman Avenue, Clayton Avenue, and Grant Avenue,
specifically focusing on the primary school entranc e
locations for the Middle and High Schools along Qua de
Street. Additionally, the intersections of Shippey Street
and West Notre Dame Street with Empire Avenue
were included in the evaluation.
Figure 1: School campus within Glens Falls.

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council
Glens Falls School District Traffic Circulation Stu dy

2 August 9, 2012

1 . 1 . 1 S c h o o l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s
The Glens Falls School District campus serves as th e only public high school and middle school
facility in the City of Glens Falls. The High Schoo l and Middle School serves grades 9 – 12 and 5 – 8,
respectively. The High School serves approximately 770 students and Middle School student
population numbers at around 575 pupils. This
difference in student population is a combination
of unusually high and low class sizes in the High
School and Middle School respectively and not
indicative of a declining population. In recent
years, the population of the city has declined but
is currently stable. Future classes, currently in
grades 1 – 4, total approximately 650 students.
The school campus hosts a variety of facilities for
extracurricular activities. Along with the many
classrooms and academic facilities, the campus
contains a theater, several athletic fields and
practice grounds, including an indoor
gymnasium, a joint football and soccer field, an
outdoor track, a practice baseball diamond, and
batting cages. The nearby Morse Athletic
Complex, west of the campus along Sherman
Avenue, provides additional recreational
1 . 1 . 2 A d j a c e n t S t r e e t N e t w o r k
In the study area, Sherman, Western, and Grant Aven ues operate similarly to minor arterial streets.
As arterials, these roads provide through traffic w ith a route across the project area. In general,
these streets, operating as arterials, focus more o n through traffic mobility then the remaining
streets in the study area.
The remaining streets in the project area, includin g Quade Street, Shippey Street, and Clayton,
Harrison, and Empire Avenues operate most similarly to the collector street classification.
Typically, the corresponding streetscape to this cl assification emphasizes accessibility to
neighboring properties and land uses.
The surrounding street network consists of stop con trolled intersections; there are no stop lights in
the immediate vicinity of the school campus. In gen eral, the arterial streets are free movements,
meaning these streets do not have to stop, at inter sections with the neighborhood streets. When
these arterials intersect, all approaches are gener ally required to stop; the same is generally true
for the intersection of neighborhood streets. The i ntersection controls and road classifications are
presented in Figure 3.
As an urban school district in a neighborhood setti ng, the streetscape generally includes two lanes
of traffic, parking on one or both sides of the roa d, and sidewalks on both sides of the road. There
are no bike lanes or paths near the school. Sidewal ks are notably absent on the south side of
Shippey Street, the south side of Grant Avenue bord ering the school, the east side of Quade Street
north of Shippey Street, and both sides of Clayton Avenue. Additionally, the sidewalk network
bounded by Garfield Street, Shippey Street, and Har rison Avenue has several missing walkway
Figure 2: Glens Falls School District High
School and Middle School Campuses.

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Resource Systems Group, Inc. 3
Insights and Solutions for a Better World

The Glens Falls School District does not provide bu
ssing to a majority of its students. As a walking
school district, bus service is only provided for s tudents with disabilities or for field trips, athletic
events, and other extracurricular activities. The b us staging areas for the high school and middle
school are located within the faculty-only parking lots, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Bus staging areas and primary entrances t o the high school and middle school.
Figure 3: Street operational characteristics and intersection controls near
the study area campus.

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4 August 9, 2012

1 . 1 . 3 T r a v e l O p t i o n s t o S c h o o l
The available modes of travel to and from
the school include walking, bicycling,
students driving alone or with other
students, public transit through the Greater
Glens Falls Transit system, or students being
driven to or from the campus by a parent,
relative, or other adult.
On-street parking is available on all streets
adjacent to the school campus, including the
south side of Sherman Avenue and both
sides of all other streets. East of Quade
Street, parking is allowed only on the north
side of Sherman Avenue. There are pick-up
and drop-off only parking restrictions along
the west side of Quade Street north of Notre
Dame Street. The on-campus parking lots
are for faculty members only. Assigned
parking is available to High School Seniors
south east of the campus at the Calvary
Assembly of God Church parking lot. A
schematic of the parking inventory is
illustrated in Figure 6.
There are two pedestrian paths accessing the main s chool buildings from the north and west sides
of the campus. One path leads from mid-block along Clayton Avenue, through the football fields
north of the bleachers and to the main buildings. T he second path leads from Grant Avenue across
from Austin Street along a new sidewalk, adjacent t o the practice baseball field and batting cage,
and into the Middle School parking lot. These paths are shown in Figure 5.
Bicycle racks were located at the two primary entra nce points. Due to the cold and windy weather
few bikes were expected during observations. Only o ne bicycle, which appeared to have been
damaged and abandoned, was noted in the racks durin g the day of observations in January. Later
campus observations during the spring noticed a hig her utilization rate of bicycles in the racks
during the school day.
Based upon previous school travel surveys conducted at surrounding elementary schools
1, around
55-60% of the students were picked up or dropped of f at the school by their parents.
Approximately 30-35% walked to and from school, wit h the remaining 10% split by carpooling and
biking. As these results represent the travel chara cteristics of two elementary schools, the drive-
alone option was not available and the older studen ts found at the Middle and High Schools are
likely to exhibit greater independence. However, wi th only a small percentage of students eligible to
drive themselves, and the potential for inclement w eather, a similar mode share could be expected.
1 . 1 . 4 P i c k – u p a n d D r o p – o f f P r o c e d u r e s
Currently, the high school day begins at 7:45 and ends at 2:20. The middle school day begins at 8:30
running to 3:00. Arrivals to the school campus were noted to begin prior to 7:30 AM.

1 Abe Wing and Big Cross Elementary School Access Pl ans, 2010
Figure 5: Maintained pedestrian paths
accessing the school campus.

Technical Report

Resource Systems Group, Inc. 5
Insights and Solutions for a Better World

With primary entrances to both the high school and
middle school on Quade Street, many students
are dropped off along either side of Quade Street. As a measure to combat congestion, reduce
through vehicles, and separate high school and midd le school traffic, temporary barriers are set up
along Quade Street north of West Notre Dame Street and south of Shippey Street during the arrival
and departure periods. While this has been effectiv e at managing through traffic, considerable
congestion still exists at the peak arrival and dis missal times. When the closest parking spaces to
the school entrances were occupied, double parked v ehicles were observed allowing passengers to
enter and exit the vehicle. In the dismissal peak p eriod, double parked vehicles were waiting for the
students to exit the school, while other vehicles w ere noted parked in unmarked spaces to wait for
the students to exit the building.

Figure 6: Schematic illustrating on-street parking, assigned student parking, and pick-up and
drop-off designated areas. (Not to scale)

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Glens Falls School District Traffic Circulation Stu dy

6 August 9, 2012

In addition to vehicle congestion, many students we re dropped off or picked up from the east side
of Quade Street. This location requires that studen ts cross Quade Street, and many were noted to
forego the marked crosswalk locations in favor of c rossing directly in front of the school in the
straightest line possible. This increased the poten tial for students to enter traffic unexpectedly from
between parked vehicles, contributing to additional vehicle-pedestrian conflicts and potentially
unsafe conditions.
1 . 2 P u r p o s e a n d N e e d
This study was initiated to analyze and address the changing school campus population, operating
characteristics, and arrival and departure patterns . Recently, the middle school has taken on all fifth
grade students in the district, increasing the numb er of students attending the campus. As noted
earlier, the arrival and departure times of the hig h school will be aligned with the middle school
beginning with the 2012-2013 school year, potential ly increasing the peak travel period. Lastly, the
overall pick-up and drop-off operational patterns h ave been evaluated with the recent
implementation of temporary traffic barriers.
As described earlier, the purpose of this study inc ludes:
 An evaluation of the current access patterns,
 Projection of access issues under aligned arrival a nd dismissal times, and
 Proposed short and long term improvements to the ci rculation patterns.
The following section outlines the recommended shor t-term and long-term strategies that address
the identified queuing, congestion, and safety issu es identified during the course of the study. These
issues are documented in Sections 3, 4, and 5.
2 . 0 RE C O M M E N D AT I O N S
The proposed recommendations for the project fall u nder two main categories: modifications to the
streetscape environment to improve vehicle flow, re duce congestion, and enhance bicycle and
pedestrian safety, or programmatic strategies to ch ange behavior, encourage a greater percentage
of walking and biking rates, and reduce the number of vehicle trips to the school.
Additional explanation of the impacts and considera tions of these and other improvements is
presented in Section 6.0. More detailed cost estima tes of several of the more complex
recommendations are included in Attachment A.
2 . 1 S h o r t Te r m Re c o m m e n d a t i o n s
The following four recommendations are immediately implementable at a minimal cost. The
primary goal of these recommendations is to provide additional vehicle queuing capacity, improve
safety of the students walking to school and to and from the pick-up and drop-off vehicles, and to
address the anticipated congestion associated with the aligned school days.
2 . 1 . 1 E x p a n d Q u a d e S t r e e t D r o p – O f f A r e a
Approximate Cost: $1000
To provide more waiting areas near the school, it i s recommended that the long-term parking
spaces on the west side of Quade Street between She rman Avenue and West Notre Dame Street are
converted to pick-up and drop-off spaces only. This designation will be consistent with the existing

Technical Report

Resource Systems Group, Inc. 7
Insights and Solutions for a Better World

parking restrictions on the west side of Quade
Street from West Notre Dame Street to Grant
Avenue. The vehicles that currently utilize the
west-side Quade Street parking will be dispersed
to other on-street parking locations. Students may
be encouraged to utilize the assigned parking lot a
the Assembly of God Church.
2 . 1 . 2 S h i f t S h e r m a n A v e n u e
P a r k i n g t o N o r t h S i d e o f
S t r e e t
Approximate Cost: $2,250
Similar to the counter-clockwise circulation
strategy, parking and waiting areas on the north
side of Sherman Avenue adjacent to the school will reduce the number of pedestrian crossings from
the south side of the street. Additionally, there a re fewer drives on the north side of Sherman
Avenue, allowing for a greater number of spaces tha n the south side. The drop-off area should allow
for parking during off-peak evening hours, weekends , and for special events. Parking restrictions
should only be placed in this alternate drop-off ar ea during school hours.
Along the entire remaining corridor, parking is cur rently allowed on the south side of Sherman
Avenue. On the studied segment of Sherman Avenue, v ehicles will be forced to weave into and out
of the realigned traveled way. Due to the stop-cont rolled intersection entering this segment,
traveling speeds are anticipated to be low and the transition should be acceptable.
It is recommended that the drop off area maintains a 20-foot no parking restriction adjacent to all
driveways, roadways, and crosswalks. The realigned park on the north side of Sherman Avenue is
illustrated in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Realigned parking on north side of Sherman Avenue.
Extend drop-off
area south to
Sherman Avenue
Quade Street School
Figure 7: Recommended drop off area
expansion, looking south along Quade Street
near High School entrance.

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8 August 9, 2012

2 . 1 . 3 E n c o u r a g e C o u n t e r C l o c k w i s e C i r c u l a t i o n
Approximate Cost: N/A (Include in existing newslett er mailings)
In the district’s communication to parents, it is recommended that the district encourage
counterclockwise circulation for both the high scho ol and middle school drop off areas. This
circulation pattern provides students access to and from vehicles directly from the sidewalk
adjacent to the school, reducing the number of pede strian crossings. Furthermore, vehicles
approaching the campus from West Notre Dame Street and heading south on Quade Street will have
access to the newly expanded drop-off and pick-up a rea; vehicles traveling northbound would not
have safe and legal access to these spaces. Lastly, by encouraging this circulation pattern, the schoo l
district will be able to promote this additional pi ck-up and drop-off area expansion.
2 . 1 . 4 I n c r e a s e T e m p o r a r y B a r r i e r B a l l a s t
Approximate Cost: $100
During our observations, the temporary barriers wer e noted to blow over in strong gusts. If
possible, increasing the ballast in the bottom of t he barriers may improve their stability. The
increased weight of the barriers will decrease thei r ease of implementation, but it is important for
the temporary barriers to remain visible to be effe ctive.
2 . 1 . 5 I n s t a l l A l l – W a y S t o p C o n t r o l s a t S h i p p e y / E m p i r e
Approximate Cost: $800
Given the neighborhood setting, adjacent school cam pus, localized lack of sidewalk infrastructure,
and crash data, all-way stop control is recommended at the Shippey Street / Empire Avenue /
Harrison Avenue intersection. Warning flags are als o recommended on the new sign for the first six
months after installation.
The four short-term recommendations discussed above are illustrated in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Short-term recommendations to enhance saf ety and reduce congestion at the Glens
Falls School District Campus.

Technical Report

Resource Systems Group, Inc. 9
Insights and Solutions for a Better World

2 . 2 L o n g Te r m S t re e t s c a p e E n h a n c e m e n t s
The long term streetscape enhancements are larger p
rojects that attempt to address safety issues
and vehicle congestion. The projects typically repr esent a greater capital expenditure and will likely
require significant planning and engineering design , with potential grant funding opportunities.
2 . 2 . 1 I m p r o v e C i t y S i d e w a l k N e t w o r k
Approximate Cost: $100 – $200 per foot of sidewalk
Several critical segments of sidewalk are missing n ear the school campus. It is recommended that
these sidewalks are constructed to emphasize the Ci ty’s commitment to walking and to improve the
pedestrian environment for students en route to sch ool. The three most critical sidewalk segments
1. South side of Shippey Street from Quade Street to L iberty Avenue ($60,000 – $120,000)
2. South side of Grant Avenue from Clayton Avenue to A ustin Avenue ($40,000 – $80,000)
3. Both sides of Harrison Avenue from Garfield Avenue to Shippey Street ($150,000 –
In addition, specific sidewalk treatments such bulb -outs, accessible sidewalk ramps, and detectable
warning surfaces should be installed where feasible .
2 . 2 . 2 A u t o m a t i c Q u a d e S t r e e t C l o s u r e F e a t u r e s
Approximate Cost: $95,000
The intersections of Quade Street at West Notre Dam e Street and at Shippey Street should be
redeveloped for a more automated and visible street closure. Proposed features may include:
 Bulb-outs to reduce crossing distance and street cl osure width,
 Automatic gates with flashing lights that close at predetermined times, and
 Permanent warning signs indicating the street closu re times.

Figure 10: A view of the recommended automatic gate s at Quade Street and West Notre Dame
Street. Similar treatments are recommended at Quade Street and Shippey Avenue.

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10 August 9, 2012

2 . 2 . 3 Q u a d e S t r e e t – S h e r m a n A v e n u e L o o p
Approximate Cost: $550,000
A one way loop, beginning approximately 75 feet nor th of Sherman Avenue, continuing west with
pick-up and drop-off spaces, turning south and inte rsecting with Stevens Street is proposed as the
most feasible off-street parking and waiting area e xpansion. This alignment provides up to 12
vehicle waiting spaces, plus the greatest coordinat ion within the existing street network, reducing
additional vehicle conflicts as much as possible.
Several immediately identifiable issues include:
 Sacrifice of the open green space in front of the school for vehicle waiting areas,
 Potential for additional congestion within the new loop, specifically if vehicles double park
to wait, or if left turning vehicles cannot exit th e loop,
 Loss of on-street parking / drop-off area queue spa ce if parking is shifted to the north side
of Sherman Avenue,
 Two new pedestrian – vehicle conflict areas at loop entrance and exit, and
 Significant reconstruction of existing campus walkw ays would be required.
This proposed driveway loop is illustrated in Figur e 8.

Figure 11: Potential high school drop-off loop. Req uired sidewalk reconstruction not
2 . 3 P ro g ra m m a t i c S t ra te g i e s
The following strategies are immediately implementa ble and are intended to change travel
behaviors over the long term, ultimately to increas e the number of students who walk, bike, and
ride the bus to school. These programs may reduce c ongestion while also promoting healthier

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2 . 3 . 1 P r o m o t e C o o r d i n a t i o n w i t h T r a n s i t
The School District should coordinate with the loca
l transit provider, Greater Glens Falls Transit
(GGFT) to increase bus ridership as much as feasibl e. Potential collaborative programs may include:
 At the beginning of every school year, the district should include a bus route map and time
table for the East-West Commuter Route which access es the school site,
 Provide and promote school subsidized passes for th e East-West Commuter Route,
 Modify the afternoon East-West Commuter Route so th at the bus picks up on Sherman
Avenue directly adjacent to the school, rather than along the existing route along Grant
 Construct a waiting shelter for the East-West Route stop at the High School, and
 Provide intuitive internet access, including a rout e map, for information on the East-West
Commuter Route.
2 . 3 . 2 P a r t i c i p a t e i n A c t i v e T r a n s p o r t a t i o n E n c o u r a g e m e n t
P r o g r a m s
The purpose of these programs is to incentivize act ive forms of transportation, including walking,
bicycling. These programs may include:
 Safe Routes to School events for the Middle School, including Walk to School Day and Bike
to School Day,
 Offer students incentives to walk or
bike to school, potentially with prizes
for highest weekly, monthly, or annual
walking or biking trip totals,
 Replace old bike racks with new,
functional, well maintained racks in
prominent locations close to the
school entrances. Consider adding
additional bicycle racks, and
 Increase awareness amongst students
and parents on the health, lifestyle and
educational benefits of biking and
walking to school; emphasize the
generally lower safety risks on
walking or biking to school as
compared to driving.
The above recommendations discuss the proposed solu tions to address the identified congestion,
queuing, and safety issues observed through this st udy. The following sections describe the site
reconnaissance, background investigations, safety r esearch, analysis methodology, and alternative
3 . 0 TR A F F I C OB S E RVAT I O N S
The traffic observations were conducted throughout the day on January 18, 2012. The weather was
cold, clear, and windy, with temperatures around 25 degrees Fahrenheit. To begin observations,
road tube traffic data collectors were placed on Sh erman Avenue, Quade Street, Grant Avenue, and
Clayton Avenue. The high school and middle school p eak arrival and dismissal periods were
Figure 12: Clean, colorful, and fun new bicycle
racks may attract additional bicycle ridership.
Pictured: the Loop Rack from Muchi East.

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12 August 9, 2012

observed from the two intersections nearest the pri mary entrances, with short duration turning
movement counts at adjacent intersections throughou t the day. The resulting traffic volumes,
pedestrian counts, vehicle queues, and general obse rvations were compiled into an overall traffic
3 . 1 O b s e r ve d Tra f f i c Vo l u m e s
The one hour traffic volumes around the school camp us is for the AM and PM school arrival and
dismissal peaks are shown in Figure 13 and Figure 1 4, respectively. Note that Quade Street is closed
to through traffic between West Notre Dame Street a nd Shippey Street during these periods, but
open throughout the rest of the day.

Figure 13: AM peak hour traffic volumes in the stud y area

30 438 0
6 00 26 0
21 0
31 70 86 79
36 22 182
39 00
58 155167 141
19 0 26
57 177
39 237 97 19 12
7 49 49
11 8
185 118
3 84
125 351 18 9 13 24 22 50
15 19 20
135 214 165
74 19
101 12 23
244 398
95 12
143 256 149 18 44 28
School Campus
MS Parking Lot
HS Parking Lot
HS Entrance
MS Entrance
Grant Ave Ext
Sherman Ave
Cortland StS Western Ave
Western AveAustin StGoodmanSt
Sherman Ave
Shippey St
W Notre Dame St
Quade St
Clayton AveWestern Ave

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Figure 14: PM peak hour traffic volumes in the stud
y area
The volumes illustrated in Figure 13 and Figure 14 represent the peak hour volumes through the
studied intersections. Operating most nearly as art erial streets, Sherman Avenue, Western Avenue
and Grant Avenue are expected to have a greater pro portion of through vehicles and trips unrelated
to the school traffic, and would be less likely to be affected by the sudden peak in traffic due to
school arrivals and departures. As local collector roads directly serving the school entries, Quade
Street, Shippey Street, and West Notre Dame Street are likely to be more affected by these sudden
traffic peaks.
The peaking behavior caused by the arrival and dism issal of students is best illustrated when
viewing the data in 15-minute periods. Along Quade Street, the southern intersections at West
Notre Dame Street and Sherman Avenue more directly serve the High School, and the northern
intersection at Shippey Street more directly serves the middle school. With High School classes
beginning at 7:45 and ending at 2:20, the Sherman A venue and Notre Dame Street intersections are
expected to experience peak traffic related to the school from 7:30 – 7:45, and 2:15 – 2:30.
Similarly, the peak traffic related to the Middle S chool would be expected in the period prior to the
19 284 0
5 00 12 0
23 0
34 67 77 71
40 15 82
19 00
29 7797 85
10 0 12
6 100
19 194 48 29 20
6 41 41
12 5
112 69
0 104
84 237 12 6 9 29 15 38
21 29 27
181 295 245
99 22
68 20 29
165 257
64 18
96 173 100 16 48 25
School Campus
MS Parking Lot
HS Parking Lot
HS Entrance
MS Entrance
Grant Ave Ext
Sherman Ave
Cortland StS Western Ave
Western AveAustin StGoodmanSt
Sherman Ave
Shippey St
W Notre Dame St
Quade St
Clayton AveWestern Ave

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14 August 9, 2012

beginning and after the commencement of classes, or approximately 8:15-8:30 and 3:00 – 3:15.
During the observations conducted January 18, the t raffic data collected at these intersections
followed that pattern.

Figure 15: 15 minute volumes through three studied intersections along Quade Street in the
AM arrival period.
As expected, the observed volume through these inte rsections along Quade Street show a clear,
short duration increase in the traffic from 7:30 – 7:45 for the Notre Dame Street and Sherman
Avenue intersections. The increase in traffic at th e Shippey Street intersection includes the two 15-
minute periods prior to the first class from 8:00 – 8:30.

Figure 16: 15 minute volumes through three studied intersections along Quade Street in the
PM arrival period.
Also as expected, the observed volume through the N otre Dame Street and Sherman Avenue
intersections along Quade Street show a clear, shor t duration increase in the traffic from 2:15 –
2:30, and the Shippey Street intersection peaks at 3:00 – 3:15.
It should be noted that in past mode share surveys, the walking and biking percentage often
increases and the pick-up percentage decreases in t he evening as many parents are still working,

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and many students participate in extracurricular ac
tivities. This indicates that the afternoon peak
period is expected to be less pronounced than the m orning peak.
3 . 2 Tu b e C o u n t D a t a C o l l e c t i o n
Tube counters were placed on the streets adjacent to the school to collect traffic data over the
course of the day. The resulting data are shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17: Road volume data from street network adj acent to the school campus from January
18, 2012.
As expected, all neighboring streets display two di stinct peak periods in the morning and afternoon
hours. This AM and PM peaking behavior is common on many streets as residents commute to and
from work. However, the peak is particularly notice able along Quade Street and Grant Avenue,
likely due to traffic related to the schools.
Between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM, the daytime average v ehicle count on Quade Street and Sherman
Avenue was approximated to be 16 and 103 vehicles p er 15 minutes. These averages are illustrated
by the dashed lines in Figure 17.
3 . 3 O b s e r ve d Ve h i c l e Q u e u e s
As demonstrated by the above figures, the vehicle t ravel patterns to and from the school are
characterized by sharp, short duration increases in traffic for drivers to pick up or drop off
students. In both the morning drop-off and afternoo n pick-up periods vehicle queues were
observed. When no street parking space was availab le, drivers were noted to momentarily double-
park and allow the student to enter or exit the veh icle. Depending on the amount of time used in
this process, a queue would often form behind the o bstructing vehicle. The maximum observed
queue was approximately five vehicles.
In addition to blocking traffic, the double parking created a rushed atmosphere in which students
hurried to or from the vehicles. In several instanc es, students were observed to cross the roadway
at unexpected locations, entering traffic from with in the vehicle queues.

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16 August 9, 2012

Fortunately, as Quade Street is a low volume neighb orhood street, almost all traffic observed near
the school during the arrival and dismissal periods was associated with the school. In this case,
most drivers were aware of the potential for pedest rians, were prepared for expected queues, and
generally operated appropriately.
3 . 4 Ve h i c l e a n d Pe d e s t r i a n O b s e r va t i o n S u m m a r y
The following summarizes the general traffic and tr avel characteristics observed on January 18,
 The two primary modes to and from the school were w alking and being driven / dropped
off and picked up. Some students drove themselves a nd with others.
 Considerable traffic related to the dropping-off an d picking-up of students can be expected
30 minutes prior to and following the beginning and ending of the school day, respectively.
 Many students cross Quade Street in the most direct path between their destination and the
school entrance.
 Queue lengths were reasonable, and it appeared that most drivers understood that a
significant number of students and pedestrians woul d be present.
 The temporary barriers used to close off Quade Stre ets were blown over in strong gusts of
4 . 0 CR A S H AN A LY S I S
All traffic collisions reported to the Glens Falls Police Department were compiled within the study
area. From 2008 to 2011, there were 35 collisions r esulting in two injuries and zero fatalities. There
were no reported collisions involving pedestrians. There was one collision involving a bicyclist
resulting in injury. All reported collisions are il lustrated in Figure 18.
The collision involving the bicyclist occurred outs ide the school peak hours and is unlikely to be
related to school transportation. In addition, this collision occurred at Morton Street and Sherman
Avenue, generally outside the project area. It is i llustrated in the far southeast corner of Figure 18 .

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Figure 18: Reported vehicle collisions near the pro
ject areas from 2008 to 2011.
From Figure 18, several areas appear to have a high number of collisions, including:
 The Western Avenue / Sherman Avenue intersection,
 The Sherman Avenue / Quade Street intersection,
 The Quade Street / Notre Dame Street intersection,
 The Shippey Street / Empire Avenue / Harrison Avenu e intersection
 The Sherman Avenue corridor, and
 The Quade Street corridor.
4 . 1 We s te r n Ave n u e / S h e r m a n Ave n u e I n t e r s e c t i o n
There were seven collisions at this intersection. S ince the intersection is all-way stop controlled, the
predominant crash type would be expected to be rear end collisions common at locations where
vehicles are often changing speed. However, six of the seven collisions were reported as right angle
crashes, indicating that the vehicle did not stop a nd yield at the intersection. Sight distance is not
limited at this location. Advance warning signs or enhanced visibility treatments at the stop sign,
such as a retroreflective post, may reduce the numb er of collisions at this intersection. Two of the
seven collisions took place during the school peak hour, and none of these crashes resulted in
Investigation Area

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18 August 9, 2012

4 . 2 S h e r m a n Ave n u e / Q u a d e S t r e e t I n te r s e c t i o n
Five collisions were reported at this intersection, one of which took place during the peak hour of
school traffic. No injuries resulted from the colli sions. Four of the five collisions were right angle
collisions from Cortland Avenue or Quade Street. Th is may indicate that the offset geometry of the
intersection may be adding to confusion.
Although not recommended in this study, the offset entrances to the intersection and the
availability of public right of way to the northwes t may indicate that this may be an acceptable
location for future construction of a roundabout. D ue to the operating characteristics of
roundabouts, right-angle collisions would likely be reduced significantly. If this collision scenario
continues, additional study may be required to dete rmine if a roundabout would improve the safety
and operation of this intersection.
4 . 3 Q u a d e S t re e t / We s t N o t r e D a m e S t r e e t I n t e r s e c t i o n
Four collisions were reported at this intersection, three of which occurred during the school peak
hour with one injury resulting. Two of the four col lisions appeared to be between a vehicle
performing a parallel parking maneuver and the adja cent parked vehicles. A third collision,
resulting in an injury, was reported to have been l eaving a parked position with a contributing
factor listed as driver inexperience. The fourth co llision took place outside of the normal school day .
The collisions were recorded before May of 2010. Th e current practice of closing Quade Street
between West Notre Dame Street and Shippey Street w ill likely have an impact on collision rates
into the future.
4 . 4 S h i p p ey S t re e t / E m p i re Ave n u e / H a r r i s o n Ave n u e
I n t e r s e c t i o n
Five collisions were recorded at this intersection, two of which occurred during the school peak
hour, none of which resulted in injury. Four of the five causes of the crashes are reported as failure
to yield right of way. At this intersection, the Em pire and Harrison Avenue approaches are stop
controlled, while the Shippey Street approaches are free. Providing stop control on all approaches
will likely correct this collision type.
In addition, an all-way stop controlled intersectio n is warranted based on MUTCD criteria
“The need to control vehicle/pedestrian conflicts n ear locations that generate high pedestrian
And criteria 2B.07.05D: “An intersection of two residential neighborhood co llector (through) streets of similar design and
operating characteristics where multi-way stop cont rol would improve traffic operational
characteristics of the intersection.”
4 . 5 S h e r m a n Ave n u e C o r r i d o r
Outside of the Quade Street and Western Avenue inte rsection collisions, there were seven collisions
along this length of street. Two of these seven occ urred during the school peak hours and were
recorded as vehicles performing parallel parking ma neuvers. The remaining five do not appear to
be related to school traffic.

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4 . 6 Q u a d e S t r e e t C o r r i d o r
Outside of the Quade Street intersections with Sher
man Avenue and West Notre Dame Street, there
were six collisions along the corridor, five of whi ch occurred during the school peak hour. Of these
five, all were related to vehicle overtaking maneuv ers, indicating that a vehicle was blocking the
traveled way. This is potentially due to double par ked vehicles waiting for children to enter or exit.
These types of collisions may be corrected if addit ional convenient queue space is available.
5 . 0 EF F E C T O F AL I G N E D SC H O O L DAY S
The current staggered high school and middle school arrival and departure times have the effect of
distributing the school related traffic impact over two distinct peaks, separated by 45 minutes. By
aligning the school days, these peaks will effectiv ely be combined into one, as students from both
schools arrive and depart from at the same time.
5 . 1 A p p ro x i m a t i n g t h e E x i s t i n g D e m a n d
During the 2012-2013 school year, the high school a rrival and departure times will be aligned with
the middle school. In effect, the days for both sch ools will begin at 8:30 AM and end at 3:00 PM. To
determine the anticipated change in traffic due to this alignment, the vehicle trips associated with
the high school arrival patterns need to be isolate d, and combined with the middle school traffic.
Several key assumptions to assist in this analysis follow:
 Families with students in both the high school and middle school are assumed to not
currently be making two separate drop-off and pick- up trips. This will result in a
conservative traffic estimate, as the aligned times will allow for one of these trips to be
 The mode share of high school students will be appr oximated at:
50% – Driven By Parents / Other
25% – Walk / Bike / Bus
25% – Drive alone or with student-aged family / fri ends
This mode share is important. The 25% of high schoo l students (approximately 190 students) that
walk, bike, or take the bus to school do not signif icantly contribute to vehicle congestion. Another
25% of the high school students, again approximatel y 190 students, park off site or along the side
streets, resulting in two vehicle trips over the co urse of the day: to the school in the morning, and
away from the school in the afternoon. The remainin g 50% of the high school population, or
approximately 385 students, are being driven by a p arent or other person. These students are
responsible for four trips each, to and from the sc hool in the morning and again in the afternoon.
 All vehicles will be assumed to be carrying two stu dents. This assumption, based on the
mode share above, indicates that approximately 195 vehicles will be dropping off and
picking up high school students, and 95 vehicles wi ll be driven and parked near the school.
This results in approximately 290 vehicles related to the high school student travel patterns
expected to access the school campus.

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20 August 9, 2012

5 . 2 Ty p i c a l G l e n s Fa l l s S t r e e t Tra f f i c C h a ra c te r i s t i c s
To approximate the traffic demand related to the school, the observed traffic on the adjacent street
network was compared to similar streets in Glens Fa lls. A previous study
2 produced the tube count
data illustrated in Figure 19 on Lincoln Avenue, Ho ricon Avenue, and Coolidge Avenue in Glens
Falls. Operating similarly to a combination of arte rial streets (Horicon Avenue) and local collector
streets (Coolidge Avenue and Lincoln Avenue), these streets are representative of the mixture of
roadway classifications found adjacent to the schoo l campus.

Figure 19: Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Study wee kday traffic calming data, July 28 – August
3, 2011.
As shown above, the daytime average volume of vehic les for Lincoln, Horicon, and Coolidge
Avenues is 16, 29, and 18 vehicles per 15 minutes r espectively. Relating these averages to the
observed morning and afternoon maximums, the peak 1 5-minute volume to average 15-minute
volume ratio is shown in the table below.

Other similar streets within the city were also com pared to the traffic volumes measured adjacent
to the school. While the general characteristic sha pe is similar, the data analyzed were only
available in one-hour increments. As this study is specifically interested in short-duration peaks
caused by the school arrival and dismissal periods, the broad, one-hour increment data is too blunt
to be applied to this study.
This one-hour increment data is presented in Figure 20 .

2 Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Study, October 2011 . Traffic data taken from 7/28/11 to 8/3/11, excluding the weekend dates of 7/30/11 and
AM Peak*PM Peak*
Lincoln Avenue
16 16 20 1.00 1.25
Horicon Avenue29 41 37 1.41 1.28
Coolidge Avenue18 23 27 1.28 1.50
*Vehi cl es per 15 mi nutes
AM Peak :
Average Ratio
PM Peak :
Average Ratio

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Figure 20: One-hour incremental data from other nea
rby Glens Falls City streets.
5 . 3 I s o l a t i n g H i g h S c h o o l Re l a te d Tra f f i c
Using the peak to average ratio calculated on similar streets, we can approximate the volumes on
Sherman Avenue and Quade Street that are assumed to be independent of the school campus. Since
Sherman and Horicon Avenues behave as arterial stre ets, the peak : average ratios obtained from
Horicon Avenue are the most appropriate comparison analytic for Sherman Avenue. Similarly, the
ratios from Lincoln and Coolidge Avenues, both oper ating similar to local collector streets, were
averaged to be used in approximating the vehicle vo lumes along Quade Street. These approximated
volumes are shown in the table on the following pag e.

These approximate “normal” peaks shown in the table above are plotted with the observed volumes
along Quade Street and Sherman Avenue. The effect o f the school campus is approximated by the
difference in this “normal” peak and the observed p eak, illustrated by the shaded area shown below
in Figure 21.
Approx. Approx.
AM Peak* PM Peak*
Quade Street
1.14 1.38 16 18 22
Sherman Avenue1.41 1.28 103 146 131
*Vehi cl es per 15 mi nutes
AM Peak :
Average Ratio
PM Peak :
Average Ratio

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22 August 9, 2012

Figure 21: Approximate volume of the traffic relate d to the school campus along Quade Street
and Sherman Avenue.
The shaded regions above illustrate approximately 6 70 vehicles traveling to the school campus on
an average day.
To approximate the traffic shift that will likely o ccur when the school days are aligned, the
difference in the observed vehicles and the indepen dent vehicles arriving from 7:15 – 7:45 and
from 2:00 – 2:30 should be shifted and added to the observed vehicles from 8:00 – 8:30 and 2:45 –
3:15. This shift is illustrated below in Figure 22.

Figure 22: Approximate expected shift in volumes al ong Quade Street and Sherman Avenue
under aligned school days.

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The shaded regions illustrated above from 7:15 to 7
:45 and 2:00 – 2:30 represent approximately
300 vehicles traveling to and from the school campu s along Quade Street and Sherman Avenue
every day. This is similar to the approximate deman d calculated by the assumptions outlined in
Section 5.1.
The approximate traffic resulting from the alignmen t of the Middle School and High School day
along Quade Street and Sherman Avenue is illustrate d on Figure 23.

Figure 23: Approximate anticipated volumes along Qu ade Street and Sherman Avenue under
aligned school days.
5 . 4 E f f e c t o f A l i g n e d S c h o o l D ays
The overall effect of aligning the High School and Middle School days is best illustrated in Figure 23 .
The total number of vehicles accessing the school c ampus is assumed to remain the same, however
the time period in which these vehicles arrive and depart will be shortened. The peak periods
shown above have been condensed from 7:15 AM – 8:30 AM and 2:15 – 3:15 PM to 7:45 – 8:15 AM
and 2:45 – 3:15 PM. This results in a more pronounc ed, sharper morning and afternoon peak traffic
volume. The changes in these peak 15-minute volumes are illustrated in the table below.

AM / PM 15- Minute Vehicle Peak: Separate AM / PM 15-
Minute Vehicle Peak: Aligned AM / PM% Change
Sherman Avenue 209 / 159 218 / 201 +4.8% / +26.4%
Quade Street 103 / 82 132 / 100 +28.2% / +21.6%

The effect of the aligned school days is not expect
ed to significantly change the maximum hourly
volume of vehicles through the street network, but it is anticipated to create a spike in the peak 15-
minute volume. The relationship between the peak 15 -minute period within the peak hour of traffic
is represented by the Peak Hour Factor (PHF). The P HF is a measure of the fluctuation of traffic

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24 August 9, 2012

demand within the peak hour. A PHF equal to 1.0 ind icates that there is no fluctuation in the 15
minute intervals within the peak hour. As the PHF d ecreases, the variation between the peak 15
minute interval and the average 15 minute interval becomes greater.

Separate School Days Aligned School Days
Peak Hour
Volume (veh) Peak 15
Volume (veh)

Peak Hour Factor (PHF) Peak Hour
Volume (veh) Peak 15
Volume (veh)

Peak Hour
Factor (PHF)
Sherman Avenue

647 208 0.78 667 219 0.76

303 103 0.74 310 132 0.59

590 159 0.93 606 201 0.75

211 82 0.64 229 100 0.58
PHF = Peak Hour Volume / (4 x Peak 15-Minute Volume )
As expected, the peak hour factor dropped along bot h Quade Street and Sherman Avenue under the
aligned school times, most notably along Quade Stre et in the morning from 0.74 to 0.59, a -20%
change, and Sherman Avenue in the afternoon from 0. 93 to 0.75, a change of -19%.
In practical terms, the decrease in the PHF indicat es that about the same number of vehicles will be
accessing the school campus in a shorter window of time, likely leading to increased congestion.
From a visual perspective, the peak represented by (1) in Figure 24 is shifted about 45 minutes
later in the day to peak (2). There is no change in the size from (1) – (2) because the middle school
has little effect on the traffic along Sherman Stre et in the morning. However, in the evening, the hig h
school peak (3) compounds with the middle school pe ak to create a significantly larger 15-minute
traffic demand at 3:00 PM represented by peak (4). This is also represented by the change in the
PHF discussed above.

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Figure 24: Approximate anticipated volumes along Qu
ade Street and Sherman Avenue under
aligned school days, with specific traffic peaks an notated.
Similarly, the high school peak compounds the middl e school peak on Quade Street in the morning
(5) but appears to have a relatively minor effect i n the afternoon (6). This is also demonstrated in
the change of the PHF. Overall, the data suggest th at congestion will be worsened during the arrival
and dismissal periods with the aligned school times , particularly during the peak 15 minutes in the
morning drop off period along Quade Street and the afternoon pick up period along Sherman
5 . 5 S h e r m a n Ave n u e & Q u a d e S t r e e t I n te r s e c t i o n A n a lys i s
The intersection at Sherman Avenue, Quade Street, and Cortland Street was analyzed using traffic
simulation software under the existing separate sch ool days. The existing traffic operation
characteristics were then compared to the anticipat ed conditions under aligned school days. The
analytical software used was Synchro Version 7. The primary measure of traffic operation is Level-
of-service (LOS), which is a qualitative measure de scribing the operating conditions as perceived by
motorists driving in a traffic stream. LOS is estim ated using the procedures outlined in the 2000
Highway Capacity Manual.
The 2000 Highway Capacity Manual defines six qualit ative grades to describe the level of service at
an intersection. Level-of-Service is based on the a verage control delay per vehicle. Table 1 shows
the various LOS grades and descriptions for signali zed and unsignalized intersections.

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26 August 9, 2012

Table 1: Level-of-Service Criteria for Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections
Unsignalized Signalized
LOS Characteristics Total Delay (sec) Total Delay ( sec)
A Little or no delay ≤ 10.0 ≤ 10.0
B Short delays 10.1-15.0 10.1-20.0
C Average delays 15.1-25.0 20.1-35.0
D Long delays 25.1-35.0 35.1-55.0
E Very long delays 35.1-50.0 55.1-80.0
F Extreme delays > 50.0 > 80.0
For stop-controlled intersections such as the Sherman Avenue / Quade Street intersection, the LOS
provides a tool to compare the existing traffic ope rations to future, aligned school day traffic
operations. Typically, LOS C or above is considered acceptable.
As discussed earlier, the only change in the antici pated traffic characteristics will be the
concentration of vehicles into a shorter 15-minute period. This is represented by the peak hour
factor. The level-of-service results for the Sherma n Avenue / Quade Street intersection is presented
in the table below.

Since the morning peak hour factor at this intersection was relatively stable, the AM peak period
level-of-service essentially remained unchanged. In the afternoon, the peak hour factor dropped
from 0.93 to 0.75 and the resulting intersection de lay is increased as expected. In all aligned cases
the delay for each specific entrance into the inter section, as well as the delay for overall
intersection, is below 15 seconds, with a resulting acceptable LOS B.
5 . 6 E f f e c t o n O b s e r ve d Ve h i c l e Q u e u i n g
During the observation period, vehicle queuing was cited as a significant issue adding to congestion
along Quade Street. With the aligned school days, q ueuing is expected to increase as more vehicles
arrive in the condensed 15-minute peak. This partic ular queuing is difficult to anticipate as it is
based on driver behavior (i.e. double parking, slow ly creeping, etc.) and student behavior (time
taken to enter and exit vehicle, walking speed, etc .). As queuing has been identified as an issue
under the existing drop-off and pick-up patterns, i t is evident that the short-term parking supply
Sherman Ave/Quade
St/Cortland StLOS Delay (s) LOS Delay (s)
EB, Sherman Ave B 13 B 14
WB, Sherman Ave B 11 B 11 NB, Cortland St A 10 B 10SB, Quade St B 10 B 10 PM
Sherman Ave/Quade
St/Cortland StLOS Delay (s) LOS Delay (s)
EB, Sherman Ave B 10 B 13
WB, Sherman Ave B 11 B 14 NB, Cortland St A 9 B 10
SB, Quade St A 9 B 10 Separate School Days
Separate School Days
Aligned School Days
Aligned School Days

Technical Report

Resource Systems Group, Inc. 27
Insights and Solutions for a Better World

near the school has been exhausted. With aligned sc
hool days, the additional vehicles will add
further demand to this limited supply and queuing w ill likely increase substantially.
5 . 7 S u m m a r y o f E f f e c t s o f A l i g n e d S c h o o l D ays
The anticipated effects of shifting the start and end times of the High School to align with the Middl e
School are summarized below:
 No additional increase in total traffic is anticipa ted with the school alignment; a slight
decline is possible as some parents may combine two trips into one.
 Traffic will be condensed primarily into one 30-min ute period before school begins and as
school ends, resulting in an increase in the peak 1 5-minute traffic, but no significant change
in the peak hour traffic.
 The Sherman Avenue / Quade Street / Cortland Street intersection will likely continue to
operate acceptably under the proposed aligned schoo l day.
 Queuing along Quade Street is anticipated to increa se substantially as vehicles may double
park to drop students off or allow students to ente r the vehicle.
6 . 0 CO N G E S T I O N MI T I G AT I O N ST R AT E G I E S
The primary issues that have arisen out of this study are summarized below:
 A high percentage of students in the school distric t are dropped-off and picked-up at both
 Many of these pick-ups and drop-offs occur along Qu ade Street, and the aligned school days
will likely condense the current hour of minor cong estion into 30 minutes of greater
 Several complaints arose about parents waiting in t he Middle School Parking Lot, although
it is clearly marked for “Authorized Vehicles Only” .
 The existing temporary barriers used to block of Qu ade Street between West Notre Dame
Street and Shippey Street were noticed to be easily blown over.
The following sections discuss the potential strate gies that may be employed to address these
6 . 1 D e ve l o p A l t e r n a te O n – S t r e e t P i c k – U p a n d D r o p – O f f
L o c a t i o n s
The most effective congestion mitigation and safety enhancement strategy would involve
increasing the number of students that walk and bik e to school. However, it is unrealistic to expect
considerable change in school commuting behavior be fore the next school year when school days
will be aligned. Until more active modes of transpo rtation are the dominant transportation choice,
additional on-street waiting areas may alleviate so me queuing and congestion in the short term.
The following potential alternatives may be employe d to distribute traffic and provide additional
queue storage.

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council
Glens Falls School District Traffic Circulation Stu dy

28 August 9, 2012

6 . 1 . 1 E n c o u r a g e t h e U s e o f C l a y t o n A v e n u e a n d G r a n t A v e n u e
E n t r a n c e P o i n t s
The pedestrian access points at Grant Avenue to the north and Clayton Avenue to the west were
underutilized. Both streets had ample on-street par king and maintained paths leading to school
entrance points. However, neither street had a cove red waiting area or sidewalks along the street,
amenities that would likely be needed for the area to be fully utilized. Additionally, the path to
Clayton Avenue crosses athletic fields, is not a pa ved or concrete surface and may be difficult to
maintain in the winter, and may not be suitable for pedestrian traffic at all times.
This alternative may be popular with parents as stu dents will be directly dropped off to and picked
up from the school campus, yet these parents will n ot have to navigate the more congested Quade
Street and Sherman Avenue.
6 . 1 . 2 R e s t r i c t P a r k i n g a l o n g Q u a d e S t r e e t S o u t h o f W e s t N o t r e
D a m e S t r e e t
The majority of parking along Quade Street is being used throughout the day by students.
Restricting parking along one or both sides of Quad e Street during the primary start and end times
for picking-up and dropping-off only will provide a great deal additional queue storage. The
displaced students will likely park on nearby neigh borhood streets, and many residents may resist
this daily influx of vehicles.
6 . 1 . 3 M o v e t h e p a r k i n g a i s l e a l o n g S h e r m a n A v e n u e
The existing parking aisle on the south side of She rman Avenue does not directly serve the High
School. By moving the parking aisle to the north si de of Sherman Avenue, westbound vehicles may
be able to drop off and pick up students directly t o the campus, eliminating the need for students to
have to cross Sherman Avenue. Additionally, the sou th side of Sherman Avenue has 11 driveways
and two roads intersecting the street between Clayt on Avenue and Cortland Street. Each roadway
and driveway breaks up the parking aisle, reduces t he number of parking spaces, and limits sight
distance. On the north side of Sherman Avenue, ther e are only three curbs to the school campus in
the same block: two for the high school parking lot and one for access to the athletic fields. Placing
the parking aisle on the north side of the street w ould maximize both pedestrian safety and queue
The transition along Sherman Avenue from parking on the south side to parking on the north side
of would need to be thoroughly reviewed and coordin ated with neighboring property owners. Signs
would need to be placed and it may be appropriate t o coordinate the change in parking with a
paving project in order to place centerline and par king aisle pavement markings to clearly delineate
the change in traffic pattern. It would be advisabl e to continue the north side parking west to the
next four-way stop intersection at Western Avenue.
Lastly, this adjustment in parking may be combined with hardscape treatments such as bulb-outs to
shorten crossing distances and deflect vehicles int o the newly realigned driving lane. Bulb-outs may
also be helpful at the midblock crosswalks between Larose Street and Cortland Street. At all school
driveways parking should be restricted within 20-fe et to provide for adequate sight distances.
6 . 1 . 4 E n c o u r a g e c o u n t e r – c l o c k w i s e c i r c u l a t i o n
Parents should be educated to encourage counter clo ckwise circulation along West Notre Dame
Street – Quade Street – Sherman Avenue and Grant Av enue – Quade Street – Shippey Street. This

Technical Report

Resource Systems Group, Inc. 29
Insights and Solutions for a Better World

counter clockwise circulation will allow students t
o directly access the school campus to and from
the vehicles without having to cross the street, el iminating many jaywalking instances.
6 . 2 Re s t r i c t A c c e s s to S c h o o l Pa r k i n g L o t s
Congestion within the existing school parking lots was cited as a concern. Currently, the school
parking lot entrance is signed to restrict unauthor ized vehicles. Beyond educating parents that the
lot is not for picking-up or dropping-off students, additional measures may be warranted such as
automatic gates further restricting access to the l ot, or potential officer enforcement of restrictions.
6 . 3 E n h a n c e d Te m p o ra r y S t r e e t C l o s u re B a r r i e r s
The temporary street closure barriers were effectiv e at keeping most
traffic from driving through the closed portion of Quade Street
between Shippey Street and West Notre Dame Street. This closure is
valuable in the reduction of through traffic and it s ability to create a
slower vehicle environment, allowing for enhanced p edestrian
circulation. Since these effects are only desired d uring the arrival and
dismissal periods, it is imperative that the barrie rs be temporary and
portable. The current temporary barriers, marketed as the Multi-
Gate Extendable Barricade and pictured at left set up on Quade
Street, suit this application.

According to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
(MUTCD), the temporary closure of the roadway for
approximately one hour would fall into a Category D , or short
duration, temporary traffic control situation (Sect ion 6G.02).
Under these circumstances, “simplified control proc edures may
be warranted”. A typical duration road closure invo lves advance
warning signs and type 3 barricades. However, given the short
duration of the closure, the amount of time to set up and remove
these control devices would be too difficult to reg ularly
implement. Additionally, the slow-speed neighborhoo d
environment, coupled with low traffic volumes and g eneral
driver familiarity with the devices allows drivers greater time to process the non-traditional traffic
control setup. The pedestrian benefits of the road closure outweigh the potential risks associated
with this method of street closure.
While the current barriers are acceptable for short term closures on these low volume streets, the
barriers were noted to be light and unstable. The b arriers were observed to be easily blown onto
the ground. The Multi-Gate Extendable Barricade pro duct specification indicates that these barriers
may be stabilized with up to 20 pounds of sand or w ater ballast in the base of the devices, and it is
recommended that this feature is utilized.
Based on the observed operation of Quade Street und er aligned school days and road closure
between West Notre Dame and Shippey Streets, more p ermanent, automated, and standard road
closure devices should be used. These devices may i nclude changeable LED “DO NOT ENTER” signs,
railroad-style gates, and flashing red lights that are activated during the arrival and dismissal
periods. Additionally, regulatory road signs may ne ed to be installed indicating the closure periods.
A more formal evaluation of the effectiveness of th e current practices under the aligned school days
is advised prior to the installation of these devic es.

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council
Glens Falls School District Traffic Circulation Stu dy

30 August 9, 2012

6 . 4 C o n s t r u c t N e w S i t e C i r c u l a t i o n Pa t te r n s
Four new site circulation patterns have been prelim inarily developed to review the potential
impacts to circulation. These alternatives are illu strated as attachments to this memorandum.
These hardscape enhancements would generally repres ent large investments. Illustrations of the
alternatives, including cost estimates and an alter natives evaluation chart, are presented in
Attachment B.
6 . 4 . 1 A l t e r n a t i v e 1 : S h e r m a n A v e n u e H i g h S c h o o l L o o p
The Sherman Avenue loop would build a new one-way d rop off roadway, intersecting with Stevens
Street. The loop may provide queue storage for 10 v ehicles. Additional congestion issues may arise
as eastbound Sherman Avenue vehicles queue to turn left, not allowing vehicles from the loop to
exit, which may create gridlock conditions as the l oop fills up. The entrance to the loop is close to
the Quade Street / Cortland Street intersection.
6 . 4 . 2 A l t e r n a t i v e 2 : Q u a d e S t r e e t t o S h e r m a n A v e n u e D r o p – O f f
The Quade to Sherman Drop-Off is similar to Alternative 1 but avoids some of the potential gridlock
conditions. The drop off drive may provide queue st orage for 12 vehicles. The entrance to the drop-
off drive is notably close to the Quade Street / Sh erman Avenue intersection.
6 . 4 . 3 A l t e r n a t i v e 3 : G r a n t A v e n u e A c c e s s R o a d
The Grant Avenue Access Road would create a one-way roadway from the Austin Street / Grant
Avenue intersection into the rear of the Middle Sch ool parking lot. The roadway would bisect some
athletic fields and provide queue storage for 5 veh icles. This access road would provide additional
vehicle access to the currently access restricted a nd congested Middle School Parking Lot.
6 . 4 . 4 A l t e r n a t i v e 4 : Q u a d e S t r e e t M i d d l e S c h o o l L o o p
The Quade Street Loop would create a one-way loop s outh of the Middle School entrance north of
Shippey Street. The southern exit from the loop wou ld intersect offset from Shippey Street. The
loop may potentially provide queue storage for 6 ve hicles.
6 . 5 I n c re a s e t h e Pe rc e n t a g e o f S t u d e n t s t h a t Wa l k / B i k e
/ B u s to S c h o o l
Increasing the number of students that utilize acti ve transportation as their primary transportation
method to school will decrease the number of vehicl es accessing the campus, thereby reducing
congestion and queuing. As described by the Centers for Disease Control, the National Center for
Safe Routes to School, and other advocacy groups ci te additional benefits to active commutes to
school, including:
 Increased levels of physical activity,
 Improved alertness,
 Heightened self-image and independence,
 Contribution to healthy social and emotional develo pment, and
 Increased likelihood of future active lifestyles.
To increase the mode share of active transportation , the following actions are recommended:

Technical Report

Resource Systems Group, Inc. 31
Insights and Solutions for a Better World

Walk / Bike Bus
Educate parents on the health, lifestyle and
educational benefits of biking and walking to
school; encourage students to walk or bike to
school on their own. Increase awareness of bus route and schedule,
and encourage greater bus ridership in
district newsletter.
Educate parents on reality of safety risks on
walking or biking to school, and compare to
the generally higher risk of driving.
Subsidize free or reduced student boarding
passes to East-West Commuter Route serving
the School.
Participate and register for Safe Routes to
School events, such as the annual Walk to
School Day and Bike to School Day (available
only for middle school). Construct / install a shelter for students to
wait protected from the elements.
Offer students incentives to walk or bike to
school, potentially with prizes for highest
annual weekly or monthly walking or biking
trip totals. Offer students incentives to ride the bus,
potentially with prizes for highest annual
weekly, monthly, or annual ridership
Replace old bike racks with new, functional,
well maintained racks in prominent locations
close to the school entrances.

Work with the City and A/GFTC to prioritize,
seek funding for, and construct missing
sidewalk segments, particularly the missing
curb ramps at new crossing locations and the
missing sections to the east of campus.
7 . 0 IM P L E M E N TAT I O N MAT R I X
The following implementation task schedule for the
recommended enhancements described in
Section 2.0 follows below:
Short Term Improvements:
Recommendation Description and Responsible Party (R P) Approximate Cost
Expand Quade Street Drop Off
Area Striping and signs between Sherman
Avenue and West Notre Dame Street
RP: Coordination between City of Glens
Falls DPW, School District $1,000
Shift Sherman Avenue Parking to
North Side of Street
New striping and signs, removing old
RP: DPW, School District $2,250
Encourage Counter Clockwise
Temporary signs and mailers
RP: School District N/A

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council
Glens Falls School District Traffic Circulation Stu dy

32 August 9, 2012

Recommendation Description and Responsible Party (R P) Approximate Cost
Increase Temporary Barrier
Ballast Sand bags placed in barrier ballast
RP: School District $100
Install All-Way Stop Control at
Shippey Street and Empire Avenue
Installation of signs and striping, plus
temporary warning flags
RP: DPW, Glens Falls Police
Department (GFPD) $800

Long Term Improvements:
Recommendation Description and Responsible Party (R
P) Approximate Cost
Improve City Sidewalk
Network Sidewalk and curb construction
RP: School District, DPW, A/GFTC $100 – $200 per
foot of sidewalk
Automatic Quade Street
Closure Features
New gates, signs, curbing, bulb-outs, and
RP: School District, DPW $95,000
Quade Street to Sherman
Avenue Loop Waiting Area
New curb, asphalt, sidewalk and drive
RP: School District, DPW $550,000

Programmatic Improvements:
Recommendation Description and Responsible Party (R
P) Approximate Cost
Promote Coordination with
Transit Publish transit maps and timetables with
school flyers; re-route PM East-West
Corridor route; waiting shelter at school on
Sherman Avenue; potential fare subsidies
RP: School District; GGFT; A/GFTC annual expenses to
promote activities
Participate in Active
Transportation Encouragement
Participate in national and statewide
events when possible; incentivize and
promote highest rider- / walker-ship
RP: School District; A/GFTC annual expenses to
promote activities

Short Term Improvements
Expand Quade Street Drop-Off AreaItem UnitQuantity
Unit Price Item Price
4″ YELLOW STRIPING LF 835 0.25 208.75 $
STREET CLEANING LS 1 250 250.00 $
TRAFFIC SIGNS EA 3 50 150.00 $
SIGN POSTS EA 3 100 300.00 $
Subtotal 908.75 $
Contingency (10%)90.88$ TOTAL 999.63$
Shift Sherman Avenue Parking to North Item UnitQuantity
Unit Price Item Price
4″ WHITE STRIPING LF 440 0.25 110.00 $
STREET CLEANING LS 1 250 250.00 $
TRAFFIC SIGNS EA 10 50 500.00 $
SIGN POSTS EA 10 100 1,000.00 $
Subtotal 2,035.00 $
Contingency (10%)203.50$ TOTAL 2,238.50$
Stop Signs at Shippey and Empire Item UnitQuantity
Unit Price Item Price
24″ STOP BAR LF 24 5 120.00 $
“STOP” MARKING EA 2 100 200.00 $
TRAFFIC SIGNS EA 2 100 200.00 $
SIGN POSTS EA 2 100 200.00 $
Subtotal 720.00 $
Contingency (10%)72.00$ TOTAL 792.00$
Long Term Improvements
Automatic Quade Street Closure FeaturesItem UnitQuantity
Unit Price Item Price
SIDEWALK SF 1200 30 $36,000.00
CURB LF 350 35 $12,250.00
MOBILIZATION / DEMOBILIZATION LS 1 10900 $10,900.00 Subtotal 70,900.00$
Engineering (20%)14,180.00$
Contingency (10%) 7,090.00 $
TOTAL 92,170.00 $
Quade Street to Sherman Avenue Loop Item UnitQuantity
Unit Price Item Price
20000 20,000.00 $
ASPHALT ROADWAY SF 6670 35 233,450.00 $
SIDEWALK SF 2801 30 84,030.00 $
CURB LF 665 50 33,250.00$
4″ WHITE STRIPING LF 240 0.25 60.00 $
TRAFFIC SIGNS EA 3 50 150.00 $
SIGN POSTS EA 3 100 300.00 $
Subtotal 421,760.00 $
Engineering (20%) 84,352.00 $
Contingency (10%)42,176.00$ TOTAL548,288.00$
Assumptions for all short term
improvements: No paving is
necessary, only street cleaning,
striping, and signs
A/GFTC – GFSD Traffic Circulation Study











































































































































































Alternative 1: Sherman Ave Loop
Approximate Cost:Evaluation of Features:
Site Preparation: LS 1 5000 5,000.00 $ Add. Parking 200′ (10 vehicles)
New Sidewalk: SF 1609 35 56,315.00$ Convenience Good
New Roadway: SF 5763 45 259,335.00 $ Circulation Good
Landscaping: LS 1 5000 5,000.00$ Safety Fair
Drainage: LS 1 10000 10,000.00$ Incidentals:LS120002,000.00$
Subtotal: 337,650.00$ Notes:
Engineering (10%): 33,765.00 $ Drive entrance close to Quade/Cortland and Stevens;
Contingency (20%): 67,530.00 $ Requires substantial landscaping to school green
Total: 438,945.00$
Alternative 2: Quade St to Sherman Ave Loop – PREFE RRED ALTERNATIVE
Approximate Cost:
Evaluation of Features:
Site Preparation: LS 1 8000 8,000.00 $ Add. Parking 240′ (12 vehicles)
New Sidewalk: SF 2801 35 98,035.00$ Convenience Good
New Roadway: SF 6609 45 297,405.00 $ Circulation Good
Landscaping: LS 1 7000 7,000.00$ Safety Good
Drainage: LS 1 10000 10,000.00$ Incidentals:LS130003,000.00$
Subtotal: 423,440.00$ Notes:
Engineering (10%): 42,344.00 $ Requires substantial landscaping to school green;
Contingency (20%): 84,688.00 $ Creates break in extended Quade St drop off zone
Total: 550,472.00$
Alternative 3: Grant Ave to Middle School Parking L ot
Approximate Cost:
Evaluation of Features:
Site Preparation: LS 1 5000 5,000.00 $ Add. Parking 320′ (16 vehicles)
New Sidewalk: SF 2303 35 80,605.00$ Convenience Fair
New Roadway: SF 8120 45 365,400.00 $ Circulation Fair
Landscaping: LS 1 5000 5,000.00$ Safety Fair
Drainage: LS 1 10000 10,000.00$ Incidentals:LS11500015,000.00$
Subtotal: 481,005.00$ Notes:
Engineering (10%): 48,100.50 $ Encourages access to Middle School lot, which has be en
Contingency (20%): 96,201.00$ identified as congested; Impacts to athletic fields
Total: 625,306.50$
Alternative 4: Quade Street Loop Approximate Cost:Site Preparation: LS 1 3000 3,000.00 $
Evaluation of Features:
New Sidewalk: SF 919 35 32,165.00$ Add. Parking 216′ (10 vehicles)
New Roadway: SF 5660 45 254,700.00 $ Convenience Good
Landscaping: LS 1 3000 3,000.00$ Circulation Fair
Drainage: LS 1 10000 10,000.00$ Safety Fair
Subtotal: 307,865.00$ Notes:
Engineering (10%): 30,786.50 $
Contingency (20%): 61,573.00 $
Total: 400,224.50 $
Overall: Safety concerns with the drive entrance
proximity to adjacent intersections discounted this
alternative as preferred
Overall: Reduced conflict with adjacent drives
enhances the viability of this alternative
Overall: Safety concerns with additional traffic through the congested Middle School lot, plus the
impacts to the athletic fields reduce the viability of
this alternative
Overall: Safety concerns with offset intersection
reduce the viability of this alternative
Creates new offset intersection at Quade and Shippe
Potential impacts to bike racks and Middle School
A/GFTC – GFSD Traffic Circulation Study

Bay / Cronin Intersection Evaluation

Prepared For:
Bay Road & Cronin Road Intersection Assessment
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, NY April, 2012
Prepared By:

April 2012 Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Intersection Evaluation
Page ii
Table of Contents
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………
……………………………….. ………… ii
List of Figures ………………………………………………………………
…………………………………. …………… ii
List of Tables………………………………………………………………
………………………………….. …………….iii
List of Appendices………………………………………………………………
………………………………. …………iii

Chapter 1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………
…………………………. ……… 1

A. Site Conditions ………………………………………………………………
…………………………………… 1
Chapter 2. Existing Conditions………………………………………………………………
…………………… ….. 2
A. Intersection Geometry ………………………………………………………………
…………………………. 2
B. Accident History ………………………………………………………………
C. Traffic Volumes ………………………………………………………………
Chapter 3. Alternatives ………………………………………………………………
…………………………. ……… 6
A. Alternative 1 ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………. 6
B. Alternative 2 ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………. 6
C. Alternative 3 ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………. 6
D. Alternative 4 ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………. 7
Chapter 4. Evaluation ………………………………………………………………
…………………………… ……. 12
A. Traffic Analysis ………………………………………………………………
1. Traffic Volume Forecasts:………………………………………………………………
…………….. 12
2. Level of Service and Capacity Analysis: …………………………………………………………. 13
B. Cost Estimates ………………………………………………………………
…………………………………. 1 5
C. Impacts………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………. 15
Chapter 5. Conclusions and Recommendations………………………………………………………………

List of Figures
Figure 2.1 – 2012 (ETC) Peak Hour Traffic Volumes …………………………………………………………. 5

Figure 3.1 – Alternative 1: Re-stripe Northbound and Southbound Approaches ……………………. 8
Figure 3.2 – Alternative 2: Restrict Left-turns from Cronin Road with Striping Modifications……. 9
Figure 3.3 – Alternative 3: Install a Traffic Signal with Striping Modifications ………………………. 10
Figure 3.4 – Alternative 4: Construct a Single-Lane Roundabout ………………………………………. 11
Figure 4.1 – 2022 (ETC+10) Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ………………………………………………….. 16

April 2012 Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Intersection Evaluation
Page iii
List of Tables
Table 2.1 – Intersection Accident Summary ………………………………………………………………
……… 3

Table 4.1 – Traffic Volume Forecasts ………………………………………………………………
…………….. 12
Table 4.2 – Levels of Service………………………………………………………………
…………………….. …. 13
Table 4.3 – Peak Hour Level of Service Summary …………………………………………………………… 14
Table 4.4 – Alternatives Comparison ………………………………………………………………
……………… 15

List of Appendices
Appendix A………………………………………………………………
………………………… Accident Evalua tion
Appendix B………………………………………………………………
………………………… Traffic Volume Data
Appendix C ………………………………………………………………
………………. Signal Warrant Evaluation
Appendix D ………………………………………………………………
………………… Level of Service Analysi s
Appendix E………………………………………………………………
…………. Planning Level Cost Estimates

April 2012 Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Intersection Evaluation
Page 1
Chapter 1. Introduction
This report summarizes the results of an accident records review and the evaluation and
comparison of several intersection improvements for the Bay Road / Cronin Road intersection in
the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York. The project location is shown in the
Google aerial image below:

A. Site Conditions
The Bay Road / Cronin Road intersection is located in the southern portion of the Town of
Queensbury approximately 1/3 mile north of the Quaker Road/NY Route 254 commercial
corridor. Bay Road (County Route 7) travels north/south through the Town connecting
Queensbury with the City of Glens Falls. Cronin Road is a Town road travelling east/west
through the Town from Bay Road to Ridge Road (NY Route 9L). There are several commercial
land uses at the intersection that impact operations including the Stewart’s Shop (with gas
pumps), the Harvest Restaurant, and the O’Leary Chiropractic Center. The intersection also
serves as the primary access route to Adirondack Community College.

Pedestrians are accommodated through a sidewalk on the west side of Bay Road extending
from Quaker Road to about 700 feet north of Cronin Road. On the east side of Bay Road, there
is a sidewalk extending from Cronin Road to Quaker Road. There are no sidewalks along
Cronin Road. Bicyclists are accommodated through a striped shoulder/bicycle lane on the east
and west sides of Bay Road north of Cronin Road.

April 2012 Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Intersection Evaluation
Page 2
Chapter 2. Existing Conditions
A. Intersection Geometry
The Bay Road / Cronin Road intersection is a four-way intersection operating under stop sign
control on the eastbound and westbound approaches. The northbound Bay Road approach to
Cronin Road provides a shared left-turn/through lane and a separate right-turn lane. The lack of
shoulder on the northbound approach makes the right-turn from Bay Road onto Cronin Road a
difficult maneuver that requires vehicle slowing and off-tracking, especially for large vehicles. In
addition, there is little separation between the travel lane and the flush sidewalk. This makes
walking in this quadrant of the intersection feel “unfriendly”, meaning that pedestrians may be
less comfortable at this location than in areas with a greater buffer between the sidewalk and
travel lane.

The southbound approach to the intersection provides a left-turn lane and a shared
through/right-turn lane with two receiving lanes exiting the intersection. The presence of two
southbound receiving lanes at the intersection creates confusion on all intersection approaches
by providing too many travel movement choices, increasing the potential for accidents. The
eastbound O’Leary Chiropractic Center driveway and westbound Cronin Road approaches
provide a single lane for shared through and turning movements. Departing the intersection,
there is a single northbound lane, two southbound lanes, a single lane eastbound on Cronin
Road and a single lane entering the chiropractor’s office. The intersection geometry is shown in
the following Bing aerial image.

Truck slowing and driving over the sidewalk to
maneuver the Bay Road northbound right-turn
movement onto Cronin Road Pedestrian walking northbound on Bay Road on the
innermost portion of the sidewalk away from vehicles

April 2012 Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Intersection Evaluation
Page 3

B. Accident History
An accident analysis was performed for the Bay Road / Cronin Road intersection using accident
data provided by the Warren County Department of Public Works and New York State
Department of Transportation. The analysis includes crashes that occurred from November 1,
2006 through December 31, 2011. Table 2.1 summarizes the accident history at the study area
intersection. In addition, a detailed accident summary sheet, collision diagram, and detailed
accident history are included in Appendix A.

Table 2.1 – Intersection Accident Summary
Accident Severity Accident Type
Fatal Injury Property
Right Angle 0 10 19 2 31
Rear End 0 0 8 0 8
Left Turn 0 3 1 1 5
Overtaking/Sideswipe 0 0 1 0 1
Total 0 13 29 3 45 1 A non-reportable accident indicates no personal injuries occurred and property damages totaled less than $1,000.

Table 2.1 shows that there have been 45 accidents at the Bay Road / Cronin Road intersection
over the last six years. Based on the data, 30 of these accidents occurred within the last three
years. The data also shows the following:

April 2012 Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Intersection Evaluation
Page 4

 All the accidents occurred between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. which suggests that
night-time visibility is not the primary contributing factor of the crash history.
 Almost 70% of the accidents involved right angle crashes between vehicles on the
Bay Road northbound and Cronin Road westbound intersection approaches.
 Almost 15% of the accidents involved two or more southbound vehicles, indicating
that there is some confusion on the southbound approach to the intersection. Rear-
end collisions are the primary accident type on the southbound approach.

The intersection improvement alternatives developed and evaluated as part of this study will
consider options to improve the two accident trends identified above: the northbound/westbound
right angle vehicle crashes and the southbound rear-end crashes.

The intersection accident rate was calculated and compared to the statewide average for
intersections on state roads with similar geometry and traffic control. The accident rate for the
subject intersection is 1.37 accidents per million entering vehicles (acc/MEV) as compared to
the statewide average of 0.15 acc/MEV. It is noted that the statewide average is calculated for
state roadways only and that since the Bay Road and Cronin Road are county and local roads,
respectively, the characteristics may be slightly different.

C. Traffic Volumes
Intersection turning movement traffic counts were conducted at the Bay Road/Cronin Road
intersection on January 25, 2012 during the weekday AM peak period from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m.,
noon peak period from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and the PM peak period from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.
The raw traffic volumes are included in Appendix B. Automatic Traffic Recorders (ATRs) were
placed on all approaches to the intersection from February 2, 2012 to February 3, 2012 to
collect daily volume and travel speed data. The peak hour traffic counts provide existing traffic
conditions at the study intersection as summarized on Figure 2.1 and form the basis for all traffic
forecasts. The following observations are evident based on the existing traffic volume data:

 The weekday AM peak hour occurred from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. Heavy vehicles and
school buses account for 1% of intersection volumes during the AM peak hour.
 The noon peak hour occurred from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Heavy vehicles and school
buses account for 1% of intersection volumes during the noon peak hour.
 The PM peak hour occurred from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. Heavy vehicles and school
buses account for 1% of intersection volumes during the PM peak hour.

111-253 Bay & Cronincadddgn
PROJECT: DATE: 111-253 04/2012 FIGURE:2.1





April 2012 Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Intersection Evaluation
Page 6
Chapter 3. Alternatives
Based on a review of the existing traffic conditions and accident analysis, four alternatives have
been developed for evaluation. The proposed alternative and accident reduction benefit for
each is described below.

A. Alternative 1
Alternative 1 involves re-striping the northbound and southbound intersection approaches to
provide a dedicated left-turn lane and a shared through/right-turn lane on those approaches.
The two exclusive left-turn lanes would be striped opposite each other as is typical for an
intersection with a clearly delineated single departure lane. This improvement can be extended
to re-stripe Bay Road with a center two-way left-turn lane between Cronin Road and Glenwood
Avenue as shown on Figure 3.1. However, the expanded striping improvement is not needed
for accident reduction benefits at the Bay Road / Cronin Road intersection. The eastbound and
westbound intersection approaches would continue to operate under stop sign control with
single lane approaches.

By shifting the northbound travel lanes toward the Bay Road centerline and removing the right-
turn lane to create a shoulder, sight distances for vehicles on the Cronin Road approach would
be improved and off-tracking on the right-turn movement from Bay Road to Cronin Road would
be minimized. In addition, the increased buffer to the sidewalk will provide a higher level of
comfort for pedestrians walking in this area. Creating a single receiving lane on Bay Road
southbound reduces the confusion and potential for rear-end collisions on this intersection
approach. Based upon information published by the New York State Department of
Transportation in the Post Implementation Evaluation System (NYSDOT PIES), channelization,
with the addition of left-turn lanes with painted separation as proposed in this alternative, has
the potential to reduce left-turn crashes by 44%, rear end crashes by 43%, and right-angle
crashes by 46%.

B. Alternative 2
Alternative 2 includes installing the striping modifications identified in Alternative 1 in addition to
restricting left-turns and through movements from Cronin Road. This should be accomplished
through construction of a raised median on Cronin Road at the intersection as illustrated on
Figure 3.2. The physical restriction has the potential to eliminate almost 70% of the accidents at
the intersection. With the turn restriction from Cronin Road, vehicles have the option to access
Quaker Road via the traffic signal at Meadowbrook Road, which is immediately east of Cronin
Road. It is noted that with removal of the Cronin Road left-turn and through vehicles from the
intersection, the traffic volumes at the intersection do not meet the volume criteria for traffic
signal installation. Traffic signal criteria are discussed further under Alternative 3.

C. Alternative 3
Alternative 3 includes installing the re-striping improvements as identified in Alternative 1 in
conjunction with a traffic signal. Criteria for consideration of traffic signal installation are
contained in the 2009 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (National MUTCD), published
by the Federal Highway Administration (FHW). This publication specifies the minimum criteria
which must be met in order for a new traffic signal to be justified. The satisfaction of a signal
warrant in itself is not necessarily justification for installation for a traffic signal. Other
engineering and operational factors need to be considered.

April 2012 Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Intersection Evaluation
Page 7
The existing traffic conditions, pedestrian characteristics, and physical characteristics of the
intersection were compared to the five of the nine signal warrants contained in the National
MUTCD that are applicable to this intersection. The analysis, as contained in Appendix C,
shows that the existing traffic conditions at the Bay Road / Cronin Road intersection meet the
traffic signal warrant criteria for the traffic volume warrants (warrants 1, 2, and 3). The criteria
are not met for the pedestrian volume warrant (warrant 4) or the crash experience warrant
(warrant 8). The crash experience warrant requires that “adequate trial of alternatives with
satisfactory observance and enforcement has failed to reduce the crash frequency”. Since
previous crash reduction alternatives have not been attempted at this intersection, the warrant is
not satisfied. However, due to the satisfaction of the traffic volume warrants, a traffic signal is
considered for installation at this intersection as illustrated on Figure 3.3.

Installation of a traffic signal would actively assign right of way to vehicles approaching the
intersection and reduce the need for drivers to judge the gap length for entering the traffic
stream on Bay Road, which could significantly reduce the northbound/westbound crashes.
Therefore, according to NYSDOT PIES data, in addition to the crash reduction factors as
identified with Alternative 1, installation of a traffic signal has the potential to reduced left-turn
crashes by 27%, rear end crashes by 12%, and right-angle by 42%.

D. Alternative 4
Alternative 4 includes the construction of a single-lane roundabout at the study intersection.
This improvement reduces the number and severity of crashes by reducing the potential for
conflict. Information published by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety show that
installation of a roundabout reduces the overall number of crashes by 40% and reduces the
severity, specifically injury accidents, by 80%. The roundabout provides the benefit of allowing
full movement at the intersection while reducing the potential for conflict. One primary difficulty
associated with a roundabout is the amount of space required for construction and the impacts
to private parcels. Figure 3.4 illustrates one potential alignment for the roundabout that
minimizes the number of private parcel and utility impacts.






F:Projects1I-253 Bay & CronincadddgnfiguresI-253_fi
1″ = 100′






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April 2012 Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Intersection Evaluation
Page 12
Chapter 4. Evaluation
Four alternatives are being progressed for evaluation. The proposed alternative and accident
reduction benefit for each is described below.

A. Traffic Analysis
1. Traffic Volume Forecasts:
The design year or Estimated Time of Completion (ETC) for this project is expected during the
2012 construction season. To evaluate the four alternatives, traffic projections were prepared
for the ETC+10 (2022) conditions. The projected volumes include background traffic growth
and trips from other planned developments in the area. Based on a review of traffic volumes
collected by Creighton Manning in 2007, traffic volumes along Bay Road have increased by
approximately 2% per year over the last 5 years. Therefore, the existing 2012 traffic volumes
were increased by a 2% annual growth rate for 10 years to arrive at the 2022 background
growth volumes. Traffic from three additional projects was accounted for in the No-Build traffic
volumes. The projects include the following:

 Fairfield Professional Office, which consists of approximately 96,000 square feet
(SF) of office space to be constructed along Baybridge Drive
 Baybrook Professional Park, which consists of 40,000 SF of office space and 36
apartments to be constructed along Willowbrook Drive
 Cottage Hill, which consists of 188 condominiums to be constructed along Baybridge

The trips associated with these developments were added to the background growth volumes to
arrive at the 2022 No-Build traffic volumes as shown in Table 4.1 and Figure 4.1.

Table 4.1 – Traffic Volume Forecasts
Bay Road – northbound
ETC 2012 7,915 8451
ETC+10 (2022) 11,240 1,2251
Bay Road – southbound
ETC 2012 7,140 8252
ETC+10 (2022) 10,585 1,2002
Driveway – eastbound
ETC 2012 230 123
ETC+10 (2022) 275 143
Cronin Road – westbound
ETC 2012 1,500 1253
ETC+10 (2022) 1,820 1503 1 AM Peak Hour 2 Noon Peak Hour 3 PM Peak Hour
ETC = Estimated Time of Completion
ADT = Average Daily Traffic (one-way)
DDHV = Directional Design Hourly Volume (one-way)

April 2012 Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Intersection Evaluation
Page 13
2. Level of Service and Capacity Analysis:
Intersection Level of Service (LOS) and capacity analysis relate traffic volumes to the physical
characteristics of an intersection. Intersection evaluations were made using Synchro8 which
automates the procedures contained in the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual . Evaluations were
also completed using SIDRA software to analyze a roundabout at the study intersection. Levels
of service range from A to F with level of service A conditions considered excellent with very
little vehicle delay while level of service F generally represents conditions with long vehicle
delays. Table 4.2 identifies the levels of service and associated delay ranges for each type of
traffic control. Appendix D contains detailed descriptions of LOS criteria for signalized,
unsignalized, and roundabout controlled intersections, the detailed level of service reports, and
detailed level of service summary tables.

Table 4.2 – Levels of Service
Control Delay (sec/veh) Level of
Service Unsignalized
Signalized or Roundabout
A < 10.0 < 10.0 B >10.0 and < 15.0 >10.0 and < 20.0 C >15.0 and < 25.0 >20.0 and < 35.0 D >25.0 and < 35.0 >35.0 and < 55.0 E >35.0 and < 50.0 >55.0 and < 80.0 F >50.0 >80.0

The relative impact of the four alternatives proposed can be determined by comparing the level
of service during the design year for the No-Build and Build traffic conditions. Tables 3.3
through 3.5 summarize the results of the Level of Service calculations for the AM, noon, and PM
peak hours, respectively.

Standard traffic analysis procedures call for the collection of data during the peak periods. The
peak 1-hour traffic volumes are then determined, followed by the peak 15-minute period. It is
noted that during the AM peak hours, the 15-minute interval was highly influenced by students
arriving and departing the college. Therefore, the AM peak hour results are reflective of the
concentrated college traffic.

April 2012 Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Intersection Evaluation
Page 14
Table 4.3 – Peak Hour Level of Service Summary
Intersection Configuration Bay Rd/Cronin Rd
Approach and geometry
Existing Alt 1
Alt 2
Re-striping &
WB restriction
Alt 3
Re-striping &
Alt 4
AM Peak Hour: 2012 (ETC)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB
Bay Rd NB Bay Rd SB B (11.0)
F (**)
A (0.4)
B (13.0) B (11.0)
F (**)
A (8.3)
B (13.1) B (11.0)
E (40.1)
A (8.3)
B (13.1) C (22.4)
C (25.9)
C (20.1)
A (4.0) A (5.8)
D (39.0)
A (6.5)
A (6.4)
Overall — — — B (16.5) A (9.3)
AM Peak Hour: 2022 (ETC+10)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB Bay Rd NB
Bay Rd SB B (13.3)
F (**)
A (9.0)
C (23.8) B (13.3)
F (**)
A (9.0)
C (24.4) B (13.3)
F (**)
A (9.0)
C (24.4) C (24.3)
F (131)
F (141) A (4.4) A (8.4)
F (262)
F (118) A (6.4)
Overall — — — F (103) F (98.2)
Noon Peak Hour: 2012 (ETC)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB Bay Rd NB
Bay Rd SB B (14.5)
F (75.3) A (0.0)
A (9.0) B (14.5)
F (101) A (9.3)
A (9.0) B (14.5)
B (11.7)
A (9.3)
A (9.0) B (15.6)
B (18.1)
A (6.1)
B (10.2) B (10.2)
B (12.4)
A (6.1)
A (6.5)
Overall — — — A (9.2) A (6.7)
Noon Peak Hour: 2022 (ETC+10)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB
Bay Rd NB Bay Rd SB C (21.1)
F (**)
A (0.0)
B (10.4) C (21.1)
F (**)
B (11.0)
B (10.5) C (21.1)
B (14.9)
B (11.0)
B (10.5) C (24.8)
C (28.7)
A (6.2)
B (15.3) C (25.2)
B (15.0)
A (6.4)
A (9.0)
Overall — — — B (12.6) A (8.4)
PM Peak Hour: 2012 (ETC)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB
Bay Rd NB Bay Rd SB C (19.0)
F (80.9)
A (0.1)
A (9.1) C (19.4)
F (124)
A (9.2)
A (9.1) C (19.4)
B (12.2)
A (9.2)
A (9.1) C (22.9)
C (27.0)
A (4.6)
A (5.3) A (9.6)
B (12.8)
A (5.9)
A (6.6)
Overall — — — A (6.9) A (6.8)
PM Peak Hour: 2022 (ETC+10)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB Bay Rd NB
Bay Rd SB E (45.5)
F (**)
A (0.2)
B (10.6) F (51.3)
F (**)
B (10.7)
B (10.8) F (50.3)
C (16.3) B (10.7)
B (10.8) C (22.5)
C (32.2)
A (7.6)
B (13.3) C (20.7)
B (15.8) A (6.2)
A (8.6)
Overall — — — B (12.4) A (8.2)
EB, WB, NB, SB = Eastbound, Westbound, Northbound, Southbound
X (Y.Y) = Level of Service (average delay in seconds per vehicl e) reported for the critical movement for unsignalized intersect ions
and the overall approach for signalized intersections
— = Not Applicable
** = average delay greater than 200 seconds

The level of service analysis shows that under stop control, the westbound Cronin Road
approach to the intersection generally operates at longer level of service F conditions when left-
turns are allowed. This is especially true during the AM peak hour when the college arrival
period significantly affects operations at the intersection for a 15-minute period. The analysis
also shows that as funding is available, capacity improvements or turn restrictions (as identified
in Alternatives 2, 3, and 4) should be implemented at the intersection.

April 2012 Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Intersection Evaluation
Page 15
B. Cost Estimates
The estimated costs for the four alternatives at the Bay Road/Cronin Road intersection include
both construction costs and soft costs such as design engineering, detailed cost estimates,
preparation of construction documents, public bidding process, right-of-way acquisition, and
construction inspection. The estimates are considered planning level and do not include
potential relocation of existing utilities. Based on recent bid results and prior experience with
projects on New York State highways, planning level cost estimates for each of the four
alternatives are provided below. Additional cost estimate information is included in Appendix E.

 Alternative 1 – Re-striping = $50,000
 Alternative 2 – Re-striping & Westbound Turn Restriction = $75,000
 Alternative 3 – Re-striping & Signal Installation = $200,000
 Alternative 4 – Roundabout Construction = $1,725,000

All alternative cost estimates would be increased by $125,000 if the striping improvements are
extended to Glenwood Avenue as described in the Alternative 1 narrative in Section 3.A. The
striping improvements are completed through removing and replacing the top layer of asphalt to
provide a clean surface for re-striping.

C. Impacts
Table 4.6 provides a comparison of the four intersection alternatives. The table qualifies each
alternative as having high, medium, or low impacts associated with multiple criteria and good,
adequate, or poor operational characteristics.

Table 4.4 – Alternatives Comparison
Criteria Alternative
Re-striping &
WB restriction
Re-striping &
Accident reduction benefit Medium High Medium High
Intersection operations as compared to
existing Similar Improved Improved Improved
Access impacts to adjacent properties
and drivers Low High Medium High
Right-of-way impacts
None None Low High
Utility impacts None None Potentially High High
Maintenance concerns None Medium None Medium
Traffic diversion None High Low Low
Cost $50,000 $75,000 $200,000 $1,725,000

It is noted that similar to existing conditions, intersection operations, especially during the AM
peak hour, will be poor on the Cronin Road approach to the intersection. The traffic diversion
potential for Alternatives 3 and 4 refers to the access changes that would likely occur at the
adjacent land uses and is not associated with a slightly more regional diversion.

111-253 Bay & Cronincadddgn
PROJECT: DATE: 111-253 04/2012 FIGURE:4.1

2022 (ETC + 10) PEAK HOUR




April 2012 Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Intersection Evaluation
Page 17
Chapter 5. Conclusions and Recommendations
This report summarizes the results of an accident analysis for the Bay Road / Cronin Road
intersection and the evaluation of several intersection improvements with the potential to
mitigate the intersection crash history. The evaluation compares the benefits and impacts
associated with the four alternatives developed, including operational analyses for the ETC
(2012) and ETC+10 (2022) conditions to identify future needs at the intersection.

Based on the accident analysis, the intersection crash rate is more than nine times higher than
the statewide average for similar intersections. The analysis shows there are two primary
accident patterns at the intersection. Almost 70% off all accidents in the study period involve
crashes between northbound and westbound vehicles and nearly 15% of the accidents involve
two or more southbound vehicles. Mitigating these two crash patterns is the primary concern
when determining the preferred intersection improvement strategy.

The four alternatives under consideration include:
 Alternative 1: Re-stripe the northbound and southbound approaches to provide
separate left-turn and shared through/right-turn lanes
 Alternative 2: Re-stripe the northbound and southbound approaches to provide left-
turn and shared through/right-turn lanes and restrict westbound left-turn and through
movements by constructing a raised median.
 Alternative 3: Re-stripe the northbound and southbound approaches to provide left-
turn and shared through/right-turn lanes and install a traffic signal
 Alternative 4: Construct a single-lane roundabout

When comparing the four alternatives, Alternative 1 provides the greatest potential accident
reduction benefit for the lowest cost and impacts. It is noted that consistent with existing
conditions, the westbound Cronin Road approach to the intersection will operate at level of
service F during the three peak hours. However, the trade-off between the intersection
operations, the minimal impacts, and low cost may outweigh the intersection operations
considerations. Therefore, implementation of Alternative 1 is recommended during the 2012
spring construction season. Subsequent to implementation, intersection accident records
should be reviewed annually to confirm the effectiveness of the improvements. If the
improvements are not proving effective in reducing the number and severity of accidents at the
intersection, further measures should be implemented.

Restriction of left-turn movements from Cronin Road (Alternative 2) or installation of a traffic
signal (Alternative 3) would both further reduce the number of accidents at the Bay Road /
Cronin Road intersection. While construction of a roundabout (Alternative 4) would also reduce
the number and severity of accidents, due to the cost, this alternative is considered not feasible
at this time.

Construction of a raised median on the Cronin Road approach to Bay Road to restrict left-turns
and through movements from Cronin Road onto Bay Road would be an unpopular decision for
the general traveling public from the east. In addition, the construction of a raised median can
make snow maintenance efforts cumbersome. However, restricting the left-turn movements has
the potential to eliminate future crashes. The crash data shows that these movements account
for almost 70% of the 45 crashes experienced at the intersection over the last five years.
Drivers have alternate routes on the existing transportation network that have sufficient capacity
to accommodate the re-routed traffic.

April 2012 Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Intersection Evaluation
Page 18
Several warrants for traffic signal installation
are met and capacity analyses indicate that the
intersection would operate with improved levels
of service under traffic signal control while
generally maintaining existing traffic patterns.
However, installation of a traffic signal is
problematic due to the existing overhead
utilities at the intersection. The adjacent
photograph shows some of the overhead utility
conflicts at the intersection. Existing utility
poles would likely require relocation in order to
meet utility spacing requirements. Review of
available mapping indicates that the existing
utility poles appear to be outside of the existing
right-of-way meaning that funding for utility pole
relocation is the responsibility of the project

It is recommended that Alternative 1 be implemented at the Bay Road / Cronin Road
intersection during the spring/summer 2012 construction season to mitigate the existing
accident patterns at the intersection. After one year, the accident records should be reviewed to
identify the effectiveness of the re-striping effort. Growth in the corridor should also be
monitored, as the level of service analysis shows that capacity improvements should be
provided as growth in the corridor increases.

If the accident and traffic volume data indicate that additional mitigation measures are needed,
Alternative 2 or Alternative 3 could be implemented. At this time, implementation of Alternative
2 represents a logical, low-cost, minimal impact option to further address existing safety
concerns if Alternative 1 proves insufficient. However, installation of a traffic signal is also a
viable intersection improvement. Therefore, if additional improvements are needed, the County
and other involved parties will need to evaluate the potential physical impacts and costs versus
the accident reduction and capacity benefits. The evaluation should include:
 Further definition of right-of-way impacts
 Capacity analyses to confirm expected corridor growth
 Cost estimate comparison with specific utility impacts
 Funding sources and budgetary constraints

Existing overhead utility conflicts at the Bay Road /
Cronin Road intersection

Appendix A
Accident Evaluation

Transportation Assessment Bay Road/Cronin Road
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York

Appendix B
Traffic Volume Data

Transportation Assessment Bay Road/Cronin Road
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York

Appendix C
Signal Warrant Evaluation

Transportation Assessment Bay Road/Cronin Road
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York

The purpose of this evaluation is to summarize the results of a traffic signal warrant analysis at
the intersection of Bay Road and Cronin Road. The existing and future traffic conditions,
pedestrian characteristics, and physical characteristics of the intersection were compared to five
of the nine signal warrants contained in the National Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
(MUTCD). The intersection currently operates under stop sign control on the eastbound and
westbound approaches. The northbound approach provides an exclusive right-turn lane and a
shared through/left-turn lane while the southbound approach provides an exclusive left-turn lane
and a shared through/right-turn lane. The eastbound and westbound approaches provide a
single lane for shared travel movements.

Description of Warrants
Warrant 1, Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume
– This warrant is satisfied if for any eight hours of an
average day the traffic volumes for Condition A or Condition B specified in Table 4C-1 of the
MUTCD are met for the major-street and the higher volume minor-street approach to the

Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume
– This warrant is met when for any four hours of an
average day, points plotted on the graph presented on Figure 4C-1 of the MUTCD fall above the
appropriate curve.

Warrant 3, Peak Hour
– This warrant is met when for any one hour of an average day, points
plotted on the graph presented on Figure 4C-3 of the MUTCD fall above the appropriate curve.

Warrant 4, Pedestrian Volume
– This warrant is satisfied when for any four hours of an average
day, points plotted on the graph presented on Figure 4C-5 of the MUTCD fall above the
appropriate curve. This warrant is also satisfied if for any one hour of an average day, points
plotted on the graph presented on Figure 4C-7 fall above the appropriate curve.

Warrant 7, Crash Experience
– This warrant is used when the severity and frequency of crashes
are the primary reason for installation of a traffic signal. This warrant is satisfied when adequate
trial of alternatives has failed to reduce the crash frequency, five or more crashes of a type
susceptible to correction by a traffic signal have occurred within the last 12 months, and when
traffic volumes at the intersection exceed the 80% thresholds identified in warrant 1 for eight
hours of an average day.

Warrants 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 are analyzed in detail in the next section.

Detailed Signal Warrants Analysis
Warrants 1, 2, and 3
– Average hourly traffic volumes recorded by Creighton Manning and
turning movement counts serve as the basis for the signal warrant analysis. Table 1
summarizes the analysis of Warrants 1, 2, and 3. A checkmark under the “Signal Warrants
Met?” column indicates that the criteria are satisfied for that hour.

Table 1 – Summary of Signal Warrant Analysis
Existing 2012 Volumes Signal Warrants Met?
#1 Time Begin
(1-hour period) Bay Rd Cronin Rd Cond. A Cond. B #2 #3
7:00 AM 786 89 

8:00 AM 1,094 105 

9:00 AM 1,009 102 

10:00 AM 1,144 97 

11:00 AM 1,168 97 

12:00 PM 1,347 128 
 
1:00 PM 1,242 125 

2:00 PM 1,040 122 

3:00 PM 1,438 146 
 
4:00 PM 1,272 112 

5:00 PM 1,151 115 

6:00 PM 594 64
7:00 PM 481 39
8:00 PM 449 29
9:00 PM 264 29
One Lane Major Street 500 750 Required
Volumes One Lane Minor Street 150 75 See Figure
4C-1 See Figure
Overall Warrant Met? No Yes Yes

Table 1 shows that the traffic volumes at the intersection meet the signal warrant thresholds for
installation of a traffic signal for the eight-hour, four-hour and peak hour scenarios.

Warrant 4, Pedestrian Volume
– Review of the signal warrant criteria indicates that a minimum
of 107 pedestrians crossing the major street per hour is needed to satisfy criteria A and that a
minimum of 133 pedestrians crossing the major street per hour is needed to satisfy criteria B.
The corresponding vehicular volumes are 1,100 and 1,450 vehicles on the major street,
respectively. Review of the traffic volume data shows that only one pedestrian was observed
crossing the street during the AM peak hour while 7 pedestrians were observed crossing the
street during the PM peak hour. Based upon the available data, the pedestrian and vehicle
volumes at this intersection do not meet thresholds and the warrant is not satisfied.

Warrant 7, Crash Experience
– Review of the crash data at the Bay Rd/Cronin Rd intersections
shows that there were 45 accidents reported over the last six years, eleven of which occurred
within the last 12 months. The 45 reported accidents included 31 right-angle, 8 rear end, 5 left-
turn, and one overtaking accident. The right-angle, rear-end and left-turn accidents are
susceptible to correction by a traffic signal. However, installation of a traffic signal based upon
the crash experience warrant requires “adequate trial of alternatives with satisfactory
observance and enforcement has failed to reduce the crash frequency”.

The above analysis shows that the existing traffic conditions at the Bay Road/Cronin Road
intersection meet the traffic signal warrant criteria for Warrants 1, 2, and 3. Therefore, a traffic
signal should be considered for installation at this intersection.

Figure 4C-1
Four-Hour Vehicular Volume Warrant
Source: Federal MUTCD
100 200 300 400
600 700 800
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Major Street-Total of Both Approaches-Vehicles Per Hour (VPH)
Minor Street Higher-Volume Approach-VPH
1 lane artery approaches and1 lane side road approaches

Figure 4C-3
Peak Hour Volume Warrant
Source: Federal MUTCD
100 200 300
500 600 700
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 Major Street-Total of Both Approaches-Vehicles Per Hour (VPH)
Minor Street Higher-Volume Approach-VPH
1 lane artery approaches and 1 lane side road approaches

Appendix D
Level of Service Analysis

Transportation Assessment Bay Road/Cronin Road
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York

LOS Definitions

The following is an excerpt from the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual

Level of Service for Signalized Intersections
Level of service for a signalized intersection is define d in terms of control delay, which is a measure of
driver discomfort, frustration, fuel consumption, an d increased travel time. The delay experienced by a
motorist is made up of a number of factors that relate to control, geometrics, traffic, and incidents. Total
delay is the difference between the travel time actual ly experienced and the reference travel time that
would result during base conditions: in the absence of traffic control, geometric delay, any incidents, and
any other vehicles. Specifically, LOS criteria for traffic signals are stated in terms of the average control
delay per vehicle, typically for a 15-minute analysis period. Delay is a complex measure and depends on
a number of variables, including the quality of progress ion, the cycle length, the green ratio, and the v/c
ratio for the lane group. Levels of service are defined to represent r easonable ranges in control delay.

LOS A describes operations with low control delay, up to 10 s/veh. This LOS occurs when progression is
extremely favorable and most vehicles arrive during the green phase. Many vehicles do not stop at all.
Short cycle lengths may tend to contribute to low delay.

LOS B describes operations with control delay greater than 10 and up to 20 s/veh. This level generally
occurs with good progression, short cy cle lengths, or both. More vehicles stop than with LOS A, causing
higher levels of delay.

LOS C describes operations with contro l delay greater than 20 and up to 35 s/veh. These higher delays
may result from only fair progression, longer cycle l engths, or both. Individual cycle failures may begin to
appear at this level. Cycle failure occurs when a given green phase does not serve queued vehicles, and
overflows occur. The number of v ehicles stopping is significant at this level, though many still pass
through the intersection without stopping.

LOS D describes operations with contro l delay greater than 35 and up to 55 s/veh. At LOS D, the
influence of congestion becomes more noticeable. Longer delays may result from some combination of
unfavorable progression, long cycle lengths, and high v/ c ratios. Many vehicles stop, and the proportion
of vehicles not stopping declines. Individual cycle failures are noticeable.

LOS E describes operations with control delay greater th an 55 and up to 80 s/veh. These high delay
values generally indicate poor progression, long cycl e lengths, and high v/c ratios. Individual cycle
failures are frequent.

LOS F describes operations with control delay in ex cess of 80 s/veh. This level, considered
unacceptable to most drivers, often occurs with oversa turation, that is, when arrival flow rates exceed the
capacity of lane groups. It may also occur at high v/c ratios with many individual cycle failures. Poor
progression and long cycle lengths may also be contribute significantly to high delay levels.

Average control delay and queue length at roundabout controlled intersections are calculated using
SIDRA Intersection. The physical geometry such as entry lane width and approach flare, and traffic
volume at the roundabout are factor s that influence the intersection’s performance. The average delay
reported using SIRA Intersection is based on the HCM Method of Delay for Level-of-Service.

Level of Service Criteria for Unsignalized Intersections

Four measures are used to describe the performance of two-way stop controlled intersections: control
delay, delay to major street through vehicles, queue l ength, and v/c ratio. The primary measure that is
used to provide an estimate of LOS is control delay. This measure can be estimated for any movement
on the minor (i.e., stop-controlled) street. By summing delay estimates for individual movements, a delay
estimate for each minor street movement and mino r street approach can be achieved. The level of
service criteria is given in Exhibit 17-2/22.

For all-way stop controlled (AWSC) intersections, the average control delay (in seconds per vehicle) is
used as the primary measure of performance. Control delay is the increased time of travel for a vehicle
approaching and passing through an AWSC intersection, compared with a free-flow vehicle if it were not
required to slow or stop at the intersection.

Exhibit 17-2/22: Level-of-Service Crit eria for Stop Controlled Intersections
Level of Service Control Delay (sec/veh)
A < 10.0 B >10.0 and < 15.0 C >15.0 and < 25.0 D >25.0 and < 35.0 E >35.0 and < 50.0 F >50.0

2012 AM Peak Hour
Intersection 2012 Existing Alt 1 Re-striping Alt 2 Re-striping & WB restriction
Alt 3 Re-striping & Signal
Alt 4 Roundabout
Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB
Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR
TR B (11.0)
F (**)
A (0.4)
A (0.0)
B (13.0)
A (0.0)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB
Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR
L B (11.0)
F (**)
A (8.3)
B (13.1) B (11.0)
E (42.7)
A (8.3)
B (13.1)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB Bay Rd NB

Cronin Rd SB LTR
TR C (22.4)
C (25.9) A (2.3)
C (20.3) A (7.3)
A (3.7)
B (16.5) Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR
LTR A (5.8)
D (39.0) A (6.5)
A (6.4)
Overall A (9.3)
Bay Rd/Glenwood Ave/Lowe’s Dwy Glenwood Ave EB
Lowe’s Dwy WB

Bay Rd NB
T,TR E (56.6)
E (56.8)
E (56.0)
D (50.6)
C (20.5)
C (28.4)
C (21.8)
C (26.7) E (56.6)
D (56.8)
D (56.0)
D (50.6)
C (20.4)
C (28.4)
C (21.8)
C (26.3)
D (37.6) D (37.8)
Bay Rd/Quaker Rd Quaker Rd EB

Quaker Rd WB

Bay Rd NB
Bay Rd SB
T,TR B (14.3)
C (21.8)
B (15.8)
C (24.6) B (12.2)
C (24.0)
C (33.1)
C (22.0)
C (30.4) B (14.3)
C (21.4)
B (15.6)
C (24.7) B (12.3)
C (24.1)
C (33.1)
C (22.4)
C (30.5)
C (23.7) C (23.6)
Glenwood Ave/Quaker Rd Quaker Rd EB

Quaker Rd WB
Glenwood Ave NB

Glenwood Ave SB L
TR B (18.7)
B (18.2)
C (20.8)
C (21.8)
C (25.8)
C (28.8)
C (26.3)
C (27.3) B (19.0)
B (18.4)
C (20.5)
C (21.8)
C (26.1)
C (29.1)
C (26.6)
C (27.5)
C (21.1) C (21.1)
S = Signalized, R = Roundabout, TW = Two-Way Stop intersection.EB, WB, NB, SB = Eastbound, Westbound,
Northbound, Southbound
L, T, R = Left-turn, Through, Right-turn movements
X (Y.Y) = Level of Service (average delay per vehicle in seconds)

2022 AM Peak Hour
Intersection 2022 Existing Alt 1 Re-striping Alt 2 Re-striping & WB restriction
Alt 3 Re-striping & Signal
Alt 4 Roundabout
Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB
Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR
TR B (13.3)
F (**)
A (9.0)
A (0.0)
C (23.8)
A (0.0)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB
Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR
L B (13.3)
F (**)
A (9.0)
C (24.4) B (13.3)
F (**)
A (9.0)
C (24.4)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB Bay Rd NB

Cronin Rd SB LTR
TR C (24.3)
F (131) A (1.8)
F (142) A (8.3)
A (4.4)
F (103) Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR
LTR A (8.4)
F (262)
F (118) A (6.4)
Overall F (98.2)
Bay Rd/Glenwood Ave/Lowe’s Dwy Glenwood Ave EB
Lowe’s Dwy WB

Bay Rd NB
T,TR F (275)
E (57.2)
E (56.3)
D (50.5) B (16.6)
C (25.8)
B (18.9)
C (24.1) F (**)
E (57.2)
E (56.3)
D (50.5) B (16.4)
C (25.8)
B (18.9)
C (23.7)
F (103) F (105)
Bay Rd/Quaker Rd Quaker Rd EB

Quaker Rd WB

Bay Rd NB
Bay Rd SB
T,TR C (27.8)
C (27.5)
B (19.9)
C (30.8) B (15.0)
C (30.5)
D (44.7)
C (28.9)
D (37.2) C (28.0)
C (26.9)
B (19.6)
C (31.2) B (15.2)
C (30.9)
D (45.5)
C (29.1)
D (37.4)
C (30.6) C (30.6)
Glenwood Ave/Quaker Rd Quaker Rd EB

Quaker Rd WB
Glenwood Ave NB

Glenwood Ave SB L
TR D (37.0)
B (19.9)
C (25.8)
C (23.7)
C (30.3)
D (41.9)
C (30.4)
C (32.0) D (38.3)
C (20.1)
C (25.5)
C (23.7)
C (30.6)
D (42.8)
C (30.7)
C (32.2)
C (26.0) C (26.2)
S = Signalized, R = Roundabout, TW = Two-Way Stop intersection.EB, WB, NB, SB = Eastbound, Westbound,
Northbound, Southbound
L, T, R = Left-turn, Through, Right-turn movements
X (Y.Y) = Level of Service (average delay per vehicle in seconds)

2012 Noon Peak Hour
Intersection 2012 Existing Alt 1 Re-striping Alt 2 Re-striping & WB restriction
Alt 3 Re-striping & Signal
Alt 4 Roundabout
Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB
Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR
TR B (14.5)
F (75.3)
A (0.0)
A (0.0)
A (9.0)
A (0.0)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB
Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR
L B (14.5)
F (101)
A (9.3)
A (9.0) B (14.5)
B (12.7)
A (9.3)
A (9.0)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB Bay Rd NB

Cronin Rd SB LTR
TR B (15.6)
B (18.1) A (3.6)
A (6.1)
A (4.0)
B (10.7)
A (9.2) Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR
LTR B (10.2)
B (12.4) A (6.1)
A (6.5)
Overall A (6.7)
Bay Rd/Glenwood Ave/Lowe’s Dwy Glenwood Ave EB
Lowe’s Dwy WB

Bay Rd NB
T,TR C (27.0)
C (32.7)
C (32.6)
C (27.8)
B (17.5)
B (19.0)
B (15.5)
C (23.6) C (25.5)
C (31.6)
C (31.5)
C (26.9) B (17.3)
B (19.3)
B (15.9)
C (23.3)
C (23.5) C (23.0)
Bay Rd/Quaker Rd Quaker Rd EB

Quaker Rd WB

Bay Rd NB
Bay Rd SB
T,TR C (29.8)
C (27.1)
B (19.8)
C (30.8) B (13.5)
C (30.5)
D (40.0)
C (27.6)
D (35.4) C (31.6)
C (26.1)
B (19.4)
C (30.9) B (13.5)
C (31.2)
D (40.9)
C (28.2)
D (36.0)
C (30.0) C (30.1)
Glenwood Ave/Quaker Rd Quaker Rd EB

Quaker Rd WB
Glenwood Ave NB

Glenwood Ave SB L
TR C (28.6)
C (22.2)
C (28.6)
C (26.3)
D (35.1)
F (94.9)
C (31.1)
D (40.1) C (28.6)
C (21.9)
C (27.9)
C (26.4)
D (35.4)
F (98.2)
C (31.6)
D (39.0)
C (32.3) C (32.3)
S = Signalized, R = Roundabout, TW = Two-Way Stop intersection.EB, WB, NB, SB = Eastbound, Westbound,
Northbound, Southbound
L, T, R = Left-turn, Through, Right-turn movements
X (Y.Y) = Level of Service (average delay per vehicle in seconds)

2022 Noon Peak Hour
Intersection 2022 Existing Alt 1 Re-striping Alt 2 Re-striping & WB restriction
Alt 3 Re-striping & Signal
Alt 4 Roundabout
Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB
Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR
TR C (21.1)
F (**)
A (0.0)
A (0.0)
B (10.4)
A (0.0)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB
Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR
L C (21.1)
F (**)
B (11.0)
B (10.5) C (21.1)
C (18.6)
B (11.0)
B (10.5)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB Bay Rd NB

Cronin Rd SB LTR
TR C (24.8)
C (28.7) A (2.1)
A (6.2)
A (3.2)
B (16.0)
B (12.6) Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR
LTR C (25.2)
B (15.0) A (6.4)
A (9.0)
Overall A (8.4)
Bay Rd/Glenwood Ave/Lowe’s Dwy Glenwood Ave EB
Lowe’s Dwy WB

Bay Rd NB
T,TR D (38.5)
D (38.6)
D (38.6)
C (32.7)
C (24.0)
C (23.3)
B (18.3)
E (56.8) D (38.5)
D (38.6)
D (38.6)
C (32.7)
C (24.0)
C (23.3)
B (18.3)
D (42.4)
D (42.8) D (35.8)
Bay Rd/Quaker Rd Quaker Rd EB

Quaker Rd WB

Bay Rd NB
Bay Rd SB
T,TR F (88.7)
C (29.2)
C (32.1)
D (36.1) B (15.6)
E (66.5)
E (62.1) F (96.4)
E (55.8) F (95.0)
C (28.5)
C (31.0)
D (36.5) B (15.4)
E (70.6)
E (64.9) F (87.1)
D (53.9)
D (47.8) D (47.4)
Glenwood Ave/Quaker Rd Quaker Rd EB

Quaker Rd WB
Glenwood Ave NB

Glenwood Ave SB L
TR E (62.6)
C (31.8)
C (33.4)
C (34.5)
D (40.1)
F (**)
C (32.8) F (92.3) E (63.9)
C (31.9)
C (33.3)
D (36.7)
D (40.4)
F (**)
C (33.0) E (75.6)
E (58.2) E (57.2)
S = Signalized, R = Roundabout, TW = Two-Way Stop intersection.EB, WB, NB, SB = Eastbound, Westbound,
Northbound, Southbound
L, T, R = Left-turn, Through, Right-turn movements
X (Y.Y) = Level of Service (average delay per vehicle in seconds)

2012 PM Peak Hour
Intersection 2012 Existing Alt 1 Re-striping Alt 2 Re-striping & WB restriction
Alt 3 Re-striping & Signal
Alt 4 Roundabout
Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB
Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR
TR C (19.0)
F (80.9)
A (0.1)
A (0.0)
A (9.1)
A (0.0)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB
Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR
L C (19.4)
F (124)
A (9.2)
A (9.1) C (19.4)
B (12.9)
A (9.2)
A (9.1)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB Bay Rd NB

Cronin Rd SB LTR
TR C (22.9)
C (27.0) A (2.1)
A (4.6)
A (2.4)
A (5.3)
A (6.9) Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR
LTR C (20.7)
B (15.8) A (6.2)
A (8.6)
Overall A (8.2)
Bay Rd/Glenwood Ave/Lowe’s Dwy Glenwood Ave EB
Lowe’s Dwy WB

Bay Rd NB
T,TR C (26.4)
C (31.9)
C (31.7)
C (27.2)
B (17.4)
B (19.3)
B (15.5)
C (22.9) C (24.8)
C (30.8)
C (30.6)
C (26.2) B (17.1)
B (19.6)
B (15.8)
C (22.4)
C (22.8) C (22.3)
Bay Rd/Quaker Rd Quaker Rd EB

Quaker Rd WB

Bay Rd NB
Bay Rd SB
T,TR D (42.7)
C (26.0)
B (19.7)
C (32.7) B (14.6)
D (36.2)
D (45.0)
C (31.9)
D (38.9) D (44.4)
C (25.0)
B (19.2)
C (32.8) B (14.5)
D (37.2)
D (46.7)
C (32.4)
D (39.5)
C (32.9) C (33.1)
Glenwood Ave/Quaker Rd Quaker Rd EB

Quaker Rd WB
Glenwood Ave NB

Glenwood Ave SB L
TR D (38.3)
C (27.5)
C (30.0)
C (30.5)
D (38.4)
E (63.0)
C (32.0) E (56.9) D (38.7)
C (27.4)
C (29.6)
C (31.9)
D (38.2)
E (62.4)
C (32.2)
D (50.4)
C (34.7) C (34.4)
S = Signalized, R = Roundabout, TW = Two-Way Stop intersection.EB, WB, NB, SB = Eastbound, Westbound,
Northbound, Southbound
L, T, R = Left-turn, Through, Right-turn movements
X (Y.Y) = Level of Service (average delay per vehicle in seconds)

2022 PM Peak Hour
Intersection 2022 Existing Alt 1 Re-striping Alt 2 Re-striping & WB restriction
Alt 3 Re-striping & Signal
Alt 4 Roundabout
Bay Rd/Cronin Rd Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB
Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR
TR E (45.5)
F (**)
A (0.2)
A (0.0)
B (10.6)
A (0.0)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB
Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR
L F (51.3)
F (**)
B (10.7)
B (10.8) F (51.3)
C (19.1)
B (10.7)
B (10.8)
Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB Bay Rd NB

Cronin Rd SB LTR
TR C (22.5)
C (32.2) A (2.5)
A 97.7) A (3.1)
B (13.7)
B (12.4) Chiropractor EB
Cronin Rd WB Bay Rd NB
Cronin Rd SB LTR

Bay Rd/Glenwood Ave/Lowe’s Dwy Glenwood Ave EB
Lowe’s Dwy WB

Bay Rd NB
T,TR D (36.1)
D (38.5)
D (38.1)
C (32.5)
C (26.7)
C (24.3)
B (18.7)
D (49.3) D (36.1)
D (38.5)
D (38.1)
C 932.5) C (26.7)
C (24.3)
B (18.7)
D (36.5)
D (38.5) C (32.6)
Bay Rd/Quaker Rd Quaker Rd EB

Quaker Rd WB

Bay Rd NB
Bay Rd SB
T,TR F (134.)
C (28.4)
C (24.8)
D (37.2) B (15.4)
F (114)
F (103)
F (85.2)
E (63.2) F (143)
C (27.7)
C (24.1)
D (38.0) B (15.1)
F (120)
F (109)
E (75.2)
E (58.7)
E (58.7) E (58.9)
Glenwood Ave/Quaker Rd Quaker Rd EB

Quaker Rd WB
Glenwood Ave NB

Glenwood Ave SB L
TR E (65.2)
D (38.4)
D (41.4) E (73.9)
D (40.8)
F (138)
C (33.1) F (**) E (65.2)
D (38.4)
D (41.4) F (84.5)
D (40.8)
F (138)
C (33.1) F (165)
E (78.0) E (76.9)
S = Signalized, R = Roundabout, TW = Two-Way Stop intersection.EB, WB, NB, SB = Eastbound, Westbound,
Northbound, Southbound
L, T, R = Left-turn, Through, Right-turn movements
X (Y.Y) = Level of Service (average delay per vehicle in seconds)

Appendix E
Planning Level Cost Estimates

Transportation Assessment Bay Road/Cronin Road
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York

Glens Falls Residential Traffic Calming Study


Lincoln Avenue
Traffic Calming
Glens Falls, NY

Prepared for:
Adirondack/Glens Falls
Transportation Council

Final Report

28 October 2011

Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Study 
28 October 2011 i 
Final Report 

Prepared by:  
Prepared for:  
The Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council 
11 South Street, Suite 203 
Glens Falls, NY 12801 
(518) 223‐0086 


Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Study 
ii  28 October 2011 
Final Report 

1.1 Study Area Overview ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1 
2.1 Traffic Calming Overview ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 
2.2 Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Plan Options ………………………………………………………………….. 6 
4.1 Traffic Speeds ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10 
4.2 Traffic Counts ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12 
4.3 Residents’ Questionnaire ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 13 
Appendix A: Traffic Calming Concept Plans
Appendix B: Speed Perception Survey
Appendix C: Traffic Count and Speed Data
Appendix D: Residents’ Questionnaire
Figure 1: Study Area …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 
Figure 2: Traffic Calming Education Strategy Examples …………………………………………………………………….. 4 
Figure 3: Traffic Calming Engineering Strategy Examples ………………………………………………………………….. 5 
Figure 4: Speed Perception Survey on Lincoln Avenue ‐ June 8, 2011 ………………………………………………… 7 
Figure 5: Regression Analysis of Speed Perception Survey Results …………………………………………………….. 8 
Figure 6: 
Temporary Striping Delineates Parking and Travel Lane Edge ……………………………………………… 9 
Figure 7: Temporary Striping Plan: Stop Bars and Parking at the Crandall Street Intersection …………….. 10 
Figure 8: Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Installed on Lincoln Avenue ……………………………………… 10 
Figure 9: Speed Data on Lincoln Avenue ………………………………………………………………………………………. 11 
Table 1: Effectiveness of Traffic Calming Measures …………………………………………………………………………. 4 
Table 2: Summary of Speed Perception Survey Results ……………………………………………………………………. 8 

Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Study 
28 October 2011 iii 
Final Report 

Table 3: Lincoln Avenue Observed Speeds versus Posted Speed ……………………………………………………… 11 
Table 4: Lincoln Avenue Speed Data Statistics ………………………………………………………………………………. 12 
Table 5: Change in Average Weekday Traffic Volumes …………………………………………………………………… 13 
Table 6: Change in Average Weekend Traffic Volumes …………………………………………………………………… 13 
Table 7: Response to Question 1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14 
Table 8: Responses
 to Question 2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 
Table 9: Responses to Question 3 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 
Table 10: Responses to Question 4 ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15 

Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Study 
28 October 2011 1 
Final Report 

The purpose of this study is to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of selected traffic calming
measures to address concerns about vehicle speed and related safety issues on residential streets in
Glens Falls, New York. Lincoln Avenue, a residential street located northwest of downtown Glens
Falls, was selected as a case study to test the effect of striping and a speed feedback sign on vehicle
speeds. Lincoln Avenue was selected because residents had voiced concerns about speeding. The
goal is to identify low‐cost traffic calming options which might be effective along other residential
streets in the city. The study includes the following major components:
 A speed perception survey was conducted to determine a speed that would be acceptable to
 Two traffic calming plans were developed and reviewed with Glens Falls city officials as possible
alternatives. The alternatives included a line striping plan and a roadway design plan that
recommended physical changes to the street. The city agreed to a demonstration project to test
the effectiveness of the line striping plan in the field.
 The line striping plan was implemented using temporary pavement markings. During a second
phase of the demonstration project, a speed feedback sign was installed. Traffic count and speed
data were collected on Lincoln Avenue and parallel streets during both phases of the
demonstration project. The report summarizes and evaluates the data and compares the results
to the target speed determined from the speed perception survey.
 A questionnaire was distributed to all households along Lincoln Avenue during the
demonstration project to gather residents’ opinions about speeding, traffic, and the effectiveness
of the striping plan.
This report provides additional detail on each of these steps and includes findings and
The study is funded by the Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council (AGFTC) and has been
prepared by Resource Systems Group, a traffic engineering and transportation planning consulting
1.1 Study Area Overview  
Lincoln Avenue extends for approximately 0.30 miles between its intersection with Glen Street (US
9) in the east and Kensington Road in the west. Davis Street and Crandall Street also intersect
Lincoln Avenue at mid‐block locations. The intersections are configured and controlled as follows:
 Lincoln Avenue‐Glen Street: Three‐legged “T” configuration with stop sign on the Lincoln
Avenue eastbound approach.
 Lincoln Avenue‐Davis Street: Three‐legged “T” configuration with stop sign on the Davis Street
northbound approach.
 Lincoln Avenue‐Crandall Street: Four‐legs with stop signs on all approaches (all‐way stop).

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 Lincoln Avenue‐Kensington Street: Three‐legged “T” configuration with stop signs on all
approaches (all‐way stop).the Lincoln Avenue westbound approach.
Lincoln Avenue attracts cut‐through traffic by providing an alternate route between Glen Street and
Aviation Road in Queensbury via Kensington Avenue and Dixon Road; and between downtown
Glens Falls and Queensbury via Crandall Street. Lincoln Avenue is also used to access Kensington
Road Elementary School (Figure 1).
Lincoln Avenue is on a straight alignment (no curves) and its pavement width is 40 feet between
curbs. On‐street parking is allowed on each side of the street. There are no pavement markings
delineating on‐street parking or the travel lanes. Each side of the street also has a five‐foot wide
green strip and five‐foot wide sidewalks. The posted speed limit is 30 mph, which is typical for
residential streets in Glens Falls.
During site visits the consultants observed only a few parked along the street
1. As a result, Lincoln
Avenue is perceived as a wide, straight street which may encourage faster travel speeds.
The land use along Lincoln Avenue is almost entirely residential with the exception of an office
building near the Glen Street intersection (former orthodontist office) and a church at the
intersection with Davis Street. Houses on the south side of the street have driveways with direct
access to Lincoln Avenue. Some houses Most of the houses on the north side have driveways that
connect to an alley that runs between Lincoln Avenue and Coolidge Avenue.
The study area also includes Coolidge Avenue and Horicon Avenue, which are located one and two
blocks north of Lincoln Avenue respectively. These two streets have a similar east‐west orientation,
similar roadway characteristics, and also attract the same cut‐through traffic patterns as Lincoln
Avenue. An unintended and undesirable consequence of reducing speeds on Lincoln Avenue could
be a shift in traffic to these two other streets.

1 On‐street parking used to be concentrated during working hours on the eastern end of Lincoln Avenue near
an orthodontist office. The orthodontist moved during the course of the study, and on‐street parking has

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Final Report 

Figure 1: Study Area 
Traffic calming has been evolving for many years and there are numerous resources and design
guides that can be referenced for additional information. This section of the report defines traffic
calming and provides a brief overview of the typical strategies and their effectiveness. The traffic
calming options that were developed for Lincoln Avenue are also described.
2.1 Traffic Calming Overview 
Traffic calming includes enforcement, education and engineering (roadway design) strategies that
alter motorist behavior to reduce vehicle speeds and/or cut‐through traffic, in the interest of street
safety, livability, and other public purposes. Enforcement includes police presence to issue
warnings or speeding violation tickets. Examples of educational strategies include: a dynamic
speed feedback sign, gateway signs, and a pace car program where local drivers make a
commitment to drive at the posted speed (Figure 2).
Qu e e n sb u r y Cut‐thru

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Final Report 
Figure 2: Traffic Calming Education Strategy Examples 
Speed Feedback Sign Gateway Sign Pace Car Program Bumper Stickers 
Engineering strategies include physical changes to the roadway that encourage slower speeds.
Examples include changes to the horizontal alignment to eliminate the perception of a long, straight
street; options to reduce the vehicle travel lane width; and gateway and intersection treatments
(Figure 3). While physical changes have been shown to be effective (Table 1), they have to be
considered carefully relative to drainage, emergency vehicle access, snow plowing, additional
maintenance, and the potential to divert traffic from “calmed” streets to other roadways.
Table 1: Effectiveness of Traffic Calming Measures 
Traffic Calming MeasureSpeed 
Re ducti on
Speed Radar Signs 6‐25%
N.A. N.A.
Speed Humps 9‐23%N.A.11‐45%
Raised Intersection 1%
N.A. N.A.
Traffic Ci rcl e 11%N.A.29‐73%
Center Island Narrowing 7%
N.A. N.A.
Chok e r 14% 20%N.A.
N.A. = Not Available

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Final Report 

Figure 3: Traffic Calming Engineering Strategy Examples2 
Chicanes are used to alter the horizontal alignment of a street.  
Chokers reduce width of vehicle travel lanes, provide pockets of 
on‐street parking and allow for access to driveways.  
Mid‐block speed tables require vehicles to travel at slower speeds 
to avoid jarring and to maintain a smooth ride. 
Traffic circles at internal intersections require slower speeds to 
negotiate and help reduce cut‐through traffic.  
Bulbouts at intersections reduce crossing distances for 
pedestrians and require slower turning speeds for vehicles.  
On‐street parking helps reduce speeds by narrowing a travel 
lane and creating side friction. 
2 Unless otherwise noted, source for images: Pennsylvania’s Traffic Calming Handbook, PA DOT, 2001 

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Final Report 

2.2  Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Plan Options 
The following two traffic calming plan alternatives were prepared for Lincoln Avenue:
 Alternative 1 ‐ Line Striping. This plan delineates an on‐street parking lane, defines the
edge of the travel lane, adds stop bars to emphasize stop signs, and adds a cross‐walk at
Davis and Crandall Streets. The longitudinal parking/edge line is intended to create the
appearance of a more narrow street, which is particularly important during times when
there are fewer cars parked on‐street. The stop‐bars at Crandall Street are proposed to help
address a lack of compliance with the stop signs.
 Alternative 2 – Physical Changes. This plan proposes physical changes to the roadway
design. Major features include bulbouts at the Glen Street, Davis Street and Kensington
Street intersections, a traffic circle and cross‐walks at the Crandall Street intersection and
neck‐downs at mid‐block locations. Pockets of on‐street parking would remain throughout
most of the street.
Concept plans for each alternative are contained in Appendix A.
Both plans were presented to city officials including the Mayor, Police Chief, Fire Department Chief
and the Director of Public Works. The A/GFTC staff met with the Glens Falls Board of Public Safety
to present the two traffic calming plan alternatives. After considering input from the city, and the
project goal of finding low cost and easy to implement strategies to reduce speeds, the A/GFTC and
consultants decided to limit the field test to the line‐striping alternative and add a second phase of
analysis that added a portable speed feedback sign.
Before implementing the demonstration project, a target design speed was determined by
conducting a speed perception survey. This section of the report describes the purpose of the speed
perception survey, the methodology, and results.
Posted speed limits are typically based on an engineering study that considers roadway
characteristics such as vehicle travel lane width, number and spacing of driveways, sight distance
and the observed speeds of cars travelling on the roadway. The methodology relies heavily on the
th percentile speed of vehicles travelling along the roadway. The 85th percentile speed is
considered the travel speed motorists generally perceive as reasonable for given roadway
conditions. A weakness of this approach is that it does not account for the perceptions of other road
users such as pedestrians or residents that live along a street.
To address this deficiency, a speed perception survey was conducted to gather information on how
pedestrians and other persons along sidewalks and areas near vehicle travel lanes perceive the
speed of cars. The survey responses were analyzed to develop a target speed used to assess the
striping plan and feedback sign. This target speed may be higher or lower than the posted speed
The speed perception survey was conducted on Wednesday, June 8, 2011 between 12:45 pm and
2:30 pm. Survey participants included residents from Lincoln Avenue, Glens Fall Hospital staff and
a few other volunteers. Test cars made runs on Lincoln Avenue at approximately one minute

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28 October 2011 7 
Final Report 

intervals over the course of an hour (two test cars were used). Each test run was made at a specific,
but randomly selected speed ranging between approximately 15‐40 mph. Actual test car speeds
were recorded using a radar gun. There were 100 runs completed over the course of the hour.
Survey participants recorded their perception of the speed of each test run using a scale that ranged
from +4 for very acceptable to ‐4 for very unacceptable (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Speed Perception Survey on Lincoln Avenue ‐ June 8, 2011 
Approximately 725 observations were recorded by the volunteers. The survey form is contained in
Appendix B. The results are grouped within Table 2 into the following general categories:
acceptable (scores from ‐1 to ‐4), neutral (scores of zero) and acceptable (scores from +1 to +4).
The results in Table 2 suggest that:
 Survey participants are nearly unanimous that driving speeds of less than 25 mph on Lincoln
Avenue are acceptable.
 A small majority (60%) of survey participants consider driving speeds of 25‐30 mph on Lincoln
Avenue to be acceptable.
 More than two‐thirds (69%) of survey participants consider driving speeds of 30 mph or greater
to be unacceptable.
 Survey participants are nearly unanimous that driving speeds of 35 mph or greater on Lincoln
Avenue are unacceptable.
Figure 5 shows the results of a statistical analysis of the survey participants’ acceptability ratings.
The sloped line reflects the combined average rating of all of the survey participants for different
speeds. It indicates that 28 mph (which corresponds with the point at which the sloped line crosses
the neutral acceptability/zero line) is the maximum speed that would be acceptable, on average, for
pedestrians and residents along Lincoln Avenue. Speeds of greater than 28 mph are considered
unacceptable, on average, by pedestrians and residents along Lincoln Avenue. Given that speeds are
posted in 5 mph increments, 25 mph would be the recommended posted speed limit to satisfy the
perceptions of non‐auto roadway users.

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Final Report 
Table 2: Summary of Speed Perception Survey Results 
Figure 5: Regression Analysis of Speed Perception Survey Results 
Category Data De script ionNot 
Acceptable Neutral Acceptable Totals
Count12 5 84 101
Percent within Ca tegory12% 5% 83% 100%
Percent within Ca tegory5% 2% 93% 100%
Count34 35 102 171
Percent within Ca tegory20% 20% 60% 100%
Count123 24 30 177
Percent within Ca tegory69% 14% 17% 100%
Count113 2 4 119
Percent within Ca tegory95% 2% 3% 100%
Count15 0 1 16
Percent within Ca tegory94% 0% 6% 100%
Count304 69 351 724
Percent within Ca tegory42% 10% 48% 100% Tota l s15‐19
5 10
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 Accept abilit y Score
Spee d 
(Miles per Hour )

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Final Report 

The purpose of the demonstration project was to determine if the low cost and relatively easy to
implement traffic calming strategies represented by the striping plan could help reduce existing
speeds to the residents’ target of 28 miles per hour. Traffic count and speed data were collected
under existing conditions and during deployment of the striping and speed feedback sign.
The demonstration project had the following phases:
 Phase I‐Existing Conditions Pre‐Test (July 11‐July 21, 2011). Traffic count and speed data
were collected during this period to establish a baseline for comparison purposes. Typical
roadway conditions existed during this period.
 Phase II ‐ Striping Only (July 28‐August 3, 2011): Temporary striping was installed on
Lincoln Avenue to delineate on‐street parking, define the edge of the travel lane, stop bars
to emphasize stop signs, and cross‐walks (Figure 6, Figure 7). The striping plans are
contained in Appendix A. The striping was installed on Wednesday, July 27, 2011. The test
period during which data are summarized started the following day.
 Phase III ‐ Striping plus Speed Feedback Sign
(August 4‐August 10, 2011): A portable
speed feedback sign was installed on Wednesday, August 3, 2011 (Figure 8). The test period
during which data are summarized started the following day.
Traffic count and speed data were collected during these three phases and are contained in
Appendix C. In addition, a questionnaire was distributed to residents to gather their opinions on the
effectiveness and other aspects of the demonstration test. Results are summarized below.
Figure 6: Temporary Striping Delineates Parking and Travel Lane Edge 
Tubes from ATR collect traffic
volume and speed data

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Figure 7: Temporary Striping Plan: Stop Bars and Parking at the Crandall Street Intersection 
Figure 8: Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Installed on Lincoln Avenue 
4.1 Traffic Speeds 
Automatic traffic recorders (ATR) were used to collect traffic count and speed data for the three
analysis periods. ATRs collect data continuously while they are in place and provide a reliable
measure of traffic counts and speeds by hour and day. The percentage of vehicles travelling over 30

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Final Report 

miles per hour increased slightly on Lincoln Avenue while the striping was in place and then
decreased when the speed feedback sign was installed (Table 3). In general, the striping appears to
be associated with a shift from lower to higher speed categories. In contrast, the speed feedback
sign was effective at reducing speeds (Figure 9). It should be noted that the speed feedback sign
was not deployed without the striping; its effectiveness in lowering speeds beyond the existing
condition was not studied as a part of this plan.
Table 3: Lincoln Avenue Observed Speeds versus Posted Speed 
Figure 9: Speed Data on Lincoln Avenue 
As previously noted, the 85th percentile speed is the typical indicator used by engineers when
determining a safe and reasonable posted speed limit. Under existing conditions, the 85
th percentile
speed of vehicles travelling on Lincoln Avenue of 31 mph, which is close to the 30 mph posted
Under 30 
mphOver 30 
Before striping 81% 19%
Wi th striping  in pl ace 79% 21%
Striping plus Radar Feedback Si gn 86% 14%Percentage of 
vehicles traveling:
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%
< 15 16 ‐20 21 ‐25 26 ‐30 31 ‐35 36 ‐40 Percent of  Vehicles  in Speed Range Speed Range s (miles per hour) Be fore striping With striping was in  place Striping plus Radar  Feedback Sign Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Study  12  28 October 2011  Final Report  speed limit (Table 4). Thus, from a driver’s perspective, 30 mph is a reasonable speed limit for Lincoln Avenue under existing conditions. Traffic calming is used to modify roadway conditions in a manner that encourages slower speeds. However, the striping appears to be correlated with a slight increase in the 85 th percentile speed, and did not lower speeds. The combination of the speed feedback sign and the striping was effective at encouraging drivers to travel closer to the posted speed. Although the impact of the speed feedback sign alone was not studied, given that the striping was associated with a slight increase in speed, it is likely that the deployment of a speed feedback sign without the striping would result in some decrease in speed as well. Regardless of the alternative, about half of the cars travelling on Lincoln Avenue are moving faster than the residents’ preferred speed of 28 miles per hour. This observation suggests that the striping (which appears to have increased speeds) and the combination of striping with the speed feedback sign (which reduced speeds somewhat) are not effective at achieving the 28 mph target. Table 4: Lincoln Avenue Speed Data Statistics    4.2 Traffic Counts  During weekdays, traffic volumes decreased relative to the existing conditions pre‐test period on Lincoln Avenue by 8% after the striping was installed and 6% after the feedback sign was added (Table 5). During the weekends, traffic on Lincoln Avenue decreased by 10% while the striping was in place and 1% after the feedback sign was added (Table 6). If the striping and speed feedback sign on Lincoln Avenue caused traffic to divert to Horicon Avenue or Coolidge Avenue, there would have been a consistent increase in volumes on each street during the demonstration project for all time periods and demonstration project phases. However, during the demonstration project, traffic volumes both increased and decreased on these streets depending on whether the count was taken on a weekday or weekend. Therefore, the traffic volume changes on the parallel streets are probably the result of normal variations in traffic flows from week to week and cannot be conclusively attributed to traffic diverted from Lincoln Avenue. Street Pre‐Te st W ith StripingWith Striping  and Radar  Feedback Sign 85 th Percentile 31 32 30<‐‐ Typically used to determine posted speed 50th Percentile 26 27 26 Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Study  28 October 2011 13  Final Report  Table 5: Change in Average Weekday Traffic Volumes    Table 6: Change in Average Weekend Traffic Volumes    4.3 Residents’ Questionnaire   Questionnaires were distributed to all households along Lincoln Avenue to gather residents’ opinions about speeding, traffic, and the effectiveness of the striping. Of the 51 questionnaires distributed, 29 were returned, which represents a 57% response rate. While the response rate was large, the questionnaire was not designed as a scientific survey that reflects the opinions of all households. Of the 29 surveys returned, 27 believe that speeding is either a significant or minor problem (Table 7), suggesting that the responders have a particular interest in this issue. Ve hi c l e s per  DayPercent  Cha ngeVe hi c l e s per  DayPercent Cha nge Li ncol n A ve nue 1, 089 1, 005‐8% 1, 026‐6% Hori con A ve nue 1, 857 1, 855 0% 1, 737‐6% Coolidge A v e nue 1, 047 1, 120 7% 1, 058 1% 1.  July 14 through July 21, 2011, data collected with ATRs installed by the Warren County DPW 2. July 28 through Au gu s t 3, 2011, data collected with ATRs installed by RSG 3. Au gu s t 5 through Au gu s t 11, 2011, data collected with ATRs installed by RSG Wi th Striping 2Vehicles per  Day Before  Te st  1 Wi th Striping & Speed  Feedback Sign  3 Street Ve hi c l e s per  DayPercent  Cha ngeVe hi c l e s per  DayPercent Cha nge Li ncol n Avenue 829 750‐10% 821‐1% Hori con A v e n u e 1, 197 1, 331 11% 1, 230 3% Coolidge Avenue 848 749‐12% 889 5% 1.  July 14 through July 21, 2011, data collected with ATRs installed by the Warren County DPW 2. July 28 through Au gu s t 3, 2011, data collected with ATRs installed by RSG 3. Au gu s t 5 through Au gu s t 11, 2011, data collected with ATRs installed by RSG StreetVehicles per  Day Before  Te st 1 Wi th Striping 2Wi th Striping & Speed  Feedback Sign  3 Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Study  14  28 October 2011  Final Report  Table 7: Response to Question 1    Consistent with the ATR traffic count and speed data, most of the respondents did not perceive a change in the vehicle speeds on Lincoln Avenue while the striping was in place (Table 8). None of the respondents noticed an increase in speeds. Table 8: Responses to Question 2  Although ATR data suggest traffic volumes decreased on Lincoln Avenue during the test, respondents did not notice a change (Table 9). Unless a person counts cars over an extended period of time, it is difficult to identify small changes in traffic volumes. The fact that the respondents did not perceive a change in traffic, even though traffic did decrease by 8‐10%, suggests that these differences are within normal weekly and daily variations. Re sponse ChoicesTot als by  Re sponse Speedi n g is a significant probl em 16 Speedi n g is a mi nor probl em 11 Speedi n g is not a probl em 2 Tota l Responses 29 Question: Do you feel s peed i ng is a probl em on  Li nc o l n Av en u e? Re sponse ChoicesTot als by  Re sponse Speeds decreas ed significantly 2 Speeds decreas ed somewhat 6 Speeds wer e about the same 13 Speeds increased somewhat 0 Speeds increased significantly 0 Don’t know 8 Tota l Responses 29 Question: Di d you noti ce a change in the s peed of vehi cl es  travelling on Li n c ol n Avenu e while the tempor a r y striping  wa s in pl a ce? Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Study  28 October 2011 15  Final Report  Table 9: Responses to Question 3    Respondents considered the striping to have a positive or neutral effect on parking and access to driveways. Pedestrian safety was ranked mostly positive. Written comments suggest that the cross‐ walks were the primary reason for the positive rating, rather than reduced speeds. Respondents believed that the impact on driver safety was mostly neutral. The impact on aesthetics received the most negative reaction from respondents (Table 10). Table 10: Responses to Question 4    In addition to the numerical ratings of these issues, the questionnaire invited participants to provide open‐ended comments. Themes that emerge from a review of the comments include:  Support for the crosswalks.  Concern about vehicles ignoring stop signs and support for the stop bars which reinforce the need and requirement to stop.  The striping made the street feel more commercial rather residential. Response ChoicesTot als by  Re sponse The number of cars decreas ed significantly 0 The number of cars decreas ed somewhat 0 The number of cars wa s about the same 23 The number of cars increased somewhat 0 The number of cars increased significantly 0 Don’t know 6 Tot als 29 Question: Di d you noti ce a change in the number of vehi cl es  travelling  on Li n c ol n Avenu e while the tempor a r y striping  wa s in pl a ce? IssueVery  PositiveSomewhat  Positive No Effe ctSome what  NegativeVery  NegativeDon’t  know / No  ResponseTot alsOverall  Observations  On‐street pa rki ng 4 8 13 0 0 4 29 No effec t to  pos i ti ve, no  Ability to enter and  ex i t dri veways3614 1 0529 No effec t to pos i ti ve Safety for  pedes tri ans crossing 979 1 0329Mostly pos i ti ve Safety for motor i s ts 3 3 1 5 0 0 8 2 9 Mos tl y no effec t Gener a l aesthetics of  the street335 6 7529Wi dest range of  responses, but mor e  Question: Whil e the pri mary purpos e of the tempor a r y striping wa s to enc our a ge slower speeds, it ma y have also affected  other aspects of the s tr eet. To wha t ex ten t di d the s tri pi ng affect the fol l owi ng items? Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Study  16  28 October 2011  Final Report   Striping helped to manage the parking at the Glen Street end of Lincoln Avenue (which has been a point of contention in the neighborhood), but was not that effective or useful along the rest of Lincoln Avenue. Complete comments are provided in Appendix D. 5. CONCLUSIONS  The purpose of this study is to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of low cost traffic calming measures to address concerns about vehicle speed and related safety issues on residential streets in Glens Falls, New York. Lincoln Avenue was used as a case study. Input from residents and city officials has been combined with an analysis of traffic data collected during a demonstration project of two low cost traffic calming alternatives to reach the following conclusions.  The line striping alternative was not effective at reducing speeds, and even appears to have encouraged faster speeds. The longitudinal striping was tested as a low cost approach to create the perception of a narrower street. Street narrowing options such as center island narrowing and chokers have been found to reduce speeds between 7% and 14% (Table 1). Striping, however, lacks vertical elements like curbing and varying road edge conditions, which are effective at slowing traffic. These results support the findings of a dated but relevant study that evaluated the use of road markings on speeds in residential areas. That study concluded that longitudinal pavement markings combined with raised pavement markings to create the impression of a narrower street have no effect on the mean speeds or distribution of drivers on residential streets 3.  While the longitudinal striping was not effective at reducing speeds, the stop bars and cross‐ walks incorporated into the plan have other benefits. The stop bars reinforce the stop signs and could help increase stopping compliance, which is a particular concern of Lincoln Avenue residents at the Crandall Street intersection. Residents also felt that the crosswalk at Davis Street improved conditions for pedestrians.  The speed feedback sign reduced speeds slightly. The speed feedback sign includes a static sign that shows the posted speed of 30 mph. Thus, motorists were only encouraged to keep their speed at 30 mph. To address residents’ concern about speeding, additional measures will be necessary to achieve the maximum acceptable target of 28 mph. Under existing conditions, the 85 th percentile speed was measured at 31 mph, which is approximately 11% faster than residents’ preferred maximum speed. One potential solution is to implement the roadway design changes proposed in the Alternative 2. This includes a choker concept and traffic circle which have the potential to decrease speeds between 11‐14%. However, the roadway changes proposed in Alternative 2 would cost approximately $120,000 to construct. If used throughout the city to address speeding concerns, roadway design changes would have a substantial total cost. Other issues related to emergency vehicle access, snow plowing and maintenance would also need to be addressed on a city‐wide basis before proceeding. Given the potential cost, a field test should be conducted to determine if the Alternative 2 plan would reduce speeds enough to achieve the desired target of 28 mph. 3 “The Use of Road Markings to Narrow Lanes for Controlling Speed in Residential Areas”, Harry S. Lum; ITE Journal, June 1984.  Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Study  28 October 2011 17  Final Report  Studies have found portable speed feedback signs are effective while deployed, but their effectiveness fades quickly once removed, particularly on streets that serve through traffic 4. Although speed feedback signs are only effective while active, permanently‐mounted signs could represent an effective, low cost option available to the city. These signs cost approximately $2,500 per installation. The speed perception survey indicates that 28 mph is the maximum acceptable speed for residents and pedestrians along Lincoln Avenue. The survey participants were nearly unanimous that a 25 mph speed is acceptable. If the perception of non‐auto users is factored into the decision about a safe and reasonable posted speed on a residential street, then 25 mph is justified. If the city is faced with continued dissatisfaction with speeding traffic, it could consider reducing the official posted speed from 30 mph to 25 mph on residential streets. In some cases, where roadway conditions encourage faster speeds, simply posting a 25 mph speed limit sign will not result in slower speeds. For these situations, traffic calming measures, including permanently‐mounted speed feedback signs, or physical changes to a roadway’s design, may be necessary to achieve slower speeds. 4 San Jose has found radar speed trailers effective only while displayed. The residual effect is negligible. Kirkland, WA, reports  that radar speed trailers, while displayed, reduce speed by 25 percent.  In the longer term (30 days after a series of  applications), speeds are reduced by 6 percent on streets with traffic volumes below 600 vehicles per day; on such streets,  most traffic is local, and radar speed trailers raise residents’ consciousness. On higher volume streets serving through traffic,  the long term  effect of radar speed trailers has been found to be negligible.    Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Study  October 2011  APPENDIX A    Traffic Calming Concept Plans    LINCOLN AVE KENSINGTON RD GARFIELD ST CRANDALL ST DAVIS ST GLEN ST LINCOLN AVE 1 1 1"=40' CM JS 07/06/11 10243 STRIPING LAYOUT MATCHLINE - SEE ABOVE MATCHLINE - SEE BELOW TEMPORARY 4 INCH WHITE STRIPING TOTAL PARKING LENGTH = 3180 FEET TOTAL STOP BAR LENGTH = 24 x 3 = 72 FEET TOTAL CROSSWALK LENGTH = 40 / 3 x 8 x 3 = 312 FEET OVERALL 4" STRIPE LENGTH = 3564 FEET TEMPORARY CROSSWALK STRIPING TOTAL LENGTH = 40 FEETTEMPORARY 12" STOP BAR TOTAL LENGTH = 24 FEETNOTE: 1. TEMPORARY CROSSWALK SHALL CONSIST OF 8 FOOT LENGTHS OF 12" WIDE WHITE STRIPES SPACED 3 FEET C/C (2 FEET CLEAR). THREE ADJACENT 4" STRIPES MAY BE PLACED INSTEAD OF ONE 12" STRIPE. 2. THE 12" STOP BAR MAY BE PLACED AS THREE ADJACENT 4" STRIPES. WHEEL PATH WHEEL PATH 3 - 4" SOLID WHITE TEMPORARY TAPE STRIPE 2' 8' LINCOLN AVE KENSINGTON RD GARFIELD ST CRANDALL ST DAVIS ST GLEN ST LINCOLN AVE 2 2 1"=40' CDM J_S 06/07/11 10243 ALTERNATIVE 2 - HARDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS MATCHLINE - SEE ABOVE MATCHLINE - SEE BELOW Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Study  October 2011  APPENDIX B    Speed Perception Survey    Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Study  October 2011  APPENDIX C    TRAFFIC COUNT AND SPEED DATA      Lincoln Avenue During Test (Site 03)RSG CountTime Direction 1 Direction 2 TotalDirection 1 Direction 2 Total 14:45 19 12 31 Thurs 7/28/2011 494 558 1052 15:00 12 9 21 Fri 7/29/2011 467 523 990 15:15 11 18 29 Sat 7/30/2011 398 395 793 15:30 11 9 20 Sun 7/31/2011 343 364 707 15:45 6 11 17 Mon 8/1/2011 472 508 980 16:00 17 13 30 Tue 8/2/2011 463 507 970 16:15 8 15 23 Weds 8/3/2011 493 523 1016 16:30 14 13 27 Thurs 8/4/2011 512 511 1023 <-- Speed Feedback sign installed this day 16:45 12 8 20 Fri 8/5/2011 629 564 1193 17:00 18 10 28 Sat 8/6/2011 428 491 919 17:15 10 12 22 Sun 8/7/2011 326 397 723 17:30 8 12 20 Mon 8/8/2011 468 482 950 17:45 9 10 19 Tue 8/9/2011 496 508 1004 18:00 10 5 15 Weds 8/10/2011 476 503 979 18:15 4 8 12 Thurs 8/11/2011 483 523 1006 18:30 9 6 15 18:45 8 9 17 All days With StripingStriping + Radar Sign 19:00 5 4 9 Average Weekday 1015 1005 1026 19:15 10 7 17 Average Weekend 786 750 821 19:30 11 6 17 19:45 9 6 15 20:00 7 9 16 20:15 4 4 8 20:30 7 3 10 20:45 8 1 9 21:00 6 6 12 21:15 4 6 10 21:30 5 1 6 21:45 3 7 10 22:00 2 3 5 22:15 3 2 5 22:30 2 0 2 22:45 3 1 4 23:00 1 3 4 23:15 2 1 3 23:30 2 1 3 23:45 1 2 3 7/28/2011 1 1 2 494 558 1052 0:15 1 2 3 0:30 0 0 0 0:45 1 1 2 1:00 1 0 1 1:15 0 2 2 1:30 0 1 1 1:45 0 0 0 2:00 1 0 1 2:15 0 1 1 2:30 0 0 0 2:45 0 0 0 3:00 0 0 0 3:15 0 0 0 3:30 0 0 0 3:45 1 0 1 4:00 0 0 0 4:15 0 0 0 4:30 0 1 1 4:45 2 0 2 5:00 0 0 0 5:15 0 4 4 5:30 2 0 2 5:45 0 5 5 6:00 0 1 1 6:15 1 6 7 6:30 2 5 7 6:45 1 9 10 7:00 2 2 4 7:15 1 6 7 7:30 5 8 13 7:45 3 13 16 8:00 4 12 16 8:15 6 7 13 8:30 2 11 13 8:45 3 14 17 9:00 4 7 11 9:15 7 13 20 9:30 7 9 16 9:45 15 14 29 10:00 5 12 17 10:15 4 11 15 10:30 3 6 9 10:45 8 12 20 Lincoln Avenue During Test (Site 03)RSG Count11:00 11 10 21 11:15 11 8 19 11:30 6 8 14 11:45 13 10 23 12:00 10 7 17 12:15 9 8 17 12:30 14 10 24 12:45 9 11 20 13:00 4 11 15 13:15 16 8 24 13:30 6 11 17 13:45 6 8 14 14:00 11 4 15 14:15 7 8 15 14:30 6 5 11 14:45 8 14 22 15:00 11 7 18 15:15 10 1 11 15:30 16 11 27 15:45 6 7 13 16:00 8 10 18 16:15 9 10 19 16:30 8 7 15 16:45 4 15 19 17:00 14 10 24 17:15 8 9 17 17:30 15 8 23 17:45 15 15 30 18:00 9 10 19 18:15 10 8 18 18:30 4 9 13 18:45 10 9 19 19:00 6 5 11 19:15 9 5 14 19:30 4 5 9 19:45 8 5 13 20:00 5 5 10 20:15 6 7 13 20:30 10 5 15 20:45 11 11 22 21:00 5 3 8 21:15 4 3 7 21:30 4 3 7 21:45 1 4 5 22:00 6 2 8 22:15 4 1 5 22:30 5 1 6 22:45 2 3 5 23:00 1 2 3 23:15 3 1 4 23:30 0 3 3 23:45 3 1 4 7/29/2011 3 2 5 467 523 990 0:15 1 1 2 0:30 0 1 1 0:45 0 1 1 1:00 0 2 2 1:15 0 0 0 1:30 2 1 3 1:45 1 1 2 2:00 0 1 1 2:15 0 0 0 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19:45 4 6 10 20:00 4 4 8 20:15 2 5 7 Lincoln Avenue During Test (Site 03)RSG Count20:30 5 2 7 20:45 2 2 4 21:00 1 2 3 21:15 3 5 8 21:30 2 1 3 21:45 2 4 6 22:00 4 6 10 22:15 4 3 7 22:30 1 0 1 22:45 0 2 2 23:00 2 2 4 23:15 3 2 5 23:30 5 3 8 23:45 3 2 5 8/7/2011 4 1 5 326 397 723 0:15 0 0 0 0:30 1 1 2 0:45 1 1 2 1:00 2 1 3 1:15 0 0 0 1:30 1 2 3 1:45 0 0 0 2:00 3 1 4 2:15 0 2 2 2:30 0 0 0 2:45 0 0 0 3:00 0 0 0 3:15 1 0 1 3:30 0 0 0 3:45 0 1 1 4:00 0 0 0 4:15 0 0 0 4:30 0 1 1 4:45 1 1 2 5:00 0 0 0 5:15 0 1 1 5:30 0 2 2 5:45 1 2 3 6:00 1 0 1 6:15 0 0 0 6:30 0 2 2 6:45 1 6 7 7:00 1 3 4 7:15 1 4 5 7:30 2 2 4 7:45 1 0 1 8:00 0 5 5 8:15 2 4 6 8:30 1 4 5 8:45 5 7 12 9:00 3 4 7 9:15 1 3 4 9:30 1 9 10 9:45 1 6 7 10:00 5 4 9 10:15 8 7 15 10:30 16 10 26 10:45 4 4 8 11:00 3 6 9 11:15 2 4 6 11:30 7 9 16 11:45 4 5 9 12:00 3 6 9 12:15 4 7 11 12:30 10 10 20 12:45 6 6 12 13:00 8 6 14 13:15 7 13 20 13:30 9 11 20 13:45 6 10 16 14:00 11 9 20 14:15 4 9 13 14:30 5 8 13 14:45 10 9 19 15:00 8 10 18 15:15 4 4 8 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999Total15:008518961000000004716:00104141551000000004917:0045616121000000004418:002261530000000002819:000231431000000002320:00027521000000001721:00008840000000002022:0000330000000000623:001013200000000077/28/20110003100000000041:000201000000000032:000001000000000013:000000000000000004:000000010000000015:001026000000000096:0002468100000000217:00027137000000000298:003271811210000000449:008414971000000004310:003391691000000004111:002771451000000003612:0042811101000000003613:0003151280000000003814:002561341000000003115:002281031000000002616:0013171092000000004217:00201018111000000004218:0012111840000000003619:00414740000000002020:002361520000000002821:00113521000000001322:0010221100000000723:001032100000000077/29/20111013000000000051:000013000000000042:000012000000000033:000001000000000014:001000000000000015:001203120000000095:001203120000000096:00100104200000000177:00017125200000000278:00736169200000000439:000192381000000004210:000251831000000002911:002361521000000002912:004191952000000004013:0034111562000000004114:005251071100000003115:000411762000000003016:0012615123000000003917:000081460000000002818:007121160000000002719:000241480000000002820:00315740000000002021:00102730000000001322:00011710000000001023:000103200000000067/30/20110104010000000061:000001100000000022:000001100000000023:000000000000000004:000100001000000025:000010000000000016:000021210000000067:0000454300000000168:00109131200000000269:001271280000000003010:001229112000000002711:004041242000000002612:002061092010000003013:0021110112100000002814:00116951000000002315:00037880000000002616:003121251000000002417:0003514500000000027 Lincoln Avenue During Test Eastbound DirectionRSG Count Time15-Jan16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total18:002061152000000002619:001331231000000002320:00037501100000001721:00211531000000001322:0000322000000000723:001032010000000077/31/20110014200000000071:000000000000000002:000000010000000013:000000000000000004:000000000000000005:000111000000000036:000001000000000017:0001552200000000158:0010374000000000159:000081242000000002610:000281071000000002811:002271250000000002812:004241283000000003313:003191241000000003014:00021662000000001715:002071041000000002416:001461120000000002417:00216821000000002018:00117721000000001919:001171321000000002520:00117331000000001621:00124520000000001422:00014340000000001223:000006000000000068/1/20110010110000000031:000000100000000012:000001000000000013:000000000000000004:000000010000000015:0011351010000000126:0001454100000000157:00105199100000000358:00429148500000000428:00429148500000000429:003091952000000003810:0001101772000000003711:00155960000000002612:003261283000000003413:00206891000000002614:001191590000000003515:0024811122000000003916:003131281100000002917:004161452000000003218:00123651000000001819:006311980000000003720:000310620000000002121:00102431000000001122:0001232000000000823:000023020000000078/2/20110021010000000041:000011100000000032:000001100000000023:000002000000000024:000000000000000005:000103211000000086:00012144210000000247:001292511110000000508:00316195200000000369:0002101041000000002710:000251291000000002911:00225783000000002712:001361573000000003513:003471361000000003414:001361863000000003715:000091273000000003116:004381880000000004117:001111772000000002918:002391430000000003119:00216630000000001820:001258101000000018 Lincoln Avenue During Test Eastbound DirectionRSG Count Time15-Jan16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total21:0001100100000000322:00005240000000001123:000023200000000078/3/20110324000000000091:000001100000000022:000000100000000013:000000000000000004:000001010000000025:000012100000000046:0001247100000000157:00115199100000000368:002311136200000000379:003381460000000003410:0036121351000000004011:002291332000000003112:0031191551000000004413:002141532000000002714:006591950000000004415:005371032000000003016:004591852000000004317:002251750000000003118:000371220000000002419:000471231000000002720:00144310000000001321:00005730000000001522:0010210200000000623:002230010000000088/4/20111011100000000041:001100200000000042:000000000000000003:000000100000000014:000100000000000015:000023110000000076:0000235100000000117:00207238200000000428:002112147000000000369:0010131171100000003410:001091440000000002811:0011111461100000003511:0011111461100000003512:00311012102000000003813:0043112040000000004214:00567522000000002715:0076111410000000003916:0014101400000000002917:0011171750000000004118:00249800000000002319:001171050000000002420:00216810000000001821:00142510000000001322:0001130000000000523:001062000000000098/5/201100252100000000101:001013000000000052:000101000000000023:000000000000000004:000100000000000015:000021210000000066:00003140000000000177:001310191000000000348:003616175000000000479:0032151330000000003610:0017161640000000004411:0027191322000000004512:0024151830000000004213:0027111410000000003514:003491300000000002915:007318740000000003916:0055122311000000004717:0015111341000000003518:007061450000000003219:00014811000000001520:002213600100000002421:0010122000000000622:0001340000000000823:00102200000000005 Lincoln Avenue During Test Eastbound DirectionRSG Count Time15-Jan16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total8/6/20111021100000000051:000002200000000042:000000000000000003:000001000000000014:000010200000000035:001001100000000036:000223001000000087:0002461000000000138:001214145100000000379:0011131171000000003410:0005241670000000005211:0021181820000000004112:0003171411000000003613:0021121610000000003214:0011131530000000003315:003491390000000003816:0036101430000000003617:0010111610000000002918:00225922000000002219:00226900000000001920:00004900000000001321:00024510000000001222:00133310000000001123:000034200000000098/7/20110012000000000031:000120000000000032:000021000000000033:000001000000000014:000010010000000025:001111100000000056:000023300000000087:000017100000000098:0002693000000000209:000361021000000002210:00139731100000002511:000011931000000002412:003171440000000002913:004292230000000004014:0022141340000000003514:0022141340000000003515:0041101310000000002916:003331530000000002717:000031160000000002018:001371310000000002519:0012111200000000002620:00008311000000001321:00032610000000001222:0012402000000000923:001033000000000078/8/20110110010000000031:001001000000000022:000010000000000013:000001100000000024:001110000000000035:000132010000000076:0003353000000000147:00019204000000000348:001411115000000000329:002511940000000003110:0003151130000000003211:0053141020000000003412:0097111020000000003913:0021141070000000003414:006441630000000003315:003215720000000002916:0046151720000000004417:0020101420000000002818:00426850000000002519:003381010000000002520:00034601000000001421:0000340001000000822:0001020000000000323:000030110000000058/9/20112103200000000081:000010000000000012:00000100000000001 Lincoln Avenue During Test Eastbound DirectionRSG Count Time15-Jan16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total3:000000000000000004:000000100000000015:000112210000000076:0001561000000000137:00525217000000000408:00591575000000000419:0033121840000000004010:002481141000000003011:002381320000000002812:0012101552000000003513:0004191060000000003914:001515960000000003615:0013201220000000003816:0032131030000000003117:001371620000000002918:000291021000000002419:00422323000000001620:00208430000000001721:00014810000000001422:0010403000000000823:0021350000000000118/10/20111022000000000051:000000010000000012:000100000000000013:000000000000000004:001001200000000045:000011111000000056:0000254000000000117:004118213000000000478:004410116100000000369:00139852000000002810:0052141612000000004011:002161450000000002812:002371781000000003813:003151273000000003114:0021101391100000003715:00636852000000003016:0061111230000000003317:00428671000000002817:00428671000000002818:001213751000000002919:003161020000000002220:00318731000000002321:0000125000000000822:00114510000000001223:000005010000000068/11/20110024200000000081:000010110000000032:000000000000000003:000011000000000024:000001011000000035:001044000000000096:0001432000000000107:001081113100000000348:001391110600000000409:002061331100000002610:000381392000000003511:001321791000000003312:002472041000000003813:001191083000000003214:003231441000000002715:0010101242000000002916:003391370000000003517:005281490000000003818:004181571000000003619:001071731000000002920:00106340000000001421:00211432000000001322:00323430000000001523:0021182000000000148/12/20111001300000000051:000003000000000032:000000000000000003:000001000000000014:000001010000000025:00001101000000003 Lincoln Avenue During Test Eastbound DirectionRSG Count Time15-Jan16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total6:0000252200000000117:001161511200000000368:004310145100000000379:0022102542000000004510:0036121620100000004011:0015615810000000036 Lincoln Avenue During Test Westbound DirectionRSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total15:007616830000000004016:00113231220000000005117:0011202030000000004518:000391351000000003119:001281860000000003520:002141540000000002621:00215730000000001822:00003430000000001023:000141000000000067/28/20110002100000000031:000001000000000012:000001000000000013:000001000000000014:000200000000000025:000101000000000026:000112000000000047:0003430100000000118:0060621000000000159:0035101050000000003310:00027650000000002011:0014121590000000004112:0013131870000000004213:0011811101000000003214:006171350000000003215:006691660000000004316:001051661000000002917:00031821100000000005218:000391740000000003319:001111950000000002720:002591150000000003221:00125231000000001422:00108341000000001723:000031210000000077/29/20110110110000000041:000012000000000032:000000000000000003:000000000000000004:001000000000000015:001100100000000035:001100100000000036:000012000000000037:000014000000000058:00525112000000000259:00535910000000002310:001481141000000002911:0002101010000000002312:000242391000000003913:0034111061000000003514:006251540000000003215:006281780000000004116:0024162590000000005617:000391292000000003518:001111940000000002619:000171070000000002520:00027950000000002321:00144401000000001422:00007320000000001223:0012322000000000107/30/20110023220000000091:000000200000000022:000100100000000023:000001000000000014:000002000000000025:001000100000000026:000011100000000037:000303100000000078:0001353000000000129:00223430000000001410:000231540000000002411:005281161100000003412:00315675000000002713:00131110100000000003514:003091371000000003315:003281430000000003016:000281260000000002817:0011615600000000029 Lincoln Avenue During Test Westbound DirectionRSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total18:00029971000000002819:00413431000000001620:00029720000000002021:00204970000000002222:0000342000000000923:000036000000000097/31/20110005210000000081:000021010000000042:000001000000000013:000000000000000004:000010000000000015:000010000000000016:000000100000000017:000131010000000068:000151000000000079:00124621000000001610:00237940000000002511:000291041000000002612:001151440000000002513:00327920000000002314:00039811000000002215:002310910000000002516:0030101130000000002717:001051331000000002318:003251140000000002519:00017650000000001920:0004121100000000002721:00012833000000001722:0000043100000000823:000013200000000068/1/20110011000000000021:000000000000000002:000001000000000013:000010000000000014:000000000000000005:000101000000000026:000023000000000057:0002363100000000158:0011691000000000188:0011691000000000189:00317731000000002210:001141351000000002511:001341470000000002912:0012112092000000004513:0014131173000000003914:003391051000000003115:0021515110000000003416:0031202052000000005117:0013819131000000004518:0013121260100000003519:00105961000000002220:004331060000000002621:00003720000000001222:0000150000000000623:000202110000000068/2/20110011100000000031:000000000000000002:000000001000000013:000000000000000004:000000000000000005:001001000000000026:000020100000000037:0002665000000000198:0020450000000000119:000291670000000003410:00027930000000002111:000161520000000002412:0045131551000000004313:0023111250100000003414:00228950000000002615:0023121653000000004116:00221215100000000004117:00221123100000000004818:003171440000000002919:00023831000000001720:0047413210000000031 Lincoln Avenue During Test Westbound DirectionRSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total21:00123640000000001622:00112700000000001123:000041300000000088/3/20110103100000000051:000010010000000022:000011000000000023:000000000000000004:001000000000000015:000000000000000006:000020100000000037:00300100000000000138:0013762000000000199:003091121000000002610:00137360000000002011:002491211000000002912:0023111250000000003313:006331641000000003314:0023111541000000003615:0057151250000000004416:0089131990000000005817:001292390000000004418:0013121680000000004019:001381271000000003220:00118920000000002121:00004760000000001722:0000213000000000623:001015101000000098/4/20110110100000000031:000002200000000042:000000000000000003:000000000000000004:000100000000000015:000000000000000006:000032200000000077:00015105000000000218:0011674000000000199:002181360000000003010:00027940000000002211:000571073000000003211:000571073000000003212:00221317110000000004513:002491740000000003614:005971850000000004415:0078101831000000004716:0035141130000000003617:0003261730000000004918:003316640000000003219:00157530000000002120:00139810000000002221:00217610000000001722:00006420000000001223:0010622100000000128/5/20110002100000000031:000011000000000022:000011100000000033:000000000000000004:001010000000000025:000000000000000006:0000163000000000107:0023433000000000158:00682195000000000499:0031323531000000004810:0026161261000000004311:00518121130000000004912:0015172310000000004713:00218151450000000005414:007711820000000003515:0076181720000000005016:0059132240000000005317:00114221110000000004918:003411961000000003419:0021111020000000002620:00209820000000002121:00125710000000001622:00006320000000001123:00303210000000009 Lincoln Avenue During Test Westbound DirectionRSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total8/6/20111001000000000021:000000000000000002:000000020000000023:000020000000000024:000000000000000005:000000000000000006:000002000000000027:0000550000000000108:0010760000000000149:003661020000000002710:0021316740000000004211:0006131720000000003812:0015101001000000002713:001412900000000002614:0032181540000000004215:0073181510000000004416:0024141050000000003517:0002101330000000002818:00019830000000002119:001061051000000002320:00003820000000001321:0000341000000000822:0011151000000000923:0001560010000000138/7/20110015000000000061:000012000000000032:000110100000000033:000000100000000014:001000000000000015:000000100000000016:001000100000000027:000110300000000058:001141100000000089:0000150000000000610:0016101420000000003311:00005650000000001612:00007781000000002313:001351920000000003014:005291040000000003014:005291040000000003015:002221330000000002216:0014101250000000003217:004491101000000002918:00035920000000001919:00207600000000001520:00116820000000001821:00124620000000001522:0001111000000000423:001003000000000048/8/20111100000000000021:001000000000000012:000020000000000023:000000000000000004:000200000000000025:000010000000000016:0001361000000000117:0010261100000000118:00211070000000000209:00136910000000002010:001991000000000002911:0033171430000000004012:0066101340000000003913:005491521000000003614:003214830000000003015:003810820000000003116:0024221431000000004617:0027172240000000005218:003171030000000002419:0032101120000000002820:00002841000000001521:00012831000000001522:0000132100000000723:000013200000000068/9/20111000000000000011:000000000000000002:00000200000000002 Lincoln Avenue During Test Westbound DirectionRSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total3:000000000000000004:001000000000000015:000011000000000026:000014200000000077:0042242000000000148:00551180000000000299:000413430000000002410:00319752000000002711:00210171510000000004512:002513921000000003213:0013151450000000003814:0026132040000000004515:00610171110000000004516:002516640000000003317:0033152550000000005118:000541710000000002719:006471031000000003120:00116810000000001721:0002412000000000922:00005410000000001023:000123000000000068/10/20110000100000000011:000002000000000022:000000000000000003:000000000000000004:003000001000000045:000001000000000016:000002000000000027:0002841000000000158:0023871100000000229:00157812000000002410:003371461000000003411:00134821000000001912:0012102361000000004313:006561450000000003614:003641440000000003115:0024171330000000003916:0094111750000000004617:0003152760000000005117:0003152760000000005118:000251320000000002219:0005111340000000003320:00012930000000001521:00007661000000002022:00213311000000001123:000111200000000058/11/20110002000000000021:000012100000000042:000001000000000013:000010000000000014:001000000000000015:000001000000000016:000032010000000067:0013261000000000138:0004560000000000159:00138860000000002610:000331220000000002011:002471450000000003212:00018942000000002413:002391540100000003414:0013121260000000003415:002381383000000003716:0016141361000000004117:00431117100000000004518:00521512120000000004619:003181770000000003620:00137851000000002521:00318700000000001922:00016420000000001323:002021200000000078/12/20111001200000000041:000010000000000012:000000100000000013:000100000000000014:000010100000000025:00000000000000000 Lincoln Avenue During Test Westbound DirectionRSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total6:000011200000000047:0020272100000000148:0001653000000000159:007271421000000003310:002551140000000002711:003589400000000029 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG CountTimeDirection 1Direction 2TotalDirection 1Direction 2Total13:3010132345Thurs7/28/2011642495113713:4571219141Fri7/29/2011622501112314:00111122237Sat7/30/201146135982014:1515419333Sun7/31/201136131667714:30121022429Mon8/1/2011597498109514:4511819525Tue8/2/2011671499117015:00101020621Weds8/3/2011612513112515:15516717Thurs8/4/20116024651067<-- Speed Feedback sign installed this day15:309514813Fri8/5/2011636502113815:4515621909Sat8/6/2011627440106716:001917361005Sun8/7/201140230871016:1576131101Mon8/8/2011571432100316:3096151197Tue8/9/2011591450104116:45179261293Weds8/10/2011612424103617:001510251389Thurs8/11/2011604469107317:151192017:308715With StripingStriping + Radar Sign17:458311Average Weekday10921120105818:0011718Average Weekend81974988918:1510102018:301111218:45651119:00581319:15821019:30931219:4510112120:0016720:15951420:30831120:451151621:0051621:1554921:30831121:4544822:0022422:1562822:3023522:4520223:0021323:1520223:3021323:451017/28/201100064249511370:152350:301230:450001:000001:150001:300001:450002:001012:150112:300112:450003:001123:150003:300223:450004:000114:150224:301454:450115:002135:151125:302135:451236:001236:151236:302466:4577147:00358 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count7:15105157:30711187:451010208:00812208:15810188:30611178:45118199:00128209:1584129:30310139:45871510:00831110:15941310:301392210:451472111:0013122511:151071711:30851311:45881612:001331612:1510102012:301392212:45781513:001151613:151071713:308111913:451081814:0010122214:1515132814:301181914:451282015:001631915:1517133015:3014102415:451361916:001451916:1516132916:301492316:4516102617:001752217:151592417:301682417:45551018:001061618:151282018:308111918:45981719:0013102319:15561119:3010102019:45731020:00841220:151181920:30931220:4541521:0023521:1503321:3052721:4562822:0044822:1515622:3033622:4531423:0030323:1521323:3011223:453037/29/201100062250111230:150000:302020:450111:00000 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count1:150221:300111:453142:000002:150112:301012:450223:001013:150113:300223:450004:000114:151124:301234:450335:001125:151125:302135:452356:001126:153256:302686:4565117:001457:1578157:30910197:45710178:001418328:151012228:3095148:45912219:00119209:1567139:3076139:4511132410:00781510:15471110:309101910:457101711:00991811:15581311:305152011:45971612:001782512:1514102412:301061612:451682413:001151613:152262813:30991813:45781514:006121814:151071714:301892714:457101715:001271915:151292115:30941315:451572216:002563116:151251716:309112016:451382117:001662217:1513102317:301261817:45741118:00841218:151041418:301071718:45891719:005611 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count19:15731019:307121919:45551020:0024620:151341720:30591420:4541521:0063921:1541521:30821021:4544822:0044822:1532522:3081922:4541523:0014523:1551623:3030323:453367/30/20114374613598200:152020:300000:450001:000001:150001:301011:451122:000222:151012:300002:450003:001013:151233:300003:450114:000004:150114:300004:451015:000005:151015:301015:451126:001126:150006:301236:450007:005387:152247:303367:453698:004598:1564108:3028108:4558139:005279:1557129:3084129:451282010:007172410:15961510:301051510:45971611:00831111:1514102411:301081811:451261812:0044812:15571212:30971612:45971613:008917 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count13:15961513:301081813:451001014:00871514:151121314:301181914:45731015:00791615:15591415:30651115:45471116:001031316:15861416:30661216:45831117:00841217:15651117:301171817:45581318:00861418:1581918:30831118:45471119:0053819:15641019:3033619:4581920:0034720:1544820:30851320:4562821:00751221:1563921:30561121:45481222:0014522:15561122:3022422:4571823:0040423:1542623:3021323:452247/31/20111123613166770:152020:300000:450111:000111:152131:300001:450002:000002:150112:300002:450003:000003:150113:300003:450004:000004:150004:301014:450115:001015:150225:300115:453036:000116:150006:303146:450117:00268 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count7:151347:301457:451458:003478:152248:3028108:452579:006399:152469:302359:45941310:00671310:15831110:30571210:456101611:00671311:151492311:30781511:45731012:00931212:151171812:30371012:45741113:00661213:15571213:30861413:45931214:0034714:1554914:3026814:45651115:00651115:15571215:30951415:45371016:0034716:15461016:30731016:4511112217:00731017:1554917:30741117:45851318:0072918:1554918:30671318:45461019:0023519:15761319:3042619:45651120:0063920:151161720:3043720:45911021:00551021:1543721:30731021:4552722:0042622:1500022:3022422:4533623:0002223:1532523:3021323:451018/1/201120259749810950:151010:302020:450001:00000 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count1:151011:300111:450002:001012:150002:301012:450003:000113:150003:300113:450004:000114:150224:300114:450335:001125:153255:304155:450336:000116:152136:3037106:451567:0055107:1584127:30911207:45613198:001213258:15610168:3086148:45414189:0086149:1558139:3056119:451171810:00941310:15661210:306101610:4554911:0010112111:15871511:3011102111:451031312:0012132512:151762312:30841212:459132213:007121913:151562113:309112013:4510102014:0013132614:1512132514:301151614:451192015:0015102515:151372015:301171815:451372016:001592416:151572216:301782516:4514122617:0018112917:151982717:301282017:45841218:00931218:15561118:301292118:45781519:009514 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count19:15571219:3036919:4554920:001171820:15971620:3062820:4563921:0024621:1536921:3061721:45641022:0022422:1542622:3011222:4523523:0024623:1511223:3001123:453038/2/201100067149911700:153030:301010:453031:000001:150001:300001:451012:000002:150112:300002:450003:000223:150113:301123:450004:001234:150224:301234:451345:000115:151235:302135:453366:001126:154486:303586:454597:0079167:156397:30517227:45108188:00128208:15510158:3073108:45814229:0049139:15109199:30610169:45891710:001081810:151071710:301051510:451511611:001462011:151151611:30991811:451992812:001192012:1510112112:3011122312:4511102113:0015823 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count13:151541913:301181913:45471114:001372014:151331614:309152414:45931215:0018133115:152182915:3013122515:451451916:0011132416:15961516:301692516:451692517:0021103117:159142317:301482217:451021218:001192018:15691518:30571218:451061619:001552019:151021219:30941319:45851320:00961520:15961520:30931220:45471121:00831121:15941321:30751221:45681422:0042622:1501122:3030322:4510123:0040423:1501123:3043723:450228/3/201100061251311250:150000:302020:450001:001011:150111:300001:452022:000002:150002:302022:450003:000003:150113:300333:450114:000004:151234:301454:451125:000115:152465:302245:451236:004266:152466:302576:456177:009514 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count7:1575127:301317307:451018288:001010208:151114258:30711188:451010209:00910199:15610169:30511169:45761310:00871510:15671310:30671310:45861411:00681411:157101711:301131411:45961512:001251712:151572212:301572212:451181913:001652113:1516112713:301071713:451061614:00841214:151462014:307101714:4510122215:0013173015:1517173415:3010142415:451151616:001582316:151091916:3010132316:451061617:002373017:157132017:3020113117:45881618:00641018:15651118:30861418:45671319:00731019:151171819:3010102019:451151620:00741120:1561720:30831120:4513421:00551021:1514521:3081921:4543722:0032522:1521322:3022422:4530323:0020223:1512323:3002223:452248/4/201100060246510670:152130:301120:452021:00101 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count1:150001:301011:450002:000002:150002:301012:450003:000223:150003:300223:450004:001234:150004:300554:451235:001125:151455:302135:451456:001346:152136:303696:455387:0059147:1582107:30712197:45913228:001116278:15611178:3055108:4586149:0097169:15106169:3056119:451061610:00681410:151241610:30841210:45861411:00881611:151081811:30931211:451251712:0011102112:151081812:3011122312:451181913:0010112113:15851313:301151613:45651114:0013112414:15931214:301071714:45791615:00961515:151392215:3021113215:4517102716:0013152816:151392216:3010112116:451782517:001071717:151361917:30871517:451372018:0045918:15661218:301982718:45861419:00729 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count19:151462019:30771419:45831120:00551020:15771420:30841220:4571821:0021321:15821021:3032521:4521322:0034722:1551622:3013422:4521323:0042623:1522423:3023523:452028/5/201102263650211380:152020:303140:450111:001011:151011:300001:450112:000002:150002:300002:450003:000113:150003:300113:451014:001014:151234:302244:450335:000115:151235:301125:451236:003146:153146:305386:453477:0029117:154597:30812207:45811198:00158238:15911208:3099188:45513189:00714219:1597169:30912219:45751210:00951410:15891710:307111810:4515102511:001091911:15671311:301592411:451141512:001782512:1518133112:301972612:4513102313:00151530 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count13:159101913:3016122813:451692514:001382114:151582314:307101714:45991815:00991815:151192015:301392215:451171816:001131416:151171816:301271916:452262817:001582317:151472117:301171817:45741118:009101918:1572918:30661218:45781519:00951419:1543719:301181919:45671320:00641020:1533620:3021320:45741121:0043721:1553821:3031421:45911022:00551022:1503322:3032522:4554923:0002223:1532523:3024623:454048/6/201122462744010670:152020:302020:453031:000001:151011:301121:452132:000112:150112:302022:450003:001233:150003:300113:450114:000004:150004:300114:450005:000005:151015:300005:453146:003036:153366:301016:452137:00336 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count7:1547117:3074117:4575128:002578:156398:3096158:45911209:0098179:15183219:301611279:4516112710:0018123010:1516143010:3019143310:451792611:0014142811:151251711:3013122511:451942312:001972612:1512112312:301892712:451151613:001081813:1513132613:30961513:45651114:00851314:151071714:301141514:451562115:0013102315:15881615:301192015:451061616:001071716:15741116:30641016:451051517:00681417:1511112217:301051517:45571218:0044818:15861418:30551018:45821019:00781519:159101919:3044819:451041420:001251720:15471120:3062820:45561121:00781521:1543721:3030321:4522422:0032522:1501122:3014522:4522423:0032523:1534723:3031423:452138/7/20114044023087100:154150:301010:452021:00011 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count1:151231:301011:450002:000002:150002:300002:450113:000003:150003:301123:450004:000114:150004:300004:450115:000005:150005:300005:451016:001016:151126:301126:454267:001347:150227:300227:451458:000338:151458:302798:454599:0074119:154269:3066129:4524610:00761310:15561110:301051510:45891711:0033611:151081811:30961511:45961512:001271912:15681412:30471112:45651113:001621813:151241613:3053813:45761314:00781514:1543714:3010132314:45871515:00681415:1553815:30751215:451131416:001441816:1541516:30771416:451171817:00641017:15661217:30771417:4581918:0034718:158101818:30741118:4545919:0010515 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count19:15951419:3023519:4540420:00661220:151041420:30861420:4561721:0044821:1543721:3013421:4532522:0031422:1520222:3023522:4501123:0020223:1502223:3020223:452028/8/201132557143210030:151120:302130:450001:000001:151011:300001:450002:000002:150002:302022:450113:000003:150113:300113:450114:000004:150224:300114:450335:003255:150115:301125:452136:001016:152136:3064106:453477:004487:157297:30611177:45716238:001210228:1588168:30134178:4546109:004599:15116179:303699:4545910:0044810:15981710:30651110:451351811:001061611:15881611:30661211:451572212:001282012:15861412:301081812:455101513:0011718 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count13:15771413:30281013:45641014:001181914:15551014:301261814:4510102015:001472115:151351815:301091915:451141516:002383116:151482216:301382116:451071717:0016112717:1513102317:30551017:451171818:0013112418:159101918:30931218:45481219:001131419:151192019:301011119:4545920:001071720:1563920:30741120:4571821:0021321:1553821:30751221:4551622:0025722:1563922:3023522:4543723:0012323:1501123:3023523:451128/9/201130359145010410:151120:301120:450001:001121:150001:300111:450112:000002:150112:301012:450003:000113:150113:300003:450004:000114:150004:300334:451235:000115:153145:303145:452466:003366:152026:303476:455387:00358 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count7:155497:301010207:45420248:001411258:15125178:301415298:45412169:00514199:1575129:303479:45771410:001151610:1554910:301061610:451061611:00861411:15491311:309101911:4511122312:001071712:151061612:301251712:451361913:005111613:15841213:301282013:451341714:001682414:15951414:30761314:4514102415:001782515:15981715:301251715:4512142616:002362916:151161716:301692516:451582317:001862417:15981717:309152417:451141518:001071718:1553818:3062818:45591419:001081819:15741119:30871519:4544820:0031420:15931220:3062820:4570721:0061721:1532521:30651121:4533622:0051622:1523522:3012322:4532523:0020223:1503323:3020223:452028/10/201100061242410360:150000:301340:450001:00000 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count1:150001:300001:451012:000002:150002:301012:450003:000003:150113:300003:451124:001124:151234:300114:450335:002025:151345:302135:452356:000116:154156:305276:4574117:0076137:15115167:3069157:451116278:00139228:15410148:301011218:45310139:003479:1565119:3073109:4554910:00761310:15971610:301051510:451541911:00941311:15971611:30971611:451421612:001472112:151301312:30741112:4513102313:001361913:1514112513:301051513:451682414:004101414:151562114:301051514:45981715:001282015:151141515:301031315:451192016:001531816:151592416:301482216:451762317:0013132617:1512132517:3012112317:4514102418:00771418:151361918:30861418:45671319:008311 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count19:15661219:30831119:451061620:001021220:1512320:30761320:4542621:0072921:15561121:3043721:4532522:0022422:1511222:3021322:4526823:0012323:1535823:3010123:452028/11/201101160446910730:152020:300000:450001:001121:153031:301011:450002:000112:151012:300112:452133:001013:150113:300003:450224:000114:150004:301454:450225:001125:152575:303145:453366:001016:153256:3057126:4557127:0037107:154267:30107177:45106168:0088168:15611178:3049138:45814229:0087159:1589179:303699:45891710:0025710:15751210:301251710:4511122311:00761311:151051511:301081811:451292112:001241612:15871512:301061612:451372013:00111223 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count13:1510112113:301592413:45941314:001531814:155111614:309132214:451171815:0010102015:151562115:301081815:451041416:001662216:156101616:301282016:451261817:002283017:151131417:301081817:45961518:00841218:1553818:307121918:451382119:001341719:151061619:301091919:45561120:00481220:15761320:301021220:4545921:00831121:1530321:3081921:45561122:0072922:1543722:3024622:4511223:0063923:1541523:3023523:451128/12/20114042512064570:154040:301120:450111:000001:150001:300001:450112:000112:150002:300002:451123:000113:150113:300003:450114:000004:151014:301454:450445:000225:152355:304155:452136:003256:153146:3056116:455277:007411 Coolidge Ave During Test (Site 02) RSG Count7:1576137:305497:451113248:00714218:15126188:3085138:45610169:0076139:15915249:30105159:451071710:001521710:151261810:3010122210:45681411:001692511:151492311:301372011:451472112:0014122612:1525712:30000 Coolidge Avenue Direction 1 During TestRSG Count Time< 15 16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total14:00351415111000000004915:00121312101000000003916:00331124110000000005217:0053141361000000004218:0000101990000000003819:001661351000000003220:00296830100000002921:00039550000000002222:00003711000000001223:000104200000000077/28/20110012000000000031:000000000000000002:000000100000000013:000000100000000014:001000000000000015:000011400000000066:0000145100000000117:002241010200000000308:002261112000000000339:002241751000000003110:0042111890000000004411:002261991000000003912:0032522110000000004313:004091592000000003914:00231022101000000004815:00241723130100000006016:0003434172000000006017:0062132471000000005318:003271791000000003919:0003161240000000003520:0016101320000000003221:00016330000000001322:00223031000000001123:000053010000000097/29/20111010000000000021:000002100000000032:000001000000000013:000001000000000014:001001000000000025:000012210000000066:0010146000000000127:00211065000000000248:002171911200000000429:002671460000000003510:00119961000000002711:000171280000000002812:00221325122100000005713:0032102842000000004914:0024716102000000004115:0033923100000000004816:0022834130000000005917:00241019121000000004818:0011111751000000003619:00017952000000002420:001171122000000002421:00116752000000002222:00006940000000001923:0000345000000000127/30/20110014100000000061:000001100000000022:000010000000000013:000010100000000024:000000100000000015:000001110000000036:001010000000000027:0001165000000000138:0000492200000000179:0000117120000000003010:000291950000000003511:0033101693000000004412:0010411101000000002713:0021617110000000003714:0022615111000000003715:0001511320000000022 Coolidge Avenue Direction 1 During TestRSG Count Time< 15 16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 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Coolidge Avenue Direction 1 During TestRSG Count Time< 15 16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 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Coolidge Avenue Direction 1 During TestRSG Count Time< 15 16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total20:00205830000000001821:00125921100000002122:00003730000000001323:000035100000000098/6/20110005400000000091:000001120000000042:001001000000000023:000100000000000014:000000000000000005:001001020000000046:002032110000000097:00035111100000000218:00011285000000000269:0043252142000000005910:0008253151000000007011:0019132870000000005812:00171324150000000006013:00131113100000000003814:00111516110000000004415:0004121871000000004216:002161860000000003317:000171590000000003218:00018970000000002519:000291360000000003020:001211940000000002721:00008611000000001622:0000140100000000623:0002144000000000118/7/201101244000000000111:000001100000000022:000000000000000003:000001000000000014:000000000000000005:000000100000000016:002013100000000077:000020000000000028:001042000000000079:00114850000000001910:001151481000000003011:002541361000000003112:003210580000000002813:0011131960000000004014:002091341000000002915:000091253000000002916:0004121342100000003617:000251460000000002718:002211700000000002219:00618910000000002520:00849720000000003021:00013710000000001222:0002131000000000723:000112110000000068/8/20111022100000000061:001000000000000012:000011000000000023:000000000000000004:000000000000000005:000003300000000066:0010163100000000127:000221010000000000248:00315179200000000379:000261130000000002210:0011111531000000003211:000661782000000003912:0003121280000000003513:000071162000000002614:0010817111000000003815:0003922112100000004816:00031031151000000006017:0010520172000000004518:001581181100000003519:0023101380000000003620:001261740000000003021:000258310000000019 Coolidge Avenue Direction 1 During TestRSG Count Time< 15 16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total22:00124340000000001423:000010201000000048/9/20110101300000000051:000010000000000012:000001000000000013:000000000000000004:001000000000000015:000102410000000086:0010363000000000137:0002496100000000228:00037218500000000449:000010552000000002210:0023121090000000003611:001391450000000003212:0025131861000000004513:0013121741000000003814:0014151781000000004615:00011218163000000005016:00121628161100000006517:002382860000000004718:0030101030000000002619:001051652000000002920:00139840000000002521:00126630000000001822:00011441000000001123:000015000000000068/10/20110100000000000011:000010000000000012:000001000000000013:000000100000000014:000001100000000025:001012210000000076:0000268000000000167:003112127000000000358:00118136100000000309:00314742000000002110:0024111491000000004111:0013141670000000004112:0001152461000000004713:00341717102000000005314:0004111661000000003815:00221215103000000004416:00001435111000000006117:0045132081000000005118:0022111270000000003419:001291550000000003220:001361020000000002221:000051121000000001922:0010330000000000723:000033010000000078/11/20110002000000000021:000102110000000052:001010100000000033:000001000000000014:001000000000000015:001021410000000096:0000185000000000147:00115145100000000278:00117142100000000269:000431172000000002710:0012811100000000003211:0010102080000000003912:0003621130000000004313:0027111681000000004514:000072184000000004015:0012181571100000004516:0013152070000000004617:00311424100000000005218:002191560000000003319:001761491000000003820:002161231000000002521:00024792000000002422:00021740000000001423:000037210000000013 Coolidge Avenue Direction 1 During TestRSG Count Time< 15 16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total8/12/20110135000000000091:000000000000000002:000001000000000013:000000000000000004:000001100000000025:000114200000000086:0013171210000000167:00055162200000000308:000110174100000000339:0035141310000000003610:0007141363000000004311:00132222720000000057 Coolidge Avenue Direction 2 During TestRSG Count Time15-Jan16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total14:001281840000000003315:001151230000000002216:002361782000000003817:002361422000000002918:00156920000000002319:00348900000000002420:00234820000000001921:00313230000000001222:0011140000000000723:000002000000000027/28/20111022000000000051:000000000000000002:000002000000000023:000002100000000034:000005300000000085:000012200000000056:0000446010000000157:00303166300000000318:001081611500000000419:001041464000000002910:001351220000000002311:002231294000000003212:00139971000000003013:0000219100000000003114:002352191000000004115:005251640000000003216:003381390010000003717:005251140000000002718:002422140000000003319:0010131320000000002920:003011011000000001621:00012430000000001022:00511600000000001323:000011000000000027/29/20110100000000000011:000011110000000042:000002100000000033:001001100000000034:000003400000000075:000013200000000066:0010193000000000147:00028913000000000328:003441816200000000479:0031121432000000003510:0004111730000000003511:0043101570000000003912:004191341000000003213:001281151000000002814:0023715101000000003815:000261180000000002716:0040101150000000003017:001441340000000002618:002251140000000002419:001251350000000002620:00116901000000001821:00103420000000001022:0000134000000000823:000012311000000087/30/20110001110000000031:000000100000000012:000110000000000023:000000210000000034:000010000000000015:000000010000000016:001001100000000037:0021144200000000148:0022786000000000259:00111792000000002110:001451393000000003511:001061091000000002712:001051072000000002513:00029561000000002314:003358100000000020 Coolidge Avenue Direction 2 During TestRSG Count Time15-Jan16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total15:000371361000000003016:00024560100000001817:000361230000000002418:00300851000000001719:00120611000000001120:00008511000000001521:001321141000000002222:00112422100000001323:000101210000000057/31/20110100100000000021:000011000000000022:000100000000000013:000000100000000014:000000001000000015:000111000000000036:000020010000000037:0000285200000000178:0002176300000000199:00124340000000001410:0011211102000000002711:00308970000000002712:00113871000000002113:000246100000000002214:00112951000000001915:00535722000000002416:00107844000000002417:00141721000000001618:00115660000000001919:00153520000000001620:00113701000000001321:00005530000000001322:0001123000000000723:000112100000000058/1/20110000000000000001:000010000000000012:000000000000000003:000002000000000024:000012400000000075:000004120000000076:0000265100000000147:00014179110000000338:000442012210000000439:00553851000000002710:000321351000000002411:0023101051000000003112:004281651000000003613:0024101184000000003914:008331970000000004015:00448771000000003116:0031810130100000003617:004351162000000003118:00236780000000002619:00024960100000002220:00318322000000001921:00037410000000001522:0000250010000000823:000122100000000068/2/20110000000000000001:000000000000000002:000001000000000013:001021000000000044:000014400000000095:000023200000000076:0000266100000000157:00239109400000000378:000171312200000000359:0012518101000000003710:00021882000000002111:00537752000000002912:0033131481000000004213:001251144000000002714:002161360000000002815:00131014910000000038 Coolidge Avenue Direction 2 During TestRSG Count Time15-Jan16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total16:0043811101000000003717:004271470000000003418:004061740000000003119:00125350000000001620:001251121000000002221:00325730000000002022:0000201000000000323:000411000000000068/3/20110000000000000001:000001000000000012:000000000000000003:002002100000000054:000021400000000075:000003420000000096:0001153110000000127:000082017000000000458:002272310100000000459:0010361341000000003710:00218951100000002711:000061290000000002712:00135773100000002713:00478640000000002914:0020121440000000003215:0081152252000000005316:004391361000000003617:0045613101000000003918:00037741000000002219:00326842000000002520:00015320000000001121:00106330000000001322:0000221000000000523:000021210000000068/4/20110002000000000021:000000000000000002:000000000000000003:000003010000000044:000005310000000095:0011115100000000106:0011181100000000137:000161513100000000368:001171511300000000389:00115990000000002510:002231041000000002211:00407670000000002412:004559122100000003813:00147581000000002614:000241482000000003015:004281480000000003616:000472750000000004317:000171252000000002718:001161061000000002519:001121130000000001820:00065420000000001721:0000213000000000622:0000351000000000923:001131100000000078/5/20110003100000000041:000010000000000012:000000000000000003:001001000000000024:000013210000000075:000012120000000066:001213200000000097:001281013300000000378:00239159300000000419:0061515101000000003810:001381850000000003511:000181370000000002912:007271381000000003813:0023132170000000004614:0022121450000000003515:00201110101000000003416:000079610000000023 Coolidge Avenue Direction 2 During TestRSG Count Time15-Jan16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 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Coolidge Avenue Direction 2 During TestRSG Count Time15-Jan16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total18:0010615100000000003219:00122850000000001820:00023640000000001521:00111421000000001022:00014630000000001423:000212200000000078/9/20110011000000000021:000012000000000032:000001000000000013:000001100000000024:000002310000000065:000004210000000076:0002214100000000107:000391114200000000398:000462011200000000439:001241760000000003010:00057630000000002111:0023141242000000003712:00316941000000002413:00128970000000002714:00329771000000002915:0013101380000000003516:00153992000000002917:002161842000000003318:00025761000000002119:00243770000000002320:0000321000000000621:00014420000000001122:0001331000000000823:000011100000000038/10/20110111000000000031:000000000000000002:000000000000000003:000002000000000024:000014200000000075:000015100000000076:000121310000000087:000081611100000000368:001042112200000000409:00022930000000001610:00114862000000002211:00215480000000002012:00134940000000002113:002161191000000003014:0012101141000000002915:00225870000000002416:00163871000000002617:00321016141100000004718:004071041000000002619:000311031000000001820:00031601100000001221:00013720000000001322:00034300000000001023:000104110000000078/11/20110001000000000011:000100000000000012:000111000000000033:000012000000000034:000013210000000075:0000260200000000106:0000256300000000167:0001468210000000228:001121819100000000429:001151572000000003110:00227691000000002711:001310761000000002812:00218741100000002413:003441591000000003614:003351454000000003415:005051440000000002816:0025111020000000003017:002081320000000002518:002199510000000027 Coolidge Avenue Direction 2 During TestRSG Count Time15-Jan16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total19:002141350000000002520:002231040000000002121:00102430000000001022:00012520000000001023:000114200000000088/12/20110100010000000021:000000001000000012:000002000000000023:000001200000000034:000004310000000085:000012211000000076:0010244000000000117:00226123200000000278:001161610100000000359:005351262000000003310:001271061100000002811:0033913400000000032 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG CountDirection 1Direction 2TotalTimeDirection 1Direction 2Total50Thurs7/28/2011955884183912:30131427146Fri7/29/20111092967205912:4522931242Sat7/30/2011762751151313:00211839338Sun7/31/2011579569114813:1571825434Mon8/1/2011917829174613:30181129530Tue8/2/20111003882188513:45181230626Weds8/3/2011944850179414:00141327722Thurs8/4/20119298761805<-- Speed Feedback sign installed this day14:15131023818Fri8/5/2011923826174914:3013720914Sat8/6/2011649623127214:45139221010Sun8/7/2011609578118715:001810281106Mon8/8/2011908850175815:15279361202Tue8/9/20111049702175115:302215371298Weds8/10/2011906821172715:45219301394Thurs8/11/2011880818169816:0027154216:1535641M-FWith StripingStriping + Radar Sign16:30271542Average Weekday18011855173716:45331851Average Weekend12801331123017:0025184317:1521173817:3016112717:4518203818:0021133418:159152418:3014112518:458101819:0016112719:151081819:301792619:4510132320:0012122420:1512172920:3013122520:4513132621:008122021:15471121:30471121:451151622:007121922:15841222:3063922:4571823:0033623:15641023:3052723:451017/28/201111295588418390:152130:301120:453031:001011:150001:302021:452022:002022:153032:300002:450003:000223:150003:300113:451014:000114:151014:300114:451015:001235:150445:300445:453696:003586:1539126:3019106:45814227:00310137:15716237:301121327:45930398:00726338:151220328:301013238:451218309:00516219:151016269:301010209:4551015 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG Count10:001372010:1510102010:3015122710:4512183011:007121911:155111611:3010102011:4514142812:0017133012:1523103312:3019173612:4514163013:0029184713:1515102513:3017102713:4519214014:0017112814:151492314:301472114:4515203515:0020143415:1515173215:3017133015:4520133316:0013112416:1518183616:3022123416:4526133917:0028164417:1524153917:3028154317:4521123318:0021183918:151592418:3023184118:4514112519:002262819:1520163619:30981719:4512142620:0014152920:15971620:301091920:451181921:001061621:151652121:30671321:451161722:00991822:151552022:30751222:4513423:0013423:1523523:3020223:454157/29/2011213109296720590:154260:302020:451011:000001:150111:301011:451122:001012:150112:301122:451013:001123:150003:300223:450004:000114:152134:302244:450445:000005:152465:300555:451566:003476:152796:30517226:451410247:001013237:151718357:301723407:45154055 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG Count8:003028588:151534498:301817358:451721389:002430549:151817359:301825439:4533164910:0021183910:1524153910:3021113210:4520153511:0022133511:1522194111:3017122911:4522214312:0019244312:1518133112:3019183712:4520183813:0023133613:1511122313:301992813:4520193914:0021133414:1518153314:30851314:4514112515:0014213515:1515142915:3029154415:451772416:001792616:1516143016:3025123716:4524143817:0029114017:152092917:3021143517:451982718:001642018:151382118:308101818:459142319:009112019:1510142419:3010132319:458101820:00951420:15771420:30971620:45821021:00651121:15851321:30681421:45781522:00551022:151261822:30471122:45671323:00841223:15561123:3015623:455277/30/201113476275115130:152240:304040:455161:000001:151011:301121:452132:001012:152022:300112:452023:001233:150003:301233:450114:002024:150114:300004:450005:000005:151125:301235:45235 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG Count6:003146:151566:302356:455387:004597:1528107:30010107:4568148:001010208:1599188:3069158:451321349:00148229:151117289:301311249:4510192910:0014163010:1516203610:3015142910:4513122511:0016163211:1522113311:3015193411:4512122412:0011122312:1517193612:3012142612:4525133813:001582313:151392213:3014142813:4516112714:007132014:1514132714:308132114:451562115:0013223515:1515153015:3016153115:4511142516:009101916:151672316:301091916:451462017:0014173117:151271917:301382117:4512102218:001181918:157111818:30861418:451292119:001382119:158122019:30861419:45761320:007101720:154131720:30961520:459101921:001061621:157101721:306111721:45791622:00551022:159112022:30591422:4512323:0053823:1581923:3063923:4573107/31/201144857956911480:150440:300110:453251:001011:155271:301011:452242:003252:151122:300002:451123:000113:150003:300003:45000 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG Count4:001014:151124:300004:450115:000005:150005:300225:451126:000226:151676:304266:451457:003257:1528107:30411157:451788:000778:154268:30610168:45617239:0048129:153699:301010209:45981710:005172210:151071710:30761310:4510132311:0016143011:151081811:301592411:451382112:0012112312:151482212:30671312:457121913:0012102213:158111913:30891713:451292114:007142114:1554914:301091914:4515102515:001341715:151541915:30491315:45781516:001361916:151091916:309112016:452092917:001091917:151642017:30781517:451572218:00791618:151282018:3011112218:45871519:009101919:15971619:308162419:451081820:001351820:15881620:301081820:45771421:004101421:1541521:30471121:4563922:0008822:1522422:3042622:4544823:0033623:1563923:3052723:452138/1/201151691782917460:151120:301010:451121:000111:151121:300001:45000 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG Count2:002132:152132:300002:451013:000113:150113:300003:450114:000114:150004:301014:450005:001455:151235:301345:454376:003586:15211136:30311146:451019297:0097167:15823317:301024347:45929388:00616228:15916258:30415198:45109199:00610169:15915249:30418229:455141910:0020113110:151582310:3018143210:4512152711:0012152711:1514152911:3045911:4518143212:0024123612:1518143212:3014122612:4519163513:0022184013:1512112313:3015132813:4515173214:0011142514:151392214:3015112614:4515122715:0022163815:158111915:302393215:4514152916:001521716:1518203816:302973616:4520153517:0038114917:1522204217:3024113517:4524113518:002092918:1512122418:301492318:4513152819:001492319:1515153019:301361919:451361920:0010102020:151282020:301372020:45671321:001462021:15731021:308111921:451131422:001071722:1551622:3021322:4527923:00641023:1512323:3032523:45101 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG Count8/2/2011516100388218850:153140:300000:450221:005271:150001:303031:450002:002132:150002:301122:450003:000223:150003:300113:450004:000004:152134:300114:450115:000225:150335:300445:453366:001566:15011116:30414186:45138217:00512177:151215277:30925347:451533488:001023338:15718258:301115268:45818269:00612189:151511269:301512279:4513112410:0011213210:1515163110:3019173610:4513142711:0013162911:151482211:3021133411:4511122312:0014193312:1517234012:301482212:451192013:0021143513:1510142413:3020183813:4514142814:0018193714:151372014:3020143414:4515142915:0027144115:1525123715:3022133515:4518153316:0015142916:1515112616:303394216:4530215117:0029194817:1525204517:3019143317:4526133918:0022103218:1516102618:3013102318:4519143319:001282019:15971619:301292119:451282020:001792620:151772420:30931220:4511122321:001531821:151631921:303101321:458311 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG Count22:003111422:15841222:3012322:4553823:0031423:151001023:3030323:453148/3/201132594485017940:150110:302130:453031:002021:150001:302131:451012:003362:152022:300002:450003:001013:150113:300113:450004:000004:150004:301124:451015:001125:150335:300335:453696:003476:15117186:30013136:451010207:00713207:15714217:301027377:45618248:001021318:15822308:30109198:451122339:00914239:15611179:30920299:4512132510:0012102210:151091910:309122110:451662211:0016122811:151361911:3017163311:4514132712:0021133412:1513152812:30981712:4519123113:0031124313:1514112513:3020103013:4519133214:0013213414:15781514:3012142614:4513112415:0017143115:1523103315:3026164215:4514112516:0027123916:1516143016:3032164816:4525214617:0034144817:1526103617:3026164217:4521173818:0014142818:1512172918:301672318:4515112619:0013142719:1513112419:3013142719:45141428 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG Count20:007121920:151251720:301341720:451081821:0036921:15651121:301071721:45771422:00771422:15551022:3080822:4542623:0080823:1521323:3002223:453258/4/201123592987618050:152240:302020:452131:000551:152241:300001:450112:001122:150002:300002:450003:002023:150113:300003:450004:000114:150004:300114:452355:000225:150775:300225:4537106:004376:15211136:30511166:45811197:00314177:15617237:301422367:451226388:001124358:151226388:30710178:451414289:001217299:15811199:30114159:457202710:001192010:15891710:301051510:4510162611:001792611:1512112311:3016122811:4510102012:0014152912:1519143312:3013162912:4516102613:0022133513:159182713:3024143813:4519214014:0016143014:1513162914:3011132414:4513142715:0014173115:1515153015:302493315:4520193916:0012213316:1524184216:3029184716:453294117:0029134217:1527123917:3017112817:4529938 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG Count18:0014112518:1521123318:3010122218:4513122519:0014132719:1522103219:30981719:4512112320:001091920:15771420:301061620:451071721:0011102121:15941321:301061621:4533622:007101722:15641022:3013422:4544823:0041523:1562823:3021323:455058/5/201130392382617490:156170:301120:452131:001231:154151:300111:450112:000002:151122:300002:450003:000003:150113:300113:450004:001234:150004:301124:450005:000225:150335:301345:450776:002356:1538116:30113146:45129217:00513187:15313167:30725327:451824428:001224368:15612188:30911208:451117289:00108189:15118199:301025359:4513112410:001892710:1511152610:309182710:4514142811:0016193511:1514173111:3016193511:4510112112:0021163712:1520193912:3020133312:4513132613:0020193913:151392213:301592413:4515173214:009132214:159101914:3020133314:4515112615:0024113515:1516122815:3015142915:4522830 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG Count16:001852316:1515102516:3029144316:4525133817:0025103517:152722917:3018123017:4512142618:0013122518:151692518:301472118:4516122819:00971619:15891719:3013142719:4512112320:001141520:151582320:3054920:451282021:001421621:15761321:30971621:45871522:00591422:15681422:3052722:45731023:00861423:15741123:3033623:452248/6/201121364962312720:150220:302240:453251:000001:151011:300001:451232:003032:152132:301232:450003:000003:150113:300003:450004:001014:150004:300114:450005:001125:150335:301015:452356:000116:152576:302246:454487:0019107:152577:305387:4546108:001898:1538118:30511168:45610169:0098179:1557129:3048129:451161710:00951410:1515112610:3010132310:4511172811:001982711:1510122211:3010192911:4513223512:0011112212:1517143112:301141512:4511102113:0015112613:159172613:301372013:4511819 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG Count14:0015142914:15871514:301271914:4512152715:0014102415:1516153115:309182715:459132216:001081816:1512102216:301271916:45951417:002352817:1513102317:301572217:459132218:009122118:159101918:301282018:45741119:001292119:15771419:30691519:45881620:005131820:15871520:301151620:45581321:001251721:156111721:30661221:45821022:00741122:15961522:3061722:45821023:0045923:1542623:3021323:451348/7/201162860957811870:1574110:302240:452021:000001:151121:301121:451122:000002:150112:302132:450003:002243:150003:301013:450004:000224:150224:301234:451015:000115:151125:300225:451456:001236:150006:302576:4546107:001787:150557:30210127:450668:001128:155168:3038118:4559149:0069159:153699:30711189:456131910:00471110:151271910:30741110:451482211:0010172711:158202811:308122011:459817 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG Count12:0015153012:1518112912:309152412:451872513:001071713:15781513:301261813:451392214:0015142914:158142214:3011112214:4512102215:0014132715:1515173215:305101515:451081816:001692516:1518102816:301151616:4516102617:001192017:151071717:301382117:45581318:00981718:153111418:30851318:4514102419:001462019:151662219:309132219:451061620:00881620:15931220:30861420:451031321:00851321:15661221:30561121:45821022:00751222:1516722:3060622:4553823:0031423:1523523:3013423:450118/8/201172990885017580:151340:300000:450221:001121:152021:300111:450002:000002:150002:301122:451123:000003:150003:300113:451014:000224:150004:300114:450115:000115:150445:300335:453586:004486:1549136:30412166:4599187:00812207:15318217:301028387:451426408:00621278:15722298:30814228:45812209:001314279:1568149:30414189:45111223 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG Count10:0012142610:153111410:3011132410:4513132611:001271911:1512132511:309132211:4517234012:0021173812:159152412:301792612:451562113:0014173113:1510112113:301592413:4520123214:0017153214:1512132514:3012132514:4515112615:0019173615:1514173115:3017102715:4511132416:0027113816:1524184216:3022143616:4525164117:0033185117:1535155017:3026133917:4528103818:002152618:151282018:301572218:4511172819:0014132719:151151619:3013132619:451992820:001192020:151081820:301361920:4511112221:0052721:15931221:30481221:451462022:00591422:1534722:3053822:4552723:0034723:1563923:3052723:450228/9/2011336104970217510:152130:302020:450111:000001:150001:302241:450112:001012:150002:300002:451013:000223:150003:300113:450114:000114:151014:300004:450335:000115:151345:300225:454376:004596:15712196:30115166:45615217:00817257:15715227:301026367:45112738 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG Count8:00631378:15719268:30811198:45910199:00911209:15812209:3087159:4512142610:008192710:15891710:3013132610:457132011:0014152911:1514142811:308122011:4515122712:0018143212:1515173212:3014132712:4518203813:0014142813:1521143513:3019133213:4524133714:0013152814:1512112314:3011112214:4516163215:002112215:153103115:303503515:452202216:003403416:153503516:305405416:455005017:003503517:155205217:303073717:4522113318:002193018:151882618:3010132318:4515132819:002142519:1513102319:301382119:4513102320:00881620:151051520:30951420:451031321:00581321:15641021:3053821:4536922:00871522:1523522:3031422:4540423:0031423:1541523:3002223:454158/10/201110190682117270:152240:303250:450001:002131:151011:300111:450112:000222:151012:300002:450003:000113:150003:300333:450004:001124:150004:300004:451125:000115:150225:300445:45246 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG Count6:003586:15311146:30511166:4548127:00210127:151318317:301427417:451123348:00725328:15819278:301314278:451021319:00714219:1568149:30139229:459132210:0012162810:1510152510:301181910:4512142611:001692511:152593411:301081811:4512162812:0017122912:157121912:3013122512:4520204013:0020183813:1512112313:3020113113:4520113114:0013142714:158142214:301382114:451372015:0013112415:1518143215:301862415:4519153416:0024143816:1528164416:3028134116:4521153617:0033124517:1528124017:3025214617:4517143118:0018143218:1510112118:3014132718:451292119:001271919:151171819:301271919:4513102320:0013102320:151261820:301482220:451071721:00551021:15651121:301051521:4534722:0054922:15551022:3063922:4553823:0044823:1530323:3031423:452358/11/201112388081816980:154370:300110:450111:000221:150111:300221:450002:000002:152022:301122:450003:001013:151013:300113:45000 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG Count4:000114:151014:300114:451345:000115:150445:301565:454596:003476:1546106:30613196:4558137:00511167:15815237:30713207:45731388:001025358:15615218:30138218:45616229:0098179:1559149:301012229:4512112310:0014102410:1511102110:3015173210:4512152711:009142311:1513152811:3013112411:457132012:001692512:1516143012:3015142912:451882613:0012172913:1513112413:3023133613:4513162914:009112014:151772414:301592414:45681415:002172815:1518143215:3023103315:4518102816:001992816:152493316:3021123316:4525164117:0037114817:1517122917:3016112717:4515173218:0019153418:1516173318:301682418:4512172919:0013142719:1513112419:3014142819:4515122720:008132120:151562120:30951420:451161721:001071721:1563921:30791621:451462022:00681422:15671322:30641022:4502223:0022423:1504423:3032523:4557128/12/20112132664186840:151120:3082100:452351:000221:150001:301451:45000 Horicon During Test (Site 01)RSG Count2:002022:151122:300112:450003:002353:151123:300113:452134:000114:151124:300004:450335:001125:153475:302575:450446:003476:151896:30016166:4567137:00717247:15410147:301118297:45923328:001318318:15930398:3089178:45915249:001312259:151524399:30617239:457121910:007142110:1518102810:3013213410:4514173111:0010233311:1512203211:3014132711:4519143312:009615 Horicon During Test Direction 1RSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total13:0069252040000000006414:0018241820000000005315:00315362860000000008816:0011136229700000000012217:0089332631000000008018:0036241612000000005219:0046291220000000005320:00513201020000000005021:006512220000000002722:002371051000000002823:0002641110000000157/28/20110024100000000071:000023000000000052:000112010000000053:000000100000000014:000011000000000025:000002200000000046:0000463110000000157:00151077000000000308:0021017102000000000419:004910610000000003010:00410201420000000005011:001722330000000003612:00415311940000000007313:00811381931000000008014:00415241520000000006015:00413262810000000007216:00512391841000000007917:008203034810000000010118:00211312360000000007319:0025302321000000006320:0021215951000000004421:0028191220000000004322:0025141010000000003223:000041301000000097/29/20111214100000000091:000011000000000022:000110100000000033:000001000000000014:001002100000000045:000111000000000036:0015754200000000247:003214940000000000598:005819300000000000809:0066194310000000009310:0055197500000000008611:00362512910000000008312:002511261400000000007613:002016171640000000007314:00510201970000000006115:00915242151000000007516:00114194080000000008217:0068274341000000008918:0039112030000000004619:0026101351000000003720:0003101532000000003321:0011101221000000002722:000061731000000002723:0003394000000000197/30/201100461100000000121:000121000000000042:000002201000000053:000101000000000024:000001000010000025:000110110000000046:0011153000000000117:0010361100000000128:007141142000000000389:001012101150000000004810:00511151881000000005811:00713182070000000006512:00415192151000000006513:00151230820000000058 Horicon During Test Direction 1RSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total14:00201515102000000004415:0026826110200000005516:00311120140000000004917:0003112672101000005118:003072431000000003819:0013141350000000003620:004015730000000002921:0004141020000000003022:00208730000000002023:00017105300000000267/31/20110015010000000071:000052200000000092:000021200000000053:000000000000000004:000011000000000025:000010000000000016:001111200000000067:0001251100000000108:0020652100000000169:00239741000000002610:001141691000000003211:0052152651000000005412:0031131570000000003913:0010131961000000004014:0025101262000000003715:000471891000000003916:0011231971000000005217:0016132080000000004818:003291581000000003819:006171561000000003620:0033141521000000003821:00032841000000001822:00101511100000001023:0011373100000000168/1/20110034100000000081:000001000000000012:000010220000000053:000000000000000004:000000100000000015:000014200000000076:0020491200000000187:000261213300000000368:00149114000000000299:000271050000000002410:00351328151000000006511:0004132173000000004812:00422927112000000007513:0013222783000000006414:0031162374000000005415:00371131141000000006716:00452636110000000008217:003633491520000000010818:00161128112000000005919:0001192393000000005520:0004141751000000004121:0034151053000000004022:00025471000000001923:0000335000000000118/2/20110012500000000081:000023210000000082:000012000000000033:000000000000000004:000000200000000025:000000210000000036:00004102200000000187:00018238100000000418:00269136000000000369:0067181710000000004910:0049251640000000005811:0036242141000000005912:0003182582000000005613:00351926120000000006514:000519251430000000066 Horicon During Test Direction 1RSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total15:00172541171000000009216:00423039171000000009317:00252841194000000009918:0066222970000000007019:00121220100000000004520:0028201941000000005421:0031151832000000004222:00004940000000001723:00015103000000000198/3/20110133100000000081:000012200000000052:000111200000000053:000001000000000014:000000110000000025:001000210000000046:0000364100000000147:00067106010000000308:007712121000000000399:0034161120000000003610:0037241111000000004711:00010182651000000006012:00710202410000000006213:00620401530000000008414:00111711510000000004515:001016431010000000008016:006164923510000000010017:0017264221100000000010718:0023192481000000005719:00021026141000000005320:004192062000000004221:002241170000000002622:000081240000000002423:0000533110000000138/4/20110115100000000081:000020000000000022:001000000000000013:000002000000000024:000001100000000025:000010200000000036:0011484100000000197:001071213200000000358:001113217100000000449:0031131353000000003810:0024101570010000003911:0085112370100000005512:0073202552000000006213:00441534152000000007414:00311615162000000005315:00121536190000000007316:00463040170000000009717:0031134401040000000010218:00431425111000000005819:003882972000000005720:0013121830000000003721:003191460000000003322:00005841000000001823:0012463100000000178/5/201110281000000000121:000014000000000052:000000100000000013:000000000000000004:000000110000000025:000010000000000016:00102103110000000187:000114142200000000338:00639127100000000389:0022181660000000004410:0027151891000000005211:0044927120000000005612:00421729174100000007413:00162024111000000006314:0033201872000000005315:000326311430000000077 Horicon During Test Direction 1RSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total16:00361842162000000008717:00531941113000000008218:00351224123000000005919:0001922100000000004220:0043121743000000004321:0001161650000000003822:000181040000000002323:00006112100000000208/6/20110042010000000071:000011000000000022:000102300000000063:000000000000000004:000000100000000015:000011200000000046:001012301000000087:0000434100000000128:0030273000000000159:000251471000000002910:00411413121000000004511:0045132172000000005212:003382394000000005013:0034721112000000004814:0022152250100000004715:0005823101000010004816:0001625110000000004317:0045202641000000006018:0012715102000000003719:0002161140000000003320:0013121120000000002921:0014111330000000003222:0013141020000000003023:0001541000000000118/7/201101753100000000171:000003000000000032:000010100000000023:000001200000000034:000001010000000025:000020000000000026:000001420000000077:001001100000000038:0001561100000000149:00117850000000002210:0024121261000000003711:003212972000000003512:00115132461000000006013:000692061000000004214:0022161772000000004615:002292380000000004416:0034162783000000006117:0023121750000000003918:003271075000000003419:0042823102000000004920:0020101760000000003521:000271260000000002722:00007750000000001923:000023010000000068/8/20110042200000000081:000111000000000032:000001100000000023:000001000000000014:000000000000000005:000001110000000036:00001108200000000217:003261113000000000358:00538103000000000299:000291391000000003410:000142680000000003911:0022142192000000005012:0035182790000000006213:00461622101000000005914:0044152292000000005615:00011828131000000006116:002538401210000000098 Horicon During Test Direction 1RSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total17:003430572710000000012218:00241623130100000005919:0012928161000000005720:0033201270000000004521:0020610130100000003222:00114640200000001823:0010424120000000148/9/20110131200000000071:000001100000000022:000002000000000023:000000000000000004:000010000000000015:000001400000000056:0010356210000000187:0011101410000000000368:00011396100000000309:0014151052000000003710:0033111171000000003611:0033191583000000005112:00411927131000000006513:00582925110000000007814:0035182150000000005215:00107011000000000010916:00173000000000000017317:001112613700000000013918:00211333105000000006419:00141228132000000006020:0002151550000000003721:00524611000000001922:00036530000000001723:0002350100000000118/10/20110023001000000061:000011100000000032:000000100000000013:000000000000000004:000002000000000025:000000100100000026:0001072500000000157:002261413300000000408:001412138000000000389:0022101641000000003510:0034161272100000004511:00210192480000000006312:0047172351000000005713:00451833102000000007214:0014102561000000004715:003101327150000000006816:006620442140000000010117:003419502241000000010318:0044921142000000005419:0021725121000000004820:0032142360010000004921:002171220000000002422:00044571000000002123:0000424200000000128/11/20110121010000000051:000000000000000002:000001110000000033:000000200000000024:000001100000000025:000002210000000056:00201121200000000187:00023147100000000278:001110156110000000359:004218930000000003610:0014281900000000005211:0058161210000000004212:00521924132000000006513:00741524101000000006114:00121315160000000004715:00211842151100000008016:00342838150100000008917:002213501800000000085 Horicon During Test Direction 1RSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total18:00031428161010000006319:0003142792000000005520:0012181542100000004321:0033101452000000003722:00005631210000001823:0000143200000000108/12/201100463000000000131:000000100000000012:000002100000000033:000002300000000054:000001000000000015:000023100000000066:0000225100000000107:00208129000000000318:00239187000000000399:0014151920000000004110:0012142762000000005211:00631716931000000055 Horicon During Test Direction 2RSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total13:00161822102000000005914:0002181540000000003915:0025161190000000004316:0057112461000000005417:0047242361100000006618:0040926100000000004919:0035141261000000004120:0038271600000000005421:002314750000000003122:00215831000000002023:000034020000000097/28/20110020100000000031:000000000000000002:000000000000000003:000001200000000034:000000200000000025:0000293200000000166:00234168400000000377:0014213614100000000778:0056183711000000000779:0066171751000000005210:0014181860000000004711:0054191081000000004712:001311131360000000005613:0075162371000000005914:0036151733000000004715:0047201781000000005716:0016182270000000005417:00621819102100000005818:00221425121000000005619:0036159110000000004420:0024101670000000003921:000291111000000002422:00217912000000002223:000013300000000077/29/20110001020000000031:000011000000000022:000001001000000023:000002100000000034:001023110000000085:0010274000000000146:00129203300000000387:00271631182000000000948:00432327610000000001009:00472013800000000008810:00101821820000000005911:00191030420000000006512:00127312030000000007313:0063122390000000005314:0047131370000000004415:0043182083100000005716:0052131991000000004917:00311115102000000004218:003571740000000003619:0043817133000000004820:00015851100000002121:00317870000000002622:00007980100000002523:0000385100000000177/30/20110103200000000061:000002000000000022:000000100000000013:000013100000000054:000001000000000015:000013200000000066:0001344000000000127:00315128200000000318:004614178000000000499:00810171550000000005510:001011191390000000006211:0059201941000000005812:005101219111000000005813:00431014920000000042 Horicon During Test Direction 2RSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total14:0024813153000000004515:0032153672100000006616:000232052000000003217:0001111793100000004218:002261860000000003419:001181480000000003220:0045101451000000003921:0001111581000000003622:00125991000000002723:0001241200000000107/31/201102224000100000111:000003010000000042:000003100000000043:000000100000000014:000010100000000025:000002100000000036:0001236200000000147:00111178000000000288:002131712100000000369:001141671200000003210:0023914123000000004311:0052814100000000003912:0031415123000000003813:001072092000000003914:004052071000000003715:00103993000000002516:0012413141000000003517:000041482000000002818:000171980000000003519:004052453000000004120:004010950000000002821:00116652000000002122:000031012000000001623:000106110000000098/1/20110012000000000031:000000110000000022:000001100000000023:000000210000000034:000010000000000015:0000174000000000126:001132117300000000467:000193830500000000838:001382318300000000569:005193192000000005710:0000719175000000004811:001272774100000004912:00241517142000000005413:000293693000000005914:00311016131200000004615:00341017143000000005116:00031316111000000004417:00311321123000000005318:0022122072000000004519:0000712152000000003620:0002101450100000003221:001281020000000002322:00013642000000001623:001004210000000088/2/20110021010000000041:000000200000000022:000001100000000023:000000210000000034:000000300000000035:0000363000000000126:000051714200000000387:002073929800000000858:0020123619500000000749:00111615112000000004610:0026252681000000006811:0044161870000000004912:00202024111100000005913:0064162770000000006014:004315191030000000054 Horicon During Test Direction 2RSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total15:0024172172100000005416:00342015121000000005517:00102127160100000006618:0050141492000000004419:0004111232000000003220:001514920000000003121:00214921000000001922:000021332000000002023:000002000000000028/3/20110111100000000041:000001000000000012:000012000000000033:000002000000000024:000000001000000015:0000175000000000136:001052017100000000447:0030103918200000000728:0022213314200000000749:0034182292000000005810:000172360000000003711:00271311130100000004712:0053151681000000004813:0031317931000000004614:00612231210000000005415:0021523722000000005116:00312221880000000006317:0096181950000000005718:0041132083000000004919:0022821172010000005320:002151560000000002921:000161170000000002522:00002741000000001423:000021200000000058/4/20110032100000000061:000141200000000082:000000100000000013:000000100000000014:000010310000000055:0000386100000000186:000131712300000000367:003073234300000000798:0003123722000000000749:0010927123000000005210:003081792000000003911:003481484100000004212:0025430122000000005513:00821822151000000006614:00321415212000000005715:00231525123000000006016:00521329125000000006617:0033102171000000004518:0053171471000000004719:0021917112000000004220:001241660000000002921:000231161000000002322:000161031000000002123:001003000000000048/5/20110002100000000031:001001300000000052:000001000000000013:000000200000000024:000001110000000035:0000464100000000156:000121216200000000337:0034143715200000000758:0011153113300000000649:0053152072000000005210:00411424112000000005611:00341627142000000006612:0032729155000000006113:00211521123000000005414:003272393000000004715:00326211030000000045 Horicon During Test Direction 2RSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total16:0012111783000000004217:0041129111000000003818:001271992000000004019:0010819130000000004120:001091040000000002421:000061240000000002222:000031162000000002223:0000591000000000158/6/20110004210000000071:000011000000000022:000011100000000033:000001000000000014:000000100000000015:000041200000000076:0000255000000000127:0030497000000000238:001271510200000000379:000251282000000002910:0025101991000000004611:00501426115000000006112:003161883000000003913:0011819131000000004314:0000817144000000004315:00031417184000000005616:003059130000000003017:0021416102000000003518:00001012111000000003419:001271562000000003320:005371242000000003321:00317940000000002422:00015520000000001323:0001532000000000118/7/20110222200000000081:000020100000000032:000002000000000023:000002000000000024:000003300000000065:000004310000000086:0010281100000000137:00216118000000000288:0010484200000000199:0040111752000000003910:000251162000000002611:0086112551100000005712:00103151451000000004813:0010118100000000003014:0024721132000000004915:0004525131000000004816:001331773000000003417:006281321000000003218:0002215132000000003419:001251580000000003120:00008641100000002021:00004861000000001922:00102740000000001423:000104300000000088/8/20110014200000000071:000000200000000022:000010100000000023:000000100000000014:000003100000000045:0000263200000000136:000031514200000000347:0020114127300000000848:0051152718300000000699:0040817145000000004810:00101221151100000005111:00201725111000000005612:0053131970000000004713:00121817101000000004914:00141221113000000005215:00331521123000000005716:001612261040000000059 Horicon During Test Direction 2RSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total17:0037142462000000005618:003381382000000003719:0011141770000000004020:002014990000000003421:000021241000000001922:00216270000000001823:0000074000000000118/9/20110011210000000051:000012000000000032:000000000000000003:000001300000000044:000003100000000045:000024300000000096:000042317300000000477:0051103431310000000858:0022143516200000000719:0001722103100000004410:0044920161000000005411:00011525111000000005312:0073241983000000006413:0073162071000000005414:0033122852000000005315:0010000000000000116:0000000000000000017:00004842000000001818:0033101890000000004319:000181463000000003220:00148620000000002121:00215751000000002122:00002531000000001123:000013100000000058/10/20110020200000000041:000101100000000032:000001100000000023:000001300000000044:000001100000000025:0000056000000000116:000021415400000000357:003083331300000000788:002173628410000000799:0020717144000000004410:00011024142110000005311:0002723100000000004212:0025122692000000005613:0034162071000000005114:0000141982000000004315:00061116112000000004616:00511127113000000005817:00131524132100000005918:00321017132000000004719:002032132000000003120:0012212113000000003121:00014940010000001922:00022344000000001523:000024110000000088/11/20110103300000000071:000003200000000052:000001000000000013:000001000000000014:000011300000000055:0000255300000000156:001051113100000000317:002054119300000000708:0021103117300000000649:0003818110000000004010:0033191890000000005211:0015181982000000005312:0020721141000000004513:0021932102100000005714:002251961000000003515:0010121774000000004116:0001122092200000004617:002213171430000000051 Horicon During Test Direction 2RSG Count Time< 1516 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 3536 - 4041 - 4546 - 5051 - 5556 - 6061 - 6566 - 7071 - 7576 - 999Total18:00111520172100000005719:0014923122000000005120:000289101000000003021:002071150000000002522:000011091000000002123:0000084300000000158/12/20110001510000000071:000003300000000062:000001100000000023:000004200000000064:000012110000000055:0000085100000000146:000021518000000000357:003272727200000000688:00111027221010000000729:00621027173000000006510:00131330114000000006211:004218311320000000070 Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Study  October 2011  APPENDIX D    RESIDENTS’ QUESTIONNAIRE  Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Pilot Test Resident feedback Questionnaire ID: 101 I saw an immediate difference in the speeding cars the day it was put down. Thank you. My main concern is people running the west/east Lincoln and Crandall stop signs. It is a four-way intersection in desperate need of traffic control and cross walks. My dog was killed by someone running the stop signs in front of 32 Lincoln. Since the stripes were pull ed up I have seen and heard more drivers running th at stop sign. What will happen when small children att ending Kensington School cross that intersection at 8 am? That’s prime time for speeders. 15 years ago, my children played in the street. Due to speeders children now have to take precautions just to cross the street. ID: 104 1. There were no very many children about; several fam ilies were away during the temporary striping. 2. The crosswalks by the church was very positive, it should remain in place. 3. When school starts this fall, most of the children will be walking west. Stanford Street School is closed. It would be helpful to add crosswalks at th e western end of Lincoln Avenue. ID: 106 Cars parking at crosswalks may have decreased, but they have moved further down Lincoln West. ID: 107 This did not change any parking from businesses on the street in front of private homes ID: 108 Without the stripes it seems to be used as a quick cut through, while the stripes were down most drive rs seemed to slow down and pay attention. ID:109 Speed bumps – less expensive? ID: 110 We liked the crosswalk striping and the brighter st op line at Lincoln and Crandall. Only major arteries (Glen St, etc) have the parking striping, and felt is detracted aesthetically from the street and made it seems more commercial. Not stopping fully at Cranda ll St. stop sign appears to be a bigger problem than speeding. ID: 111 I like the striping and feel. It was a positive and hope it stays. Any lines on the road that make the motorist more aware of the road and hopefully their speed is a good thing. Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Pilot Test Resident feedback Questionnaire ID: 113 Another big issue is people not stopping at stop signs at both intersections. Crandall & Lincoln and Kensington & Lincoln ID: 115 I think that the crosswalk works well. The speed ga uge in front of the church was helpful. I appreciate all the work that is done. I myself have made a conscio us decision to slow down. 30 mph is too fast in a city with lots of kids. Maybe alternatively one way stre ets throughout the city would manage traffic speed. ID: 117 I am outraged that we are spending money on “tempor ary striping” on our streets, these mailings and a company to study this “problem”. We live in the cit y of Glens Falls. Cities have traffic. If you do not want moderate to heavy traffic on the street you reside – move to the suburbs preferably on a cul-de-sac. I have lived here for 13 years and have not ever ta ken issue with traffic, speeders or people parking in from of my home. As with any road or street, there are always a few unsafe drivers who speed. The stripes on the avenue made our street appear more commercial than residential. This is counterproductive to your mission. If I were drivin g down a commercial street I’d be less cautious tha n while driving though a residential area. One good s peed bump would probably have solved the “problem” and cost less that all of this nonsense. ID: 119 Speed is still an issue. Cars travel very fast som etimes not even stopping for the stop sign on the c orner of Crandall St. We have a hearing impaired daughter ; it’s a good thing she doesn’t go near the street. I believe that many vehicles speed is due to the leng th of the block. ID: 120 No matter what we have too many cars coming and goi ng and parking in our residential area. As a homeowner it is very frustrating to see garbage str ewn daily in my yard and curb and to have to watch people sit in their cars outside my home and chat l oudly on the phone or wash their windows etc. It is RARE that I can ever park in front of my own house during the hours of 8 – 5 which is also extremely frustrating if you have guests coming or just want to drop something off. However if my car is left there overnight – of course a ticket is issued promptly. Our street is losing that “hometown” feeling. ID: 122 I reside at 39 Lincoln Ave (between Crandall and Ke nsington) so I do not know if the temporary striping encouraged drivers to slow down but I do think the wide crosswalk on the crosswalk on the corner of Davis is a good improvement. I feel the striping en tering Lincoln from Glen is a huge improvement. I noticed that driving in the parking spaces on the corner cut down greatly on the amount of drivers parking on the corner. In the time the parking spac es have been in place I saw only one driver parking on Lincoln Avenue Traffic Calming Pilot Test Resident feedback Questionnaire the corner. This improvement makes it much safer to enter Glen St and Lincoln. Thank you to everyone involved in helping to make this a safer area! ID: 123 I think the crosswalk is a definite positive; it is safer for the children and appears to slow speed somewhat. I did not have the parking striping, but it does give the street a more urban/commercial fee l. I did not think the striping was worth the (I’m gue ssing) very minor impact it may have had on the speed. I do think the striping near the orthodontis t was probably good for managing the parking issue. I think the speed limit should be 25, not 30, and it should be posted (near the church.) ID: 124 We need signs for children at play and speed limit signs. Crosswalk stripes were great. Although the amount of cars being parked was unchanged they park ed straighter and further back from Glen St. ID: 125 The stripes and a sign, for no parking from here to corner at the beginning of Lincoln where doctor’s office is. The corner is terrible during the winter months. ID: 126 Waste of money for the temporary lines. Put in a co uple of speed bumps and limiting parking to just one side of the street near Dr. Bartlett’s office would take care of 95% of the problems. You don’t need t o be too smart to figure it out. ID: 128 My areas of greatest concern are the traffic proble ms that exist at the corner of Lincoln Ave near Glen St. Cars park on the end of Lincoln which creates t he following problems. 1) When you come off Glen and turn on to Lincoln i t can be a very narrow space due to cars on either side of the street. Compounding this problem are th e cars coming on to Glen as I am turning in. In the winter when you add snow banks and people parking a way from the edge of street in order to exit their cars becomes one huge accident waiting to happen. ( maybe further the set back from “no parking to corner”). 2) When trying to exit Lincoln from Glem and cars a re parked on Lincoln and Glen it makes the visibility very difficult when trying to pull out onto Glen.

Warren County Bicycle Plan

Warren County 
Bicycle Plan 
Prepared by: 
Project Partner: 
January 2012 

1.   Introduction  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. …………………………..  1  
a.   Purpose  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. ……………………………..  1  
b.   Previous  Studies/Process  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. …….  1  
c.   Benefits  of  Bicycle  Facilities………………………………………………………………
……………………………………… …………..  1  
d.   Terminology  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. ……………………….  3  
2.   Existing  Conditions  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. …………………  4  
a.   Existing  Bike  Routes  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. …………….  4  
b.   Existing  Destinations  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. …………..  4  
3.   Priority  Connections  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. ……………….  6  
a.   Local  Priority  Routes  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. ……………  6  
b.   WCS&QBO  Priority  Rou t

es ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. …..  6  
c.   A/GFTC  Staff  Priority  Routes  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. ..  7  
d.   Priority  Bicycle  Network  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. ………  7  
4.   Design  Standards  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. ……………………  8  
a.   Overview  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. ……………………………  8  
b.   Types  of  Bicycle  Facilities  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. …….  9  
5.   Physical  Feasibility  Analysis  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. ……  13 
6.   Imple m

entation  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. ……………………  14 
a.   Other  Improvements  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. …………  17 
b.   Partnerships  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. ……………………..  18 
c.   Funding  Sources  ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. ……………….  18 
Appendix  1: Detailed  Maps ………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………. …………..  20 

Warren County Bicycle Plan 

1. Introduction  
a. Purpose  
In  association  with  the  Warren  County  Safe  &  Quality  Bicycling  Organization  
(WCS&QBO),  the  Adirondack/Glens  Falls  Transportation  Council  (A/GFTC)  has  
prepared  this  Warren  County  Bicycle  Plan.  This  plan  is  intended  to  identify  
existing  conditions,  create  a  methodology  to  select  needed  improvements,  set  
priorities  for  short ‐ and  long‐ term goal s, and  facili
tate implementation  in  the  
future.  The  goal of  this  plan  is to  provide  a framework  for  future  improvements  
which  will  result  in  a  more  expansive  and comprehensive  network of  bicycle 
facilities  in  Warren  County.  
This  plan  has  been  created  in  conjunction  with  a  public  outreach  process  which  
takes  into  account  the prio rities  of  the  loc
al municipalities  in  Warren  County.  All 
existing  community  master  plans have  been  reviewed,  stakeholder  interviews 
have  been  conducted,  and  a  public  meeting  has been  held  to  review  the  draft  
version  of  the  plan.  This  process  is  intended  to  strengthen  ties  between  the  local  
municipalities,  County  DPW, A/GFTC,  an d the  WCS&
QBO, so  that  partnerships  can 
continue  in  the  future  implementation  of the  priority  projects.   
b. Previous  Studies/Process  
This  plan  is  in  many  respects  an  update  to  the  Bicycle  and  Pedestrian  Plan  
prepared  by  A/GFTC  in  2000.  As  this  plan  was prepared  with  help  from  
WCS&QBO,  the  focus  of  th e
date is  solely  on  bicycle  improvements  within  
Warren  County.  Pedestrian  systems  will  be  addressed  in  a  separate  planning  
effort;  however,  in  many  cases,  improvements  to  bicycle  facilities  will  also  benefit  
To  create  the  plan,  the  project  team  developed  a  work  plan  which  included:  
• An inventory  of  existing  conditions  
• A review  of all  available  co

nity plans  and  priorities  for  each  
municipality  in  the  County  
• Identification  of  priority  network  connections   
• A methodology  to  select  appropriate  design features,  and  
• A plan  for  implementation  
This  process  enabled  the  project  team  to  identify  feasible,  real ‐world  actions  that  
can  be taken  to  improve  bi

king  within  the  county  in  general.  By  coordinating  
implementation  across  local, county,  and state  levels,  it  is  hoped  that  the  plan  will 
increase  the  efficiency  and  efficacy  of  improvements  to  the  bicycle  network.  
c. Benefits  of  Bicycle  Facilities 
Biking,  whether  conducted  as  a mode  of  transportati on 
or as
 a  recreational  
activity,  offers  a  wide  variety  of  personal,  social,  and  environmental  benefits.  On a  
personal  level,  biking  is  not  only  a  method  to  become  or  stay  physically  active,  but  
is  also  an  affordable,  fun transportation  method  available  to all  ages.  Socially,  
Bicycle Plan  Goal:   
Provide  a  framework  for  
future  improvements  
which  will  result  in  a  
more  expansive  and  
comprehensive  network  
of  bicycle  facilities  in  
Warren  County.  

Warren County Bicycle Plan 

biking  reduces  health care  costs  and  vehicular  traffic, can  provide  a  healthy 
activity  for  families  and  children,  and  can  provide  an  important  component  to  the  
local  economy  in terms  of  tourism.  In terms  of  the  environment,  biking  can  be  an  
effective  way  to  reduce  dependence  on  the  automobile,  and  subsequently  reduce 
carbon  emissions.  In creasing  opportuni

ties  for  cycling  can  potentially  increase  the  
associated  benefits, which  include:  
Economic  Development:  Investing  in  bicycle  infrastructure  can  attract  
tourists  to  an  area,  where  they  might  otherwise  spend  their  vacation  
dollars  elsewhere.  One  example  is  North  Carolina’s  Outer  Banks,  which  
generates  $60  million  annually  in  economic  activity  through  bi cycle 
tourism,  after  spendi

ng  $6.7  million  on  bicycle  infrastructure.  This  one ‐
time  investment  has  resulted  in an  annual nine ‐to ‐one  return.  An  analysis  
of  the  demographics  of  visitors  drawn  to  bike  on  the  Outer  Banks  shows  
that  the  bicycle  tourists  tend  to  be  affluent  (50% earning  more  than 
$100,000  a  year  and  87%  earning  more  than  $50,000)  and  educated  (40% 
with  a  maste rs or  doctoral  degre

e). Finally,  expenditures  by  the  680,000  
annual  visiting  bicyclists  support  1,400  jobs  in  the  area.
On  a local  level,  it is  estimated  long ‐distance,  multi ‐day  bicycling  
vacationers  in  New  York  spend  between  $100  and $300  per day on  food, 
lodging,  and  other  items.  A  group  of  six  cyclists,  therefore,  each spending  
$250  per day on  seven ‐day  trip  would  add up  to  $10,500.
2 This  type  of 
economic  benefit  could  add  up  to  significant  revenue  for  the  region.   
Separate  from  tourism,  economic  benefits  from  increased  bicycle  
infrastructure  also  abound.  Portland,  Oregon,  well known  for  being  a  
bike ‐friendly  city,  saw  $90  million  in  bicycle ‐related  activity  in  2008.  
Almost  60  percent  of  that  activity  was  comprised  of  r etail,
repair,  with manufacturing  and distribution,  bicycle  events,  and 
professional  services.

Bike  trails  can  also  raise  the  value  of  nearby  homes.  According  to  a  study  
completed  for  the  Delaware  Department  of  Transportation,  proximity to  
an  off ‐road  bike  trail  can  raise  the  value  of a  home  by 4%  or more.
4 This  
supports  the  idea  that  more  and  more  people  are  seeking  to  live  in  
bikeable  communities.   
Quality  of  Life:  An  increase  in  cycling  is  often  associated  with an  
increased  quality  of  life.  Numerous  intangible  benefits  are  associated  with 
bicycling  and  walking.  Having  safe, accessible  bicycle  facilities  can  provide 
children  and families  with  another  option  for  recrea tion
 1  Lawrie,  et  al, “Pathways  to  Prosperity:  the economic  impact  of  investments  in  bicycling  facilities,”  N.C.  Department  of 
Transportation  Division  of  Bicycle  and Pedestrian  Transportation,  Technical Report,  July  2004.
 2  “Bicyclists  Bring  Business  – A  Guide  for  Attracting  Bicyclists to  New  York’s  Canal  Communities,”  Erie  Canalway  National Heritage  
Corridor,  Parks  &  Trails  New  York,  and  New  York  State  Canal  Corporation,  2010.
 3 Alta  Planning  +  Design,  “Bicycle ‐related  Industry  Growth  in  Portland,”  September  2008  (updated  from  June  2006.) /App_Content/files/fp_docs/2008%20Portland%20Bicycle ‐Related%20Economy%20Report.pdf 4 Racca,  David P.  and  Dhanju,  Amardeep,  “Property  Value/Desirability  Effects  of  Bike  Paths  Adjacent  to Residential  Areas,”  Center  
for  Applied  Demography  &  Survey  Research,  November  2006. 
Figure  1  ‐ Bicycle  tourists  (photo  courtesy  of  
Dauset  Trails  Nature  Center)  

Warren County Bicycle Plan 

transportation.  According to the  Pedestrian  and  Bicycle  Information  
Center,  “Providing  more  travel  options  can  increase  a  sense  of  
independence  in  seniors,  young  people,  and  others  who  cannot  or  choose 
not  to  drive.  Increased  levels  of  bicycling  and  walking  can  have  a  great  
impact  on  an  area’s  sense of  livability  by  creating  safe and  friendl y places  
for  people  to  live  and work.”  A  spe

cific  example  comes  again  from   
Portland,  where  policies  to  encourage  bicycling  have  reduced  auto ‐
dependency,  saving the residents  on  transportation  costs.  In  comparison  
with  the  median  American  city,  Portland  residents  save  $2.6  billion  a  year  
in  terms  of  miles  traveled  and  hours  spent  in  vehicles.

Transportation:  With  the  exception  of  recreational  riders,  every  cyclist  
represents  one  less  car on the  road.  Although  many  vehicle  trips  are  less 
than  three  miles  in  length,  which  could  easily  be  accomplished  by  most  
cyclists,  72  percent  of  these  short  trips  are  made  in  cars.  Bicyclists  in 
some  areas may arrive  at  their  destina t

ions faster  than if they  had  driven  
a  car,  since  they  can  often  bypass  congestion  and  gridlock  traffic.5 
Public  Health:  Cycling  is  a  great  form  of  exercise,  reducing the  risks  for 
many  cardiovascular  diseases.  Enabling  and  encouraging  residents  to  
bicycle  also  results  in  public  health benefits.  For example,  according  to 
the  American Heart  Association,  with  each  dollar  a  community  invests  in 
multi ‐use  trails,  $3  in medical  cost  savings  is  realize d
With  all  these  benefits,  many  communities  are  demonstrating  a  strong  interest  in 
strengthening  and  improving  bicycle infrastructure,  on  both  a  local  and  regional  
level.  Warren  County,  and  the  communities  within,  has  been  active  in  pursuing  
ways  to  directly  and indirectly  improve the  biking  experience  in  the  region.  This  
has  included  innovative  partnerships
 to  promote  bi
ke education  and  events  as 
well  as physical  projects  such  as  the  Warren  County  Bikeway.  With  this  plan,  
Warren  County  is  underscoring  its  ongoing  commitment  to encouraging  bicycle 
activity  for  the  benefit  of  residents,  business owners,  and visitors  alike.  
d. Terminology  
Throughout  this plan,  a  variety  of  spe cific
 are  used.  To  reduce  confusion,  a  
short  glossary  has been  provided:  
Bike  Routes:
 The  alignments  (on ‐ or  off ‐road)  along  which  bicycles  are  specifically 
accommodated,  as  designated  by  the  authority  of  the  roadway  owner.  Bike  
routes  typically  feature  directional  and/or  informational  route  markings.  Note:  
Roadway  not specifically  designated  as  a “bike  route”  does  not  imply  that  it  
cannot  or  should  not  be  used  by cyclists.  However,  some  cyclists  may  find  that  
non ‐designa

ted  roadways  are not  as  accommodating  to  cyclists.  
 5  Pedestrian  and  Bicycle  Information  Center, “National  Bicycling  and  Walking  Study: 15–Year  Status  Report”,  May  2010 ‐year_report.pdf  
6 Weintraub,  William  S.  et  al, “Value  of  Primordial  and  Primary  Prevention  for  Cardiovascular  Disease  :  A  Policy  Statement  From  
the  American  Heart  Association,”  Circulation, online  publication  July 25, 2011  
http://http// ontent/early/2011/07/25/CIR.0b013e3182285a81 
Important Terms: 
Bike  ROUTE:  The  on ‐ 
or  off ‐road  alignment  
designated  specifically 
as  accommodating  to  
physical  surface  or  
feature  used  by 

Warren County Bicycle Plan 

Bike  Facilities: The  physical  surface  on  which  the  cyclists  ride.  These  may include,  
but  are  not  limited  to,  multi ‐use  trails,  bike  lanes,  road shoulders,  or vehicle  travel  
lanes.  A  description  of the  different  types  of  bicycle  facilities  is  included  in  Section 
4  of  this  plan.  Bike  facilities  can  also  include  other  features  desi g
ned to  
accommodate/encourage  cycling,  such  as  bike  parking  facilities.  
Design  Standards:
 The  geometric  specifications  regarding  pavement  width  and  
other  elements  which  are  recommended  to  be  met  in  order  to be  considered  a  
bicycle  facility.   
2. Existing  Conditions   
This  plan  is  intended  to  guide  the  improvement  of  bicycle  facilities  and  the  future  
designation  of  bicycle  routes  throughout  the County.  However,  this  effort  is  not  
“starting  from scratch”,  bu

t  is  rather  the  continuation  of many  years  of  work  by  
several  agencies.  Warren  County,  along  with  A/GFTC,  local  bike groups,  and  
individual  municipalities,  has  been  active  in  encouraging  accommodations  for  
cyclists.  It  is  therefore  important  to take  stock  of  the  conditions  for  cyclists  as 
they  sta nd  today.   
a. Existing  Bike  Rout

Bicycle  facilities  in  Warren  County  consist  of  on ‐road  designated  routes and  multi ‐
use  trail  systems.  (See  map  1)  The  centerpiece  of  this  system  is  the  Warren  
County  Bikeway,  a mainly  off ‐road  bike  facility  which  extends  from  the  City  of  
Glens  Falls  to  the  Village  of  Lake  George .
 This  paved  tr
ail provides  access  to many 
important  destinations  and  also  links  with  the  Feeder  Canal  Trail  via on ‐road  
connections.   In  addition  to  the  facilities  shown  in  Map  1,  other  on ‐road  facilities  
feature  “Share  the  Road”  or  other  bicycle ‐related  signage.   
The  Town  of  Queensbury  rec
ently designated  several  roadways  in  the  southwest  
part  of  the  Town  as  on‐street  Bicycle  Routes.  The  identification  of  these  roadways  
as  potential  bike  routes  was  facilitated  by  WCS&QBO  prior  to the  commencement  
of  this  plan;  the  designation  process  described  in  Section  6 of  this  plan  can  serve  
as  a model  for other  towns  as
There  are  also  other  bicycle  route  networks  and  facilities  surrounding  Warren  
County,  especially  in  Saratoga,  Washington,  and  Hamilton  Counties.  These include 
networks  such  as  the  Saratoga  County  Heritage  Trail,  New  York State  Bike Route  
#9,  the Champlain  Canal  Trail,  and  the  “Bike  the  Byways”  network .
 Creating  and  

ng  strong  connections  to  these  neighboring  opportunities  is  a  key  aspect 
of  this  plan.  
b. Existing  Destinations  
Warren  County  has  a  variety  of  potential  destinations  for  bike  trips.  (See  Map 1)  
Many  of  the  hamlet  areas,  shown  in  pink  on Map  1,  serve  as  centers  of  activity  for  
residents  and  visitors.  Stan d‐alone

  employment  centers are  located  throughout  
the  County,  including  industrial  parks  and  the  Warren  County  Municipal  Center.  
Schools  also  constitute  important  bicycle  destinations.  Finally,  many  of  the  

Warren County Bicycle Plan 

recreational  amenities  and  parks  in  the  County  are  also  biking  destinations,  both  
for  tourists  and  for  employees.  These  include  active  recreation  amenities,  such  as 
amusement  parks,  shopping,  and  cultural  features  located  in  and  around  the  city,  
village,  and  hamlets,  as  well  as passive  parks  and  natural  areas  spread  throughout  
the  County.     


ñ ñ
ñ ñ
k kk
k k
k k
k k
kk k
k kkk
k k
k k
N^ _
Stony Creek
Lake Luzerne
Glens Falls
¨ ¦87
¨ ¦87
Map 1 – Bike Routes and Destinations
No Scale
kPublic Schools
ñGovernment Office
_Major Retail Center
bRail Station
Bike Routes
On-Road Bike Connections
Feeder Canal P ark Heritage Trail
Warren County Bikeway
Parks (Local)
Hamlet Area (APA Designation)
k k
k k
k k
Ridge RdBay StGlen St
Sherman Ave
Broad St
South St
Warren St
¨ ¦87
¨ ¦87
Inset Area

Warren County Bicycle Plan 

3. Priority  Connections  
The  goal  of  this  plan  is  to  provide  a framework  for  future  improvements  which  
will  result  in  a  more  expansive  and  comprehensive  network  of  bicycle  facilities  in 
Warren  County.  Most  of  these  facilities  are  likely  to  be  located  along  existing  
roadways.  However,  it  is  not  realistic  to  assume  that every  roadway  will  be  the  
focus  of  bi

cycle  improvement  projects,  especially  given  current  funding  
limitations.  Conversely,  even  if  a  roadway  meets  the  minimum  requirements  for  
the  appropriate  design standard,  there  may  be  reasons  to refrain  from  pursuing  
designation  as  a bicycle  route,  at  least  in  the  short ‐term.  Possible  reasons  to del ay 

ng  a  roadway  as  a bicycle  route  include:  location  (does the  roadway  
provide  connections  to  other  bike  routes?);  maintenance  (will  the  bicycle  facility  
require  a  level  of  maintenance  which  is  currently  not feasible?);  and/or public 
input  (are  there  local  objections  to  formal  designation  as a bike  route?).   
  As  such,  an im p

ortant component  of  this  plan  involved  setting priorities  to  
identify  which  roadways  are recommended  to  be  designated  as  bike  routes.  To  
set  realistic  and feasible  actions  for  this  plan,  several  factors  were  considered,  
described  in greater  detail  below.   
a. Local  Priority  Routes  
Many  of  the  local  municipalities  have  a ddressed
 the  need  for  bicy
cle facilities  in  
planning  documents;  these  ideas  should  be  taken  into  account.  As  part  of  this  
plan,  all  local  planning  documents  were  reviewed  to  determine  the  stated  bicycle  
transportation  priorities  in  each  municipality.  On  Maps  2  and  3,  the  roadways 
shown  in  red  were  specifically  mentioned  within  the  individual  mu
nicipal plan  as 
being  suitable  for  current  bike  use,  or  desired  for  bike  use in  the  future.   
This  analysis  highlights  the  fact  that  not every  community  in  Warren  County  has  
stated  priorities  concerning  cycling.  Some communities  have  identified  specific  
on ‐ and  off ‐road  alignments,  while  others  include  a  gen eral
 statement  of  su
for  bicycling  issues.  Still  others  make  no  mention  of  cycling  at  all;  however,  this  
should  not  infer  that  the  community  does  not  desire  accommodation  of  bicycles  
on  the  roadways.  Nothing  in  this  plan  is  intended  to  prevent  local  municipalities  
from  supporting  the establishment  of  additional  bicycle  facilities,  nor  to obligate  
commu nities to  engage  in  projects  in  the  future.   

b. WCS&QBO  Priority  Routes  
Maintaining  and  promoting  safe,  functional  bicycle  facilities  along  the  roads  most  
used  by cyclists  is  a  key  goal  of  this  plan.  To  facilitate  this, members  of the  
WCS&QBO  generated  a  list  of  cycling  routes.  These  road ways represent  the  

nts  of  existing  bike  events,  important  connections  to  recreation  
destinations,  and  roadways  which are  enjoyable  to  ride.  Although  recreational  
riding  is not  the  focus  of  this  plan,  it  is  important  to  recognize  those  routes  which  
are  favored  by  the  biking  community.  These  routes  are  shown  in  gold  on  Maps  2  
and  3.  
Local  Priorities:  Many  
municipalities  have  
specifically  addressed  
bicycle  facilities  in  their  
planning  documents,  
• Bolton  
• Chester  
• Horicon 
• Johnsburg  
• Town  and  Village  
of  Lake  George  
• Lake  Luzerne  
• Queensbury  
• Warrensburg  

Warren County Bicycle Plan 

c. A/GFTC  Staff  Priority  Routes   
In  addition  to the  priorities  stated  above,  it  will  be  important  to  include  regional  
transportation  needs  into  this  bicycle  plan.  A/GFTC  staff  therefore  identified  
several  roadway  alignments  which  fulfill  a  regional  transportation  role.  These  
include  connections  to  destinations  within  Warren  County,  as  well  as  bike  routes  
in  adjacent  counties.  Thes e

  routes,  shown in  green  on  Maps  2  and  3,  were  
selected  to  allow  for transportation  connectivity,  rather  than just  recreational  
d. Priority  Bicycle  Network  
As  part  of  this  plan,  a  methodology  to  prioritize  the  importance  of roadway  
improvements  was  developed.  Using  this methodology,  the Priority  Network  was  
developed.  Se e
 Maps  2  &  3,  as

  well  as the  more  detailed  maps for  each  
municipality  located  in  Appendix  1. This  includes  on ‐ and  off ‐road  connections  
which  are  proposed  to  be  the  focus  of  bicycle  improvements  in  the  future.  
Showing  the  needs  and  desires  of all  three  groups  simultan eously allows  for  a  

ntary  hierarchy  to  be  assigned.   
1. On ‐Road  Connections:
  Roadways  which  have  been  selected  by  all  three  
groups  are  considered  high  priority.  Whenever  feasible,  upgraded  bicycle 
facilities  such  as  bike  shoulders  or  shared  use  lanes  should  be  included  in 
improvement  projects  on  these  high  priority  routes.  Those  routes  
selected  by  two  of the  three  groups  are  considered  still important,  but  of  
a  lower  priority for  im

plementation.   If feasible,  bicycle  facilities  should  be  
included  in  any  upcoming  capital  improvement  projects.  If  bicycle  
facilities  cannot  be  accommodated,  “Share  the  Road”  signage  may be 
recommended  to raise  awareness  of cyclists  on  the  part  of  motorists.  
Roadways  which  are  important  to  only  one  group  are  inclu ded in
 this  plan  
as  well,  with  the  understanding  that  improvements  along  these  roadways 
may  take  place  in the  long ‐term.  
2. Multi ‐use  trails:
 In  terms  of  off ‐road  connections,  only those  previously  
proposed  in local  planning  documents  have  been  added  to  the  priority  
connections  map.  However,  many  other  multi ‐use  trails  may  be  feasible.  
If  pursuing  an off ‐road  connection  is  the  preferred  alternative,  the  need  
to  acquire  easements  or  rights ‐of ‐way  should  be  the  initial  consid eration.  

  alignments  through  recreation/open  space  areas  may  be  a  feasible  
option  which  minimizes  property  acquisition  burdens. In  addition,  
National  Grid  has  a  standard  process  and  dedicated  staff to  evaluate 
whether  they  will  grant  access  rights  for  multi ‐use  trails,  making  them 
another  potential  partner.   
This  hierarchy  is intend ed to  provide
 one  tool  in  the  decision ‐making  process.  It  
may  be  useful  in situations  in  which  there  is  some  leeway  in  selecting  among  
several  potential  projects. However,  the  selection  of  capital  projects  involves  
other  equally  important  factors.  The  remainder  of  this  plan  is  intended  to  address 
the  design,  f easibility,  and  i
mplementation of  bicycle  improvement  projects.  

Stony CreekQueensbury
Lake Luzerne
2 8
Map 2 – Priorities for Bicycle Facilities
No Scale
Existing Warren County Bikeway
Bike Routes
Proposed Off-Road Trails
WCS&QBO Priority Routes
Local Priority Routes
A/GFTC Staff Priority Routes

Map 3 – Priorities for Bicycle Facilities (Inset)
No Scale
Existing Warren County Bikeway
Bike Routes
Proposed Off-Road Trails
WCS&QBO Priority Routes
Local Priority Routes
A/GFTC Staff
Priority Routes

Warren County Bicycle Plan 

4. Design  Standards  
a. Overview  
Design  standards  for  bicycle  facilities  can  apply  to  the  location,  width,  pavement, 
and  other  features  such  as  drainage  grates and  protective  railings.  These 
standards  may  be applied  to  part  of  an  on ‐road  facility  or  an  multi ‐use  trail.   
The  selection  of  a  bicycle  facility  depends  on  many  va riables:  the  type
 of  cyclist  
likely  to  use  the  facility;  traffic mix, volume,  speed, parking,  and  sight  distances  
(for  on ‐road  facilities);  bicycle  speed,  grade,  multi‐use  capacity,  and  roadway/rail 
crossings  (for  off ‐road  facilities).  Several  agencies,  including NYSDOT,  FHWA,  and  
AASHTO,  have  compiled  manuals  and  guidance  documents  which  can  help to  
select  th

e  most  appropriate  design  standards  for  each  facility.  
For  the purposes  of  this  document,  the  most  commonly  applicable  design  
standards  have  been  summarized  below.  This  summary  is intended  to  aid  in  the  
prioritization  of  improvement  projects,  by  outlining  minimum  standards  for  the  
types  of  facilities  most  like ly
 to  be  proposed
 in  Warren  County.  The design  
standards  are  based  on  those  in  the  NYSDOT  Highway Design  Manual  Chapter  17 
(Bicycle  Facility  Design),  and  on  AASHTO’s  Guide  for  the Development  of  Bicycle  
Facilities . Standards  for  features  such  as  bridges  or  railings  have  not  been  
included;  refer  to  the  appropriate  gui
dance document  for  detail  concerning  these  
This  summary  is  not  intended  to  limit  the range  of  potential  bicycle  facilities  in  
Warren  County.  As  new  standards  are  adopted,  and  different  types  of  bicycle  
facilities  tested  and  deployed,  it  is  recommended  that  these  new  techniques  be  
reviewed  to  determine  if  they  may  be  appropriate  to condi tions in  Warren  
Guidance Documents 
for  Bicycle  Facility 
Design  Standards:  
American  Association  of 
State  Highway  and  
Transportation  Officials  
(AASHTO):  Guide  for  the 
Development  of  Bicycle  
Facilities , 1999 
Federal  Highway  
Administration  (FHWA):  
Bikesafe:  Bicycle  
Countermeasure  Selection  
System , May  2006;  
Selecting  Roadway  Design  
Treatments  to  
Accommodate  Bicycles , 
New  York State 
Department  of  
Transportation:  Highway  
Manual,  Chapter  17  
Bicycle  Facili ty 

Warren County Bicycle Plan 

b. Types  of  Bicycle  Facilities  
1. Bike  Shoulders  (aka  Wide  Shoulders)  
Most  appropriate  for:  Rural/suburban  roadways  with limited  
sections  of  curbing  and  without  on ‐street  parking  
Design  standards:  4’ ‐wide  (min.)  shoulder  for  non ‐curbed 
roadways  with speeds  under  40  MPH.  Width  increased  to 6’  
for  higher ‐speed/higher‐ volume roadways,  roads which 

  5%  grade  for 6  miles  or  longer,  or roads  with  curbs  or  
other  obstacles  at  the  edge  of  pavement.  (See  Figure  2&3)  
• Many  bike  shoulders  already  exist in  the  County  
• No additional  maintenance  required  beyond  that 
which  is  required  for  the  roadway  
• Can sometimes  be accommodated  via  re ‐striping  

Appropriate  for rural  and  suburban  areas  
• No additional  striping  at  intersections  
• Less  comfortable  for beginning/average  cyclists  than  
bike  lanes  (see  page  10)  
• May  require  widening  of the  roadway  in  certain  areas 
• Can pose  conflict  with on ‐street  parking  
4’ Shoulder –
no  curbTravel  Lane –
width variesTravel  Lane –
width varies6’ Shoulder  –  
with   curb
Figure  3  ‐ Bike  shoulders  (photo  courtesy  of  ANCA) 
 2  ‐  Design  Standard  for  bike  shoulders  

Warren County Bicycle Plan 
2. Shared‐ Use Lanes  (a.k.a.  Wide Curb Lanes) 
Most  appropriate  for:  Roadways  with  width  constraints  
Design  standards:  14’ ‐wide  desired/12’ ‐wide  minimum  travel  
lane  (See Figure  4&5).  Some  shared ‐use  lanes  deploy  a  
“sharrow”  roadway  striping, which  reinforces  the  need  to  
share  the  road  with  cyclists. 
• Minimal  striping  or  mainte nance requir
• Benefits  to  non ‐bicycle  traffic:  accommodates  buses  and  
truck  turning  movements/emergency  maneuvers 
• Greater  lateral  mobility  for  advanced  cyclists  (can  use  the 
whole  lane  if  needed  to  avoid  obstacles)    
• Least  comfortable  for  beginning/average  cyclists 
• Wider  travel lanes  can  increase  traffic  speeds  
• Can pose  con flict  with  on ‐s
treet parking  
Figure  5  ‐ Example  of  cyclist  in  shared  lane  (photo  courtesy  
Figure 4  ‐  Design  Standard  for  shared  lanes  
14’ desired 
travel  lane Shared  
travel  lane Parking 
22’ minimum

Warren County Bicycle Plan 
3. Bike  Lanes  
Most  appropriate  for:  Urban  roadways  with curbing  and  on ‐
street  parking 
Design  standards:  4’ ‐wide  (with  no  on ‐street  parking/curb)  or  
5’ ‐wide  (with  on ‐street  parking/curb)  striped  lane  located 
between  travel lane  and  parking  lane/curb.  (Figure 6)  
• Channelizes  bike  traffic  
• More  comfortable  for begi nning/average 
clists to  ride   
• Minimizes  cars  swerving  into  other  lane  to avoid  cyclists  
• Higher  profile/visibility  for  cyclists   
• Intersections  can  become  complicated  with  extra  bike  
lane  striping  and  signage  (Figure  7) 
• May  require  additional  ROW width  
• Mainly  an  urban  roadway  feature  
• Can be  blocked  by parke d

Can  pose  conflict  with on ‐street  parking  
4. Multi ‐Use  Trail/Path  (aka  Off ‐Road  Trail)  
Most  appropriate  for:  Areas  with  existing  linear  ROW 
(rail/utility  corridors,  for example)  which  link  destinations  
Design  standards:  10’ ‐wide  recommended  for  a  two ‐way  path  
(12’  preferred)   
• Least  pote ntial
 for  vehicl
e/bike conflict  
• Most  comfortable  for  beginning/average  cyclists 
• Potential  to create  direct  links  
• Recreation  amenity    
• Highest  cost  to  implement  –  requires  ROW  acquisition,  
design,  and  construction  
• Requires  separate  maintenance;  many  municipalities  may  
be  unable  to  provide  maintenance  
Figure  6  ‐ Striped  bike  lane  (photo  courtesy  of  
Figure 7  ‐ Example  of  bike  lane  signage  
Figure 8  – Multi ‐Use  trail  

Warren County Bicycle Plan 
5. “Share  the  Road”  Signage  
Most  appropriate  for:  Roadways  which  do  not  have  sufficient  
shoulder  width  to  support  designated  use for  bicycles.  Note 
that  the  signs  themselves  do  not  constitute  a  bicycle  facility,  
but  can  be  deployed  along  on ‐road  connectors.  
Design  standards:  Set  by  the  Manual  of  Uniform  Traffic  
Control  Devices  (MUTCD)   
• Inexp ensive 
to deploy  

No physical  changes  needed  to  roadway  
• Roadway  need not  be  a  designated  Bike  Route  to have  
Share  the  Road  signs 
• Does  not  provide  dedicated  space  for  cyclists  
• Over‐deployment  dilutes  the  efficacy  of  the  signs  
Figure 9  ‐  Diagram  of Share  
the  Road  signage  

Warren County Bicycle Plan 
5. Physical  Feasibility  Analysis 
In  addition  to identifying  the  location  of  important  bicycle  connections  (the  
Priority  Network),  and  summarizing  the  applicable  design  standards  for  conditions  
in  Warren  County,  this  plan  also  analyzed  whether roadways  may currently  have  
the  requisite  pavement  width  meet  the  Design  Standard  appropriate  to the  
context.  A  GIS  map  was  prepared  wh
ich compares  the  existing  shoulder  width  to 
the  width  required  by  the  bike  shoulders  Design  Standards  outlined in  Section  4.7 
This  assumption  creates  a  conservative  analysis,  as the  width  necessary  for  the  
wide  shoulder  Design  Standard  is  greater  than or  equal  to  the  dimensions  needed  
for  any  other  type  of bicycle  facility.  As such,  it  can  be broadly  assumed  that  a  
roadway  which  is wide  enough  to support  the Design  Standard  for bike  shoulders  
will  likely  also  be

  wide  enough  for shared  lanes,  bike lanes,  and so  forth.   
The  existing  shoulder  width  was  based  on  GIS  information,  then  verified  via  
inspection  by  A/GFTC  staff.  For  the purposes  of  this  plan,  the  average  paved  
shoulder  width  was  measured  for  each  section  of  roadway.   Gravel  shoulders  
were  not  in cl

uded  in  this  analysis.  This  analysis  does  not  take  into  account  the 
condition  of  the  pavement.  The  shoulder  width  was  then  compared  to  the  posted 
speed  limit  for  the  roadway.  It  should  be  noted  that  the  posted  speed limit  is  not  
the  only  factor  which  can  be  taken  into  accou
nt when  determining the  required  
width  of  a  bike  shoulder.  Topography,  functional  classification  of  the  roadway,  
traffic  volume  and  mix,  and  sight  distance  are  all  other  factors  which  can  be taken  
into  account  to  determine  an  appropriate  bike  shoulder  width.   Posted  speed  was 
chosen  as the  analysis  method  for  th is pl
an to  facilitate  the GIS  analysis.     
The  results  of  this  analysis  are  shown  in  Map  4,  which  indicates  that  the majority  
of  roadways  do not  have  current  sufficient  width to  meet  the  wide  shoulder  
Design  Standard.  It is  crucial  to  note  that  lack  of  shoulder  width  does  not  im ply  
that  a  roadway  is  inher

ently  unsafe  or unsuitable  for  use  by  cyclists.  The  intent  of  
this  mapping  exercise  was  to determine  which,  if  any,  roadways  could currently  
meet  (or  come  close  to  meeting)  the  appropriate  design  standard.  This  
information  can  be  useful  in  helping  roadway  owners  determine  the  scope  of  
work  required  to  create  or  enhan c

e  bicycle  facilities  in  the  future.   
It  must  also  be  noted  that  many  roadways  in  Warren  County  are  “user  highways”.  
These  are roadways  in which  the  right ‐of ‐way  width  is  the  same  as the  pavement  
width.  As  such,  widening  these  types  of  roads  usually  involves  acq u
isition of  
property  from  adjacent  landowners,  which can  significantly  increase  the cost  and  
time  frame  of  construction  projects.   
 7  Not  all  roadways  on  the  priority  network  were analyzed  during  the  course  of this  
mapping  analysis.  

Stony Creek
Lake Luzerne
Glens Falls


2 8





E 9
Map 4 – Physical Conditions Map
(Shoulder width vs. posted speed limit)
Shoulder Width Meets Applicable Bike Design Standard
Ye s
Other Roads
Shoulder and posted speed conditions
based on field observation by A/GFTC
staff and may be subject to revision.
Information as presented is not to be
used for construction or engineering
and is intended for planning purposes only.
No Scale
No – Roadside Obstacles

Warren County Bicycle Plan 
6. Implementation  
The  priority  network  identified  in  Section 3  is  intended  to  serve  as  a guide  for  the  
location  of  bicycle  facility  improvements.  However,  several  other  factors  will play  
an  important  role  in the  timing  and  selection  of  projects  which  further  this plan.  
These  are listed  below.  
• Funding  availability
.  As  of  the  date  of  this  report,  funding  for stand ‐
alone  on‐street  bicycle  features  is  so  limited  as  to be  essentially  
unavailable.  However, other  funding  streams  may become  available  
which  can  further  the  implementation  of  this  project.  For example,  
there  may  be  funding  for  off ‐road  connections  which  would  allow  for  
exte nsions  of  the  Warren  County  Bikeway,  or for  similar  facilities  to 

  constructed  in  the  County.   
• Complete  Streets/Integration  with other  transportation  projects
Given  the  current  funding  restrictions  facing  all  aspects  of  
transportation,  combining  vehicle  and  bicycle  improvements  in  the  
same  project  may  be  the  most  efficient  and  effective  course of  
action.  Since  New  York State  recently  enacted Complete  Streets  
legislation,  it  is  likely  that  bicycle  facilities  will  become  a  more  
prominent  element  in  the  design  and construction  of  roadways  at the  
State  and  Co unty
 level.  In  addition,  ther

e may  be  opportunities  to  
create  or  improve  a  bicycle  facility  during  a local  roadway  or  bridge  
project  in  the  future,  regardless  of  the  priority  level assigned  as a part  
of  this  plan.  Local agencies  should  take  advantage  of these  
opportuniti es as

  they  arise.   
• Phasing  of  Improvements
.  For  high ‐priority  roadways,  it may  be  
beneficial  to  adopt  a  phased  approach  to  bicycle  facility  
improvements.  For  instance,  if there  is  insufficient  pavement/right ‐
of ‐way  width  to  support  creation  of  bike  shoulders,  or if  the  roadway  
was  very recently  improved  (and  therefore  not  likely  to  be  the  focus  
of  a  capital  pr oject  in  the  near  futur
e), “Share  the  Road”  signage  can 
be  added  as  a short ‐term  solution.  This would  allow the  roadway  
owner  to designate  the  road  as  a Bike  Route  in  the  near  future,  while  
still  allowing  for  future  physical  improvements  to  take  place  in  the  
long  term.  In  addition,  ph asi
ng should  take  into account  the location  
of  the  facility.  Connections  to  existing  bike  facilities,  and  continuous  
routing  between  logical termini,  are  both  important  considerations.  
• Target  Cyclist
.  Cyclists  can  span  a  wide  range  of  experience  levels  and  
skill.  Experienced  cyclists  may  feel  more  comfortable  using certain  
types  of  bicycle  facilities  than  do  children  or less‐experienced  adults. 
This  plan  does  not  differentiate  between  types of  cyclists,  as  the  goal  
is  to  encourage  cycling  for  everyone.  However,  the  desi re to  

te a  wide  range  of  cyclists  should  be  balanced  with  the  
benefits  of  providing  a  facility  where  none  currently  exists,  even  if  
the  facility  may  not  be  the  most  comfortable  for every  cyclist.  This  
balance  should  be  informed  by  factors  such  as  proximate  land  uses, 
Complete  Streets:  
Complete  streets  provide  
transportation  options  for everyone  
by  creating  safer  places  to walk  and  
ride  bicycles.  They  also  provide  better  
access  to  public   transportation,  
improve  transit  efficiency,  and  calm  
traffic.  Complete  streets  create 
complete  communities.  
In  the  summer  of  2011,  the  NYS 
legislature  unanimously  passed  a 
statewide  Complete  Streets  bill,  which  
was  signed  by  the  governor  an

d  will  
go  into  effect  February  2012.  
This  law  calls  for  Complete  Street  
Designs  to  be  considered  for all  state,  
county,  and  local  transportation  
projects  that  are  undertaken  by  the  
Department  of  Transportation  or  
receive  both  federal  and  state  funding  
and  are  subject  to  Department  of  
Transportation  oversi

Most  projects  that  receive  federal  
funding  also  receive  state  funding.  
However,  the  law  is  not  applicable  on  
many  roads  owned  by  villages,  towns  
and  counties.  

Warren County Bicycle Plan 
location of  the  proposed  facility, and  physical  constraints  of  the  
roadway/trail  area. 
To  further  facilitate  the  decision‐ making process,  a  Bicycle  Facility  Improvement  
Process  has been  developed.  In  general,  the  end  goal  is  to  have  all  of  the  
roadways  in the  priority  network  include  a  functional  bicycle  facility.   
Theoretically,  the  roadway  owners  could  designa t
e these  roadways  as bicycle  
routes  at  any  time.  However,  most  agencies  would  prefer  that the roadways  that 
they  designate  as formal  bike  routes  meet  (or  come  close  to  meeting)  the  criteria  
for  accepted  design  standards,  such  as  those  listed  in  this  plan,  prior  to  making  
the  designation.   
The  first  step  in  that  proce s
s is  to  select  the  appropriate  Design Standards  for  the  
roadway  in  question.  The  next  step  is  to  determine  whether  the  roadway  will  
require  additional  improvements  in  order  to  be  in  compliance  with  the  Design  
Standards.  The  flow  chart  on  the  following  page  is intended  to  hel p gui
de  this  
process.  Factors  such as  existing pavement  width,  available  ROW, the feasibility  
of  off ‐road  connections,  and  whether  the  roadway  is  slated  for improvements  in  
the  5 ‐year  Transportation  Improvement  Program,  are all  considered.  
This  process  anticipates  that  most  roadway  owners  would  require  that  bicycle  
facilities  are  largely  consistent  wit

h the  design  standards  prior  to designation  as  a 
bike  route;  however,  this  is  not  prerequisite.  The  designation  itself  may  be  an  
internal  process,  or  may  be  at  the  behest  of  a  separate  group. For  example,  the  
WCS&QBO  recently  petitioned  the  Town  of  Queensbury  to designate  several  
roadways  as bike  routes;  the  Town  Board  passed  a  re sol
ution designating  the 
roadways  as this  plan  was  being  drafted.  This  process  could  be  replicated  for  any  
town  in  Warren  County.  Similarly,  this  group,  or  any  local  municipality,  may  
choose  to petition  Warren  County  to  designate  their roadways  as bike  routes.   
New  York State  maintains  a  separate  system of  bike  routes,  design
ed to 
encourage  long‐ distance  connections  statewide.  However,  they  may  be  
petitioned  to  add  bike  route  signage  along  State  roadways.  These  can  then  
become  an  important  part  of  a  regional  cycling  promotion,  such  as  the  “Bike  the  
Byways”  efforts put  forth  by  the  Adirondack  North  Country  Association.   

Warren County Bicycle Plan 
Is pavement  width  sufficient  to support  
appropriate  Design  Standard? 
Yes No 
Roadway  included  in  current  TIP?  
Yes No 
¾ Restripe  roadway 
as  part  of capital  
¾ Designate  roadway  
as  a  Bike  Route; 
add  signage  
¾ Ensure  facility  will  
be  maintained,  if  
Is restriping  necessary  to  create  appropriate  bike  
No Yes  
¾ Designate  roadway  as  a  Bike  
¾ Add  directional/  informational  
Bike  Route  signage  
¾ Ensure  facility  will  be  
maintained,  if  necessar

¾ Add  Share  the  
Road  Signage  
¾ Designate  roadway  
as  a  Bike  Route  
¾ Restripe  roadway 
as  part  of long ‐
term  road  
Is there  sufficient  ROW available  to  widen  pavement?
No  Yes  
Yes No 
¾ Widen  roadway  as 
part  of road  
¾ Designate  roadway  
as  a  Bike  Route;  add 
¾ Ensure  facility  will  
be  maintained  
¾ Add  Share  the  Road  
¾ Designate  roadway  as  a  
Bike  Route  
¾ Widen  roadway  as part  of 
long ‐term  road  
Is the  roadway  included in  current  TIP?  
Could  an  off ‐road  facility  feasibly  
be  substituted?  
Yes No 
¾ Pursue  funding  for  
multi ‐use  trail  
¾ Acquire  ROW  
¾ Construct  trail 
¾ Add  Share  the  Road  
¾ Designate  roadway  as  a  
Bike  Route  
Bicycle  Facility  Improvement  Selection  Process 
START:  Determine  the  most  appropriate  design 
standard  for  the  roadway.  

Warren County Bicycle Plan 
Edge of travel  

Pavement  Overlay:  NOT  
Edge of travel  
lane  Shoulder  

Pavement  Overlay:  Recommended
a. Other  Improvements  
The  implementation  process  outlined  above  is  intended  to  apply  to  large ‐scale  
improvement  projects,  which  would  apply  to  significant  portions of  a  roadway.  
However,  there  are also  opportunities  to  pursue  small ‐scale  improvements,  which  
could  also  improve  the  biking  experience  in  Warren  County.  These “spot”  
improvements  are  focused  on  addressin g those  small ‐scale  issues  which  may  not  
require  significant  fundi

ng  to  complete.  Several  examples  are  included  below.  
1. Drainage  grates.  The direction  of  the  grating  pattern on  storm  drains  is  
an  often ‐overlooked  detail.  (See  figure  10).  Grate  openings  which  run  
parallel  to the  travel  direction  can cause  havoc  for  thin  b i

cycle tires.  
Ideally,  grates  should  be  selected  which  feature  a “bike ‐friendly”  
pattern.  If  this  is  not  feasible,  the  grate  should  be  situated  so that  the  
pattern  runs  perpendicular  to  the  travel  direction.   
2. Individual  hazards.  Over time, potholes  and  cracks  can  form  in  
pavement,  causing  hazardous  conditions  for  cyclists.  Sudde n chan
ges in 
grade,  whether  because  of pavement  failure  or  manholes  set  at  an  
improper  elevation,  can  be difficult  for  cyclists  to  maneuver,  especially 
at  night.  In  the  short  term,  pavement  markings  as  specified  in  Chapter 
3C  of  the  Manual  for  Uniform  Traffic Control  Devices  (figure  11)  can  
help  alert cyclists  that  a  po tentially  haza
rdous condition  exists.  These 
hazards  can  then  be eliminated  or  minimized  as  the  appropriate 
roadway  or  utility  project  is  undertaken  in  the  future.  
3. Pavement  overlays.  Even  if  no  re ‐striping  or  widening  is  called  for in  a  
paving  project,  there  may still  be  good  opportuniti es to  im
conditions  for  cyclists.   Ensuring  that  the  seam  of  the  pavement  does  
not  occur  in the  middle  of  the  shoulder,  or  is  properly feathered,  will 
provide  a smooth,  regular  surface for  cyclists.  (See  figure  12)  
4. Roadway  sweeping.  Patches  of  gravel,  especially  on  corners,  can  pose  a  
threat  to  cycl ists.
 With  the  help  of  the  cycling  com
munity, it  may  be 
possible  to  identify  areas  where  significant  gravel  accumulation  is  
hampering  safe cycling.  Targeted  road  sweeping,  even  just  a  few  times  
a  year,  can  help  to  reduce  the  potential  hazards.   
5. Bicycle  Racks.  Lack of  adequate  bike  racks  is a  freq uent  issue for  
cyclists.  Although  some  co

mmunities  are  beginning  to  require  provision 
of  bicycle  racks during  project  development  approval,  it  can  still be 
difficult  for  cyclists  to  find  a  safe  place  to  lock  their  bike.  As a  starting 
point,  bike  racks  should  be  provided  in  locations  near  public  buildings 
such  as  schools,  municipal cent
ers, and  post  offices,  as  well  as in public 
parking  areas.  Commercial  businesses and  employment  centers  should  
also  be  encouraged  to  provide  bike racks  as  a service  to  their  customers  
and  employees.   
Figure 10 ‐ Above,  poor  drainage  
grate  choice;  Below,  bicycle ‐
friendly  grate  (photos  courtesy  of  
Figure 11 ‐ Example  of  bike  hazard  striping  
Figure 12 ‐ Pavement  Overlays  

Warren County Bicycle Plan 
b. Partnerships  
The  improvements  outlined  in  this  plan  are extensive,  and  will  take  a significant  
and  focused  effort  to  bring  about.  In  addition,  implementation  will  be  at  the  
hands  of  many  different  agencies.  For  on‐road  facilities,  the  implementation  lead  
is  likely  to  be  the  roadway  owner.  For  off‐road  facilities,  a  wider  variety  of  lea

agencies  is  possible:  local  municipalities,  recreation  and  open  space  groups,  or  
the  WCS&QBO  itself. Any projects  which  involve  acquisition  of  easements  or  
rights ‐of ‐way  will  also  involve  the  landowners  as  a key  stakeholder.  WCS&QBO,  
along  with  A/GFTC,  will  play  important  roles  in  maintaining  open communication  
with  these  gr oups  as

  implementation  of  bicycle  improvement  projects  is  
In  terms  of maintenance,  it  can  be  assumed  that  on ‐road  bike  facilities  will  be  the  
responsibility  of  whichever  agency  currently  maintains  the  roadway  itself,  unless  
other  specific  provisions  are  made.  For  multi ‐use  trails,  there  may  be  partnership 
opportuniti es to  provide  some

  or  all  maintenance  services.  This  can  take  the  
forms  of  occasional  volunteer  events, such  as  trail‐ cleaning  days,  or a  more  
formal  maintenance  agreement  between  agencies  and  groups  to  perform  
In  addition,  WCS&QBO,  as  a  501(c)3  non‐profit  organization,  may  be  able  to  assist  
in  identifying  and  im plem
enting some  of the  spot  improvements  listed  in  this  
plan.  For example,  this  group  may be  able  to create  and  maintain  an  inventory  of 
individual  hazards,  and may  also be  able  to seek  funding  for the  roadway  owners  
to  address  these  concerns.  It  may  also  be  possible  to  partner  to pe rform  target
road  sweepings  or  trail  maintenance,  with  help  from the  local  and  county  DPWs.  
Sponsored  community  events  such  as  these  would  also raise  the  profile  of  the  
organization  and  provide  an  important  community  education  benefit.   
c. Funding  Sources  
The  following  funding  sources  have  historically  been  available  for projects  which  
involve  bicy cl

e  facilities.  Not all  of these  programs  are  currently  active;  
conversely,  new programs  may  arise  which  could  be  applied  towards  bicycle  
facilities.  In  selecting  funding  sources,  it  is  important  to  keep  in  mind  the  
stipulations  and  requirements  of  the  funding  agency.  For  instance,  projects  
funded  under  NYSDOT’s  Transportation  Enhancements  Program  mu st follow  the  
State’s  desi

gn,  bidding,  and  grant  reporting  process,  which  can  be  very  involved.  

Warren County Bicycle Plan 
Program  Granting Agency  On‐or  Off‐
Road    Eligible
 Activities Local 
Program   NYS
of  Transportation  
(NYSDOT)   Both
Provision of  Facilities  for  Bicycles  and  Pedestrians  (on ‐
or  off ‐road)   Yes
 the  Connection  A/GFTC   BothSmall‐scale  projects  that  improve  the  region’s  bicycle  
and  pedestrian  travel  network  Yes
Community,  System  
 On‐Road Planning, development,  and  implementation  of  
strategies  to  integrate  transportation,  community,  and  
system  preservation  plans  and  practices   Yes
Projects  (HSIP)   FHWA/NYSDOT
 Both Safety  improvement  projects on  any  public  road  or  
publically  owned  bicycle  or  pedestrian  pathway  or  trail.  Yes
Byways  Discretionary  
Grants   Federal
(FHWA)   On
‐Road Construction  along  a  scenic  byway  of  a  facility  for  
pedestrians  and  bicyclists;  safety  improvements  for  
deficiencies  resulting  from  designation  as  a  Byway   Yes
Street  and Highway  
Program  (CHIPS)   NYSDOT 
On‐Road Local highway  projects  which  can  include  elements  
such  as:  Bike  lanes  and wide  curb  lanes;  shared  use 
paths,  and  bike  paths  within  the highway  ROW   No
Program   NYS
 Office  of  
Parks,  Recreation,  
and  Historic  
Preservation  (NYS  
OPRHP)   Off
‐Road Acquisition,  development,  rehabilitation  and  
maintenance  of  multi ‐use trails  Yes
Program   NYS
of  State  (NYSDOS)  Both
Implementation  of  projects  listed  in  a  locally  adopted  
Waterfront  Revitalization  Plan;  communities  without  
this  type  of  plan  are  not  eligible  to  apply   Yes
Growth  Grants   NYS
of  Environmental 
(NYSDEC)  Both
Focused on  planning  and  design  projects  including:  
Efficient  transportation  systems;  Main  streets,  including  
bicycle  and  pedestrian  access; Public  access 
improvements,  including  trails  No
Places  to  Live,  Work,  
and  Play   NYS
of  Health   Both
Small grants  available  to  municipalities  to  pursue  
Complete  Streets projects  or  purchase  bicycle racks,  if  
community  has  passed  Complete  Streets policy   No

Warren County Bicycle Plan 
Appendix 1:  Detailed  Maps  
To  facilitate  implementation  among  individual  municipalities,  a  series  of  more  
detailed  priority  maps  has  been  prepared.  These  maps  depict  the same  content  as 
Maps  2  and  3  of  this  plan,  on  a  larger  scale. The  map  contents  include:  
Map  A:  Glens  Falls/Southern  Queensbury  
Map  B:  Lake  Luzerne  
Map  C:  Lake  George/Northern  Quee nsbury
Map  D:  Warrensburg  
Map  E:  Stony  Creek  
Map  F:

Map  G:  Thurman  
Map  H:  Hague  
Map  I:  Horicon  
Map  J:  Chester  
Map  K:  Johnsburg  

Queensbury Glens Falls
Lake Luzerne
¨ ¦87
¨ ¦87
W Mounta in R d
Bay Rd
Quaker Rd
Luzerne Rd
Ridge Rd
Dixon Rd
Corinth Rd
State R
e 9
Glen St
iland Rd
Bay St
Sanford St
Aviation Rd
Potter Rd
Upper Sherman
A ve
Ridge St
onin R
Meadowbrook Rd
Main St
Q u
y Ave
en St
Broad St
cks Rd
Ri ver StMaple St
Country Club Rd
Round Pond Rd
Platt St
South St
Elm St
Grant Ave
Sherman Ave
Lawrence St
G lenwood
A ve
en St
Staple St
Blind Rock R
Haskell Ave
Mohican St
Webster Ave
Mountain View Ln
Lower Warren St
Thomas St
ngto n

A v
Western Ave
Main St
Warren County Bicycle Plan
Map A – Glens Falls/South Queensbury Inset
No Scale
ñGovernment Office
®qWarren County Airport
kSUNY Adirondack
_Major Retail Center
kPublic Schools
Parks (Local)
Bike Routes
Proposed Off-Road Trails
Warren County Bikeway
Feeder Canal Park Heritage Trail
WCS&QBO Priority Routes
Local Priority Routes
A/GFTC Priority Routes (Staff)
Other Roads
Major Roads
Local Streets
Prepared by: A/GFTCI
AWarren County Bikeway Parking Lot

Lake Luzerne
Lake George
Stony Creek
e A
tate Route
C a
S t
h R
How e

R d
R iv
er D
o w
R d
O ld
S t
a g e
R d
ie l
P o
nd R d
e y

R d
H i
ll R
R d
e n s
F a
M ou
ta i
n R
m as
t e
R d
o fi
e l
R d
y R
o u
r R
u t
h i
ll R d
ag e
H i
l R d
n t
h R
n d
n ie
R d
n ch
H arr
B u
P on
R d
Haw k
4W D
M ain
S t
a ce D
Pin e
w oo
R d
aso n

D r
A v
S pi
R d
ar tm an
Iv y
L n
d g
ro o
L n
v e
w a
C l
u te D
E R i
v er
D r
iv e
B e
w n
Warren County Bicycle Plan
Map B – Lake Luzerne Inset
No Scale
Streets_ALIS selection
kPublic Schools
ñGovernment Office
Proposed Off-Road Trails
Existing Off-Road Trails
WCS&QBO Priority Routes
Local Priority Routes
A/GFTC Priority Routes (Staff)
Other Roads
Major Roads
Local Streets
NYS Recreation Areas
Parks (Local)Prepared by: A/GFTC

Lake George
Warrensburg Lake
R i
R d
Hwy 9
State Ro
ut e
La ke Shore Dr
Route 9N
State Route 9
S tate
te 149
Canada S tL
esh o
D r
R d
Ba y
M id
e R
H i
R d
Fla t
R oc
k R
e ve
e R
n s
R d
c k
H i
l l
R d
o d
w R
ollo w
B r
ssell Hi ll
F o
Lake P
kw yA
em b
P oi
n t
R d
t K
R dS
R d
e t

c h

C l
e m
R d
M u
R o
h u
rs t
R d
n t

S t
v e
w ay
R d
ra vi
B a
L n
V i
t o
R d
L n
La k
e Rd
A l
e x
R d
e l
l H i
O tt
a w
G ag
Warren County Bicycle Plan
Map C – Lake George/Nor th Queensbury Inset
No Scale
kPublic Schools
ñGovernment Office
Waterb odies
Proposed Off-Road Trails
Existing Off-Road Trails
WCS&QBO Priority Routes
Local Priority Routes
A/GFTC Staff Priority Routes Other Roads
Major Roads
Local Streets
Prepared by: A/GFTC
Proposed off-road
connection to
Recreation Center
Proposed off-road
connection between
Bikeway & Route 9
Inset Area

Lake George
¨ ¦87
¨ ¦87
Route 9
US Hwy 9
Main St
State Route 28
tate Rout e
River St
State Route 28
River Rd
Schroon River Rd
Pucker St
Mud St
E Schroon River Rd
Alden Ave
Glen Athol Rd
Atateka Dr
High St
Wall StGolf Course Rd
Friends Lake Rd
Dippikill Rd
Valley Rd
Viele Pond Rd
Bowen Hill R d
Athol Rd
Old Route 9
Harrington H ill Rd
Stock Farm Rd
Stony Creek Rd
Fox Ln
Rock Ave
Tripp Lake Rd
Charles Olds Rd
Library Ave
Cameron Rd
Potter Brook R d
Frost St
Lamb Hill Rd
Big Hollow Br
Buyce C ross Rd
Cross Rd
Sweet Rd
Forest Lake Rd
Dump Rd
Hendricks Rd
Combs Rd
Oak St
Darrowsville Rd
River St
Jenni Jill Dr
Adirondack Park Preserve
Rollies Rd
Penman Dr
Warren St
Kathy Xing
Pinto Ln
River Ln
Ledgebrook Ln
Warren County Bicycle Plan
Map D – Warrensburg
No Scale
kPublic Schools
ñGovernment Office
Parks (Local)
Proposed Off-Road Trails
WCS&QBO Priority Routes
Local Priority Routes
A/GFTC Staff Priority Routes
Major Roads
Local Streets
Prepared by: A/GFTC

ThurmanStony Creek Wa r re n s b u r g
s b

R d
ud S
H ig
S t
ad l
e y
R d
e n s
u rg

R d
a r
R d
a te s

R d
n s L

R dW
P on
R d
R d
er R
Riv e
W ai
t e
a n
n on
t z
Mu r
R d
tt e r
k R d
o m
R d
T uc ke
a r

P o
R d
R d
Sta te s
R d E
R i
l e
y H ill
R d
li n
R d
W al
s h

R d
o w
R d
d ge
b ro
Warren County Bicycle Plan
Map E – Stony Creek
No Scale
Government OfficeWaterbodiesParks (Local)NYS Recreation AreasProposed Off-Road TrailsExisting Off-Road Trails
WCS&QBO Priority RoutesLocal Priority RoutesA/GFTC Priority Routes (Staff)
Other RoadsInterstateMajor RoadsLocal Streets
Prepared by: A/GFTC

Bolton Hague
Lake George
Lake S
Lakeshore Dr
US Hwy 9
e Route 8
Lake Shore
D r
h r
o n
R i
v er

R d
S ch
R iv
R d
S t
u m
C ount y
H w
1 1
H i
l R d
ed e
a l
l R
D ia
m on
R d
Valle y W oo
s R d
o m
b Po
nd R
e s
b ur
R d
e r
H i
R d
er S
u t L
R d
l R
lt o n
en d
c k
R d
am b
R d

R d
T r
o u
L a
R d
d er
B ro
R d
F all
s R d
o n A
R a
m p
n kl
e R
H a
rr is

R d
awm i
R d
O a
H o
m er

P o
R d
S t
R d
m lo
tr ic
L n
L n
B r
a l
e y

P t
il o

K no
b R
e n R
v i
c e

R oa
E v
a L
Ra m
Warren County Bicycle Plan
Map F – Bolton Inset
No Scale
kPublic Schools
ñGovernment Office
Parks (Local)
NYS Recreation Areas
Proposed Off-Road Trails
Existing Off-Road Trails
WCS&QBO Priority Routes
Local Priority Routes
A/GFTC Priority Routes (Staff)
Other Roads
Major Roads
Local Streets
Prepared by: A/GFTC

Æ b
ñ ñ
Stony Creek
Wa r re n s b u r g
State Hwy
ute 41 8
ate Route 28
r is
b u
e r

S t
G l
e n
o l

R d
n e
R d
h ns
b u
g R
g h
S tV
le y
l l
m an
W a
rr e
n s
b ur
R d
ld en
L a
n fe a
M ounta
P on
d R d
C o
u rs e
R d
ta t
R d
d R
tm o
u t
R d
il l
Ath ol
O l
d Ro
H i
to n
re e
R d
tr o
Br a
n n
Z a
z R
r a
y R
e r
b ro
Tu c
Dr e
e s

O l
d s
m ero n
an a
u k
e n
Sta te s R d
B u
e C
s R
R d
ro s
R d
t B
R d
W e
o tt
C o
mb s

R d
n g
R d
h R d
R d
n R
Sn ow
geb r
L n
Warren County Bicycle Plan
Map G – Thurman
No Scale
NYS Recreation AreasParks (Local)Waterbodies
Government Office
Æ b
Rail Station
Proposed Off-Road TrailsExisting Off-Road TrailsWCS&QBO Priority RoutesLocal Priority RoutesA/GFTC Priority Routes (Staff)
Other RoadsInterstateMajor RoadsLocal Streets
Prepared by: A/GFTC

Lakeshore Dr
t e

R d
Lake Shore Dr
oute 8
W ar
d s
b o r
R d
W e
H a
g u
R d
N e
u e
B attl
e H
ad a
n a
ru m
l v
e r
D o
l R d
D r
C a
m p
il l

pu r
o c
k R
O l
d Mi
R d
R d
D r
iv e
w a
H oll
o w
o g
L n
H ag u
e R
Warren County Bicycle Plan
Map H – Hague Inset
No Scale
kPublic Schools
ñGovernment Office
Parks (Local)
NYS Recreation Areas
Proposed Off-Road Trails
Existing Off-Road Trails
WCS&QBO Priority Routes
Local Priority Routes
A/GFTC Priority Routes (Staff)
Other Roads
Major Roads
Local Streets
Prepared by: A/GFTC

State Rou
Route 9
wy 9
State Route
S tate
Route 8
S ho
D r
s a
d es
R d
n ti
n e
R d
ad a
u m
R d
R i
v e
r R
R d
am p
rs et
B ea
P o
w H i
ll R d
L an
n H
ill R
Hayesb u
g R
l R
R d
s s
t H
R d
S t
o n
P h
o h
R d
c ks
R d
a rb
R d
A l
d e
r B
R d
in e
S t
R am
Tr ou
t F alls
R d
l T u
l H
l R
w V
rm o
R d

I k e H
R d
B l
H a
rr is

R d
O l
S c
R d
n gw
R d
e L
S h
In g
a h
am R
M ay
R d
W i
n g
R d
en t
ee R
M a
L n
in to
L n
Warren County Bicycle Plan
Map I – Horicon Inset
No Scale
kPublic Schools
ñGovernment Office
Parks (Local)
NYS Recreation Areas
Proposed Off-Road Trails
Existing Off-Road Trails
WCS&QBO Priority Routes
Local Priority Routes
A/GFTC Priority Routes (Staff)
Other Roads
Major Roads
Local Streets
Prepared by: A/GFTC

ta t
State Ro u
US Hwy 9
State Ro
ute 8
Olmstedville RdSta
te Hwy
Sta t
e Hwy
S tate
State Rou
te 9
State Route 28
State Rou
te 8
e r
ive r
Ig e
a R
n ds
R d
n t
e R d
J o h
R d
n d

H i
ll R
ro on

R iv e r
R d
a n
d so
S t
d d
R d
S t
R d
A ve
n A
B yr
n e
R d
arr in
g to
R d
R d
n so
D ip
R d
O ld
R o
L a
n e
R d
Bu r
n t
P err

L n
s s

R d
rd s
b b
R d
a rb
H i
l R
R d
e n t
e P
m p
n d
e w
D ur
k in
R d
r B

R d
g r
o un
R d
h e
o t
R d

R d
R d
ew a
ch r
o o n
R d
D r
e L
e n
n yso n
R d
o r
n n
ah o
y D
Holl a
n d
R d
s R

P o
R d
R d
e r
R d
M a
E m i
L n
S h
R am p
v er
Warren County Bicycle Plan
Map J – Chester Inset
No Scale
kPublic Schools
ñGovernment Office
Parks (Local)
NYS Recreation Areas
Proposed Off-Road Trails
Existing Off-Road Trails
WCS&QBO Priority Routes
Local Priority Routes
A/GFTC Priority Routes (Staff)
Other Roads
Major Roads
Local Streets
Prepared by: A/GFTC

State Hwy
Stat e Rou te 28
State Hwy 28N
eful Va
lley R
G a
n et
e R

R d
rtm a
R d
m a
n R d
d so
S t
3 th

R d
n S t
R d

R i
v er
R d

o h ns
b u
g R d
e r

R d
ki H i
Ch at
m ac
O l
d F
m R
B y
rn e
s R
m s
r o
n g

R d
R d
Ov en

M o
un ta i
R dB
o S o
d om
R dE

H ill
R d
D u
n s
C ro
ss R

R d
n e
y H
l R d
n d R
n P
R d
ild s
R d
O s
h er
R d
Warren County Bicycle Plan
Map K – Johnsburg Inset
No Scale
kPublic Schools
ñGovernment Office
Parks (Local)
NYS Recreation Areas
Proposed Off-Road Trails
Existing Off-Road Trails
WCS&QBO Priority Routes
Local Priority Routes
A/GFTC Priority Routes (Staff)
Other Roads
Major Roads
Local Streets
Prepared by: A/GFTC

Queensbury Connector Road Study – Final Report

To w n  of  Queensbury, Warren  County, NY
March,  2012
2 Winners  Circle
Albany,  New  York   12205
Creighton  Manning
Engineering,  LLP
Phone:  518 ‐446‐ 0396
Fax: 518‐ 446‐0397
E ‐mail:
Quaker Road  to  Queensbury  Avenue
Connector  Road  Study

Adirondack/Glens  Falls
Transportation  Council
11  South  Street,  Suite  203
Glens  Falls,  NY  12801
518.223 ‐0086

Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study Report
March 2012

Creighton Manning | Shumaker Consulting Engineering & Land Surveying Page ii
Study Advisory Committee

Stuart Baker, Town of Queensbury
Nelson Chase Jr., Warren/Washington County Emergency Training Center
Robert Cherry, New York State Department of Transportation
Ed Doughney, Warren County Department of Public Works
Aaron Frankenfeld, Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Committee
Wayne LaMothe, Warren County
Kate Mance, Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Committee
Charles Mellon, Warren/Washington County Emergency Training Center
Ray Rathburn, Warren/Washington County Emergency Training Center Tori Riley, Washington County
John Strough, Town of Queensbury
Mike Valentine, Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Committee
John Wheatly, Warren County Econom ic Development Corporation

Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study Report
March 2012

Creighton Manning | Shumaker Consulting Engineering & Land Surveying Page iii
Table of Contents
Title Page ………………………………………………………………
……………………………………… .i
Acknowledgements ………………………………………………………………
………………………… ii
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………
………………………….. iii
List of Figures ………………………………………………………………
………………………………. iv
List of Tables ………………………………………………………………
……………………………….. iv
List of Appendices………………………………………………………………
………………………….. v
Executive Summary ………………………………………………………………
……………………….. vi

Introduction ………………………………………………………………
……………………………… 1
A) Study Background, Overview, and Purpose ………………………………………………… 1
B) Study Area ………………………………………………………………
…………………………… 2
C) Study Objectives ………………………………………………………………
…………………… 2
D) Approach ………………………………………………………………
…………………………….. 3
II. Existing Conditions ………………………………………………………………
……………………. 5
A) General Environment ………………………………………………………………
…………….. 5
1. Zoning and Existing Land Use …………………………………………………………….. 5
2. Hazardous Waste and Contaminated Materials ………………………………………. 6
3. Wetlands Screening ………………………………………………………………
………….. 8
4. Ecology and Endangered/Threatened Species ……………………………………….. 9
5. Farmland/Agricultural Property…………………………………………………………. 10
6. Floodplains, Surface Waters and Cr itical Environmental Areas ………………… 10
7. Historic/Archeological Resources………………………………………………………. 10
B) Transportation ………………………………………………………………
……………………. 10
1. Study Area Roadways ………………………………………………………………
………. 10
2. Study Intersections ………………………………………………………………
…………. 11
3. Existing Traffic Characteristics………………………………………………………….. 13
4. Traffic Operations………………………………………………………………
…………… 13
5. Existing Travel Times……………………………………………………………..
……….. 15
6. Bike and Pedestrian Accommodations ………………………………………………… 15
7. Crash History………………………………………………………………
…………………. 16
8. Existing Transit Service ………………………………………………………………
……. 17
C) Public Meeting and Workshop #1 …………………………………………………………… 17
III. Future Conditions ………………………………………………………………
……………………. 20
IV. Alternatives Evaluation ………………………………………………………………
……………… 23
A) Future Conditions ………………………………………………………………
……………….. 23
B) Description of Alternatives………………………………………………………………
……. 24
1. Alternative 1: Upgrade Improvements by Others …………………………………. 25
2. Alternative 2: Construction on Northern Alignment……………………………… 25
3. Alternative 3A: Construction on Central Alignment ……………………………… 25
4. Alternative 3B: Construction on Central Alignment with Relocated Stone
Quarry Road ………………………………………………………………
………………….. 26

5. Alternative 4A: Construction on Southern Alignment …………………………… 26

Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study Report
March 2012

Creighton Manning | Shumaker Consulting Engineering & Land Surveying Page iv
6. Alternative 4B: Construction on Southern Alignment with Relocated Stone
Quarry Road ………………………………………………………………
………………….. 27

C) Alternatives Evaluation………………………………………………………………
…………. 27
1. Environmental Impacts ………………………………………………………………
……. 27
2. Levels of Service ………………………………………………………………
…………….. 29
3. Travel Time Comparisons ………………………………………………………………
… 31
4. Overall Evaluation ………………………………………………………………
…………… 32
V. Conclusions, Recommendations, and Implementation ……………………………………. 36
A) Conclusions ………………………………………………………………
……………………….. 36
B) Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Transit Accommodations …………………………………….. 37
C) Public Meeting and Workshop #2 …………………………………………………………… 37
D) Study Recommendations ………………………………………………………………
………. 38
1. Short-term Recommendations …………………………………………………………… 38
2. Long-term Recommendations …………………………………………………………… 39

List of Figures
Figure I.1 – Study Area ………………………………………………………………
……………………. 4

Figure 2.1 – 2011 AM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ………………………………………………. 18
Figure 2.2 – 2011 PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ………………………………………………. 19
Figure 3.1 – 2015 PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ………………………………………………. 21
Figure 3.2 – 2035 PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ………………………………………………. 22
Figure 4.1 – Roadway Alignment Alternatives ……………………………………………………. 34
Figure 4.2 – Alternative 4A Concept Plan ………………………………………………………….. 35

List of Tables

Table II.1 – Traffic Volume Summary ………………………………………………………………
.. 13
Table II.2 – 2011 Level of Service Ranges …………………………………………………………. 14
Table II.3 – 2011 Existing Levels of Service……………………………………………………….. 14
Table II.4 – Crash History from Janu ary 1, 2008 through January 31, 2011 …………….. 16
Table IV.1 – 2035 PM Peak Hour Levels of Service………………………………………………. 30
Table IV.2 – Alternatives Comparison Summary …………………………………………………. 32

Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study Report
March 2012

Creighton Manning | Shumaker Consulting Engineering & Land Surveying Page v
List of Appendices

Appendix A …………………………………………………………… Environmental Documentation
Appendix B ………………………………………………………………
Public Workshop Summaries

Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study Report
March 2012

Creighton Manning | Shumaker Consulting Engineering & Land Surveying Page vi
Executive Summary
The Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council (A/GFTC) initiated this Queensbury
Connector Road Study to study the feasibility, costs, and benefits of a proposed
connector road between Quaker Road and Queensbury Avenue. Access to several
existing facilities including the Floyd Bennett Memorial Airport, Queensbury Business
Park, and Airport Industrial Park, is constraine d by a lack of direct routing to and from
these facilities on the existing two-lane roadway network. In addition, several
development projects are under consideration in the area, including an Emergency
Services Training Center for Warren and Washington Counties on the west side of
Queensbury Avenue, a runway expansion at the airport, and the Quaker Ridge
Technology Park (QRTP) proposed on lands north of Walmart at an extension of Quaker
Ridge Boulevard. There is also potential for the traveling public to benefit from a
roadway connection between Quaker Road and Queensbury Avenue to improve access
and mobility. A/GFTC sponsored this study to evaluate the public investment in this
potential expansion of the transportation system with respect to the overall public
benefit that could be gained when evalua ted against the social, environmental, and
economic impacts associated with the project.

The study area is located within the southeastern portion of the Town of Queensbury
in Warren County. The overall study area is bounded by Hicks Road to the north, Dix
Avenue (NY Route 32) to the south, Quaker Road (NY Route 254) to the southwest,
Queensbury Avenue to the east, and Ridge Road (NY Route 9L) to the west.

To provide a baseline condition to measure the potential benefit of the connector
roadway, existing, short-term (2015), and long-term (2035) traffic conditions were
analyzed. The evaluation of existing conditions identified deficiencies in the
transportation network independent of the future needs caused by growth in the area.
Evaluation and field observations of the existing transportation network (including the
new Walmart) show that the study area intersections generally operate at acceptable
levels of service during the AM and PM peak hours with one exception: the southbound
Quaker Road approach to Dix Avenue, which backs up through the Quaker Ridge Road
intersection during the PM peak hour. Modifying the signal phasing at the Quaker
Road/Dix Avenue intersection is recommended to improve existing traffic operations
so that vehicle queues no longer interfere with operations at the Quaker Road/Quaker
Ridge Boulevard intersection.

The crash rate on Dix Avenue between Quaker Road and Queensbury Avenue, which
includes the Highland Avenue intersection, is above the statewide average. The
NYSDOT is aware of the condition and recently designed pavement marking
channelization improvements which will be implemented and may be beneficial.

The short term forecasts (2015) assume d general background traffic growth,
development of the Emergency Services Training Center, and Phase 1 of the QRTP. The
long range forecasts (2035) a dd Phase 2 of QRTP, partial build-out of the Queensbury
Business Park, and substantial build-out of the Airport Industrial Park. The resulting
overall traffic growth equates to approximately 8% at 2015 and 35% at 2035.

Evaluation of the 2015 conditions shows that signal phasing and timing changes are
sufficient to address existing operational deficiencies and to provide good operations.

Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study Report
March 2012

Creighton Manning | Shumaker Consulting Engineering & Land Surveying Page vii
Assuming only Phase 1 of the QRTP is completed, the 2035 traffic volumes can also be
accommodated with this same system optimization.

If Phase 2 (full-build) of the QRTP is completed, the evaluation of the 2035 conditions
shows that traffic operations will break down and considerable transportation
improvements would be needed (consistent with the traffic study for the QRTP). These
improvements include:

 widening Quaker Road to include two full through lanes in each direction from
approximately 500 feet north of Quaker Ridge Boulevard to approximately 500
feet south of Dix Avenue
 constructing a second eastbound left-turn lane on Quaker Road at Quaker Ridge
 constructing a second southbound left-turn lane on Quaker Ridge Boulevard at
Quaker Road
 constructing a second southbound left-turn lane on Quaker Road at Dix Avenue
 widening Dix Avenue to include two lanes eastbound leaving the Quaker Road
intersection to receive the dual lane southbound left-turn movement and taper
back to one lane after approximately 500 feet
 constructing a 150 foot eastbound left-tur n lane on Dix Avenue at Queensbury
 modifying the traffic signal at the Quaker Road intersections with Quaker Ridge
Boulevard and Dix Avenue as necessary to accommodate the roadway widening
 implementing signal timing adjustments throughout the study area to maximize

A sensitivity analysis indicated that regardless of the timing of QRTP Phase 2, and
regardless of whether a connector road is built, the transportation improvements
proposed by the QRTP traffic study would be necessary; therefore, these improvements
are considered project related mitigation and are referred to in this document as
“Improvements by Others”. In addition to these improvements, this study also
recommends a westbound left turn lane on Dix Avenue at Queensbury Avenue
opposite the eastbound left turn lane identified in the QRTP study.

Although this study indicates that the connector road would improve access to
adjacent land uses (Emergency Services Training Center, Quaker Ridge Technology
Park, and Queensbury Business Park) and provide a small overall mobility benefit, the
connector road would not ameliorate the need for improvements to the existing
system. In addition, the estimated cost to construct a connector roadway as a public
project ranges from $6.1 to $10.4 million, wh ile the potential travel time savings is
small (on the order of 15 to 90 seconds depending on the location). Based on the
estimated costs and minor public benefits (in terms of regional transportation access
and mobility), there does not appear to be sufficient justification to warrant public
construction of the connector road.

During December 2011, the Warren County Department of Public Works Committee
agreed to pursue a Letter of Intent with the QRTP developer that would in essence
allow the developer to construct an access road along County property to his parcel in
exchange for an aviation easement along the private property, while enabling the

Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study Report
March 2012

Creighton Manning | Shumaker Consulting Engineering & Land Surveying Page viii
County to expand the southern runway at the airport. Design, construction, and
funding of a connector road have not yet begun and this study is in a position to
inform those processes.

While public transportation benefits do not necessitate the construction of a new
connector roadway, Warren County and the Town of Queensbury may decide that the
economic benefits associated with the runway expansion and access to the
Queensbury Business Park, Quaker Ridge Technology Park, Emergency Services
Training Center, and Airport Industrial Park warrant some level of public funding for
the connector road. Future ownership of the connector roadway was not determined
as part of this study, however, it is recommended that if this connector roadway is
built as part of a private development, it should meet the design criteria identified in
this report including wide shoulders to accommodate bicycles and pedestrians.

Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study Report
March 2012

Creighton Manning | Shumaker Consulting Engineering & Land Surveying Page 1
I. Introduction
A) Study Background, Overview, and Purpose
The Adirondack/Glens Falls Transporta tion Council (A/GFTC) initiated this Queensbury
Connector Road Study to evaluate the potential feasibility, benefits and costs of a
proposed new roadway that would connect Quaker Road and Queensbury Avenue in
the Town of Queensbury. The study seeks to identify existing deficiencies with the
surface transportation system that serves the immediate area, quantify the impacts to
the system that result from future growth and development, and analyze various
conceptual layouts of the proposed connector road. The study provides and

 an analysis of existing conditions of major components of the surface
transportation system, including both operational and safety related measures
 the immediate and longer term benefits and impacts of establishing a roadway
connection between Quaker Road and Queensbury Avenue
 a conceptual layout and cross-section of the proposed roadway based upon
standard design criteria, known constrains, and comparative benefits and costs
 construction cost estimates for various transportation alternatives

A new connector road between
Quaker Road and Queensbury
Avenue would potentially improve
access to the existing Floyd Bennett
Memorial Airport, the Airport
Industrial Park, and Queensbury
Business Park while also facilitating
direct access to planned
developments such as the
Emergency Services Training Center,
the Quaker Ridge Technology Park
and the recently completed Walmart.

This study evaluates the necessity,
feasibility, and viability of a
connector road between Quaker
Road and Queensbury Avenue in the
context of the regional
transportation system. In general,
any publicly funded expansion of the
transportation system should
provide an overall benefit when
evaluated against environmental
impacts and the capital and
maintenance costs associated with a
new roadway.

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B) Study Area
The study area is located within
the southeastern portion of the
Town of Queensbury in Warren
County. The overall study area is
bounded by Hicks Road to the
north, Dix Avenue (NY Route 32) to
the south, Quaker Road (NY Route
254) to the southwest, Queensbury
Avenue to the east, and Ridge
Road (NY Route 9L) to the west as
shown in the adjacent image. The
study boundaries include the
following intersections:
 Quaker Road/Ridge Road
 Quaker Road/Quaker Ridge
 Quaker Road/Dix Avenue
 Lower Dix Avenue/Highland
 Queensbury Avenue/Dix
 Queensbury Avenue/Stone
Quarry Road
 Queensbury Avenue/Airport
 Queensbury Avenue/Hicks
Road/Casey Road
 Ridge Road/Hicks Road

In addition to the overall study area, a more narrowly focused area was identified for
preliminary environmental screenings wh ere new roadway alignments could be
considered. This environmental screening area is located south of the airport, as
shown on Figure 1.1, and also includes the study intersections located north and west
of the airport.

C) Study Objectives
The Study Advisory Committee defined several objectives for this planning study. They

 Evaluate the study area transportation network to determine feasible
improvement alternatives that optimize land use access, traffic operations,
safety, and multimodal accommodations for existing, planned and potential
land use development over the next 20-30 years.
 Evaluate potential si gnificant environmental impacts of feasible alternatives and
the means to avoid or mitigate them.
 Determine current cost estimates for feasible improvement alternatives given
the probable development parameters and budget and implementation phasing.

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D) Approach
To accomplish the study objectives, the study involved several major tasks including:

 inventory existing conditions and environmental constraints
 development of future transportation and land use conditions based upon
planned and approved projects surrounding the study area
 evaluation of several transportation improvement conceptual alternatives,
including upgrading the existing system and construction of a connector
 comparison of the conceptual alternatives through the development of an
evaluation matrix
 public involvement through agency coordination and public meetings

The alternatives are evaluated in accordance with A/GFTC’s Twelve Principles, adopted
by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to guide future transportation
planning and programming activities. In general, these principles acknowledge the
importance of coordinating land use and transportation planning, maintenance and
maximum utilization of the existing transp ortation system, accommodating all modes
of travel for viable transportation options, and providing and operating a safe
transportation system for all users.

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II. Existing Conditions
A) General Environment
1. Zoning and Existing Land Use

A mix of zoning types exist within the study area as shown in the below (left). The
area is zoned with the following:
 Commercial Light Industrial (CLI, purple)
 Land Conservation 10 Acre (LC-10A, green)
 Commercial Intensive and Commercial Moderate (CI and CM, red)
 Neighborhood Residential (NR, orange)
 Moderate Density Residential (MDR, beige)

Along Quaker Road, the properties are zoned as Commercial Intensive. Commercial
Moderate zoning extends along Dix Avenue toward the Washington County line. The
airport and surrounding area are primarily zoned Commercial Light Industrial. South
and west of the airport, the land is zoned for land conservation. Residential uses are
designated on the east side of Queensbury Avenue south of the airport and along
Ridge Road and Hicks Road.

The above right image illustrates the existing land uses and the large amount of vacant
land available in the study area. The image generally shows good correlation between
existing land use and existing zoning with a few exceptions at the parcel level. Vacant
developable land includes commercial opportunities along Quaker Road and Dix
Existing Zoning Existing Land Use

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Avenue and industrial development along Queensbury Avenue, including build-out of
the Airport Industrial Park and Queensbury Business Park. As these areas are
developed, driveway spacing and location wi ll be important considerations to preserve
corridor operations and mobility.

One notable land use in the study area is the Floyd Bennett Memorial Airport. While
daily operations at the airport produce relati vely little vehicular traffic, the annual
Balloon Festival brings a large amount of traffic to the airport and can cause traffic
congestion during peak arrival and departure time periods. Providing additional access
to event parking and coordinating parking in multiple areas at once could relieve some
of the congestion associated with the festival. The South Queensbury Fire Station is
also located in the study area. Alternative route options and increased access to
nearby parcels has the potential to benefit emergency response service, primarily to
the directly accessed parcels.

2. Hazardous Waste and Contaminated Materials
A search of federal and state environmental databases was conducted by
Environmental Data Resources Inc (EDR). The results of the search were provided in an
EDR Radius Map Report da ted September 7, 2011 (Appen dix A). The EDR Report
incorporated listed facilities, with environmental records, on several environmental
databases in and surrounding the project corridor. The EDR Report included a review
of the available federal and state environm ental databases and was compiled in general
accordance with American Standard Test Method (ASTM) standards for a government
records review. The EDR Report included (but was not limited to) a review of the
following databases:

Federal Databases
 National Priorities List (NPL), Proposed NPL, and Delisted NPL
 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability
Information System (CERCLA Active and Archive)
 Resource Conservation an d Recovery Act Information System – Treatment,
Storage, and Disposal Facilities (RCRATSD)
 RCRA Generator – Small and Large Quantity Generators
 RCRA Information System – Correc tive Action Sites (CORRACTS)
 Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS)
 Land Use Control Information System (LUCIS)
 PCB Activity Database System (PADS)
 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System (TRIS)
 Section Seven Tracking System (SSTS)
 Civil Enforcement Docket (DOCKET)
 Toxic Substance Control Act Inventory (TSCA)

New York State Databases
 New York State Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Site Registry (HSWDS)
 New York State Solid Waste Facilities List (SWF)
 New York State Leaking Storage Tank Data (LTANKS)
 New York State Major Oil Storage Facilities List (MOSF)
 New York State Chemical Bulk Storage Tanks List (CBS)
 New York State Petroleum Bulk Storage Tank List (PBS)

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 New York Spills List (SPILLS)

Tribal Records and EDR proprietary databases were also queried. A review of specific
case files maintained by the NYSDEC wa s not included in this scope of work.

Government Records Review Results

The environmental database review identified 39 listed incidents with known
addresses/locations within the standard approximate minimum search distance (AMSD)
of the project corridor. Multiple incidents oc curred at some facilities. Many additional
sites in the area did not have numbered street addresses or were not plotted on the
EDR Map. Instead, these sites were listed as Orphan Sites. Database information for
the Orphan Sites was reviewed on EDR’s website. Pertinent sites listed within the
AMSD or Orphan Sites that reference features/locations along the project corridor are
discussed below.

National Priorities List (NPL) Sites or State Hazardous Waste Sites (SHWS) were not listed
in the EDR Report as being present within or adjoining to the project study area.
Several petroleum releases have occurred along Quaker Road and Dix Avenue. The
majority of these releases are located west of Quaker Road and south of Dix Avenue.

Soils containing petroleum compounds exceeding cleanup objectives appear to remain
at 108 Lower Dix Avenue (located at th e northwest corner of the Dix Avenue/
Queensbury Avenue intersection). Past releases at 756 Quaker Road (Hess Station) and
777 Quaker Road (Stewarts Shops/Former Ki ng Fuels) may have also impacted soil
and/or groundwater at these locations along the Dix Avenue/Quaker Road intersection.

Field Observations

No visual evidence of contamination was observed in areas that were traversed during
the screening of the connector road corridor. No visible air emissions were observed,
and no odors were detected.

Two features at two different locations we re discovered that may warrant further
investigation regarding the potential to represent a concern for Hazardous Waste/
Contaminated Materials relative to the conne ctor road corridor project. One feature
consists of a capped steel well casing inside of an open-top plywood box. There is a
utility pole within several feet of the well, bu t it did not appear to be in service. The
well is located in a field that is bounded to the north by the unpaved part of East
Sanford Road (on east side of Quaker Road) and to the west by Quaker Road. It is
unknown whether this well is an abandoned private well or a monitoring well. A
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request was submitted to the Town of Queensbury
in an attempt to obtain additional informat ion regarding this well. The second feature
is located next to Stone Quarry Road, behind the substation with frontage along the
east side of Queensbury Avenue. The feature contains pieces of equipment and a
small building and could be a pump station or some type of abatement or treatment
system. A FOIA request was submitted to the Town in an attempt to obtain additional
information regarding this site.

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3. Wetlands Screening
National Wetland Inventory (NWI), New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation (NYSDEC) Freshwater wetlands maps, topographic mapping, the County
Soil Survey, and hydric soils lists have been re viewed to assist with identifying potential
wetland locations. Mapped wetland locations exist within the project study area.

A wetland field screening was
completed November 2
through November 4, 2011.
During that visit, several areas
of wetland were observed and
consisted of palustrine
emergent, scrub-shrub, and
forested wetlands. The
general locations of the
observed wetland areas are
shown in the image to the
right in the orange, red, and
green cross-hatch pattern, and
can be refe renced on Figure
A.1 in Appendix A. The image
shows the existing Walmart
and the proposed Emergency
Services Training Center and
QRTP. The wetland locations
are approximate and for
planning purposes only; a
formal delineation would be
required during the design
phase of a connector road.

Two of the identified wetland
areas are mapped as state-
regulated freshwater wetlands,
which also correspond with mapped NWI areas (reference Figure A.1). New York State
Freshwater Wetland HF-3 (left side of the image), is an extensive wetland complex
occupying an area of over 700- acres. The majority of the wetland area is comprised of
swamp, and consists of cedar and hardwoods. A smaller portion of this wetland, as
described further in the following section, Ecology and Endangered/Threatened
Species , has been classified as a marl fen, but is located between HF-3 proper and the
end of one of the runways at the Floyd Bennett Memorial Airport. The other state-
regulated wetland is HF-8, which is located in the eastern most part of the study area
(right side of the image) and is transected by Queensbury Avenue.

Lastly, there are three to four small wetlands that have developed in topographic
depressions near the utility easement at the end of Quaker Ridge Boulevard. These
areas support emergent wetland habitats. Although small in area and at first
observation not ecologically sign ificant, a great blue heron took to flight out of one the
areas as it was approached by the screener. If any of the alternatives, with the

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potential for wetland impacts, are progressed for further consideration and design, the
wetland boundaries would have to be delineated to determine impacts and identify
permit requirements.

4. Ecology and Endangered/Threatened Species
A review of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) County List of
Threatened/Endangered Species was completed. The Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) and
karner blue butterfly ( Lycaeides Melissa samuelis ) are listed as occurring in Warren
County (reference the USFWS list in Appendix A). The list indicates that the Indiana bat
is present in Warren County in winter and summer-winter, which suggests that there is
at least one hibernacula located in the County. Bog turtle ( Clemmys muhlenbergii) is
also on the list, but is denoted as an historic account.

Based on a preliminary field review, it appears that the study area contains
summertime Indiana bat habitat. More spec ifically, suitable habitat was observed in
field and wetland forest areas that abut the east side of Quaker Road where it
intersects East Sanford Road. The habitat consists of a predominately forested wetland
with scrub-shrub and emergent plant communities mixed-in, particularly where there is
an existent drainage channel. Included in the wetland forest area are dead or dying
trees with exfoliating bark, which could be used by male and female Indiana bats for
roosting in the summertime. A large-diameter dead tree with exfoliating bark openly
stands in a field adjacent to the forested wetland area; since this tree is large in
diameter, is dead with large pieces of loose bark, and is exposed to the appropriate
solar gain, this tree has the potential to be used by female Indiana bats as a maternity

Karner blue butterflies inhabit extensive pine barrens, oak savannas or openings in oak
woodlands, and open areas, such as airports and right-of-ways, that support the
growth of lupine ( Lupinus perennis), the only food source consumed by the species
larval stage. The origin of remnant popu lations in Saratoga and Warren Counties are
not certain since there is little evidence for former pine barrens occurring in these
areas. Some recent populations have occupied sandy successional old fields.

In New York State, bog turtles inhabit open-canopy wet meadows, sedge meadows, and
calcareous fens. In the Hudson River Valley , bog turtle habitats may be isolated from
other wetlands or they may exist as part of larger wetland complexes. Bog turtle
habitat is often fed by groundwater and the vegetation always includes various species
of sedges that form hummocks and the soil is mucky.

None of the wetlands identified during the field screening of the project area contained
any features typical of suitable bog turtle habitat (e.g., spring fed water and hummock
forming vegetation); further study regarding the effects of the connector road on the
bog turtle is not necessary.

NYSDEC National Heritage Program (NHP) re sponded in a letter, dated November 18,
2011, regarding state-listed threatened/endangered species, significant natural
communities, and other significant habitats. The Natural Heritage Report on Rare
Species and Ecological Communities contained one record (reference Appendix A). The
record shows the occurrence of a significant ecological community. The community is

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a marl fen located at the Floyd Bennett Memorial Airport marsh, which is in the study
area. The marl fen is contiguous with NYS Freshwater Wetland HF-3 and is adjacent to
the southern end of the north-south runway (Runway 1 end of Runway 1-19). Open
marl flats and marl pools formerly occurred between the runway and HF-3, a rich
swamp comprised of a Cedar swamp and hardwood swamp, prior to being ditched for
agricultural purposes and extensive pumping of the ground water.

5. Farmland/Agricultural Property
A review of the County soil survey has determined that prime/unique soils exist within
the project area (Appendix A, Figure A.5). Although the project study area contains
soils mapped as prime/unique, the area is zo ned as industrial. As such, no further
involvement is necessary with respect to the Farmland Protection Policy Act. The
project area is not within a designated agricultural district; therefore, the provisions of
the Agriculture and Markets Law do not apply.

6. Floodplains, Surface Waters and Critical Environmental Areas
Based on review of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Maps for
Community Panels 3608790029B and 3608790027B, the project study area is not
within an area designated as a 100 or 500-ye ar flood zone although there is a 500-year
floodplain located to the northwest of the screening area. As such, advancement of
any of the proposed alternatives would not require further study with regard to the
NYS Flood Insurance Compliance Progra m or Executive Order 11988 Floodplain

No surface water bodies were observed within the project study area.

There are three (3) Critical Environmental Areas listed for Warren County (Round Pond,
Rush Pond, and Glen Lake/Surrounding area). None of these areas fall within the
bounds of the project study area.

7. Historic/Archeological Resources
A review of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
(NYSOPRHP) GIS mapping has determined that the entire project study area is mapped
as potentially archeologically sensitive. Spec ifically known is the J. Cross Historic Site
which includes the remains of a 19
th century school house on the southeast quadrant
of the Ridge Road/Hicks Road intersection. According to work completed for Warren
County, this site is likely Historic Register eligible. For any areas where new
disturbance is proposed, the NYSOPRHP may require more detailed investigations. A
project review request will need to be subm itted to SHPO regarding the potential for
historic/cultural impacts.

B) Transportation
1. Study Area Roadways

 Quaker Road – Quaker Road provides northwest/southeast travel through the
study area and is designated County Route 70 (CR 70) and NY Route 254.
Within the study limits Quaker Road has one 12-foot travel lane in each direction
with 8-foot paved shoulders. Accord ing to the 2010 Pavement Data Report
published by the NYSDOT, Quaker Road is an urban principal arterial with good

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pavement condition. Quaker Road is also part of the National Highway System.
The posted speed limit is 40 mph.

 Dix Avenue
– Dix Avenue provides east/west travel through the study area and
is designated CR 42 from the Glens Falls City line to the intersection with
Highland Avenue. From Highland Avenue east, Dix Avenue is designated NY
Route 32 and is part of the National Highway System. Dix Avenue has one 12-
foot travel lane in each direction with 2 to 5 foot paved shoulders. Dix Avenue
is classified as an urban principal arteri al with good pavement condition. The
posted speed limit is 35-mph.

 Queensbury Avenue
– Queensbury Avenue provides north/south travel through
the study area, is classified as an urban minor arterial, and designated CR 52.
Queensbury Avenue has one 12-foot travel lane in each direction with 4 foot
paved shoulders. The posted speed limit is 55-mph.

 Ridge Road
– Ridge Road generally provides north/south travel through the
study area and is designated NY Route 9L. Ridge Road has one 11-foot travel
lane in each direction with 3 to 6 foot paved shoulders. According to the 2010
Pavement Data Report, Quaker Road is an urban minor arterial with fair to good
pavement condition. The posted speed limit is 45 mph.

 Hicks Road
– Hicks Road, classified as an urban minor arterial, provides
east/west travel through the study area and is designated CR 52. Hicks Road
has one 10 to 11-foot travel lane in ea ch direction with 2 to 4-foot paved
shoulders. There is no posted speed limit on Hicks Road. This roadway is
currently being designed for re habilitation/reconstruction.

2. Study Intersections
The traffic control and geometry of the primary study area intersections are as follows:

 Quaker Road/Ridge Road
– This is a four-way in tersection operating under
actuated traffic signal control. This traffic signal is part of a time-based
coordinated system with other traffic signals located to the west on Quaker
Road. The eastbound and westbound Quaker Road approaches each provide a
left-turn lane, a through lane, and a shared through/right-turn lane. The
northbound and southbound Ridge Road approaches each provide a left-turn
lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. There are no pedestrian
accommodations at the intersection.

 Quaker Road/Quaker Ridge Boulevard
– This is a four-way intersection operating
under actuated traffic signal control. The Quaker Road northbound approach
provides individual left-turn, through, and right-turn lanes, the southbound
approach provides a left-turn lane and a through lane. The eastbound Garvey
Auto Body driveway approach provides a single lane for shared travel
movements. The westbound Quaker Ridge Boulevard approach to the
intersection which provides access to the new Walmart includes a left-turn lane
and a shared through/right-turn lane. There are no pedestrian accommodations
at the intersection.

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 Quaker Road/Dix Avenue – This is a four-way in tersection operating under
actuated traffic signal control. The intersection is part of a time-based
coordinated system with traffic signals located to the south on Quaker Road.
These two roadways intersect at an approximate 45 degree angle creating
obtuse and acute turning maneuvers. The eastbound Dix Avenue approach
provides individual left-turn, through, and right-turn lanes. The westbound Dix
Avenue approach provides a shared left-turn/through lane and a right-turn lane.
The northbound and southbound Quaker Avenue approaches to the intersection
each provide an individual left-turn lane and a shared through/right-turn lane
with painted divisional islands for the right turns. There are no pedestrian
accommodations at the intersection.

 Lower Dix Avenue/Highland Avenue
– This is a Y-shaped intersection operating
under stop sign control on the northbound Highland Avenue approach. All
approaches to the intersection provide a single lane for shared travel
movements. There are no pedestrian accommodations at the intersection.

 Queensbury Avenue/Dix Avenue
– This is a four-way intersection operating
under actuated traffic signal control. Each approach to the intersection provides
a single lane for shared travel movements. There are no pedestrian
accommodations at the intersection.

 Queensbury Avenue/Stone Quarry Road
– This is a three-way intersection
operating under stop sign control on the westbound Stone Quarry Road
approach. Each approach to the intersec tion provides a single lane for shared
travel movements. There are no pedestrian accommodations at the intersection.

 Queensbury Avenue/Hicks Road/Casey Road
– This is a four-way intersection
operating under all-way stop sign control. The eastbound Hicks Road and
westbound Casey Road approaches roads have larger stop signs located on both
sides of the roadway approaching the in tersection calling greater attention to
the traffic control. All intersection appr oaches provide a single lane for shared
travel movements. There are no pedestrian accommodations at the intersection.

 Ridge Road/Hicks Road
– This is a three-way intersection operating under stop
sign control on the westbound Hicks Road approach. Each approach to the
intersection provides a single lane for shared travel movements. There are no
pedestrian accommodations at the intersection.

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3. Existing Traffic Characteristics
Available traffic volume s data was researched and utilized for this study. Additional
counts were conducted in September at the recently opened Walmart, and the airport
driveway and Stone Quarry Road intersections with Queensbury Avenue. The
additional data was used to
supplement the existing data and to
confirm growth in the study area. The
2011 Existing Traffic Volumes are
summarized on Figures 2.1 and 2.2.

Table II.1 summarizes the traffic
volume data corresponding to the
daily traffic volume data available for
the count locations shown on the
aerial image to the right. It is noted
that the afternoon peak hour volumes
are higher than the morning peak
hour volumes. Therefore, the
afternoon peak hour is considered the
critical peak hour and is represented
in Table II.1.

The table shows that daily traffic
volumes in the study area vary by
location. Design Hour Volumes (PM
peak hour) represent between 9% and
10% of daily traffic volumes. The peak
direction of travel is only slightly
higher than the off-peak direction,
and truck percentage s range from 3%
to 9% of two-way traffic volumes.

Table II.1 – Traffic Volume Summary
Roadway AADT DHV K DDHV D Trucks
Quaker Road 17,925* 1,735 9.7% 900 52% SEB 7%
Dix Avenue 14,850* 1,390 9.4% 705 51% EB 9%
Queensbury Avenue 3,025** 295 9.8% 175 59% SB 3%
Hicks Road 3,825** 345 9.0% 175 51% WB 3%
Ridge Road 6,425* 620 9.6% 355 57% NB 5%
* AADT from NYSDOT traffic volume data
** AADT estimate from non-NYSDOT automatic traffic recorder count
K = Peak hour volume as a percent of daily volume
DDHV = Directional design hour volume
D = Percent of traffic in predominant direction during PM Peak

4. Traffic Operations
Intersection Level of Service (LOS) and capacity analysis relate traffic volumes to the
physical characteristics of an intersection. Intersection evaluations were made using

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Synchro7 software which automates the procedures contained in the 2000 Highway
Capacity Manual. Evaluations were also completed using SimTraffic7 simulation
software. Levels of service range from A to F with level of service A conditions
considered excellent with very little delay while level of service F generally represents
conditions with very long delays. Table II.2 summarizes levels of service and the
corresponding delay range for unsignalized and signalized intersections.
Table II.2 – 2011 Level of Service Ranges
Control Delay (sec/veh) Level of
Service Unsignalized Intersection Signalized Intersection
A < 10.0 < 10.0 B >10.0 and < 15.0 >10.0 and < 20.0 C >15.0 and < 25.0 >20.0 and < 35.0 D >25.0 and < 35.0 >35.0 and < 55.0 E >35.0 and < 50.0 >55.0 and < 80.0 F >50.0 >80.0

Table II.3 summarizes the existing overall levels of service at the study intersections
during the morning and afternoon peak periods.

Table II.3 – 2011 Existing Levels of Service
Intersection Control AM Peak
PM Peak
Quaker Rd/Ridge Rd Signal B (18.7) C (21.0)
Quaker Rd/Quaker Ridge Rd Signal B (14.9) B (19.1)
Quaker Rd/Dix Ave Signal C (30.8) D (49.7)
Lower Dix Ave/Highland Ave TW stop C (16.1) C (19.2)
Lower Dix Ave/Queensbury Ave Signal A (9.4) B (11.7)
Queensbury Ave/Stone Quarry Rd TW stop B (10.5) B (10.8)
Queensbury Ave/Airport Driveway TW stop A (9.4) B (10.9)
Queensbury Ave/Hicks Rd/Casey Rd AW stop A (8.3) A (9.1)
Hicks Rd/Ridge Rd TW stop B (13.7) C (17.2)
TW, AW = Two-way or All-way stop controlled intersection
X (Y.Y) = Level of Service (average delay in seconds per vehicle)

Table II.3 shows that the intersections operate at level of service C or better during the
AM peak hour and level of service D or better during the PM peak hour, indicating that
all intersections operate at acceptable levels of service under existing conditions. The
results of the existing condit ions capacity and levels of service analysis confirm that
the PM peak hour is the critical design hour in the study area. Therefore, future
conditions analysis will be comp leted only for the PM peak hour.

Field observations noted that the southbound Quaker Road approach to Dix Avenue
backs up through Quaker Ridge Road during the PM peak hour. Although the
intersection operates at LOS D overall, lo ng delays occur daily on this southbound
approach and improvements should be considered.

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5. Existing Travel Times
Several travel times were documented
during the PM peak hour for use in the
alternatives analysis to determine
accessibility in the study area. The
image to the right shows the
approximate point of equal travel time
on Queensbury Avenue when
travelling to the Ridge Road/Quaker
Road intersection (b lue) and travelling
from the Ridge Road/Quaker Road
intersection (green). The horizontal
lines crossing Queensbury Avenue
represent the point of equal travel
time. For example, when travelling
from the “equal” point on Queensbury
Avenue, it takes 6 minutes and 16
seconds to reach the Ridge
Road/Quaker Road intersection. Since
the “equal” point on Queensbury
Avenue is located south of the
entrance to the airport, the data
shows that it is quicker to travel to
and from the airport by utilizing Hicks
and Ridge Roads around the north
side of the airport, which is the signed
route to the airport. The data also
shows that it is quicker to travel to and from the Queensbury Business Park by
traveling around the south side of the airpor t. The change to this accessibility as a
result of the connector road alternatives is discussed in Section IV.C.3.

6. Bike and Pedestrian Accommodations
Pedestrians and cyclists in the study area face multiple issues, including a lack of
sidewalks, crosswalks, and buffering from traffic. Wide intersections that lack
crosswalks, sidewalks, and pedestrian signals make it difficult for pedestrians to cross
roadways. In addition, while Quaker Road generally has wide shoulders that
accommodate bicycles, the remainder of the study roadways generally have narrow
shoulders making navigating the area difficult for bicyclists.

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7. Crash History
Crash data was obtained to determine crash trends along the study area roadways.
Crash data was provided by NYSDOT for the latest three years of available data. The
Accident Location Information System (ALIS) data is available for the period from
January 1, 2008 through January 31, 2011 for all of the ro adways in the study area.
Table II.4 summarizes the crash history in the area.

Table II.4 – Crash History from January 1, 2008 through January 31, 2011
Roadway Segment* Number of
Crash Rate
Statewide Average
Crash Rate
Quaker Road:
Ridge Road to Dix Avenue 30 1.80 2.88
Dix Avenue:
Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue 64 7.87 2.88
Queensbury Avenue*:
Dix Avenue to Hicks Road
31 3.92 2.47
Hicks Road*:
Ridge Road to Queensbury Avenue 4 2.30 2.47
Ridge Road*:
Hicks Road to Quaker Road 27 2.30 2.88
*It is noted that the character of county and town highways may be different than state highways. Therefore, the
comparison to the statewide average crash rate may not be as applicable for county and town highways.

The table shows that two segments have crash rates higher than the statewide average:
Queensbury Avenue from Dix Avenue to Hicks Road and Dix Avenue from Quaker Road
to Queensbury Avenue. Typically, only areas with crash rates exceeding the statewide
average by a statistically significant margin are selected for further analysis. For this
planning study, it is noted that the Dix Avenue roadway segment experienced a crash
rate more than 2.5 times the statewide average. The NYSDOT is aware of the condition
and has designed pavement marking channelization improvements which will be
installed to align northbound Highland Ave motorists at a 90 degree angle to Dix
Avenue which may be beneficial. Should the NYSDOT reconstruct Route 32 in this area
Narrow shoulders on Dix Avenue at Highland
Avenue make bicycle and pedestrian travel
difficult. Wide shoulders on Quaker Road allowing for
bicycle travel al
ong the roadway.

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sometime in the future, additional improvements such as a left turn lane on Dix
Avenue should be considered at that time.

8. Existing Transit Service
Greater Glens Falls Transit (GGFT)
provides year-round fixed route
public transit, and ADA
complementary paratransit
services in the study area. The
image to the right shows the fixed
route service in the area. Transit
Route 4, identified by the blue pins
and route, travels through the
study area. In addition, the GGFT
base of operations facility is
located on Queensbury Avenue
near the Floyd Bennett Memorial

C) Public Meeting and
Workshop #1
A public meeting and workshop for
the Quaker Road to Queensbury
Avenue Connector Road Study was
held on September 29, 2011 at the
South Queensbury Fire
Department. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the study to the public,
outline project goals, existing conditions and growth potential in the study area, and
receive input from the public regarding issu es and opportunities in the study area.

The workshop began with a PowerPoint presentation after which community members
were divided into facilitated groups. Partic ipants were specifically asked to identify
problems and opportunities for multimodal transportation improvements. Each
facilitator then summarized the problems and opportunities identified by the small
groups. In general, there was strong support for fixing existing deficiencies including
optimizing the existing system at the Quaker Road/Dix Avenue signalized intersection
and mitigating the left turn congestion at the lower Dix Avenue/Highland Avenue
intersection. There was neither strong support nor opposition to the connector road
concept. Several trade-offs, benefits and im pacts were mentioned. Some participants
noted the potential for increased traffic through the neighborhood on lower
Queensbury Avenue, while others noted it could reduce truck traffic in the same area.
Meeting attendees also voiced little support for pedestrian-specific improvements like
sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian signals citing low density, few users, and scarce
resources that could be better used elsewhere.

The results from the first public workshop were considered when developing the
improvement alternatives discussed in the following section. Appendix B contains a
detailed summary of Public Workshop #1.

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III. Future Conditions
Future traffic volume conditions in the study area were estimated based upon
information provided by the Study Advisory Committee. Two future conditions were
developed: a short-term gr owth scenario (2015) and a long-term growth scenario
(2035). Those scenarios are identified below:

 Short-term growth scenario (2015)
o 0.5% background growth per year from 2011 to 2015
o construction of the Emergency Services Training Center
o construction of the Quaker Ridge Technology Park (Phase 1 only)
 Long-term growth scenario (2035)
o all components from the short-term growth scenario
o 0.5% background growth per year from 2015 to 2035
o modest growth at the airport
o construction of the Quaker Ridge Technology Park (Phase 2)
o construction at the Queensbury Business Park (50% build-out)
o construction at the Airport Industrial Park (70% build-out)

These growth scenarios result in annual growth rates of approximately 2% per year for
the short-term growth scenario and between 1.5% and 2% per year for the long-term
growth scenario. That equates to general traffic increases on study area roadways of
8% over the next four years an d an additional 35% by 2035.

As noted previously, the PM peak hour was identified as the critical design hour. As
such, future traffic volumes were developed for the PM peak hour for the 2015 and
2035 design conditions and are show n on Figures 3.1 and 3.2.

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IV. Alternatives Evaluation
A) Future Conditions
As noted in Section II.B.4, the Quaker Road/Dix Avenue intersection currently operates
with significant vehicle queuing and delay on the southbound Quaker Road approach
to Dix Avenue during the typical PM peak hour. Traffic extends from that intersection
through the adjacent Quaker Road/Quake r Ridge Boulevard, causing additional
disruptions. Evaluations show that modifying the left-turn signal phasing at the
Quaker Road/Dix Avenue intersection would improve overall traffic operations. The
intersection currently operates with lagging left-turns (the left-turn movement happens
after the through movement) on the Quaker Road approaches. Analysis shows that
changing the phasing to provide leading left-turns (the left-turn movement happens
before the through movement) would improve operations. With the signal phasing
change, vehicle queues would no longer interfere with operations at the Quaker
Road/Quaker Ridge Boulevard intersection.

Implementation of the signal timing improvements that are necessary to correct
existing traffic deficiencies at this intersection would also provide for acceptable
operations through the 2015 conditions that include construction of Phase 1 of the
Quaker Ridge Technology Park and the Emergency Service Training Center. No
additional capacity-related improvements are needed for this timeframe.

Additional study of 2035 conditions shows that this same recommendation to optimize
the existing signal will provide adequate traffic operations through 2035 if only Phase
1 of the Quaker Ridge Technology Park is developed. Full build of the QRTC would
necessitate substantial improvements to the nearby surface transportation system.

The traffic impact study (TIS) prepared for the Quaker Ridge Technology Park identified
several study area roadway improvements associated with construction of Phase 2 of
the tech park. These improvements are project-related mitigation and, therefore, are
included in the future 2035 analysis and are referred to in this document as
“Improvements by Others”. These Improvements by Others, as identified in the TIS
prepared for the tech park, include:

 widening Quaker Road to include two full through lanes in each direction for
about ½ mile from approximately 500 feet north of Quaker Ridge Boulevard to
approximately 500 feet south of Dix Avenue
 construction of a second eastbound left-turn lane on Quaker Road at Quaker
Ridge Boulevard
 construction of a second southbound left-turn lane on Quaker Ridge Boulevard
at Quaker Road
 construction of a second southbound left-turn lane on Quaker Road at Dix
 widening Dix Avenue to include two lanes eastbound leaving the Quaker Road
intersection to receive the dual lane southbound left-turn movement and taper
back to one lane after approximately 500 feet
 construction of a 150 foot eastbound left-turn lane on Dix Avenue at
Queensbury Avenue

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 modifying the traffic signal at the Quaker Road intersections with Quaker Ridge
Boulevard and Dix Avenue as necessary to accommodate the roadway widening
 implementation of signal timing adjustments throughout the study area to
maximize operations

While specific roadway improvements were identified in the QRTP TIS to mitigate
project impacts, the project has not received site plan approval. This means that the
improvements identified in the QRTP TIS are not finalized and additional improvements
may be required for mitigation. The connector road study assumes that only those
improvements identified in the QRTP study would be required for site mitigation.

B) Description of Alternatives
This study evaluates two primary alternativ es to accommodate future transportation
conditions in the study area; (1) upgrade the existing transportation network and (2)
construct an additional vehicle connection between Quaker Road and Queensbury
Avenue. Several options for that conceptual connection were identified along various
alignments as shown on Figure 4.1. Based on discussions with the Advisory
Committee, anticipated traffic volumes and the setting of the new roadway, the
following design criteria were established for the conceptual roadway alignments.

 Rural – generally open drainage (not curbed)

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 Design Speed – 45 mph (posted speed 40 mph)
 12 foot wide travel lanes – based on anticipated truck use and higher site traffic
 6 foot wide paved shoulder (bike accommo dations require 4 ft shoulder (min);
pedestrian accommodations on shoulder require 5 ft (min))

The following alternatives are included for further evaluation to accommodate the
2035 future condition includin g full development of QRTP. These improvements are
only needed with construction of Phase 2 of the Quaker Ridge Technology Park.
Preliminary analysis of the connector road showed that the construction of a connector
road without improvements to the existing roadway network resulted in poor
operations at many of the study area inte rsections as shown in the level of service
table in Section IV.C.2. Therefore, the connector road alternatives include
improvements to the existing roadway network to provide acceptable intersection

1. Alternative 1: Upgrade Improvements by Others
This alternative involves upgrades to the existing network beyond those identified in
the QRTP study. The additional improvements include:
 construct a northbound left-turn lane on Quaker Road at Sanford Street
 construct a westbound left-turn lane on Dix Avenue at Highland Avenue
 construct a westbound left-turn lane on Dix Avenue at Queensbury Avenue
opposite the eastbound left-turn lane proposed in the QRTP study.

2. Alternative 2: Construction on Northern Alignment
In addition to the implementation of the Improvements by Others, this alternative
involves the construction of a two-lane roadway from an extension of Sanford Street at
Quaker Road intersecting Qu eensbury Avenue about 1/3 mile (1,650 feet) north of
Stone Quarry Road. This alignment would require these additional improvements:
 install a traffic signal at the Quaker Road/Sanford Street/Connector Road
 construct northbound and southbound left-turn lanes on Quaker Road at the
connector road intersection
 construct a westbound left-turn lane on Dix Avenue at Highland Avenue
 construct a westbound left-turn lane on Dix Avenue at Queensbury Avenue to
mirror the eastbound left-turn lane
 construct a southbound left-turn lane on Queensbury Avenue at Dix Avenue

It is noted that with this alternative, the second southbound left-turn lane on Quaker
Road at Quaker Ridge Boulevard identified in the QRTP study is not needed.

3. Alternative 3A: Construction on Central Alignment
In addition to the implementation of the Improvements by Others, this alternative
involves the construction of a two-lane roadway intersecting Quaker Road near the
National Grid driveway and intersecting Queensbury Av enue about 1/3 mile (1,650
feet) north of Stone Quarry Road. This alignment would require these additional

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 install a traffic signal at the Quaker Road/National Grid Driveway/Connector
Road intersection
 construct northbound and southbound left-turn lanes on Quaker Road at the
connector road intersection
 construct a northbound left-turn lane on Quaker Road at Sanford Street
 construct a westbound left-turn lane on Dix Avenue at Highland Avenue
 construct a westbound left-turn lane on Dix Avenue at Queensbury Avenue to
mirror the eastbound left-turn lane
 construct a southbound left-turn lane on Queensbury Avenue at Dix Avenue

It is noted that with this alternative, the second southbound left-turn lane on Quaker
Road at Quaker Ridge Boulevard identified in the QRTP study is not needed.

4. Alternative 3B: Construction on Central Alignment with Relocated Stone
Quarry Road
In addition to the implementation of the Improvements by Others, this alternative
involves the construction of a two-lane roadway intersecting Quaker Road near the
National Grid driveway and intersecting Queensbury Avenue at a relocated Stone
Quarry Road intersection. This alignment would require these additional
 install a traffic signal at the Quaker Road/National Grid Driveway/Connector
Road intersection
 construct northbound and southbound left-turn lanes on Quaker Road at the
connector road intersection
 construct a northbound left-turn lane on Quaker Road at Sanford Street
 construct a westbound left-turn lane on Dix Avenue at Highland Avenue
 construct a westbound left-turn lane on Dix Avenue at Queensbury Avenue to
mirror the eastbound left-turn lane
 construct a southbound left-turn lane on Queensbury Avenue at Dix Avenue
 Relocate the Stone Quarry Road intersection with Queensbury Avenue
approximately 525 feet north of the existing intersection

It is noted that with this alternative, the second southbound left-turn lane on Quaker
Road at Quaker Ridge Boulevard identified in the QRTP study is not needed.

5. Alternative 4A: Constructi on on Southern Alignment
In addition to the implementation of the Improvements by Others, this alternative
involves the construction of a two-lane roadway extending from Quaker Ridge
Boulevard and intersecting Queensbury Avenue at the existing Stone Quarry Road
intersection. This alignment would require these additional improvements:
 construct a northbound left-turn lane on Quaker Road at Sanford Street
 construct a westbound left-turn lane on Dix Avenue at Highland Avenue
 construct a westbound left-turn lane on Dix Avenue at Queensbury Avenue to
mirror the eastbound left-turn lane
 construct a southbound left-turn lane on Queensbury Avenue at Dix Avenue

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6. Alternative 4B: Construction on Southern Alignment with Relocated Stone
Quarry Road
In addition to the implementation of the Improvements by Others, this alternative
involves the construction of a two-lane roadway extending from Quaker Ridge
Boulevard and intersecting Queensbury Avenue at a relocated Stone Quarry Road
intersection. This alignment would require these additional improvements:
 construct a northbound left-turn lane on Quaker Road at Sanford Street
 construct a westbound left-turn lane on Dix Avenue at Highland Avenue
 construct a westbound left-turn lane on Dix Avenue at Queensbury Avenue to
mirror the eastbound left-turn lane
 construct a southbound left-turn lane on Queensbury Avenue at Dix Avenue
 relocate the Stone Quarry Road intersection with Queensbury Avenue
approximately 525 feet north of the existing intersection

C) Alternatives Evaluation
The alternatives were evaluated based on 2035 levels of service, travel time
comparisons, environmental impacts, and an overall impacts comparison. These
criteria, in addition to overall cost, provide a thorough gauge of potential benefits and
impacts associated with each of the improvement alternatives.

1. Environmental Impacts
Hazardous Waste and Contaminated Materials
As noted previously, petroleum compounds exceeding cleanup objectives appear to
remain near the Dix Avenue/Queensbury Avenue intersection. In addition, petroleum
releases have occurred near the Dix Avenue/Quaker Road intersection. Many of the
businesses in this section of the study area, particularly the Hess Gas Station and
Stewart’s, which are still in operation, involve the sale or use of petroleum products
and have a history of spills or leaks. As a result, it is highly probable that petroleum
contaminated soils exist in this area. If addi tional right-of-way will be acquired or deep
excavations are necessary to improve the roadway network near these businesses,
additional investigations/studies should be performed to determine the potential to
encounter contaminated materials.

Two incidents were identified in the EDR Report that occurred at locations that could
impact construction of a connector road. The location of the first incident occurred at
Garden Time, a landscape/nursery business (Site 20 on the EDR map in Appendix A).
Garden Time is located on the west side of Quaker Road, near the Alternative 3A
intersection terminus with Quaker Road. The incident involved repeated spilling of
petroleum fuel on the bare ground (no pad) at a storage tank where equipment is
fueled. Since the gradient in this area slopes in the direction opposite of the
Alternative 3A western terminus of the connector road, this incident is not expected to
represent a concern. The second incident occurred midpoint between Quaker Road
and Queensbury Avenue within or south of the overhead utility line right-of-way, which
is present within the study area. This incident involved the discharge of a fire
suppression system; the fire suppression material was determined to be a non-
petroleum, non-hazardous substance. As a result, this incident is not expected to
represent a concern relative to the connector road project.

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All of the connector road alternatives have the potential to impact NYSDEC, NWI or field
observed wetlands. Therefore, wetland boundaries would have to be delineated to
determine impacts and identify permit requirements. It is important to note that the
portions of HF-3 that would be affected by a connector road do not contain the cedar
swamp or marl fen wetland habitat types, just hardwood swamp (i.e., palustrine forest
broad-leaved deciduous (Cowardin et al. 1979)).

Measures should be taken during subsequent design phases to avoid and minimize
wetland impacts to the extent practicable. Impacts to federally-regulated wetlands will
require authorization under Se ction 404 of the Clean Water Act in the form of a USACE
permit. Impacts to areas mapped as state we tlands (or within the 100-ft buffer) also
require authorization under Article 24 of the Environmental Conservation Law and
Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. Compensatory mitigation is required by the USACE
for wetland impacts that exceed 0.10 of an acre; it is anticipated that some form of
mitigation would be required by the NYSDEC for any impact to Wetlands HF-8 or HF-3.

Ecology and Endangered/Threatened Species
The only alternative that will affect the note d Indiana bat habitat is Alternative 2. If
Alternative 2 is progressed as a feasible alternative, further study of its effects on
Indiana bat habitat is recommended, specifically at and near its western terminus
(Quaker Road/East Sanford Street Intersection).

As noted previously, karner blue butterflies inhabit extensive pine barrens, oak
savannas or openings in oak woodlands, and open areas, such as airports and right-of-
ways, that the support eh growth of lupine. The areas that would be affected by a
proposed connector road do not have pine barrens, oak savannas, or oak openings
present. An open right-of-way and successional old fields do exist; however, evidence
of lupine growing in either type of area was not observed. Additionally, the right-of-
way and adjacent successional old fields showed signs of frequent on-going
disturbance from the operation of all-terrain vehicles and automobiles capable of being
driven off-road. Since a segment of Alternative 3A and all of Alternative 3B/4B have
been sited adjacent to the right-of-way, further study regarding the effects of the
project on karner blue butterflies is not nece ssary. Certain segments of Alternative 4A
cross the right-of-way, connecting to Alternative 3B/4B; based on the disturbed state of
the habitat and the lack of lupine, further study with regard to the karner butterfly is
not anticipated to be necessary.

The marl fen, identified by NYSDEC as a significant ecological community, is
contiguous with New York State Freshwater Wetland HF-3, parts of which would be
transected by Alternative 2. However, the marl fen is adjacent to the Runway 1 End of
Runway 1-19. Open marl flats and marl pools formerly occurred between the runway
and HF-3, a rich swamp comprised of a Cedar swamp and hardwood swamp, prior to
being ditched for agricultural purposes and extensive pumping of the ground water.
Alternative 2 would transect portions of HF-3 that only contain the hardwood swamp
plant community and not the cedar swamp or marl fen communities. As such, further
coordination with the NYSDEC regarding the identified significant ecology community
is anticipated to be minimal.

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Historic/Archaeological Resources
As noted previously, a review of the NYSOPRHP GIS mapping has determined that the
entire project study area is mapped as potentially archeologically sensitive. As such,
for any areas where new disturbance is proposed, their office may require more
detailed investigations. A project review request will need to be submitted to SHPO
regarding the potential for historic/cultural impacts.

2. Levels of Service
Table IV.1 summarizes the PM peak hour levels of service for the various alternatives at
each of the study intersections. The “No Improvements” column represents conditions
in the study area that would occur with th e volumes associated with the full build 2035
conditions, but not the improvements associated with the QRTP. The results in this
column are intended to provide a base comparison of the impact that the Quaker Ridge
Technology Park will have on study area op erations. The levels of service and delay
identified in italics are those intersections or approaches that are expected to operate
at level of service E conditions. The le vels of service and delay identified in bold are
those intersections or approaches that are expected to operate at level of service F

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Table IV.1 – 2035 PM Peak Hour Levels of Service
Control No
Improvements Construct Connector
Improvements by Others

Alternative 1 Upgrade
Improvements By Others Alternative 2
Northern Alignment
Alternative 3A
Central Alignment Alternative 3B
Central Alignment Alternative 4A
Southern Alignment Alternative 4B
Southern Alignment
Quaker Rd/Ridge Rd S C (24.9) B (17.5) B (18.4) B (18.3) B (19.4) B (17.9) B (18.0) B (18.6) B (18.6) Quaker Rd/Sanford St TW F (104) F (92.9) F (104) F (104) — F (424) F (424) F (92.9) F (92.9) Quaker Rd/Sanford St/
Connector Rd S — — — — B (19.0) — — — —
Quaker Rd/National Grid
Driveway/Connector Rd TW — — — — — B (19.1) B (18.1) — —
Quaker Rd/Quaker Ridge
Blvd S
F (106) F (88.9) C (23.4) C (23.5) B (19.0) B (19.9) C (20.3) C (23.4) C (23.5)
Quaker Rd/Dix Ave S F (188) F (86.4) C (29.8) C (27.9) C (29.6) C (27.7) C (27.8) C (28.0) C (28.0) Lower Dix Ave/Highland
Ave TW
F (70) C (21.9) E (40.9) E (40.9) C (22.3) C (22.3) C (22.3) C (21.9) C (21.9)
Lower Dix Ave/
Queensbury Ave S
F (82.8) D (45.4) B (18.7) B (19.7) C (20.6) C (34.5) C (20.6) C (21.0) C (21.0)
Queensbury Ave/Stone
Quarry Rd TW C (15.5)
— C (15.5) C (15.5) C (17.4) C (17.4) — — —
Queensbury Ave/Stone
Quarry Rd/Connector Rd TW —
F (57.4) — — — — F (57.6) F (57.4) F (57.4)
Queensbury Ave/
Connector Rd TW — — — —
F (55.0) F (55.0) — — —
Queensbury Ave/Airport
Driveway TW B (12.7) B (14.2) B (12.7) B (12.7) B (14.7) B (14.7) B (14.7) B (14.2) B (14.2)
Queensbury Ave/Hicks
Rd/ Casey Rd AW B (11.7) B (13.5) B (11.7) B (11.7) B (13.0) B (13.0) B (13.0) B (13.5) B (13.5)
Hicks Rd/Ridge Rd
TW E (41.0) E (49.9) E (41.0) E (41.0) E (39.4) E (39.4) E (39.4) E (49.9) E (49.9)
S, TW, AW = Signal, Two-way or A ll-way stop controlled intersection
X (Y.Y) = Level of Service (average delay in seconds per vehicle)
— = Not Applicable for this condition
The level of service and delay at two-way stop controlled intersections is shown for the contro lled approach with the longest delay

The analysis shows that without construction of roadway improvements, five of the
nine study intersections will operate at leve l of service F conditions. That indicates
that area-wide improvements are needed to accommodate the future 2035 conditions
(“No Imps” column). As noted previously, these improvements are only needed with
construction of the QRTP Ph ase 2. The “Construct Connector Road” column shows
levels of service at the study intersections with construction of the connector road, but
no other improvements. With construction of the connector road, three of the nine
study intersections will operate at level of service F conditions. That indicates the
connector road would provide some operational benefit to the transportation network,
but that operational deficiencies would still exist and further improvements to the
transportation network are needed to a ccommodate the future 2035 conditions.

With construction of the “Improvements by Others” the study area intersections
generally operate with good levels of service at all intersections. As noted previously,
the “Improvements by Others” does not include construction of a connector road.
Alternative 1 expands slightly on the “Imp rovements by Others” resulting in very
similar levels of service.

Comparison of Alternatives 2 through 4B show that the study area intersections will
generally operate under comparable levels of service regardless of which new roadway

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alternative is implemented. In addition, the levels of service for the connector road
alternatives are similar to the levels of service for Alternative 1 which does not include
a connector road. Typically, to warrant the investment of public transportation funds,
there should be a marked improvement to operations with construction of a connector
road rather than the comparable levels of service noted in Table IV.1. It is worth
noting that the Quaker Road/Quaker Ridge Boulevard intersection operates with
comparable levels of delay (about 20 second s) whether the Connector Road intersects
Quaker Road through Quaker Ridge Boulevard or through another location (Alt 2 or Alt
3). This is because the double left turn lane is not needed at Quaker Ridge Boulevard
for Alternatives 2 and 3.

3. Travel Time Comparisons
Travel time is a measure of
accessibility and was used to
determine the access benefits
associated with the proposed
connection. Regional travelers
will only use the new
connection if it provides a time
savings benefit. The existing
travel time data and SimTraffic
simulation models were used to
determine whether any of the
proposed alignments will
provide a time savings for
individuals trav elling to and
from the west on Quaker Road.

Travel time comparisons were
completed for the shortest and
longest roadway alignment
alternatives, Alternative 4A
(0.59 miles) and Alternative 2
(1.12 miles). The image to the
right shows that as the
alignment of the Connector
Road moves north, the point of
equal travel time moves north.
For example, Alternative 2
(shown in green) would
improve travel times (access) to

the airport because the point of
equal travel time is north of the
airport, whereas Alternative 4A
would not improve travel times to the airport as it would still be faster to travel around
the north side of the airport along Hicks Road.

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Overall, the access benefits of the new connector road are small. There would be some
improved access to the Queensbury Business Park (on the order of 15 to 90 seconds)
depending on the specific alternative.

4. Overall Evaluation
Table IV.2 provides additional comparison cr iteria and a more complete evaluation of
potential benefits and impacts. The summary includes potential environmental and
right-of-way impacts as well as overall estimated costs which account for contingency,
engineering, acquisition, inspection, administration, permitting, and construction.

Table IV.2 – Alternatives Comparison Summary
Alt 3A Alt 3B Alt 4A Alt 4B Criteria Improvements by Others Alt 1 Upgrade IBO
Alt 2 Northern Central Southern
Overall Length of Improvements NA 1.12 Miles
2.24 Lane- Miles 0.95 Miles
1.9 Lane- Miles 1 Mile
2 Lane-Miles 0.59 Miles
1.18 Lane- Miles 0.66 Miles
1.32 Lane- Miles
Existing and Forecasted Operating Conditions Capacity and delay (ETC+20) 96 hours
29 mph
PI = 133.5 87 hours
30 mph
PI = 115.9 95 hours
29 mph
PI = 124.7 112 hours
28 mph
PI = 144.3 105 hours
28 mph
PI = 136.2 90 hours
30 mph
PI = 119.3 90 hours
30 mph
PI =119.4
Safety benefit NA Yes Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Improve emergency access NA No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Improve area access (Airport and Business Parks) NA No Medium Medium Medium Low Low Improve multi-modal access
No No Low No No High High Improve balloon festival circulation NA No Medium Medium Medium Low Low
Impacts to Natural Resources Wetland impacts (approximate) None Low 2.5 acres 0.75 acres 1.0 acres 1.5 acres 1.75 acres 100-year floodplain impacts None None None None None None None Potential to impact archeological sites None Low High Medium Low Low Low Impact to forested areas None Low High High Medium Medium Medium Impact to protected farmland None None None None None None None
Costs/Benefits Maintenance cost ranking (1=lowest) — 1 6 5 4 2 3 Property impacts (ROW implications)
None Unknown 6 prop.
(15.1 acres) 5 prop.
(13.6 acres) 4 prop.
acres)* 5 prop.
(10.3 acres) 4 prop
(12 acres)*
Fuel consumption & emissions 531 gal
37.1 kg CO 495 gal
34.6 kg CO 517 gal
36.1 kg CO 541 gal
37.8 kg CO 529 gal
37.0 kg CO 526 gal
36.8 kg CO 525 gal
36.7 kg CO Consistent with local plans Yes –
Development Mitigation Yes –
Maintain / Enhance Existing

Low Low Low Moderate Low
Construction cost (includes ROW) $11.4 M $2.9 M $10.4 M $10.2 M $8.9 M $6.1 M $6.7 M
* Assumes a land swap for realignment of Stone Quarry Road rather than right-of-way acquisition

Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study Report
March 2012

Creighton Manning | Shumaker Consulting Engineering & Land Surveying Page 33
Several conclusions are evident from this alternatives comparison:

 Of the six alternatives, Alternative 1 (U pgrade Improvements by Others) has the
fewest impacts, best operations, and lowe st cost. The PI value in the “Capacity
and Delay” row of the table refers to the “Performance Index” from the traffic
simulation model and represents a combination of delay, stops and queuing
penalty. A lower PI indicates better ov erall operations. Alternative 1 has the
lowest overall PI.
 Of the five Connector Road alternatives, Alternative 4A appears to have the best
balance of good operations, fewer impacts, and lower costs.
 Alternatives 4A and 4B are shown as having better multi-modal access because
of feedback from Greater Glens Falls Transit that indicated that those
alignments could provide a potential benefit for bus operations and the ability
to serve both Walmart and the Queensbury Business Park.
 As the shortest alternative (0.59 miles), Alternative 4A is expected to have the
lowest maintenance costs and is shown to be somewhat consistent with local
plans because is shares part of its alignment with the proposed Emergency
Services Training Center access, and the County is pursuing a letter of intent
with the QRTP to pursue a road connection.

Based upon the results of the analysis, construction of a connector road is not needed
to mitigate existing or future transportation conditions in the study area. However, if a
connector road is progressed, construction of Alternative 4A provides the greatest
benefit for the lowest cost. Figure 4.2 illu strates a concept plan for Alternative 4A
showing a typical two-lane roadway with wide shoulders to accommodate pedestrians
and bicyclists.

Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study Report
March 2012

Creighton Manning | Shumaker Consulting Engineering & Land Surveying Page 36
V. Conclusions, Recommendations, and Implementation
A) Conclusions
The primary conclusion from the connector road evaluation is that a new roadway
connection is not needed to serve current or short-term traffic in the study area. By
modifying the existing traffic signal phasing and timing at the Quaker Road/Dix
Avenue intersection, the anticipated 2015 tr affic volumes can be accommodated with
acceptable levels of service. The 2035 tra ffic volumes can also be accommodated with
this same system optimization, assuming only Phase 1 of the Quaker Ridge Technology
Park is developed.

With full build out of the QRTP by 2035, substantial off-site traffic mitigation will be
needed as identified in the Quaker Ridge Technology Park TIS. These are large-scale
improvements requiring roadway and intersection widening at multiple locations. This
mitigation is referred to as “Improvements by Others” in this study. In addition, the
following “upgrade” to the Improvements by Others will also be needed:

 construction of a northbound left-turn lane on Quaker Road at Sanford Street
 construction of a westbound left-turn lane on Dix Avenue at Highland Avenue
 construction of a westbound left-turn lane on Dix Avenue at Queensbury Avenue
opposite the proposed eastbound left-turn lane recommended in the QRTP

Construction of a connector road would improve access to land along the connector
road, and would provide an overall mobility benefit, but it would not ameliorate the
need for most of the off-site transportation improvements above. The costs of the
roadway appear to outweigh the benefit in terms of a regional transportation
improvement. However, there is a local benefit to having improved access and the
roadway could be pursued as part of site development mitigation. These local benefits
include a small reduction (about 15 to 90 second s) in travel time to and from land uses
along Queensbury Avenue and the connector road, the potential for improved access
to the airport, and additional route option s for emergency vehicles and the travelling
public. If a connector road is progressed, co nstruction of Alternative 4A provides the
greatest benefit for the lowest cost. This alternative avoids or minimizes
environmental impacts while providing the greatest multi-modal transportation benefit.
Again, it is noted that the costs of the roadway outweigh the local and regional
transportation benefits associated with the connector road.

During December 2011, the Warren County Department of Public Works Committee
agreed to pursue a Letter of Intent with the QRTP developer that would in essence
allow the developer to construct an access road along County property to his parcel in
exchange for a navigation easement along the private property, enabling the County to
expand the southern runway at the airport. This study has concluded that public
transportation benefits do not necessitate the need for a connector roadway. However,
Warren County and the Town of Queensbury may decide that the economic benefits
associated with the runway expansion and local access improvements warrant some
level of public funding for the connector road.

Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study Report
March 2012

Creighton Manning | Shumaker Consulting Engineering & Land Surveying Page 37
B) Pedestrian, Bicycle, an d Transit Accommodations
Transportation improvement projects should consider the needs of all modes and all
users. Although specific improvements for pedestrians were not noted as a priority by
the public, multi-modal planning is consistent with A/GFTC’s Twelve Principles and is a
requirement of all publicly funded projects. The logical priorities within the study area
include adding pedestrian crossing acco mmodations to traffic signal controlled
intersections, extending the sidewalk from East Field (Haskell Avenue) in the City of
Glens Falls along Dix Avenue to Queensbury Avenue, and insuring the site
development projects are walkable with linkages to logical termini.

Residents could benefit from the construction of sidewalks on Dix Avenue east of
Quaker Road to connect residential uses with commercial uses. East of Highland
Avenue, parcel frontages on Dix Avenue are smaller, front yard setbacks are shorter,
and the existing right-of-way width is narrower. When combined, these can create
major impediments to the construction of sidewalk projects. Although difficult to
complete, sidewalk construction is preferre d, over wide shoulders, along Dix Avenue
east of Quaker Road due to the number of residences in the area. As such, sidewalks
should be pursued as part of any project along Dix Avenue east of Quaker Road.

In areas of low pedestrian and vehicle volume, both pedestrians and bicyclists can be
accommodated through wide shoulders. This type of treatment increases the potential
that pedestrian and bicycle accommodatio ns will be maintained through inclement
weather. If a connector road is pursued, the roadway shoulder should be 6-feet wide
to accommodate pedestrians and bicycles. The roadway should also provide sufficient
lighting to maximize the visibility of these users at night and during other limited
visibility conditions. Any widening of th e existing roadway network should also
include shoulders of sufficient width to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists or
construction of a sidewalk.

Discussions with representatives with GGFT revealed that a connector road between
Quaker Road and Queensbury Avenue would provide limited benefit to transit service
in the area. To maximize transit potential, development projects should consider
transit needs through the site design and approval process. For example, providing
direct pedestrian connections from the traveled way to the facility, minimizing front
parking, and providing well lit and comfortable transit stops should be considered.

C) Public Meeting and Workshop #2
The second Public Workshop was held on February 7, 2012. The purpose of the
meeting was to outline the conclusions and recommendations from the study and
answer questions from the public regarding those recommendations. The workshop
began with a PowerPoint presentation after which community members were asked to
comment on the study conclusi ons and recommendations.

There continued to be strong support for implementing short-term traffic signal timing
improvements at the Quaker Road/Dicks Avenue intersection. This report encourages
governing agencies to implement the recommended signal phasing and timing
changes especially since the signal phasing changes are a cost effective short-term

Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study Report
March 2012

Creighton Manning | Shumaker Consulting Engineering & Land Surveying Page 38
improvement that are sufficient to accommodate existing traffic conditions and
background growth in the study area.

Attendees raised concerns regarding wetlands impacts and any correlating impacts on
individual properties like water in basements, standing water, etc associated with
construction of a connector road. A detailed summary of Public Workshop #2 is
included in Appendix B.

D) Study Recommendations
The Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study resulted in several
recommendations for short-term and long-term implementation. Short-term
recommendations are intended to address existing deficiencies and improve overall
operations in the transportation network.

1. Short-term Recommendations
1. The signal phasing and timing at the Quaker Road/Dix Avenue intersection
should be modified to maximize intersection capacity and reduce southbound
vehicle queuing. This recommendation should be pursued in the short-term to
address existing traffic operations. Wi th this change, the intersection will
operate with good levels of service and southbound vehicle queues will not
impact operations at the Quaker Road/Quaker Ridge Boulevard intersection.
2. Optimizing traffic signal timing is considered a low-cost, high benefit approach
to reducing congestion by the U.S. Depa rtment of Transportation. As such, the
existing time-based coordination plan of the traffic signals on Quaker Road from
Quaker Ridge Boulevard to River Street should be updated and maintained.
While this improvement will not provide a significant level of service benefit to
the minor approaches at the individual intersections, it will provide greater
progression of high volume movements through the corridor which reduce the
number of stopped vehicles, in turn improving air quality and the overall driver
experience. This improvement should be addressed in the short-term.
3. The land use map showed large portions of undeveloped land in the study area.
As commercial and industrial growth occurs on Quaker Road, Dix Avenue, and
Queensbury Avenue, development plans should minimize the number of access
points per parcel and maximize shared driveways and service roads. Minimizing
the number of driveways will help to maximize mobility on area roadways while
still allowing for economic growth and development.
4. The potential to construct a westbound left-turn lane on Dix Avenue at Highland
Avenue should be investigated for feasibility. Due to the na rrow right-of-way on
this section of Dix Avenue, implementation of this improvement may involve
property acquisition. This improvement would remove westbound traffic
waiting to turn left onto Highland Avenue from through moving traffic reducing
vehicle delays.

Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study Report
March 2012

Creighton Manning | Shumaker Consulting Engineering & Land Surveying Page 39
2. Long-term Recommendations
1. Major roadway expansions are needed only with Phase 2 construction of the
Quaker Ridge Technology Park. The “Improvements by Others” should be
constructed with the proposed site development, specifically the QRTP.
Additional roadway improvements identified with future build-out of the study
area include construction of a northbound left-turn lane on Quaker Road at
Sanford Street and a westbound left-turn lane on Dix Avenue at Queensbury
Avenue to mirror the proposed eastbound left-turn lane. These improvements
should be constructed as needed with si te development. Specifically, the left-
turn lane at Sanford Street should be constructed before vehicle queues
associated with left-turning traffic significantly impact through travel
movements. This will most likely occur as traffic volumes on Quaker Road
increase with construction of the QRTP. The westbound left-turn lane on Dix
Avenue at Queensbury Avenue should be constructed with development of the
QRTP and the construction of the eastbound left-turn lane identified in the QRTP
2. A connector road would primarily benefit the QRTP and is considered here as a
private developer responsibility. However, as noted previously, Warren County
and the Town of Queensbury may determine that a connector road would
provide sufficient economic benefits to allocate some public support for
construction. Should an agreement between Warren County and the developer
of the QRTP result in a new connector road being construction, the roadway
should reflect the design criteria specified in this study. In addition, the
alignment of the roadway should take into account the impacts and benefits
outline herein. In addition, if a connector road is constructed, a southbound
left-turn lane should be constructed on Queensbury Avenue at Dix Avenue. This
is a long-term improvement that is only needed with construction of a connector
road and Phase 2 of the QRTP.

Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study Report
March 2012

Appendix A – Environmental Documentation

Quaker Road to Queensbury Av enue Connector Road Study
Town of Queensbury, New York

Environmental Data
Resources, Inc (EDR)
Radius Map

United States Department of the Interior

New York Field Office Long Island Field Office
3817 Luker Road, Cortland, NY 13045 3 Old Barto Rd., Brookhaven, NY 11719
Phone: (607) 753-9334 Phone: (631) 776-1401
Fax: (607) 753-9699 Fax: (631) 776-1405

Endangered Species Act List Request Response Cover Sheet

This cover sheet is provided in response to a se arch of our website* for information regarding the
potential presence of species under jurisdiction of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) within a
proposed project area.

Attached is a copy of the New York State Count y List of Threatened, Endangered, and Candidate
Species for the appropriate county(ies). The databa se that we use to respond to list requests was
developed primarily to assist Federal agencies that are consulting with us unde r Section 7(a)(2) of the
Endangered Species Act (ESA) (87 St at. 884, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). Our lists include all
Federally-listed, proposed, and candidate species known to occur, as well as those likely to occur, in
specific counties.

The attached information is designed to assist pr oject sponsors or applicants through the process of
determining whether a Federally-lis ted, proposed, or candidate species and/or “critical habitat” may
occur within their pr oposed project area and when it is appropriate to contact our offices for additional
coordination or consultation. You may be aware that our offices have provided much of this
information in the past in proj ect-specific letters. However, due to increasing project review workloads
and decreasing staff, we are now providing as much information as possible through our website. We
encourage anyone requesting species list information to print out all mate rials used in any analyses of
effects on listed, proposed, or candidate species.

The Service routinely updates this da tabase as species are proposed, listed, and delisted, or as we obtain
new biological information or specific presence/a bsence information for listed species. If project
proponents coordinate with the Serv ice to address proposed and candidate species in early stages of
planning, this should not be a problem if these species are eventually listed. However, we recommend
that both project proponents and reviewing agencies retrieve from our online database an updated list
every 90 days to append to this do cument to ensure that listed species presence/absence information for
the proposed project is current.

Reminder: Section 9 of the ESA prohi bits unauthorized taking** of listed species and applies to
Federal and non-Federal activities. For projects not authorized, f unded, or carried out by a Federal
agency, consultation with the Service pursuant to S ection 7(a)(2) of the ESA is not required. However,
no person is authorized to “take **” any listed species without appr opriate authorizations from the
Service. Therefore, we provide technical assistance to individuals and agencies to assist with project
planning to avoid the potential fo r “take**,” or when appropriate, to provide assistance with their
application for an incidental take permit pursuant to Section 10(a)(1)(B) of the ESA.

Additionally, endangered species and their habitats are protected by Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA, which
requires Federal agencies, in consultation with the Serv ice, to ensure that any action it authorizes, funds,
or carries out is not lik ely to jeopardize the continued existenc e of listed species or result in the
destruction or adverse modification of critical habitat. An assessment of the potential direct, indirect,
and cumulative impacts is required for all Fede ral actions that may affect listed species.

For instance, work in certain waters of the United States, including wetlands and streams, may require a
permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Cor ps). If a permit is required, in reviewing the
application pursuant to the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 St at. 401, as amended;16 U.S.C. 661
et seq.), the Service may concur, with or without recommending additional permit conditions, or
recommend denial of the permit depending upon potential adverse impacts on fish and wildlife resources
associated with project construction or implementation. The need for a Corps permit may be determined
by contacting the appropriate Corps office(s).*

For additional information on fish and wildlife resour ces or State-listed species, we suggest contacting
the appropriate New York State Department of Envi ronmental Conservation regional office(s) and the
New York Natural Heritage Program Information Services.*

Since wetlands, ponds, streams, or open or sheltered co astal waters may be present in the project area, it
may be helpful to utilize the National Wetlands Inve ntory (NWI) maps as an initial screening tool.
However, they may or may not be available for the project area. Please note that while the NWI maps
are reasonably accurate, they should not be used in lie u of field surveys for determining the presence of
wetlands or delineating wetland boundaries for Federal regulatory purposes. Online information on the
NWI program and digital data can be downloaded from Wetlands Mapper,

Project construction or implementa tion should not commence until all requirements of the ESA have
been fulfilled. After reviewing our website and follo wing the steps outlined, we encourage both project
proponents and reviewing agencies to contact our office to determine whether an accurate determination
of species impacts has been made. If there are any questions about our county lists or agency or project
proponent responsibilities under the ESA, please cont act the New York or Long Island Field Office
Endangered Species Program at the numbers listed above.

Attachment (county list of species)

*Additional information referred to a bove may be found on our website at:

** Under the Act and regulations, it is illegal for any pers on subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to take (includes harass, harm,
pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect; or to attempt any of these), import or export, ship in interstate or foreign
commerce in the course of commercial activity, or sell or offer for sale in interstate or foreign commerce any endangered fish or wildlife
species and most threatened fish and wildlife species. It is al so illegal to possess, sell, deliver, carry, transport, or ship any such wildlife that
has been taken illegally. “Harm” includes any act which actually kills or injures fish or wildlife, and case law has clarified that such acts
may include significant habitat modification or degradation that significantly impairs essential behavioral patterns of fish or wildlife.

Warren County
Federally Listed Endangered and Threa tened Species and Candidate Species
Information current as of: 11/22/2011
This list represents the best available information regarding known or likely County occurrences of Federally-listed and candidate species and is subject to change as new information becomes
Status Codes: E=Endangered, T=Threaten ed, P=Proposed, C=Candidate, D=Delisted.
W=Winter S=Summer
Common Name

Bog turtle (Historic)
Indiana bat (W/S)
Karner blue butterfly Scientific Name
Clemmys [=Glyptemys] muhlenbergii
Myotis sodalis
Lycaeides melissa samuelis Status
Page 1 of 1
Warren County

Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study Report
March 2012

Appendix B – Public Meeting Summaries

Quaker Road to Queensbury Av enue Connector Road Study
Town of Queensbury, New York

Page 1
Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study
Public Meeting and Workshop
Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 7:00 South Queensbury Fire Department Meeting Summary

The workshop began with an introduction by Aaron Frankenfeld to
introduce the project and explain the MPO’s role in planning and
programming transportation projects in the region. The
Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council (A/GFTC) has
initiated this study to evaluate the viability of a potential roadway
connection between Quaker Road and Queensbury Avenue, along
with other transportation needs in the area. This study will evaluate
conditions in the study area with and without the potential connector
road. The need for a connector road has not been determined yet
and is being evaluated as part of the study.

Creighton Manning outlined the project goals; existing conditions
with respect to transportation and land use; and environmental
features. An area-wide constraints map was also presented.

After the presentation, attendees met in smaller groups with one
facilitator at each of three tables to discuss study area issues. Within
the groups, participants were specif ically asked to identify problems
and opportunities for multimodal transportation improvements. Each
facilitator then summarized the problems and opportunities identified
by the small groups. The maps used at the meeting to take notes
and the meeting sign-in sheet are included with this meeting

Overall, the meeting was succes sful in that many people attended and provided valuable input.
Attendees raised valid questions about whether a connector road is necessary and if it would help
general traffic conditions in the study area. These are important questions that the Study Advisory
Committee will work to answer thr ough the study period. It was noted that at the conclusion of this
planning study, a set of transportation recommendations will be put forth that will require engineering and
further evaluation.

Workshop Results

 Delays and lots of trucks at the Hicks Rd/Ridge Rd intersection
 Delays on Cronin Rd at Ridge Rd
 High speeds on Queensbury Ave from Courtney Ln to Hicks Rd
 Excessive delays at the Dix Ave/Quaker Rd intersection
 Delays at driveways and side streets on Qu aker Rd from Dix Ave to Sanford St
 Sight distance concerns for Ridge Rd southbound to turn left onto Hicks Rd
 A new connector road could impact residential area s by increasing traffic on some sections of
Queensbury Ave
 Truck traffic on Queensbury Ave is heavy
 Wal-Mart signal (Quaker Ridge Blvd) creates back-ups along Quaker Rd
 Pedestrians use Dix Ave more than other area roads and there are limited pedestrian
accommodations for those pedestrians
 No room for walking or biking on Dix Ave and Queensbury Ave
Suggested Improvements:
 Wider shoulders on area roadways, sp ecifically Quaker Rd and Dix Ave
 Four-lane segment on Quaker Rd between utility easement and Dix Ave
 Four-lane segment on Dix Ave approaching Quaker Rd through to Route 4
 Use context sensitive widening (i.e . use the existing shoulder width)

Page 2

Modify the timing at the Quaker Rd/Dix Ave intersection
 Add a turn lane on Dix Ave eastbound approaching Queensbury Ave
 Extension of Sanford Street east? This was an improvement put forth in the past as part of
previous development proposal.
 Upgrade Dix Ave near Highland Ave
 New connector might remove some trucks from residential areas

 Right-of-way needs for roadway expansions
 Who would a connector road benefit?
 Would a connector road draw traffic and ther efore customers away from existing businesses?
 Maintain 40 mph on Quaker Rd
 A new connector road could hurt existing industrial parks by causing growth
 A connector road could be too close to airplanes and the southern runway

The information provided by the meeting attendees will be considered through the remainder of the
feasibility study as alternatives are identified and anal yzed. The next public meeting will occur in early

Page 3

Page 4

Page 5

Page 6

Page 7

Page 1
Quaker Road to Queensbury Avenue Connector Road Study
Public Meeting
Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 6:30
South Queensbury Fire Department Meeting Summary

The workshop began with a project update by Aaron Frankenfeld.
The Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council (A/GFTC)
initiated this study to evaluate the viability of a potential roadway
connection between Quaker Road and Queensbury Avenue.
Several alternatives had been evaluated since the last public
meeting and the purpose of this second public meeting was to
present the draft findings and solicit comments. The DRAFT report
is available for review and co mment through February 21, 2012 on
the A/GFTC website at

Creighton Manning outlined the project goals, summarized existing
conditions, discussed work completed since the first public
meeting, and detailed the study conclusions:
 Considerable improvements would be needed to mitigate
the full build out of the Quaker Ridge Technology Park
 A connector road would not ameliorate the need for most
of the off-site transportation improvements
 As a regional transportation improvement, the cost of a
connector road would outweigh the benefits
 A connector road would provide increased development
potential, improved local access, and emergency services
 Alternative 4A, extending from Quaker Ridge Blvd to Stone
Quarry Rd, is the preferre d connector road alternative

The study provided a number of multi-modal (pedest rian, bicycle, bus), short-term, and long-term
recommendations including:
 Multi-modal Recommendations
 Add pedestrian crossing accommodations to traffic signals
 Extend a sidewalk along Dix Ave from East Field in Glens Falls to Queensbury Ave
 Provide wider shoulders for bicyclists and pedestrians on Ridge Rd and Queensbury Ave
where feasible
 Consider transit access in the site approval process (pedestrian linkages to stops, safe
places to wait, etc.)
 Short-term Improvements
 Adjust the signal phasing at the Quaker Rd/Dix Ave intersection
 Update and maintain the time-based signal coordination along Quaker Rd from Quaker Ridge
Blvd to River St
 Implement access management best practices like shared driveways, frontage roads, and
channelization during site approval and development
 Investigate the feasibility of a westbou nd left-turn lane on Dix Ave and Highland Ave
 Long-term Improvements
 Implement development mitigation from Quaker Ridge Technology Park identified in the
traffic impact study
 Construct additional roadway improvements (left- turn lane on Quaker Rd at Sanford St and a
westbound left-turn lane on Dix Ave and Queensbury Ave)

A commenter asked for clarification of the phrase “I mprovements by Others”. It was explained that the
“improvements by others” is the Quaker Ridge Technology Park development mitigation outlined in that
project’s traffic impact study. The same commenter believed that if the connector road was built by the
developer, then the Quaker Ridge Tech Park woul d not need to make improvements to the existing

Page 2
system. It was explained that the connector road al
one does not mitigate the Quaker Ridge Tech Park
traffic, and that additional developer mitigation to the existing system would be needed.

The timing for implementation of short-term improvem ents, specifically signal phasing changes at the Dix
Ave/Quaker Rd was questioned. Aaron noted that A/GFTC is a non-regulatory agency and can’t
complete implementation, but that A/GFTC would enc ourage the governing agencies to make the phasing
improvements. Aaron also noted that implementing sign al phasing changes is surprisingly difficult due to
the few people in the region that can perform the work , and that the signal phasing changes are a cost
effective short-term improvement that are sufficient to accommodate existing traffic conditions and
background growth in the study area.

Attendees raised concerns regarding wetlands impacts and any correlating impacts on individual
properties like water in basements, standing water, et c associated with construction of a connector road.
Concerns were also raised about the amount of potential light industrial space in the area.

The information provided by the meeting attendees wi ll be addressed through finalization of the study

Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan

Prepared For:
Town of Queensbury,
Warren County, New York
Exit 20 Corridor
Management Plan
17 Computer Drive West
Albany, New York 12205
(518) 446-0396
Prepared By: September 2009

Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council
Washington County Municipal Center, A-231
383 Broadway
Fort Edward, NY 12828
357 Milton Avenue, Suite C
Ballston Spa, New York 12020
(518) 363-8200

Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan Page ii
Final Report September 2009

Creighton Manning Engineering, LLP GMB Engineers and Planners, Inc., P.C.
Active Advisory Committee

Stuart Baker – Town of Queensbury Community Development Department
Rob Fitch – New York State Department of Transportation
Len Fosbrook – Economic Development Council of Warren County
Aaron Frankenfeld – Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council
Sarah Gebbie-Measeck – Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council
Kevin Hajos – Warren County Department of Public Works
David Kenny – Business/Property Owner
William Lamy – Warren County Department of Public Works
John McCormack – Business/Property Owner
Anthony Metivier – Town of Queensbury Ward 1 Councilman
Laura Moore – Warren County Planning Department
Scott Sopczyk – Greater Glens Falls Transit
Daniel Stec – Supervisor, Town of Queensbury
John Strough – Town of Queensbury Ward 3 Councilman
Jeff Tennyson – Warren County Department of Public Works
Kathy Varney – Glens Falls Hospital
Mike Wyatt – New York State Department of Transportation

Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan Page iii
Final Report September 2009

Creighton Manning Engineering, LLP GMB Engineers and Planners, Inc., P.C.
Table of Contents
Title Page ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… i
Acknowledgements ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ii
Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..iii
List of Figures…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. iv
List of Tables ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. iv
List of Appendices …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… iv
Executive Summary …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. v

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
Study Overview ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
Study Area ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
Study Goals……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
History & Relevant Efforts ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Approach …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
II. Existing Conditions……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
General Environment ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
1. Land Use and Zoning ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
2. Environmental Features ……………………………………………………………………………………. 6
3. Historic and Cultural Features ……………………………………………………………………………. 6
Transportation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
1. Existing Roadway Conditions …………………………………………………………………………….. 6
2. Primary Intersections………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
3. Existing Traffic Characteristics …………………………………………………………………………. 10
4. Traffic Operations …………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
Bicycle and Pedestrian Access …………………………………………………………………………………… 17
Existing Public Transportation……………………………………………………………………………………..18
Crash History …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19
Area Parking ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22
Driveway Inventory……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23
III. Land Use Scenarios ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 26
IV. Improvement Alternatives …………………………………………………………………………………………..37
Short-Term 2013 Level of Service Analysis ………………………………………………………………….. 37
Key Study Area Corridor Alternatives ………………………………………………………………………….. 39
1. US Route 9 Median Alternative ………………………………………………………………………… 47
2. Back Access Alternative ………………………………………………………………………………….. 49
3. Access Management Alternative ………………………………………………………………………. 49
Southern Corridor Study Area Intersection Improvements………………………………………………. 49
Low Cost Improvement Options ………………………………………………………………………………….. 49
1. Transit ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 49
2. Signing Improvements …………………………………………………………………………………….. 49
3. Other Considerations ……………………………………………………………………………………… 49
Interchange Options ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 49
1. Great Escape Interchange ………………………………………………………………………………. 49
2. NY Route 149 Interchange ………………………………………………………………………………. 49
3. Reconstruction of Exit 20 as a Single Point Interchange (SPI) ……………………………… 49
V. Implementation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 49

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List of Figures
Figure I.1 – Regional Study Area Map ………………………………………………………………………………..2

Figure I.2 – Project Boundary Map ……………………………………………………………………………………. 3
Figure II.1 – Town of Queensbury Zoning…………………………………………………………………………… 7
Figure II.2 – Environmental Features …………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Figure II.3 – Peak Summer Daily Traffic Volumes ……………………………………………………………… 12
Figure II.4 – 2008 Existing Traffic Volumes – Saturday Peak Hour ………………………………………. 14
Figure II.5 – Existing Bike and Pedestrian Accommodations……………………………………………….. 20
Figure II.6 – Existing Transit Routes ………………………………………………………………………………… 21
Figure II.7 – Key Corridor Parking Lot Inventory ………………………………………………………………… 24
Figure II.8 – Key Corridor Driveway Inventory …………………………………………………………………… 25
Figure III.1 – Approved Development Projects ………………………………………………………………….. 28
Figure III.2 – Approved Development Projects Traffic Volumes – Saturday Peak Hour …………… 29
Figure III.3 – Potential Future Development Projects …………………………………………………………. 30
Figure III.4 – Potential Future Development Projects Traffic Volumes – Saturday Peak Hour ….. 31
Figure III.5 – 2013 Background Traffic Volumes – Saturday Peak Hour ……………………………….. 32
Figure III.6 – 2028 Background Traffic Volumes – Saturday Peak Hour ……………………………….. 33
Figure III.7 – 2013 Future Traffic Volumes – Saturday Peak Hour ……………………………………….. 34
Figure III.8 – 2028 Future Traffic Volumes – Low Growth – Saturday Peak Hour …………………… 35
Figure III.9 – 2028 Future Traffic Volumes – High Growth – Saturday Peak Hour ………………….. 36
Figure IV.1 – Route 9 Median Alternative Concept …………………………………………………………….. 48
Figure IV.2 – Back Access Alternative Concept…………………………………………………………………. 49
Figure IV.3 – Key Corridor Access Management Concept ………………………………………………….. 49
Figure IV.4 – Study Area Signing Concept ……………………………………………………………………….. 49
Figure IV.5 – Single Point Interchange Concept ………………………………………………………………… 49

List of Tables

Table II-1 – Roadway Character Summary (Saturday Peak Hour) ……………………………………….. 11
Table II-2 – Pedestrians (Saturday Peak Hour) …………………………………………………………………. 13
Table II-3 – Existing Level of Service (Saturday Peak Hour) ……………………………………………….. 15
Table II-4 – Crash History – January 2005 to December 2007 …………………………………………….. 19
Table II-5 – Key Study Area Corridor Driveway Inventory …………………………………………………… 23
Table IV-1 – Future 2013 Level of Service (Saturday Peak Hour) ………………………………………… 38
Table IV-2 – Key Study Area Intersection Level of Service (Saturday Peak Hour)………………….. 40
Table IV-3 – Back Access Alternative Level of Service (Saturday Peak Hour)……………………….. 49
Table IV-4 – South Corridor Level of Service (Saturday Peak Hour) …………………………………….. 49
Table V-1 – Implementation Matrix …………………………………………………………………………………..49

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List of Appendices

Appendix A …………………………………………….. Advisory Committee and Public Workshop Summary
Appendix B …………………………………………………………………………. Automatic Traffic Recorder Data
Appendix C…………………………………………………………………………….Turning Movement Count Data
Appendix D……………………………………………………………………….. Existing Level of Service Analysis
Appendix E …………………………………………………………………………………………. Parking Lot Inventory
Appendix F ………………………………………………………………………………. Alternative Evaluation Matrix
Appendix G ………………………………………………………………… 2013 Future Level of Service Analysis
Appendix H…………………………………………………………………. 2028 Future Level of Service Analysis
Appendix I ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Access Management

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Executive Summary
The Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council (A/GFTC) initiated this Corridor
Management Study for the Exit 20 Interchange Area (Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan) within
Warren County, New York. The study focuses on the US Route 9 corridor in and around
Interstate 87 (I-87) Exit 20 in the Town of Queensbury, New York. The study area corridor
encompasses an approximate 2-mile segment of US Route 9, from Round Pond Road to ¼ mile
north of NY Route 149. It also includes Gurney Lane from West Mountain Road to US Route 9.
The key study area corridor has been identified as the area of US Route 9 from the Exit 20
Northbound (NB) Ramps to NY Route 149.

Key issues include traffic safety and capacity along the corridor; access management, the
seasonal nature of traffic, and known and proposed development in the area. Long-term
capacity issues are identified, although large scale corridor widening is not considered a viable
alternative due to the potential for significant property impacts, environmental impacts,
construction costs, and degradation to the character of the area.

The goal of the study is to develop a comprehensive and implementable recommendation plan
consistent with local planning and development objectives that includes evaluation and
recommendations for study area intersections, improved accommodations for pedestrians,
bicyclists, and public transit, congestion and accident mitigation strategies. The study
recommendations shall consider future development of the corridor consistent with current
zoning. The study will identify a comprehensive list of smaller-scale improvements to improve
traffic circulation in the corridor in addition to a conceptual level of detail for larger-scale

Existing Conditions
Traffic volumes through the study area are highly seasonal due to the recreational nature of the
surrounding area with the Great Escape within the project corridor and Lake George to the
north. Traffic volumes peak during the summer months on Saturday during heavy regional
arrival periods. Although other peak travel times occur through the study corridor as a result of
other special events (i.e., Adirondack Balloon Festival) or seasonal travel (i.e., ski traffic to/from
Vermont), the peak summer conditions formed the basis for the study.

The results of the existing conditions assessment indicate that there is a need to identify
capacity and operational improvements within the corridor, specifically in the key corridor along
US Route 9 between the I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramps and NY Route 149. It is noted that the existing
Saturday peak hour traffic volumes are similar to Friday peak hour traffic volumes based on
automatic traffic recorder (ATR) data indicating that poor intersection operations exist during
other weekday and weekend periods during the peak conditions.

Future Development Volumes
The Exit 20 corridor has been subject to recent and on-going development pressure. The
Queensbury Planning Department identified six individual development projects that are under
consideration by the Town. In addition, six potential future development areas were identified.
Both short-term (5 year) and long-term (20 year) projections were assessed in the study with the
estimated time of completion (ETC) considered the existing 2008 condition. The study
evaluated three future land use/traffic volume scenarios that included a combination of
background growth and the approved/potential future developments and are as follows:

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Creighton Manning Engineering, LLP GMB Engineers and Planners, Inc., P.C.
• A short-term, ETC +5 year condition including growth expected from approved
development projects.
• A long-term, ETC +20 year condition including growth expected from approved
development projects (low-growth).
• A long-term, ETC +20 year condition expanded to include additional potential
growth from future potential development projects in the corridor (high-growth).

A review of the volumes indicate that when compared to the 2008 Existing traffic volumes, the
2013 Future traffic volumes show an increase in volumes of approximately 10%. In the 2028
Future traffic volume scenarios, the volumes increase by approximately 27% in the Low Growth
scenario and range from 33% to 48% in the High Growth scenario.

Potential Improvements
Intersection and Corridor Improvements – The study identifies a number of short and long-
term capacity and safety alternatives for the 2-mile segment of US Route 9. The study included
analysis of seven intersections; four signalized and three unsignalized. Table E.1 outlines
specific intersection and corridor related improvements identified in the study corridor. Each
improvement alternative is described in more detail in the main report. The project
recommendations were developed to preserve and improve the safety and capacity of area
roadways through arterial management and context sensitive improvements. Final
improvements should be multi-modal and also support pedestrians, bicyclists and transit.

The study also outlines four improvement alternatives for the Gurney Lane intersection with the
I-87 southbound ramps which includes an option for reconfiguring the interchange.

Two other interchange options were assessed and determined to not be feasible options for the
corridor. These interchange options included a direct access into the Great Escape and a new
interchange at NY Route 149.

Other Feasible Improvements – As part of the study, other feasible lower cost improvements
were identified that should be considered in the study corridor to meet the goals of the project.
Below is a brief summary of the potential improvements.

Transit – In the short-term, it is recommended that visible trolley stops for the seasonal
trolleys be established in the key corridor. The trolley stops should feature benches and
lighting that fit the character of the area with designated “trolley stop” signing. The more
defined trolley stops will result in more efficient runs while visibly enhancing the
pedestrian/transit friendliness of the corridor. This option is an enhancement to the
current trolley system operated by the Greater Glens Falls Transit. Additional transit
enhancement options may include the addition of park-and-ride lots to the north and
south of the key corridor to capture passenger vehicles onto the transit system before
traveling into the key corridor. It would be beneficial to use existing parking lots to avoid
the creation of additional parking areas and would thus require lot agreements to be
undertaken with individual property owners. This option could be pursued in numerous
ways by both public or private entities.

Table E.1- Summary of Intersection Related Improvements
Summary of
Description of



Key Study Area Improvement Alternatives
US Route 9
Median Alternative Conflicts from
numerous driveways
along Route 9 impact
traffic flow through
the corridor. Install a raised median along the entire
Route 9 corridor from Route 149 to the I-87
Exit 20 NB Ramp. This improvement would
require that the roundabout option be
pursued for each of the Key Study Corridor
intersections. $5-6 Million State/Fed, Town,
Property Owners Long-term
Back Access
Alternative Congestion on Route
9 will increase during
peak conditions in the
Key Study Area
corridor due to
approved and
developments. Construct a public road on the east side of
Route 9 that connects Route 149 to I-87 Exit
20 NB Ramp. This corridor alternative
assumes roundabout control at the two
signalized intersections and unsignalized
control at the Route 9/French Mountain
Commons Drwy/Adirondack Factory Outlets
Drwy intersection. $3.5-4
Million Town, Property
Owners, State/Fed Long-term

Conflicts from
numerous driveways,
lace of connectivity
between parcels Apply access management techniques in
key corridor to include closure of driveways,
consistent driveway layouts, cross-
connections for vehicles and pedestrians $1.5 – 2
Million Property Owners,
Town, State/Fed Short-term
Individual Intersection Improvement Alternatives
Signalized Option – Construct additional WB
left-turn lane, widen SB Route 9 departure
to accommodate two left-turn movements,
and re-stripe Route 9 for a NB left-turn lane. $1.5-2
Million State/Federal,
Town Short-term
US Route 9/NY
Route 149 Intersection has
existing capacity
concerns. Capacity
concerns continue
through the 20 year
condition. Roundabout Option – Construct a two lane
roundabout. $2-2.5
Million State/Federal,
Town Short-term
Unsignalized Option – Do not change
current intersection control and accept poor
levels of service on the minor street
approaches. $0 Property Owners,
State/Fed Short-term US Route 9/French
Commons Dwy/
Adirondack Factory
Outlets Dwy Minor street approaches have short-term (2008) and long-term capacity concerns (2028). Heavy pedestrian crossing. Roundabout Option – Construct a single
lane roundabout. $1-1.5
Million Property Owners,
State/Fed Long-term Signalized Option – Construct additional EB
left-turn lane, widen NB Route 9 departure
to accommodate two left-turn movements,
and convert the SB Route 9 right-turn lane
into a shared through/right-turn lane. $1.5-2
Million State/Federal,
Town Short-term
US Route 9/I-87
Exit 20 NB Ramp
Intersection has existing capacity concerns. Capacity concerns continue through the 20 year condition. Roundabout Option – Construct a two lane
roundabout $2-2.5
Million State/Federal,
Town Short-term

Summary of
Description of



Southern Study Area Improvement Alternatives
Signalized Option – (Low Growth) Provide
separate SB left and right turn lanes and
construct an exclusive WB left-turn lane on
Gurney Lane by widening the bridge
structure over I-87. (High Growth) Widen
the I-87 On Ramp to accommodate two left-
turn movements. $3.5-4
Million Town
State/Fed Long-term
Signalized Right-In/Right-Out Option –
Modify intersection to provide only right-
turns exiting the I-87 Exit 20 SB Off-Ramp
and only right-turns movements onto the I-
87 Exit 20 SB On-Ramp. This would require
the construction of a roundabout at the
Gurney Lane/West Mountain Road
intersection. $2-2.5
Million Town
State/Fed Long-term
All-Way Stop Option – Install stop signs on
all approaches. This intersection will
continue to fail. $7,500 State/Federal,
Town Short-term
Gurney Lane/I-87
Exit 20 SB Ramp Intersection has
existing capacity
concerns. Capacity
concerns continue
through the 20 year
Reconfigure SB Ramps with new SPI
interchange $40-50
Million State/Fed Long-term
US Route
9/Gurney Lane Intersection has long-
term capacity
concerns (beyond
2028). Convert the SB Route 9 right-turn lane into
a shared through/right-turn lane and extend
it to the Glen Lake Road intersection. $350,000-
400,000 Town, State/Fed Long-term
US Route 9/Glen
Lake Rd/Six Flags
Dr Intersection signal is
not optimized Improve signal timing. $0 State/Fed Short-term
Unsignalized Option – Construct separate SB left and right turn lanes on Round Pond Rd $75,000
Town (Development Conditions), State/Fed
US Route 9/Round
Pond Road Intersection has long-
term capacity
concerns (2028).
Signalized Option – Install an actuated
traffic signal. $225,000-
300,000 Town
State/Fed Long-Term

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Access Management – Although an access management alternative has been defined
in the corridor, it is important to maintain access management techniques throughout the
corridor as development continues. Currently, the Town of Queensbury codes include
guidelines on Access Management. These current standards provide specifics on the
layout, location, and design of driveways as well as the number of driveways and
spacing. These guidelines should be strictly adhered to by the Town in the approval and
development of new sites and redevelopment of sites in the project corridor. It is further
recommended that the Town of Queensbury adopt A/GFTC’s Access Management
Study as an additional support mechanism for the implementation of access
management principles through the corridor.

Signing Improvements – The use of additional signing in the corridor to provide clearer
directions for vehicles accessing areas/sites outside of the project corridor is a potential
low cost alternative to assist in reducing congestion in the corridor. Potential areas of
signing include variable message boards for use during times of excessive congestion
leading vehicles destined to locations north of the site to use Exit 21, permanent signs
indicating that it is not necessary to use Exit 20 to get to Lake George, and signing on
NY Route 149 westbound encouraging people heading north to use Exit 21.

The implementation of the recommendations outlined in the study can occur in different stages
and will take commitment and the coordinated effort on the part of the various agencies and
land owners in the study area as outlined in Table E.1. The implementation of the larger scale
long term improvements will require solicitation for funding. There may be the potential for
NYSDOT to work with the Town and private land owners to identify funding sources for the
capacity improvements at the study area intersections through the corridor. Implementation in
this way would likely result from the advocacy of the Town or private land owners reaching out
to NYSDOT for assistance and guidance. The funding could be obtained through means such
as a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) or a grant. This process will require
applications to be submitted by either the Town or A/GFTC. Funding through public/private
partnerships is also an option that could be pursued.

Other shorter-term recommendations could be implemented with a less defined process. For
example, capacity improvements recommended at the US Route 9/Round Pond Road
intersection may be the responsibility of the Great Escape as described in their Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS). The Great Escape monitors the traffic conditions in the corridor
annually to determine the need for this improvement based on their site generated traffic.
However, if volumes in the project corridor increase due to other factors, this improvement may
be initiated separately by the Town or NYSDOT. Improvements to accommodate increased
transit ridership on the trolleys should be advanced directly by the Town of Queensbury in
association with the Greater Glens Falls Transit.

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Final Report September 2009

Creighton Manning Engineering, LLP GMB Engineers and Planners, Inc., P.C.
I. Introduction
Study Overview
The Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council (A/GFTC) initiated this Corridor
Management Study for the Exit 20 Interchange Area (Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan) within
Warren County, New York. The study focuses on the US Route 9 corridor in and around
Interstate 87 (I-87) Exit 20 in the Town of Queensbury, New York. The study will result in a
comprehensive list of smaller-scale improvements to improve traffic circulation in the corridor
and a conceptual level of detail for larger-scale improvements.

The consultant team for the Project, Creighton Manning Engineering, LLP (CME) and GMB
Engineers and Planners, Inc., P.C. (GMB), is responsible for organizing the vision and
completing the Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan.

Study Area
The Exit 20 Interchange area is located along US Route 9 east of I-87 just south and east of the
Adirondack Park borders. The study area corridor encompasses an approximate 2-mile
segment of US Route 9, from Round Pond Road to ¼ mile north of NY Route 149, in the Town
of Queensbury as shown on Figure I-1. It also includes Gurney Lane from West Mountain Road
to US Route 9. The key study area corridor has been identified as the area of US Route 9 from
the Exit 20 Northbound (NB) Ramps to NY Route 149. The study will also investigate the
feasibility of a new interchange for I-87 at the Great Escape and at NY Route 149. Figure I-2
outlines the project boundaries and key study area locations.

Key characteristics of the study area include the retail outlet shops along the stretch of US
Route 9 referred to as “The Million Dollar Half-Mile”, the Great Escape amusement park and
Lodge, and access to several campgrounds. Additionally, the northern end of the study area
corridor is a connector link between I-87 and NY Route 149 for travel to and from Vermont and
northern New England, a route commonly used by truck traffic.

Study Goals
The goal of the study is to develop a comprehensive and implementable recommendation plan,
consistent with local planning and development objectives that includes the following:

• Improved accommodations for pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transit
• Evaluation and recommendations for signalized intersections
• Congestion and accident mitigation strategies

The study will focus on strategies such as access management, land use recommendations,
and roadway/interchange reconfigurations to meet the study goals. Both small and large scale
recommendations plans will be provided in the study.

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History & Relevant Efforts
As part of a continuing effort by A/GFTC, the Town of Queensbury, and the New York State
Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) to provide a safe, efficient, and marketable corridor for
residents, business owners, and visitors, several studies have been conducted in recent years.
These projects and studies include:

• Corridor Management and Traffic Circulation Plan for the Million Dollar Half Mile – 1997
• A/GFTC Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan – 2001
• Town of Queensbury Population Projections & Buildout Study – 2005
• A/GFTC Access Management Study – 2006
• Town of Queensbury Comprehensive Plan – 2007

The Corridor Management and Traffic Circulation Plan for the Million Dollar Half-Mile was
a traffic study prepared by Buckhurst Fish & Jacquemart, Inc. (BFJ) to provide short-term and
long-term plans for the corridor. The goals of this study were similar to the current study, but its
focus was on a smaller area. This study resulted in the implementation of some access
management and cross access connections in the study area.

A/GFTC’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan was prepared to provide municipalities with the tools
to preserve and enhance the area bicycling and pedestrian network and to improve the safety,
attractiveness, and the viability of cycling and walking as alternatives to vehicular transportation
modes. The study made recommendations for geometric standards for bicycle and pedestrian
facilities and made specific recommendations for enhancements within the A/GFTC
jurisdictional area.

The Town of Queensbury Population Projection & Build-out Study provides data on
demographic, housing and population projections in the Town as well as the resulting public
school enrollment trends. Although this study is not directly related to the scope of the corridor
Management Plan it does provide a detailed summary of the residential and commercial
development potentials in the Town.

A/GFTC’s Access Management Study was prepared to provide municipalities with a
guidebook on access management strategies. The study also provided four case studies of
existing corridors and future vision plans using access management. None of the four corridors
studied were within this project’s limits; however the US Route 9 corridor from the City of Glens
Falls to Round Pond Road was included. Potential access management strategies identified in
this corridor consisted of sharing/consolidating curb cuts, median treatments, and potential
future re-circulating traffic to alternate routes.

The Town of Queensbury Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the Town on August 6, 2007
and provides an implementation plan to shape future development of the Town. The
Comprehensive Plan includes planning objectives for neighborhoods, the natural environment,
neighborhood commercial centers, commercial corridors, industrial corridors, and historical and
cultural places. The Comprehensive Plan was an important tool in the development of the Exit
20 Corridor Management Plan.

In addition, numerous traffic studies were prepared for private development projects within and
adjacent to the project study area corridor. Many of these private developer studies were
conducted by CME and as a result have broadened CME’s knowledge of the future vision of the
study area.

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The Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan is another step in the efforts by A/GFTC with support
from the Town, County and NYSDOT to provide a plan that ensures that the US Route 9
corridor provides adequate service to residents, patrons, and visitors to the area.

In order to accomplish the study goals, the study involved several major tasks including:

• Development of an existing conditions inventory and needs assessment
• Review of other relevant studies and the zoning code
• Develop land use alternatives for development of future volume projections in the study
• Identify and analyze corridor improvement alternatives
• Evaluate Interchange options at Great Escape, NY Route 149 and Gurney Lane
• Develop recommendations
• Develop the Draft and Final Corridor Management plans
• Involve the public through a variety of outlets including three public meetings/workshops

Elected officials, local government, NYSDOT, the Advisory Committee, and community
residents and property owners have worked together to define the transportation plan and future
land use scenarios that represent the vision for the corridor. The Exit 20 Corridor Management
Plan has greatly benefited from the dedication and involvement by all of the Study Advisory
Committee at all of the committee meetings and public workshops. A list of the Advisory
Committee is included at the front of this document and a summary of the public workshops is
included in Appendix A.

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Creighton Manning Engineering, LLP GMB Engineers and Planners, Inc., P.C.
II. Existing Conditions
General Environment
1. Land Use and Zoning

A mix of land uses exist within the study area corridor. The majority of land use is commercial,
recreation commercial, and residential with dedicated open space interspersed through the
corridor. The southern end of the corridor is more recreational in nature while the middle to
northern end of the corridor is more a business setting with County office buildings and retail

Zoning district boundaries for the study area were obtained from the Warren County Planning
Department and are illustrated on Figure II.1. The study area includes residential zones
(Moderate Density Residential, and Rural Residential), mixed use zones (Mixed Use 9 North,
Mixed Use Bay Road and Mixed Use Intensive) which house the French Mountain Commons
outlet stores and the Adirondack Factory Outlet, a recreation commercial zone to the south
(Recreation Commercial) which houses The Six Flags Great Escape Fun Park, and a dedicated
land conservation zone (Land Conservation). Existing land uses are consistent with current
zoning as outlined in the Town of Queensbury Comprehensive Plan adopted August 6, 2007.

2. Environmental Features
Natural features such as wetlands and forest lands are present within the study area. As noted
in Figure II.2, there are a number of wetlands in the study area that are regulated by the New
York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). Just east of the Warren County
Municipal Building, the study area includes an area with land conservation zoning (LC-42A)
which limits development to one dwelling per 42 acres. According to the Town Zoning
Ordinance, these districts encompass areas where the land has limitations or unique
characteristics that warrant the restricted development densities.

3. Historic and Cultural Features
No historic or cultural features were found in the project corridor.

1. Existing Roadway Conditions

US Route 9 provides north/south travel through the Town of Queensbury and is classified as a
Principal Arterial. In the key study corridor, US Route 9 overlaps with NY Route 149 and is part
of the National Highway System (NHS). The NHS roadways are identified as such due to their
importance to the nation’s economy, defense, and mobility. This section of US Route 9 and NY
Route 149 provide access between Interstate 87 and Vermont and is known as a route for
heavy vehicle traffic.

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In the key study corridor, US Route 9 consists of two 12-foot travel lanes with a center two-way
left turn lane (TWLTL), 5-foot wide sidewalks and maintenance strips along both sides of the
roadway. The right-of-way within the key study corridor varies between 66-78 feet. According
to the 2008 Highway Sufficiency Ratings published by the NYSDOT, the pavement is rated in
good condition along the study area corridor. The posted speed limit within the key corridor on
US Route 9 is 40 mph.

2. Primary Intersections
The traffic control and geometry of the seven primary study area intersections are as follows:
y US Route 9/NY Route 149 – This is a four-way intersection controlled with a traffic
signal. The northbound US Route 9 approach provides an exclusive right turn lane and
a shared through/left turn lane while the southbound US Route 9 approach provides an
exclusive left turn lane and a shared through/right turn lane. The NY Route 149
westbound approach provides an exclusive right turn lane and a shared through/left turn
lane. On the west side of US Route 9 at this intersection is a driveway entrance to a
retail business. This low volume driveway provides a single lane for shared travel
movements. Crosswalks and pedestrian accommodations are provided on the
northbound US Route 9 approach and on the westbound NY Route 149 approach.

y US Route 9/I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp – This is a three-way intersection operating under
traffic signal control. The northbound approach of US Route 9 provides an exclusive left
turn lane and a through lane while the southbound approach provides a through travel
lane and an exclusive right turn separated by a raised island. The eastbound I-87 Exit
20 NB Ramp approach provides separate left and right turn lanes. Crosswalks and
pedestrian accommodations are provided on the southbound US Route 9 approach.

y I-87 Exit 20 Southbound Ramp/Gurney Lane (County Road 23) – This is a four-way
intersection operating under stop sign control on the I-87 Exit 20 Southbound (SB) Ramp
approach. The I-87 Exit 20 SB Ramp approach (north leg) provides a single lane for
shared left and right turn movements for southbound vehicles exiting I-87 while the south
leg provides a single, one-way travel lane for vehicles to access I-87 southbound. It is
noted that while the southbound approach only provides a single lane for shared travel
movements, field observations indicate that drivers currently use the existing large
shoulder to stack side-by-side thus providing a defacto right-turn lane. The eastbound
Gurney Lane approach provides a single lane for shared through and right-turn
movements while the westbound Gurney Lane approach provides a single lane for
shared left-turn and though movements. No crosswalks or pedestrian accommodations
are provided at this intersection. This intersection was not included in the initial scope of
services, but it was added to the project based on public comments.

y US Route 9/Gurney Lane (NY Route 149 & County Road 23) – This is a signalized
four-way intersection. US Route 9 provides exclusive left turn, through, and right turn
lanes northbound and southbound. Gurney Lane provides an exclusive right turn lane
and a shared through/left turn lane. Opposite Gurney Lane is the main entrance to the
Warren County Municipal Center, which provides a shared left-turn/through lane and an
exclusive right turn lane separated by a raised island.

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y US Route 9/Glen Lake Road/Six Flags Drive – This four-way intersection operates under
traffic signal control. The northbound US Route 9 approach provides an exclusive left
turn lane and a shared through/right turn lane while the southbound US Route 9
approach provides an exclusive left turn, a through lane and a free-flow right turn lane.
Six Flags Drive and Glen Lake Road both provide an exclusive right turn lane and a
shared left-turn/through lane.

y US Route 9/Round Pond Road (County Road 17) – This is a T-intersection operating
under stop-sign traffic control on the westbound Round Pond Road intersection
approach. The northbound approach of US Route 9 provides a single lane for shared
travel movements, while the southbound approach provides an exclusive left turn lane
and a separate through travel lane. Round Pond Road provides a single lane for shared
left and right turn travel movements.

Two of the busier offset driveways along US Route 9 at the outlet centers in the key corridor
were also included as a primary intersection in the study area. The driveways include the
French Mountain Commons Driveway on the west side of US Route 9 and the Adirondack
Factory Outlets Driveway on the east side of US Route 9. The French Mountain Commons
Driveway is approximately 50-feet south of the Adirondack Factory Outlets Driveway. US Route
9 provides a single lane in each direction with a center two-way left-turn lane. (TWLTL). Both
driveways provide a single lane for shared travel movements. A heavily used pedestrian
crosswalk is located approximately 40-feet to the north of the Adirondack Factory Outlets

3. Existing Traffic Characteristics
Typical peak season daily traffic volumes were determined based on July 2008 Automatic
Traffic Recorder (ATR) information recorded by CME. A total of four ATRs were placed in the
study area at the following locations:

• On US Route 9 between Gurney Lane and I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp
• On US Route 9 in the vicinity of the French Mountain Commons Driveway
• On US Route 9 north of NY Route 149
• On NY Route 149 east of US Route 9

Figure II.3 summarizes the ATR data collected. The raw ATR data is included in Appendix B
and was used to determine the peak weekend travel period in the study area. Based on a
review of the data, it was determined that Saturday between 2:30 and 4:30 p.m. represented
peak conditions at the four corridor locations analyzed. Additionally, the following can be stated
based on a review of the data for peak weekend traffic in the study area:

• The daily traffic volumes in the key corridor are approximately 18,600 vehicles per day
• In the southern end of the study corridor, daily traffic volumes are between 20,500 and
22,000 vpd. The 22,000 vpd was determined based on previously conducted counts in
the study area.
• North of NY Route 149, traffic volumes on US Route 9 are approximately 13,400 vpd.
• NY Route 149 experiences approximately 11,200 vpd.
• In general, there are consistently high daily volumes in the key study area from 9:00 a.m.
to 9:00 p.m. with more than 1,000 vehicles per hour (vph).

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The data collected in the summer (July 2008) was compared to average daily traffic volume
information recorded by NYSDOT to confirm that the collected summer data represents peak
travel rates. For information, the NYSDOT data recorded in the 2007 Traffic Volume Report
indicates that the average daily traffic on US Route 9 in the study corridor is 17,680 vpd from
Aviation Road to the I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramps and 12,770 vpd from the I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramps to
NY Route 149. A comparison of the two data sets indicates that the July daily volumes are
between 25% and 45% higher than the average daily volumes recorded by NYSDOT.

In addition to ATR data, intersection turning movement counts were conducted at the six
primary study area intersections by CME during the Saturday peak hour from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.
on Saturday, July 26, 2008 and August 2, 2008. Intersection turning movement counts at the I-
87 Exit 20 SB Ramp/Gurney Lane intersection were obtained from a PM peak hour count
conducted on August 1, 2007 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. A comparison of traffic volumes between
the 2007 PM peak hour count and 2008 Saturday peak hour counts on Gurney Lane indicate
that the 2007 traffic volumes are comparable to the 2008 counts and represent a worst case
operating condition. Figure II.4 summarized the 2008 Existing Saturday PM peak hour traffic
volumes at the study area intersections. The raw turning movement count data are included in
Appendix C. The following was apparent based on the turning movement count data:

• The Saturday afternoon peak hour typically occurred from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
• The two-way traffic volumes on the study area roadways are shown on Table II-1.
• Heavy vehicle traffic ranged between 1% and 10%. It is noted that the key corridor
experiences the highest volume of heavy vehicle traffic.

Table II-1 – Roadway Character Summary (Saturday Peak Hour)
Segment Two-Way Peak Hour Traffic Volume (vehicles per hour)
Round Pond Road (East of Route 9) 315
Glen Lake Road (East of Route 9)
Gurney Lane (West of Route 9)
I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp (West of Route 9)
NY Route 149 (East of Route 9)
US Route 9 (North of Route 149)
US Route 9 (between Exit 20 NB Ramp and Route 149)
US Route 9 (between Gurney Lane and I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp)
US Route 9 (between Glen Lake Road and Gurney Lane)
US Route 9 (between Round Pond Road and Glen Lake Road)
US Route 9 (South of Round Pond Road)

• The pedestrian volumes observed at the study area intersections during the Saturday
peak hour are shown on Table II-2. The total number of pedestrians shown in the table
includes the total number across all legs of the intersection with the exception of the
crosswalk location which only includes travel across US Route 9.

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Table II-2 – Pedestrians (Saturday Peak Hour)
Location Pedestrians per hour
US Route 9/NY Route 149 34 plus 2 bicyclists
Crosswalk on US Route 9 North of Adirondack Factory Outlet Drwy 353 plus 1 bicyclist
Route 9/French Mountain Commons Drwy/Adirondack Factory Outlets Drwy 345
US Route 9/I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp 0
US Route 9/Gurney Lane 1
US Route 9/Glen Lake Road/Six Flags Drive 4 plus 3 bicyclists
US Route 9/Round Pond Road 53 plus 2 bicyclists
Note: Total pedestrians on all approaches to the intersection or mid-block crosswalk where applicable.

4. Traffic Operations

The study area intersection operations were evaluated using Synchro 6 Software, which
automates the procedures contained in the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. Operations are
expressed in terms of “Level of Service” (LOS), which is a measure of delay ranging from LOS
A (indicating little or no delay) to LOS F (indicating long delays). It is noted that the
intersections of US Route 9 with the French Mountain Commons Driveway and the Adirondack
Factory Outlets Driveway were analyzed as a single, four-way intersection due to their close
spacing. Appendix D contains detailed descriptions of LOS criteria for unsignalized,
roundabout, and signalized intersections and the detailed HCS LOS reports. Table II-3
documents the result of the level of service evaluation for the existing conditions.

The following observations are evident from the existing conditions evaluation:

• US Route 9/NY Route 149
– The analysis indicates that this signalized intersection
currently operates at an overall LOS D during the Saturday peak hour, with the
eastbound left-turn/through approach and the westbound approach operating at a LOS E
with approximately 74 and 79 seconds of delay, respectively.

• US Route 9/French Mountain Commons Driveway/Adirondack Factory Outlets Driveway

– As an unsignalized intersection, the eastbound and westbound driveways operate at a
LOS F, with long vehicle delays. With the center TWLTL, left-turning traffic experiences
little delay and does not result in additional delays to through traffic.

It is noted that during the peak travel times, vehicles at this intersection and at other
driveways along the corridor rely on courtesy gaps to turn to and from US Route 9. In
general, the friction in the corridor with the number of driveways, the high volume of
traffic, and numerous pedestrian conflicts results in slow moving traffic from the I-87 Exit
20 NB ramps to NY Route 149. It is also not uncommon for the congestion to continue
north and south on US Route 9 in and outside of the study area corridor.

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Table II-3 – Existing Level of Service (Saturday Peak Hour)
Existing 2008
Route 9/Route 149 S
Driveway EB
Route 149 WB

Route 9 NB

Route 9 SB LTR
TR E (79.0)
E (73.9)
C (36.7)
D (47.1)
B (12.4)
D (49.0)
C (32.0)
Overall D (41.1)
Route 9/French Mountain Commons
Drwy/Adirondack Factory Outlets Drwy TW
French Mountain Drwy EB
Adirondack Factory Drwy WB
Route 9 NB
Route 9 SB LTR
L E (44.2)
F (57.1)
A (9.7)
B (10.3)
Route 9/I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramps S
I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp EB

Route 9 NB

Route 9 SB L
R E (72.2)
D (43.1)
E (63.5)
B (15.6)
F (86.0)
A (0.1)
Overall E (57.0)
I-87 Exit 20 SB Ramp/Gurney Lane TW
Gurney Ln WB
I-87 Exit 20 SB Ramp SB
R A (7.7)
F (*)
B (10.5)
Route 9/Gurney Lane S
Gurney Ln EB

Municipal Center Dwy WB

Route 9 NB

Route 9 SB LT
R C (31.0)
C (22.4)
C (21.8)
C (21.6)
B (10.7)
A (5.6)
A (3.0)
A (7.2)
B (11.3)
A (8.4)
Overall B (11.6)
Route 9/Glen Lake Rd/Six Flags Dr S
Six Flags Dr EB

Glen Lake Rd WB

Route 9 NB

Route 9 SB LT
R D (39.2)
C (27.5)
C (25.5)
C (26.5)
A (9.0)
B (17.6)
B (10.2)
B (15.4)
A (0.1)
Overall B (19.5)
Route 9/Round Pond Rd TW
Round Pond Rd WB
Route 9 SB LR
L C (21.0)
A (9.2)
Key: TW, AW, S, R = Two-way stop, All-way stop, Signal, or Roundabout controlled intersection
NB, SB, EB, WB = Northbound, Southbound, Eastbound, Westbound intersection approaches
L, T, R = Left-turn, through, and/or right-turn movements, — = Not applicable
L[T]R = LR represents the existing geometry, LTR represents the future geometry
X (Y.Y) = Level of Service (Average delay in seconds per vehicle), *= delay exceeds 1,000 seconds

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• US Route 9/I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramps – This intersection currently operates at an overall
LOS E, with long vehicle delays. The eastbound left-turn movement and northbound
left-turn movement operate at a LOS E with approximately 72 and 64 seconds of delay,
respectively. The southbound through movement on US Route 9 operates at poor levels
of service with delays in excess of 80 seconds.

• I-87 Exit 20 Southbound Ramp/Gurney Lane
– The unsignalized level of service analysis
indicates that the westbound Gurney Lane left-turn movement currently operates at a
LOS A. The analysis also indicates that the southbound left-turn movement fails during
the peak hour and experiences long delays while drivers look for adequate gaps in
traffic. The southbound right turn movement that utilizes the existing shoulder as a right-
turn lane operates at a LOS B with less than 11 seconds of delay. Right-turn vehicles
that do not utilize the shoulder experience long vehicle delays waiting behind left-turning

• US Route 9/Gurney Lane
– This signalized intersection currently operates at an overall
LOS B, with approximately 12 seconds of delay. All approaches operate at a LOS C or
better, with acceptable vehicle delays.

It is noted that the east leg of this intersection provides access to the Warren County
Municipal Center. During a Saturday, the municipal center experiences a very low
volume of traffic allowing the Gurney Lane approach to operate more efficiently. It is
expected that during a typical commuter peak period, this intersection would experience
more delay as the east leg would operate with higher volumes.

• US Route 9/Glen Lake Road
– The analysis indicates that this intersection operates at
an overall LOS B, with all approaches operating at a LOS D or better. The eastbound
approach operates at a LOS D with approximately 35 seconds of delay, while the
westbound Glen Lake Road approach operates at a LOS C with approximately 26
seconds of delay. The average delay for drivers traveling on US Route 9 is less than 18

It is our understanding the NYSDOT is currently reviewing the signal phasing and
timings at this intersection. This review was a result of concerns expressed by the public
that the signal could better adjust to the changing flow of traffic. As currently operating,
the level of service on the intersection approaches range from A to D indicating that it
may be reasonable for timing adjustments to even out the intersection operation.
Improved timings will be reviewed and considered in the assessment of future conditions
at this intersection.

It was also noted in the public workshop meeting that the southbound right turn lane
from US Route 9 onto Six Flags Drive does not always operate as a free flow movement
as it is designed. Likely this is caused by the field conditions, since the free flow
movement is not separated by a raised median which is a more typical design. The lack
of a raised median likely causes confusion to drivers which results in less efficient
movements on this approach.

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• US Route 9/Round Pond Road – The analysis indicates that the unsignalized,
westbound Round Pond Road approach operates at a LOS C during the Saturday peak
hour with average vehicle delays of approximately 21 seconds or less. The southbound
left-turn movement from US Route 9 southbound operates at good levels of service with
little delay to vehicles.

Although the overall levels of service at this intersection are acceptable, it was observed
in the field and noted by the public that the single lane approach on Round Pond Road
can often create longer delays for right-turning vehicles that are held up by vehicles
waiting to turn left onto US Route 9 southbound. These delays can create longer
queues during peak travel times on Round Pond Road.

The results of the existing conditions assessment indicate that there is a need to identify
capacity and operational improvements within the corridor, specifically in the key corridor along
US Route 9 between the I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramps and NY Route 149. It is noted that the existing
Saturday peak hour traffic volumes are similar to Friday peak hour traffic volumes based on
ATR data collected by CME indicating that poor intersection operations exist during other
weekday and weekend periods.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Access
A substantial amount of pedestrians and cyclists were recorded in the key study area corridor
during field visits and while conducting the turning movement counts as shown in Table II-2.
Sidewalks are present on both sides of US Route 9 between the I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramps and NY
Route 149, where the majority of the pedestrians were recorded. The sidewalks are separated
from the roadway by small buffers (brick pavers or grass maintenance strips). Other amenities
such as lighting and street trees are also present creating an inviting and walkable environment
along US Route 9. It is noted that there are some inconsistencies within the corridor with
sidewalks and landscape design that take away from the attractiveness of the walkable corridor.
It is also noted that patrons of the retail and commercial businesses along the key study area
corridor typically do not travel out to the existing sidewalks along US Route 9 when walking
between storefronts on either side of the street. This is evident by the numerous worn dirt
walking paths located closer to the businesses. Improved pedestrian connectivity can be
provided between local businesses to ensure safe and efficient travel.

Marked crosswalks are located at the US Route 9/I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramps and US Route 9/NY
Route 149 intersections. In addition, two mid-block pedestrian crossings also exist within the
key study area; one located just north of the Adirondack Factory Outlets Driveway and the
second located approximately half-way between the Adirondack Factory Outlets Driveway and
NY Route 149. However, field observations indicate that not all pedestrians traverse US Route
9 at the marked crossings. Refer to Photographs 1 and 2 for existing pedestrian
accommodations in the key corridor.

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Photograph 1 – Crosswalks at the Route
9/I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp Intersection Photograph 2–Pedestrians crossing
mid-block crossing on US Route 9

The Warren County Bikeway runs parallel to US Route 9 just east of the corridor. The trail
serves a variety of uses, including biking, walking, cross-country skiing, and in-line skating. It is
also wheelchair accessible. Figure II.5 shows the location of the Bikeway and other pedestrian
accommodations in the study area corridor.

South of the key study area corridor sidewalks continue along the east side of US Route 9
through the Glen Lake Road intersection. There are no pedestrian accommodations along US
Route 9 for approximately 1/3 mile south of Glen Lake Road. Sidewalks are again provided on
both sides of US Route 9 from the Great Escape Lodge south through the study area beyond
the Round Pond Road intersection.

There are no pedestrian accommodations on Gurney Lane in the study area.

Existing Public Transportation
The primary regional transit service provider that operates in the Exit 20 Corridor is the Greater
Glens Falls Transit (GGFT). The GGFT fixed bus route #19 provides year round service along
US Route 9. No service is provided on Sundays or on holidays. There are minor variations in
the northbound service limits depending on the time of year. Buses travel to Exit 21 on request
only between October and May. From May to June, the buses routinely travel to Exit 21. Buses
stop at the Warren County Municipal Center between June and Labor Day, with trolley service
continuing further north.

Seasonal trolleys are run in the corridor from the end of June through Labor Day. The seasonal
trolleys run every 30 minutes along US Route 9 from the City of Glens Falls to the Village of
Lake George with separate north and south routes. The trolleys run from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30
p.m. seven days a week. It was noted by the director of the GGFT that often times the runs are
delayed due to traffic congestion (typically Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). It was further noted
that in 2008, the occupancy of the trolleys was up by approximately 20%. This was likely
attributed to high gas prices and the overall economy. During busier times, extra trolleys are
sometimes added into the system to help accommodate the demand. The GGFT is also
considering the purchase of larger capacity trolleys to accommodate the increase in transit use.

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For those with disabilities, the Freedom and Mobility Express (F.A.M.E.) service is provided.
This service will pick-up eligible patrons and drop them off at destinations within ¾ of a mile
from a designated transit route.

The available transit routes are shown on Figure 11.6.

Crash History
Crash data was obtained to determine crash trends along the study area roadways. Crash
summaries and details were provided by the NYSDOT Safety and Information Management
System for the latest three years of available data from the period between January 1, 2005 and
December 31, 2007 for the road segment of US Route 9 in the study area. Table II-4
summarized the accident data at the study area intersections and roadway segments.

Table II-4 – Crash History – January 2005 to December 2007
Segment/Intersection Fatality Injury
Total No.
US Route 9/Round Pond Rd 0 0 2 1 3
US Route 9 from Round Pond Rd to
Glen Lake Rd 0 9 10 1 20
US Route 9/Glen Lake Rd/Six Flags Dr 0 4 1 0 5
US Route 9 from Glen Lake Rd
to Gurney La 0 3 1 0 4
US Route 9/Gurney La 0 4 6 4 14
US Route 9 from Gurney La to Exit 20
NB Ramps 0 1 0 1 2
US Route 9/I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramps 0 7 3 2 12
US Route 9 from I-87 Exit 20 NB
Ramps to NY Route 149 0 11 8 2 21
US Route 9/NY Route 149 0 0 0 2 2
*Non-Reportable Crashes are crashes that have property damage under $1,000

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The following observations are evident from a review of the latest three years of data:

• No fatalities were reported at any of the intersections/road segments.
• Five or less accidents occurred at the intersections of US Route 9/Round Pond Road,
US Route 9/Glen Lake Road/Six Flags Drive, and US Route 9/NY Route 149 over the
three year period.
• Less than 5 accidents occurred on the US Route 9 segments between Glen Lake Road
and Gurney Lane and between Gurney Lane and the Exit 20 NB Ramps during the three
year period.
• Of the 20 accidents on the segment of US Route 9 from Round Pond Road to Glen Lake
Road, 14 were rear end accidents caused by slowed or stopped traffic with the apparent
factor of following too closely. One of the recorded personal injury accidents involved
two vehicles and a pedestrian. The report did not detail the exact involvement of the
pedestrian in the incident. The crash rate on this segment of 1.26 accidents per million
vehicle miles (acc/mvm) is less than the statewide average of 1.39 acc/mvm.
• Of the 14 accidents at the US Route 9/Gurney Lane intersection, 6 were rear end
accidents while the remaining accidents were collisions at the intersection due to
vehicles failing to yield to the right-of-way (i.e., left-turn, right angle). The crash rate of
0.73 accidents per million entry vehicles (acc/mev) is higher than the statewide average
rate of 0.39 acc/mev.
• Seven of the 12 accidents at the US Route 9/I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp intersection were
rear end accidents. The calculated accident rate of 0.71 acc/mev is significantly higher
than the statewide average rate of 0.22 acc/mev.
• A total of 21 accidents occurred on the segment of US Route 9 from the I-87 Exit 20 NB
Ramps to NY Route 149. Ten of the accidents were rear end accidents while another
six accidents were related to right or left turning vehicles. The calculated accident rate
of 3.0 acc/mvm is higher than the statewide average rate of 1.71 acc/mvm for a similar
type roadway. It is noted that the Corridor Management and Traffic Circulation Plan
conducted in 1997 recorded 100 accidents on this corridor for the years 1993 through
1995; more than four times the current number of accidents for the latest three year
period. Since completion of the 1997 study, the TWLTL has been installed in the
corridor. Based on a review of the accident history, it appears that the installation of the
center turn lane has substantially reduced the occurrence of accidents in the corridor.

Area Parking
A parking study was conducted in the key corridor at the off-site parking lots. The purpose of
the assessment was to determine if any of the congestion along US Route 9 in the key corridor
is due to capacity issues in the existing parking lots resulting in delays and back-ups on the
mainline. The parking study was conducted on Saturday, August 16, 2008 between 2:00 and
4:30 p.m. An inventory of the parking lots indicated that there are 1,600 available parking
spaces, 510 on the west side and 1,090 on the east side of US Route 9. Figure II.7 shows the
location and size of existing parking lots in the key study area corridor. At the time of the
parking study there were several vacant buildings along the west side of the corridor. These
buildings are detailed on Table II-5 and on Figure II-8 in the Driveway Inventory. The following
was noted based on the study:

• The highest occupancy on the west side of US Route 9 was at the French Mountain
Commons Lot with an average of 85% occupancy.

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• The highest occupancy on the east side of US Route 9 was at the Ralph Lauren outlets
with an average of 78% occupancy. Not including the rear parking area at this center,
the average occupancy was 99%.
• The Adirondack Factory Outlets Lot on the east side of US Route 9 average occupancy
was 58% in the front lot. If the additional 99 stalls in the rear of the building are added
into the calculation, the occupancy is reduced to approximately 41%.
• Numerous vacant buildings exist on the west side of US Route 9. A handful of vehicles
were parked at each of the vacant lots.
• During the study time, the overall demand ranged from 760 to 820 or 48% to 51%.
• The peak parking demand in the key corridor occurred between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. with
820 occupied stalls.

The parking inventory indicated that the busiest parking locations are focused at the three larger
outlet centers in the corridor; French Mountain Commons, Adirondack Factory Outlets, and the
Ralph Lauren outlets. Further, the parking inventory indicated that there is some congestion in
the front parking lot of the Ralph Lauren outlets with it operating at full capacity during the study
period. In general, however, additional capacity for parking exists with the use of back parking
lots and further use of adjacent parking lots. Figure II.7 and Appendix E contains a detailed
breakdown of the parking lot inventory.

Driveway Inventory
A driveway inventory was conducted in the key corridor to assess the number of curb cuts along
US Route 9. There are currently 26 commercial driveways ranging in width from 23 to 63 feet.
Of the 26 driveways, approximately 40% provide shared access between parcels. Table II-5
and Figure II.8 summarize the driveway inventory for the key study area corridor.

Table II-5 – Key Study Area Corridor Driveway Inventory
West Side of US Route 9 East Side of US Route 9 Drwy # Width (feet) Business Served Other Connected Drwys
Drwy # Width (feet) Business Served Other Connected Drwys
1 37 Montcalm Restaurant 5,6 2 49 Mobil Gas 3 5 44 Montcalm Restaurant 1,6 3 45 Mobil Gas 2
6 46 Montcalm Restaurant 1,5 4 51 Lake George Plaza Outlet
Center 7
8 44 Sunoco 9 7 36 Lake George Plaza Outlet
Center 4
9 41 Sunoco 8 11 36 Adirondack Factory
Outlets 13,14,16,18
10 44 French Mountain
Commons 12 13 44 Adirondack Factory
Outlets 11,14,16,18
12 63 Roadway Inn 10 14 54 Olde Post Grill, Days Inn 11,13,16,18
15 32 VACANT BUILDING 17 16 39 Olde Post Grill, Days Inn,
Reebok, Rockport, The
Evergreens 11,13,14,18
Scooters Rentals 15 18 42 Reebok, Rockport, The
Evergreens 11,13,14,16
Scooters Rentals 20 25 Log Jam Outlet Center 23,24,25
21 34 VACANT BUILDING 23 23 Log Jam Outlet Center 20,24,25
22 36 Franks Pasta and Pizza
Restaurant 24 23 Log Jam Outlet Center 20,23,25
26 41 Super Shoes 25 23 Family Footwear,
Dominoes, Casual Male
XL, The Sox Market 20,23,24

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III. Land Use Scenarios
For this study, three future land use/traffic volume scenarios were analyzed for both short-term
and long term projections with the estimated time of completion (ETC) considered the existing
2008 condition. The following scenarios were analyzed:

• A short-term, ETC +5 year condition including growth expected from approved
development projects.
• A long-term, ETC +20 year condition including growth expected from approved
development projects (low-growth).
• A long-term, ETC +20 year condition expanded to include additional potential growth
from development projects in the corridor (high-growth).

Based on coordination with the Town of Queensbury Planning Department, the following
projects under consideration by the Town were included in all three development scenarios:

• Expansion of the Lake George Campground with an additional 46 RV sites.
• Expansion of Aviation Mall to include a movie theater, restaurant, mixed use building,
and a big box retail building.
• Redevelopment of the Monroe Muffler site to a Chili’s restaurant.
• Development of the Warren County Social Services Building on Glen Lake Road.
• Redevelopment of the Mobil Gas station on the corner of US Route 9/NY Route 254 to a
Jolley Store with gas pumps and a convenience store.
• Redevelopment of the Mobil Gas station on US Route 9 north of the I-87 Exit 20 NB
Ramps. (This station was under construction at the time of data collection)

The location and traffic volumes associated with the above projects under consideration by the
Town, are shown on Figure III.1 and Figure III.2, respectively. Since the development of the
future volumes, some of the plans at the noted parcels have been modified. Most of the
changes have reduced the size of the proposed developments which may result in lower trip
generation in the corridor; therefore, the projected volumes would still account for the expected
growth in the corridor. Although the volumes may be a little conservative based on recent site
plan modifications, the variation in traffic is not expected to alter the results of the study and
therefore the volumes were not recalculated.

Additional coordination with the Town of Queensbury was undertaken to identify more long-term
potential future development projects to include in the ETC +20 higher growth scenario. Five
additional sites were identified and are as follows:

• Development of the Schermerhorn parcel with an approximate 80,000 square foot (SF)
office building located south of Gurney Lane.
• Development of the two Warren County parcels currently for sale on US Route 9. Based
on the current zoning, one parcel was assumed to be developed with a 150-room hotel
and the second with 90,000 SF of mixed use with 50% office and 50% general retail.
• Development of the McCormack and Kenny parcels located on the eastern side of US
Route 9 at the northern end of the study corridor. Based on the current zoning, it was
assumed that 43 single family homes and a 150-room hotel could be constructed on the
McCormack and Kenny parcels, respectively.
• Re-development of the Montcalm restaurant property on US Route 9 with 75,000 SF of
general retail.

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The assumed land use and size of the potential future developments are consistent with the
zoning detailed in the recently completed Town Comprehensive Plan. The location and traffic
volumes associated with the future potential growth project sites are shown on Figure III.3 and
Figure III.4, respectively.

In addition to the specific development growth included in the three land development
scenarios, a general background growth rate was included in the development of future
volumes. Based on a review of historical traffic volume data published by the NYSDOT and a
review of other studies conducted in and adjacent to the project corridor, an annual growth rate
of 1% per year was applied to the study area intersection volumes. This general growth rate
accounts for general increases in traffic volumes and resulted in an increase of 1.05 between
2008 and 2013 (ETC +5) volumes and an increase of 1.22 between 2008 and 2028 (ETC +20)
volumes. This general growth rate also accounts for growth in traffic in the corridor as a result
of other development projects outside the immediate study corridor or in other municipalities.
Figures III.5 and III.6 summarize the projected traffic volumes in 2013 and 2028 with the general
background growth rate.

The land development growth scenarios were added to the traffic volumes with the projected
general background growth to develop the future traffic volume conditions assessed in the
study. The future volume conditions are summarized as follows:

• Figure III.7 – 2013 Future Traffic Volumes
• Figure III.8 – 2028 Future Traffic Volumes – Low Growth
• Figure III.9 – 2028 Future Traffic Volumes – High Growth

A review of the volumes indicate that when compared to the 2008 Existing traffic volumes, the
2013 Future traffic volumes show an increase in volumes of approximately 10%. In the 2028
Future traffic volume scenarios, the volumes increase by approximately 27% in the Low Growth
scenario and range from 33% to 48% in the High Growth scenario.

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IV. Improvement Alternatives
Improvement alternatives were identified to address the development pressures that are
anticipated with the three development scenarios listed in Chapter III. The following
development scenarios are discussed in detail in this chapter:

• A 2013 analysis illustrating the short-term impacts at the studied intersections in the
corridor associated with growth from known development projects.
• A 2028 analysis of the key corridor including several design alternative options and low
growth and high growth volume scenarios.
• A 2028 assessment of the southern corridor study area intersections limiting
improvements to the studied intersections.
• A discussion of low cost improvements for the corridor.
• A discussion of the interchange alternatives.

A table is included in Appendix F that summarized all of the alternatives that were considered.
A qualitative rating system was developed to evaluate various aspects of each alternative
including constructability, cost, affect on pedestrians, affect on traffic, and environmental

Short-Term 2013 Level of Service Analysis
A level of service analysis was conducted at all of the study area intersections for the short-term
2013 Future traffic volume condition using the Synchro 6 Software which automates the
procedures contained in the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The relative impact of traffic
growth in the project corridor can be determined by comparing the 2008 Existing operations to
the 2013 Future traffic volume condition. Appendix G contains the detailed HCS LOS reports
for the 2013 Future volume condition. Table IV-1 shows the results of the level of service

The analysis indicates the key study area corridor intersections and unsignalized driveways
currently operating at poor levels of service will continue to degrade as additional traffic is added
to the traffic network. Additional large increases in delay are expected on the US Route 9
southbound approach at the Exit 20 Northbound ramp intersections. Overall the increase in
traffic volumes is expected to continue to impact the flow of traffic through the key corridor and
impact traffic entering and exiting I-87.

The 2013 Future traffic volume condition indicates that the study area intersections located in
the Southern Corridor along US Route 9 will continue to operate adequately with the anticipated
growth in the project area through 2013. The intersection of Gurney Lane with the I-87 Exit 20
southbound ramps will continue to operate with long vehicle delays on the southbound
intersection approach.

The following sections address potential improvements that could be implemented at the study
area intersections that would maintain or improve intersection operations through the 2028
Future traffic volume conditions.

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Table IV-1 – Future 2013 Level of Service (Saturday Peak Hour)
Existing 2008 Future 2013
Route 9/Route 149 S
Driveway EB
Route 149 WB

Route 9 NB

Route 9 SB LTR
TR E (79.0)
E (73.9)
C (36.7)
D (47.1)
B (12.4)
D (49.0)
C (32.0) F (83.3)
F (80.5)
D (35.5)
E (70.8)
B (14.0)
E (59.5)
D (36.6)
Overall D (41.1) D (49.6)
Route 9/French Mountain Commons Drwy/
Adirondack Factory Outlets Drwy TW
French Mountain Drwy EB
Adirondack Factory Drwy WB
Route 9 NB
Route 9 SB LTR
L E (44.2)
F (57.1)
A (9.7)
B (10.3) F (76.1)
F (114.5)
B (10.1)
B (11.1)
Route 9/I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramps S
I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp EB

Route 9 NB

Route 9 SB L
R E (72.2)
D (43.1)
E (63.5)
B (15.6)
F (86.0)
A (0.1) E (76.5)
D (42.9)
E (67.2)
B (18.1)
F (138.0)
A (0.1) Key Corridor Intersections
Overall E (57.0) E (77.7)
I-87 Exit 20 SB Ramp/Gurney Lane TW
Gurney Ln WB
I-87 Exit 20 SB Ramp SB
R A (7.7)
F (*)
B (10.5) A (8.4)
F (*)
B (10.7)
Route 9/Gurney La S
Gurney La EB

Municipal Center Dwy WB

Route 9 NB

Route 9 SB LT
R C (31.0)
C (22.4)
C (21.8)
C (21.6)
B (10.7)
A (5.6)
A (3.0)
A (7.2)
B (11.3)
A (8.4) C (30.2)
C (23.9)
C (23.2)
C (22.9)
B (20.0)
A (7.9)
A (4.0)
B (11.0)
B (19.5)
B (12.2)
Overall B (11.6) B (16.1)
Route 9/Glen Lake Rd/Six Flags Dr S
Six Flags Dr EB

Glen Lake Rd WB

Route 9 NB

Route 9 SB LT
R D (39.2)
C (27.5)
C (25.5)
C (26.5)
A (9.0)
B (17.6)
B (10.2)
B (15.4)
A (0.1) D (39.8)
C (27.3)
C (25.5)
C (26.3)
B (10.9)
C (21.6)
B (12.7)
B (18.3)
A (0.1)
Overall B (19.5) C (21.8)
Route 9/Round Pond Rd TW
Southern Corridor Intersections
Round Pond Rd WB
Route 9 SB LR
L C (21.0)
A (9.2) D (26.9)
A (1.2)
Key: TW, AW, S, R = Two-way stop, All-way stop, Signal, or Roundabout controlled intersection
NB, SB, EB, WB = Northbound, Southbound, Eastbound, Westbound intersection approaches
L, T, R = Left-turn, through, and/or right-turn movements, — = Not applicable
L[T]R = LR represents the existing geometry, LTR represents the future geometry
X (Y.Y) = Level of Service (Average delay in seconds per vehicle)

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Key Study Area Corridor Alternatives
As described previously, the key study area corridor along US Route 9 extends from the NY
Route 149 intersection to the I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp intersection. This area has been identified
as a critical component of the Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan due to current retail and
business demands of existing corridor traffic capacity on US Route 9 and the potential future
growth and/or economic opportunities that could be limited as a result of traffic congestion.
Therefore, a level of service analysis was conducted at each of the key study area corridor
intersections to determine impacts to the transportation network with future growth. The
analysis indicates that all of the studied intersections in the key corridor will require mitigation
once 2028 future conditions are met (both low growth and high growth). Table IV-2 outlines the
future operating conditions and potential mitigation options for each intersection. It is noted that
the intersection improvements can be implemented independent of one another; however,
individual intersection improvements to provide additional capacity is only one step in mitigating
congestion issues along the entire corridor.

In addition to Synchro 6 Software, SIDRA software was used to assess the roundabout
alternatives. Appendix H contains the detailed HCS LOS reports for the 2028 Build condition. A
level of service comparison of the proposed intersection improvements is shown on Table IV-2.

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Table IV-2 – Key Study Area Intersection Level of Service (Saturday Peak Hour)
Low Growth High Growth Intersection
Control Future 2028 Future 2028 w/Imp Future 2028 Future 2028 w/Imp
Route 9/Route 149 S
Driveway EB
Route 149 WB

Route 9 NB

Route 9 SB LTR
TR F (89.1)
F (92.5)
C (33.8)

F (394.4)
B (16.2)
E (79.8)
D (47.8) D (44.9)

D (44.3)
C (32.4)
B (17.7)
D (35.5)

B (10.6)
C (29.8)
B (18.0) F (89.1)
F (104.7)
C (34.0)

F (569.3)
B (16.3)
F (85.6)
D (52.3) D (44.9)

D (47.6)
C (32.4)
B (18.2)
D (40.6)

B (10.7)
C (31.7)
B (19.6)
Overall F (128.2) C (27.4) F (172.2) C (29.6)
Route 9 NB
Route 149 WB
Route 9 SB
Driveway EB LTR

— A (7.7)
B (18.8)
B (12.3)
B (13.1) —

— A (7.7)
C (20.7)
B (13.4)
B (13.8)
Overall — B (12.1) — B (13.0)
Route 9/French Mountain Commons Drwy/
Adirondack Factory Outlets Drwy TW
French Mountain Drwy EB
Adirondack Factory Drwy WB
Route 9 NB
Route 9 SB LTR
L F (479.6)
F (695.3)
B (10.8)
B (13.0) —

— F (*)
F (*)
B (11.2)
B (14.3) —

French Mountain Drwy EB

Adirondack Factory Drwy WB

Route 9 NB

Route 9 SB L
TR S —

— E (68.3)
D (49.3)
F (99.5)
D (49.2)
C (34.3)
D (45.8)
B (17.5)
E (59.0) —

— E (68.3)
D (49.3)
F (99.5)
D (49.2)
E (65.0)
E (58.3)
B (17.5)
E (77.4)
Overall — D (52.1) — E (66.1) Route 9 NB
Adirondack Factory Drwy WB
Route 9 SB
French Mountain Drwy EB LTR

— C (24.3)
D (37.9)
C (28.0)
D (39.3) —

— C (34.5)
D (40.5)
D (39.9)
D (43.6)
Overall — C (27.6) — D (37.6)
Route 9/I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramps S I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp EB

Route 9 NB

Route 9 SB [LL]
R —
F (98.9)
D (42.8)
E (77.3)
C (23.0)

F (230.1)
A (0.1) C (34.5)

B (16.3)
C (25.8)
A (9.8)
C (24.5)

— —
F (166.4)
D (44.8)
F (81.4)
C (27.8)

F (328.7)
A (0.1) D (41.0)

B (19.9)
D (42.0)
B (14.6)
C (33.7)

Overall F (117.7) C (22.0) F (167.1) C (29.7)
Route 9 NB
Back Access Rd WB
Route 9 SB
I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp EB LT[R]
L[T]R R —

— B (17.4)

A (8.2)
C (33.9) —

— B (18.0)

A (9.8)
D (46.8)
Overall — B (17.6) — C (22.1)
Key: TW, AW, S, R = Two-way stop, All-way stop, Signal, or Roundabout controlled intersection
NB, SB, EB, WB = Northbound, Southbound, Eastbound, Westbound intersection approaches
L, T, R = Left-turn, through, and/or right-turn movements, — = Not applicable
L[T]R = LR represents the existing geometry, LTR represents the future geometry
X (Y.Y) = Level of Service (Average delay in seconds per vehicle)
* = Delay exceeds 1,000 seconds

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The following intersection observations are evident from the evaluation:

• US Route 9/NY Route 149
– The level of service analysis indicates that this signalized
intersection will operate at an overall LOS F during the Saturday peak hour with several
movements operating at a LOS F during the 2028 Future traffic volume condition for
both growth scenarios under existing geometric conditions. Two alternative traffic
control improvement options were evaluated at this location.

Signalized Control – The levels of service analysis indicates that this signalized
intersection can be improved if the existing hatched area located opposite the
southbound US Route 9 left-turn lane is restriped to provide an exclusive northbound
left-turn lane and if the westbound NY Route 149 approach is widened to accommodate
two exclusive left-turn lanes with a shared through/right-turn lane. The level of service
analysis indicates that this intersection will operate at an overall LOS C during the 2028
Future traffic volume condition for both growth scenarios with all movements operating at
a LOS D or better with these signalized improvements. It is noted that US Route 9
would have to be widened south of NY Route 149 to accommodate the two left-turn
lanes from NY Route 149. The following pros and cons are associated with this
improvement alternative:


• Increase capacity and improved levels of service.
• Red and green phases of a traffic signal result in vehicle platoon that maintain
gaps in traffic for pedestrians and business driveways along corridor.

• Increase pavement width for pedestrian crossings at signalized intersections.
• Vehicle queues at intersections remain long.
• Property impacts.
• Cost.

Roundabout Control – With the construction of a two lane roundabout at this
intersection, vehicle delays will be substantially reduced. A roundabout designed for
2028 Future traffic volumes for both growth scenarios will require a single lane on the
eastbound retail parking lot driveway approach and two lanes on the remaining
approaches as shown on the following page. The level of service analysis indicates that
this intersection will operate at an overall LOS B with all approaches operating at a LOS
C or better during the 2028 Future traffic volume condition for either growth scenario.
Route 9 southbound at Rt 9/Rt 149 as a
gnalized intersection
Route 149 westbound at Rt 9/Rt 149 as a
gnalized intersection

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The following pros and cons are associated with this improvement alternative:


• Increase capacity and improved levels of service.
• Decreased vehicular queues on the mainline.
• Safety benefits associated with less severe accidents and slower speeds.
• Reductions in speed as vehicles enter the key corridor.
• Staged pedestrian crossings on each intersection approach.

• Fewer gaps in mainline traffic flow at driveways and for pedestrian crossing due
to removal of traffic signal which creates vehicle platooning.
• Property impacts.
• Cost.

Route 9 – NB
Route 9 – SB
Roundabout geometry required at the Rt 9/Rt 149
intersection for the 2028 Future Traffic Volumes
Route 9 southbound at Rt 9/Rt 149 as a
roundabout controlled intersection Route 149 westbound at Rt 9/Rt 149 as a
roundabout controlled intersection

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Creighton Manning Engineering, LLP GMB Engineers and Planners, Inc., P.C.
• US Route 9/French Mountain Commons Driveway/Adirondack Factory Outlets Driveway
The level of service analysis indicates that the eastbound and westbound driveway
approaches to this offset unsignalized intersection will continue to operate poorly during
the 2028 Future traffic volume conditions for either growth scenario. The northbound
and southbound US Route 9 left-turn movements that use the TWLTL will continue to
operate at a LOS B during the Saturday peak hour. Vehicles that exit the driveways at
this intersection and at other driveways located along US Route 9 will continue to rely on
courtesy gaps. Two alternative traffic control improvement options were evaluated at
this location.

Signalized Control – The levels of service analysis indicates that delay on the minor
street approaches to this unsignalized intersection can be improved if they were widened
to accommodate exclusive left-turn lanes and a traffic signal was installed. Constraints
with the existing parking lots and building locations would make it difficult to create three
lane approaches at both driveways. The installation of a traffic signal would also result
in vehicle delays on the northbound and southbound US Route 9 approaches and long
vehicle queues extending into adjacent intersections. The level of service analysis
indicates that this intersection will operate at an overall LOS D/E during the 2028 Future
traffic volume condition for Low Growth and High Growth scenarios with some
movements operating at a LOS E/F after the installation of a traffic signal. The following
pros and cons are associated with this improvement alternative:


• Improved levels of service for the Outlet Driveways.
• Protected pedestrian accommodations would be provided for existing heavy

• Mainline US Route 9 delay will increase.
• Vehicles on US Route 9 will queue through adjacent intersections.
• Design constraints on driveway approaches creating impacts to businesses.
• Overall intersection operation still constrained with improvement.

It is noted that there were over 600 pedestrians observed crossing US Route 9 and the
side streets in and around this intersection during the Saturday peak hour data
collection. Therefore, the pedestrian warrant for the installation of a traffic signal is met
based on the criteria found in the Federal Manual of Traffic Control Devices (FMUTCD).
However, installation of a traffic signal with an exclusive pedestrian phase to
accommodate the heavy flow causes the mainline queues on US Route 9 to extend
through the adjacent intersections at NY Route 149 and the I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp. A
review of the accident history on US Route 9 indicates that there were no pedestrian
accidents reported through the Key Study Area Corridor. A separate traffic signal
located mid-block on US Route 9 to facilitate pedestrian crossings or traffic exiting out of
the outlets would create long vehicular queues along US Route 9 extending back into
the adjacent intersections. It is noted that the pedestrian traffic should continually be
monitored in the key corridor. Some of the improvement options have the potential to
increase traffic flow and vehicle speed in the corridor that may result in more difficult
pedestrian movements.

Roundabout Control – The evaluation also indicates that the construction of single lane
roundabout as shown below will relieve congestion at this intersection. The level of

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Creighton Manning Engineering, LLP GMB Engineers and Planners, Inc., P.C.
service analysis indicates that a single lane roundabout at this intersection will operate at
an overall LOS C/D with all approaches operating at a LOS D or better during the 2028
Future traffic volume condition for the Low and High Growth scenario.

The following pros and cons are associated with this improvement alternative:


• Increase capacity and improved levels of service.
• Decreased vehicular queues on the Outlet Driveways.
• Safety benefits associated with less severe accidents and slower speeds.
• Improved pedestrian accommodations.

• Construction will require right-of-way and impact existing parking lots.
• Cost.

• US Route 9/I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramps
– The level of service analysis indicates that this
intersection will operate at an overall LOS F with several travel movements operating at
a LOS E/F during the 2028 Future traffic volume condition for either growth scenario
under existing geometric conditions. Two alternative traffic control improvement options
were evaluated at this location.

Signalized Control – The levels of service analysis indicates that this signalized
intersection can be improved if the existing southbound right-turn lane is converted to a
shared through/right-turn lane and if the eastbound I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp approach is
widened to accommodate two exclusive left-turn lanes with a separate right-turn lane.
The level of service analysis indicates that this intersection will operate at an overall LOS
C during the 2028 Future traffic volume condition for both growth scenarios with all
Roundabout geometry required at the Rt 9/French Mountain
Commons/Factory Outlets intersection for the 2028 Future
Traffic Volumes

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movements operating at a LOS D or better with these signalized improvements. It is
noted that US Route 9 would have to be widened north of the ramp to accommodate two
exclusive left-turn lanes. The existing right turn lane from the US Route 9/Gurney Lane
intersection located to the south would also have to be extended back to the I-87 Exit 20
NB Ramp intersection to accommodate the two southbound through lanes. The
following pros and cons are associated with this improvement alternative:


• Increase capacity and improved levels of service.
• Maintains gaps in traffic for pedestrians and business driveways along corridor.
• Signalized control allows for the potential to control any back-ups onto I-87 with
signal detection.

• Increase pavement width for pedestrian crossings at signalized intersections.
• Vehicle queues at intersections remain long.
• Cost.

Signalized geometry required at the Rt 9/I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp and Rt 9/Gurney Lane intersections
for the 2028 Future Traffic Volumes
See Inset 1
See Inset 2Inset 1
Inset 2

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Roundabout Control – The analysis indicates that a two-lane roundabout would be required to
accommodate future traffic volumes at this intersection. The geometry required at this
intersection is shown below and indicates slightly different geometry on the eastbound ramp
approach for the two growth scenarios. Future traffic volumes for both growth scenarios will
require two through lanes with a shared left-turn lane on the northbound US Route 9 approach.
It is noted that the two northbound through lanes should merge back into one lane before
entering the key study area corridor. The southbound US Route 9 approach will require two
through lanes with a shared right-turn lane. The two southbound through lanes should be
extended to the Gurney Lane intersection located to the south to create smooth flow of traffic
between these two closely spaced intersections. The level of service analysis indicates that this
intersection will operate at an overall LOS B with all approaches operating at a LOS B or better
in the Low Growth scenario and a LOS C with all approaches operating at a LOS D or better in
the High Growth scenario.

The following pros and cons are associated with this improvement alternative:


• Increase capacity and improved levels of service.
• Decreased vehicular queues on the mainline.
• Safety benefits associated with less severe accidents and slower speeds.
• Reductions in speed as vehicles enter the key corridor.

• Fewer gaps in mainline traffic flow at driveways and for pedestrian crossing.
• Unable to control back-ups onto I-87 without signal detection.
• Cost.

Roundabout geometry required at the Rt
9/I-87 Exit 20 intersection for the 2028
Future Traffic Volumes
–Low Growth
Roundabout geometry required at the Rt
9/I-87 Exit 20 intersection for the 2028
Future Traffic Volumes
– High Growth

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In addition to the specific intersection improvement alternatives, three corridor wide
improvement alternatives were evaluated. These alternatives are summarized below and
include a median alternative, a back access alternative, and an access management alternative.

1. US Route 9 Median Alternative
The US Route 9 Median Alternative includes the installation of a raised median along the entire
US Route 9 corridor from NY Route 149 to the I-87 Exit 20 NB ramp. The median would restrict
all left-turn movements in and out of the driveways located on US Route 9. This alternative
requires that roundabout control be provided at the NY Route 149 and I-87 Exit 20 NB ramp
intersections so that traffic can utilize the roundabouts to make U-turns at the end of the
corridor. In addition, the option includes a single lane roundabout at the US Route 9/French
Mountain Commons Driveway/ Adirondack Factory Outlets Driveway located at the midway
point of the corridor. The midway roundabout will improve the driveway access at two of the
larger outlet centers and will provide another point for vehicles to make U-turns. If the center
median is not included in the alternative, all vehicles in the corridor will utilize the NY Route 149
or Exit 20 NB ramp intersections for turning movements. This concept is shown on Figure IV.1.

The pros and cons associated with this alternative are similar to what is listed for the
roundabout alternatives for the individual intersections. Additional pros and cons include the


• Center median provides a protected refuge for pedestrians.
• Reduction in left-turn conflicts with driveway restrictions.

• Change in access patterns to businesses along the corridor.

Route 9 northbound with a concrete median Route 9 northbound with a concrete median

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The accident history indicated that approximately 30% of the accidents were related to turning
vehicles. The access management recommended with this alternative will reduce the vehicle
conflicts from turning vehicles and has the potential to reduce accidents in the corridor. Overall,
this alternative provides the most affective means of access management by providing
consistent left-turn limitations to the driveways along the corridor. Since a center turn lane
currently exists through the key corridor, widening would not be required to construct a center
raised median. Providing additional internal connections between parcels will further reduce the
flow of traffic of US Route 9 in the corridor and further enhance the access management already
provided with this alternative.

2. Back Access Alternative
The Back Access Alternative assumes that a public road will be constructed on the east side of
US Route 9 that connects from the I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp intersection and runs parallel to US
Route 9. In order to meet the FHWA break in access criteria at the I-87 northbound ramp
intersection, the back access connection would need to provide connectivity and therefore
would need to provide a connection either to NY Route 149 or to US Route 9 as shown on
Figure IV.2. In addition to connectivity through the corridor, the back access alternative will
provide secondary access to the backside of the existing outlet buildings.

The construction of the back access road would reduce the traffic through the Key Study Area
Corridor resulting from the diversion of vehicles. It was assumed that patrons accessing shops
on both the east and west side of US Route 9 will take advantage of the back access. It is
noted that the back access would be considered the primary access to the development of the
McCormack and Kenny properties included in the High Growth scenario. A back access
connection to NY Route 149 will result in the highest diversion of traffic through the US Route 9
key corridor. The revised 2028 Future traffic volumes for the Low and High Growth scenarios at
the three key affected intersections with a connection to NY Route 149 is shown below.

2028 Future Traffic Volumes–
Low Growth/Back Access
2028 Future Traffic Volumes–
High Growth/Back Access

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Creighton Manning Engineering, LLP GMB Engineers and Planners, Inc., P.C.
A level of service analysis was conducted for the Back Access Alternative at the Key Study Area
intersections on US Route 9 with a connection to NY Route 149. The alternative assumes
unsignalized traffic control at the French Mountain Commons Driveway/Adirondack Factory
Outlet Driveway intersection, roundabout control at the NY Route 149 intersection, and
assumes that a fourth leg will be added to the proposed roundabout at the I-87 Exit 20 NB
Ramp intersection. Appendix H contains the detailed HCS LOS reports for the 2028 Build
condition. The level of service analysis for the Back Access Alternative is shown on Table IV-3.

Table IV-3 – Back Access Alternative Level of Service (Saturday Peak Hour)
Future 2028 w/Imp Intersection
Control Low Growth High Growth
Route 9/Route 149 R Route 9 NB
Route 149 WB
Route 9 SB
Driveway EB LTR
LTR A (7.6)
B (15.5)
A (9.5)
B (11.2) A (7.6)
B (16.5)
A (9.5)
B (11.7)
Overall B (10.2) B (10.5)
Route 9/French Mountain Commons Drwy/
Adirondack Factory Outlets Drwy TW
French Mountain Drwy EB
Adirondack Factory Drwy WB
Route 9 NB
Route 9 SB LTR
L F (62.4)
D (33.7)
A (9.9)
B (10.5) F (71.9)
E (36.8)
B (10.1)
B (10.6)
Route 9/I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramps R Route 9 NB
Back Access WB
Route 9 SB
I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp EB LTR
LTR B (16.5)
C (25.7)
B (11.5)
C (30.8) B (16.9)
D (42.5)
B (15.9)
D (45.3)
Overall B (19.0) C (26.1)
Key: TW, AW, S, R = Two-way stop, All-way stop, Signal, or Roundabout controlled intersection
NB, SB, EB, WB = Northbound, Southbound, Eastbound, Westbound intersection approaches
L, T, R = Left-turn, through, and/or right-turn movements, — = Not applicable
L[T]R = LR represents the existing geometry, LTR represents the future geometry
X (Y.Y) = Level of Service (Average delay in seconds per vehicle)
* = Delay exceeds 1,000 seconds
NA = Not Applicable

The following observations are evident from the Back Access Alternative evaluation:

• US Route 9/NY Route 149
– The level of service analysis indicates that this intersection
will operate at an overall LOS B during 2028 Future traffic conditions for the Low and
High Growth scenarios with all approaches operating at a LOS B or better. It is
recommended that the proposed roundabout be constructed similarly to the option
detailed earlier in this section.

• US Route 9/French Mountain Commons Driveway/Adirondack Factory Outlets Driveway

The level of service summary indicates that delay on the minor street approaches will
improve due to the construction of a back access road from the I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp
intersection and diversion of traffic from the US Route 9 corridor. However, the
eastbound and westbound driveway approaches will continue to operate with poor levels
of service during the 2028 Future traffic volume conditions for both growth scenarios as
uncontrolled accesses.

• US Route 9/I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramps
– The level of service analysis indicates that this
intersection will operate at an overall LOS B/C during 2028 Future traffic conditions for
the Low and High Growth scenarios with all approaches operating at a LOS D or better.

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It is recommended that the proposed roundabout be constructed similarly to the option
detailed earlier in this section with the addition of a single lane on the westbound back
access road approach as shown below.

Back Access Rd – WB
I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp – EB

Back Access Road – WB
I-87 Exit 20 NB Ramp – EB

The pros and cons associated with the study area intersection improvements are similar to the
discussions above. Additional pros and cons associated with the alternative include the


• Reduction in traffic on US Route 9 with diversions.
• Increased capacity and improved operation at commercial driveways on US Route 9.
• Reduced flow of traffic on driveways with back access driveways.
• Better utilization of existing available parking lots at outlets.

• Design constraints associated with back access connector including offsets to the
Warren County Correctional Facility and offsets to the adjacent residential
• Improvements will be required to back of businesses.
• Potential environmental impacts, i.e., wetlands.
• FHWA break in access approval process.
• Potential property and ROW impacts.
• Potential impacts to the trail bridge with NY Route 149 connection.

As noted, a mid-block connection to US Route 9 from the back access is another option to this
alternative. This connection would not divert as much traffic off of US Route 9, however, would
still provide benefits to the corridor. It is also noted that the back access alternative allows for
the opportunity for changes to the vision of the US Route 9 corridor by allowing for access if
parking for the commercial developments in the corridor were shifted to the back of the buildings
2028 Future Traffic Volumes–
Low Growth/Back Access
2028 Future Traffic Volumes –
High Growth/Back Access

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and the building frontages were shifted closer to US Route 9. This type of corridor has been
implemented in Manchester, Vermont.

3. Access Management Alternative
The access management alternative will utilize key access management techniques to improve
the flow of traffic in the key corridor; including, elimination of driveways, consolidation of
driveways, providing consistent driveway cross-sections, and improving cross-connectivity
between parcels. A conceptual access management plan outlining potential modifications in the
corridor is provided on Figure IV-3. Access management provides an important means of
maintaining mobility by systematically controlling the location, spacing, design and operation of
driveways and street connections in a corridor. Access management balances mobility and
access in order to maximize the value of a land parcel while ensuring efficient traffic flow. Well
coordinated access management can reduce crash potential, preserve roadway capacity and
decrease congestion.

In addition to access management reducing vehicular conflict it also reduces conflicts with
pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The access management alternative would include the
implementation of improvements to the US Route 9 intersections with NY Route 149 and the
Exit 20 NB Ramps. Since implementation of access management in the corridor will not change
the traffic volumes in the corridor, the intersection analysis will be consistent with the analysis
presented earlier in this chapter. The intersection improvements could include the
implementation of either the roundabout or signalized improvements.

Regarding access management, it is noted that the current Town of Queensbury Codes include
guidelines on Access Management as included in Chapter 179, Article 19 of the Town of
Queensbury Code Book. A copy of Article 19 is included in Appendix I. These current
standards provide specifics on the layout, location, and design of driveways as well as the
number of driveways and spacing. These standards should be used during the implementation
of the access management alternative and in the future as growth continues in the corridor.
These guidelines should be strictly adhered to by the Town in the approval and development of
new sites and redevelopment sites in the project corridor. It is further recommended that the
Town of Queensbury adopt A/GFTC’s Access Management Study as an additional support
mechanism for the implementation of access management principles through the corridor.
Adhering to standards for consolidation of driveways or limiting the number of curb cuts will
result in a better defined access plan for the corridor as changes are made to individual parcels
beyond the implementation of the proposed alternative plan. In addition, a sample access
management checklist is included in Appendix I which could be used by the Town as an
additional reminder during the site plan review process. A table listing types of Access
Management Tools with typical advantages and disadvantages is also included in Appendix I.
Lastly, an article entitled Safe Access is Good for Business, published by the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), is provided in Appendix I. This article provides good information for the
Town to use and could be used as a tool to further educate the public.

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A challenge in the implementation of this alternative is to improve the existing conditions that do
not adhere to current access management principles. Focus in the key corridor should include
reducing the number of curb cuts, providing consistency in the driveway designs, and
enhancement of cross-connections. This plan aims to provide more consistent curb cut widths
which currently range between 23 and 63 feet and provide additional vehicular and pedestrian
cross-connections. The following implementation guidelines are presented to assist in the
success of this alternative.

Step 1 – Review the alternative concept and the current access management codes and
standards in place for the Town. This would include review of the codes contained in
Article 19 and the Town Comprehensive Plan. Adopting A/GFTC’s Access Management
Study should also be considered at this step in the process.

Step 2 – Hold Workshops with the Stakeholders to identify problem areas and present
ideas for solutions. In a process where the Stakeholders are not looking for changes to
their parcels, education and “buy in” is a critical step in the process especially for the
implementation of changes within the private property limits. Education could include
providing stakeholders with documentation on access management success stories
such as information contained in FHWA’s article entitled Safe Access is Good for

Step 3 – Form committees which include Agency representation (NYSDOT and the
Town) as well as stakeholders. During this step in the process details on the vision in
the corridor need to be identified. The development of this vision should include a rating
system on the positive and negative impacts that can be used in development of the final
plan for the corridor.

Step 4 – Summarize Step 3 into a detailed plan. Part of this step includes focusing on
the need for regulations and/or approvals in order to construct the improvements. This
step also includes definition of responsibility and the financial implications of the plan.

Southern Corridor Study Area Intersection Improvements
The southern corridor study area along US Route 9 extends from the Gurney Lane intersection
to the Round Pond Road intersection and includes the I-87 Exit 20 SB Ramp/Gurney Lane
intersection. The analysis and evolution of future traffic conditions at these intersections are not
impacted by the improvement alternatives discussed above for the key study area corridor. A
level of service analysis was conducted in the southern corridor to identify specific intersection
improvements necessary based on the increase in volumes expected with the growth in the Low
Growth and High Growth scenarios. Appendix H contains the detailed HCS LOS reports for the
2028 Build condition. Table IV-4 summarizes the level of service analysis.

The following observations are evident from the Southern Corridor evaluation:

• Gurney Lane/I-87 Exit 20 Southbound Ramps
– The level of service analysis indicates
that the southbound left-turn movement at this unsignalized intersection will operate at
an overall LOS F during the 2028 Future traffic volume condition for both growth
scenarios under existing geometric conditions. Three alternative traffic control
improvement options were evaluated at this location.

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All-Way Stop Control – The level of service analysis indicates that for the 2028 Future
traffic volume conditions, the eastbound Gurney Lane approach will operate at a LOS
E/F during the Low and High Growth scenarios while the westbound Gurney Lane
approach will operate at a LOS F during both growth scenarios. This alternative
intersection control will not provide adequate traffic operations at this intersection for
either future growth scenario.

Signalized Control – The level of service analysis indicates that this intersection will
operate adequately during the Future 2028 Low Growth traffic volume scenario if an
actuated traffic signal is installed and if the westbound Gurney Lane approach is
widened to provide a separate left-turn lane. However, it is noted that the existing bridge
structure over I-87 is not wide enough to accommodate an additional lane and would
need to be replaced to provide the recommended exclusive left-turn lane. If this traffic
control alternative is progressed, it is also recommended that actual separate left and
right turn lanes be constructed on the southbound I-87 Exit 20 SB Off Ramp so that
drivers do not utilize the existing shoulder as a travel lane. The level of service analysis
indicates that this intersection would operate at an overall LOS C with all movements
operating at a LOS D or better with this improvement.

The analysis indicates that this intersection will operate at adequate levels of service
during the Future 2028 High Growth traffic volume scenario if, in addition to the
improvements required for the low-growth scenario, left-turn movements westbound are
also allowed as a shared movement on the through lane. It is noted that the I-87 Exit 20
SB On Ramp would need to be widened to accommodate two left-turn movements from
the westbound approach. The level of service analysis indicates that this intersection
will operate at an overall LOS D with all movements operating at a LOS D or better with
these signalized improvements.

Signalized Right-In/Right-Out Control – The evaluation also indicates that this
intersection could be modified to provide only right-turn movements exiting the I-87 Exit
20 SB Off-Ramp and only right-turn movements entering the I-87 Exit 20 On-Ramp.
This intersection control would necessitate the construction of a roundabout at the
Gurney Lane/West Mountain Road intersection located approximately 450-feet to the
west so that drivers could use the roundabout to make u-turns and access US Route 9
or the SB On-Ramp. The level of service analysis indicates that this intersection will
operate at an overall LOS A/B during the 2028 Future traffic volume conditions for the
Low and High Growth scenarios. A separate eastbound right-turn lane should be
constructed on Gurney Lane to provide adequate capacity at the intersection.

A third alternative for this intersection includes reconstruction of the interchange. This
alternative is discussed in more detail later in this chapter.

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Table IV-4 – South Corridor Level of Service (Saturday Peak Hour)
Low Growth High Growth
Control Build 2028 Build 2028 w/Imp Build 2028 Build 2028 w/Imp
I-87/Exit 20 SB Ramp/Gurney Lane TW Gurney Ln WB
I-87 Exit 20 SB Ramp SB L
R A (10.0)
F (*)
B (11.4) —

— C (17.0)
F (*)
B (12.9) —

Gurney Ln EB
Gurney Ln WB
I-87 Exit 20 SB Ramp SB
R AW —

— E (36.5)
F (266.2)
C (24.6)
B (11.8) —

— F (117.7)
F (486.6)
D (33.2)
B (12.3)
Overall — F (138.6) — F (272.9) Gurney Ln EB
Gurney Ln WB

I-87 Exit 20 SB Ramp SB
R S —

— C (27.6)
C (27.0)
A (4.7)

D (37.2)
C (22.3) —

— D (54.1)
D (49.5)

D (53.0)
D (50.2)
C (27.2)
Overall — C (24.7) — D (49.8) Gurney Ln EB

Gurney Ln WB
I-87 Exit 20 SB Ramp SB T
R S —

— A (02)
A (1.0)
B (16.1)
C (21.0) —

— A (0.1)
A (0.8)
C (29.1)
C (31.9)
Overall — A (8.6) — B (15.6)
Route 9/Gurney La (Route 149) S Gurney La EB

Municipal Center Dwy WB

Route 9 NB

Route 9 SB LT
[TTR] D (41.7)
C (30.0)
C (29.1)
C (28.7)
C (31.8)
B (10.2)
A (4.4)
B (14.2)
C (28.3)
B (15.4)
— —

— D (54.9)
C (29.9)
C (28.5)
C (28.1)
F (127.3)
B (16.6)
A (6.8)
B (19.7)
D (42.8)
C (20.2)
— D (53.9)
C (29.3)
C (27.9)
C (27.5)
D (54.8)
B (16.6)
A (6.8)
C (23.4)

D (53.6)
Overall C (22.3) — D (40.6) D (41.1)
Route 9/Glen Lake Rd/Six Flags Dr S Six Flags Dr EB

Glen Lake Rd WB

Route 9 NB

Route 9 SB LT
R D (42.0)
C (26.9)
C (25.0)
C (25.9)
B (16.3)
D (40.4)
B (20.0)
C (27.6)
A (0.1) D (50.7)
C (31.5)
C (29.5)
C (30.3)
B (16.1)
C (32.2)
C (20.9)
C (24.8)
A (0.1) D (43.8)
C (24.9)
C (23.2)
C (23.9)
C (21.7)
E (71.5)
C (24.2)
D (41.4)
A (0.2) D (54.6)
C (29.0)
C (27.3)
C (27.8)
C (21.5)
D (51.7)
C (26.3)
C (33.8)
A (0.2)
Overall C (31.3) C (29.6) D (44.7) D (38.5)
Route 9/Round Pond Rd TW Round Pond Rd WB

Route 9 SB LR
L E (45.3)

B (10.2) —
D (33.9)
C (20.7)
B (10.2) E (47.9)

B (10.3) —
D (34.6)
C (21.3)
B (10.3)
Round Pond Rd WB
Route 9 NB
Route 9 SB LR
T S —

— B (19.0)
A (6.0)
A (4.5)
A (6.9) —

— B (19.2)
A (6.2)
A (4.6)
A (7.0)
Overall — A (7.8) — A (7.9) Key: TW, AW, S, R = Two-way stop, All-way stop, Signal, or Roundabout controlled intersection
NB, SB, EB, WB = Northbound, Southbound, Eastbound, Westbound intersection approaches
L, T, R = Left-turn, through, and/or right-turn movements
L[T]R = LR represents the existing geometry, LTR represents the future geometry
X (Y.Y) = Level of Service (Average delay in seconds per vehicle)
* = Delay exceeds 1,000 seconds
— = Not Applicable

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• US Route 9/Gurney Lane
– The level of service analysis indicates that this intersection
will operate adequately during the 2028 Future traffic volume low growth scenario.
However, the northbound US Route 9 left-turn movement will operate poorly during the
2028 future traffic volume high growth scenario. In order to improve the operating
conditions, the southbound US Route 9 separate right-turn lane should be converted into
a shared through/right-turn lane to provide two southbound through lanes at this
intersection. To provide consistency, the two southbound lanes should be extended to
the intersection of Glen Lake Road with the westerly lane becoming the free-flow right
turn lane at Six Flags Drive. The level of service analysis indicates that this intersection
will operate adequately for this condition with this improvement.

• US Route 9/Glen Lake Road/Six Flags Drive
– The level of service analysis indicates
that this intersection will operate adequate during the 2028 Future volume condition for
either growth scenario with minor signal timing adjustments. As noted previously in this
study, based on comments made at the first public workshop, NYSDOT is currently
reviewing the signal phasing and timings at this intersection. It is also noted that if the
Great Escape provides a southern access to their parking lots at the US Route 9/Round
Pond Road, traffic entering the Great Escape from the south will shift from this
intersection to the Round Pond Road intersection creating additional future capacity a
this intersection.

• US Route 9/Round Pond Road
– The level of service analysis indicates that the
westbound Round Pond Road approach will operate at a LOS E during the 2028 Future
volume condition for either growth scenario. The analysis also indicates that this
unsignalized intersection will operate adequately if separate left and right turn lanes are
provided on the westbound approach which was recommended during the public
meetings. In addition, this intersection will meet peak hour signal warrant criteria during
2028 Future traffic conditions for either growth scenario and that the intersection would
operate at very good levels of service after installation of a traffic signal. It is noted that
The Great Escape is responsible for the installation of a traffic signal at this intersection
based on a traffic evaluation and volume threshold analysis for expansion of the
amusement park site. In the event that Great Escape installs a traffic signal, this
intersection would become a 4-way intersection with a west leg providing access to the
Great Escape Parking lot from the south.

Low Cost Improvement Options
Numerous feasible lower cost improvements should be considered in the study corridor to meet
the goals of the project. These proposed improvements could be considered individually or in
combination with each other. It is noted that while these lower cost improvement options may
not necessarily result in a noticeable reduction in the congestion during peak traffic conditions
throughout the corridor, they will meet other project goals and help improve access during off-
peak traffic conditions. It is however noted that the combination of several lower cost
improvements could result in a large benefit to the study corridor.

1. Transit
In the short-term, it is recommended that visible trolley stops for the seasonal trolleys be
established in the key corridor. Currently, the trolleys stop at random locations within the key
corridor based on the demand and patron needs. This pattern can result in additional trolley

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stops and delays to motorists that could be avoided by consolidating the majority of the stops.
The trolley stops should be accommodated with benches and lighting that fit the character of the
area with designated “trolley stop” signing. The purpose of these stops is not to eliminate the
flexibility of the trolley stopping at specific locations, but to consolidate a percentage of the stops
to result in more efficient runs while visibly enhancing the pedestrian/transit friendliness of the
corridor. This option is an enhancement to the existing trolley system currently operated by the
Greater Glens Falls Transit.

An additional improvement option for transit in the corridor is to provide park-and-ride lots to the
north and south of the key corridor to capture passenger vehicles onto the transit system before
traveling into the key corridor. For this system to be most effective, parking lots on the north
and south ends of the corridor should be provided to capture vehicles traveling in both directions
along US Route 9. This option would require lot agreements to be undertaken with individual
property owners to provide the parking lots. It would be beneficial to use existing parking lots to
avoid the creation of additional parking areas. Potential options would be the Municipal Center
to the south and the Magic Forest to the north. This option could be implemented by numerous
different means; including the Greater Glens Falls Transit, Town of Queensbury, business
owners, or by a separate private party.

2. Signing Improvements
The use of additional signing in the corridor to provide clearer directions for vehicles accessing
areas/sites outside of the project corridor is a potential low cost alternative to assist in reducing
congestion in the corridor. Potential areas of signing include:

• Variable message boards for use during times of excessive congestion leading vehicles
destined to locations north of the site to use Exit 21.
• Permanent signs more clearly indicating to people not familiar to the area, that they do
not have to use Exit 20 to get to Lake George. It is believed that people tend to use the
first exit they see when unfamiliar with the area.
• Signing on NY Route 149 westbound encouraging people heading north to travel north
on US Route 9 to access I-87 at Exit 21.

A conceptual signing improvement plan is shown on Figure IV-4.

At the first public meeting, several area residents pointed out that additional way-finding signs
for the Great Escape would help direct vehicles onto Six Flags Drive. It was noted that some
patrons coming from the north on US Route 9 travel past Six Flags Drive and are forced to turn
around to properly access the parking lot.

3. Other Considerations
Numerous other improvement alternatives were considered as part of this study. During the first
public workshop, a suggestion was made to use police to control the signalized intersections of
US Route 9 with Gurney Lane and NY Route 149 during busy times. Although this low cost
alternative could improve flow through the intersections, it would be difficult to implement and
schedule to create a consistent condition and there are numerous safety concerns with this
improvement alternative; therefore, it was not considered further as part of this study.

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Concerns were also raised by the public regarding existing commercial parking lots that have
converted to “pay” parking lots for Great Escape patrons. These off-site parking lots create
additional conflicts on US Route 9 with a larger number of vehicles entering and exiting these
establishments than normal and also result in pedestrian traffic along US Route 9 that cross at-
grade instead of utilizing the pedestrian walkway. It is recommended that the Town reconsider
giving approvals to local commercial facilities along US Route 9 to utilize their parking lots in
such a manor. Elimination of the off-site parking lots will create better movement of traffic along
US Route 9 in the area surrounding the Great Escape. It is also noted that the Town consider
addressing the existing “VIP” parking lot located on the east side of US Route 9 creating
conflicting traffic movements along US Route 9. It may be beneficial to the corridor to limit this
parking to handicapped to reduce the volume and conflicting movements in the corridor.

Interchange Options
The evaluation of three interchange alternatives was included in this study. The interchange
options included a direct access into the Great Escape, an interchange at NY Route 149, and
reconstruction of the existing Exit 20 interchange as a Single Point Interchange (SPI). Below
are the findings of the evaluations.

1. Great Escape Interchange
Providing an interchange at the Great Escape is difficult since both the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) and the NYSDOT have policies that require interchanges to connect to
public roadways. Providing a direct access from I-87 into the Great Escape would violate this
policy and therefore would be very difficult to accomplish.

In general, the approval of an access modification to I-87 would require that the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process be followed. A full Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS) would be required which would take a minimum of four years to complete. A cursory
review of the area indicated several environmental design constraints exist in the area including
Rush Pond and other wetland and streams. The connection from I-87 northbound to the Great
Escape would have minimal impacts; however, the remaining ramp connections would have
environmental impacts as well as impacts to commercial businesses and potential impacts to
school district property. The interchange at Great Escape would be located approximately 1
mile from the existing Exit 19 and less than one mile from the existing Exit 20 at Gurney Lane
and would not meet the Federal and State requirement for interchange spacing. Therefore, this
interchange would likely require changes to these existing access ramps.

A single off-ramp connection to the Great Escape would cost approximately 1 million dollars.
Providing other connections would increase the cost up to 10 to 15 million dollars. Based on the
premise for the ramp to provide access into a private property which would be difficult to obtain,
the seasonal nature of the Great Escape operations, the impact to other existing interchanges,
potential environmental impacts, and cost, this interchange was not considered a feasible
alternative for the corridor.

2. NY Route 149 Interchange
The most critical design consideration for this alternative is topography. I-87 in this area is
located along the side of a hill which rises approximately 50 feet from US Route 9 to the
northbound lanes and another 25 feet to the southbound lanes. West of I-87 the topography
continues to rise. An interchange at this location would require the southbound off/on ramps to
be constructed in deep cuts and would tie into the NY Route 149 at a non-standard 12% grade.
It is anticipated that substantial rock will be encountered that would require blasting creating

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additional design challenges and additional construction costs. Further, the interchange would
impact numerous businesses along US Route 9 adjacent to NY Route 149.

Providing a new interchange at NY Route 149 would violate the Federal and State interchange
spacing requirements with the existing Exit 20 Northbound ramps. Relocation of the
interchange to NY Route 149 would result in I-87 northbound traffic heading south (i.e., Great
Escape, Municipal Center) to travel south on US Route 9 through the key corridor. The National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process would need to be followed which would require a full
EIS and would take a minimum of 4 years to complete.

The extensive construction resulting from the topographical design constraints requiring
extensive cutting and the construction of structures for the ramp connections would result in a
cost greater than 25 million dollars. Due to the major topographical constraints for this design
alternative including the potential need to close the existing Exit 20 northbound ramp
interchange and excessive costs; this interchange alternative was not considered a feasible
alternative for the corridor.

3. Reconstruction of Exit 20 as a Single Point Interchange (SPI)
Reconstruction of the existing I-87 Exit 20 interchange as a SPI would require the removal of
the current Northbound and Southbound Ramp intersections located on US Route 9 and
Gurney Lane, respectively. A SPI interchange located on Gurney Lane would be beneficial to
users as it would bring all travel movements together at one location and eliminate the split
interchange currently provided at Exit 20. However, the proximity of the ramps to US Route 9
may be too close for the required weaving movements. In addition, the large ramp approaches
will significantly impact adjacent properties and will require right-of-way takings. It is also
anticipated that the new bridge structure on Gurney lane over I-87 would be extremely large to
accommodate traffic demand. The NEPA process would need to be followed which would
require a full EIS and would take a minimum of 4 years to complete.

The extensive right-of-way impacts necessary to develop the long ramps and the construction of
a new bridge structure over I-87 would result in a cost greater than 18 million dollars. However,
this interchange alternative may be considered a feasible alternative for the corridor in the future
as conditions deteriorate (20 years plus). A conceptual layout of this interchange alternative is
illustrated on Figure IV-5.

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V. Implementation
This planning study identified a number of short and long-term capacity and safety alternatives
for the 2-mile segment of US Route 9 in Warren County that extends from the intersection of NY
Route 149 to Round Pond Road.

Table V.1 summarizes the projects and recommendations described in Chapter IV of this report.
These recommendations were developed to preserve and improve the safety and capacity of
area roadways, through arterial management and context sensitive improvements. Final
improvements should be multi-modal and also support pedestrians, bicyclists and transit. The
table is intended to serve as a guide for potential future improvement projects in the corridor.

The implementation of the recommendations outlined in the study can occur in different stages
and will take commitment and the coordinated effort on the part of the various agencies and
land owners in the study area as outlined in Table V.1. The implementation of the larger scale
long term improvements will require solicitation for funding. There may be the potential for
NYSDOT to work with the Town and private land owners to identify funding sources for the
capacity improvements at the study area intersections through the corridor. Implementation in
this way would likely result from the advocacy of the Town or private land owners reaching out
to NYSDOT for assistance and guidance. The funding could be obtained through means such
as a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) or a grant. This process will require
applications to be submitted by either the Town or A/GFTC. Funding through public/private
partnerships is also an option that could be pursued.

Other shorter-term recommendations could be implemented with a less defined process. For
example, capacity improvements recommended at the US Route 9/Round Pond Road
intersection may be the responsibility of the Great Escape as described in their EIS. The Great
Escape monitors the traffic conditions in the corridor annually to determine the need for this
improvement based on their site generated traffic. However, if volumes in the project corridor
increase due to other factors, this improvement may be initiated separately by the Town or
NYSDOT. Improvements to accommodate increased transit ridership on the trolleys should be
advanced directly by the Town of Queensbury in association with the Greater Glens Falls

Table V.1- Summary of Intersection Related Improvements
Intersection/ Corridor
Summary of
Description of

Advocacy Responsibility

Timing/ Priority

Key Study Area Improvement Alternatives US Route 9 Median
Alternative Conflicts from
numerous driveways
along Route 9 impact
traffic flow through
the corridor. Install a raised median along the entire
Route 9 corridor from Route 149 to the I-87
Exit 20 NB Ramp. This improvement would
require that the roundabout option be
pursued for each of the Key Study Corridor
intersections. $5-6 Million State/Fed, Town,
Property Owners Long-term Back Access Alternative Congestion on Route
9 will increase during
peak conditions in the
Key Study Area
corridor due to
approved and
developments. Construct a public road on the east side of
Route 9 that connects Route 149 to I-87 Exit
20 NB Ramp. This corridor alternative
assumes roundabout control at the two
signalized intersections and unsignalized
control at the Route 9/French Mountain
Commons Drwy/Adirondack Factory Outlets
Drwy intersection. $3.5-4 Million Town, Property
State/Fed Long-term Access Management

Conflicts from
numerous driveways,
lack of connectivity
between parcels Apply access management techniques in
key corridor to include closure of driveways,
consistent driveway layouts, cross-
connections for vehicles and pedestrians $1.5 – 2
Million Property Owners,
Town, State/Fed Short-term Individual Intersection Improvement Alternatives
Signalized Option – Construct additional WB
left-turn lane, widen SB Route 9 departure
to accommodate two left-turn movements,
and re-stripe Route 9 for a NB left-turn lane. $1.5-2
Million State/Federal,
Town Short-term
US Route 9/NY Route
149 Intersection has
existing capacity
concerns. Capacity
concerns continue
through the 20 year
condition. Roundabout Option – Construct a two lane
roundabout. $2-2.5
Million State/Federal,
Town Short-term
Unsignalized Option – Do not change
current intersection control and accept poor
levels of service on the minor street
approaches. $0 Property Owners,
State/Fed Short-term
US Route 9/French
Mountain Commons
Factory Outlets
Minor street approaches have short-term (2008) and long-term capacity concerns (2028). Heavy pedestrian crossing. Roundabout Option – Construct a single
lane roundabout. $1-1.5
Million Property Owners,
State/Fed Long-term
Signalized Option – Construct additional EB
left-turn lane, widen NB Route 9 departure
to accommodate two left-turn movements,
and convert the SB Route 9 right-turn lane
into a shared through/right-turn lane. $1.5-2
Million State/Federal,
Town Short-term
US Route 9/I-87 Exit 20
NB Ramp
Intersection has existing capacity concerns. Capacity concerns continue through the 20 year condition.
Roundabout Option – Construct a two lane
roundabout $2-2.5
Million State/Federal,
Town Short-term

Intersection/ Corridor
Summary of
Description of

Advocacy Responsibility

Timing/ Priority

Southern Study Area Improvement Alternatives
Signalized Option – (Low Growth) Provide
separate SB left and right turn lanes and
construct an exclusive WB left-turn lane on
Gurney Lane by widening the bridge
structure over I-87. (High Growth) Widen
the I-87 On Ramp to accommodate two left-
turn movements. $3.5-4 Million Town
State/Fed Long-term Signalized Right-In/Right-Out Option –
Modify intersection to provide only right-
turns exiting the I-87 Exit 20 SB Off-Ramp
and only right-turns movements onto the I-
87 Exit 20 SB On-Ramp. This would require
the construction of a roundabout at the
Gurney Lane/West Mountain Road
intersection. $2-2.5 Million Town
State/Fed Long-term All-Way Stop Option – Install stop signs on
all approaches. This intersection will
continue to fail. $7,500 State/Federal,
Town Short-term
Gurney Lane/I-87 Exit
20 SB Ramp Intersection has
existing capacity
concerns. Capacity
concerns continue
through the 20 year
Reconfigure SB Ramps with new SPUI
$40-50 Million State/Fed Long-term US Route 9/Gurney
Lane Intersection has long-
term capacity
concerns (beyond
2028). Convert the SB Route 9 right-turn lane into
a shared through/right-turn lane and extend
it to the Glen Lake Road intersection. $350,000-
400,000 Town, State/Fed Long-term US Route 9/Glen Lake
Rd/Six Flags Dr Intersection signal is
not optimized
Improve signal timing.
Unsignalized Option – Construct separate SB left and right turn lanes on Round Pond Rd
(Development Conditions), State/Fed
US Route 9/Round
Pond Road Intersection has long-
term capacity
concerns (2028).
Signalized Option – Install an actuated
traffic signal. $225,000-
300,000 Town
State/Fed Long-Term

Appendix A – Advisory Committee and Public
Workshop Summary

Exit 20 Corridor Management plan
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York

Invited Advisory Committee

Town Supervisor Daniel Stec – Town of Queensbury
Stuart Baker – Town of Queensbury Planning
Anthony Metivier – Town of Queensbury Planning Board
John Strough – Town of Queensbury Planning Board
Scott Sopczyk – greater Glens Falls Transit System
Kathy Varney – Glens Falls Hospital
Jeff Tennyson – Warren County Department of Public Works
William Lamy – Warren County Department of Public Works
Kevin Hajos – Warren County Department of Public Works
Laura Moore – Warren County Planning Department
Mike Wyatt – New York State Department of Transportation
Rob Fitch – New York State Department of Transportation
Len Fosbrook – Economic Development Council of Warren County
Sharon Henderson – Representing State Senator Betty Little
David Kenny – Business/Property Owner
John McCormack – Business/Property Owner
Todd Shimkus – Adirondack Chamber of Commerce
Wayne LaMothe – Warren County Planning Department
Dave Wick – Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District
Rob Cherry – New York State Department of Transportation
Lisa Manzi – Representing US Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand
Ed Moore – Business/Property Owner

Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan

Public Workshop #1
September 4, 2009


The first Public Meeting for the Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan was held on
September 4, 2009 at 6:00 pm at the Great Escape Lodge in Queensbury, NY. The
purpose of the meeting was to present existing conditions and to gather public
comments. The meeting was advertised online on the Project website, through
postcard mailings and flyers and through local news publications. The workshop was
attended by approximately 40 people, including several advisory committee members.

The meeting was facilitated by Aaron Frankenfeld from the Adirondack/Glens Falls
Transportation Council (A/GFTC) and Don Adams and Wendy Cimino of Creighton
Manning Engineering, LLP (CME). The meeting included a technical presentation
outlining the project goals and summarizing the existing conditions. The meeting
included group breakout sessions where input and comments from the public
participants were recorded. Below is a summary of the general themes, comments, and
concerns that were noted during the group breakout session.

General Themes, Comments, and Concerns


Participants discussed the existing traffic characteristics, noting that congestion, though
worse during the summer months (specifically between Memorial Day to Labor Day) is
not truly seasonal and occurs throughout the year. Other noted times of congestions
include holiday weekends, winter ski traffic, and special local events such as the balloon
festival and Great Escape events. General discussions of the corridor included truck
traffic, length of turn lanes, and informational signing concerns. Details on the
discussions for the northern, middle, and southern corridors are outlined below.

Northern Corridor

In the northern corridor between the Exit 20 Northbound ramps and Route 149,
participants noted the following comments and/or issues:
• Pedestrian bridge or tunnel needed at outlets
• Re-routing of trucks to/from Vermont
• Additional signage routing traffic to Lake George via Exit 21
• Signing to re-route trucks out of the corridor
• Bus turnouts needed
• Center median is used as a through lane during times of congestion
• More signs indicating need to yield to pedestrians (out of town visitors are
not familiar with laws)
• Retailers welcome pass-by traffic
• Need more cross connections in parking lots

• Use of back parking lots at outlets would allow more connections and
access management (example used was Manchester, Vermont)
• Add an additional lane north on Route 9 to encourage NB traffic to go
north from Route 149 to avoid congestion
• Extend turn lane northbound on Route 9 at Exit 20 NB Ramp intersection
• Use traffic cops at Route 149 intersection to control traffic during
• Potential roundabout at Route 149/Route 9
• Interchange at Route 149

Middle Corridor

In the middle corridor between Gurney Road and the NB Ramps, participants noted the
following comments and/or issues:
• An access to cut-through the municipal center would avoid congestion on
Glen Lake Road
• The Exit 20 Southbound ramps experience heavy queues year round
• The Exit 20 interchange should be moved to the north to connect to Route
• Improve bike and pedestrian accommodations from the bike trail across I-
87 on Gurney Lane bridge
• Install a roundabout at West Mountain Road and limit access at SB ramps
• Install a roundabout in front of the municipal center
• Lane delineation needed in Route 9 between Gurney Lane and the Exit 20
NB ramps
• Concern with accidents on the SB ramps
• What are traffic implications of Lake George campground development
• Pedestrians are not accommodated on Gurney Lane bridge
• Northbound left-turn lane at Gurney Lane is short, people drive in median

Southern Corridor

In the southern corridor between Glen Lake Road and Round Pond Road, the following
comments and/or issues are noted:
• Left-turns on Round Pond Road block right turning vehicles
• Direct access to Great Escape from I-87 should be constructed
• Congestion is caused by vehicles entering/exiting Great Escape it better
than it was, but additional signs are still needed since vehicles often pass
Six Flags Drive and then have to turn around
• Trolley drops off Great Escape employees on Route 9, then employees do
not use pedestrian bridge-dangerous
• Vehicles go around stopped trolleys
• Signal timing at Glen Lake Road intersection does not appear to address
summer peaks-in general timing at this intersection seems off
• Traffic is high around 3:00 during Great Escape season and around 4:30
Route 9 northbound toward Gurney Lane is backed up

• Left arrow needed at Municipal Center for southbound traffic
• Pedestrian accommodations needed at Round Pond Road
• Off-site parking areas for Great Escape causing congestion and
pedestrian issues

Written Comments
In addition to comments noted during the meeting there were a number of written
comments that were received. Below is a summary of the received comments:

1. There should be a pull off lane area for transit buses at pickup stops. Stop lights
should be traffic activated. Better signage related to parking for “Great Escape”,
including private parking lots should be installed.
2. An unpaved bicycle path behind the present Warren County Social Services Building
accesses the Gurney Lane. Recreation/Pool Area. Little to no signing exists to
direct cyclists to the recreation area, resulting in most cyclists using the dangerous,
lower, curved portion of Gurney Lane to the vehicle entrance to the Rec. Area.
Efforts should be addressed to improve a safer access by pedestrians and cyclists to
enter and exit the recreation area, in particular, better signing and paving of the
existing path.
3. Traffic rotaries could be helpful at the junction of Route9/Gurney Lane at the
entrance to Warren County Municipal Center. A second traffic circle could ease
traffic flow at Gurney Lane & the Exit 20 southbound entrance ramps. I would like to
see a full interchange for Exit 20 at the 149 & Rte 9 junction.
4. There is heavy traffic northbound on Route 9 from Round Pond due to exiting cars
from Great Escape. Illegal turns are common. Rerouting traffic from 149 to Oxbow
Hill Road to Glen Lake Road – too small a road. Use traffic cops at heaviest times.
Adjust lights for summer use. Maintain rural character west of 87. Better use of Exit
21 for Route 149 vehicles turning north. Better signage.
5. We know the traffic movement is slow to stop. I would believe some reduction of
traffic load should have been presented to suggest better movement. Not much said
about effect of taking away the Rt 149 load. Be interested in the % of truck to car

Please include traffic issues (vehicle counts, features of intersections, rights of way,
etc.) for West Mountain Road and Mountainview Lane in both the Exit 20 and
Aviation Rd. corridor studies. Residents of these roads are concerned that their
problems and area traffic impacts often fall through the cracks when, in fact, these 2
roads link 2 heavily traveled corridors.

Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan

Public Workshop #2
February 11, 2009


The second Public Meeting for the Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan was held on
February 11, 2009 at 6:00 pm at the Ramada Inn – Exit 19. The purpose of the meeting
was to present and receive comments on the draft alternatives. The meeting was
advertised online on the Project website, through postcard mailings and flyers and
through local news publications. The workshop was attended by approximately 40
people including several members of the advisory committee.

The meeting was facilitated by Aaron
Frankenfeld of the Adirondack/Glens Falls
Transportation Council (A/GFTC) and Don
Adams and Wendy Cimino of Creighton
Manning Engineering, LLP (CME). The
meeting included a technical presentation and
question and answer session. Alternatives
for the corridor were also on display for
participants to review. CME staff and
A/GFTC representatives were present to
respond to any questions.

The presentation reviewed project goals and
gave details on the analysis conducted and
resulting design alternatives for the corridor.
In addition to intersection and corridor
alternatives, details on the three interchange
alternatives were presented. Additional
details on low-cost improvements including
access management, transit, and signing
were presented.

A question and answer period followed the
presentation. Below is a summary of the general themes and comments that were
noted during the meeting.

General Themes, Comments, and Concerns

Northern Section of the Corridor

Several design options were presented for the northern section of the corridor, referred
to as the “key corridor” of the study. After a review of the improvement alternatives,
participants questioned what would happen when the two lanes at the intersections
merge into one. There was concern that improvements to the two intersections would
not solve the current traffic issue. CME staff noted that adding lanes at the
intersections, even though they will merge down to single lanes in the key corridor,
would allow for increased capacity at the intersections increasing the flow of vehicles. It
was also noted that making Route 9 a four-lane section was not an option.

There was also discussion of truck traffic being a major issue for the corridor. Trucks
travel from I-87 to Route 9 and use Route 149 to go to Vermont. CME noted that heavy
vehicle traffic was accounted for in the traffic analysis.

Regarding the roundabout options, participants questioned the diameter of the
roundabouts and impacts to property owners. Specific concerns were raised regarding
the mid-block roundabout proposed near the outlets. CME noted that the size of the
each roundabout was taken into consideration and is based on specific design criteria.

Participants questioned how the proposed roundabout compared to the one in
Greenwich. There was also concern with constructing a roundabout in a tourist area.
There was concern that there would be increased safety issues due to drivers not
knowing where they are going. CME staff was not familiar with the roundabout at
Greenwich, but noted that roundabouts were noted to increase safety both for vehicles
and pedestrians.

Participants discussed the design work CME conducted in Glens Falls. There was
concern that there was more available space in Glen Falls and that the lack of space in
the corridor would be an issue. After reviewing the alternatives noting the two lane
roundabouts, there was discussion regarding the need and safety of constructing a two
lane roundabout. One participant noted that it is difficult for trucks (specifically 48 foot
tracker trailers) to get through a two lane roundabout. Cars try to pass the truck as it
needs to swing into both lanes to maneuver through the roundabout. CME staff noted
that two left lanes can cause the same type of issue. Another participant noted that
RVs (usually 45 feet in length with a 25 foot car attached) travel through the corridor
frequently and may experience similar issues when traveling through a roundabout.

A question was raised regarding the transport of wind turbines and the ability for trucks
caring the turbines to travel through the roundabouts. CME staff noted that trucks
carrying wind turbines travel on specific routes that are able to accommodate needed
turning radius. Movement of turbines is part of a construction plan and does not occur
randomly in any corridor.

Median Alternative
As noted, concerns with this alternative focused primarily around the mid-block
roundabout at the outlet driveways.

Back Access Road

The alternative detailing the construction of an access road east of the outlets
connecting Route 9 to 149 was discussed in detail. Many participants noted this access
road (which would create a four-leg intersection with the I-87 northbound exit
ramp/Route 9 intersection and would create a direct route for traffic specifically destined
for Route 149) as a viable option. Participants questioned if the road could be designed
in such a way to not affect private property and CME noted the potential for both
property and environmental impacts. There was some concern that a bypass would
hurt the local business by diverting pass-by traffic.

Access Management

There was detailed discussion regarding access management for the key corridor.
Participants noted their desire to reduce driveways and consolidate parking areas.
There was discussion regarding meeting with the current business owners to create an
understanding of the advantages of access management. CME noted that there has
been outreach to local business. One participant noted that business owners should
realize that gridlock is not good for business and that outreach should continue.

Pedestrian Activity

There was discussion of pedestrian activity; specifically at the outlet area and on the
Gurney Lane Bridge. It was suggested that a pedestrian tunnel mid-block at the outlets
be considered. The tunnel would be utilized during the peak outlet period (Memorial
Day to Labor Day) and could be closed during the winter months. CME noted that
making a pedestrian bridge or tunnel ADA compliant would likely result in substantial
impacts to properties. There was also discussion regarding the Gurney Lane bridge
and its need for repair. It was noted that pedestrian accommodations should be
considered when this bridge is repaired or replaced. A/GFTC representatives noted
that there are currently no funds dedicated to repairing/upgrading the Bridge.

Interchange Alternatives

Participants questioned the federal and state government involvement in the planning
and design of a new interchange. CME staff noted that there are strict federal/state
guidelines that must be followed when designing a new interchange and detailed some
of the guidelines.

Community members noted that an Interchange at Route 149 would alleviate traffic on
Route 9, but it might also hurt businesses by diverting traffic. Placing an interchange
half mile north of Route 149 was proposed.

Written Comments

In addition to comments noted during the meeting there were a number of written
comments that were received. Below is a summary of the received comments:

• The best bang for the buck is a right turn lane expansion for Route 149
westbound. It would also send a message to the business owners in the Corridor
that the matter needs their full cooperation.
• One thing that backs up traffic during the summer season is the Great Escape
parking lot entrance on the Park side. Traffic coming southbound on Route 9 is
backed up because the Great Escape parking attendance must collect fees and
direct cars to parking. While that process is going on the traffic on Route 9 is
waiting and backing up to the Route 9/Gureney Lane intersection. I do not think
this was anticipated in the original concept of their site plan. Traffic was
supposed to use the ring road at the Glen Lake traffic light.
• We like the option of the bypass on the eastside of the outlets.
• We would rather see signalized intersections. We do not like roundabouts, in
particular at the Route 9/Route 149 intersection.
• Push for interconnected driveways
• Absolutely no median.
• Avoid an anti-merchant feeling if you are looking for cooperation.
• Sidewalks are currently too close to the street and do not allow for proper snow

Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan

Public Workshop #3
July 1, 2009


The third Public Meeting for the Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan was held on July 1,
2009 at 6:00 pm at the Ramada Inn – Exit 19. The purpose of the meeting was to
present and receive comments on the alternatives and share changes made in the
plans with the public. The meeting was advertised online on the Project website,
through postcard mailings and flyers and through local news publications. The
workshop was attended by approximately 25 people including several members of the
advisory committee.

The meeting was facilitated by Aaron Frankenfeld of the Adirondack/Glens Falls
Transportation Council (A/GFTC) and Don Adams and Wendy Cimino of Creighton
Manning Engineering, LLP (CME). The meeting included a technical presentation and
question and answer session. Alternatives for the corridor were also on display for
participants to review. CME staff and A/GFTC representatives were present to respond
to any questions.

The presentation reviewed the analysis conducted and resulting design alternatives for
the corridor and potential implementation strategies. In the key corridor, the “median
alternative” and “back access alternative” were reviewed. In addition, a third alternative
in the key corridor addressing access management was presented. This alternative
was focused on based on comments made at the 2
nd public workshop meeting.
Discussions of improvement alternatives on Gurney Lane were also presented. Details
on potential costs for each improvement option were presented. Additional discussions
regarding project implementation were included in the presentation.

A question and answer period followed the presentation. Below is a summary of the
general themes and comments that were noted during the meeting.

General Themes, Comments, and Concerns

A discussion took place regarding the economy, lack of funding, and how to proceed
with the document and concepts that will be a product of this study. This led to a
discussion on how the Town can prepare the corridor to plan for the future. It was noted
that whatever the Town can do now will prepare the corridor for future larger scale
improvements and will potentially put the corridor a “step ahead” of others. This
discussion noted the importance of having a champion for the project.

It was noted that this project will not provide a single recommendation for the corridor
and that the exact solution will be determined with additional studies. The additional

studies would include a more detailed look on the design and would include detailed
engineering and environmental studies.

Some attendees stressed that the corridor should not be changed too much. However,
it was agreed that improvement is needed.

Written Comments:

In addition to comments noted during the meeting there were a number of written
comments that were received. Below is a summary of the received comments:
• Would like to see a short-term solution for under $200,000
• Town needs to be pro-active with property owners
• Would like additional bike/pedestrian lanes
• Town needs to adopt the completed plan and use it to modify zoning to prepare
the corridor-potential overlay district
• Provide current zoning regulations and make recommendations to modify based
on improvements

Appendix B – Automatic Traffic Recorder Data

Exit 20 Corridor Management plan
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York

Appendix C – Turning Movement Count Data

Exit 20 Corridor Management plan
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York

Appendix D – Existing Level of Service Analysis

Exit 20 Corridor Management plan
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York

LOS Definitions
The following is an excerpt from the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM).

Level of Service for Signalized Intersections

Level of service for a signalized intersection is defined in terms of control delay, which is a
measure of driver discomfort, frustration, fuel consumption, and increased travel time. The
delay experienced by a motorist is made up of a number of factors that relate to control,
geometrics, traffic, and incidents. Total delay is the difference between the travel time actually
experienced and the reference travel time that would result during base conditions: in the
absence of traffic control, geometric delay, any incidents, and any other vehicles. Specifically,
LOS criteria for traffic signals are stated in terms of the average control delay per vehicle,
typically for a 15-minute analysis period. Delay is a complex measure and depends on a
number of variables, including the quality of progression, the cycle length, the green ratio, and
the v/c ratio for the lane group. Levels of service are defined to represent reasonable ranges in
control delay.

LOS A describes operations with low control delay, up to 10 s/veh. This LOS occurs
when progression is extremely favorable and most vehicles arrive during the green
phase. Many vehicles do not stop at all. Short cycle lengths may tend to contribute to
low delay.

LOS B describes operations with control delay greater than 10 and up to 20 s/veh. This
level generally occurs with good progression, short cycle lengths, or both. More vehicles
stop than with LOS A, causing higher levels of delay.

LOS C describes operations with control delay greater than 20 and up to 35 s/veh.
These higher delays may result from only fair progression, longer cycle lengths, or both.
Individual cycle failures may begin to appear at this level. Cycle failure occurs when a
given green phase does not serve queued vehicles, and overflows occur. The number
of vehicles stopping is significant at this level, though many still pass through the
intersection without stopping.

LOS D describes operations with control delay greater than 35 and up to 55 s/veh. At
LOS D, the influence of congestion becomes more noticeable. Longer delays may result
from some combination of unfavorable progression, long cycle lengths, and high v/c
ratios. Many vehicles stop, and the proportion of vehicles not stopping declines.
Individual cycle failures are noticeable.

LOS E describes operations with control delay greater than 55 and up to 80 s/veh.
These high delay values generally indicate poor progression, long cycle lengths, and
high v/c ratios. Individual cycle failures are frequent.

LOS F describes operations with control delay in excess of 80 s/veh. This level,
considered unacceptable to most drivers, often occurs with oversaturation, that is, when
arrival flow rates exceed the capacity of lane groups. It may also occur at high v/c ratios
with many individual cycle failures. Poor progression and long cycle lengths may also
be contribute significantly to high delay levels.

LOS Definitions
The following is an excerpt from the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM).

Level of Service Criteria for Unsignalized Intersections

Four measures are used to describe the performance of two-way stop controlled intersections:
control delay, delay to major street through vehicles, queue length, and v/c ratio. The primary
measure that is used to provide an estimate of LOS is control delay. This measure can be
estimated for any movement on the minor (i.e., stop-controlled) street. By summing delay
estimates for individual movements, a delay estimate for each minor street movement and
minor street approach can be achieved. The level of service criteria is given in Exhibit 17-2/22.

For all-way stop controlled (AWSC) intersections, the average control delay (in seconds per
vehicle) is used as the primary measure of performance. Control delay is the increased time of
travel for a vehicle approaching and passing through an AWSC intersection, compared with a
free-flow vehicle if it were not required to slow or stop at the intersection.

Exhibit 17-2/22: Level-of-Service Criteria for Stop Controlled Intersections

Level of Service
Control Delay (sec/veh)
A < 10.0 B >10.0 and < 15.0 C >15.0 and < 25.0 D >25.0 and < 35.0 E >35.0 and < 50.0 F >50.0

Appendix E – Parking Lot Inventory

Exit 20 Corridor Management plan
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York

Existing Parking Lot Spaces for Exit 20 Key Corridor
West Side
Vendor/Store Business: Capacity # Occupied % Occupied
Montcalm Restaurant – 68 2:20 PM 13 19.1% 3:05 PM 9 13.2% 3:55 PM 4 5.9% Average 9 12.7% Tommy Hilfiger, Sunglasses Hut, Gap, Jockey, Nine West,
Banana Republic, Pfaltzgraff 211
2:12 PM 190 90.0% 3:00 PM 178 84.4% 3:50 PM 168 79.6% Average
179 84.7%
Sunoco 15 2:15 PM 4 26.7% 3:05 PM 10 66.7% 3:50 PM 15 100.0% Average 10 64.4% Rodeway Inn 25 2:05 PM 6 24.0% 3:05 PM 7 28.0% 3:45 PM 8 32.0% Average 7 28.0% VACANT BUILDING – Spirit Halloween Store Coming Soon 52 2:00 PM 3 5.8% 3:00 PM 2 3.8% 3:40 PM 2 3.8% Average 2 4.5% Scooters Rentals 2 2:00 PM 2 100.0% 2:55 PM 1 50.0% 3:40 PM 1 50.0% Average 1 66.7% VACANT BUILDING – Designer Warehouse Home & Garden 27 2:00 PM 2 7.4% 2:55 PM 3 11.1% 3:40 PM 4 14.8% Average 3 11.1% Franks Pasta and Pizza Restaurant 25 2:00 PM 10 40.0% 2:50 PM 13 52.0% 3:40 PM 11 44.0% Average 11 45.3% Super Shoes 85 2:00 PM 15 17.6% 2:50 PM 15 17.6% 3:40 PM 17 20.0% Average 16 18.4%
Total 510 238 46.7%

Existing Parking Lot Spaces for Exit 20 Key Corridor (Continued)
East Side
Vendor/Store Business: Capacity # Occupied % Occupied
Mobil Gas NA NA NA NA Ralph Lauren, Yankee Candle, KasperPerfumania, Jones
NY, Bass, IZOD, Timberland, Nautica, Lane Bryant, Harry
and David, Pacsun 102

2:20 PM 102 100.0% 3:10 PM 102 100.0% 4:00 PM 100 98.0% 101 99.3% Covered Parking Lot in Rear of Outlets 110
2:26 PM 66 60.0% 3:10 PM 72 65.5% 4:00 PM 55 50.0% Average 64 58.5% Eddie Bauer, Big Dogs, Factory Brand Shoes, Ck’s Eatery,
Dress Barn, Corning Ware 209

2:40PM 119 56.9%
3:20PM 130 62.2% 4:05 PM 115 55.0% Average 121 58.1% Lined Parking Lot in Rear of Outlets 99 2:30 PM 6 6.1% 3:20 PM 8 8.1% 4:05 PM 8 8.1% Average 7 7.4% Olde Pose Grill, Clarion Suites 198 2:35 PM 80 40.4% 3:20 PM 71 35.9% 4:05 PM 71 35.9% Average 74 37.4% Reebok Outlet 100 2:45 PM 35 35.0% 3:20 PM 26 26.0% 4:10 PM 26 26.0% Average 29 29.0% Brooks Brothers, Carter’s, Orvis, Olympia Sports, Log Jam
Restaurant 205

2:50 PM 115 56.1% 3:30 PM 101 49.3%
4:15 PM 116 56.6% Average 111 54.0% Family Footwear, Dominoes, Casual Male XL, The Sox
Market 67

2:51 PM 49 73.1% 3:30 PM 45 67.2% 4:20 PM 40 59.7% Average 45 66.7%
Total 1090 552 50.6%

East/West Side Parking Lot Summary 1600 790 49.3%

Appendix F – Alternative Evaluation Matrix

Exit 20 Corridor Management plan
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York

Improvement timeframe
Effect on Pedestrian Access/ Accommodations
Effect on Traffic Flow
Anticipated Environmental Impacts
Meets Project Objectives
Key Study Area Corridor Alternatives: Alternative 1 Install roundabouts at Exit 20 NB Ramps and Route 149 Long-
term Complex staging
to maintain traffic $$$ Yes
At intersections
shorter crossing
distances More efficient
traffic flow through
intersections Will decrease
emissions connected
with idling vehicles Yes Alternative 2- Alternative 1 plus center median and mid-block
roundabout Long-
term Complex staging
to maintain traffic $$$ Yes Center median
refuge area for
pedestrians Less conflicts with
driveway traffic in
corridor Will decrease
emissions connected
with idling vehicles Yes Alternative 3- Alternative 1 plus a back connection at outlets Long-
term Minor Staging for
back connection $$ Yes Reduce vehicular
traffic on Route 9
will improve
pedestrian access Reduce vehicular
traffic/congestion on
Route 9
Potential wetland
impacts, increase
adjacent to
residential homes Yes Maintain signalized intersection at Route 9/Exit 20 Northbound Ramps Short-
term Minor Staging $$ Yes Longer crossing
distances with
additional vehicular
lanes. Additional lanes
capacity available Limited capacity
would still exist,
additional through
lanes on Route 9
needed No Maintain signalized intersection at Route 9/NY Route 149 Short-
term Minor Staging $$ Yes Longer crossing
distances with
additional vehicular
lanes. Major geometric
would be needed
with limited
available capacity Limited capacity
would still exist,
additional through
lanes on Route 9
needed No Use police to control signal at Route 149 intersection with Route 9 Short-
term None $ No Could be improved
when police present Could be
cause confusion and
inconsistency Safety concerns No Southern Corridor Study Area Intersection Improvements: Construct westbound left-turn lane on Round Pond Road at Route 9 Long-
Term Moderate staging
to maintain traffic $$ Yes Increase cross
distance on Round
Pond Road Improve queue on
Round Pond Road,
decrease delay for
right-turn vehicles Minimal No Install traffic signal at Round Pond Road Long-
Term Minor staging to
maintain traffic $$ No Improved pedestrian
accommodations at
signal Increased capacity at
intersection, better
accessibility for
Round Pond Road Additional queued
vehicles on mainline Partially

Improvement timeframe
Effect on Pedestrian Access/ Accommodations
Effect on Traffic Flow
Anticipated Environmental Impacts
Meets Project Objectives
Adjust signal timings at Glen Lake Road to better accommodate peak
hour flows Short-
Term None $ No Existing pedestrian
maintained Improve flow
through intersection None Partially Use police to control signal at Gurney Lane intersection with Route 9 Short-
Term None $ No Could be improved
when police present Could be
cause confusion and
inconsistency Safety concerns No Construct free flow right turn lane on Gurney Lane with exclusive lane
on Route 9 directly into Six Flags Drive Long-
term Moderate staging
to maintain traffic $$ Yes Existing pedestrian
maintained Additional capacity
provided for
vehicles traveling to
private development None Partially Low Cost Improvement Options: Provide visible transit stops on Route 9 with amenities Short-
Term Minor $ Yes Better accommodate
pedestrians in
corridor Minimal Reduced emissions
with less stops for
transit between
designated stops Yes Provide shuttle bus loop exclusively for the outlets from the municipal
building lot to a lot north of Route 149 Short-
Term None $$ No Less conflict on
Route 9 with
reduced passenger
vehicle travel Decrease passenger
vehicle travel in
corridor Reduced emissions
with increased
transit use Yes Install additional pedestrian crossings on Route 9 (clearly marked
crosswalks) Short-
Term Minor $ No Improved access and
visibility Minimal effect None Partially Consolidate Outlet driveways Short-
Term Minor $ No Less conflicts with
driveway traffic Less conflicts with
turning vehicles None Partially Improve cross access between parking lots in outlet area Short-
Term Moderate $ No Less conflict on
Route 9/more
internal conflicts Reduces traffic
turning to/from
Route 9 None Partially Use VMS signs during peak travel times/seasons Short-
Term None $ No Reduced traffic will
reduce conflicts with
vehicles Reduce congestion
by redirecting traffic
out of corridor Maintenance
concerns Yes Additional signing in corridor to better direct traffic Short-
Term Minor $ No Minimal Reduce congestion
by better directing
traffic None Yes Increase pedestrian signing throughout corridor Short-
term Minor $ No Improved
knowledge and
visibility for Minimal effect None Partially

Improvement timeframe
Effect on Pedestrian Access/ Accommodations
Effect on Traffic Flow
Anticipated Environmental Impacts
Meets Project Objectives
Provide pedestrian bridge over Route 9 in the northern section of the
corridor adjacent to the outlets Long-
Term Complex staging
to maintain traffic $$$$ Yes Improved safety for
those who use
bridge. Character
of area makes
defined use difficult Improved flow with
less pedestrian
conflicts None Yes Install traffic signal at I-87 Exit 20 SB Ramps Long-
Term Moderate staging
to maintain traffic $$$ No Improved pedestrian
accommodations at
signal Increased capacity at
intersection Additional queued
vehicles on mainline Partially Restrict ‘outside’ private parking lots for the Great Escape Short-
Term None No No Better streamlines
pedestrian use the
pedestrian bridge Reduce turning
movements in/out of
adjacent business
lots None Partially Interchange Options: Construct additional interchange to allow direct access into Great
Escape from I-87 Long-
Term Complex staging
to maintain traffic $$$$ Yes Reduced vehicular
conflict in corridor Reduce congestion
by removing traffic
from Route 9
corridor Geometric issues
with grades Yes Construct additional interchange at Route 149 Long-
Term Complex staging
to maintain traffic $$$$ Yes Reduced vehicular
conflict in corridor Reduce congestion
by removing traffic
from Route 9
corridor Major impacts to
undeveloped land,
Geometric issues
with grades Yes

Appendix G – 2013 Future Level of Service

Exit 20 Corridor Management plan
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York

Appendix H – 2028 Future Level of Service

Exit 20 Corridor Management plan
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York

Key Study Area Intersection Level of Service

Back Access Alternative Level of Service

Southern Corridor Study Area Intersection Level of Service

Appendix I – Access Management

Exit 20 Corridor Management plan
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York

ARTICLE 19, Access Management
179-19-010. Commercial driveway standards.
A. Purpose. The Town of Queensbury recognizes that one of the most important
objectives of access management is to reduce conflicts along the most heavily traveled
roadways to achieve safe and efficient movement of traffic. Conflict points can be
reduced through appropriate limitations on the number of driveways, driveway spacing,
and by establishing provisions for vehicles to move between parking areas to access
abutting properties.
B. General.
(1) The site layout, location and design of driveways, parking, and other access
management requirements should be based on full permissible development of a

(2) Driveways should be limited to one per property. More than one driveway may be
permitted if:

(a) The additional driveway(s) does not degrade traffic operations and safety on
state or local roads; and

(b) The additional driveway(s) will improve the safe and efficient movement of
traffic between the property and the road.

(3) Driveways to properties with frontage on two or more roads shall be provided to the
road with the lowest functional classification serving the proposed use of the property.

(4) Properties with frontage on two or more roads do not have the right to driveways to all

(5) Driveways may be required to be located so as to provide shared driveways and/or
cross-access driveways with an abutting property or properties.

(a) Shared driveways and/or cross access driveways shall be of sufficient width
(minimum 20 feet, 6.0 meters) to accommodate two-way travel for automobiles
and service and loading vehicles. Wider driveways may be required to serve
traffic to major generators and/or large vehicles.

(b) Shared driveways, cross-access driveways, interconnected parking, and
private roads constructed to provide access to properties internal to a subdivision
shall be recorded as an easement and shall constitute a covenant running with the
land. Operating and maintenance agreements for these facilities shall be recorded
with the deed.
C. Driveway spacing standards.

(1) Driveway spacing standards shall apply to driveways located on the same side of a
(2) Driveway spacing is to be measured along the road from the closest edge or curbline
of the driveway pavement to the closest edge or curbline of the next driveway.

(3) Driveways shall be located so as to meet or exceed the driveway spacing standards
shown in the chart below:

(a) PHT, peak hour trips, will be determined through the application of the most
current Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) trip generation methods and

(b) PHT, peak hour trips, should be based on full build-out of the property.

(c) The larger of the minimum driveway spacing standards for the proposed
development or for existing developments at abutting properties will apply.
Driveways for infill development must meet the driveway spacing standards to
abutting properties on both sides.

(d) The Planning Board may waive the separation standards in the event the
applicant can demonstrate that no negative impact on the transportation system
will result in the relaxing of this standard and the applicant has provided for future
consolidation of curb cuts and cross-easements consistent with the intent of these

D. Other guidance. The Planning Board shall utilize the NYSDOT Policy and Standards
for Entrances to State Highways (February 1998) or its most current version as a guide in
establishing other criteria for commercial development.

Development Size in Peak Hour Trips, PHT
Small Moderate Large
Road Classification 0 to 100
PHT 101 to 300
PHT Great than 300
Arterial 330 feet 440 feet 550 feet
Collector 220 feet 330 feet 440 feet
Access or
development 60% of the minimum frontage requirement

§ 179-19-020 Residential lots abutting collector or arterial roads.
A. Purpose. The Town of Queensbury realizes that unrestricted access onto arterial and
collector roads can hinder the safe and efficient movement of traffic. Subdivisions,
especially small subdivisions, have tended to provide direct access onto these roadways
from each single-family lot. Lots fronting on local roads rather than arterials or collector
roads shall be encouraged, while lots fronting on collector or arterial roads shall be

B. Designated roads. The following streets, roads and routes have been designated as
regional or local arterial roads or collector roads. Land fronting on these roads shall
comply with the requirements of this section.

(1) Regional arterial roads:
(a) Corinth Road.
(b) Main Street.
(c) Aviation Road from I-87 east to Route 9.
(d) Quaker Road.
(e) Dix Avenue.
(f) Ridge Road from Quaker Road north to Route 149.
(g) Route 149.
(h) Route 9.
(i) Bay Road.
(2) Local arterial roads:
(a) West Mountain Road.
(b) Mountain View Lane.
(c) Aviation Road from West Mountain Road east to I-87.
(d) Potter Road.
(e) East Shore Drive.
(f) Ridge Road from Route 149 north to East Shore Drive.
(g) Ridge Road from Glens Falls north to Quaker Road.
(h) Country Club Road.
(i) County Line Road.
(j) Highland Avenue.
(k) Lower Warren Street.
(l) River Street.
(m) Hicks Road.
(n) Glenwood Avenue.
(o) Round Pond Road/Blind Rock Road.
(p) Haviland Road.
(3) Collector roads:
(a) Pitcher Road.
(b) Luzerne Road.

(c) Sherman Avenue.
(d) Peggy Ann Road.
(e) Dixon Road.
(f) Park View Avenue.
(g) Cronin Road.
(h) Sweet Road.
(i) Glen Lake Road.
(j) Martindale Road.
(k) Moon Hill Road.
(l) Sunny Side Road.
(m) Sunny Side Road East.
(n) Pickle Hill Road.
(o) Van Dusen Road.
(p) Richardson Street.
(q) Meadowbrook Road.
(r) Rockwell Road.
(s) Gurney Lane Road.
(t) Jenkinsville Road.
(u) Pilot Knob Road.

C. Regulations. As of the effective date of this chapter, all residential lots fronting on a
collector or arterial road identified herein or any new collector or arterial roads shall have
two times the lot width permitted in the zone in which the lot is located, except that this
requirement shall not apply under circumstances where adjoining residential lots exist or
are proposed to be established and the width of each lot meets the required width of the
zone and ingress or egress is limited to and provided by a single common driveway,
which is documented on a plat and in a written legal document, which is recordable in the
Warren County Clerk’s office.

NYSMPO Safety Assessment Guidelines

The  preparation  of  this  report  has  been  financed  in  part  through  a  grant  from  the  Federal
Highway  Administration,  U.S.  Department  of  Transportation,  under  the  State  Planning  and
Research  Program,  Section  505  of  Title  23,  U.S.  Code.   The  contents  of  this  report  do  not
necessarily reflect the official views or policy of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 iT A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T STABLE OF CONTENTS
1.1  Purpose of the Guidelines1­1
1.2  Definition of Safety Assessment1­3
1.3  Key Elements of Safety Assessments1­3
2.1  Step 1: Identify Project or Location to be Assessed2­3
2.2  Step 2: Select SA Team2­3
2.3  Step 3: Conduct a Pre­assessment Meeting to Review Project
2.4  Step 4: Conduct Review of Project Data and Field Review2­7
2.5  Step 5: Conduct SA Analysis and Prepare SA Report2­11
2.6  Step 6: Present Safety Assessment Findings2­12
2.7  Step 7: Prepare Formal Response2­13
2.8  Step 8: Incorporate SA Suggestions2­15
3.1  E Stage SA ­ SAs of Existing (In­Service) Facilities3­2
3.2  P Stage SA ­ Planning Stage SAs3­4
3.3  D Stage SA ­ Design Stage SAs3­5
3.4  L Stage SA ­ SAs Related to Land Use Developments3­7
3.5  C Stage SA ­ Pre­Opening SAs  (Construction Practically Complete)3­8
3.6  Other SAs at the Construction Stage3­9
6.1  Core Skill­Sets6­1
6.2  Supplemental Skills6­2

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 T A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S iiLIST OF EXHIBITS 6.3  Minimum Team Size6­2
6.4  Independence of the Safety Assessment Team6­3
10.1  FHWA Road Safety Audit (RSA) Software10­1
10.2  Prompt Lists10­1
11.1  Lack of Financial Resources to Conduct SAs and Implement SA
11.2  Lack of Qualified Staff to Conduct SAs11­3
11.3  Lack of Time to Conduct SAs11­4
11.4  Lack of Trust to the SA Process11­4
11.5  Lack of High Quality Collision Data11­6
11.6  Defaulting to Excessive Design Standards11­6
11.7  Liability Concerns11­7
1.1  Key elements of the SA process1­4
2.1  Safety Assessment process step­by­step2­2
2.2  Data recommended for an SA (Typical for roadway assessments)2­4
2.3  High­level list of actions for the field visit2­10
2.4  Questions to be reviewed when preparing a formal response2­14
2.5  Principal layout of Form A ­ “Response to SA Findings and
2.6  Principal layout of Form B ­ “Implementation of SA Suggestions”2­16
5.1  Organizational structure for the SA process5­1
5.2  Major parties in the SA process and their roles and responsibilities5­2
8.1  Three basic options for the SA report8­2
8.2  Specific template for Format 3 of the SA report8­3
9.1  Follow­up SA team survey9­2 8.3  Illustration of safety risk under a partially disaggregated approach8­4

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 iiiT A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T SLIST OF APPENDICES
ASafety Assessment Case Studies
BGlossary of Terms
CFHWA Road Safety Audit (RSA) Software
DPrompt Lists

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 ivPREFACE
This  document  is  the  result  of  a  New  York  State  Metropolitan  Planning  Organization
(NYSMPO)  Safety  Working  Group  (SWG)  shared  cost  initiative  and  was  funded
through  the  New  York  State  Department  of  Transportation’s  State  Planning  and
Research  grant  program.  The  NYSMPO  association  is  a  coalition  of  the  thirteen
Metropolitan  Planning  Organizations  (MPO)  in  New  York  State.  Each  MPO  is
responsible  for  transportation  planning  and  project  programming  within  their  region.
The SA project was hosted by the Elmira­Chemung Transportation Council (ECTC).
The  NYSMPO  association  includes  several  working  groups  which  share  information
and  advance  statewide  initiatives.  The  SWG  meets  monthly  to  share  information  and
advance  safety  initiatives  through  collaboration  with  partners  including  the  Federal
Highway  Administration  (FHWA),  the  New  York  State  Department  of  Transportation
(NYSDOT),  the  Governor’s  Traffic  Safety  Committee  (GTSC),  the  Institute  for  Traffic
Safety  Management  and  Research  (ITSMR),  the  New  York  State  Police  (NYSP),  the
NYS  Department  of  Health  (NYSDOH)  and  the  NYS  Department  of  Motor  Vehicles
(NYSDMV). Additional information about the SWG may be found at document was prepared for the NYSMPO Association by Bergmann Associates in
association  with  Synectics  Transportation  Consultants  and  Eng­Wong,  Taub  &
Associates.  Principal  authors  included  F.  Dolan,  M.  Croce,  B.  Malone,  G.  Junnor,  and
O. Tonkonjenkov.ELMIRA CHEMUNG

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   11 – 11.0 INTRODUCTION
1.1 Purpose of the Guidelines
Road  Safety  Audits  (RSAs)  are  widely  recognized  as  a  proactive,  low­cost  tool  to
improve  safety  at  each  stage  in  the  lifecycle  of  a  transportation  facility.  To­date,
numerous  RSAs  conducted throughout the  United States have yielded  positive  results.
The experience of the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) with its
Safety Appurtenance Program (SAFETAP) is one of the best examples of incorporating
RSAs  into  a  pavement  overlay  program  resulting  in  the  identification  and  mitigation  of
safety concerns.
The  Safe,  Accountable,  Flexible,  Efficient,  Transportation  Equity  Act  ­  A  Legacy  for
Users  (SAFETEA­LU),  the  Federal  Funding  legislation  for  transportation  projects
throughout  the  United  States  from  2005  through  2009,  strengthened  a  government
program  known  as  the  Highway  Safety  Improvement  Program  (HSIP).  The  legislation
instituted a requirement for active, explicit consideration of safety on all public roads as
part  of  the  traditional  planning  process  and  required  each  state  to  prepare  a  Strategic
Highway  Safety  Plan  (SHSP).  Since  SAFETEA­LU,  increased  cooperation  between
safety program stakeholders has improved immensely. Unfortunately, the availability of
crash  location,  characteristic,  and  condition  data  is  still  limited,  especially  on  rural
roads.  This  continues  to  hinder  efforts  to  improve  safety  on  all  the  Nation’s  roadways
for  all  modes  of  travel.    With  more  than  75%  of  roads  in  the  United  States  under  local
jurisdiction,  the  application  of  RSA  procedures  to  local  transportation  projects  and
facilities has the potential to bring about substantive improvements in safety across the
The release of the Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA)  Road  Safety  Audit  (RSA)  Guidelines  and
Prompt  Lists  has  accelerated  the  implementation
of  RSA  processes,  however  work  remains  to
incorporate  RSA  concepts  into  the  routine
activities  of  many  transportation  agencies.  This  is
especially  true  where  local  transportation  systems
are  involved.  The  NYSMPOs  recognized  that
specific Guidelines, designed to be used both by MPOs and local agencies, are needed
to  support  the  integration  of    RSA  processes  into  all  types  of  local  transportation
projects and facilities statewide.
The  NYSMPOs  also  acknowledged  that  RSA  processes  can  identify  safety
improvements  extending  beyond  the  boundaries  of  pure  roadway  engineering
countermeasures.    Such  improvements  might  include  reducing  road  user  risk  through
the modal shifts from passenger vehicles to mass transit, through the implementation ofSafety
are low cost
and result in
project delay.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   11 – 2intelligent  transportation  systems,  road  user  safety  education,  and  selective
enforcement of traffic controls and rules of the road.
As the title suggests ­Safety  Assessment  (SA)  Guidelines­  these Guidelines place
considerable  emphasis  on  expanding  the  RSA  process  beyond  roadways.  The  SA
Guidelines  are  designed  for  use  on  the  local  transportation  system  of  New  York  State
both  by  MPOs  and  local  agencies.  The  Guidelines  are  based  on  conventional  RSA
principles  as  outlined  in  the  FHWA  RSA  Guidelines,  but  tailor  the  process  to  the
conditions  experienced  by  NYSMPOs  and  local  agencies  throughout  New  York  State.
They  emphasize  a  connection  between  the  transportation  planning  process,  multi­
modal  considerations,  enforcement  activities,  safety  education,  and  engineering
Specific  objectives  of  the  SA  Guidelines  for  NYSMPOs  and  local  transportation
agencies are as follows:
·Define the subject of SAs and its key elements;
·Define a standardized step­by­step SA process to enable easy use by practitioners;
·Introduce SA stages;
·Define general roles and responsibilities for the conduct of SAs;
·Explain the SA approach to selected projects and locations;
·Define the SA Team selection process and general SA team requirements;
·Provide standardized SA report formats;
·Define procedures to promote and monitor the SA process;
·Introduce SA tools; and
·Explain how to overcome challenges to the implementation of the SA process.
The SA Guidelines are intended to assist practitioners in establishing and monitoring an
ongoing  SA  program  within  an  MPO  or  local  jurisdiction.  They  are  also  designed  to
guide  those  conducting  individual  SAs.  For  convenience,  the  Guidelines  are  formatted
such that the most important activities are detailed in a step­by­step format with concise
write­ups  presented  as  lists  of  activities  where  appropriate.  Further  information  on  the
RSA  process,  from  which  the  SA  process  is  derived,  is  available  in  the  published
FHWA RSA Guidelines and FHWA Pedestrian RSA Guidelines. The SA
are tailored
for use in
New York

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   11 – 31.2 Definition of Safety Assessment
A Safety Assessment (SA) is defined as follows:
A  formal  safety  performance  examination  of  an  existing  or  planned  transportation
facility  (e.g.  road,  intersection,  sidewalk,  multi­use  path,  or  access  to  land  use
development)  by  an  independent,  qualified  SA  Team.  The  SA  Team  considers  the
safety  of  all  users,  qualitatively  estimates  and  reports  on  safety  issues,  and  suggests
opportunities for  safety  improvement. In the  assessment  of existing  facilities,  proposed
improvements  may  include  but  are  not  limited  to  short,  medium,  or  long  term
engineering  solutions,  multi­modal  considerations,  enforcement  activities,  and  safety
The aim of an SA is to answer the following questions:
·What elements of the transportation system may
present a safety issue, to what extent, to which
users, and under what circumstances?
·What opportunities exist to reduce or mitigate
identified safety issues?
·Are there low cost solutions or countermeasures
that would improve safety?
SAs  may  be  used  not  only  as  a  safety  improvement  tool,  but  also  as  a  project  or
program  generation  tool.  The  variety  of  improvements  which  can  be  proposed  is
versatile and broad in nature.
1.3 Key Elements of Safety Assessments
Some  of  the  decisions  that  local  agencies  make  while  implementing  SAs  in  their
jurisdictions  include  determining  what  elements  to  include  in  the  SA  process,  what
elements are most important, and which may be omitted.
Past  practice  has  shown  that  omitting  key  elements  of  the  SA  process  renders  the
overall  process  much  less  effective  and  may  either  result  in  a  compromised  process
that  duplicates  other  processes  (i.e.  a  conformance­to­standards  check)  or  one  that
fails to add real value from a safety perspective.
Exhibit  1.1 outlines key elements of the SA process which must  be present for overall
effectiveness.  The  exhibit  may  be  used  as  a  quick  prompt  list  to  ensure  that  an  SA
program or individual SA is properly structured and conducted.Definition of
a Safety
AssessmentKey elements
of SAs

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   11 – 4Exhibit 1.1: Key Elements of the SA ProcessKey Element
of SACharacteristics of Key Elements
Examination·Scope and objectives of an SA are formally defined and known as
“Terms of Reference”.
·SA is properly documented in an SA report and officially submitted to the
Project Owner.
·Suggestions in the SA report are reviewed with the project owner and
officially documented and delivered to the SA Team and other
designated recipients.
·Actions necessary to implement the suggestions made are documented.
·Implementation actions taken are properly documented.
·SA documentation is kept in a permanent project file.
Review·At least three members participate (usually not less than six members for
larger projects) with experts called in as necessary for specialist input.
·Larger teams are acceptable for SA training.
·Incorporate a variety of experience and expertise (e.g., transportation
safety, design, traffic, maintenance, construction, public safety, local
officials, enforcement personnel, first­responders, human factors)
specifically tailored to the project.
·Include a local representative.
Non Biased
SA Team·SA of design: SA Team members should be independent of the design
team directly responsible for the development of the original plans.
·SA of existing facility: SA Team members are ideally independent of the
team directly responsible for operating and maintaining (O&M) the
facility. Especially in smaller jurisdictions, it may be necessary to draw
some team members from the local O&M staff. This is acceptable as
long as those individuals can approach the task with an open mind.
·The purpose of independence is to avoid any direct conflict of interest,
agenda, or pre­existing biases which may adversely affect the SA team’s
findings and suggestions.  For example, one can achieve independence
for an SA on an existing facility by identifying an SA Team Leader
independent of the facility owner but identifying SA Team members
related to the facility owner who are not directly responsible for the
design, operation or maintenance of the facility.  Engineering,
maintenance and other representatives from the agency may participate.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   11 – 5Key Element
of SACharacteristics of Key Elements
Safety Focus·SA is focused on identification of potential transportation safety
·SA is not a check of compliance with standards since compliance
alone does not assure optimal, or even adequate, safety.
·SA does not consider issues that are not safety­related.
Includes all
Users·SA considers all types of potential users (elderly drivers,
pedestrians of different age groups including children and the
physically­challenged, bicyclists, etc).
·SA considers all appropriate vehicle types/modes of travel
including but not limited to commercial, recreational, agricultural
traffic, and transit access.
Nature·The team considers more than just those safety issues
demonstrated by a pattern of crash occurrence.
·The absence of high quality collision data can be a reason to
conduct an SA.
·Locations demonstrating a higher than average crash risk may be
selected for an SA, but sites may also be selected for other
reasons (e.g., sections scheduled for pavement overlay,
reconstruction or rehabilitation). In the latter case,  potential safety
issues are identified proactively.
Assessment·SA team uses qualitative techniques (visualization of the design
features, field visits, prompt lists, “seeing” the transportation
system through the eyes of different users, brainstorming, RSA
software, etc.) to identify safety issues.
·While crash data is reviewed (if available) it may not be a driving
force behind the SA.
Versatility of
Improvements·The proposed improvements may include, but not be limited to:
Þshort, medium or long term engineering solutions.
Þmulti­modal considerations.
Þenforcement activities.
Þsafety education.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
An  MPO  or  a  local  agency  may  choose  to  establish  an  ongoing  SA  program  or  may
conduct individual SAs as needed.Exhibit  2.1 provides an overview of the SA process
as  a  whole.  Past  experience  suggests  that  the  effectiveness  of  the  process  improves
dramatically  when  it  is  well  organized  from  the  first  step  to  the  last,  no  important
activities are overlooked, and roles and responsibilities are clearly defined.
Sections  2.1  through  2.8 provide a concise guide to each step in the SA process and
can  also  be  used  as  a  prompt  list  of  activities.  Participants  are  referred  to  by  general
terms  including  “SA  Program  Liaison”,  “Project  Coordinator”,  “Project  Owner”,  “Design
Team”,  “Traffic  Engineering  and/or  Maintenance  Team”,  and  “SA  Team”.  The  role  of
each party is defined inSection  5.0. Additionally,  Appendix  Bcontains a Glossary of
Terms.  The  description  for  each  role  may  be  specified  in  greater  detail  by  each
jurisdiction to suit their own unique needs.
The following is an outline of the remaining Sections of these Guidelines:
·Section 3.0 discusses the different SA stages.
·Section 4.0 discusses the selection of projects and locations for an SA.
·Section 5.0 provides information on typical SA roles and responsibilities.
·Section 6.0 outlines requirements for an SA Team.
·Section 7.0 provides more detail on the selection of an SA Team.
·Section 8.0 discusses the format of SA reports.
·Section 9.0 discusses monitoring and promotion of the SA process.
·Section 10 overviews SA tools.
·Section 11 discusses challenges to the implementation of an SA process.
·Appendix  A provides three SA case studies, illustrating the processes, challenges,
and benefits of SAs.
·Appendix B provides a glossary of SA terms.
·Appendix C overviews the FHWA RSA software tool.
·Appendix  D  provides  high­level  and  detailed  Prompt  Lists  to  be  referred  to  when
conducting an SA.Organization
of the Safety

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   22 – 2Exhibit 2.1: Safety Assessment Process step­by­step
Step 1: Identify project or existing facility to be assessed
As a result of this step, the project or existing facility to undergo an SA is determined
and the parameters for the SA are set.
Step 2: Select Safety Assessment Team
As a result of this step, an independent, qualified, and multidisciplinary team
suitable for the specific SA stage is selected.
Step 3: Conduct a Pre­assessment Meeting to Review Project Information
The meeting brings together the project owner, the design team (or traffic
engineering/maintenance representatives of the agency for the SAs of existing roads) and the
assessment team.
Step 4: Conduct Review of Project Data and Field Visit
The objective of project data review is to gain insight into the project or existing facility, to
prepare for the field visit, and to identify preliminary areas of safety concern.  The field visit is
used to gain further insight into the project or existing facility, and to further verify/identify safety
Step 5: Conduct SA Analysis and Prepare Report of Findings
As a result of this step, the safety issues are identified and prioritized and suggestions are made
for improving safety. The SA results are then summarized in the formal SA report.
Step 6: Present SA Findings
In this step, the SA team orally reports the key SA findings to the project owner and design team
in order to facilitate the understanding of the SA findings.
Step 7: Prepare Formal Response
The formal response becomes an essential part of the project documentation.  It outlines what
actions the project owner and/or design team will take in response to each safety issue listed in
the SA report and why, if any, some of the SA suggestions could not be implemented.
Step 8: Incorporate SA Findings when Appropriate
This final step ensures that the corrective measures outlined in the response report are
completed as described and in the time frame proposed. Steps in the
SA Process

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   22 – 32.1   Step 1: Identify Project or Location to be Assessed
·The  SA  Program  Coordinator  (refer  toSection  5.0)appointed  to  manage  the  SA
program  within  one  or  multiple  jurisdictions  should  develop  and  apply  an  approved
policy  for  selecting  projects  or  existing  locations  to  undergo  an  SA.  Considerations
in the development and application of a selection policy are outlined inSection  4.0.
Appendix Bcontains definitions for many of the terms used  below.
·For  an  individual  SA,  the  Project  Owner  (refer  toSection  5.0)  should  establish  a
specific  Terms  of  Reference  (ToR)  document.  ToRs  for  a  specific  SA  may  be
developed  based  on  a  standardized  template  developed  by  the  SA  Program
Coordinator and approved by the jurisdiction. The ToR should define:
àScope, goals, and objectives.
àSchedule for completion.
àTeam requirements (refer toSection 6.0).
àSA tasks (refer toSections 2.3­2.6).
àThe  Maintenance  Supervisor,  to  whom  all  immediate  maintenance  problems
(such  as  deficiencies  requiring  action  according  to  local  standards),  should  be
communicated directly.
àA formal SA report format, including forms to be completed (refer toSection  2.5
andSection  8.0),  should  be  prepared  and  approved  by  the  jurisdiction.  This
may  include  statements  pertaining  to  the  ToR  under  which  the  SA  was
conducted, statements ensuring confidentiality of the SA report, etc.
2.2   Step 2: Select an SA Team
The Project Owner, with the assistance of the SA
Program  Coordinator,  should  select  a  group  of
qualified  individuals  to  form  the  SA  team.  This
selection  may  be  done  by  committee  or  from  a
pre­established  approved  list  if  the  SA  team  will
be  a  Consultant  or  Subconsultant  to  another
professional firm. Typical requirements for an SA
team  are  presented  inSection  6.0.  Principles
involved  in  selection  of  an  SA  Team  are  outlined
inSection 7.0.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   22 – 42.3   Step 3: Conduct a Pre­Assessment Meeting to Review Project Information
A  pre­assessment  meeting  is  the  most  effective  and  efficient  way  to  acquaint  an  SA
team with the project or existing facility and to discuss the scope, goals, and objectives
of the SA.
Preparing  for  and  conducting  the  pre­assessment  meeting  involves  the  following
·Design  team,  traffic  engineering,  and/or  maintenance  team  (as  appropriate)
prepares  the  background data  necessary for  the  SA  in  accordance  with  the  ToR  in
advance of the meeting. The type of data to be provided will vary, depending on the
SA type and stage.  The data may include, but not be limited to, the data outlined in
Exhibit 2.2.
Exhibit 2.2: Data Recommended for an SA (Typical for Roadway Assessments)
Note: it is understood that not all the data below may be available.DataSpecifics
Design Criteria·Functional classification, land uses, control of access.
·Design speeds, design vehicles (for road assessments).
·List of non­standard and/or non­conforming features.
·Justification for non­standard and/or non­conforming features.
Traffic Data·Vehicular  volume  and  composition  on  a  facility  being  assessed
as well as those on intersecting roads and within the surrounding
roadway network.
·Pedestrian/bicycle  volumes  and  mixes  (children,  elderly,
disabled  etc.)  on  the  facility  being  assessed,  on  intersecting
facilities, and within the surrounding transportation network.
·Operating speeds and points of congestion.
Characteristics·Typical and unique weather conditions.
·Topography.The SA team
should hold a

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   22 – 5DataSpecifics
Showing the
Existing or
Facility·For SAs of existing facilities: As­built drawings at a suitable scale
(e.g. 1:40 US Customary, 1:500 Metric) and aerial photographs
which would be useful to have on hand during the field review.
·For planning stage SAs: Conceptual drawings at a suitable scale
(e.g. 1:1000 US Customary, 1:10000 Metric) showing all planning
alternatives, adjacent land uses, the surrounding transportation
network, connections to adjoining transportation facilities and
·For preliminary design stage SAs: Contract plans at a suitable
scale (e.g. 1:40 US Customary, 1:500 Metric) showing horizontal
and vertical alignment, typical section, connections to adjoining
transportation facilities, proposed traffic control devices, basic
ramp configurations and lane configurations for interchanges.
·For detailed design stage and pre­opening stage SAs: Contract
plans at a suitable scale (e.g. 1:20 US Customary, 1:250 Metric)
showing all signs, delineation, illumination, pavement markings,
lane configuration, landscaping, roadside appurtenances, traffic
signal placement, phasing and timing, and roadside barriers.
Crash Data·For SAs of existing facilities: Crash data detailing the location,
type, and severity of each crash over at least the most recent three
year period of data available. Crash diagrams and/or copies of
New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (NYSDMV) crash
reports (Form MV­104 or equivalent) should be included.
·For pre­construction stage SAs on resurfacing, rehabilitation, or
reconstruction projects: crash data help identify safety concerns
and guide the recommendation of countermeasures.
·For pre­construction stage SAs on new construction: Crash data
for the surrounding transportation network are not as important.
They do however, provide insights into prevailing crash patterns
and safety issues in the study area. If several alternatives are
under consideration at the planning stage SA, crash data may help
qualitatively estimate the safety implications of the planning

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   22 – 6·The  above  data  may  be  provided  to  the  SA  team  either  prior  to  the  meeting  or  at
the  meeting.  The  advantage  of  the  former  is  that  the  SA  team  will  have  an
opportunity to  review  the  documents  beforehand and  be  prepared to  ask questions
at  the meeting. The  disadvantage however,  is that an advance review might  not be
as  effective  as  it  would  otherwise  be  after  the  project  has  been  presented  to  the
team.  The  SA  team  may  wish  to  indicate  to  the  Project  Owner  which  option  is
preferred at the outset.
·The  SA  team  may  also  wish  to  prepare  a  visual  (e.g.  Microsoft  PowerPoint  or
equal)  presentation  outlining  the  scope,  goals  and  objectives,  schedule,  and
conduct  of  the  SA  to  assist  the  design,  traffic  engineering,  or  maintenance  team  in
better understanding the nature of the SA and how it relates to their efforts. This will
assist in establishing a spirit of cooperation between all parties.
Specifically, there should be a clear understanding amongst all parties that SAs are
a  tool  which  help  identify  opportunities  to  improve  transportation  safety
performance. SAs are NOT intended as a substitute for periodic reviews of policies,
standards,  or  practices  to  assure  that  desired  end­results  continue  to  be  achieved
(i.e. design quality, operational and maintenance objectives). They are not meant to
replace  existing  design  quality  assurance  checks  or  standards­compliance
Documents·Maintenance histories.
·Previous SA reports and formal responses, if available.
·Minutes of public meetings, hearings, and/or stakeholder group
meetings and any agreements with municipalities or individual
property owners for the accommodation of transportation needs
(e.g. access permits, etc.).
·Listing of all relevant design standards, guidelines, manuals, and/
or publications (e.g. New York State Highway Design Manual,
Municipal Standard Details, the National Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices with New York State Supplement, etc.).
·If applicable: Records of public complaints, law enforcement
observations of speeding/unsafe behavior, etc.
Presentation·Visual (e.g. Microsoft PowerPoint or equal) presentations on the
project by its design team and of the anticipated SA (goals,
objectives, scope, expectations, schedule, etc.) by the SA team
leader might be useful for the meeting.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   22 – 7In this regard, SAs areNOT:
àa means to evaluate, praise, or critique design, operations, or maintenance.
àa  check  of  compliance  with  applicable  minimum  or  desirable  design  standards,
since compliance alone does not assure optimal, or even adequate, safety.
àa means of ranking or justifying one project over another.
àa means of rating one design option over another (although the expected safety
performance  of  each  planning  or  design  alternative  may  be  individually
àa  project  redesign  or  a  policy,  standards,  or  practices  review  (although  an  SA
may suggest changes in policy, standards, or practices as a means of improving
àa  crash  investigation  or  crash  data  analysis  (although  the  crash  history  of  an
existing road should be reviewed as a component of an SA).
àan  operational  safety  review  of  an  existing  facility  based  on  a  detailed,
quantitative  analysis  of  crash  data  and  thus  highly  dependent  on  the  quality  of
crash  data.  Low  quality  or  the  absence  of  crash  data  does  not  preclude
conducting a successful SA.
·Items to be reviewed and discussed at the Pre­Assessment meeting may include:
àScope and objectives of the SA.
àRoles and responsibilities.
àSchedule for the completion of the SA.
àLines  of  communication  between  the  SA  team  leader,  the  Project  Owner,  and
the design/operations/maintenance team.
àSA response.
·The  Pre­assessment  meeting  should  conclude  with  all  involved  parties  having  a
clear understanding of the SA to be undertaken and the roles and responsibilities of
each participant during each task.
2.4  Step 4: Conduct Review of Project Data and Field Review
A  project  data review  is  conducted  to gain  insight  into  the  project  or  existing  facility,  to
prepare for a field visit and to identify preliminary areas of safety concern. The field visit
is  necessary  to  gain  further  insight  into  the  project  or  existing  facility  and  to  further
verify  and/or  identify  safety  concerns.  Major  considerations  involving  the  review  of
project data and field visit are summarized below. Specific activities and considerations
relevant to different SA stages are provided inSection 3.0What SAs are
not intended
to be
Items to be
discussed at
the Pre­
available in
the office
before going
to the field.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   22 – 8·Plans,  drawings  and other  project  information should be reviewed by each member
of  the  SA  team  prior  to  and  again  after  the  field  visit.  The  review  of  contract  plans
and/or  as­built  drawings  is  crucial  to  understanding  the  interaction  between  a
transportation facility, its operating environment, and its users.
·For  pre­construction  stage  assessments,  the  SA  team  should  examine  the  design
drawings  in  detail,  imagining  how  the  future  facility  may  appear  from  the
perspective  of  different  users  (including  drivers  of  different  vehicle  types,  older
drivers),  cyclists  and  pedestrians  (including  those  of  different  age  groups  and
abilities)  as  applicable.  A  common
approach  involves  the  systematic  review  of
one direction at a time along segments of a
facility  and  each  individual  movement  at
freeway  interchanges  or  at­grade
intersections.  In  each  case  the  reviewer
should  imagine  themselves  driving  on  the
road or walking along the sidewalk.
·Reviews  of  the  project  data,  plans,  and  drawings  should  be  performed  both
individually (in­depth) and in a team setting (brainstorming).
·Team members may elect to use SA tools such as those introduced inSection  10.
Prompt  lists  may  serve  as  a  means  of  highlighting  relevant  aspects  of  the  SA.  It
may be beneficial for each SA team member to have an individual hard copy of the
prompt lists. The lists can be used to record any comments and concerns identified
both  during  the  project  data  review  and  the  field  visit.  Prompt  lists  may  be  sourced
and printed fromAppendix Dor the FHWA RSA software.
·If  missing  or  misleading  information  is  identified,  the  SA  team  should  contact  the
appropriate  Department  of  Public  Works,  design  team,  traffic  engineering  team,  or
maintenance  staff  to  obtain  clarification,  ideally  before  the  field  visit  is  conducted.
This  should  be  done  in  a  cooperative  manner  and  in  the  spirit  of  gaining  a  better
understanding of the proposed project.
·Field visits should be conducted as part of every SA, no matter the stage or type of
project. They are crucial to identifying safety issues on existing facilities and helping
participants  to  understand  how  the  proposed  construction  will  interact  with  the
adjacent transportation network and surrounding terrain.
·The SA team should conduct a nighttime field visit.There is no
substitute for
visiting the

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   22 – 9·Daytime  visits  to  existing  facilities  should  be  scheduled  to  coincide  with  the  most
critical  period  of  operation.  This  for  example  could  be  a  morning,  evening,  or  off­
peak  period  of  traffic  flow.  Other  factors  may  suggest  different  times  of  the  day  or
night  (e.g.  peaks  associated  with  local  traffic  generators  such  as  malls,  offices,
schools, arenas, etc.).
·Safety of the SA team and of all facility users is paramount  and should be carefully
planned  for  at  the  outset.  Appropriate  safety  equipment,  apparel,  and  necessary
traffic  controls  should  be  utilized.  Potentially  adverse  impacts  on  traffic  flow  (to  the
extent  that  they  could  skew  observations)  and  the  safety  of  the  SA  team  must  be
carefully balanced at all times.
·Approaches  to  a  field  review  may  vary  from  one  SA  to  another.  In  one  case  each
SA team member may visit the site independently noting anything they believe is of
importance.  An  alternative  would  be  to  have  the  entire  team  review  the  site
together, discussing various issues raised by the team as they go. A combination of
these  two  approaches  will  best  encourage  all  SA  team  members  to  participate  and
not  to  defer  to  an  individual  team  member  who  may  be  perceived  as  most
experienced. Yet another approach is for the SA team to move through the site as a
group but have each team member note issues individually as they encounter them.
Notes  would  then  be discussed  with  the group at  a  subsequent  meeting. Whatever
approach  is  chosen,  it  should  be  established  up  front  and  clear  to  all  participants
before venturing out to the site.
·Safety  issues  identified  during  the  review  of
project data should be verified in the field.
·Photographs  and  video  footage  should  be
taken of anything that may need to be reviewed
or  revisited  while  writing  the  SA  report.  High­
quality  digital  video  footage  permitting  still
pictures  to  be  excerpted  may  be  especially
effective,  both  as  a  review  tool  and  to  illustrate
safety concerns in the SA report.
·The SA team should consider all possible movements for all facility users and drive,
walk,  or  cycle  them  as  appropriate  during  the  field  visit.  Sample  general  and
detailed prompt lists for the SAs of existing facilities are provided inAppendix  D. A
general  list  of  action  items  for  a  field  visit  may  include,  but  not  be  limited  to,  the
items provided inExhibit 2.3.Team
the site from
perspective of
all users.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   22 – 10Exhibit 2.3: High­Level List of Actions for the Field Visit
·In  situations  where  an  SA  team  encounters  maintenance,  equipment,  or
appurtenance  problems  judged  to  be  significant,  such  as  deficiencies  requiring
action  according  to  locally  accepted  maintenance  standards,  these  should  be
communicated directly to the maintenance supervisor identified in the ToR or at the
Pre­Assessment meeting.SA PhaseActivities during the field visit
Facilities·Drive, cycle, and/or  walk through the site in all directions and on
all  approaches  (as  appropriate  and  practical)  to  experience
multiple perspectives.
·Investigate pedestrian and bicyclist facilities particularly at points
where potential conflicts with vehicular traffic exist.
·Observe  the  interaction  of  different  users  with  the  built
environment and with each other.
·Consider  limitations  and  specific  requirements  of  drivers  of
different vehicle types, older drivers, pedestrians of different age
groups, disabled persons, etc.
Stage·Examine  how  the  planned  improvement  or  new  facility  ties  into
the existing transportation network.
·Examine  how  the  planned  improvement  or  new  facility  will
interact with adjacent communities.
·Examine  adjacent  facilities  to  identify  design  consistency  issues
for various users.
·Examine  compatibility  of  the  design  with  prevailing  climatic
conditions, surrounding vegetation, and topography.Pre­Opening
Stage·Drive,  cycle,  and/or  walk  through  the  site  (as  appropriate  and
practical)  in  all  directions  and  on  all  approaches  to  experience
multiple perspectives.
·Investigate pedestrian and bicyclist facilities particularly at points
where potential conflicts with vehicular traffic exist.
·Imagine  the  interaction  of  different  users  with  the  built
environment and with each other.
·Consider  limitations  and  specific  requirements  of  drivers  of
different vehicle types, older drivers, pedestrians of different age
groups, disabled persons, etc.
·Examine  the  built  environment  for  the  presence  of  temporary
traffic control devices, construction machinery, debris, etc.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   22 – 112.5  Step 5: Conduct SA Analysis and Prepare SA Report
The  objective  of  this  step  is  to  finalize  the  identification  of  safety  issues,  estimate  the
level of risk associated with each issue, prioritize the issues, suggest countermeasures,
and succinctly document findings.
The SA analysis:
·Should be restricted to issues having a bearing on the safety of road users.
·May  include  issues  relating  to  aesthetics,  amenities,  or  congestion,  but  only  if  they
may adversely affect safety.
·Should  not  include  safety  issues  identified  outside  of  the  project  limits  unless  the
issue  is  directly  or  indirectly  related  to  the  project.  An  example  would  be  the
potential for traffic to shortcut through an adjoining residential area.
·May use prompt lists and the  FHWA RSA software as guiding  and tracking tools  to
facilitate analysis and drafting of the SA report
The SA report:
·In some instances needs to be written immediately after completion of the field visit
(such  as  with  a  pre­opening  SA).  Other  SA  reports  should  typically  be  completed
within a relatively short timeframe (e.g. two weeks).
·Should be concise.
·Should include the date of the pre­SA meeting and the dates and times that the SA
was conducted.
·Should acknowledge data provided by the Project Owner and/or the design team.
·Should  include  SA  team  member  names  along  with  their  affiliation  and
·Should include background information and a description of the process followed.
·Should include pictures and diagrams to further illustrate points made as required.
·Should include a map indicating the location and clearly defined project limits.Prepare a
complete, and

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   22 – 12·Should  include  a  review  of  signs,  pavement  markings,  traffic  signals,  and  other
traffic control devices.
·May  contain  references  to  other  reports,  standards,  policies,  or  published  research
pertaining to safety.
·Should be relevant and realistic. A planning stage SA should not contain a review of
signs  and  pavement  markings  or  propose  those  as  a  countermeasure.  A  pre­
opening  stage  SA  should  not  contain  a  review  of  interchange  configuration  and
propose an alternative.
·For  SAs  of  existing  facilities  suggested  improvements  should  normally  include
short,  medium,  and  long  term  engineering  solutions  and  may  also  include  multi­
modal  considerations,  enforcement  activities,  and  safety  education.  The  ToR  may
require  restricting  suggestions  to  low­cost,  short­term  countermeasures  or
conversely, put an emphasis on expanding suggestions to either longer­term and/or
more broadly­based countermeasures (e.g. suggestions aimed at influencing modal
split or promoting improvements at a network­level).
·Should be specific, include a brief description of each safety issue, and explain how
and why each poses a risk to facility users. The estimated degree of safety risk may
be indicated as well.
·Should avoid negative terms such as “unsafe”, “sub­standard”, “unacceptable”,  and
“deficient”, focusing instead on “opportunities” for increased safety (“safer”).
Recommended  formats  of  SA  reports  and  approaches  to  estimate  road  user  risk  are
presented inSection 8.0.
2.6  Step 6: Present Safety Assessment Findings
Once  the  SA  Report  is  published,  the  SA  Team  Leader  (refer  toSection  5.0)  orally
presents  the  findings  to  the  Project  Owner  and  Department  of  Public  Works,  design
team.  traffic  engineering  team,  or  maintenance  team  as  appropriate.  The  presentation
should clarify SA findings and suggestions, ensure that findings are within  the scope of
the SA, and allow for informal feedback from the Project Owner and other parties. Present
findings to
the Owner.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   22 – 13The presentation:
·May be facilitated visually using a software such as Microsoft PowerPoint or equal.
·Should  be  prefaced  with  a  reminder  that  the  intent  of  an  SA  is  to  identify
opportunities  to  improve  safety  rather  than  critique  the  work  of  a  design  team,
traffic engineering team, or maintenance team.
·Should start by acknowledging assistance from the Project Owner and other parties
and by sharing some “positives”.
·Should briefly overview the SA scope, goals, and objectives.
·Should  describe  safety  issues  in  terms  of  where  they  are  located,  why  they
represent  a  safety  risk  (circumstances,  sequence  of  events),  and  what  degree  of
safety risk is associated with them.
·May use possible solutions to further illustrate the safety concern, but these should
not be cited as design recommendations or specific countermeasures.
·May show pictures or video footage to further illustrate an issue.
·May  discuss  approaches  usually  taken  in  reviewing  and  responding  to  an  SA
report.  This  includes  accepting  or  not  accepting  the  SA  suggestions  and
documenting the results of the review in a formal SA response.
The presentation meeting should be accompanied by a written record (minutes) to help
avoid  the  appearance  of  arbitrary  decision  making.  Minutes  will  provide  background
documentation if the subsequent SA report omits certain safety issues as a result of the
discussion at the meeting.  Minutes should be kept in the project file.
The  SA  report  may  be  submitted  to  the  Project  Owner  at  the  meeting  or  may  be
finalized  as  needed  and  submitted  shortly  after  the  presentation  (e.g.  within  two
2.7  Step 7: Prepare Formal Response
The  concept  of  responding  to  an  SA  report,  followed  by  action  on  accepted  SA
suggestions,  is central to  the  process.  It  ensures that SA findings  are  reviewed  and,  if
accepted for implementation, acted upon.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   22 – 14Specifications include the following:
·The  SA  report  is  reviewed  jointly  by  the  Project  Owner  and  design  team,
engineering team, or maintenance representatives.
·The review of  SA report findings and suggestions should be conducted within a set
time  of  receiving  the  SA  report  and  is  completed  upon  preparation  of  a  formal
response.  The  review  period  may  vary  depending  on  staff  availability  and  the
overall project schedule but should be commensurate with that specified in the ToR.
·Outcomes  of  the  review  and  response  phase  may  involve  acceptance  of  the
suggestions,  rejection  (with  explanation),  or  modification  (with  explanation).    For
example,  the  Project  Owner  and  project  team  may:  agree  with  an  SA  suggestion
and  act  upon  it;  agree  but  decide  not  to  act  based  on  project  constraints;  or
disagree  with  either  the  safety  issue  or  the  assessment  of  risk  and  respond
accordingly.  Possible  reasons  for  not  acting  on a  suggestion  may  include:  physical
project  constraints;  property  limitations;  SA  findings/suggestions  which  are  out­of­
scope;  trade­offs  between  safety  risks  and  mobility  benefits;  environmental
constraints;  and  budget  constraints.Exhibit  2.4  lists  questions  which  may  be
considered when arriving at outcomes and preparing a formal SA response.
·The  outcome  may  acknowledge  that  improvements  will  be  deferred  to  a  future
project to happen at an agreed upon time.
Exhibit 2.4: Questions to be Reviewed When Preparing a Formal Response
·Is the SA report finding within the scope of the project?
·Would  the  suggestion  made  in  the  SA  report  address  the  safety  issue,  reducing
the likelihood of occurrence and/or resultant severity?
·Will the suggestion made in the SA report lead to mobility, environmental, or other
non­safety related issues?
·What  would  be  the  cost  associated  with  implementing  the  suggestion  and  how
would  it  compare  to  the  anticipated  reduction  in  societal  collision  costs  (cost­
benefit analysis)?
·Are there more  cost­effective alternatives to achieving  the same or greater safety
benefits?Regardless of
the outcome,
preparing a
response will
help avoid

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   22 – 15·The  decisions  made,  rationale  behind  each  decision,  and  the  actions  necessary  to
implement the decisions should be properly documented in the formal SA response.
·Form  A  (suggested  layout  provided  inExhibit  2.5)  should  be  filled  out  during  the
review  process.  This  will  ensure  that  nothing  of  importance  is  overlooked  in  the
review  and  those  decisions  and  the  rationales  behind  them  are  properly
·Form  A  should  be  kept  in  the  project  file  and  may  be  appended  to  the  concise
formal response.
·A  letter  report  format,  signed  by  the  Project  Owner,  is  an  equally  valid  method  of
responding to an SA report.
·The formal response is sent to the SA team and should be kept on file together with
the SA report.
Exhibit 2.5: Principal Layout of Form A ­ “Response on SA Findings and
2.8  Step 8: Incorporate SA Suggestions
The  objective  of  the  final  step  in  the  SA  process  is  to  implement  the  list  of  accepted
actions  identified  in  the  formal  response  within  the  documented  time  frame.  After  SA
suggestions  are  implemented  per  the  formal  response,  their  implementation  should  be
documented using Form B (suggested layout provided inExhibit 2.6).Issue
identified by
AssessmentAgree?If disagree,
explain whySafety
suggestion(s)To be
(yes, no,
partial)If yes, or partial:
deadline for
and who is in
chargeIf no or
explain whyIf no or
describe an
action, if any

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   22 – 16Exhibit 2.6: Principal Layout of Form B ­  “Implementation of SA Suggestions”Safety
suggestionDisposition per
Form AImplemented?If no or partial,
explain whyIf no or partial, describe an alternative action taken, if
any FORM B
Safety Assessment:
[location/project name]

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   33 – 13.0 SAFETY ASSESSMENT STAGES
SAs  may  be  conducted  at  any  stage  in  the  lifecycle  of  a  transportation  facility.  This
includes  when  existing  facilities  are  in­service,  during  pre­construction  planning,
design, and during construction.
At present  SAs of existing facilities are conducted more frequently in the United States
than any other type of assessment. This is logical, as there are generally more existing
facilities than new facilities being planned, designed, or constructed. The sheer number
of  existing  facilities  also  exceeds  the  quantity  being  studied  for  rehabilitation  or
expansion at any given time.
SAs  conducted  during  the  pre­construction  phase  have  the  greatest  potential  to  cost­
effectively  improve  safety.  These  SAs  examine  a  proposed  facility  before  any  shovels
hit the ground. It is easier to change a line on a drawing than it is to rebuild an existing
That  said,  a  program  of  SAs  on  existing  (in­service)    facilities  is  relatively  easier  to
implement  and  does  not  involve  the  potential  complication  of  project  delays  that  often
comes  along  with  pre­construction  and  construction  phase  SAs.  This  makes  the  SA  of
existing  facilities  a  logical  starting  point  for  their  integration  into  the  standard  operating
procedure of any jurisdiction. SAs of existing facilities have other advantages, either for
an  initial  series  of  assessments  being  conduced  by  a  jurisdiction  just  embarking  on  its
program or as a component of an ongoing safety management effort.  These include:
1.  An  opportunity  to  generate  “early  wins.”    Early  success  stories  will  support  the
continuation  of  an  SA  program.  Identifying  “sites  of  promise”,  those  where  safety
improvements  are  both  identifiable  and  achievable,  is  critical  to  generating
momentum.  If  network­wide  traffic volume  and  collision  data  are  available,  network
safety  screening  techniques  may  be  used  to  identify  candidate  locations.  A
jurisdiction  might  develop  their  own  “top­down”  ranking  of  sites from  those  with  the
highest  frequency  of  crashes  to  the  lowest.  Unfortunately,  the  location  with  the
highest  crash  rate  is  not  always  the  same  as  that  with  the  highest  potential  for
safety improvement.
Alternatively, by identifying “sites of promise” where there is both a “critical mass” of
collision  of  data    and  a  clear  pattern  of  crashes  to  be  addressed,  a  jurisdiction  can
narrow  the  focus  of  its  SA  program  to  those  locations  where  the  collision
experience  is  susceptible  to  correction  by  proven  engineering,  enforcement,
educational, or ergonomic (human factors) measures.The
of in­service
facilities is a
logical place
to start an SA

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   33 – 22.  Existing stage  SAs can be coupled with  other  “projects of opportunity” and may
be  conducted in  advance  of maintenance  or  operations activities  such  as traffic
signal  re­timing,  sign  replacement,  or  resurfacing.  In  this  way  a  jurisdiction  can
take  advantage  of  staff  and  resources  already  allocated  to  a  given  location  to
help improve safety.
3.  The  facility  is  built  and  operating.  Unlike  pre­construction  assessments,  the  SA
team  need  not  envision  how  the  facility  will  look  when  constructed,  how  it  will
integrate  with  its  surroundings,  or  how  users  will  interact  with  it  under  varying
conditions.  All    these  aspects  can  be  readily  observed  and  studied  with  a  field
visit .
4.  A  documented  history  of  identified  operational  concerns  may  already  exist.
Operational  deficiencies  may  generate  safety  concerns.  The  results  of  an  SA
and  a  traffic  operations  study  can  be  combined  to  develop  suitable  mitigation
5.  There  may  be  a  history  of  identified  safety  issues  documented  by  operations
staff  or  identified  as  concerns  by  users  and  elected  officials.  Addressing  these
issues will be perceived as “getting something done.”
6.  Existing facilities may have  a  documented  collision  record.  Analysis of collision
data,  if  available,  can  provide  important  insights  into  existing  and  potential,
future safety concerns.
7.  There  may  be  opportunities  to  conduct  other  studies  which  can  yield  insights
into  safety  issues  or  to  review  the  results  of  prior  studies.  These  may  include:
traffic  control  device  warrant  analyses,  speed  studies,  gap  acceptance  studies,
floating car studies, conflict studies, and positive guidance reviews.
8.  Assessment  suggestions  requiring  maintenance,  operations,  or  minor  capital
expenditures may be quickly implemented.
9.  Assessment  suggestions  requiring  major  capital  expenditures  can  be
programmed  and  funded  in  a  coherent  manner  in  line  with  other  projects being
driven by capacity, infrastructure management, or environmental stewardship.
3.1  E Stage SAs ­ SAs of Existing (In­Service) Facilities
In  contrast  with  traditional  safety  studies  where  the  review  of  crash  data  is  the  driving
force  behind  the  identification  of  safety  issues,  SAs  of  existing  facilities  use  qualitative
techniques  and  rely  mainly  on  site  visits,  as­built  drawings,  and  other  project  data  to
determine  what  safety  issues  may  exist  on  site.  For  this  reason,  an  E  stage  SA  isE

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   33 – 3inherently proactive, identifies where crashes might occur, and considers their potential
severity. Crash data, if available, should be used to supplement any findings made as a
result  of  the  site  visit  and  project  data  review.  SAs  of  existing  facilities  can  be
conducted  at  sites  with  no  significant  crash  history  or  where  no  crash  records  have
been kept.  They may also be conducted at locations of planned projects. For  example,
a  roadway  owner  may  choose  to  perform  an  SA  at  the  site  of  a  proposed  pavement
SAs of existing facilities can vary in scope. Six different but commonly conducted types
of SAs on existing facilities are as follows:
·SAs of specific locations;
·SAs of an entire arterial segment, freeway
segment, or roadway network;
·SAs of a specific intersection, location, feature
or design element within a transportation
·SAs of a transit facility or on­road stop;
·SAs of a transit terminal; and
·SAs of a trail facility.
Each  of  the  above  SA  types  may  not  result  only  in  engineering  countermeasures,  but
involve other initiatives such as reducing exposure to risk through the development and
improved  use  of  other  modes  of  transportation,  mass  transit,  Intelligent  Transportation
Systems (ITS), safety education, and enforcement.
Major considerations for existing facility assessments are provided below.
·Field visits during both the day time and night time hours are a critical component of
an  E  stage  SA.  This  will  allow  the  SA  team  members  to  experience  the  facility  first
hand under different conditions, observe the interaction of all users and drive, walk,
or cycle it as appropriate.
·Photographs  or  high  quality  digital  video  footage  should  be  taken  of  anything  that
may  need  to  be  reviewed  or  revisited  while  writing  the  SA  report  or  presenting  the
SA  findings  to  the  Project  Owner.  Digital  video  footage  is  especially  useful  for  the
office reviews and analyses conducted after a field visit.Considerations
for SAs of

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   33 – 4·Taking  into  account  that  an  assessment  of  an  existing  facility  may  be  conducted  a
considerable  time after the facility was put into operation, it is important to consider
whether  the  facility  under  review  still  has  the  same  function  and  classification  as  it
did  when  originally  designed  and  constructed.  For  example,  changes  in  traffic
volume, vehicle mix, the increased presence of non­motorized users, or changes in
adjoining  land  use  may  have  rendered  the  original  functional  classification  and
design of the facility obsolete.
·When  suggesting  safety  improvements  the  SA  team  should  consider  short  term,
medium  term,  and  long  term  countermeasures.  Development  of  alternative
countermeasures may be appropriate. SA team members should be sensitive to the
fact  than  a  facility  Owner  may  view    an  E  stage  SA  as  a  work  generating  exercise
and should be sensitive to the constraints, perhaps physical or budgetary, faced by
an  organization  or  municipality.  It  may  be  helpful  to  review  and  agree  upon  the
scope of potential improvements with the Owner prior to conducting an SA.
3.2  P Stage SA ­ Planning Stage SAs
Planning  stage  SAs  provide  the  opportunity  to  make  fundamental  changes  before
proceeding  to  design.  In  practice,  a  planning  stage  assessment  may  be  conducted  at
one of three sub stages:
·PL­1 – scoping stage;
·PL­2 – a set of preferred planning alternatives is ready; and
·PL­3  –a feasible  planning alternative (or a set of feasible  planning alternatives) has
been selected for forwarding to preliminary design.
Aspects of planning stage SAs include:
·A field visit should be conducted if at all practical.
·Locations where a proposed facility may tie to the existing transportation network or
pass through existing communities are of particular interest for a field visit.P

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   33 – 5·The  SA  team  may  question  fundamental  decisions  regarding  route  choice,  overall
design criteria, alignment, grade separation options, and more.
·The SA team should review each of the alternatives.
·Collision diagrams should be provided if available.
·Large  scale  plans  showing  planning  alternatives  with  principal  safety  concerns
plotted may be a useful means of illustrating issues and can be appended to the SA
3.3  D Stage SA ­ Design Stage SAs
Design  stage  SAs  provide  the  opportunity  to  suggest  physical  changes  to  the  plans.
Caution  on  the  part  of  the  SA  team  is  necessary  to  make  sure  that  all  design
parameters  are  understood.  Recommendations  made  by  the  team  that  alter  these
parameters  should  be  thoroughly  discussed  with  the  designers  and  the  impacts
In practice, a design stage assessment may be conducted at one of two sub stages:
·D­1 – preliminary design stage with plans 30% to 40% complete; and
·D­2 – detailed design stage with plans 60% to 80% complete.
During preliminary design stage SAs:
·Non­standard  features  and  non­conforming  features  should  be  brought  to  the  SA
team’s attention and thoroughly reviewed.
·Where  significant  land  acquisition  is  involved  in  the  project,  the  SA  should  be
conducted before proposed highway boundaries are finalized.
·A field visit should be conducted in all cases.
·Locations where the proposed project will tie into the existing transportation network
or pass through communities are of particular interest for a field visit.
·The  SA  team  should  not  question  fundamental  decisions  regarding  route  choice,
overall  design  criteria,  or  layout  of  preliminary  alternatives  unless  a  significant,
definable error or omission is apparent.D
A Design
Stage SA
should not
however it
may address
past errors or

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   33 – 6·The  SA  team  may  suggest  significant  physical  changes  for  a  road  such  as
horizontal  and  vertical  alignment  shifts,  different  intersection  treatments,  lane  and
shoulder  width  adjustments,  provision  of  bicycle  lanes  and/or  sidewalks,
channelization, and access consolidation.
·When feasible  alternatives  remain  under  consideration,  the  SA team  should  review
each of those alternatives.
·If  phased  implementation  of  the  project  is  planned,  each  phase  should  be
considered as well as transitions between those phases.
·The  ability  of  the  design  to  accommodate  future  widening,  expansion,  or  extension
should be considered.
Detailed  design  stage  SAs  provide  the  last  opportunity  to  change  the  design  of  the
preferred  alternative  before  construction  begins.  Land  acquisition  may  be  finalized
during  this  stage  and  will  prevent  the  SA  team  from  making  any  recommendations
involving significant changes to alignment or typical section.
Major features of detailed design stage SAs include:
·Non­standard  and  non­conforming  features  should  be  brought  to  the  SA  team’s
attention and thoroughly reviewed.
·A field visit should be conducted in all cases.
·Locations  where  the  project  will  tie  into  the  existing  transportation  network  or  pass
through communities are of particular interest for a field visit.
·The  opportunities  for  the  SA  team  to  suggest  significant  physical  changes  are
limited, especially if land acquisitions have already been finalized.
·If  phased  implementation  of  the  project  is  planned,  each  phase  should  be
considered, as well as  transitions between those phases.
·If  work  zone  traffic  control  plans  have  been  developed,  their  review  should  be
included  in  the  scope  of  the  SA.  The  SA  team  may  also  conduct  an  SA  of  work
zone traffic control as a separate effort sometime before construction begins.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   33 – 73.4  L Stage SAs – SAs Related to Land­Use Developments
Land­use  developments  often  have  an  impact  on  the  safety  performance  of  adjacent
transportation facilities as a result of site generated traffic and points of direct or indirect
access.  Existing,  crossing,  or  parallel  vehicle,  pedestrian  and  bicycle  flows,  as  well  as
those  generated  by  the  land­use  development  are  important  factors  affecting  safety
performance.  Some  developments  may  create  visual  clutter,  affect  sight  lines,  or  even
change  the  character  of  the  environment  from  rural  to  suburban  or  urban.
Developments  themselves  may  involve  a  network  of  access  roads,  driveways,  parking
areas,  transit  interfaces,  cycling  facilities  and  sidewalks  which  could  undergo  the  SA
process.  This  may  be  especially  important  where  one  or  more  roads  within  a  land­use
development assume the function of or are to be dedicated as public facilities.
Not  all  developments  must  undergo  SAs.  International  experience  shows  the  greatest
safety benefits realized from assessments conducted on:
·Strategic (master) plans.
·Land  use­developments  of  significant  size  (e.g.,  major  shopping  centers,  parking
areas with over 50 stalls, residential subdivisions with over 20 lots, etc.).
·Land­use  applications  which  connect  directly  to  an  arterial  roadway  or  other
significant traffic route.
·Land­use  applications  generating  significant  numbers  of  pedestrians  and/or
bicyclists interacting with the adjacent transportation network.
·Applications  that  extend  the  limits  of  a  community  along  an  otherwise  rural  or
suburban  roadway,  or  to  both  sides  of  facilities  carrying  large  volumes  of  through
Developments  that  fit  the  above  criteria  often  include  gas  stations,  office  buildings,
major  commercial  or  industrial  developments  and  recreational  developments  including
parks, etc.L
Land Use

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   33 – 8Major aspects of land­use development stage SAs include:
·Changes  in  facility  function,  classification,  environment,  traffic  volumes,  and
pedestrian/bicycle flows projected to occur as a result of the development should be
considered at the outset.
·Both  a day time  and night  time field visit are  critical to  a land­use development  SA.
These  experiences  will  assist  the  SA  team  members  in  examining  the  projected
impacts, design, and mitigation plans under a variety of applicable conditions.
·SA  team  members  should  be  mindful  that  concerns  uncovered  during  land­use
development  stage  SAs  may  suggest  mitigation  beyond  pure  engineering
countermeasures  that  improve  the  use  of  mass  transit.  Multi­modal  connections,
ITS, safety education, and enforcement may also be applicable.
3.5  C Stage SA ­ Pre­Opening SAs (Construction Practically Complete)
Pre­opening SAs are usually performed on newly­constructed or reconstructed facilities
immediately  prior  to  their  opening.  They  represent  the  last  opportunity  for  an  SA  team
to identify potential safety concerns before road users are exposed.
For pre­opening stage SAs:
·It is desirable for C stage assessments to be scheduled such that the SA report can
be presented and any issues addressed before the Contractor demobilizes. Making
changes to a facility or addressing issues after the Contractor leaves the project site
can be difficult.
·Field  visits  during  both  the  day  time
and  at  night  time  are  critical.  This
allows  SA  team  members  the
opportunity  to  see  first  hand  the  built
transportation  facility  and  drive,  walk,
or  cycle  it  as  appropriate.  At  that  time
they  can  imagine  the  interaction  of  all
users  under  differing  conditions.
These  field  visits  will  provide  an
opportunity  to  evaluate  the  safety  of
road  features  or  combinations  of
features  not  apparent  when  simply
reviewing the contract plans.C
Day and night
visits are
crucial to
Stage SAs

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   33 – 9·Non­standard  and  non­conforming  features  should  be  brought  to  the  SA  team’s
attention and thoroughly reviewed.
·When  available,  markups  of  the  contact  plans  or  as­built  drawings  should  be
provided  to  the  SA  team  to  indicate  how  the  built  environment  departs  from  the
contract plans developed during detailed design.
·During  the  field  visit  for  a  road,  members  of  the  SA  team  should  verify  that  all
temporary  signage,  pavement  markings,  construction  equipment,  barriers,  fencing,
materials and debris have been removed from the facility.
·C  stage  assessments  must  be  conducted  relatively  quickly  given  the  costs
associated  with  any  delay  in  the  opening  of  a  new  transportation  facility.
Opportunities  to  review  video  footage  in  the  office  will  be  limited.  Larger  SA  teams
may be more effective.
·To  expedite  the  process,  the  SA  team  may  arrange  for  a  meeting  with  the  Project
Owner and  representatives  of  the design and  construction  teams  immediately after
the  field  visit,  while  on­site,  to  share firsthand any  safety concerns  identified  and to
suggest  improvements.  This  will  allow  the  Project  Owner  and  design  team  to
address  the  identified  safety  issues  appropriately  and  minimize  delays  in  the
opening of the facility. The SA team may then follow up with their SA report.
·Due  to  time  constraints,  the  Project  Owner  and  design  team  may  complete  their
formal  SA  response  after  countermeasures  discussed  on  site  have  been
implemented and the transportation facility has been opened to the public.
3.6  Other SAs at the Construction Stage
SAs  may  also  be  conducted  when  construction  field  changes  are  proposed.  Elements
of  a  design  that  would  be  modified  should  be  resubmitted  for  SA  prior  to  construction.
The  SA  team  should  be  on  standby  during  construction  and  review  changes  as  they
arise  when  this  type  of  SA  is  planned  in  advance.  There  may  be  a  benefit  to  retaining
the  same  SA  team  that  conducted  the  D  stage  assessment  as  its  members  would
already  be  familiar  with  the  project.  Specific  procedures  and  the  scope  for  such  SAs
may be defined on a case­by­case basis by the Project Owner.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   33 – 10Similar SAs may be conducted when a value engineering study is conducted. There are
also  opportunities  to  conduct  SAs  of  work  zone  traffic  control  plans  or  construction
staging plans, although these types of SAs are uncommon.
The  procedures  involved  in  C  stage  SAs  are  essentially  the  same  as  for  all  other  SA
stages  outlined  inSection  2.0.,  however  these  SAs  may  be  less  intensive.  For
example,  a  pre­assessment  meeting  may  not  be  necessary  in  all  cases.  Specific
procedures  and  the  scope  should  be  defined  on  a  case­by­case  basis  by  the  Project

Safety Assessment Guidelines
SA programs may encompass projects of any size being undertaken at any point in the
lifecycle of a transportation facility. Policies on choosing projects for SAs throughout the
United  States  vary.  Selection  of  project  types  are  reflective  of  local  citizen  interest,
administrative  input,  and  project  costs,  etc.  Similarly,  policies  on  selecting  existing
facilities  for  SAs  vary  from  strictly  defined  quantitative  criteria  (e.g.,  certain  number  of
high­risk  intersections  and  segments  in  a  jurisdiction)  identified  through  a  process  of
network  safety  screening  to  area­wide  SAs.  The  latter  approach  often  requires  that  all
facilities  in  a  county,  town,  city,  village,  etc.  undergo  SAs  within  several  years  with  a
certain  proportion  undergoing  SAs  annually.  Some  policies  require  conducting  SAs  on
all facilities scheduled for pavement overlay, rehabilitation, or reconstruction projects.
A  word  of  caution  is  warranted  here.  Jurisdictions  should  not“over­reach”  with  their
SA  program  by  generating  more  assessments  and  suggestions  for  potential  safety
improvements  than  may  be  reasonably  responded  to  and  implemented.  It  is
recommended that  each  jurisdiction,  working  with  the  Safety  Assessment  Coordinator,
establish a program that they can manage comfortably within the resources available.
It is important for a jurisdiction to “pace” their SA program in a manner which allows the
broader  organization  to  digest  and  respond  to  reports  and  suggestions  as  they  are
completed.  Picture  an  SA  report  containing  suggestions  regarding  an  existing  road,
dated  two  years  ago,  and  lacking  either  a  response  report  or  an  action  plan.  Now
imagine its existence is identified subsequent to a recent incident within the study area.
Defending  why  the  jurisdiction  had  commissioned  the  report  and  received  information
on  how  to  improve  safety  in  the  study  area  yet  failed  to  take  any  action  within  a
reasonable period of time would likely prove difficult.
Selection  criteria  may  be  simple  in  initial  focus,
but  modified  in  response  to  emerging  needs,
issues, available funding, and resources. These
needs,  priorities  and  capacities  may  vary  over
time  and  programs  should  be  regularly
reviewed  and  adjusted  in  response.  Such
policies  may  evolve  from  relatively  loosely­
worded  statements  encouraging  the  conduct  of
SAs (such as those that are common when SAsJurisdictions
should work
with their
to establish a
program level.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   44 – 2are  initially  introduced  to  a  jurisdiction)  to  project  selection  matrices  that  attain  the
status of standard.
In  all  cases, it  is  beneficial to  have a  policy on selecting  projects  and locations for  SAs
which  reflects  the  specifics  of  the  jurisdiction.  Agencies  should  make  their  own
decisions about which projects should undergo SAs and when they should occur based
upon statewide, regional and/or local issues, priorities, and capacities.
Jurisdiction­specific policies should take into account and balance the following:
·The need to be proactive in managing safety on existing facilities as traffic volumes
increase, development progresses, and traffic patterns change;
·The  availability  of  adequate  crash  data,  quantitative  tools,  and  qualified  personnel
to  identify  high­risk  locations  in  a  jurisdiction  (to  screen  for  and  select  high­risk
locations on existing facilities);
·The  opportunities  presented  by  projects  being  driven  by  other  priorities,  such  as
infrastructure  preservation  (resurfacing  and  rehabilitation  projects,  transit  facility
upgrades, utility projects) or developments and redevelopments;
·The greater opportunities, at less cost, to identify and remedy safety issues early in
the  planning  and  design  process  for  new  facilities  and  for  facilities  undergoing
expansion, including the management of traffic while staging the work;
·The “last chance” opportunities presented during construction and before the public
is exposed to the facility;
·The potential need to conduct SAs of specific facility elements (e.g. the implications
on pedestrian safety of using channelized right turns at major urban intersections or
roadside  safety  treatments)  or  planning,  design,  operations  and/or  maintenance
practices  (e.g.  access  configurations,  leading/lagging  left  turn  phases,  roadway
marking replacement program);
·Available funding; and
·Availability of trained SA teams and other resources.
Once a jurisdiction defines its policy on project selection, it may wish to supplement that
with a matrix. The matrix would assist in identifying thetypes of projects to be assessed
and provide guidance on the desirability of SAs.
Types of projects identified as SA candidates may include the following:
·Major  Capital  Projects  (highways,  bridges,  interchanges,  road/rail  grade  separation
crossings, major intersections, transit facilities, pedestrian/bike trails); Guidance on

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   44 – 3·Minor  Capital  Projects  (highways,  bridges,  interchanges,  road/rail  at­grade
crossings,  minor intersections, bus stops);
·Traffic control improvements, traffic circulation schemes, traffic calming schemes;
·Pedestrian  and  bicycle  facilities  (sidewalks,  multi­use  paths,  bicycle  routes  or
·Major land use development projects; and
·Minor land use development projects.
Similarly,  once  a  jurisdiction  defines  its  policy  on  project  selection,  it  may  wish  to
supplement that with a matrix which guides thelocation of projects to be assessed and
provides guidance on the desirability of SAs.
Locations of projects identified as SA candidates may include the following:
·High­crash intersections;
·High­crash road segments;
·Locations of expressed concern to users,
elected officials, and/or partner
·High­volume facilities;
·Locations selected for rehabilitation,
resurfacing, or reconstruction projects;
·Locations identified from other sources.
The  degree of desirability for the  various stages of  SAs may be: “SA not required”, “To
be decided on a case by case basis”, or “Mandatory.”Candidate SA

Safety Assessment Guidelines
Guiding the SA process within a jurisdiction involves the following principal functions:
·The SA Program Liaison may assist in the development of a jurisdiction­specific SA
program,  tailor  a  standardized  SA  process  to  the  specifics  of  a  jurisdiction,  and
arrange  for  institutional  support,  funding,  training,  monitoring,  and  promotion  of
SAs.  In  New  York  State,  a  representative  of  the  MPO  may  act  as  the  SA  Program
Liaison  for their  given  area.  A representative  of  one  or multiple  jurisdictions  may fill
this role for areas not covered by an MPO (i.e. County Highway Department).
·The  SA  Coordinator  is  appointed  to  implement  and  manage  a  safety  assessment
program within a jurisdiction. The SA Coordinator shall be trained in the SA process
and provide support to the Project Owner.
·The  selection  and  conduct  of  individual  SAs,  at  any  stage  in  the  lifecycle  of  a
transportation  facility  and  according  to  established  SA  guidelines,  is  the
responsibility of the Project Owner within a local jurisdiction.
A suggested organizational chart for the SA process is presented inExhibit  5.1. Major
parties in the SA process and their roles and responsibilities are defined inExhibit 5.2.
Note  that  the  identified  roles  and  responsibilities  are  offered  as  a  general  guideline
only.  Each  jurisdiction  may  develop  its  own  roles  and  responsibilities  flowchart  tailored
to their specific organizational structure and in light of special local considerations.
Exhibit 5.1: Organizational Structure for the SA processSA Program Liaison
MPO Representative or
Jurisdictional RepresentativeSA Coordinator
Representative of one
or Multiple JurisdictionsProject
TownRoles of the
SA Program
and Owner.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   55 – 2Exhibit 5.2: Major Parties in the SA process and their Roles and ResponsibilitiesPartyRoles and Responsibilities
Safety Assessment
Program Liaison
(MPO or Jurisdictional
Representative)·Approves SA Program
·Approves SA Program Funding
·Regularly Reviews results of the SA Program
·Supports efforts of SA program Coordinators
Safety Assessment
Program Coordinator
(Representative of one
or Multiple
Jurisdictions)·Undergoes SA training as needed and keeps abreast of the latest
procedures, developments and tools
·Develops policies on selecting projects and locations for SAs
·Tailors SA Guidelines to local specifics and needs
·Prepares the SA program on an annual basis
·Prepares proposals for funding the SA program
·Manages and monitors the SA program
·Develops templates for SA Terms of Reference (ToRs)
·Establishes selection criteria for SA teams.
·Conducts Quality Control of SAs and formal responses
·Collects and analyses SA evaluation forms (Form C)
·Prepares regular reports on the SA program for the Oversight Body
·Makes presentations to the Oversight Body as needed
Project Owner
(i.e. Village, Town, City
or County)·Tailors template ToRs for SAs
·Initiates SAs
·Selects SA teams
·Conducts Pre­SA meetings
·Reviews SA reports
·Prepares formal response with input from DPW / Planning / Design or
Traffic Engineering / Maintenance teams as appropriate (incl. Form A)
·Monitors the implementation of actions as per Form A and prepares
Form B with input from DPW / Planning / Design or Traffic
Engineering / Maintenance teams as appropriate
·Keeps all SA documentation on file
DPW, Design Team,
Traffic Engineering
Team, or Maintenance
Team·Prepares data for the SA team
·Participates in the Pre­SA meeting
·Provides additional data to the SA team as needed
·Reviews SA report
·Provides input to the Project Owner for the preparation of the formal
·Implements suggestions as per the formal response (Form A)
·Provides input to the Project Owner to complete Form B
SA Team·Reviews data received and requests more data / clarifications as
·Participates in the Pre­SA meeting
·Conducts SA
·Presents SA findings orally
·Prepares SA report
·Completes SA evaluation Form C and submits it to the SA Program

Safety Assessment Guidelines
6.1  Core Skill­Sets
Core skill­sets of an SA Team may include the following:
·Transportation  Safety  Practitioner  (capability  to:  understand  the  causal  factors
which  may  lead  to  crashes;  identify  and  assess  effective  treatments  which  may
address  the  frequency  of  occurrence  and/or  severity  outcomes  of  such  crashes;
and training in and/or experience with SAs).
·Department  of  Public Works/Traffic/Transit  Operations  Practitioner  (knowledge  and
experience  in the field of traffic  operations;  principles  of traffic flow;  the relationship
between  capacity  and  demand;  causes  of  congestion;  understanding  of  the  proper
placement  and  use  of  traffic  control  devices;  and  understanding  of  the  impacts  of
different treatments upon multimodal traffic operations).
·Designer  (knowledge  and  experience  in  transportation  facility  design;  experience
and  familiarity  with  Federal,  State,  and  local  statutory  requirements,  regulations,
policies,  standards  and  practices  in  design;  understanding  of  the  relationship
between  transportation  elements  that  contribute  to  the  relative  safety  of  all  users;
and  familiarity  with  the  Americans  with  Disabilities  Act  Accessibility  Guidelines
(ADAAG) for transportation facilities that will be used by pedestrians.)
·Local  Contact  Person  (familiar  with  the  area  under  review  and  the  transportation
safety issues experienced there; a law enforcement officer would ideally fill this role
for SAs of existing transportation facilities).Persons
selected for
an SA team
may have one
of more of the
Core Skills

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   66 – 26.2  Supplemental Skill­sets
The  core  skill  set  should  be  supplemented  by  persons  with  additional  skills  and
experience  as  needed  (such  as  a  practitioner  with  knowledge  and  experience  in  an
applicable  transportation  mode:  transit;  rail;  cycling;  etc.)  and  depending  on  the  SA
stage may also include the following:
·E  Stage:  The  core  qualifications  may  be  strengthened  with  an  expert  in  crash
investigation/reconstruction,  a  local  maintenance  representative,  first­responders,
etc.  Local  drivers  (e.g.  transit,  taxi)  could  be  approached  to  share  their  knowledge
of the existing facility and to relay their own personal safety concerns.
·P  Stage:  It  is  important  to  have  a  member  experienced  in  transportation  planning
with  an  understanding  of  the  safety  effects  of  planning  alternatives,  long­range
solutions, and how planning schemes fit into the existing transportation network.
·D­1  Stage: It  is  important that  the  SA Team  includes  a  design practitioner  capable
of  visualizing  the  facility  being  reviewed  in  three  dimensions  with  all  its
·D­2  Stage:  The  SA  Team  should  include  those  with  skills  and  experience  in
roadside  protection,  traffic  control  device  application,  ITS,  pedestrian,  bicycle,  and
transit  facilities,  as  appropriate.  Depending  on  project  features,  these  skills  and
experience  may  be  supplemented  by  work  zone  traffic  control,  construction
(staging),  road  maintenance,  enforcement,  first  response,  school  transportation,
highway­rail grade crossing, or other specific skills and experience.
·C  Stage:  The  field  review  could  be  strengthened  by  human  factors,  positive
guidance, maintenance, and law enforcement expertise.
It  is  not  necessary  to  include  experts  in  all  of  these  fields  as  full­time,  formal  team
members. They may be called upon to advise the SA Team on matters relating to their
specialty on an as­needed basis.
6.3  Minimum Team Size
The SA team should include a minimum of three members for simple projects and up to
six  members  for  larger  projects.  Larger  teams  are  acceptable  for  very  complex  SAs  or
SA training. The SA
Teams should
range in size
between 3
and 6

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   66 – 36.4  Independence of Safety Assessment Team
The freedom,  ability, and comfort  of SA team members to comment frankly and openly
on  potentially  controversial  safety  issues  are  crucial  to  the  success  of  an  SA.  The
purpose  of  independence  is  to  avoid  any  direct  conflict  of  interest,  agenda,  or  pre­
existing biases which may adversely affect the SA team’s findings and suggestions. It is
achieved by careful selection of the SA team members, as follows:
·P, D and C Stages: SA Team members should be independent of the design team
directly responsible for the development of the original plans. Sourcing an SA Team
Leader  from  outside  of  the  design  group  (e.g.,  from  Operations  or  Maintenance)
and  Team  members  from  within  the  design  group  but  from  those  without  direct
responsibility  for  the  design  being  assessed,  is  one  option  for  achieving
independence.  Engineering,  operations,  maintenance,  and  other  representatives  of
the agency may round out the Team, either as participants or as advisors.
·E  Stage:  SA  Team  members  should  be  independent  of  the  team  directly
responsible  for  operating  and  maintaining  the  existing  facility  if  possible.  If    team
members  do  come  from  within  the  operating  and  maintaining  organization  they
should  be  open  minded  about  the  facility.  Sourcing  an  SA  Team  Leader  from
outside of the operations and maintenance group (e.g., from Engineering or Design)
and  SA  Team  members  from  within  the  group  but  from  those  without  direct
responsibility  for the facility is  one  option for achieving  independence.  Engineering,
design, and other representatives of the agency may round out the SA Team, either
as participants or as advisors.
Other options for achieving independence may include sourcing SA Team Leaders and
members from  other agencies on a reciprocal basis, accessing  Federal programs such
as  the  FHWA  Peer­to­Peer  RSA  assistance  program,  or  engaging  a  road  safety
consultant  with  SA  knowledge  and  experience  to  either  lead  or  perform  the
assessment.SA Team
from within
their own
approach the
SA with an
open mind.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
There  are  three  basic  options  for  selecting  SA  Teams.  Jurisdictions  may  choose  to
utilize  one  or  all  of  these,  especially  during  initial  implementation  of  the  SA  process.
Based  on  initial  results  and  as  experience  is  accumulated,  some  options  may  be
excluded or amended.
Team selection may be done as follows:
·from  within  their  own  agency,  another  public  agency  (usually  in  neighboring
jurisdictions), or from within different levels of the same agency.
·as a part of the consultant selection process for planning and design projects (P, D,
and  C  SAs).  In  this  case,  the  SA  Team  would  be  hired  as  a  sub­consultant  to  the
design team and compensated by the prime consultant.
·independent of the consultant selection process on planning and design projects (P,
D and C SAs). This could involve hiring only an SA Team Leader to lead an internal
SA Team or hiring an entire team through a designated selection process.
If the option of using an outside consultant team or team leader is chosen,the SA
Program Coordinator should define general parameters for selection by completing one
or more of the following tasks:
·Preparing template Terms of Reference (ToRs) for SAs.
·Establishing general selection criteria for SA Teams (e.g., 20% for project approach
and  understanding,  25%  for  qualifications  and  experience,  30%  for  previous
performance, 15% for responsiveness and 10% for firm’s credentials).
·Compiling  a  list  of  pre­qualified  SA  consultants  for  planning/design  projects  and
requiring  planning/design  teams  to  choose  an  SA  subconsultant  from  the  pre­
qualified list.The method
of team
selection may
vary greatly
jurisdiction to
based on their

Safety Assessment Guidelines
Standardization  of  the  SA  report  format  facilitates  preparation  and  review.  Three  basic
outlines for the SA report are shown inExhibit 8.1.
Part  A  of  the  SA  report  format  contains  background  data.  Part  B  of  the  SA  report  may
be formatted using three different sorting options, as follows:
·Format  1:  Identified  safety  issues  are  sorted  first  by  topic/subtopic,  then  by
location,  and  finally  by  likely  severity  outcomes.  Likely  severity  outcomes  may  be
determined  using  the  Safety  Risk  concept  where  the  severity  outcomes  of  the
issues  are  estimated  qualitatively  by  the  SA  team  members  in  terms  of  exposure,
probability,  and  consequence.  The  details  of  Safety  Risk  are  identified  in  Appendix
“B” Glossary of Terms.
·Format  2:  Identified  safety  issues  are  sorted  first  by  location,  then  by  severity
(Safety Risk); and
·Format 3: Identified safety issues are sorted by severity only (Safety Risk).
Exhibit  8.2 provides a specific template for Format 3 of the SA report. The format of an
SA  report  is  further  illustrated  by  three  case  studies  provided  inAppendix  A. Use of
the FHWA RSA software may be beneficial in ensuring standardization of SA reports. It
provides an interface for entering all data and findings and is capable of converting the
entered  information  into  a  draft  SA  report  formatted  to  any  of  the  templates  described
Severity (Safety Risk) associated with each suggestion may be determined using either
of  three  basic  qualitative  approaches,  aggregated,  fully  disaggregated,  and  partially­
disaggregated, as follows:
Aggregated approach:
Members  of  the  SA  team  estimate  the  severity  of  each  identified  safety  issue  (Safety
Risk) directly, using gradations “very low”, “low”, “medium”, “high” and “very high”.
Fully disaggregated approach:
Members  of  the  SA  team  estimate  the  severity  (Safety  Risk)  of  each  identified  safety
issue  through  the  estimation  of  exposure  (E),  probability  (P),  and  consequence  (C)
associated with  each issue where Safety Risk is a function of E, P, and C. Exposure isThree
formats for an
SA Report

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   88 – 2Exhibit 8.1: Three Basic Options for the SA reportDRAFT Road Safety Assessment REPORT
SA Proje ct T itle
Part B RSA findings
[ Tit le and  logo  (opt ional) of  the projec t  owner]

Project Title:Da te:
RSA Team a nd Participa nts:
Ba ckground:S A   P r o c e ss:SA Stage:
Foote r

Part A
Proje ct  Da ta
Forma t 1:  Firs t  Topic  / Subt opic s ,t hen loc at ion and  then  is s ues   for
eac   loc at ion  s ort ed  by   s everity .
Ex ample:
I NTERS ECTI ONSPe de stria nsInt ers ec tion X
is s ue  A (ris k =  5)is s ue  B (ris k =  3)is s ue  C (ris k =  1)
ntersection Yis s ue  D (ris k =  4)
is s ue  E (ris k =  2)is s ue  F  (ris k =  1)
LightingInt ers ec tion Xis s ue  G  (ris k =  3)
is s ue  H (ris k =  2)
Int ers ec tion Zissue I (risk= 4)
issue J(risk= 1)
FORMAT 2:Firs t  loc at ions   and t henis s ues   for eac h  loc at ion  s orted  byseverity.
Ex ample:Int ers ec t ion  X
issue A (risk= 5)issue B (risk= 3)issue G (risk= 3)
issue H (risk= 2)issue C (risk= 1)
Int ers ec t ion  Yissue D (risk= 4)issue E (risk= 2)
issue F (risk= 1)
Int ers ec t ion  Z
issue I (risk= 4)issue J (risk= 1)
Format 3: Issues sortedby  s everit y ,  independent
of checklist topics andloc ation.
Ex ample:is s ue  A (ris k =  5)is s ue  D (ris k =  4)
issue I (risk= 4)is s ue  B (ris k =  3)is s ue  G  (ris k =  3)
is s ue  E (ris k =  2)is s ue  H (ris k =  2)is s ue  C (ris k =  1)is s ue  F (ris k =  1)
is s ue  J  (ris k =  1)

of the SA report
format greatly
facilitates their
preparation and
review.SAeach location sorted by severity.Intersection YDRAFT

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   88 – 3Exhibit 8.2: Specific Template for Format 3 of the SA reportSafety Assessment REPORT
[SA Projec t Title]Part A
P roj e ct  Da taPart B
SA findings  [Tit le  and logo (opt ional) of t he  projec t  owner]Header                                                           SA FINDINGS
Issue:[ b rief  is s ue t itle is  provided here]Location:[ b rief  loc ation desc ript ion is  provided here]
Description  of  Safety  Issue:
[Conc is e des c ription  of s afet y  is sue  is  provided here including why   it  is   perc eived to  be  a ris k ]
[Photos   or s c hemes   are provided to  illust rat e s afet y  is s ue]
Road Safety Risk (optional):
Expos ure:  [ use  s c ale 1­5:  very  low,  low,  medium,  high,  very high]
Prob ab ility:  [ use  s c ale 1­5:  very  low,  low,  medium,  high,  very high]
Cons equence:  [ us e  s c ale 1­5:  very  low,  low,  medium,  high,  very high]
Road  Safet y  Ris k :  [ use  s c ale 1­5:  very  low,  low,  medium,  high,  very high]
[Conc is e des c ription  of s ugges tion to  mit igat e/eliminate  s afety   is s ue is   provided here]
[May   inc lude s hort ­t erm,  medium  term,  long  term road  engineering  count ermeas ures  and  mult i­modal
cons iderat ions ,  enforc ement ac t ivities ,  safety  educ ation  and engineering  s olutions   if  in  sc ope].Da te:  [ beginning and end dat e of  the S A]
RSA Te a m a nd Pa rticipa nts:
[SA team leader, members, affiliations]
Ba ckground:[Brief des cript ion of t he  projec t ,  inc luding  the SA  s c ope  and objec tives   and  any   s pec ial is sues   rais ed bythe  projec t  owner  or des ign  team,  SA  s tage,  reas ons  for projec t  init iat ion,  s elec tion  of projec t/ loc ation
for SA,  iss ues  already  k nown,  previous  SA  report  if  any ,  dat a rec eived for  SA et c .]
[Projec t  loc ation  c an be s hown on  the aerial  phot ograph,  drawing  etc .  provided in t he  appendix   to  the
SA  Report]
S A   P r o c e ss:
[How  the  projec t/ road  entit y  was  as s es s ed  t imeline,  major features   of t he pre­as s es s ment  meeting,
dates ,  times  and c ondit ions  of  the  field vis it ,  use  of  FHW A  RSA  s oftware if  any  etc ]
SA Stage: [ planning,  preliminary  des ign,  final  des ign,  land us e development,  ex is t ing road  etc ][Page … of …]Footer
[SA Date: … ]Refer to
Appendix A for
Case Study
examplesSAFacility Safety Risk (optional):

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   88 – 4assessed  through  the  number  of  facility  users  expected  to  be  exposed  to  the  risk  of
collision  associated  with  the  identified  safety  issue.  Probability  is  the  chance  that  an
individual  user  will  experience  a  collision  associated  with  the  identified  safety  issue.
Consequence is the likely severity outcomes of any such collision. Each element of the
function  is  estimated  using  gradations  “very  low”,  “low”,  “medium”,  “high”  and  “very
high”.  The  resultant  Safety  Risk  is  then  estimated  as  a  function  of  E,  P  and  C  using
gradations “very low”, “low”, “medium”, “high” and “very high”.
Partially disaggregated approach:
Members  of  the  SA  team  estimate  the  severity  (Safety  Risk)  of  each  identified  safety
issue  through  the  estimation  of  probability  (P),  and  consequence  (C)  associated  with
the  issue  where  Safety  Risk  is  a  function  of  P  and  C.  As  opposed  to  the  fully
disaggregated  approach,  Probability  is  defined  as  the  chance  for  all  road  users
exposed  to  the  safety  issue  to  be  involved  in  a  collision  associated  with  the  identified
safety  issue.  Consequence  is  the  severity  outcomes  of  any  such  collision.  As  with  the
fully  disaggregated  approach,  each  element  of  the  function  is  estimated  using
gradations “very low”, “low”, “medium”, “high” and “very high”. The resultant Safety Risk
is then estimated as a function of P and C using gradations “very low”, “low”, “medium”,
“high” and “very high”.
Exhibit 8.3: Illustration of Safety Risk Under a Partially Disaggregated Approach
The  notation  (optional)  printed  next  to  the  heading  “Facility  Safety  Risk”  on  page  8­3
under SA Findings in the SA Report refers to the use of a numerical scoring method of
assessment. The  Assessment Team  may  choose to  assess risk  on a qualitative basis.
Some  assessment  of  Facility  Safety  Risk  should  normally  be  provided  for  each  issue
The  Assessment  Team  may  also  choose  to  not  suggest  a  mitigating  measure,  leaving
this determination to the design or operations team.
The points below summarize major features of an SA report:
·SA Team member  names, their  affiliation  and qualifications,  identification of the  SA
Team  Leader,  as  well  as  the  start  and  end  dates  of  the  SA  should  be  provided  in
the introduction.Priority
of safety riskSeverity of crash
of crashes

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   88 – 5·Background information may include a brief description of the project, including: the
scope  and  objectives  and  any  special  issues  raised  by  the  Project  Owner,  design
team,  operations  team,  or  maintenance  team  as  applicable;  reasons  for  project
initiation;  selection  of  the  project  and/or  location  for  the  SA;  issues  already  known;
previous SA report(s), if any; and data received for the SA.
·The  project  location  should  be  shown  using  an  aerial
photograph, map, or drawing. It may be  provided in an
appendix to the SA Report
·The  SA  process  may  be  described  including:  the
timeline;  summary  of  the  pre­SA  meeting;  findings  of
the  in­office  review;  dates  and  conditions  of  the  field
visit; use of FHWA RSA software; etc
·A  description  of  each  safety  issue,  including:  brief
issue  title;  brief  description  of  location;  concise  description  of  safety  issue  with  a
description of why it poses a risk and an estimation of severity (e.g., Safety Risk).
·SA  suggestions  are  provided  for  each  safety  issue  identified  and  usually  include
potential  short­,  medium­  and  long­term  engineering  countermeasures.  The
countermeasures may be limited to  only  those to  be  implemented  in the short­term
if required by the Terms of Reference (ToRs). In many cases the ToRs for SAs may
require  expanding  suggestions  to  multi­modal  considerations,  enforcement
activities,  safety  education,  and  engineering  solutions  if  those  items  are  within  the
scope of the project.
·The SA report may include statements ensuring confidentiality of the report or other
standardized statements as determined by that jurisdiction.
At the close of the report, the SA Team leader may wish to suggest that another SA be
conducted  at  a  later  time  in  the  project  lifecycle  or  upon  subsequent  changes  to  the
design if significant design alterations were suggested.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
It  is  important  that  the  SA  process  is  regularly  reviewed.  Such  reviews  offer  a  learning
opportunity  and  greatly aid  in  refining  future  SAs. The  SA  Program  Coordinator  should
not only conduct a review of each SA upon completion (e.g., through the quality control
process) but should also review the SA process in a jurisdiction as a whole on a regular
basis (e.g., annually).  Form  C (SA Team  Survey,Exhibit  9.1) should be completed by
an  SA  Team  Leader  upon  the  completion  of  each  SA  report  and  submitted  directly  to
the SA Program Coordinator. The SA Program Coordinator should do the following:
·Review and summarize information from completed SAs and lessons learned;
·Prepare an annual report on the SA program;
·Identify SA needs; and
·Propose changes to the locally developed SA guidelines and templates.
Each  of  these  items  should  be  covered  in  the  annual  SA  program  report  to  be
submitted  to  the  SA  oversight  body  for  that  jurisdiction.  The  SA  Program  Coordinator
should also make presentations to the oversight body (SA Program Liaison) on different
aspects of the SA program, as needed.Periodic
reviews help
to fine­tune
the SA

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   99- 2Exhibit 9.1: Follow­up SA Team Survey
Project/location audited
Name of SA Team Leader
W as the SA done at the correct stage?€€
W ould it have been more effective to conduct the SA at an earlier stage?€€
W as the ToR for SA adequate?€€
Did you receive sufficient data for SA?€€
W as enough time allocated for the SA?€€
W as the Pre­assessment meeting conducted in an efficient/timely manner?€€
Did you have sufficient support from the project owner?€€
Did you use prompt lists?€€
Did you use FHW A RSA software?€€
W as the field visit effective?€€
If not, what were the issues and how could they have been addressed?€€
W as the SA team of a right size?€€
If not, what other areas of expertise should have been included on the team?€€
W hat information was most helpful  in conducting this type of assessment?”€€
How would you improve the SA process?€€ FORM C
Did you have sufficient support from the design team or traffic
engineering/maintenance representatives?

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   1010 – 110.0 SAFETY ASSESSMENT TOOLS
10.1  FHWA Road Safety Audit (RSA) Software
The FHWA RSA software is available free of charge by downloading  it from the FHWA
RSA  website  After  review,  some  jurisdictions
may  wish  to  adopt  this  software  as  their  tool  of  choice  for  conducting  SAs  within  their
boundaries.  The  software  facilitates  an  optimum  balance  between  comprehensive  and
broad  prompt lists allowing  users to easily “switch” between different levels of detail for
each  prompt  list  topic.  The  software  automatically  generates  prompt  lists  suitable  for
each  SA  stage  and  also  serves  as  a  guide  and  process  tracking  tool.  It  offers  the
opportunity to input  explanatory text to accompany each  safety  issue raised  along  with
discussion  and  an  assessment  of  risk,  thereby  encouraging  the  SA  Team  to  “think
through”  and  justify  their  findings.  The  FHWA  RSA  software  automatically  generates
draft  SA  reports  in  different  formats  compatible  with  the  formats  described  inSection
8.0.Appendix  C  provides  a  brief  overview  of  the  FHWA  RSA  software,  provides  key
screenshots  to  illustrate  its  functionality,  and  provides  a  flowchart  illustrating  how  the
FHWA RSA software may be used in the SA process.
The  RSA  software  is  supported  by  the  FHWA  and  is  updated  with  the  development  of
new  SA  knowledge.  For  example,  a  past  update  involved  the  integration  of  FHWA
Pedestrian Prompt Lists.
10.2  Prompt Lists
SA  practice  has  resulted  in  the  development  of  a  variety  of  prompt  list  formats.  These
range  from  very  comprehensive  prompt  lists  that  attempt  to  cover  every  consideration
in  exceptional  detail  at  every  SA  stage  (planning,  preliminary  design,  detailed  design,
pre­opening,  work  zone  traffic  control,  existing  facilities,  land  use  development
proposals)  to  a  short  prompt  list  that  includes  only  high­level  topics  (geometric  design,
traffic  operations,  traffic  control  devices,  human  factors,  environment,  and  integration)
that are considered common to all SA stages.
The  main  challenge  in  using  comprehensive  SA  prompt  lists  is  the  risk  that  the  SA
becomes  a  mechanical  rather  than  a  thinking  exercise.  SAs  should  not  become  an
exercise  in “checking the  boxes”  in lieu  of  using the  lists  as  an  aid to  the application  of
knowledge and experience borne by the SA team members. On the other hand, the use
of  high­level,  broad  prompt  lists  may  result  in  SA  teams  overlooking  specific  issues.  In
this case, the advantage of prompt lists as “portable intelligence” is not realized.Team
should not
just “check
the boxes” on
a Prompt List.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   1010 – 2Prompt lists fitting between the two extremes try to combine the advantages of different
formats.  Unfortunately,  they  also  combine  the  deficiencies.  Taking  into  account  the
variety  of  SA  project types  and  individual  preferences  of  assessors  it  is  very  difficult  to
find  an  optimum  solution  while  remaining  within  the  realm  of  traditional  hardcopy
Given  the  potential  for  different  preferences  amongst  SA  team  members,  it  might  be
useful to leave the selection of prompt lists to be used for a specific SA to the discretion
of  each  SA  team.  Examples  of  high­level  and  detailed  prompt  lists  for  SAs  of  existing
facilities  as  used  in  the  FHWA  RSA  Software  are  provided  inAppendix  C.  Similarly,
formatted prompt lists for each SA stage may be derived from the FHWA RSA software
itself.  Each  jurisdiction  may  opt  to  decide  which  prompt  lists  (e.g.,  lists  within  this
document, FHWA RSA prompt lists, Pennsylvania DOT prompt lists, FHWA Pedestrian
prompt lists, Canadian RSA Guide prompt lists, combinations of the above, etc.) should
be  used.  If  making  a  selection,  it  should  be  kept  in  mind  that  the  purpose  of  a  prompt
list  is  to  prompt  SA  team members  to  think  about  possible  safety  issues  (not  to  “check
off”  the  items).  Therefore,  they  should  not  be  considered  a  replacement  for  the
qualifications and experience of the SA team members.
What follows is a list of “things to remember” when using SA prompt lists:
·The  purposes  of  SA  prompt  lists  are  to  help  the  SA  team  identify  potential  safety
issues and to ensure that they do not overlook important items.
·Prompt lists may be used by transportation designers to help them identify potential
safety issues proactively during plan development.
·SA  prompt  lists,  even  the  most  detailed  ones,  should  be  viewed  as  a  prompt  only.
They  are  not  a  substitute  for  knowledge  and  experience.  They  are  an  aid  in  the
application of knowledge and experience.
·No matter how comprehensive, the SA prompt lists are not all­inclusive, nor do they
intend to cover all potential issues and circumstances.
·Prompt  lists may be used when reviewing  project data, when conducting site  visits,
when conducting the SA analysis, and when writing the SA report.
·It  is  useful  for  each  member  of  an  SA  team  to  have  a  printed  copy  of  the  prompt
lists  selected  for  their  project  in  hand.  The  information  contained  in  the  comment
fields  of  the  prompt  lists  may  subsequently  be  used  to  facilitate  writing  the  SA
·Prompt lists should not be appended to an SA report. SA prompt
lists help the
SA team not
to overlook
however they
are not meant
to be all

Safety Assessment Guidelines
There  are  many  challenges  to  the  implementation  of  the  SA  process,  but  experiences
across  North  America  as  well  as  internationally  show  that  there  are  effective  ways  to
turn  these  negatives  into  positives.  These  experiences  also  suggest  that
implementation  of  an SA program  does result in cost  effective safety  improvements for
the transportation network that are well worth the effort.  Practically all jurisdictions that
have  embraced  the  SA  process  report  positive  results  and  proudly  feature  the  SA
process  as  one  of  their  key  achievements  in  active  safety  management.  This  section
lists  common  challenges  which  may  arise  during  the  SA  implementation  process  and
summarizes ways those challenges can be overcome.
11.1  Lack of Financial Resources to Conduct SAs and Implement SA
Consider  allocating  dedicated  funding  for  an  SA pilot  program.  This  would  help  reduce
the initial cost of conducting SAs and help foster a realistic SA program from the outset.
Obtaining funding for SAs
There are different ways to obtain funding for SAs. The  State of Kentucky tailored their
Highway  Safety  Improvement  Program  (HSIP)  guidelines  to  permit  HSIP  funds  to  be
spent  on  conducting  SAs  of  existing  facilities  and  on  implementing  SA  suggestions.
Some  states  (e.g.,  Illinois)  have  indicated  that  the  SA  became  their  preferred  analysis
tool for identifying HSIP projects. The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT)
has  institutionalized  the  use  of  SAs  and  the  guidance  from  their  SAs  is  used  to  direct
spending  in  the  state’s  HSIP  and  High  Risk  Rural  Roads  (HRRR)  programs.  The
Vermont  Agency  of  Transportation  is  looking  into  the  possibility  of  using  HRRR  funds
both  to  conduct  SAs and to fund  countermeasures  resulting from  SAs.  In Virginia,  SAs
are funded through the HSIP systematic funding mechanism (as the activity required to
“developing  the  project”).  This  funding  source  is  also  used  to  fund  road  safety
improvements resulting from SAs. Projects which  resulted from their SAs are  classified
as:  Stage  1  projects  (0­12  months,  signal  optimization/maintenance  fix);  Stage  II
projects  (12­36  months,  HSIP,  CMAQ  and  TE  projects  with  no  additional  ROW
required);  and  Stage  III  projects  (36+  months,  TIP  with  ROW  requirements).  In
Wisconsin,  the  AAA  Road  Improvement  Demonstration  Program  (RIDP)  dedicated
some funds  to assessments of high crash  locations, and has funded  SAs of more than
50  intersections  since  2004.  There  are  also  indications  that  some  portion  of  road
resurfacing  and  rehabilitation  funds  could  be  used  to  conduct  SAs  and  fund

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   1111 – 2countermeasures resulting from SAs.Measuring  and  tracking  the  achievements  of
SAs in improving safety and demonstrating their  benefits in  a local context  is an
important component of justifying the continued funding of SAs.
Reducing the cost of SAs
SAs  are  intended  to  be  a  relatively  quick  and  low­cost  exercise  (typically  3­5  days  of
work  for  a  team  of  3­6  individuals)  mainly  involving  qualitative  assessments  of  safety
risk.    This  contrasts  positively  with  “road  safety  reviews”  of  existing  facilities,  which
involve a  comprehensive  quantitative analysis of collision data, the preparation  of a full
report, site visits, traffic conflict analyses, the use of specialized software tools, etc. and
may take several weeks of dedicated work by a team of 2­6 individuals.
There  are  effective  ways  to  keep  the  costs  of  SAs  low.  As  demonstrated  at  the
AASHTO/FHWA  Peer  Exchange  Program,  it  is  possible  to  develop  less  “threatening”
and  resource­consuming  SA  programs  as many  States  and  local  agencies  have  done.
For  example,  instead  of  having  an  SA  team  made  up  of  outside  consultants,  it  is
possible to undertake the following:
·Select  an  experienced  Team  Leader  from  the  roster  of  external  consultants,  and
select other team members from within the organization. Of course, these members
should  not  have  any  direct  conflict  of  interests  and  have  appropriate  qualifications
and experience as discussed in Section 6.0.
·Use  a  “pairing”  (or  horizontal)  scheme  where  neighboring  jurisdictions  exchange
their  internal  SA  teams  under  a  “barter”  arrangement  to  avoid  any  direct  conflict  of
·To  use  a  “vertical”  scheme  where  agencies  at  different  levels  exchange  SA  teams
within a geographical area (e.g. State DOT and County SA teams).
The  options  above and others  may  be  combined  to  arrive at  the  most  suitable  solution
for any given jurisdiction. It should be noted that with the accumulation of experience in
conducting  SAs  there  will  be  more  opportunities  to  use  local  staff  and  smaller  teams.
This trend often helps to keep the costs of assessments manageable.
Overall,  the  cost  of  SAs  is  dependent  on:  an  agency’s  creativity  in  integrating  SA
activities  within  existing  project  tasks,  practices  and  resources;  and  on  the  decision­
making  methodology  used  to  set  up  SAs,  evaluate  and  implement  SA  suggestions.  In
the  words of the  Pennsylvania Department of Transportation,  the costs  of a  successful
SA program are “very little for the amount of success.” SAs are
intended to be
a quick and

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   1111 – 3Planning an SA program realistically
SAs programs may encompass projects of any size and can be undertaken at any point
in the lifecycle of a transportation project.  Accordingly, there are a variety of policies on
the  selection  of  projects  and  existing  facilities  for  SAs.  Each  jurisdiction  should  plan
their  SA  program  realistically,  based  not  only  on  emerging  safety  needs,  but  also
considering available funding and resources (seeSection  5.0). These needs, priorities,
and capacities  may vary over time  and SA programs  should be regularly reviewed and
adjusted in response.
11.2  Lack of Qualified Staff to Conduct SAs
SAs  involve  qualitative  assessments  as  opposed  to  comprehensive,  quantitative
“safety reviews”.  The techniques of SAs are straightforward,  intuitive, and are aimed at
utilizing  the  experience  and  qualifications  already  present  within  a  jurisdiction.
Experience  shows  that  one  full  SA  training  session  conducted  on  a  real­world  site
where the trainees actively participate in the SA process brings participants to a level of
understanding  which  allows  them  to  become  effective  SA  team  members.  Participants
who have received SA training and have actively participated in several successful SAs
may  be  considered  for  the  role  of  SA  Team  Leader.  A  regular  and  systematic  SA
training  program  in  a  jurisdiction  may  quickly  bring  a  sufficient  number  of  local  staff  to
the  desired  level  of  understanding  and  qualification,  such  that  an  SA  program  may  be
conducted entirely with in­house resources.
Currently,  there  are  a  number  of  SA  training  courses  available.  The  FHWA  National
Highway  Institute  (NHI)  offers  an  RSA  training  course  ( In
addition,  FHWA  has  developed  a  training  course  on  RSAs  specifically  for  Local
Agencies  (  Many  consulting  companies  are  offering  their
own  SA  training  courses  which  typically  combine  an  introduction  to  SA  concepts  and
tools  with  the  conduct  of  a  real­world,  first­in­jurisdiction  SA.  These  courses  usually
involve the full participation of agency staff.
The  American  Association  of  State  Highway  And  Transportation  Officials  (AASHTO)
and  the  FHWA jointly  offer  a  very  useful  RSA  Peer­to­Peer  Exchange  Program  (  which facilitates sharing  best practices,
allows  those  agencies  with  a  RSA  program  to  enhance  their  SA  skills  by  conducting
assessments  in  other  jurisdictions  as  peers,  and  provides  an  opportunity  for  agencies
who  do  not  have  an  SA  program  to  obtain  the  services  of  an  experienced  SA  Team
Leader  at  no  cost.    Information  exchange  under  the  program  allows  agencies  to  learn
how  other  jurisdictions  have  established  their  SA  programs,  which  issues  were
encountered, and how they were successfully dealt with.Competent
staff for SAs
may come
from many

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   1111 – 4Other approaches to SA training across the United States have included the following:
·One­on­one  pairing  between  States  that  currently  have  SA  programs  and  those
wishing  to  implement  one  with  cross­training  of  staff  through  participation  in  SAs
under the guidance of knowledgeable team leaders;
·Training by engineering faculties from colleges and universities;
·Participation by State safety staff in university outreach programs; and
·Participation in training  programs, on­line presentations (webinars), and information
11.3  Lack of Time to Conduct SAs
The  relatively  short  time­frame  required  to  conduct  SAs  may  still  become  an  issue  if
SAs  are  not  planned  and  accounted  for  well  in  advance.  If  a  project  schedule
incorporates  SAs  at  the  outset,  the  time  spent  on  SAs  will  not  be  perceived  as  a
It  is  important  that  owners  of  design  projects  understand  the  relationship  between  SA
tasks  and  other  project  activities  and  that  project  schedules  ensure  that  time  is  set
aside  not  only  to  conduct  the  SA,  but  also  to  evaluate  the  suggestions,  respond  to  the
SA  report,  and  implement  the  accepted  SA  suggestions.  In  design  projects,  the  earlier
an  SA  is  performed  in  the  project  lifecycle,  the  easier  it  is  to  implement  suggestions
without  disruption  to  the  project  schedule.  Lead  times  for  changes  in  project  scope,
right­of­way  acquisition,  design  revisions,  and  subsequent  reviews  are  more  easily
accommodated if they are identified early in the process.
11.4  Lack of Trust to the SA Process
In  some  jurisdictions  across  the  United  States  there  are  still  misconceptions  about  the
SA  process.  Some  believe  that  it  is  either  a  duplication  of  an  existing  process  or  a
replacement for an existing process or tool.
Confusion  of  SAs  with  the  quality  control  of  design  is  the  most  common
misinterpretation  of  the  role  and  nature  of  an  SA.  It  should  be  emphasized  that  one  of
the major principles of an SA is that compliance with design standards, while important,
does  not  necessarily  result  in  an optimally  safe  road  and conversely, failure  to  achieve
compliance  with  standards  does  not  necessarily  result  in  a facility  that  is  unacceptable
from  a  safety  perspective.  Therefore,  reviewing  compliance  with  design  standards  is

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   1111 – 5not  a  part  of  an  SA  even  though  departures  from  design  standards  are  usually
assessed  for  their  safety  implications.  The  aim  of  an  SA  is  to  identify  elements  which
may  present  a  safety  concern  within  the  context  of  the  design  or  facility  in­service  and
to  highlight  opportunities  to  eliminate  or  mitigate  the  safety  concerns  identified.  As
such, SAs are neither a replacement for nor a duplication of the following:
·Design quality control or standard
compliance checks;
·Traffic impact or safety impact studies;
·Safety conscious planning;
·Road safety inventory programs; and
·Traffic safety modeling efforts.
Information  sharing  and  education  will  help  SAs  from  being  mistaken  for  any  of  the
·A  means  to  evaluate,  praise,  or  critique  design  work,  traffic  engineering  practices,
or maintenance activities.
·A check of compliance with design standards.
·A means of ranking or justifying one project over another.
·A means of rating one design option over another.
·A project redesign.
·A crash investigation or crash data analysis.
·A  safety  review  of  existing  facilities  based  largely  on  the  quantitative  analysis  of
crash data.SAs are not a
check of
compliance to

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   1111 – 6Finally, there is sufficient proof both in the United States and internationally that the SA
process  is  highly  cost  effective,  with  major  benefits  being  achieved  in  the  following
·Societal  costs  of  collisions  are  reduced  by  safer  facilities  and  fewer,  less­severe
crashes. For example, the NYSDOT has reported a 20­40% reduction in crashes at
more than 300 high crash locations which received surface improvements and were
treated  with  other,  low­cost  safety  improvements  as  suggested  by  SAs.  Data  from
the  United  Kingdom  suggest  that  the  assessing  of  highway  design  projects  makes
them  almost  five  times  more  effective  in  reducing  fatal  and  injury  crashes  when
compared to design projects completed without the benefit of an SA.
·SAs  at  the  pre­construction  phase  largely  avoid  “throwaway”  reconstruction  costs
associated  with  the  correction  of  safety  deficiencies  that  would  otherwise  be
identified only after a facility has been put in­service.
·Lifecycle  costs  are  reduced  since  safer  designs  often  carry  lower  maintenance
costs  (e.g.  flattened  slope  versus  guardrail)  and  are  less  likely  to  require
subsequent modification to address safety concerns.
11.5  Lack of High Quality Collision Data
The  lack of high quality  collision data  is actually an excellent reason to  conduct an SA.
The  SA process relies  mainly on  a  qualitative examination of relative  safety by  a  multi­
disciplinary  team  (i.e.  visualization  of  the  design  features,  field  visits,  prompt  lists,
“seeing” the facility through the eyes of different users, brainstorming, SA software etc.)
to  identify  safety  issues. While  crash  data  are  reviewed  (if  they  are  available)  they  are
not  a  driving  force  behind  an  SA.Jurisdictions  lacking  high  quality  crash  data
should  be  excited  about  the  concept  of  SAs as they can support the identification of
safety  issues  without  the  need  for  lengthy  and  expensive  quantitative  data  processing
and analysis.
11.6  Defaulting to Excessive Design Standards
There is a concern that SAs may result in project designers unnecessarily defaulting to
more  generous  design  standards.    Such  concerns  result  from  confusing  SAs  with  the
process  of  checking  compliance  with  design  standards.  One  of  the  major  principles  of
an  SA  is  that  compliance  with  design  standards,  while  important,  does  not  necessarily
result  in  an  optimally  safe  design.  Therefore,  reviewing  compliance  with  design
standards is not part of an SA. Lack of high
collision data
is not a
detriment to

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   1111 – 7These concerns can be largely mitigated through SA education and training. Designers
should  be  encouraged  to  attend  SA  training  sessions,  both  for  educational  purposes
and  as  a  means  of  obtaining  a  new  perspective  on  safety  in  design.  They  may  also
consult  SA  prompt  lists  during  the  design  process  to  proactively  identify  safety  issues
that would be identified by an SA of their design and to avoid them in the first place.
11.7  Liability Concerns
Some  jurisdictions  are  reluctant  to  implement  an  SA  program  because  of  perceived
liability concerns. Most of these concerns are caused by the fact that each SA results in
a  formal  SA  report  containing  identified  safety  issues  and  suggestions  on  how  to
minimize  or  eliminate  them.  Agencies  must  manage  their  transportation network  within
a  competing  set  of  demands  and  constraints  including  mobility,  safety,  cost,  and
environmental  impact.    It  is  not  always  possible  to  accept  and  implement  all  SA
suggestions.  On  that  basis,  it  is  feared  that  the  SA  report  could  be  cited  as  proof  that
the  agency  was  aware  of  the  risk  and  chose  not  to  implement  measures  that  would
otherwise  have  improved  safety  of  a  design  or  an  existing  road.  The  sections  below
offer effective ways of dealing with these concerns.
General principles of defense against liability claims
SAs  are  conducted  to  identify  potential  opportunities  for  safety  improvement.
Determining  whether  the  investment  necessary  to  realize  the  identified  potential  is
justifiable,  whether  in  the  context  of  the  individual  project  or  of  the  jurisdiction  as  a
whole, is outside of the scope of an SA. The responsibility for establishing and applying
justification  criteria  is  more  properly  the  responsibility  of  the  Project  Owner  and  (in  the
case  of  a  proposed  design)  the  design  team  or  (in  the  case  of  a  facility  in­service)  the
operations and maintenance team.
Potential  opportunities  for  safety  improvement  may  be  deemed  impractical  based  on
project constraints and competing objectives or may be proven cost­ineffective through
an  explicit  assessment  of  anticipated  capital  and operating costs  weighed against their
anticipated  societal  benefits.  Both  of  these  justifications  provide  a  defensible  rationale
for  declining  to  implement  a  potential  safety  improvement  provided  due  diligence  is
exercised and the decision making process is properly documented.
This  rationale  may  be  further  strengthened  if  the  agency  has  a  comprehensive
framework  for  assessing  the  costs  and  benefits  of  infrastructure  investments.  If  the
agency  is  capable  of  showing  that  limited  project  funds  are  invested  on  a  prioritized
basis and where the greatest possible societal return­on­capital is achieved, then it is in
a much stronger position to defend its funding choices.Legal and
provided in
this guideline
is not a
substitute for
legal advice.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   1111 – 8There  are  three  critical  activities  that  each  agency  must  exercise  when
conducting  SAs to  be successful  in  defense against liability claims.  These are as
·Diligent  review  of  the  SA  report  and  the  preparation  of  a  formal  SA  response  as
outlined  in  detail  inSection  2.6.  Not  every  SA  suggestion  need  be  accepted  as
proposed,  or  at  all.    Valid  reasons  for  declining  to  implement  an  SA  suggestion
should be documented and supported by an explicit analysis when appropriate;
·Timely  implementation  of  SA  report  suggestions  that  were  accepted  in  the  formal
SA response; and
·Retention of all SA documentation on file.
A  general  list  of  actions  to  further  reduce  an  agency’s  potential  legal  vulnerability  may
include, but may not be limited to, the following:
·Ensure  that  each  SA  has  clear  Terms  of  Reference  (ToRs).    Clear  ToRs  limit  the
scope, study area, and the mandate of the SA Team.
·Include  in  the  ToRs  and the  SA  report  statements  which  could  reduce  an  agency’s
vulnerability  to  legal  claims  (e.g.,  confidentiality,  goal  and  objectives,  intended  use,
·Ensure  that  SA  teams  and  staff  responding  to  SAs  are  aware  of  their  roles  and
responsibilities  in  an  SA  and  that  they  document  their  analyses,  decisions,  and
·Ensure that SAs are undertaken by competent SA teams.
·Ensure  that,  if  applicable,  safety  issues  raised  in  earlier  SAs,  which  have  not  been
addressed, are re­examined where and as appropriate.
Legal provisions reducing agency vulnerability
There  are  some  provisions  in  existing  legislation  that  may  be  used  in  defense  against
liability claims relating to the SA process.
The  Highway  Safety  Act  of  1973  was  enacted  to  improve  the  safety  of  the  nation’s
highways  by  encouraging  closer  Federal  and  State  cooperation  with  respect  to  road
safety  improvement  projects.  The  Act  included  several  categorical  programs  to  assist
States  in  identifying  highways  in  need  of  improvements  and  in  funding  those

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008S E C T I O N   1111 – 9improvements  including  23  U.S.C.  §  152  (Hazard  Elimination  Program,  “Section  152”).
States  objected  to  the  absence  of  any  confidentiality  with  respect  to  their  compliance
measures  under  Section  152,  fearing  that  any  information  collected  could  be  used  as
an effortless tool in litigation against governments.
23  U.S.C.  §  409  (“Section  409”)  was  enacted  to  address  this  concern.  This  law
expressly  forbids  the  discovery  or  admission  into  evidence  of  reports,  data,  or  other
information  compiled  or  collected  for  activities  required  pursuant  to  several  Federal
highway  safety  programs  (Sections  130,  and  152  (now  148)),  or  for  the  purpose  of
developing  any  highway  safety  construction  improvement  project  which  may  be
implemented  utilizing  Federal  aid  highway  funds,  in  tort  litigation  arising  from
occurrences  at  the  locations  addressed  in  such  documents  or  data.  In  2003,  the  U.S.
Supreme Court upheld the Constitutionality of Section 409, indicating that it “protects all
reports,  surveys,  schedules,  lists,  or  data  actually  compiled  or  collected  for  §  152
purposes”. Some States consider information covered by Section 409 as an exemption
to its public disclosure laws, but courts may not agree with this interpretation.
Some  agencies  put  additional  emphasis  on  the  confidentiality  of  the  SA  reports.  For
example,  PennDOT  guidelines  stress  that  it  is  very  important  that  SAs  remain
confidential.  Although  Pennsylvania  does  not  have  Sovereign  Immunity,  PennDOT  is
protected  by  a  Statute  that  deems  safety  studies  non­admissible  in  Torts.  Their
document  recommends  the  inclusion  of  the  following  statement  in  Pennsylvania  SA
“In accordance with PA Consolidated Statutes Title 75­Vehicles (Vehicle Code) Section
3754  and  23  U.S.C.  Section  409,  this  safety  study  is  confidential  and  the  publication,
reproduction, release, or discussion of these materials is prohibited  without the specific
written  consent  of  the  Pennsylvania  Department  of  Transportation’s  Office  of  Chief
Counsel.  This  safety  study  is  only  provided  to  official  agencies  with  official  duties/
responsibilities in the project development”.
Similarly,  the  Kansas  Department  of  Transportation  (KDOT)  accepted  the  practice
where  SA  results  are  reported  for  internal  staff  use  only  and  are  not  available  to  the
public  or  to  lawyers  representing  claims  against  the  State.  There  have  been  instances
where  these  records  were  requested  by  outside  legal  counsel  and  to  date  the
information has remained at KDOT.
A  survey  of  State  Departments  of  Transportation  conducted  as  part  of  NCHRP
Synthesis  Project  #336  ”Road  Safety  Audits”  was  unable  to  establish  any  specific
correlation  in  the  application  of  RSAs  (to  new  projects  or  to  existing  facilities)  and
whether or not the State had sovereign immunity.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 S E C T I O N   1111 – 10NYSDOT  is  afforded  liability  protection  by  the  doctrine  of  qualified  immunity  that  has
been established in various legal precedents, as follows:
Under  the  doctrine  of  qualified  immunity,  the  State  can  only  be  found  liable  for  injuries
“arising out of the operation of a duly executed highway safety plan when there is proof
that  the  plan  either  was  executed  without  adequate  study  or  lacked  a  reasonable
basis.” (Weiss v. Fote; Redcross v. State, 241 AD2d 787)
This  legal  precedent  appears to  indicate  that conducting  SAs with  proper review of  the
SA  suggestions  and  a formal  response  to  the  SA  report  could  qualify  as  an  “adequate
study”  and  “reasonable  basis”.  If  so,  the  SA  report  and  formal  SA  response  could  be
part of a qualification for immunity.
“Liability  will  not  be  imposed  on  a  public  corporation  for  failure  to  make  a  planning
decision  which,  if  made,  would  only  have  involved  giving  the  public  more  complete
protection.” (Schwartz v. NYSTA, 61 NY2d 955)
This  legal  precedent  appears  to  indicate  that  a  decision  not  to  implement  an  SA
suggestion,  with  a  proper  justification  in  a  formal  SA  response,  will  not  expose  an
agency  to liability,  as such a decision “would only have involved giving  the public more
complete protection”.
Turning SAs into a Strength
SA reports may be used in response to tort liability suits to demonstrate that the agency
is proactively trying to improve road safety. Many  litigants and their lawyers  will hire  an
expert  witness  to  conduct  their  own  safety  review  of  the  location  in  question.  The  SA
report may be used to refute or counter the expert witness’s report and to demonstrate
the public agency’s explicit efforts to improve safety at the location.
There  are  indications that  properly  structured  and conducted  SAs may  assist  agencies
in  defending  themselves  against  liability  claims.  A  survey  of  State  Departments  of
Transportation  conducted  as  part  of  NCHRP  Synthesis  Project  #336  “Road  Safety
Audits” received this response related to liability from one of responding agencies:
“Liability  is  one  of the  major  driving factors  in performing  a good  audit.  It  demonstrates
a  proactive  approach  to  identifying  and  mitigating  safety  concerns.  When  findings
cannot  be  implemented  an  exception  report  is  developed  to  address  liability  and
mitigating  measures.  Our  attorneys  say  that  once  safety  issues  are  identified  and  we
have financial limitations on how much and how fast we can correct the issues then the
audit will help us in defense of liability…” Proper
of SAs results
in a reduction
in liability,,
not an

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 AA P P E N D I X A

Safety Assessment Guidelines
A  series  of  three  case  studies  were  completed  during  the  development  of  these
Guidelines.  The Guidelines  were  used to  complete  each SA  and prepare the  summary
reports  contained  within  this  appendix.  Each  example  illustrates  the  use  of  the
guidelines in a different part of New York State and in a different type of area.
Case Study 1: Suburban
County Road 64
Town of Big Flats
Chemung County
Conducted May 5th and 6th 2008
Case Study 2: Rural
Intersection of County Route 12 and Hatch Hill Road
Town of Granville
Washington County
Conducted May 12th and 13th 2008
Case Study 3: Urban
Intersection of 9th Avenue and West 57th Street
New York City
Conducted June 17th and 18th 2008

Road Safety ASSESSMENT (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
From Railway Overpass Easterly to County Road 35
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
Sponsored by: New York State Metropolitan Planning Organizations
Conducted May 5th
and 6th
, 2008Report dated: May 30, 2008

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 2 of 37Table of Contents
1.1SA Team6
1.2SA Process7
1.3SA Report8
1.4Study Area Characteristics, Operations and Safety Performance (Office Review)8
2.1General Issues14
2.1.1Roadway classification and functional corridor considerations14
2.1.2Lack of  facilities for vuln erable road user s along CR 6416
2.1.3Side and overhead lane designation signs16
2.2.1Pavement markings and road edge delineation17
2.2.2Use of STOP signs and Stop Bars at driveways18
2.2West approach to CR 35 intersection19
2.3.1Driveway A20
2.3.2Driveway B26
2.3.3Driveway C28
2.3.4Driveway D29
2.3.5Driveway E29
2.3.6Driveway F31
2.3.7Driveway G31
2.3.8Driveway H33
2.4Onsite Issues33
2.5Other Issues34

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 3 of 371.0   Background
County Road 64 (CR 64) in the Town of Big Flats, Chemung County (known
locally as Horseheads Big Flats Road), between the railway overpass in the west
and its connection with the Commerce Center Road in the east (Figure 1), is a
two­lane arterial roadway with a largely rural cross­section and a posted speed
limit of 45 miles per hour.  The roadway is under the jurisdiction of Chemung
County, with New York State DOT – NYSDOT responsible for segments located
within the functional areas of interchanges with the Southern Tier Expressway.
Figure 1 – Key MapThe subject portion of CR 64 has experienced and likely will continue to
experience significant development as adjacent lands continue to be taken up by
commercial retail uses.
This changing land use from industrial/agricultural to retail commercial has
resulted in the following:Southern Tier
Centre Road ConnectionRailway

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 4 of 37·  Substantial increases in traffic volumes, particularly during the weekday
PM Peak period, and on weekends;
·  An increase in the presence of vulnerable road users (pedestrians and
·  An increased crash rate; and
·  A fundamental shift in the function of CR64 from a rural to a suburban
These changes in road function and traffic characteristics are expected to
continue and to become more prevalent in the future, as development continues
along the corridor.
The decision was taken to conduct a road safety assessment (SA) of the western
portion of CR 64 (See Study Area Limits –Figure 2).
Figure 2 – Study Area LimitsSimmons
Rockwell Auto

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 5 of 37This decision was made in response to the following:
·  Scope and pace of adjacent land development, and changing roadway
·  Observations regarding changing traffic volumes, characteristics, and
travel patterns;
·  Introduction of new points of access and associated roadway
improvements (i.e. turning lanes, traffic control signals);
·  Concerns expressed by the public and elected officials regarding their
perceptions of a safety problem (i.e. high crash potential);
·  Review of crash records;
·  Observations from the New York State Police regarding violations,
conflicts, and collisions; and
·  Recognition by the responsible road authorities of the potential to identify
and actualize opportunities for safety improvement in the course of
responding to increased traffic volumes, access, and capacity
requirements through needed roadway improvements.
The signalized intersection of CR 64 and CR 35 (locally known as Chambers
Road) was excluded from the study area, and forms the eastern limit of the SA.
Its operation and safety performance is the responsibility of the New York State
Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), based upon it being located within the
functional area of the Southern Tier Expressway/CR 35 interchange.
The railway overpass to the west marks a transition in the function of CR 64 from
rural arterial to the west, and suburban arterial to the east, and was thus chosen
as the western limit of the SA.
Encompassed within these study area limits are numerous driveways, serving
the adjacent land uses.  For ease of identification, these driveways have been
labeled alphabetically, from east to west, as shown inFigure 3.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 6 of 37Figure 3 – Driveway Identification1.1  SA Team
This was the first SA conducted by Chemung County and the Town of Big Flats.
Accordingly, a brief introductory training session was provided on the afternoon
of the first day of the assessment.
The road safety assessment was sponsored by the New York State Metropolitan
Planning Organizations (NYSMPOs) and will serve as one of three case studies
to be included in guidelines for the conduct of SAs on the local road system
within the State of New York.
The SA Team was composed of State (traffic and enforcement), County, MPO,
and Local representatives, led by members of the consultant team.  The RSA
Team included the following individuals:

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 7 of 37·Jay Schissell, Elmira Chemung Transportation Council·Mike Perry, Elmira Chemung Transportation Council, attended training·Dan Connors, New York State DOT (Traffic)·Vince Corona, New York State·Larry Wagner, Town of Big·Andy Avery, City of Elmira,·Shawn Crater, City of·Rick Bennett, Bergmann Associates
·Frank Dolan,Bergmann Associates
·Greg Junnor, Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc
1.2  SA Process
The SA was conducted in a manner consistent with the proposed road safety
assessment guidelines being prepared for the NYSMPOs.  The assessment took
place on May 5th
and 6th
, 2008
Information reviewed in the course of the assessment included the following:
·  Aerial photographs;
·  Traffic characteristics data;
·  Collision information;
·  Traffic signal phasing/timing data;
·  Adjacent land uses;
·  Anticipated/proposed development and redevelopment; and
·  Existing safety concerns.
Introductions and a brief assessment training session occurred in the afternoon
of the first day.  The assessment team reviewed the project related information
on the morning of the second day of the assessment.
The assessment team then went into the field to conduct a site visit in the late
morning, into the noon hour.  Site visit conditions were warm and sunny.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 8 of 37The assessment team reconvened on the afternoon of the second day to
complete the assessment analysis.  Preliminary assessment findings were
discussed then recorded using the FHW A RSA Software tool.
The consulting team subsequently prepared this report, which was circulated to
and commented upon by the assessment team members, prior to being finalized.
1.3  SA Report
This report provides information on issues identified by the assessment team,
which they deemed relevant to the stated goal of an SA; identifying opportunities
to improve road safety within the study area.
Where appropriate, an assessment of road user safety risk, and suggestions for
improvement, are included.  These suggestions should not be viewed as design
or operational recommendations.  They are intended to be illustrative of potential
solutions to the safety issues identified, and are presented for consideration only.
Within this report, the findings and suggestions of the assessment team are
organized into three groups, as follows:
·General Issues – applicable to the study area as a whole;
·Development issues – pertaining to existing and proposed/anticipated
developments within the study area; and
·Driveway issues –pertaining to the individual private/commercial access
roadways, and their intersections with CR 64.
1.4  Study Area Characteristics, Operations and Safety
Performance (Office Review)
The study area is comprised of eight driveway intersections with CR 64,
referenced alphabetically as A through H, from east to west.  Given the close
proximity of the driveways to one­another, the relevant segments of CR 64 are
addressed as approaches to each intersection.
CR 64 as a corridor is addressed under the topic “General Issues”.
Traffic is characterized by non­local travel, as the area is a regional shopping
destination, and by non­standard peak periods, including Saturday noon­hour

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 9 of 37and weekday evenings.  Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) is approaching
20,000 – considered to be very high for a two­lane County roadway in this area.
Concerns have been identified with signs and pavement markings, including
inconsistencies and lack of night­time guidance and delineation.  The Simmons
Rockwell car dealership attracts non­locals, who are then testing unfamiliar
vehicles along CR 64.  Double left turns permitted at the CR64/CR 35
intersection, and at Driveway A are not common within the area, and may be
causing issues.
A transit shuttle service is provided between developments.  Despite this, there is
an increasing presence of vulnerable road users (pedestrians) along CR 64.
Pedestrian and cycling facilities are largely absent along CR 64, save one
signalized crossing of CR 64 at Driveway A, which has pedestrian crossing
indications.  A cycling trail is proposed from the village to the study area, but has
not been implemented.
Wal­Mart has recently abandoned its former location and moved to new facilities
to the east.  Traffic along the corridor and additional development has migrated in
response to this relocation.
There have been 100+ collisions within the corridor in the past 3 years, with 42
occurring at the CR 64/CR 35 intersection.  Two significant clusters of collisions
exist within the study area, at Driveway A and at Driveway B.
Driveway A serves the Michaels/Old Navy Plaza, the Applebee’s and the Taco
Bell to the north, and the Consumers Square/Former Wal­Mart development to
the south.  It is controlled by traffic control signals and lane use designation signs
(Figure 4).
A southbound double left turn is permitted on a permissive phase (northbound
and southbound traffic receive a green simultaneously).
Northbound through and left turn movements are permitted from the left lane
only, with the right lane reserved exclusively for right turns.
Driveway A is located on the outside of a horizontal curve in CR 64.  The
superelevation on the north side of CR 64 forms a crown along the north limits of
the roadway.  The north approach slopes up to meet this point, and northbound
and southbound vehicles may have difficulty seeing one­another as they
approach the intersection.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 10 of 37Pedestrian pushbuttons and crosswalk markings are provided to cross the west
approach only.
The north approach has a short throat, and limited storage capacity for outbound
traffic, and inbound movements are constrained by movements to/from the
Applebee’s/Taco Bell access, and by operations at on­site Tee intersection
immediately to the north.
Figure 4 – Driveway ACollision experience at this location indicates a mix of collision types, with no
definitive pattern.
Driveway B serves both the Michaels/Old Navy Plaza and the Staples Plaza on
the north side of CR 64, and is controlled by a STOP sign (Figure 5).  The
driveway is located on the outside of a horizontal curve in CR 64, and is skewed
with respect to the CR 64 alignment.  Collision experience at this location (16 in
total) is dominated by angle collisions (12) involving westbound vehicles striking
vehicles turning left out of the driveway.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 11 of 37Figure 5 – Driveway BDriveway C is identified as truck access only for servicing the Consumers
Square development, and outbound left turns are prohibited by a regulatory sign
and by pavement markings (Figure 6).  Despite these restrictions, inbound and
outbound movements by passenger vehicles, including outbound left turns
(prohibited) were observed to occur.  An inbound left turn lane is not provided.
Figure 6 – Driveway C

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 12 of 37Driveway D serves the Courser Manufacturing site.
Figure 7 – Driveway DDriveway E extends to the north, and provides a second access to the Staples
Plaza.Driveway F extends to the south and provides access to the Simmons
Rockwell Auto Sales (Figure 8).  The two driveways are offset from one­another
and no left or right turn lanes are provided.
Figure 8 – Driveways E and F

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Page 13 of 37Driveway G to the north and south serves as the main driveway to Simmons
Rockwell Auto Sales (Figure 9).  A significant amount of pedestrian activity was
noted as occurring between the north and south at this location.  A westbound
right turn arrow has been marked within the paved shoulder.  Left turn lanes are
not provided.
Figure 9 ­ Driveway GDriveway H, located opposite Wells Lane, serves a small­scale commercial retail
development to the south of CR 64 (Figure 10).  It is understood that this parcel
has been acquired by Simmons Rockwell to accommodate further expansion.
The main driveway is poorly­defined, and lacks left or right turn lanes.  Sight
distance to traffic approaching from the west is limited by the horizontal curve,
and the grade ascending to the overpass.  It appears that an “ad­hoc” driveway
further to the east (with better sightlines to the west) has developed over time.

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May 30, 2008
Page 14 of 37Figure 10 – Driveway H2.0   Assessment Findings and Suggestions
2.1  General Issues
2.1.1Roadway classification and functional corridor considerations
Safety Concern: Existing roadway classification (rural arterial) appears to no
longer reflect the current and likely future roadway function.  The application of
rural arterial standards (horizontal and vertical alignment, auxiliary lanes, facilities
for vulnerable road users, speed limit, access design, access density, etc) and
treatment of capacity and access needs driven by new developments on a case­
by­case basis does not appear to be adequately addressing emerging capacity
and safety needs.
Observations: CR 64 was, and likely still is, classified as a rural arterial
roadway.  The impacts of individual development proposals, including site­
generated traffic and access requirements, appear to have been addressed in
isolation from one­another, apparently without a coherent overall plan for the
future of the corridor.  This has led to capacity constraints, inconsistencies in
roadway cross­section and traffic controls, and a conflicted road “message”
which may be contributing to substantial variations in operating speeds, high
driver workload, erratic maneuvers, conflicts, and collisions.  An example is the

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May 30, 2008
Page 15 of 37current 45 MPH speed limit which, even under off­peak conditions, was judged
by the assessment team to be excessive, given the density of accesses and
potential for vehicle­vehicle and vehicle/vulnerable user conflicts within the
Risk Analysis:  Development pressures and traffic demand (exposure) are likely
to increase congestion, conflicts, and the likelihood of collisions over time.
Continued endorsement of higher operating speeds (based upon the current,
posted speed limit) may contribute to future collision severity.  Elevated collision
risk has already been noted at existing driveways.  Site­specific improvements
may be possible in the short­term, but a systemic approach is required to
comprehensively address the sources of risk.
Suggestions:The following steps are suggested:
·Reconsider the classification of the roadway on a corridor­wide basis
(from railway bridge easterly to connection with Commerce Center Road
or even further to the east, if development expectations warrant), in light of
existing and likely, future development pressures and traffic demands;
·Develop a comprehensive and consistent set of design standards, access
management policies, and approaches to the provision of an environment
consistent with sub­urban commercial operations and suitable to use by
vulnerable road users.  A more urbanized cross­section in conjunction with
a lowered speed limit, for example, would include transit, pedestrian, and
cyclist facilities, and communicate a road message consistent with lower
operating speeds and the need for increased vigilance regarding
vulnerable road users and turning traffic;
·Consider the suitability of a three or five­lane cross­section with a center
two­way left turn lane to address access density and the need for left turn
lanes.  Alternatively, consider access consolidation and the provision of
dedicated left and right turn lanes in conjunction with raised islands,
physical channelization, and physical turn prohibition, as components of a
consistent corridor cross­section;
·Examine options to retrofit a consistent cross­section and impose access
management policies (access alignment/consolidation) within the portion
of the corridor currently developed/under development, and apply these
same principles to the consideration of all future developments within the
corridor; and
·Re­evaluate the appropriateness of the current 45 MPH speed limit.
Priority for Consideration:  High.

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May 30, 2008
Page 16 of 372.1.2Lack of facilities for vulnerable road users along CR 64
Safety Issue:  Lack of pedestrian facilities along CR 64, and at waiting areas to
cross at Driveway A.
Observations:  Rural cross­section provides no dedicated pedestrian or cycling
facilities along CR 64.  Pedestrian crossing area at Driveway A has a poorly­
located pedestrian pushbutton in the northwest quadrant and no waiting areas for
pedestrians.  Pedestrian and possibly cyclist demand in the study area is
evolving, and future planning for the corridor should take this into consideration.
Risk Analysis: Pedestrians and cyclists traveling along CR 64 must use
gravel/paved shoulder immediately adjacent to travel lanes and are exposed to
higher­speed traffic, including traffic using shoulder for evasive maneuvers,
overtaking turning traffic, or as an ad­hoc right turn lane.  Designated crossing
location at Driveway A lacks pedestrian pushbutton access, waiting area away
from turning traffic.
Suggestion:Consider vulnerable road user facility needs in future corridor
planning.  Consider upgrading Driveway A pedestrian facilities to meet ADA
Priority for Consideration:  High.
2.1.3Side and overhead lane designation signs
Safety Concern –Inconsistent usage of lane designation signs; correlation with
pavement markings.
Observations:  Side and overhead lane designation signs appear to be
inconsistently applied at intersections and driveways within the corridor.
Combined with irregularities in lane arrangement, function, pavement marking
deficiencies and road edge delineation, these inconsistencies may be resulting in
driver confusion, improper lane use and erratic maneuvers, potentially leading to
conflicts and collisions.
Risk Analysis:Given the prevalence of “non­typical” lane designations and
functions (i.e. double left turns, through­left combined, etc.), combined with

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May 30, 2008
Page 17 of 37increasing traffic volumes (exposure) the potential for higher operating speeds
(severity outcomes), the risk associated with this apparent deficiency is
considered to be moderate.
Suggestions –The following steps are suggested:
·Consider the appropriateness of current lane designations from a capacity
and consistency perspective, particularly those associated with driveway
approaches and changes in main roadway cross­section;
·Provide lane designation on a consistent basis;
·Provide overhead designation where appropriate;
·Ensure pavement markings are consistent with lane designation signs;
·Ensure lane designation signs are aligned with the lane(s) to which they
pertain; and
·Refurbish/alter markings as required.
Priority for Consideration –High.
2.2.1Pavement markings and road edge delineation
Safety Issue:  Inconsistencies, conflicting markings.
Observations: Pavement markings indicating permitted lane usage appear to be
inconsistent and/or unsupported by lane designation signs in some instances.
Pavement markings in some areas require refurbishment.  Obliterated markings
are visible in some areas, providing an inconsistent message.  Inappropriate
(unauthorized?) pavement markings are present at Driveway G.  Inconsistencies
and conflicting information may be leading to driver confusion, inappropriate lane
usage, and elevated risk of conflicts/collisions.
Risk Analysis:  Inconsistent markings may be leading to inappropriate lane use
and conflicts between adjacent traffic streams, increasing the likelihood of
conflicts and collisions.
Suggestions:The following steps are suggested:
·Re­evaluate lane configuration throughout corridor;
·Consider micro­resurfacing as a prelude to remarking, as required;
·Refurbish appropriate markings to enhance their visibility;

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May 30, 2008
Page 18 of 37·Consider road edge delineation at lane drops.
Priority for Consideration:  High
2.2.2Use of STOP signs and Stop Bars at driveways
Safety Issue:  STOP signs appear to be inconsistently applied at driveways.
When used, some STOP signs are obscured by site signs and/or do not meet
MUTCD retroreflectivity standards.  Stop Bars also appear to be inconsistently
applied at driveway accesses.
Observations: STOP signs are provided at some driveways, but not others.
Some are:
·  Poorly placed;
·  Obscured by site signs or landscaping; and
·  Are constructed of non­retroreflective or engineering­grade materials (not
high­intensity as required under MUTCD).
Stop bars are used inconsistently at driveway accesses.
Risk Analysis:  While technically not required where a private roadway
intersects with a public road, STOP signs and Stop Bars reinforce the need to
stop and yield to traffic approaching on the public road.  Their inconsistent use;
lack of visibility, and improper retroreflectivity may detract from their effectiveness
in this role, encouraging drivers to enter the public roadway without stopping.
Suggestions:The following steps are suggested:
·Apply conforming STOP signs at all unsignalized driveway approaches;
·Position signs for optimal viewing;
·Relocate obstructions; and
·Apply Stop Bars consistently with STOP signs.
Priority for Consideration:  Low

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May 30, 2008
Page 19 of 372.2  West approach to CR 35 intersection
Safety Issue:  East of Driveway A, the eastbound passing lane becomes an
exclusive left turn lane, creating a “trap lane” situation.
Observations:  On CR 64, a second eastbound through lane develops
immediately west of Driveway A.  The curb lane remains an eastbound through
lane east of Driveway A, while the passing lane becomes designated as an
exclusive left turn lane.  Drivers receive limited advance notification of this
change in lane designation.
Risk Analysis:  “Trap lane” situations may result in last­minute lane changes
and conflicts between vehicles traveling at different speeds, increasing the
likelihood of a collision.
Suggestions:Consider restriping eastbound to provide one through lane
through the Driveway A intersection, then develop two exclusive left turn lanes
and a single through lane beyond.  This will have implications for the southbound
dual left at driveway A.
If eastbound traffic demand requires two lanes through Driveway A, consider
enhanced lane designation signs and pavement legends to clearly identify the
trap lane condition.
Consider requesting that NYSDOT conduct an operational safety review or safety
assessment of the Southern Tier Expressway/CR 35 interchange functional area,
and include the CR 64/CR 35 intersection in that review.  Findings of the
NYSDOT review should be considered and coordinated with future corridor
planning by the County and NYSDOT.
Priority for Consideration:  High (in conjunction with assessment of CR 64/CR
35 intersection and development of CR 64 corridor plan).

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May 30, 2008
Page 20 of 372.3  Driveways
2.3.1Driveway A
Safety Issue #1: Lack of pedestrian footpaths or waiting areas at intersection
Observations:  Pedestrians are permitted to cross the west approach only.  No
pedestrian waiting areas are provided in either the northwest or southwest
quadrants (Figure 11).
Figure 11 – Pedestrian Waiting Area – Southwest QuadrantRisk Analysis:  Waiting pedestrians are exposed to risk of collision involving
turning traffic.
Suggestion:Upgrade intersection to meet ADA requirements.
Priority for Consideration:  High.
Safety Issue #2: Placement of pedestrian pushbutton in northwest quadrant.
Observations: Pedestrian pushbutton in the northwest quadrant is on the main
span wire support pole, at the bottom of the ditch, and is accessible only over
rubble stone landscaping or by descending a grassy grade (Figure 11).

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May 30, 2008
Page 21 of 37Figure 11 – Pushbutton Location in Northwest QuadrantRisk Analysis:  Pedestrians may choose to cross without actuating pedestrian
timings, and be provided with insufficient green time to clear the intersection,
increasing their risk of collision.
Suggestion:Upgrade intersection to meet ADA requirements.
Priority for Consideration:  High
Safety Issue #3: Pedestrian crossing timings.
Observations:  Pedestrians are provided with a total of 21 seconds in which to
cross CR 64.  Given the width of the intersection, this appears to be insufficient.
Risk Analysis:  Pedestrians may be provided with insufficient green time to clear
the intersection, increasing their risk of collision.
Suggestion:Review timings and adjust as required.
Priority for Consideration:  High.
Safety Issue #4: Dual southbound left turn
Observations:  The dual southbound left turn movement is permitted to operate
concurrently with northbound movements.  The swept path of the outer
southbound left turning vehicle overlaps that of a northbound left turning vehicle,

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
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May 30, 2008
Page 22 of 37posing the risk of an opposing sideswipe collision (Figure 12).  The outer
southbound left turning vehicle is turning into the same away lane as a
northbound right turning vehicle.  Under permissive operation, the left turning
vehicle must yield.  However, given the unusual nature of the operation, this may
not be evident to all users.
Figure 12 – Swept Path of Opposing Left TurnsRisk Analysis:  Overlapping movements increases risk of conflicts and turning
movement collisions within intersection.
Suggestions:Re­examine operational need for dual left turns.  If required,
·Split phasing northbound/southbound to separate conflicting movements
in time; or
·Geometric revisions to southbound (two exclusive left turn lanes, one
through­right turn lane, and one inbound lane) and/or southbound (one
exclusive right turn lane, one through lane, one exclusive left turn lane,
and one inbound lane) to offset the conflicting movements, with or without
the introduction of exclusive left turn phasing.

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May 30, 2008
Page 23 of 37Figure 13 – Revised Entrance SchemeIn the interim, consider refurbishing “chicken track” markings to delineate and de­
conflict the opposing left turn movements.
Priority for Consideration:  High.
Safety Issue #5: Transit stopping location – northwest quadrant.
Observations: Heavy vehicles (shopper “Shuttles”? municipal transit??) appear
to be stopping on right shoulder immediately west of Driveway A.  There are no
pedestrian waiting facilities at this location.  The shoulder shows signs of
pavement distress, and vehicles appear to be encroaching onto the grassed area
beyond – perhaps in an effort to move completely out of the travel lane.

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May 30, 2008
Page 24 of 37Figure 14 – Shoulder DistressRisk Analysis:  Stopped vehicles may be encroaching into the travel lane,
elevating the risk of a vehicle­vehicle collision.  Lack of pedestrian waiting
facilities exposes pedestrians to traffic hazards.
Suggestion:Investigate shoulder usage by transit vehicles and, if warranted,
consider inclusion of transit facilities in future corridor cross­sectional plan.
Priority for Consideration: Low.
Safety Issue #6: Lack of inter­visibility between vehicles approaching on the
north and south approaches.
Observations:  Superelevation on north side of CR 64 restricts inter­visibility
between vehicles approaching intersection on north and south approaches.05/06/2008

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May 30, 2008
Page 25 of 37Figure 16 – Relative eye height of drivers approaching CR 64Risk Analysis:  Restricted inter­visibility makes judging an opposing driver’s
intentions under permissive green more difficult, increasing the risk of conflicts
and collisions.
Suggestion:Examine opportunities to reduce superelevation and/or “ramp”
driveways to improve inter­visibility as a component of a revised cross­sectional
Priority for Consideration: Low.
Safety Issue #7:Taper, deceleration and storage length, eastbound left turn
Observation:  The total length of the eastbound left turn lane appears
insufficient for taper, deceleration, and storage for a 45 MPH posted speed limit.
Risk Analysis:  Short left turn lane risks rear­end collisions as drivers enter the
lane at speed, and conflicts and possible rear­end collisions within the through
lane as drivers decelerate in the through lane to enter the turn lane.
Suggestion:In the interim, re­evaluate left turn lane lengths as a component of
pavement markings revisions.  In the longer term, apply appropriate design
standards consistent with overall corridor standards.05/06/2008

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May 30, 2008
Page 26 of 37Priority for Consideration.  Moderate.
Safety Issue #8: Inconsistent pedestrian “WALK” and “DON’T W ALK” displays
Observations:  Pedestrian signals mix worded and symbolized WALK and
DON’T WALK messages.  Pedestrian instructions/information provided at
pushbutton locations refers only to symbolized messaging.
Risk Analysis:  Minor consistency issue.
Suggestion:Revise to consistent standard when intersection is upgraded to
meet ADA requirements.  Consider pedestrian countdown timer displays.
Priority for Consideration:  Low
2.3.2Driveway B
Safety Issue #1: Pattern of right­angle collisions (12 in 3 years, out of 16 total)
involving outbound (southbound) left turning vehicles and westbound through
Observations:  North approach is skewed to the east, relative to the alignment
of CR 64.  Stop Bar placement and lane arrangement does not appear to
encourage drivers to move up to optimal viewing point, or align their vehicle
perpendicular to CR 64.  Crash records indicate that southbound left turning
drivers generally stop, then fail to yield to westbound traffic.  Collisions appear
associated with periods of peak traffic demand, suggesting limited gaps for
entering traffic. Intersection skew, horizontal curvature of CR 64, presence of
vehicles in the westbound right turn lane, and possibly speed­of­approach of
westbound vehicles make gap detection and acceptance more difficult.
Risk Analysis:  Skewed intersections are associated with higher crash
frequency.  Operating speeds may be contributing to higher severity outcomes.
Suggestions:As an interim measure, revise Stop Bar and lane lines to
encourage drivers to move up to optimal viewing point and align their vehicle
perpendicular to CR 64.  In the longer term, consider relocating Driveway B
opposite Driveway C, and investigate possible warrant for traffic control signals.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 27 of 37Priority for Consideration:  High
Safety Issue #3:  Non­compliant and obscured STOP sign.
Observations:  Site sign and landscaping obscure STOP sign.  Stop sign is not
constructed of High Intensity retroreflective materials per MUTCD.
Risk Analysis:  While technically not required where a private roadway
intersects with a public road, STOP signs and Stop Bars reinforce the need to
stop and yield to traffic approaching on the public road.  Their inconsistent use;
lack of visibility, and improper retroreflectivity may detract from their effectiveness
in this role, encouraging drivers to enter the public roadway without stopping.
Suggestions:The following steps are suggested:
·Install conforming STOP sign;
·Position sign for optimal viewing; and
·Relocate obstructions
Priority for Consideration:  High.
Safety Issue #4: Daylighting triangle sight line restrictions.
Observations:  Site sign and landscaping obscure sight lines to approaching
eastbound traffic from stopped position.
Risk Analysis:Outbound left turning movement associated with high workload
and collisions.  Improved sightlines may assist drivers in assessing gaps,
focusing more attention on westbound through traffic.
Suggestions:Relocate Stop Bar per Safety Issue #1.  Relocate obstructions.
Priority for Consideration:  High.
Safety Issue #5:Taper, deceleration and storage length, eastbound left turn
Observation:  The total length of the eastbound left turn lane appears
insufficient for taper, deceleration, and storage for a 45 MPH posted speed limit.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 28 of 37Risk Analysis:  Short left turn lane risks rear­end collisions as drivers enter the
lane at speed, and conflicts and possible rear­end collisions within the through
lane as drivers decelerate in the through lane to enter the turn lane.
Suggestion:In the interim, re­evaluate left turn lane lengths as a component of
pavement markings revisions.  In the longer term, apply appropriate design
standards consistent with overall corridor standards.
Priority for Consideration.  Moderate.
2.3.3Driveway C
Safety Issue #1: Usage by patrons despite usage being restricted to trucks.
Outbound left turn violations.
Observations:  Patrons of the Consumers Square commercial facility are using
this driveway for inbound and outbound movements despite:
·  Inbound movement being restricted to trucks by way of (poorly orientated)
regulatory sign;
·  Lack of westbound left turn lane; and
·  Prohibition of outbound left turns.
This activity is likely a response to internal site circulation issues, and congestion
and delay at other access points.
Risk Analysis:  Usage, while a violation, does not appear to be associated with
an elevated risk of collision.
Suggestions:Re­examine justification for usage restriction and left turn
prohibition.  If found to be justified, correct sign deficiencies as follows:
·Provide near­side right turn restriction sign; and
·Correct orientation of restricted to trucks only sign.
If found not to be justified, amend signs and markings as follows:
·Remove restricted to trucks only sign;
·Remove turn prohibition; and
·Mark westbound left turn lane.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 29 of 37In the longer term, consider formalization as an all­users access in conjunction
with re­alignment of Driveway B opposite, and possible installation of traffic
control signals.
Priority for Implementation:Low.
2.3.4Driveway D
No issues Identified
2.3.5Driveway E
Safety Issue #1:  Non­compliant and obscured STOP sign.
Observations:  Site sign and landscaping obscure STOP sign.  Stop sign is not
constructed of High Intensity retroreflective materials per MUTCD.
Risk Analysis:  While technically not required where a private roadway
intersects with a public road, STOP signs and Stop Bars reinforce the need to
stop and yield to traffic approaching on the public road.  Their inconsistent use;
lack of visibility, and improper retroreflectivity may detract from their effectiveness
in this role, encouraging drivers to enter the public roadway without stopping.
Suggestions:The following steps are suggested:
·Install conforming STOP sign;
·Position sign for optimal viewing; and
·Relocate obstructions
Priority for Consideration:  High.
Safety Issue #2: Daylighting triangle sight line restrictions.
Observations:  Site sign and landscaping obscure sight lines to approaching
eastbound traffic from stopped position.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 30 of 37Risk Analysis:Outbound left turning movement associated with high workload.
Improved sightlines may assist drivers in assessing gaps, focusing more
attention on westbound through traffic.
Suggestions:Relocate Stop Bar per Safety Issue #1.  Relocate obstructions.
Safety Issue #3:  Lack of eastbound left turn lane.
Observations:  Left turning traffic stops in through lane to await gaps in
westbound traffic.  Through traffic uses shoulder to overtake.
Risk Analysis:  Risk of rear­end collisions based on eastbound traffic operating
speeds.  Shoulder usage poses risk of run­off­the­road­type collisions, conflicts
with outbound left turning vehicles, and conflicts with vulnerable road users on
the shoulder.
Suggestions:Consider providing left turn lane as a component of future
corridor plan.  Explore opportunities to realign this Driveway and Driveway F with
left turn lanes for both driveways as a component of future corridor plan.
Priority for Consideration: Moderate.
Safety Issue #4:  Lack of westbound right turn lane.
Observations:  Right turning traffic slows in westbound through lane.
Westbound through traffic crosses centre line to overtake.
Risk Analysis:  Risk of rear­end collisions based on westbound traffic operating
speeds.  Risk of head­on collisions during overtaking
Suggestions:Consider providing right turn lane as a component of future
corridor plan.
Priority for Consideration: Moderate.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 31 of 372.3.6Driveway F
Safety Issue #1:  Lack of eastbound left turn lane.
Observations:  Left turning traffic stops in through lane to await gaps in
westbound traffic.  Through traffic uses shoulder to overtake.
Risk Analysis:  Risk of rear­end collisions based on eastbound traffic operating
speeds.  Shoulder usage poses risk of run­off­the­road­type collisions, conflicts
with outbound left turning vehicles, and conflicts with vulnerable road users on
the shoulder.
Suggestions:Consider providing left turn lane as a component of future
corridor plan.  Explore opportunities to realign this Driveway and Driveway F with
left turn lanes for both driveways as a component of future corridor plan.
Priority for Consideration: Moderate.
Safety Issue #2:  Lack of eastbound right turn lane.
Observations:  Right turning traffic slows in eastbound through lane.
Westbound through traffic crosses centre line to overtake.
Risk Analysis:  Risk of rear­end collisions based on eastbound traffic operating
speeds.  Risk of head­on collisions during overtaking.
Suggestions:Consider providing right turn lane as a component of future
corridor plan.
Priority for Consideration: Moderate.
2.3.7Driveway G
Safety Issue #1:  Possible unauthorized roadway improvements.
Observations: Right turn arrows have been marked on paved shoulder.
Shoulder may not be structurally sufficient to serve as a right turn lane.
Pavement added to provide right turn “slips”.  Is this work authorized by the

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 32 of 37Risk Analysis:  Minor, but there is a potential liability issue for the road authority
if unauthorized roadway “improvements” go unchallenged.
Suggestions:Clarify adjacent property owners’ authority and intentions.
Priority for Consideration:  Moderate.
Safety Issue #2: Pedestrian activity.
Observations:Pedestrians observed crossing between north and south side of
CR 64.
Risk Analysis:Road users, particularly those traveling eastbound, may not
expect to encounter pedestrians in the roadway.  Given the prevailing operating
speeds, this could result in a high­severity outcome.
Suggestion:Consider warning signs to advise eastbound (and possibly
westbound road users of pedestrian activity associated with this access.  Monitor
activity for potential warrant for traffic control to provide assured pedestrian
crossing opportunities (e.g. High­Visibility Crosswalk).
Priority for Consideration:High.
Safety Issue #3:  Lack of left turn lanes.
Observations:  Simmons Rockwell has expanded incrementally, and is currently
undergoing a further expansion.  This is likely to increase site­generated traffic.
Left turning traffic stops in through lane to await gaps in opposing traffic.
Through traffic uses shoulder to overtake.
Risk Analysis:  Risk of rear­end collisions based on operating speeds.
Shoulder usage poses risk of run­off­the­road­type collisions, conflicts with
outbound left turning vehicles, and conflicts with vulnerable road users on the
Suggestions:  Consider providing left turn lanes as a component of future
corridor plan.
Priority for Consideration: Moderate.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 33 of 372.3.8Driveway H
Safety Issue:  Proximity to horizontal and vertical curve to the west.
Observations: Eastbound traffic is descending the grade from the railway
overpass at 45+ MPH.  Road users entering CR 64 have difficulty seeing traffic
approaching from the west.  An informal driveway further to the east has
apparently developed over time, possibly in response to this issue.
Risk Analysis:  Restricted sightlines pose an elevated risk of higher­severity
angle­type collisions, involving northbound to westbound left turning vehicles and
eastbound through vehicles.
Suggestion:  Consider closing westerly driveway and formalizing a consolidated
driveway further to the east, opposite Wells Lane and provide left (and possibly
right) turn lanes as a component of future corridor plan.
Priority for Consideration: Low.
2.4  Onsite Issues
During the safety assessment, a number of issues pertaining to road user safety
were identified pertaining to on­site traffic movements.  They are as follows:
Safety Issue #1:  Most, if not all of the developments within the study area lack
pedestrian facilities to provide access to stores from CR 64.
Observations:  Pedestrians are forced to walk amongst traffic and between rows
of parked vehicles to access store entrances.
Risk Analysis: Pedestrians are exposed to vehicular traffic along driveways, and
move along random desire lines from parking areas to store entrances,
increasing the likelihood of vehicle­pedestrian conflicts and collisions.
Suggestion:In consultation with developers/property owners, examine
opportunities to retrofit pedestrian facilities within adjacent developments, and
provide secure pedestrian corridors between parking areas and entrances.
Review and comment on pedestrian safety and on­site circulation issues as a
component of future development approvals.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 34 of 37Priority for Consideration:  Existing Issue – Moderate, Future Issues ­ High.
Safety Issue #2: Michaels/Old Navy Plaza parking layout and entrance design.
Observations:  The parking layout has the first two rows of parked vehicles
oriented parallel to the front of the stores, along the main isle.  This results in
vehicles backing into the isle to exit stalls, conflicting with vehicles traveling along
the isle and pedestrians crossing to and from the parking area.  The columns
along the front of the covered entrances to the stores obscure approaching
drivers’ views of pedestrians exiting the stores and stepping into the main isle.
Risk Analysis: The orientation of the first two rows of parking, the placement of
the main access isle immediately in front of the stores, and the sight restriction
posed by the building’s architecture increase the likelihood of vehicle­vehicle and
vehicle­pedestrian conflicts and collisions.
Suggestion:In consultation with developers/property owners, consider revising
the parking layout to provide perpendicular parking stalls, and to direct the
majority of vehicle movements away from the isle immediately in front of the
stores.  Review and comment on pedestrian safety and on­site circulation issues
as a component of future development approvals.
Priority for Consideration: Existing Issues – Low, Future Issues – High.
2.5  Other Issues
During the safety assessment, other miscellaneous issues pertaining to road
user safety were identified.  They are as follows:
Safety Issue #1:  There is a school bus stop ahead sign, for eastbound traffic,
located immediately east of railway overpass.
Observation: This sign is present.  However, there does not appear to be any
residential uses in the vicinity.
Risk Analysis:  Minimal.
Suggestion:Review continuing requirement for sign, and remove if no longer

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 35 of 37Priority for Consideration: Low.
Safety Issue #2:  Plant (Trucks) Entrance sign for westbound traffic upstream of
Driveways C and D.
Observations: Volume of heavy trucks using these accesses likely does not
warrant presence of this sign.
Risk Analysis:  Minimal.
Suggestion:Revisit warrant for sign, and remove if unwarranted.
Priority for Consideration:  Low.
Safety Issue #3: Utility pole in clear zone on north side of CR 64 between
Driveway B and Driveway E.
Observation:  This pole is located immediately behind the shoulder at a
significantly lesser offset that other poles in the corridor.
Risk Analysis:  Pole appears to represent a fixed object hazard within the
roadway clear zone, with increased likelihood of collision in the event of a vehicle
drifting to the outside of the curve or undertaking an evasive maneuver.  There is
an increased potential for a higher severity outcome if pole is struck, relative to
vehicle entering ditch.
Suggestion:Relocate pole outside of clear zone as a component of future
corridor plan.
Priority for Consideration: Low (may be considered along with other cross­
sectional improvements).

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 36 of 37Safety Issue #4:  Vertical culvert headwalls.
Observations:  Several ditch inlets under driveways were noted to employ
vertical culvert headwalls.  These headwalls may constitute a roadside hazard if
struck by an errant vehicle.
Risk Analysis:  Vertical headwalls may increase the severity outcomes of run­
off­the­road­type collisions.
Suggestion:Address these potential hazards in future corridor plan.
Priority for Consideration:  Low.
Safety Concern #5:  Peak period/night operations review.
Observations:  The assessment team was not able to conduct a PM or weekend
peak period review, or a night review, due to time constraints.
Suggestion:Observation of peak period operations may yield additional insights
into collision causal factors and safety issues.  A night review is suggested as
part of the assessment response process.  The night review should examine
illumination needs; sign, delineation and pavement marking retroreflectivity; and
light trespass/glare issues pertaining to the adjacent commercial developments.
Priority for Consideration:High.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
County Road 64 – Horseheads Big Flats Road
Town of Big Flats, Chemung County, New York State
May 30, 2008
Page 37 of 373.0   Conclusion
This assessment has been prepared to assist the responsible road authorities in
the identification and actualization of opportunities to improve safety within the
study area.  The assessment is based on information available at the time of the
field review.  The suggestions it contains are for consideration only, and are in no
way intended to serve as design or operational recommendations.
This report does not preclude the identification of additional issues pertaining to
safety by the responsible road authorities, or the emergence of new issues over
It is recommended that the responsible road authorities review this report;
document their responses to the issues identified in a formal response report;
and track their progress towards the implementation of safety improvements
prompted by this assessment.

Road Safety ASSESSMENT (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville
Washington County
New York State
Sponsored by: New York State Metropolitan Planning Organizations
Assessment Conducted May 12th
and 13th
, 2008
Final Report Date: July 22, 200805/13/0805/13/0805/13/08200 First Federal Plaza28 East Main Street
Rochester, NY 14614
585.232.5235www.bergmannpc.comPrepared By:In Association With:

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 2 of 19Table of Contents
1.1SA Team4
1.2SA Process5
1.3SA Report5
1.4Study Area Characteristics, Operations, and Safety Performance (Office Review)6
2.1Approaching Roadway Issues7
2.1.1CR 12 North Approach7
2.1.2CR 12 South Approach11
2.1.3Hatch Hill Road13
2.2Intersection and Intersection­related Issues14

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 3 of 191.0   Background
Washington County Route 12 (CR 12) extends northerly from New York State
(NYS) Route 22 in the south to the Town of Whitehall in the north.  CR 12 is an
asphalt surfaced, rural collector roadway with a two­lane rural cross­section and
a statutory speed limit of 55 miles per hour.  Adjacent land uses within the study
area are generally rural residential and agricultural.
Approximately 1.5 miles north of NYS Route 22, CR 12 intersects with Hatch Hill
Road (South Junction), an asphalt surfaced, rural local roadway with a two­lane
cross­section and posted speed limit of 45 miles per hour (Figure 1).  Adjacent
land uses within the study area are generally rural residential and agricultural.
Hatch Hill Road is under the jurisdiction of the Town of Granville.
Viewed from the south, the two roadways form a “Y” intersection with CR 12
bearing off to the northwest and Hatch Hill Road bearing off to the northeast.
The Hatch Hill Road approach to CR 12 is controlled by a STOP sign.
Figure 1 – Study Location MapStudy LocationNORTH

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 4 of 19The CR 12/Hatch Hill Road (South Junction) intersection and its approaching
roadways were selected for a safety assessment (SA) based upon a network
safety screening of County and municipal roadways. The results of that
screening identified both the subject intersection and the adjacent roadway
segment of CR 12 to the north as having a higher­than­expected collision
1.1  SA Team
This was the first SA conducted by Washington County in association with the
Adirondack Glens Falls Transportation Council (AGFTC).  As such, a brief
introductory training session was provided on the afternoon of the first day of the
This SA was sponsored by the New York State Metropolitan Planning
Organizations (NYSMPOs) and will serve as one of three case studies to be
included in guidelines for the conduct of SAs on locally owned and maintained
transportation facilities throughout New York State.
The SA Team was comprised of Washington County Department of Public Works
(DPW) and NYSMPO representatives along with two members from the
consultant team leading the development of the SA guide.
The SA Team included the following individuals:
·Aaron Frankenfeld, AGFTC,·Kristina Hong, AGFTC,·Scott Tracy, Washington County DPW,·Richard Doyle, Washington County DPW,·Michael Breault, Washington County DPW,·Mike Croce,Bergmann·Greg Junnor, Synectics Transportation Consultants,gjunnor@synectics­

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 5 of 191.2  SA Process
The SA was conducted in a manner consistent with the proposed safety
assessment guidelines being prepared for the NYSMPOs.  The assessment took
place on May 12th
and 13th
, 2008.
Information reviewed during the course of the assessment included the following:
·  Aerial photographs;
·  Traffic volume data;
·  Collision information;
·  Adjacent land uses; and
·  Existing safety concerns.
This information was reviewed by the assessment team on the morning of the
second day of the assessment. The assessment team then went into the field to
conduct a site visit. This visit began in the late morning and extended into the
noon hour.  Site visit conditions were warm and sunny.
The assessment team reconvened on the afternoon of the second day to
complete the assessment analysis.  Preliminary assessment findings were
discussed then recorded using the FHW A Road Safety Audit (RSA) Software.
This report was subsequently prepared by the consultant team and circulated
among the assessment team members for review and comment prior to being
1.3  SA Report
This report provides information on issues identified by the assessment team
which were deemed relevant to the stated goal of an SA; “identifying
opportunities to improve road safety within the study area.”
Where appropriate, an assessment of road user safety risk and suggestions for
improvement are included.  High, medium, and low priority designations are
provided as a means for the reader to gauge the Assessment Team’s opinion on
what improvements should be considered in the near term and which could be
held off until others have been completed or tried.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 6 of 19The suggestions provided in this document should not be viewed as design or
operational recommendations.  They are intended to be illustrative of potential
solutions to the safety issues identified and are presented for consideration only.
Within this report the findings and suggestions of the assessment team are
organized into two groups:
·Approaching Roadway Issues – pertaining to the approaching roadways
but not directly related to the intersection; and
·Intersection and Intersection­related Issues – pertaining to the
intersection of CR 12 and Hatch Hill Road.
1.4  Study Area Characteristics, Operations, and Safety
Performance (Office Review)
CR 12 within the study area carries an annual average daily traffic (AADT) of 919
vehicles south of Hatch Hill Road, and 606 vehicles north of Hatch Hill Road.
Hatch Hill Road carries an AADT of 313 vehicles.
Vehicle types include passenger vehicles, farm­related truck traffic, and farm
equipment.  An informal review of license plates indicates a substantial number
of out­of­state (Vermont) license plates, suggesting non­local users.  A maple
sugar house, located on Hatch Hill Road, draws tourists during the spring
“sugaring­off” season.  There is new development (rural acreages) being
constructed on Hatch Hill Road northeast of the study area intersection.
The Hatch Hill Road approach is STOP (R1­1) controlled.  There is anecdotal
evidence that this approach may have been controlled by a YIELD (R1­2) sign in
the past.
Collision data for the past 11 years indicates a total of 34 collisions on the CR 12
approaches. This figure includes those collisions that are within 0.3 miles north
and south of the intersection and those that occurred within intersection. Hatch
Hill Road experienced 11 collisions over the same time period within 0.3 miles of
the intersection, for a total of 45 collisions within the study area. At least 16
crashes resulted in one or more injuries.
An informal tally of collision attributes indicates the following:

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 7 of 19·  12 vehicle versus animal (deer, raccoon) collisions. Deer incidents were
primarily located on the CR 12 north approach.
·  CR 12 north of the intersection has experienced a pattern of single vehicle
run­off­the­road collisions (total of 7). It is believed that they are occurring
on a reverse curve where roadbed stability and localized settlement has
been an ongoing maintenance concern.
·  Several intersection and intersection­related collisions make reference to
wet pavement and loose sand/gravel on the roadway surface.
·  Collisions on Hatch Hill Road make frequent reference to slush, snow or
ice on the road surface leading to single vehicle loss of control.
Washington County has ownership and maintenance jurisdiction over CR 12.
The roadway was resurfaced within the last 2 years.  Winter maintenance
activities including routine plowing and salting to a bare pavement surface.
Maintenance on Hatch Hill Road is carried out by Town of Granville forces.
Winter maintenance activities include plowing and the spreading of sand or grit. It
was suggested that packed snow is occasionally allowed to remain on the
roadway surface during the winter.
2.0   Assessment Findings and Suggestions
2.1  Approaching Roadway Issues
2.1.1CR 12 North Approach
Safety Concern #1: Deer collisions
Observations: The assessment team noted substantial evidence of deer activity
(fresh tracks in mud) approximately 300 to 600 yards north of the intersection,
between an open field to the west and a wooded ravine to the east. This is also
on the approach to the reverse curve.  This observation correlates with the
collision experience. Salt residue in roadside ditches from winter maintenance
activities may be attracting deer to the roadway.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 8 of 19Risk Analysis:  Crashes involving large animals and vehicles may result in
evasive maneuvers and loss of control.  The existing horizontal alignment makes
seeing and avoiding animals on or crossing the roadway difficult.  Crashes
involving deer have a higher potential for severe results as an animal may be
propelled through windshield and intrude into vehicle.
Suggestions:Examine warrants for deer crossing signs.  Consider reflectors,
appropriate plantings, or right­of­way fencing to deter crossing activity or channel
it to tangent areas with better sightlines.
Priority for Consideration:  ModerateSafety Concern #2:Roadway settlement.
Observations: Settlement of the roadbed and sliding of pavement toward the
east shoulder have been noted as ongoing maintenance concerns on the inside
of the northbound lane approximately 200 to 300 yards north of the intersection.
Field observations revealed a dip in this area. This coupled with anecdotal
evidence of frost heaving and subsidence in spring, suggests the problem was
not resolved when the roadway was last resurfaced.
Risk Analysis:  Undulations in the roadway at this location are superimposed on
a horizontal curve, thus increasing the potential for a loss of vehicular control.
Suggestions:In the short term, consider asphalt shimming to correct
settlement.  In the longer term, seek more a durable solution (i.e. embankment
stabilization, reconstruction with undercut and geotextile, etc).
Priority for Consideration:  Moderate.Safety Concern #3: Steep ditch cross­section with utility poles located in the
foreslope or invert.
Observations: The ditch along the west side of CR 12 (adjacent to the
southbound lane) has a near­vertical back slope approximately 200 to 300 yards
north of Hatch Hill Road (southern junction).  Utility poles are located within the
foreslope (Figure 2).

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 9 of 19Risk Analysis:  A steep ditch back slope raises the potential for overturning an
errant vehicle, resulting in a higher collision severity outcome.  The collision data
set contained information on one vehicle rollover associated with this location.
This combination of ditch geometry and pole location risks errant vehicles being
directed into a roadside fixed object collision.
Figure 2 – Ditch Back Slope and Utility PoleSuggestions:Re­grade ditch and flatten back slope to 1:3 or flatter.  Explore
opportunities to relocate poles on the outside of a horizontal curve behind the
ditch and outside of the clear zone.
Priority for Consideration:  Moderate.Safety Concern #4: Edge drop­off opposite intersection with Hatch Hill Road.
Observations: Southbound vehicles appear to have been off­tracking to the
inside of the horizontal curve to the right, resulting in the formation of an edge
drop­off (Figure 3).
Risk Analysis:  Edge drop­offs may result in a vehicle “hooking” the pavement
edge resulting in a loss of control as the driver attempts to steer back onto the
traveled way.05/13/08

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 10 of 19Figure 3 – Edge Drop­offSuggestion:  Consider re­grading the shoulder to eliminate drop­off.
Priority for Consideration:  Low.Safety Concern #5: Southbound sequence of reverse curve (left­then­right), T­
intersection, curve (to the right), and farm vehicle signs.
Observations:The Reverse curve (W1­4) sign appears appropriate and
properly­placed.  The T­intersection (W2­2) sign does not accurately depict the
intersection skew. The curve (W1­2) sign appears located too close to the curve
it references.  The farm vehicle (W11­5) sign is located at the intersection, in an
area of high driver workload, and may not be necessary at this location.
Risk Analysis:  Road user signs may impose additional driver workload in areas
where motorists must already be on the look­out for conflicting intersection
movements.  The information provided may be interpreted by drivers as
somewhat inaccurate or provide insufficient time to perceive and react.05/13/08

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 11 of 19Suggestions:Combine the curve and intersection warning signs into one (W1­
10) which accurately depicts the roadway and intersection geometry and locate
that sign with an appropriate advance posting distance in accordance with the
National MUTCD, New York State Supplement, and prevailing field conditions.
Evaluate the need to retain the farm vehicle (W11­5) sign and the potential for its
relocation downstream of the intersection.
Priority for Consideration:  High.
2.1.2CR 12 South Approach
Safety Concern #1: Lack of curve sign or intersection warning sign.
Observations: Northbound road motorists approaching the Hatch Hill Road
intersection on CR 12 enter a horizontal curve to the left.  Although this curve is
visible in the daytime, it may be less obvious at night.  The wide intersection
throat and superelevation on the outside of the curve may induce drivers to “run
wide” potentially leading to run­off­the­road collisions on the outside of the curve
or loss of control through over­correction.
Risk Analysis:  Loss of control to the outside of the curve may result in a higher
severity outcome due to the presence of fixed objects (boulders) and a private
residence located between the two roads.
Suggestions:Consider adding a curve warning sign which also depicts the
intersection and its unusual geometry (W1­10).
Priority for Consideration:  HighSafety Concern #2: Utility pole and cable anchor on outside of horizontal curve
Observations: A utility pole exists with a guy wire extending toward the
northbound lane of CR 12 on the outside of the northbound horizontal curve to
the left (Figure 4).
Risk Analysis:  Utility poles and guy wires pose a fixed object roadside hazard
on the outside of a horizontal curve, potentially increasing the severity of a run­
off­the­roadway type collision.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 12 of 19Figure 4 – Utility Pole and Guy WireSuggestions:Explore options to relocate pole and guy wire outside of the clear
Priority for Consideration:  Low.Safety Concern #3:  Fixed objects adjacent to the intersection.
Observations:  The property owner immediately to the north of the intersection
(effective gore area formed by the two roads as seen by northbound traffic) has
placed boulders along the property line. This may have been an effort to reduce
the risk of errant vehicles encroaching upon the property and adjacent home
(Figure 5).05/13/08

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 13 of 19Figure 5 – BouldersRisk Analysis:  These boulders constitute an unnecessary fixed object roadside
hazard and may increase crash severity outcome if struck by an errant vehicle.
Suggestion:After other intersection safety improvements have been
implemented, discuss the removal of these stones with the property owner.
Perhaps install low growth shrubs to snag vehicles that run off the road.
Priority for Consideration:  High.
2.1.3Hatch Hill Road
Safety Concern #1: Lack of warning regarding presence of intersection or STOP
Observations: Road users approaching the intersection on Hatch Hill Road
have their view of the intersection and the STOP (R1­1) sign obscured by the
vertical alignment of the roadway (dip) and roadside foliage.  The existing stop
sign support does have a retroreflective strip  The two direction large arrow sign
(W1­7) and route marker assembly (M1­6) located opposite the Hatch Hill Road
approach appear appropriately positioned but lack conspicuity.  The two direction
large arrow sign support also has a retroreflective strip.05/13/08

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 14 of 19Risk Analysis:  Drivers may recognize and react to the intersection and the
STOP control late, resulting in loss of control or entering the intersection without
stopping (violation).
Suggestions:Consider posting a STOP ahead (W3­1) sign on Hatch Hill Road.
Consider a bigger two direction large double arrow (W1­7) sign opposite the
Hatch Hill Road approach and slightly relocating the route marker assembly (M1­
6). Consider adding stop line on the Hatch Hill Road approach to CR 12.
Priority for Consideration:  High.Safety Concern #2: Speed limit sign and private advertising.
Observations: A 45 MPH speed limit (R2­1) sign is located on the east shoulder,
for northbound traffic at the point where Hatch Hill Road splits from CR 12.  It is
unclear from the northbound driver’s perspective whether this sign applies to CR
12 or Hatch Hill Road.  Appended to the Speed Limit sign is a private roadside
advertisement sign (Maple Sugar Shack).  This secondary sign does not appear
to be retroreflective.
Risk Analysis:  Minimal.
Suggestions:Confirm the regulatory speed limit on Hatch Hill Road and
relocate the speed limit (R2­1) sign accordingly to eliminate the potential for
misinterpretation.  Consider removal or relocation of the private commercial
directional sign per applicable local policy.
Priority for Consideration:  Moderate.
2.2  Intersection and Intersection­related Issues
Safety Concern #1: Intersection presentation to northbound drivers.
Observations:  Northbound drivers receive no warning of either the horizontal
curve to the left, the intersection, or information about which fork (left or right) is
the continuation of the through roadway.  The proper choice to continue their
route is not immediately obvious to the unfamiliar road user (Figure 6).

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 15 of 19Pavement markings (center line and edge line) are discontinuous through the
intersection, faded, and occasionally obscured by gravel.  The wide intersection
throat makes it difficult for drivers to visually track the curve through the
Figure 6 – Northbound Driver’s View of IntersectionRisk Analysis:  A lack of positive guidance showing which the through roadway
is may lead some drivers to run wide on the curve and risk collision with fixed
objects on the adjacent property.
Suggestions:Per earlier suggestion, consider providing a curve warning (W1­
10) sign which also depicts the intersection configuration.  Carry the northbound
right edge line and double yellow center stripe through the intersection using a
dotted line pattern per the New York State Department of Transportation
Standard Sheets.  Refurbish faded markings. Consider post­mounted delineation
in the “gore” area formed by the north and east legs of the intersection as viewed
by northbound drivers.
Priority for Consideration:  High.05/13/08

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 16 of 19Safety Concern #2: Loss of superelevation in horizontal curve through the
Observations: Superelevation to the outside of the northbound lane has been
warped to blend with the elevation of Hatch Hill Road.  This transition occurs
midway through the horizontal curve.  The resultant drainage pattern carries
water, sand, and gravel across the Hatch Hill Road approach into the staging
area for departing traffic. There is a ponding area for runoff adjacent to the
existing stop sign.
Risk Analysis:  Loss of superelevation at this location may lead northbound
drivers “running wide” or losing control at this location.  Fixed objects on the
property located immediately adjacent to the intersection increase the likelihood
of high severity outcomes.  Sand and gravel carried by the over the pavement
drainage pattern makes stopping at and accelerating from the stop position on
Hatch Hill Road more difficult.
Suggestions:Consider theaddition of a curve and intersection warning (W1­
10) sign. Continue pavement markings through intersection using a dotted line
pattern, and improve delineation of the “gore” area as previously noted in the
short­term.  In the longer­term, consider maintaining the superelevation of CR 12
northbound through the intersection and raising the profile of Hatch Hill Road to
match.  Provide positive drainage on Hatch Hill Road (possibly a crown line) to
address over­road drainage issues.
Priority for Consideration:  Moderate.Safety Concern #3:  Operating speeds northbound on the right turn from CR 12
on to Hatch Hill Road
Observations:  Traffic turning northbound onto Hatch Hill Road does so at
relatively high speed.  This is facilitated by the geometry of the intersection and
recently added asphalt along the shoulder. The shoulder pavement may have
been installed in response to a shoulder rutting issue and to reduce the pulling of
gravel off the shoulder and into the intersection. Northbound traffic was observed
to signal their turn in the majority of cases, but not all.  This inconsistent behavior
leaves drivers turning out from Hatch Hill Road unsure of an approaching driver’s

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 17 of 19Risk Assessment:High­speed right turns are undesirable for the following
·  There is a potential for loss of control under adverse road surface
conditions.  Under wet, slush, snow or icy conditions, vehicles may lose
·  There is an increased potential for opposing sideswipe collisions if the
right turning vehicle encroaches into the opposing lane on Hatch Hill
·  Given the differing winter maintenance standards applied to the two
roadways, drivers may encounter a change in road surface condition (i.e.
bare pavement to packed snow).  Loss of control could result; and
·  Vehicles “cutting the corner” pose a risk to pedestrians and other road
users (driveways on Hatch Hill Road immediately beyond intersection).
Suggestions:Consider physically tightening the radius of northbound to
northeast­bound travel with a mountable or modified traversable curb and apron
or the removal of asphalt to reduce operating speeds through the turn.
Appropriate truck turning radii for the design vehicle should however, be
maintained. This suggestion should be considered in conjunction with #4 below.
Priority for Consideration:  Moderate.Safety Concern #4:  Stopping position
Observations:  Vehicles turning left from Hatch Hill Road do not align
themselves perpendicular to CR 12. Instead they position themselves toward the
left side of the intersection, potentially “pinching” traffic making the northbound
(free flow) right turn movement.
Risk Analysis:  Poor positioning means drivers must look back over their right
shoulder to observe southbound traffic, potentially overlooking an approaching
vehicle.  This position may result in the vehicle’s “B” pillar obstructing the drivers’
view of southbound traffic. It also requires a neck movement which can be
difficult for older drivers.
Suggestions:Consider the following:

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 18 of 19·Physically narrow the Hatch Hill Road intersection by reducing the radius
in the southeast quadrant;
·Paint a double yellow (full barrier) center line for an appropriate distance
up to the intersection on the Hatch Hill Road approach. Hook that line to
the north to encourage perpendicular positioning; and
·Paint a white stop line at the correct stopping position.
Priority for Consideration:  High.Safety Concern #5:  Street Name Sign – Hatch Hill Road.
Observations:  Hatch Hill Road is identified by a 6 inch street name sign (D3­1)
with 4­inch, all capital lettering. It is located in the northeast quadrant of the
intersection.  This sign appears to be too small to be read and responded to at
the prevailing speed limit on CR 12.  Given that Hatch Hill Road spurs off from
CR 12 and rejoins further to the north, a great deal of traffic using Hatch Hill
Road makes this northbound right turn movement.
Risk Analysis:  Lack of sign legibility poses the risk of drivers slowing on CR 12
and could potentially result in rear­end collisions. Last­minute maneuvers pose
the risk of loss of control.
Suggestion:Consider relocating the roadway identification sign to the
southeast quadrant of the intersection (upstream for northbound traffic) and
replacing it, increasing the letter size to 6­inch, mixed case with a white border.
Priority for Consideration:  Moderate.
3.0   Conclusion
This assessment was prepared to assist the responsible Highway
Superintendents in the identification and actualization of opportunities to improve
safety within the study area. The suggestions it contains are for consideration

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
Washington County Route 12 at Hatch Hill Road (South Junction)
Town of Granville, Washington County, New York State
Page 19 of 19only and are in no way intended to serve as design or operational
The assessment team believes it has been thorough and diligent in its work
based on the information available and the field review.  Due to time constraints
a night time assessment was not conducted. It is recommended that night time
observations be made at this location.
This report does not preclude the identification of additional issues pertaining to
safety by the responsible Highway Superintendents or the emergence of new
issues over time.
It is recommended that the responsible Highway Superintendents review this
report, document their responses to the issues identified in a formal response,
and track their progress toward the implementation of any safety improvements
prompted by this assessment.
Suggested actions in order of priority for consideration:
CR12 North Approach#5  Sequence of Southbound SignsHigh
#1  Deer CollisionsModerate
#2  Roadway SettlementModerate
#3  Steep Ditch Cross Section with Utility PolesModerate
#4  Edge Drop­Off Opposite IntersectionLow
CR 12 South Approach#1  Lack of Curve and Intersection Warning SignsHigh
#3  Fixed Objects at the IntersectionHigh
#2  Utility Pole and Guy Wire on CurveLow
Hatch Hill Road#1   Lack Advanced Stop WarningHigh
#2  Speed Limit Sign and Private AdvertisingModerate
Intersection#4  Stopping PositionHigh
#1  Presentation of Intersection to Northbound TrafficHigh
#2  Loss of Superelevation in Horizontal CurveModerate
#3  Operating Speeds on Northbound Right TurnModerate
#5  Street Name SignModerate

Safety ASSESSMENT (SA) Report
Avenue @ West 57th
Street, New York County, New York State
Sponsored by: New York State Metropolitan Planning Organizations
Conducted June 17th
and 18th, 2008
Report dated: July 15, 2008

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 2 of 22Table of Contents
1.1SA Team7
1.2SA Process8
1.3SA Report9
1.4Study Area Characteristics, Operations and Safety Performance (Office Review)9
2.1Pedestrian Behavior11
2.2Driver Behavior13
2.4Intersection Geometry, Sightlines15
2.5Traffic Control Signals ­ Displays17
2.6Traffic Control Signals – Timing and Phasing17
2.7Parking, Stopping, Standing Controls18
2.8Other Traffic Control Devices19
2.9Other Issues/Features19

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 3 of 221.0   Background
An aerial view of the intersection of 9th
Avenue @ West 57th
Street, in Manhattan,
New York City, is shown inFigure 1.
Figure 1 – 9th Avenue @ West 57th Street9th
Avenue is a six lane, one­way arterial roadway oriented north­south.  Traffic
flows from north to south.  Sidewalks are provided on both sides of the roadway.
W est 57th
Street is a six­lane, two­way arterial roadway oriented in an east­west
direction.  Sidewalks are provided on both sides of the roadway.
Avenue south of West 57th
Street, and the east and west approaches of West
Street, are truck routes.  To the south, 9th
Avenue provides access to the
Lincoln Tunnel and New Jersey.  Both roadways are governed by a 30 mph
statutory speed limit.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 4 of 22The intersection is controlled by traffic control signals with pedestrian displays on
all approaches.  A single, pre­timed and coordinated timing plan is in effect at all
times.Figure 2 summarizes the timing plan.
Figure 2 – Timing Plan
Type: Non­actuated
Accessed: May 2008
Signal Cycle Length: 90 s
Times of Operation: All Times
W = Walk
PC = pedestrian clearance (flashing dw + all­red.)
LPI = lead pedestrian interval
The traffic signal and timing plan are somewhat unique in the Manhattan context
as a westbound to southbound lead protective left turn phase is provided, to
facilitate turns from West 57th
Street onto 9th
Avenue southbound.
During the protected portion of the east­west phase, pedestrians are provided a
WALK indication across the north approach to the intersection only.  PedestriansPhase
(movement)GreenAmberAll­Red  SplitA ­ 9 Avenue31
(21 W +15 PC) – Crossing 57 St3236 B – WB 57 St
+ LT16
(21 W – Crossing 9 Ave North leg
only)3221B  ­ 57 St21
(10 W + 16 PC) – Crossing  9 Av3226B – LPI7
(7 W) Crossing 57 St7

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 5 of 22waiting to cross the south approach receive a WALK indication only when the
westbound protected left turn phase and its clearance times out, and are
reminded to “Wait for Walk Signal” by signs prominently displayed on both sides
of the south approach (Figure 3).
Figure 3 – Wait For Walk Signal signs on both sides of south approachFigure 3 also illustrates the lack of observance of the WALK signal on this
Another interesting feature of the signal timing plan is the provision of 7 seconds
of Leading Pedestrian Indication (LPI) for pedestrians waiting to cross the east
and west approaches to the intersection (West 57th
Street).  The LPI provides a
WALK indication during a 7 second all­red period, allowing waiting pedestrians to
advance into the crosswalk before southbound traffic on 9th
Avenue is released.
This LPI phase permits pedestrians to establish themselves in the crosswalk
before vehicles wishing to turn right or left onto West 57th
Street are permitted to
enter the intersection.
Both 9th
Avenue and West 57th
Street are heavily­traveled by vehicles and
vulnerable road users.  Figure 4 provides peak hour vehicle movement counts.
Although bicycle and pedestrian counts were not available, field observations

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 6 of 22over the noon­hour period indicate a significant number of cyclists and a large
number of pedestrians use all approaches to the intersection.
Figure 4 – Peak Hour Vehicular VolumesHourly ATR counts indicate that traffic volume is both heavy and sustained
during the daytime, when pedestrian volumes are highest (Figure 5).

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 7 of 22Figure 5 – ATR Counts1.1  SA Team
A brief introductory training session was provided on the afternoon of the first day
of the assessment.
The road safety assessment was sponsored by the New York State Metropolitan
Planning Organizations (NYSMPOs) and will serve as one of three case studies
to be included in guidelines for the conduct of SAs on the local road system
within the State of New York.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 8 of 22The SA field team was composed of New York City Department of Transportation
(NYCDOT) representatives, led by members of the consultant team.  The RSA
Team included the following individuals:
·Sean Quinn, NYCDOT,·Hillary Poole,NYCDOT,·Lawrence Malchie,NYCDOT,·Ben Eliya,NYCDOT,·Randy Wade, NYCDOT,·Sam Barkho,NYCDOT,
·Frank Dolan,Bergmann·Matt Carmody, Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates,mcarmody@eng­·Greg Junnor, Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc
gjunnor@synectics­inc.net1.2  SA Process
The SA was conducted in a manner consistent with the proposed road safety
assessment guidelines being prepared for the NYSMPOs.  The assessment took
place on June 17 and 18, 2008
Information reviewed in the course of the assessment included the following:
·  Aerial photographs;
·  Traffic characteristics data;
·  Collision information;
·  Traffic signal phasing/timing data;
·  Adjacent land uses;
·  Anticipated/proposed development and redevelopment; and
·  Existing safety concerns.
Introductions and a brief assessment training session occurred in the afternoon
of the first day.  The assessment team reviewed the project related information
on the morning of the second day of the assessment.
The assessment team then went into the field to conduct a site visit in the late
morning, into the noon hour.  Site visit conditions were warm and sunny.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 9 of 22The assessment team reconvened on the afternoon of the second day to
complete the assessment analysis.  Preliminary assessment findings were
discussed then recorded using the FHW A RSA Software tool.
The consulting team subsequently prepared this report, which was circulated to
and commented upon by the assessment team members, prior to being finalized.
1.3  SA Report
This report provides information on issues identified by the assessment team,
which they deemed relevant to the stated goal of an SA; identifying opportunities
to improve road safety within the study area.
Where appropriate, an assessment of road user safety risk, and suggestions for
improvement, are included.  These suggestions should not be viewed as design
or operational recommendations.  They are intended to be illustrative of potential
solutions to the safety issues identified, and are presented for consideration only.
1.4  Study Area Characteristics, Operations and Safety
Performance (Office Review)
The intersection of 9th
Avenue and West 57th
Street was selected as an SA
candidate based upon the frequency of pedestrian­involved collisions which
occurred at the intersection between January 1, 2002 and December 31, 2006.
During that time period, 25 pedestrian­involved collisions, and 19 other collisions
occurred within the intersection.Figure 6 summarizes the collision experience at
the intersection.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 10 of 22Figure 6 – Collision Summary

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 11 of 22The summary indicates that pedestrian­involved collisions generally occurred
under favorable road and weather conditions, during the daytime (particularly
over the noon­hour), over all months of the year, with Mondays seemly over­
represented.  Fault in the occurrences were almost evenly split between the
motorist and the pedestrian.  Resulting injuries were generally minor, indicative of
low­speed impacts.
No information was available on the age profile of the involved pedestrians, nor
was information available on which approach they were crossing when struck.
2.0   Assessment Findings and Suggestions
2.1  Pedestrian Behavior
Safety Concern: Pedestrians disregard/disobey pedestrian signal indications,
aggressively press their right­of­way during the WALK and clearance periods,
and cross the south leg of the intersection in sympathetic movement with
pedestrians crossing the north leg.
1.  Pedestrians frequently cross roadway approaches against the pedestrian
signal indications, taking advantage of gaps in traffic created by the
coordination of upstream and downstream traffic control signals.
2.  Pedestrians are aggressive in imposing their right­of­way over turning
traffic during the WALK and clearance periods.
3.  Pedestrians either wait for a WALK indication while standing within the
roadway, or anticipate the provision of a WALK indication as soon as the
clearance interval on the conflicting roadway is displayed, by stepping into
the roadway.
4.  Pedestrians wishing to cross the south leg (9th
Avenue) of the intersection
often begin crossing when pedestrians on the north approach receive a
WALK indication and begin to cross, without regard to their own
pedestrian indications or the signs which warn them to “Wait for Walk
This appears to be a sympathetic movement – consistent with the
operation of most signals in Manhattan (which are generally two­phase,
and provide simultaneous WALK indications across parallel crosswalks).
At this location however, this sympathetic movement without regard to the

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 12 of 22pedestrian indications on the south leg places pedestrians in conflict with
westbound­to­southbound left turning traffic, which is moving on the
protected portion of the westbound protected/permissive left turn phase.
Risk Analysis:
Disobey pedestrian signals:  Disobeying pedestrian signals, and crossing during
gaps in traffic, appear be common at the subject intersection, as well as at many
other signalized intersections in Manhattan.
Motorists appear to anticipate this behavior by pedestrians, and make some
accommodations for it – slowing and honking to warn pedestrians of their
approach.  Despite this, significant traffic and pedestrian volumes equate to a
high exposure.  The aggressive attitude of many pedestrians, and the
accommodation of this behavior by driver, increases the likelihood of conflicts
and collisions.  Potential collision severity is judged to be high, as vehicle
approach speeds on the leading edge of traffic platoons tends to be higher.
Disobey pedestrian signals south leg:  Vehicular volumes making the westbound­
to­southbound left turning movement are significant, as is the volume of
pedestrians crossing the south leg of the intersection.  Field observations
indicate that one or more pedestrians move sympathetically with those on the
north approach on practically every cycle.  Once one pedestrian moves, others
tend to follow.
When conflicts occur, pedestrians are often startled, having no recognition of
their error.  Again, driver accommodation appears to minimize the severity of
conflicts, but the potential for collisions remains.  Fortunately, left turning
movements generally occur at low speeds, limiting the likely severity outcomes.
An exception to this however, relates to the fact that West 57th
Street and 9th
Avenue south of the intersection are both truck routes.  Westbound­to­
southbound left turns by tractor­trailer units involve significant off­tracking by the
trailer unit.  Off­tracking in left and right turns is associated with truck­pedestrian
and truck­cyclist collisions in urban areas.  These collisions are often either
severe or fatal.
1.  Enforcement.  Selective enforcement of pedestrian rules of the road at this
intersection may serve to improve compliance.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 13 of 222.  Education.  Community outreach on the importance of compliance and the
risks of disobeying pedestrian signals may serve to change attitudes and
behavior over time.
3.  Advanced pedestrian count­down timer displays.  These displays not only
count down the W ALK/clearance time remaining, but may also be used to
display the time remaining until the next W ALK indication, where a pre­
timed timing plan is in effect.  An active display may provide additional
conspicuity, reinforce the WALK/DON’T W ALK message, and the “Wait for
Walk Signal” static sign message.
4.  Audible pedestrian indications.
5.  Coordinate the start of the WALK displays on the north and south legs to
eliminate sympathetic movement.  By delaying the W ALK display on the
north leg until the end of the westbound­to­southbound protected left turn
movement, the risk of sympathetic movement could be eliminated.
However, given the current of level of compliance by pedestrians, and
their propensity to cross on gaps in traffic, this approach may prove
6.  Change westbound­to­southbound protected left turn phasing from leading
to lagging.  This approach would allow the WALK displays on the north
and south legs to be coordinated, but would require an earlier clearance
on the south leg to provide for the lagging left turn movement.
Advantages would include elimination of the risks associated with
sympathetic movement.  Disadvantages may include timing/coordination
issues, and queuing/capacity impacts on the east approach.
7.  Enhance the conspicuity of the “Wait for Walk Signal” static sign message.
Adding a retroreflective/fluorescent border to the sign could enhance its
conspicuity for pedestrians.
8.  Enhance the conspicuity of the WALK/DON’T WALK display.  Use of LED
displays with day/night intensity control could enhance the conspicuity of
the displays.
Priority for Consideration:  High
2.2  Driver Behavior
Safety Concern: Red light running.
Observations: Both the collision record and field observations raise concerns
regarding motorists disobeying the red indication.  During the field review,
equipment at the intersection suggested that it was once a red light camera
enforcement location, but is no longer active.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 14 of 22Risk Analysis:  Exposure of pedestrians to traffic at the intersection is high.
Likelihood is dependent on the frequency of violations, however nearly ½ of the
pedestrian collisions at the intersection involved a pedestrian crossing with the
signal (although it is not known if the collision involved a through vehicle or a
turning movement).
Red light running collisions involving pedestrians are generally of a higher
relative severity, due to their vulnerability, and the speed­of­approach of the
violating vehicle.
1.  Consider conventional red light enforcement.
2.  Consider red light camera enforcement
Priority for Consideration:  Moderate.
Safety Concern: Southbound double right turns
Observations: Vehicles were observed making right turns from the second, and
sometimes the third lane out from the west curb, in the northwest quadrant of the
Risk Analysis:  Double right turns increase the risk of vehicle­vehicle
(sideswipe) and vehicle pedestrian conflicts and collisions.
Suggestions:  Selective enforcement
Priority for Consideration:  Moderate.
2.3  Cyclists
Safety Concern: Many cyclists observed using West 57th
Street, mixing with
vehicular traffic.
Observations:  Cyclists observed traveling in second lane out from curb, at risk
from car doors, and being “crowded” by passing vehicles.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 15 of 22Risk Analysis:  Vehicles attempting to share a standard­width lane with a cyclist
risk conflicts and or collisions.  Cyclists crowded to the right are at risk from car
doors and vehicles parking/un­parking.
Suggestions:  Consider allocation of cross­section in context of rush hour
regulations.  Examine implications of 8­9 foot parking lane adjacent to curb, and
wider shared­use lane as second lane out from curb.  Implications of lane use by
trucks and buses, and future Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) route planning for West
Street may also have to be considered.
Priority for Consideration:  Moderate
Safety Concern: Delivery bikes chained to Muni­meters along east and west
sidewalks of 9th
Avenue, north of intersection
Observations:  Bikes locked to Muni­meters.
Risk Analysis:  Pedestrian tripping hazard, sidewalk congestion leading to
pedestrians stepping into roadway.
Suggestions:  Provide bike rack in front of business
Priority for Consideration:  Low.
2.4  Intersection Geometry, Sightlines
Safety Concern: Sightlines for left and right turns from the south approach (9th
Avenue) and for right turns on the east approach (West 57th
Street westbound)
are limited by parked vehicles and a truck loading zone, respectively.
Observations:  Vehicles parked or stopped for the purposes of loading and
unloading compromise sightlines on these approaches for turning traffic.
Risk Analysis:  Compromised sightlines increase the risk of conflicts and
collisions between turning traffic and pedestrians.
1. 9th
Avenue – set stop bar back 10 feet from crosswalk.  Eliminate last
parking stall adjacent to east and west curbs.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 16 of 222.  West 57th
Street – Set stop bar back 10 feet from crosswalk Reduce
length of loading zone to open up daylighting in the northeast quadrant of
the intersection.  Terminate loading zone 25 feet east of new stop bar
Priority for Consideration:  Moderate.
Safety Concern: ADA curb cut not provided on north for crossing West 57th
Street  on the NW corner.
Observations: Granite curb stones do not include ADA curb cut.
Risk Analysis:  Poses difficulty for disabled pedestrians
Suggestions:  Install curb cut.
Priority for Consideration:  Low.
Safety Concern: Raised utility access (manhole) covers in crosswalks on north
and south legs.
Observations: Not flush with pavement
Risk Analysis:  Tripping hazard
Suggestions:  Make flush
Priority for Consideration:  Low
Safety Concern: Lane alignment through intersection (West 57th
Street east­
west across 9th
Observations: Intersection is very wide, and some vehicles wander/encroach
into paths of adjacent vehicles.
Risk Analysis:  Potential for opposing sideswipe collisions, evasive movements.
Suggestions:  Install pavement markings  to extend center line across

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 17 of 22Priority for Consideration:  Low.
2.5  Traffic Control Signals ­ Displays
Safety Concern: Signal head displays not aligned over through lanes, and may
lack conspicuity.
Observations:  Primary (right­hand) heads tend to be aligned over parking
lanes.  Secondary (left­hand) heads tend to be aligned over receiving lanes.
Displays are incandescent, and some are 8­inch diameter.  Westbound left­turn
display is to the left­of­center, and not optimally placed within a left­turning
driver’s cone of vision
Risk Analysis:  Less­conspicuous head placement risks motorists failing to
see/respond to displays, increasing the risk of violations leading to conflicts
and/or collisions.
1.  Install longer mast­arms to improve head placement.
2.  Install LED displays.
3.  Install larger (all 12­inch) displays.
Priority for Consideration:  Moderate.
2.6  Traffic Control Signals – Timing and Phasing
Safety Concern: Pedestrian crossing timings
Observations: Timings are only sufficient for 4 feet per second walking speed.
Risk Analysis:  Crosswalk users observed included school­aged children,
seniors and disabled.  Timings applicable to 3 feet per second recommended for
these groups under new MUTCD requirements.
Suggestions:  Examine opportunities to increase pedestrian WALK and
clearance timings.
Priority for Consideration:  Moderate.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 18 of 222.7  Parking, Stopping, Standing Controls
Safety Concern: Marking of curb lanes on West 57th
Observations: Curb lanes on West 57th
Street are marked as through lanes, yet
information indicates that rush hour regulations do not yet apply to this roadway.
Revisions to the rush hour regulations are reportedly pending.
Risk Analysis:  Potential exists for motorist in curb lane to encounter parked
vehicles, leading to abrupt lane changes, conflicts, and collisions.
Suggestions:  Amend regulations and enforce.
Priority for Consideration:  Low.
Safety Concern: Parking stall permits parking between corner and bus stop,
west receiving side  of West 57th
Observations: Vehicle legally parked between crosswalk and bus stop.
Risk Analysis:  Compromise of intersection sightlines.
Suggestions:  Eliminate parking, extend bus stopping zone to intersection.
Priority for Consideration:  Low.
Safety Concern: Trucks double parking to load/unload, east and west curb, 9th
Observations: Double­parking by trucks.
Risk Analysis:  Weaving, conflicts, collisions involving vehicles on this
Suggestions:  Consider need for loading zone.
Priority for Consideration:  Low

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 19 of 222.8  Other Traffic Control Devices
Safety Concern: High visibility crosswalks on all four legs in poor condition.
Observations: Markings worn, damaged by road cuts/resurfacing.
Risk Analysis:  Reduced crosswalk emphasis for motorists.
Suggestions:  Remark.
Priority for Consideration:  Moderate.
Safety Concern: “Wait for Walk Signal” signs mounted too low
Observations: Mounting height less than 7 feet.
Risk Analysis:  Could be impacted by head of pedestrian.
Suggestions:  Raise signs, place adjacent to pedestrian signal displays (see
suggestion regarding increased sign conspicuity).
Priority for Consideration:  Low.
2.9  Other Issues/Features
Safety Concern: Scaffold/hoarding around building on southwest corner.
Observations: Sidewalks on the southwest corner are covered by
Risk Analysis:  These elements may reduce the visibility of pedestrians crossing
the south and west approaches from this corner, particularly under night­time
Suggestions:  Check illumination and visibility under dark conditions.
Priority for Consideration:  Low.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 20 of 22Safety Concern: Lack of night review.
Observations: SA Team was not able to conduct a night review, due to
scheduling issues.
Risk Analysis:  A night­time review may reveal additional safety issues.
Suggestions:  NYCDOT staff should conduct a night­time review and record
observations as a supplement to this report.
Priority for Consideration:  Moderate.
Safety Concern: Trash barrels on corners interfere with access to ADA drop
Observations: Barrels block access for mobility devices used by disabled
Risk Analysis:  Low.
Suggestions:  Relocate.
Priority for Consideration:  Low.
Safety Concern: Bus stop west receiving side  of West 57th
Street does not have
a concrete bus pad.
Observations: Asphalt showing signs of shoving/rutting.
Risk Analysis:  Pedestrian trip hazard/water ponding hazard.
Suggestions:  Install concrete pad.
Priority for Consideration:  Low

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 21 of 22Safety Concern: Pavement deterioration in crosswalk, west approach of West
Observations: Broken pavement, truck rutting/shoving of pavement.
Risk Analysis:  Pedestrian tripping hazard.
Suggestions:  Repair.
Priority for Consideration:  Low.
Safety Concern: Water ponding in northwest quadrant of intersection.
Observations: Standing water
Risk Analysis:  Winter pedestrian slip/fall hazard.
Suggestions:  Arterial maintenance – mill and patch.
Priority for Consideration:  Low.

Road Safety Assessment (SA) Report
9th Avenue @ West 57th Street, New York County, New York State
July 15, 2008
Page 22 of 223.0   Conclusion
This assessment has been prepared to assist the responsible NYC.
Transportation Agencies in the identification and actualization of opportunities to
improve safety within the study area.  The assessment is based on information
available at the time of the field review.  The suggestions it contains are for
consideration only, and are in no way intended to serve as design or operational
This report does not preclude the identification of additional issues pertaining to
safety by the responsible road authorities, or the emergence of new issues over
It is recommended that the responsible agencies review this report; document
their responses to the issues identified in a formal response report; and track
their progress towards the implementation of safety improvements prompted by
this assessment.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 BA P P E N D I X B

Safety Assessment Guidelines
An  existing  location,  experiencing  collisions  at  a  frequency  that  is  higher  than  would
otherwise  be  expected.  Methods  used  to  identify  blackspots  differ  by  jurisdiction  and
vary  from  qualitative  evaluations  (which  can  be  based  on  collision  diagrams)  to
statistically rigorous network safety screening techniques. The term “High Collision Risk
Location” is perceived by many as a more descriptive term.
Baseline Road Safety Conditions
These  include  updated  crash  frequencies,  average  crash  rates,  severity  listings,  and
records  of  common  collision  types  on  different  classes  of  facilities  within  a  jurisdiction.
As of late, frequencies are considered a better metric of safety as compared to collision
rates.  Baseline road safety conditions  are used in Safety Management Systems (SMS)
to  define  safety  targets.  They  can  be  also  used  to  select  locations  for  Safety
Assessments (SAs).
Collision (Crash)*
A  failed  interaction  between  one  or  more  road  users,  vehicles,  and  the  transportation
environment; leading to death, injury, or property damage. Members  of the engineering
profession have begun to use this term in lieu of “Accident” as the latter term implies an
event over which there is no control. The term “crash” is another acceptable alternative.
Collision (Crash)* Reconstruction
Study which attempts to explain in detail the events leading up to an individual collision
and  consequently  the  actions  and  behaviors  that  may  have  caused  or  contributed  to
that event. It is not a part of the SA process.
Collision (Crash)* Modification Factor
The collision modification factor (CMF) for any given road safety countermeasure is the
ratio  of  the  expected  collision  frequency  with  the  countermeasure  installed  to  the
expected  collision  frequency  without  the  countermeasure  in  place,  calculated  over  the
same period of time. The calculation is typically made over increments of one year.
Collision (Crash)* Prediction Model
A  mathematical  model  that  relates  an  entities’  expected  collision  frequency  (for
example  an  intersection  or  road  segment),  to  its  traffic  and  geometric  characteristics.
Collision  prediction  models  have  numerous  safety  engineering  applications  including
the identification of high collision risk locations and evaluating the effectiveness of road
safety improvement countermeasures.
* Though often used synonymously, crash is currently the preferred term within the fields of safety and traffic engineering.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 A P P E N D I X   BB- 2Collision (Crash)* Reduction Factor
The  collision  reduction  factor  (CRF)  for  any  given  collision  countermeasure  is  the
percentage of reduction in collision frequency associated with that countermeasure.
Number  of  vehicles  or  other  facility  users  exposed  to  a  particular  hazard  over  a  fixed
period of time. It  is used in the SA process for the qualitative evaluation of Safety Risk.
Average  annual  daily  traffic  (AADT)  as  well  as  pedestrian  and  bicycle  volumes  can  be
used for qualitative estimation of exposure for the purposes of estimating Safety Risk.
FHWA RSA Software
A  tool  developed  to  support  the  practical  implementation  of  the  Federal  Highway
Administration’s  Road  Safety  Audit  Guidelines.  A  beta  version  was  released  to  the
public  in  2006  followed  by  full  release  in  2008.  The  software  guides  the  process  and
includes a tracking tool enabling the use of RSA prompt lists at a desired level of detail.
It  requires  the  user  to  accompany  each  safety  issue  raised  with  a  discussion  and
assessment,  thereby  forcing  them  to  carefully  consider  and  justify  their  findings.  It
assists in drafting  RSA reports, enables one to record safety issues both by prompt list
topic  and location, helps verify issues and locations entered, and is an effective means
of RSA training.
High Collision (Crash)* Risk Location
An  existing  location,  experiencing  collisions  at  a  frequency  that  is  higher  than  would
otherwise  be  expected.  Methods  used  to  identify  high  collision  risk  locations  differ  by
jurisdiction  and  vary  from  qualitative  evaluations  (which  can  be  based  on  collision
diagrams)  to  statistically  rigorous  network  screening  techniques.  The  term  “High
Collision  Risk  Location”  is  perceived  by  many  as  a  more  descriptive  term  than
In­Service Safety Review
In­depth  engineering  study  of  an  existing  transportation  facility;  undertaken  for  the
purposes  of  identifying  cost­effective  collision  countermeasures  and  improving
operations and safety for all users. In­service safety reviews may be conducted on any
transportation  element  including  for  example:  roadway  segments,  intersections,  or
interchanges,  sidewalks,  bicycle  paths,  etc.  However,  in  order  to  optimize  the
usefulness of available resources, these reviews are most  effective when conducted at
locations  where  a  high  collision  risk  has  been  identified.  An  in­service  safety  review
typically  involves  a  structured  review  of  collision  history, geometric  characteristics,  and
traffic  operations.  It  may  also  include  traffic  conflict  observations  and  a  human  factors
assessment.  Safety  assessments  are  typically  more  dependent  on  the  experience  and
judgment  of  the  assessment  team  while  in­service  reviews  rely  more  on  quantitative
analysis of empirical data. This term and process is commonly used in Canada.
* Though often used synonymously, crash is currently the preferred term within the fields of safety and traffic engineering.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008A P P E N D I X   BB- 3Independence of the SA Team
This  is  a  fundamental  element  of  the  safety  assessment  process.  In  the  case  of  a
design  stage  safety  assessment,  team  members  should  ideally  be  separate  from  (that
is  not  affiliated  with)  the  design  team  charged  with  plan  development.  In  the  case  of
safety  assessments  for  an  existing  entity,  the  assessment  team  may  be  qualified  as
independent  if  its  members  do  not  have  any  conflict  of  interest  which  might  affect  the
findings  and  recommendations.  In  the  case  of  smaller  jurisdictions  throughout  New
York  State,  it  may  necessary  for  Owners  to  utilize  their  own  Department  of  Public
Works or other staff, supplemented with outside expertise as necessary, to accomplish
SAs.  This  practice  is  acceptable  as  long  as  those  individuals  charged  with  conducting
the assessment can approach the entity with an open mind.
Network Screening
A  process  by  which  the  safety  performance  of  a transportation  network  is  evaluated  at
the  macro  level;  to  identify  and  rank  sites  which  are  strong  candidates  for  safety
improvement. Such sites may then be subjected to safety assessments.
Project Owner
An  organizational  unit  or  individual  in  a  public  agency  which  is  responsible  for:
transportation  planning,  design,  and/or  construction  projects.  A  Project  Owner  would
typically  incorporate  a  desire  to  follow  the  safety  assessment  process  in  a  request  for
proposals (for planning and design  projects). They may be responsible for coordinating
with  the  design  team,  functioning  as  safety  assessment  program  coordinator,
coordinating  with  the  assessment  team,  participating  in  the  pre­assessment  meeting,
review safety assessment reports, approve and release response reports, and track the
implementation of recommendations made in those response reports.
Proactive Road Safety Approach
Safety  improvement  actions  are  often  identified  based  upon  anticipated  (expected)
safety  performance.  Identification  can  be  based  on  quantitative  techniques  (collision
prediction  models  etc.)  or  qualitative  techniques  such  as  safety  assessments.  Safety
assessments  completed  at  the  planning,  design,  construction,  and  pre­opening  stages
of  transportation  projects  are  considered  part  of  a  proactive  approach.  Safety
assessments  conducted  on  existing  transportation  facilities  may  be  proactive  (when
locations  are  not  selected  based  on  collision  history  or  no  collision  data  are  available)
or  a  combination  of  both  proactive  and  reactive  approaches  if  locations  are  selected
based  on  collision  history  and  collision  data  are  analyzed  by  the  safety  assessment
team.  In  safety  assessments  of  existing  facilities  the  analysis  of  collision  data  should
not  be  the  sole  driving  force  for  the  identification  of  road  safety  issues.  Safety
assessment team members should rely on human factors techniques, expert judgment,
field observations, and prompt lists to identify and evaluate road safety issues.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 A P P E N D I X   BB- 4Reactive Approach to Safety
Under  this  approach,  safety  improvement  actions  are  identified  using  demonstrated
crash  histories  and  patterns  of  crash  occurrence.  Overall  the  most  effective  safety
management  systems  balance  proactive  and  reactive  approaches.    In­service  safety
reviews  and  remedial  safety  work  are  typical  examples  of  a  reactive  approach.  Safety
assessments  conducted  on  existing  transportation  facilities  may  be  based  on  a
combination  of  both  proactive  and  reactive  approaches  if  locations  are  selected  based
on  collision  history  and  collision  data  are  analyzed  as  part  of  the  safety  assessment
Safety Assessment (SA) Response Report
This  is  a  mandatory  element  for  each  safety  assessment.  This  document  summarizes
the review of a safety assessment report including its findings and suggestions. It must
cover  decisions  on  how  to  address  identified  safety  concerns,  the  rationale  behind
those decisions, and actions planned to implement decisions. Decisions documented in
the  response  report  may  vary.  For  example,  a  reviewer  may  agree  with  the  safety
assessment  suggestions  and  specify  action,  disagree  while  providing  an  alternative,
agree  with  but  choose  not  to  act  upon  the  findings,  or  disagree  with  any  identified
safety issues.
Safety Assessment (SA) Policy
A set policy established by a jurisdiction stating the commitment of its top management
to the SA process and outlining what projects should undergo safety assessments. The
term  “policy”  may  also  refer  to  jurisdiction­specific  safety  assessment  guidelines.  The
policy may rely on a project selection matrix and/or narratives outlining what projects or
locations should undergo safety assessments.
Safety Assessment (SA) Stages
Safety assessments can be conducted at any stage in the project development process
(for  example  planning,  design,  and/or  construction)  or  to  address  an  existing
transportation  facility.  Safety  assessments  are  named  accordingly  including  planning
stage  safety  assessments,  preliminary  design  safety  assessments,  detailed  design
safety  assessments,  work  zone  safety  assessments,  pre­opening  safety assessments,
and  safety  assessments  of  existing  facilities.  Land  use  development  projects  can  also
undergo safety assessments.
Safety Assessment (SA)
This  is  a  term  used  by  some  jurisdictions  within  the  United  States  in  lieu  of  the  term
“Safety  Audit”  or  “Road  Safety  Audit”.  Its  use  avoids  the  negative  connotation
commonly  associated  with  the  word  “audit”  and  does  not  restrict  the  facility  type  to
roadways alone.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008A P P E N D I X   BB- 5The  practice  involves  the  formal  safety  performance  examination  of  an  existing  or
future  transportation  facility  by  an  independent  team.  The  safety  assessment  team
must  consider  the  safety  of  all  road  users,  qualitatively  estimate  and  reports  on  road
safety  issues,  and  investigate  opportunities  for  safety  improvement.  Other  established
guidelines  define  safety  assessments  as  a  process  which  considers  only  pre­
construction  and  construction  stage  projects  while  safety  assessments  of  existing
facilities are defined as safety assessment reviews or in­service safety reviews.
Safety Assessment (SA) Prompt Lists
A  list  of  questions  or  items,  intended  to  be  considered  by  the  members  of  the  safety
assessment team. They have also been traditionally known as “checklists”.  Promptlists
may  be  comprehensive  in  nature,  covering  as  many  considerations  as  possible,  or
broad with general instructions for what to consider. Promptlists should be considered a
tool for the assessment team and not a replacement for the knowledge and experience
of those individuals.
Safety Assessment (SA) Program Coordinator
This  individual  is  appointed  to  implement  and  manage  a  safety  assessment  program
within  a  jurisdiction.  They  usually  prepare  or  offer  advice  on  terms  of  reference  for
safety  assessments,  participate  on  a  technical  committee  to  select  safety  assessment
teams,  ensure  that  adequate  data  for  safety  assessments  are  prepared  by  the  design
team,  participate  in  the  pre­assessment  meetings,  conduct  quality  reviews  of  safety
assessment  reports,  and  review  safety  assessment  response  reports.  They  typically
also  archive,  review,  and  summarizes  information  from  past  safety  assessments
including  “lessons  learned”,  prepare  an  annual  report  on  their  safety  assessment
program,  identify  safety  assessment  needs  including  funding,  and  propose  changes  to
the safety assessment guidelines or policies.
Safety Assessment (SA) Report
A  mandatory  element  of  each  safety  assessment,  this  report  typically  identifies  safety
issues, their importance, and suggests improvements.
Safety Assessment (SA) Reviews
See In­Service Safety Review.
Safety Assessment Subconsultant to the Planning/Design Team
Subconsultant  hired  by  the  planning/design  team  to  examine  and  participate  in  all
transportation  safety­related  aspects  of  planning  and  design  projects.  The  safety
assessment  sub­consultant  differs  from  the  safety  assessment  team  in  that  it  interacts
with  the  planning/design  team throughout  the  planning/design  process  and  becomes  a
part of the design team.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 A P P E N D I X   BB- 6Safety Review
A  process  established  by  most  state  departments  of  transportation  through  their  high
hazard identification and correction programs. Safety reviews often involve a small (1­2
persons)  team  with  design  expertise.  Those  persons  may  also  be  directly  involved  in
the  design  process.  A  safety  review  does  not  typically  involve  field  visits,  concentrates
on  the  evaluation  of  designs  based  on  compliance  with  standards,  and  does  not
normally  consider  human  factor  issues.  A  safety  review  is  always  reactive  as
hazardous locations are identified through the analysis of crash statistics.
Safety Risk
This  term  indicates  the  relative  safety  of  a  location.  Safety  risk  for  a  single
transportation facility user is determined by the probability of a collision and its severity.
Safety Risk for a transportation entity is determined by taking into account the exposure
of  all  road  users.    In  application  to  safety  assessments,  safety  risk  is  determined
qualitatively  in  terms  of  the  estimated  exposure,  probability,  and  consequence  as
Safety  risk  =  exposure  *  probability  of  the  event  *  consequence  of  the  event.  Each
element  of the  equation is  typically estimated  by safety  assessment team  members  as
very low, low, medium, high or very high.
Safety of the Entity
Safety is measured by the expected frequency of fatal, injury and property damage only
collisions  on  the  entity  over  a  certain  period  of  time,  typically  one  year.  In  the  safety
assessment  process,  it  is  understood  as  the  qualitative  estimate  of  the  above  by  the
safety assessment team members. Safety risk can be used to facilitate and support the
qualitative estimation of safety for a given entity.
Safe Field Visit Practices
Procedures for carrying out specific tasks, which when followed,  will ensure that safety
assessment team members reduce their exposure to hazards during a field visit.
Safety Management System (SMS)
Coordinated multidisciplinary  partnership process  which strives  to  achieve  safety goals
by  ensuring  that  opportunities  to  improve  safety  are  identified,  considered,
implemented,  and  evaluated  in  all  phases  of  planning,  design,  maintenance  and
operations. Safety assessments are considered to be an important element of a SMS

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008A P P E N D I X   BB- 7Terms of Reference (TOR): A document that generally describes the purpose, scope,
objectives, stakeholder involvement, deliverables, available budget, and proposed
schedule of an activity, requirement, or service. SA Terms of Reference may be used
by a transportation agency to solicit external SA consulting services.
Traffic Conflict
A  near  miss  that  occurs  when  two  transportation  facility  users  approach  each  other  in
time and space and one of them takes evasive action to avoid a collision.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 CA P P E N D I X C

Safety Assessment Guidelines
C1. Concept
The  FHWA  RSA  Software  is  more  than  the  automation  of  SA  prompt  lists  –  it  is
intended  to  be  a guiding  and  process  tracking tool  enabling  the  use  of  SA  prompt  lists
at  a  variety  of  detail  levels,  while  providing  a  way  to  accompany  each  safety  issue
raised  with  a  discussion  and  an  assessment.    Using  the  software  helps  assessors  to
think  about  and  justify  their  findings.  The  software  assists  in  drafting  SA  reports,
enables  users  to  record  safety  issues  both  by  prompt  list  topic  and  by  location,  helps
verify issues and locations entered, and may be used in SA training.
C2. Project initiation
The initial step in working with the FHWA RSA software is to either create a new project
to  work  on  or  to  open  a  previously­created  project  to  continue  working  on  it.  Defining
SA  stage  in  the  Project  Characteristics  screen  will  enable  the  software  to  select
appropriate  prompt  lists  for  the  SA.  FHWA  RSA  software  also  provides  on  option  for
selecting  SA  Team  members  from  the  list  of  available  assessors,  or  adding  new
assessors to the list of those available.
C3. Generating Prompt lists
Once  the  project  has  been  initiated  and  initial  project  data  are  entered,  the  software
may be used to generate and print out prompt lists which may be distributed among the
SA team members.  The prompt lists generated are customized based on the SA stage
specified  within  the  Project  Characteristics.  The  software  offers  a  default  file  name,
date/time  capture,  and  default  location  for  the  generated  prompt  lists  on  the  computer.
For  the  convenience of the  users, the  generated prompt  lists  are  automatically  opened
in MS Word and minimized immediately after the generation.
C4. Conducting Safety Assessment
A  typical  series  of  steps  for  conducting  SAs  are  identified  inExhibit  D­1,  numbered
from 1 through 8.  Users can alter the order or sequence of steps, such as to add a new
location or to enhance the level of detail for an issue, as needed.
There are two main alternatives for conducting SA analysis. Mode 1 is by topic/subtopic
of  the  Prompt  list,  Mode  2  is  by  Location.  The  selection  of  the  SA  analysis  mode
depends on the project and preferences of the SA team members.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 A P P E N D I X   CC- 2·Mode  1:The  process  begins  with  the  selection  of  the  prompt  list  topic/subtopic  which  may
be “drilled down” to a set of specific prompt list questions (Step 1). The selected prompt list
item  appears  in  the  topic  box  below  the  prompt  list  window.  The  SA  team  members  then
consider  possible  safety issues related  to the  prompt  list topic/subtopic considering the  SA
project in its entirety. Once a safety issue is identified, the  location of the issue is added to
the  list  of  the  locations  (Step  1a).    Location  details  are  at  the  discretion  of  the  SA  team.
The  selected  location  (Step  1b)  appears  in  the  location  box.  SA  team  members  then
proceed  to  the  description  and  evaluation  of  the  identified  safety  issue(s)  for  the  selected
topic/subtopic and location (steps 2­8).
·Mode  2:  As  an  alternative  approach,  the  SA team  may  begin  by identifying  locations  to  be
assessed  (Step  1a).    Selected  locations  (Step  1b)  are  then  assessed  by  the  SA  team
members  as  they  go  through  the  prompt  list,  select  topics/subtopics  and  identify  possible
safety  issues  related to the selected  location.  Once the  safety issue is identified,  SA team
members  proceed  to  the  documenting  and  analysis  of  the  identified  safety  issue  for  the
selected location and topic/subtopic (steps 2­8).

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008A P P E N D I X   CC- 3Exhibit C­1: Typical series of steps for conducting SAs
The SA software provides several windows for recording identified safety issues, as follows:
“Issue”, “Issue description” and “Suggestions”.
·The “Issue” window (Step 2) serves for a concise definition of title of the safety issues
identified, e.g., “Driveway Exit – Visibility Obstruction”.
·The “Issue description” window serves for a detailed description of the safety issue
identified, e.g., “Existing foliage and an unused concrete span­wire pole are blocking
visibility for traffic exiting the service station lot.”
·Finally, the “Suggestion” window serves for recording suggestions on how to improve
safety of the identified issue, e.g., “Consider trimming the hedge back to improve visibility.”
·The descriptions provided in each of these windows are at the discretion of the SA team.
There is no limit to the amount of data which may be recorded.  All data entered will be
included in the draft SA Report generated by the software.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 A P P E N D I X   CC- 4C5. Analyzing severity of safety issues
The FHWA RSA software provides an optional method for analyzing the importance or severity
of an identified road safety issue. A qualitative estimation of the Road Safety Risk, which is
measured in terms of its three components (exposure, probability, and consequences) may be
assigned to each issue. Each component may be assigned a rating from very low to very high.
Using a simple score of 1­5 the RSA Software will assign a numerical value to the safety
evaluation, if it is used. While this aspect of the software is optional, it may assist assessors in
making determinations of which identified issues are most critical in terms of improving safety.
An example of a completed SA screen is shown inExhibit D­2.
C6. Generating SA reports
Once the SA analysis is completed, the FHWA RSA software may generate draft SA reports.
Part A of the draft RSA report contains data input to the RSA software at the SA project setup
stage and has the same formatting, independent of selected sorting options implemented in
Part B of the RSA report. Part B of the RSA report implements three sorting options, as
·Format 1: Identified safety issues are sorted first by prompt list topic/subtopic, then by
location, and finally by severity (Road Safety Risk);
·Format 2: Identified safety issues are sorted first by location. and then by severity
(Road Safety Risk); and
·Format 3: Identified safety issues are sorted by severity (Road Safety Risk) only.
Examples illustrating Parts A and B of the draft RSA reports are provided inExhibits C­3 and

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008A P P E N D I X   CC- 5Exhibit C­2 Example of a completed SA screen
The possible incorporation of the FHWA RSA software into each individual SA is illustrated by
the flowchart provided inExhibit C­5.
·The  FHWA RSA  software  may  start  to  be  used  before  or  immediately  after  the  pre­SA
meeting.  At  this  point  all  project  data  have  been  obtained,  and  subjected  to  a
preliminary  review.  FHWA  RSA  software  may  be  used  to  enter  required  project  data,
and  to  generate  and  print  out  prompt  lists  at  the  required  level  of  detail  for  each  SA
team member. In the process of entering data it may be recognized that some data are
missing  or  unclear.  If  this  is  the  case,  the  design  team  or  traffic  engineering/
maintenance  staff  (if  ER  stage  SA  is  being  conducted)  may  be  contacted  to  obtain
additional data or clarifications.
·The  FHWA  RSA  software  may  subsequently  be  used  after  the  field  visit  is  conducted.
At  this  point  the  FHWA  RSA  software  may  be  used  as  a  tool  that  guides  the  SA
analysis  in  a  team  setting,  and  provides  the  opportunity  to  record  identified  safety
issues and severities (Safety Risks) associated with each issue.

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 A P P E N D I X   CC- 6·Once the SA analysis is completed, the FHWA RSA software generates draft SA report
in the desired format. This draft may be further used by the SA Team leader to develop
a final version of the SA report, complete with maps, photographs, schemes, etc.
Exhibit C­3: Example of Part A of the SA report
Exhibit C­4: Example of Part B of the SA report

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008A P P E N D I X   CC- 7Exhibit C­5 Incorporation of the FHWA RSA Software into the SA.
StartProject NumberProject DetailsProject NameProject
InformationStart/End DateAudit TypeProject
CharacteristicsAdjacent LandUseDesign SpeedService
ConditionsSelection of RSA
TeamAvailable AuditorsTeam LeaderTeam membersPrinting generated
Prompt ListsField Review under
various conditions
with the use  of
generated Prompt
ListsRSA Analysis
with the use of
(Team setting)Obtaining and
preliminary analysis
of background
informationPre­Audit meeting
with Project Owner
and Design Team
FHWA Road Safety Audit Software
andclarificationsas neededPreliminary RSA
Analysis (optional)
RSA Steps
ChecklistsRoad Safety RiskAnalysis InterfaceAuditing by Topic
and LocationVerification and
editing issues
and locationsGeneration of
Draft RSA ReportPresentation of the
findings to the Project
OwnerFinalization of RSA
Report and
submission to the
Project OwnerPreparation of RSA
Response Report by
Project Owner andDesign Team”Topic­subtopic­
sorting”Safety Risk”

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008 DA P P E N D I X D

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants IncAppendix D­Page#1HIGH­LEVEL PROMPT LISTSSAFETY ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING FACILITIES
1 Visibility, sight distance
2 Design speed
3 Speed limit/speed zoning
4 Passing
5 ‘Readability’ (perception) of the alignment by
6 Human factors
7 W idths
8 Shoulders
9 Cross slopes
10 Side slopes
11 Drains
12 Combinations of features

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants IncAppendix D­Page#2HIGH­LEVEL PROMPT LISTS6.3 AUXILIARY LANES
1 Tapers
2 Shoulders
3 Signs and markings
4 Turning traffic
1 Location
2 Visibility, sight distance
3 Signing and marking
4 Layout and ‘readability’ (perception) by drivers
5 Pedestrians, bicyclists
6 Lighting
1 Visibility, sight distance
2 Lanes, shoulders
3 Signing, marking, delineation
4 Pedestrians, bicyclists
5 Lighting

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants IncAppendix D­Page#3HIGH­LEVEL PROMPT LISTS6.6 SIGNS AND LIGHTING
1 Lighting
2 General signs issues
3 Sign legibility
4 Sign supports
1 General issues
2 Centerlines, edge lines, lane lines
3 Guideposts and reflectors
4 Curve warning and delineation
1 Clear zones
2 Barriers
3 End treatments / Crash cushions
4 Pedestrian Railing
5 Visibility of barriers and fences

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants IncAppendix D­Page#4HIGH­LEVEL PROMPT LISTS6.9 TRAFFIC SIGNALS
1 Operations
2 Visibility
3 Placement of signal heads
1 General issues
2 Pedestrians
3 Bicyclists
4 Public transport
1 Turning operations (receiving lane widths, radii)
2 Channelization, opposing left turn lanes
3 Sight triangles
4 Signing, marking and delineation
5 Traffic signals

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants IncAppendix D­Page#5HIGH­LEVEL PROMPT LISTS6.12 BRIDGES AND CULVERTS
1 Design features
2 Barriers
3 Pedestrian and recreational facilities, delineation
1 Pavement defects
2 Skid resistance
3 Ponding/Icing/Snow Accumulation
4 Loose stones/material
5 Manholes
1 Design issues
2 Pavement/shoulder quality
1 Ponding, flooding
2 Safety of devices

Safety Assessment Guidelines
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants IncAppendix D­Page#6HIGH­LEVEL PROMPT LISTS6.17 OTHER SAFETY ISSUES
1 Landscaping
2 Temporary works
3 Headlight glare
4 Roadside activities
5 Signs of possible problems (pavement,
6 Rest areas
7 Environment
8 Median curbing

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#7DETAILED PROMPT LISTSSAFETY ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING FACILITIES
D2: DETAILED PROMPT LIST6.1 ROAD FUNCTION, CLASSIFICATION,ENVIRONMENTYes / NoCommentIs the road function and classification the same as
it was when the road was designed and
constructed?Is the road environment the same as it was when
the road was designed and constructed (no new
developments, no new pedestrian/bicyclists
activities, special events, scenic vistas etc)6.2 ROAD ALIGNMENT AND CROSS SECTIONYes / NoComment1 Visibility, sight distance
Is sight distance adequate for the speed of traffic
using the route?Is adequate sight distance provided for
intersections and crossings? (e.g., pedestrian,
bicyclist, cattle, rail crossings)Is adequate sight distance provided at all private
driveways and property entrances?2 Design speed
Is the horizontal and vertical alignment suitable for
the (85th percentile) traffic speed?If not: are warning signs installed?Are advisory speed signs installed?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#8DETAILED PROMPT LISTSAre the posted advisory speeds appropriate?3 Speed limit/speed zoning
Is the speed limit compatible with the road
function, road geometry, land use and sight
distance?4 Passing
Are safe passing opportunities provided?5 ‘Readability’ (perception) of the alignment by drivers
Is the form and function of the road and its traffic
management easily recognized under likely
operating conditions? (e.g., under heavy traffic;
minimal traffic or poor visibility conditions.)Is the road free of elements that may cause
confusion? E.g., is alignment of the roadway
clearly defined? Has disused pavement (if any)
been removed or treated? Have old pavement
markings been removed properly? Do tree lines
follow the road alignment? Does the line of street
lights or the poles follow the road alignment?Is the road free of misleading curves or
combinations of curves?6 Human factors
Does the road comply with the driver expectancy?Is driver workload not too high at any section?Are principles of positive guidance observed?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#9DETAILED PROMPT LISTS7 Widths
Are medians and islands of adequate width for the
likely users?Are traffic lanes, shoulders, and clear zone widths
adequate for the speed, traffic volume and mix?Are bridge widths adequate?8 Shoulders
Are shoulders wide enough to allow drivers to
regain control of errant vehicles?Are shoulders wide enough for broken down or
emergency vehicles to stop safely?Are shoulders paved?Are there shoulder or edge rumble strips?Is there adequate space for bicyclists if rumble
strips used?Are shoulders suitable for all vehicles and road
users? (i.e., are shoulders in good condition?)Is the transition from road to shoulder safe? (no
drop­offs.)Is the cross slope difference between the
pavement and shoulder particularly in curves,

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#10DETAILED PROMPT LISTS9 Cross slopes
Is appropriate superelevation provided on curves?Are cross slope transitions safe (for cars, trucks,
etc.)?Do cross slopes (roadway and shoulder) provide
adequate drainage? Also consider possible effect
of rutting in the wheel tracks.10 Side slopes
Are side slopes traversable by cars and trucks that
run off the road?Is the side slope treatment adequate to prevent or
limit debris falling on to the road?11 Drains
Are roadside drains and culvert end walls
traversable?12 Combinations of features
Is the road free of unsafe combinations of design
features? (e.g., short radius horizontal curve at
end of long tangent; curve within long steep
downgrade; bridge or intersection on curve, etc.)

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#11DETAILED PROMPT LISTS6.3 AUXILIARY LANESYes / NoComment1 Tapers
Are starting and finishing tapers located and
aligned correctly?Is there sufficient sight distance to the end of the
auxiliary lane?2 Shoulders
Are appropriate shoulder widths provided at
merges?Have shoulder widths been maintained beside the
auxiliary lane?3 Signs and markings
Have all signs been installed in accordance with
the appropriate guidelines?Are all signs conspicuous and clear?Do all markings conform to these guidelines?Is there advance warning of approaching auxiliary
lanes?4 Turning traffic
Have left turns from the through lane been
avoided?Is there advance warning of turn lanes?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#12DETAILED PROMPT LISTS6.4 INTERSECTIONS(INCLUDING ROUNDABOUTS)Yes / NoComment1 Location
Are all intersections located safely with respect to
the horizontal and vertical alignment?Where intersections occur at the end of high­
speed environments (e.g., at approaches to
towns); are there traffic control devices to alert
drivers?2 Visibility, sight distance
Is the presence of each intersection obvious to all
road users? Consider different driver eye heights:
cars; trucks; bicycles; motorcycles; vehicles with
restricted visibility.Is the sight distance appropriate for all movements
and all users? Consider sight triangles appropriate
for the intersection control used. Also consider
different driver eye heights: cars; trucks; bicycles;
motorcycles; vehicles with restricted visibility.Will sight lines remain adequate and not be
obstructed by permanent or temporary features
such as parked vehicles or queued traffic? Also
consider seasonal changes such as foliage, grass,
snow storage etc.Is there stopping sight distance to the rear of any
queue or slow­moving turning vehicles?Is the pavement friction adequate for safe

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#13DETAILED PROMPT LISTS3 Signing and marking
Are pavement markings and intersection control
signs satisfactory?Are vehicle paths through intersections delineated
satisfactorily?Are all lanes properly marked (including any
arrows)?Where the right turn on red is permitted: is safety
maintained? (e.g., consider need for additional
signage warning of presence of
pedestrians/bicyclists etc.)Are street name signs conspicuous and readable,
particularly for older drivers?Are Yield signs, Stop signs and Stop lines visible
in time?4 Layout and ‘readability’ (perception) by drivers
Is the form and function of the intersection clear to
drivers on all approaches? (Check by driving.)Are all conflict points between vehicles safely
managed?Is the intersection layout obvious to all road users?Is the alignment of curbs obvious and appropriate?Is the alignment of traffic islands obvious and

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#14DETAILED PROMPT LISTSIs the alignment of medians obvious and
appropriate?Can all likely vehicle types be accommodated?Are merge tapers long enough?Is the intersection free of capacity problems that
may produce safety problems?Are there sufficient visual cues to prevent
overshooting into the conflicting traffic?5 Pedestrians, bicyclists
Are the sight lines adequate for the safety of all
pedestrian groups?Is the movement of vulnerable road users safely
accommodated at all intersections?6 Lighting
Is the lighting correctly in place and adequate?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#15DETAILED PROMPT LISTS6.5 INTERCHANGESYes / NoComment1 Visibility, sight distance
Is visibility adequate at approaches: to the
interchange, on and off ramps, terminal
intersections etc.?Has the minimum sight triangle been provided at:
entry and exit ramps? gore areas? other conflict
points? Consider different driver eye heights: cars;
trucks; bicycles; motorcycles; vehicles with
restricted visibilityWill sight lines remain adequate and not be
obstructed by permanent or temporary features
such as parked vehicles or queued traffic? Also
consider seasonal changes such as foliage, grass,
snow storage etc.2 Lanes, shoulders
Are acceleration and deceleration lane lengths
adequate?Are weaving section lengths adequate?Is the layout of the interchange clear to drivers on
all approaches? (Check by driving.)Is lane continuity maintained?Are appropriate shoulder widths provided at
merges?Have shoulder widths been maintained beside the
auxiliary lane?3 Signing, marking, delineation

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#16DETAILED PROMPT LISTSAre advisory speed signs adequate (check by
driving)?Are all signs, markings, delineation correctly in
place?Are Yield signs, Stop signs and Stop lines visible
in time?4 Pedestrians, bicyclists
Are pedestrian crossings on ramp terminals
conspicuous?Are safety provisions for pedestrian and bicycle
movements adequate?If bikeways are provided, are they safe?5 Lighting
Is the lighting correctly in place and adequate?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#17DETAILED PROMPT LISTS6.6 SIGNS AND LIGHTINGYes / NoComment1 Lighting
Is lighting required and, if so, has it been
adequately provided?Is the road free of features that interrupt
illumination (e.g., trees or overpasses)?Is the roadside free of lighting poles that are a
fixed roadside hazard?Is lighting adequate to compensate for rapid
changes in light conditions (e.g., at tunnel
entrances)?Are breakaway or slip­base poles provided?Ambient lighting: if it creates special lighting
needs, have these been satisfied?Is the lighting scheme free of confusing or
misleading effects on signals or signs?Is the lighting scheme free of any lighting black
spots?2 General signs issues
Are all necessary regulatory, warning and
direction signs in place?Are they conspicuous and clear?Are the correct signs used for each situation and
is each sign necessary?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#18DETAILED PROMPT LISTSIs the number, placement and spacing of signs
such that driver information overload is avoided?Are all signs effective for all likely conditions (e.g.,
day; night; rain; fog; rising or setting sun;
oncoming headlights; poor lighting)?If restrictions apply for any class of vehicle: are
drivers adequately advised?If restrictions apply for any class of vehicle: are
drivers advised of alternative routes?Is the signing and marking adequate for the older
driver?3 Sign legibility
In daylight and darkness; are signs satisfactory
regarding visibility? clarity of message?
readability/legibility at the required distance?Is sign retroreflectivity or illumination satisfactory?Are signs able to be seen without being hidden by
their background or adjacent distractions?Is driver confusion due to too many signs
avoided?4 Sign supports
Are sign supports out of the clear zone?If not, are they: breakaway? on slip bases?
shielded by barriers? shielded by crash cushions?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#19DETAILED PROMPT LISTS6.7 MARKING AND DELINEATIONYes / NoComment1 General issues
Is the line marking and delineation: appropriate for
the function of the road? consistent along the
route? likely to be effective under all expected
conditions? (day; night; wet; dry; fog; rising and
setting sun position; oncoming headlights; etc.)Is the pavement free of excessive markings? (e.g.,
unnecessary turn arrows; unnecessary barrier
lines; etc.)2 Centerlines, edge lines, lane lines
Are centerlines, edge lines, lane lines provided?If not: do drivers have adequate guidance?Are Raised Retroreflective Pavement Markers
(RRPMs) provided where necessary?If RRPMs are installed: are they correctly placed;
correct colors; in good condition?Are centerline, shoulder, and/or edge rumble strips
provided where required?Is the marking in good condition?Is there sufficient contrast between marking and
pavement color?3 Guideposts and reflectors
Are guideposts appropriately installed?Are delineators clearly visible?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#20DETAILED PROMPT LISTSAre the correct colors used for the delineators?Are the delineators on barriers and bridge railings
consistent with those on guideposts?4 Curve warning and delineation
Are curve warning signs, markings, and advisory
speed signs installed where needed?Are advisory speeds adequate and consistent
along the route?Are the signs correctly located in relation to the
curve? (i.e., not too far in advance.)Are the signs large enough? (e.g., consider
appropriateness of oversize signs)Are chevron alignment markers installed where
required?Is the positioning of chevron alignment markers
satisfactory to provide guidance around the curve?Are chevron alignment markers the correct size?Are chevron alignment markers confined to curves
(not used to delineate islands etc)?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#21DETAILED PROMPT LISTS6.8 BARRIERS AND CLEAR ZONESYes / NoComment1 Clear zones
Is the clear zone width adequate for existing traffic
pattern?Is the clear zone width traversable (i.e. drivable)?Is the clear zone width free of rigid fixtures? (if not:
can all of these rigid fixtures be removed or
shielded?)Are all utility poles, trees, etc. at a safe distance
from the traffic paths?Is the appropriate treatment or protection provided
for any objects within the clear zone?2 BarriersAre barriers installed where necessary?Are barriers installed at all necessary locations in
accordance with the relevant guidelines?Are the barrier systems suitable for the purpose?Are the barriers installed correctly?Is the length of crash barrier at each installation
adequate?Is the guard rail attached correctly to bridge

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#22DETAILED PROMPT LISTSIs there sufficient width between the guard rail and
the pavement edge line to contain a broken down
vehicle?Are barrier systems free of any
damage/deteriorating that may cause their
improper performance? Consider rotated blocks,
downed poles, cracked barriers, damaged rails,
extensive cable sags etc.)3 End treatments / Crash cushions
Are end treatments constructed correctly?Is there a safe run­off area behind gating end
treatments?Are end treatments/crash cushions free of any
damage/deteriorating that may cause their
improper performance?Are end treatments for median barriers non­
gating?4 Pedestrian Railing
Are pedestrian fences of breakaway design?Are vehicles safe from being ‘speared’ by
horizontal fence railings located within the clear
zone?Are drivers able to see pedestrians approaching
crossings (and vice versa) through the railing?5 Visibility of barriers and fences
Is there adequate delineation and visibility of
barriers and pedestrian railing at night?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#23DETAILED PROMPT LISTS6.9 TRAFFIC SIGNALSYes / NoComment1 Operations
Are traffic signals operating correctly?Is the signal phasing and timing safe?Is adequate time provided for traffic movements,
pedestrian and bicyclist movements? Consider the
duration of green, yellow, all­red, walk/clearance
indications for all movements. Check whether the
crossing time is sufficient for all pedestrian groups,
i.e., with rate of travel less than 3.5 feet per
second.Are turn phases coordinated with walk/don’t walk
signals?Is protected left turn signal phase (if provided)
leading, not lagging?Are the number, location and type of signal
displays appropriate for the traffic mix and traffic
environment?Are there provisions for visually impaired
pedestrians (e.g., audio­tactile push buttons;
tactile markings)?Is the controller located in a safe position? (i.e.,where it is unlikely to be hit and maintenance
access is safe.)Is the condition (especially skid resistance) of the
road surface on the approaches satisfactory?Are signalized intersections coordinated?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#24DETAILED PROMPT LISTS2 Visibility
Are traffic signals clearly visible to approaching
motorists?Are the signal heads free from obstructions? (e.g.,
trees; light poles; signs; bus stops; etc.)Is there adequate stopping sight distance to the
ends of possible vehicle queues?Are there any visibility problems that could be
caused by the rising or setting sun?Are signal displays shielded so that they can be
seen only by the motorists for whom they are
intended?If optically programmed signals are used:  is their
operation safe? (e.g., for left turn signals: visibility
for the left turning traffic, possible deteriorating of
aiming/masking in the operation, physical
separation of left turning and through traffic in the
vicinity of intersection, etc)Where signal displays are not visible from an
adequate distance: are signal warning signs
and/or flashing lights installed?Where signals are mounted high for visibility over
crests: is there adequate stopping sight distance
to the ends of traffic queues?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#25DETAILED PROMPT LISTS3 Placement of signal heads
Are signal heads located as required by
guidelines? (e.g., primary left turn signal head iswithin projections of separated left­turn lane etc.)Are signal posts located where they are not an
undue hazard?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#26DETAILED PROMPT LISTS6.10 PEDESTRIANS AND BICYCLISTSYes / NoComment1 General issues
Are there appropriate travel paths and crossing
points for pedestrians and bicyclists?Is a safety railing installed where necessary to
guide pedestrians and bicyclists to crossings or
overpasses?Is a safety barrier installed where necessary to
separate vehicle, pedestrian and bicyclist flows?Are pedestrian and bicycle facilities suitable for
night use?Is traffic calming used where appropriate to
improve safety? Is the application safe? (e.g.,
unsafe narrowing, unforgiving fixed objects are
avoided)(Users may wish to refer to the FHWA Pedestrian Road Safety Audit Prompt Lists for additional prompts)

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#27DETAILED PROMPT LISTS2 Pedestrians
Is there adequate separation distance between
vehicular traffic and pedestrians on footways?Are pedestrian footpaths or sidewalks providedwhere appropriate?Is there an adequate number of pedestrian
crossings along the route?At crossing points is railing oriented so
pedestrians face oncoming traffic?Is there adequate provision for the elderly; the
disabled; children; wheelchairs and baby carriages
(e.g., holding rails; curb and median crossings;
ramps; sidewalk width, grades, cross slope,
surface; detectable warnings)?Are adequate hand rails provided where
necessary (e.g., on bridges; ramps)?Is signing about pedestrians near schools
adequate and effective?Is signing about pedestrians near any hospital
adequate and effective?Is the distance from the stop line to a cross walk
sufficient for truck drivers to see pedestrians?Are the information needs of blind and low­vision
pedestrians met? (e.g., where pedestrian signals
are provided, is crossing and timing information
available to blind/low vision pedestrians?)(Users may wish to refer to the FHWA Pedestrian Road Safety Audit Prompt Lists for additional prompts)

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#28DETAILED PROMPT LISTS3 Bicyclists
Is the pavement width adequate for the number of
bicyclists using the route?Are bike lanes or separate bikeways to
accommodate bicycle traffic provided where
appropriate?Is the bicycle route continuous (i.e., free of
squeeze points or gaps)?Where bikeways terminate at intersections or
adjacent to the roadway, has the transition
treatment been handled safely?Are drainage inlets ‘bicycle safe’?Are rumble strips (type and placement) safe for
bicyclists?Are bicycle/pedestrian conflicts avoided?Is there enough space for bicyclists to safely pass
the parking cars (consider provision of buffer
zones; angle vs. parallel parking etc.)Are driveway aprons avoided on the bike routes?Are manholes flush with roadway surface?Is 10 feet of vertical clearance from signs and
structures provided on the bike routes?Is there adequate signing to provide safety of
bicyclists? (e.g., “Share the Road”; “Wrong Way”;
“No Parking”; bike lane designation signs etc.)

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#29DETAILED PROMPT LISTSWhere bicyclists are required to dismount (e.g., in
front of shared pedestrian crossings), is there
adequate warning (signage, marking, pavement
surface, etc)?4 Public transport
Are bus stops safely located with adequate
visibility and clearance to the traffic lane?Are bus stops positioned accounting for pedestrian
flows generators?Are bus stops in rural areas signposted in
advance?Are shelters and seats located safely to ensure
that sight lines are not impeded?Is clearance to the road adequate?Is the height and shape of the curb at bus stops
suitable for pedestrians and bus drivers?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#30DETAILED PROMPT LISTS6.11 OLDER DRIVERSYes / NoComment1 Turning operations (receiving lane widths, radii)
Is receiving lane (throat) width for turning
operations wide enough to ensure safety for older
drivers? It is desired to provide 12 ft minimum
accompanied, wherever practical, by 4ft shoulder.Are curb radii adequate for older drivers? (30 ft is
desired )2 Channelization, opposing left turn lanes
Is raised channelization (sloping curbed medians)
provided for left­lane treatments at intersections?At intersections with high volume of pedestrians: If
right­turn channelization is present, is an
acceleration lane adequate for passenger car
characteristics provided?At intersections with high volume of pedestrians: If
right­turn channelization is present, is an adjacent
pedestrian refuge island provided?Are the opposing left turn lanes designed to
provide unrestricted sight distances? Also, at
intersections where there are larger percentages
of left turning trucks, is sight distance unrestrictedwhen opposing left­turn vehicles are trucks?If the channelized offset left turn lanes are used,
are they properly signed and delineated to preventwrong way entrance to the lane (e.g., left turntraffic from an intersecting road)?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#31DETAILED PROMPT LISTS3 Sight triangles
Are the intersection sight distances (sight
triangles) adequate for reaction time of older
drivers (minimum 2.5 s)4 Signing, marking and delineation
Are island curb sides and curb surfaces treatedwith reflectorized paint? Is a luminance contrastlevel adequate for older drivers (3.0 or higher
under low beam headlight of a passenger car)Is edge treatment/delineation of curbs, medians
and obstacles adequate for older drivers? (i.e.,
minimum in­service contrast of painted roadway
edge level of 2.0 for intersections with overhead
lighting and 3.0 without it)Where RTOR is permitted and a pedestrian
crosswalk is delineated, is there a sign requiring
turning traffic to yield to pedestrians?  If the
intersection is skewed (less than 75 degrees or
greater than 105 degrees), is RTOR prohibited?Is the letter size, type and placement of street­
name signs adequate for older drivers? (e.g.,
minimum letter height 6 inches, use of overhead­
mounted signs with minimum letter size 8 inches
at major intersections, using directional arrows if
street names are different in different directions
etc)Is one­way/wrong way signage (number and
placement) on approaches to divided highways
adequate to ensure clear perception for older
drivers? Is the Divided Highway Crossing sign

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#32DETAILED PROMPT LISTSIs Cross Traffic Does Not Stop warning sign panel
mounted below the Stop sign used for two­way
stop control intersections where appropriate? E.g.,where sight triangle is restricted, wherever aconversion from four­lane control is implemented
etc.Are lane­use control signs placed overhead at
intersections, as a supplement to pavement
markings and shoulder­ and/or median mounted
signage?5 Traffic signals
Is protected­only left turn signal operation
implemented where capacity allows? Is it
controlled by a separate signal?  If it is
protected/permitted operation, is protected phase
leading, not lagging?Are signal displays adequate for the reduced
ocular transmittance of the older driver’s eye? Are
backplates used?Is all­red clearance interval implemented and is its
duration adequate for older drivers?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#33DETAILED PROMPT LISTS6.12 BRIDGES AND CULVERTSYes / NoComment1 Design features
Are bridges and culverts the full formation width?Are bridge and culvert roadway widths consistentwith approach conditions?Is the approach alignment compatible with the
85th percentile travel speed?Have warning signs been erected if either of the
above two conditions (i.e. width and speed) are
not met?2 Barriers
Are there suitable barriers on bridges and their
approaches to protect errant vehicles?Is the connection between barrier and bridge
railing safe?Is the bridge free of curbing that would reduce the
effectiveness of barriers or rails?3 Pedestrian and recreational facilities, delineation
Are pedestrian facilities on the bridge appropriate
and safe?Is fishing from the bridge prohibited?Is fishing from the bridge is not prohibited, has
provision been made for ‘safe’ fishing?Does delineation continue over the bridge?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#34DETAILED PROMPT LISTS6.13 PAVEMENTYes / NoComment1 Pavement defects
Is the pavement free of defects (e.g., excessive
roughness or rutting; potholes; loose material;
etc.) that could result in safety problems (e.g., loss
of steering control)?Is the condition of the pavement edges
satisfactory?Is the transition from pavement to shoulder free of
dangerous edge drop offs?2 Skid resistance
Does the pavement appear to have adequate skid
resistance, particularly on curves, steep grades
and approaches to intersections?Is the crack sealing not too extensive to cause the
unsafe differential in skid resistance?Has skid resistance testing been conducted where
necessary?Has the location of manholes on curves been
avoided? (difference in skid resistance ­ issue for
motorcyclists)3 Ponding/Icing/Snow Accumulation
Is the pavement free of areas where ponding,
sheet flow of water, icing and snow accumulations
may cause safety problems?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#35DETAILED PROMPT LISTSIs the road surface free of significant rutting in thewheel paths that can accumulate water or snow?4 Loose stones/material
Is the pavement free of loose stones and other
material?4 Manholes
Are manholes flush with roadway surface?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#36DETAILED PROMPT LISTS6.14 PARKINGYes / NoCommentAre the provisions for, or restrictions on parking
satisfactory in relation to traffic safety?Is the frequency of parking turnover compatiblewith the safetyof the route?Is there sufficient parking for delivery vehicles so
that safety problems due to double parking do not
occur?Are parking maneuvering along the route possiblewithout causing safety problems? (e.g., angleparking without a buffer zone)Is the sight distance at intersections and along the
route unaffected by parked vehicles?6.15 PROVISIONS FOR HEAVY VEHICLESYes / NoComment1 Design issues
Are passing opportunities available for heavy
vehicles where volumes are high?Does the route accommodate the size of vehicle
likely to use it?Is there adequate maneuvering room for large
vehicles along the route, at intersections,
roundabouts; etc.?Is access to rest areas and truck parking areas
adequate for the size of vehicle expected?
Consider acceleration; deceleration; shoulderwidths; etc.

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#37DETAILED PROMPT LISTS2 Pavement/shoulder quality
Are shoulders sealed at bends to provide
additional pavement for long vehicles?Is the pavement width adequate for heavy
vehicles?In general: is the pavement quality sufficient for
the safe travel of heavy and oversized vehicles?On truck routes: are reflective devices appropriate
for truck drivers’ eye heights?6.16 FLOODWAYS AND CAUSEWAYSYes / NoComment1 Ponding, flooding
Are all sections of the route free from ponding or
flow across the road during wet weather?If there is ponding or flow across the road duringwet weather: is there appropriatesignposting?Are floodways and causeways correctly
signposted?2 Safety of devices
Are all culverts or drainage structures located
outside the clear roadside recovery area?If not, are they shielded from the possibility of
vehicle collision?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#38DETAILED PROMPT LISTS6.17 OTHER SAFETY ISSUESYes / NoComment1 Landscaping
Is landscaping in accordance with guidelines (e.g.,
clearances, sight distance)?Will existing clearances and sight distances be
maintained following future plant growth?Does the landscaping at roundabouts avoid
visibility problems?2 Temporary works
Are all locations free of construction or
maintenance equipment that is no longer
required?Are all locations free of signs, markings or
temporary traffic control devices that are no longer
required?3 Headlight glare
Have any problems that could be caused by
headlight glare been addressed (e.g., a two­way
service road close to main traffic lanes; the use of
glare fencing or screening)?4 Roadside activities
Are the road boundaries free of any activities that
are likely to distract drivers?Are all advertising signs installed so that they do
not constitute a hazard?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc. Appendix D ­ Page # 39
5 Signs of possible problems (pav ement, roadside)
Is the road pav ement free of brake/skid tire marks
that could indicate a possible problem, hazard or
conflict at the site?
Is the roadside hardware, trees, and poles free of
damage from errant vehicles that could indicate a
possible problem, hazard or conflict at the site?
6 Rest areas
Is the location of rest areas and truck parking
areas along the route appropriate?
7 Environment
Is the route free from large numbers of animals
(e.g., cattle; sheep; moose; bears etc.)? If not: is it
protected by animal­proof fencing? are the
underpasses for animals provided?
Is there any negative safety effects of wind, sun
angles at sunrise and sunset?
Will the road perform safely when there is  a rain,
mist, ice, fog, snowfall, blowing snow?
Is there adequate provisions for snow
accumulations (e.g., obstruction of sight lines,
barrier performance etc).
Will snow storage not disrupt pedestrian access or
Are  visual distractions (e.g., scenic vistas)
adequately addressed (e.g., by providing areas to
stop safely)?

Safety Assessment Guidelines for
October 2008
Eng­Wong, Taub & Associates                  Bergmann Associates            Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc.Appendix D­Page#40DETAILED PROMPT LISTSIs the route free of unsafe overhanging branches?8 Median curbing
If back­to­back median curbing is used is it:
adequately delineated? obvious where it starts?
obvious at intersections? unlikely to be a hazard to

Abraham Wing Access Plan




Abraham Wing
Elementary School Access Plan
Glens Falls, New York
Prepared for:
Adirondack/Glens Fall
Transportation Council

October 26, 2009
Final Report

Report Prepared by:

6 0 L a k e S t r e e t , S u i t e 1 E , B u r l i n g t o n , V e r m o n t 0 5 4 0 1
T E L 8 0 2 . 3 8 3 . 0 1 1 8

F A X 8 0 2 . 3 8 3 . 0 1 2 2

w w w . r s g i n c . c o m

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Plan
Page i
1.0 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………… ………………………………1
1.1 School Background………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS…………………………………………… ………………………2
2.1 Functional Classification…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
2.2 Roadway Characteristics ………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………. 3
2.3 Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities ……………… ……………………………………………………………………………….. 7
2.4 School Access Characteristics …………………. ……………………………………………………………………………….. 8
2.5 Traffic Volumes and Speeds …………………….. …………………………………………………………………………….. 11
2.6 Parking …………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
3.0 SAFETY…………………………………………… ……………………………………….15
4.0 SCHOOL SURVEY…………………………………………………………………………16
5.0 ISSUES…………………………………………… ………………………………………..17
6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS……………………………………………………………………17
6.1 Plan 2 and 3: School Area Improvements …………. ……………………………………………………………………… 17
6.2 Plan 4: School Zone Traffic Control Signs ………. …………………………………………………………………………. 20
6.3 Programmatic Changes …………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………. 20
6.4 Cost Estimates ………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………… 22
7.0 PUBLIC INPUT…………………………………………… ……………………………….22
8.0 SUMMARY…………………………………………… …………………………………..23
Figure 1: Abe Wing Elementary School in Glens Falls , New York ………………………………………………………………… 1
Figure 2: Functional Classification (NOTE: local ro ads will be shown in next plan revision) ……………………………. 3
Figure 3: Cross-Section Location ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Figure 4: Typical Cross-Sections ………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Figure 5: School Speed Limit Zones …………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Figure 6: Advance Warning Sign and Reduced Speed Li mit Assembly …………………………………………………………. 6
Figure 7: School Signage Deficiencies………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Figure 8: Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities …….. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Figure 9: Pedestrian and Bicycle Access ………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Figure 10: School Access Points ……………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Figure 11: Arrival and Line Up at the Grades K-2 En trance on McDonald Street …………………………………………. 10
Figure 12: McDonald Street during Arrival………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. 10
Figure 13: Orchard Street Access to the School ….. …………………………………………………………………………………. 10
Figure 14: AM & PM Traffic Volumes at McDonald Stre et/Lawrence Street Intersection…………………………….. 11

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an

Page ii
Figure 15. Level-of-Service Criteria for Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections ……………………………………… 12
Figure 16: Level of Service Results – Existing Cond itions…………………………………………………………………………. 12
Figure 17: Level of Service Results – Optimized …. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
Figure 18: Speed Study Results ………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… . 13
Figure 19: Parking …………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Figure 20: Parking Inventory ………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Figure 21: Crash Locations 2005-2008 …………… …………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
Figure 22: Student Travel Mode to School (AM) …… ………………………………………………………………………………. 16
Figure 23: Student Travel Mode to Home (PM)…….. ………………………………………………………………………………. 16
Figure 24: Pavement Treatments ………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… 18
Figure 25: Exclusive Pedestrian Phase Pavement Mark ings at the Lawrence St/McDonald St intersection ……. 19
Figure 26: Flashing Beacons and Speed Limit Sign …………………………………………………………………………………. 20
Figure 27: Recommendation Cost Estimates ……….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. 22

Appendix A: Conceptual Plans
Appendix B: Meeting Notes
Appendix C: Travel-to-School Survey
Appendix D: Traffic Data
Appendix E: Speed Data
Appendix F: Safety Data
Appendix G: Walking School Bus Information
Appendix H: AAA Northway’s School Safety Patrol Pro gram Information

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 1
This study examines walking, biking and vehicular a ccess issues at the Abraham Wing Elementary School
in Glens Falls, NY. The school is classified as a “ walking school,” as it is not dominated by excessiv e bus
traffic or an auto-centric campus and its students all reside less than one mile away. This report pre sents
a summary of existing conditions, summarizes the ma jor access and safety issues and includes program
and transportation facility design recommendations to help improve access for all transportation modes
serving the school.
The study is funded by the Adirondack/Glens Falls T ransportation Council (AGFTC) and has been
prepared by Resource Systems Group, a traffic engin eering and transportation planning consulting firm.
This report is based on three primary sources of in formation: field observations by Resource Systems
Group, Inc. (RSG), meetings with school officials a nd traffic and safety data provided by AGFTC.
1.1 School Background
The Abraham Wing Elementary School (“Abe Wing”) is part of the Glens Falls Common School District
and has roughly 187 students in daily attendance. T he school has Kindergarten through Sixth Grades.
Students in the special education program are picke d up and dropped off via a school bus to another
school. There are about 32 faculty and staff member s at the school including teachers, administrative
staff, maintenance staff, and others. Roughly 25-3 0 students participate in the breakfast program.
The school is located between Orchard Street and Mc Donald Street to the west and east, respectively, and
between Dix Avenue and Lawrence Street to the north and south, respectively. The location of the school
proximate to downtown Glens Falls and the school ca tchment boundary (about 0.6 miles from the school)
is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Abe Wing Elementary School in Glens Falls , New York1

1 School district boundaries, as defined by the school Principal for the 2008-2009 school year. Note th at there are several “spurs” that
extend off of the boundary, which indicates that st udents from that road attend the Abe Wing School, w hereas roads outside of the
boundary and without spurs are not included in the district.

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 2
2.1 Functional Classification
Abe Wing is located within a grid of streets and ro ads that serve different functions within the overa ll
highway system. Functional classification is a mean s of grouping similar roadways based on their role
within the transportation system. The groupings are based on each road’s ability to perform two
functions, which work in opposition:
– Mobility: provide capacity for high volumes of thro ugh traffic, with longer trip distances,
traveling at higher speeds, and
– Access: provide safe and efficient access to adjace nt land and between different types of
Listed in order from greatest mobility/least access to least mobility/greatest access, the classification
system is organized as follows:
Interstates – roadways that accommodate a large amo unt of traffic at higher speeds with no
direct access to adjacent land.
Principal Arterials –roadways that accommodate mode rately high traffic volumes and speeds
with some access to adjacent land
Minor Arterials – interconnects the principal arter ial system; lower priority on mobility and
higher priority on access
Collector Roads – provide land access and traffic c irculation; may enter residential areas;
connects arterials to local roads
Local Roads – typically residential in nature; thro ugh traffic is discouraged; slow vehicular
speeds, access to land is the highest priority; on- street parking is common and travel lanes are
often shared with pedestrians and cyclists.
Abe Wing Elementary has the advantage of being surr ounded by three local roads: Orchard Street,
McDonald Street and Lawrence Street. Design treatme nts that provide for pedestrian and bicycle access,
accommodate parking and encourage slower speeds are all consistent with the function of these local
streets. Within the school’s catchment area, there is one principal arterial that students may encount er
(Warren Street) and several minor arterials, includ ing Dix Avenue, Ridge Street, Haskell Avenue and
Maple Street (Figure 2). These streets will have mo re traffic and higher speeds, but are less of a concern
because they are not directly adjacent to the schoo l.

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 3
Figure 2: Functional Classification (NOTE: local ro
ads will be shown in next plan revision)

2.2 Roadway Characteristics
The roads surrounding Abe Wing Elementary School ar e all two-way with one lane in each direction of
travel. There are no turn lanes at intersections in the study area. Four to six foot wide sidewalks line both
sides of Lawrence and McDonald Streets, and there a re no sidewalks on Orchard Street. Figure 3 and
Figure 4 show the typical cross sections for the th ree roads that bound the Abe Wing School property.

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 4
Figure 3: Cross-Section Location

Figure 4: Typical Cross-Sections

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 5
The intersection of Lawrence Street and McDonald St reet is controlled by a traffic signal with “No Turn
on Red (during school days)” restrictions for all a pproaches. This signal has a 60 second cycle length : 28
seconds for the North/South approaches, 26 seconds for the East/West approaches, 3 seconds of yellow
and zero seconds of red clearance per phase. (Note that typical signal phasing includes 1-2 seconds of red
clearance per phase). This signal timing is in effe ct during the AM and PM peak hours. There are
pedestrian crosswalks on all approaches, however no pedestrian signal equipment.
The intersection of Lawrence Street and Orchard Str eet is controlled by stop signs on the Orchard Street
Speed limit restrictions to 15 miles per hour are i n place throughout the study area. School crossing signs
accompany most school zone speed limit signs. Outsi de of the school speed zone the speed limit is 30
miles per hour. The locations of existing signs mar king these areas are shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: School Speed Limit Zones

Per the 2003 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devi ces (MUTCD), 1 the following standards and
guidelines2 pertain to school warning and speed limit signs:
1. Standard: the School Advance Warning assembly shall be used…in advance of the first
installation of the School Speed Limit assembly (Fi gure 6).
2. Standard: If used, the School Advance Warning assem bly shall be installed not less than 45 m
(150 ft) nor more than 210 m (700 ft) in advance of the school grounds or school crossings.
1 Federal Highway Administration, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Part 7: Traffic Controls for School Areas, 2003 ed. 2 The MUTCD defines a “standard” as a statement of r equired, mandatory, or specifically prohibitive practice regarding a traffic control
device; and is often described by using the verb “s hall”. A “guidance” is a statement of recommended b ut not mandatory practice that is
often indicated by the word “should”.

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 6
3. Guidance: the reduced speed zone should begin eithe r at a point 60 m (200 ft) from the
crosswalk, or at a point 30 m (100 ft) from the sch ool property line, based on whichever is
encountered first as traffic approaches the school.
The MUTCD also recommends using flashing beacons in critical situations, “…where greater emphasis of
the special school speed limit is needed.” Comments from school officials indicate that most other
elementary schools in the Glens Falls area have fla shing beacons on their advance warding assembly
Figure 6: Advance Warning Sign and Reduced Speed Li mit Assembly

The location of the existing advanced warning signs satisfy the MUTCD standards. The location of the
existing reduced speed limit signs are inconsistent with the MUTCD guideline (100’ from the school
property line). In most instances the “school speed limit 15” signs are posted between 50’ and 225’ from
the school property or on school property itself. T hese deficiencies are noted in Figure 7.
Figure 7: School Signage Deficiencies

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 7
2.3 Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities
Four to five foot wide sidewalks line both sides of many streets in the immediate vicinity of the scho ol,
with the exception of Orchard Street which has no s idewalks on either side north of the school (Figure 8).
Crosswalks in the immediate vicinity of the school, most of which are worn and faded, are also shown i n
Figure 8. There is a crosswalk missing on the east s ide of the Lawrence St/Orchard St intersection.
Figure 8: Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities

All 4th, 5th and 6th grade students are eligible to ride their bicycle to school. Any 3rd grade students that
have participated in the “Bike Rodeo” are also allo wed to ride their bicycle to school.1 The school bike
rack is located behind the school in the playground /line-up area.
Figure 9: Pedestrian and Bicycle Access

Crossing guard at the Lawrence/McDonald Intersection
About seven students biked to school this day.
1 Abraham Wing School Policies and Procedures, Page 4.

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 8
2.4 School Access Characteristics
About 40% of Abe Wing students walk or ride their b icycle to school (based on a survey conducted by the
school and summarized in Section 4.0 below); all ot hers either carpool, are dropped off in vehicles, or
arrive via a different mode. A crossing guard monit ors the intersection of Lawrence Street/McDonald
Street. Sidewalks are present on both sides of Lawr ence Street and McDonald Street; sidewalks are
present on the east side of Orchard Street for the length of the school building, no sidewalks are pre sent
on Orchard Street north the school.
The school designates where children enter and exit the building as follows:
Grades K-2: at the rear of the school (north) from the east wing (close to McDonald
Grades 3-6: at the rear of the school from the west wing (close to Orchard Street)
The entrances are marked as they are used in Figure 10. During school hours, all entrances are closed
except for the Main Entrance.
Figure 10: School Access Points

During the drop-off and pick-up periods, vehicles t ypically are parked on both sides of McDonald and
Orchard Streets. Children line up in the rear of th e building in the playground area adjacent to the G rades
K-2 entrance (See Figure 11, page 8). The following is a schedule of typical start and end times
throughout the school day:
7:50 am – Crossing guard arrives
8:00 am – Breakfast program begins
8:15 am – Students begin to line up in rear of buil ding

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 9
8:30 am – School Begins
8:40 am – Crossing guards depart
– School in Session –
2:40 pm – Crossing guards arrive
2:45 pm – School Ends
3:10 pm – Crossing guards depart
3:45 pm – Thursday homework club ends
The following observations were noted by RSG on May 21, 2009:
Arrival Observations:
o Since the line-up areas are in the rear (north side ) of the school, most parents drop off
their children on Orchard and McDonald streets.
o Most of the Students dropped off on Orchard Street are from vehicles traveling in the
northbound direction. These vehicles are adjacent t o the school and students can exit
directly from the passenger side of the vehicle to access through a marked walkway
located between two handicapped parking spaces in t he faculty/staff parking area
(Figure 11). When there is more than one vehicle in the drop off area, students pass
between other parked cars.
o Some students are dropped off from vehicles traveli ng southbound on Orchard Street.
To reach the school, students must cross the street – which is not marked with a
crosswalk or designated as a drop-off area. These v ehicles do not always pull out of the
travel lane and occasionally block traffic.
o One vehicle was observed performing a U-Turn in the middle of Orchard Street after
dropping a student off.
o Along McDonald Street, southbound vehicles can pull up directly adjacent to sidewalks
to unload students. In the northbound direction, st udents need to cross the street before
reaching the school (Figure 12).
Dismissal Observations:
o 75% of vehicles on McDonald Street were parked on t he northbound side of the street
(25% on the southbound side)
o It was common to observe double-parked vehicles (si milar to arrival period as shown in
Figure 12)
o Most parents got out of their vehicles and walked o ver to pick-up their kids. In some
cases, parents parked in the travel lane on Orchard Street across from the striped
walkway that provides access to the school (Figure 13). When this occurred, kids were
observed running across Orchard Street to their par ent’s car without looking.
Lawrence/McDonald Traffic Signal Observations:
o Right Turn on Red prohibition was periodically igno red
o Red-light running was observed

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 10
Figure 11: Arrival and Line Up at the Grades K-2 En
trance on McDonald Street

Figure 12: McDonald Street during Arrival
Short-term congestion during arrival Students cross ing the street after being dropped off.
Figure 13: Orchard Street Access to the School

Marked walkway between handicapped parking spaces
Faculty/Staff Parking along Orchard Street drop off area
Location of Walkway

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 11
2.4.1 Seasonal Access Issues
The drop-off and pick-up routines are most critical during the winter months when large snow banks can
decrease the width of the streets and reduce sight distance, effectively reducing traffic to one-way. The
Glens Falls School District removes the snow banks on the school’s side of the streets. The City
Department of Public Works is responsible for remov ing the rest of the snow banks.
2.4.2 Training & Awareness Programs
The school does not have a set curriculum for teach ing kids that focuses on traveling safely to and from
school. Teachers address walking and biking in thei r classes and safety is occasionally addressed at
monthly student assemblies. Third and fourth grader s (55 kids) participate in the bike rodeo (provided
by the Cornell Cooperative Extension). Third grader s can only ride to school if they’ve completed the bike
rodeo. Students in the 4
th, 5th and 6th grades are allowed to ride a bike to school even i f they have not
participated in the bike rodeo.
2.4.3 Planned Renovations
Renovations and a new library addition, which is lo cated in the rear/center of the building, will be built
during the summer of 2009. There are no changes to parking, driveways, or sidewalks as part of the
2.5 Traffic Volumes and Speeds
Turning movement counts were conducted by RSG at th e McDonald Street/Lawrence Street intersection
during the AM (7:45 – 8:45) and PM (2:30 – 3:30) pe ak hours on 21 May 2009. The volumes at this
intersection are shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14: AM & PM Traffic Volumes at McDonald Street/ Lawrence Street Intersection
AM Peak Hour6420237
PM Peak Hour25113012
1446129McDonald St
McDonald St
McDonald St
McDonald St
Lawrence St
Lawrence St Lawrence St
Lawrence St

2.5.1 Level of Service Definition
Level-of-service (LOS) is a qualitative measure des cribing the operating conditions as perceived by
motorists driving in a traffic stream. LOS is estim ated using the procedures outlined in the 2000 High way

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 12
Capacity Manual. In addition to traffic volumes, ke y inputs include the number of lanes at each
intersection and the traffic signal timing plans. T he LOS results are based on the existing lane
configurations and control types (signalized or uns ignalized) at each study intersection.
The 2000 Highway Capacity Manual defines six quali tative grades to describe the level of service at an
intersection. Level-of-Service is based on the aver age control delay per vehicle. Figure 15 shows the
various LOS grades and descriptions for signalized and unsignalized intersections.
Figure 15. Level-of-Service Criteria for Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections
Unsignalized Signalized
LOS Characteristics Total Delay (sec) Total Delay ( sec)
A Little or no delay ≤ 10.0 ≤ 10.0
B Short delays 10.1-15.0 10.1-20.0
C Average delays 15.1-25.0 20.1-35.0
D Long delays 25.1-35.0 35.1-55.0
E Very long delays 35.1-50.0 55.1-80.0
F Extreme delays > 50.0 > 80.0
The delay thresholds for LOS at signalized and unsignalized intersections differ because of the driver’s
expectations of the operating efficiency for the re spective traffic control conditions. According to H CM
procedures, an overall LOS cannot be calculated for two-way stop-controlled intersections because not all
movements experience delay. In signalized and all-w ay stop-controlled intersections, all movements
experience delay and an overall LOS can be calculat ed.
2.5.2 Level of Service Analysis
The Synchro (v7) software program was used to estim ate level of service at the Lawrence St/McDonald
St intersection during the AM and PM peak hours. Th e results for existing conditions are presented in
Figure 16 (Detailed Synchro LOS worksheets are avai lable in Appendix D). In addition to level of service
and delay, the Volume to Capacity Ratio (v/c) is sh own. The v/c ratio is another measure used to descr ibe
the amount congestion. A v/c ratio greater than 1.0 indicates that there are more vehicles attempting to
travel through an intersection or one of its approa ches than can be accommodated for a specific amount
of time (usually and hour).
Figure 16: Level of Service Results – Existing Cond itions
Signalized IntersectionsLOSDelayv/cLOSDelayv/c
Lawrence St/McDonald St
Eastbound, on Lawrence StB100.05B100.10
Westbound, on Lawrence StB100.07B100.08
Northbound, on McDonald StA90.09A90.10
Southbound, on McDonald StA90.07A90.07
2009 – Existing Conditions

These results indicate that this signal operates ef ficiently and has no congestion issues. However, fi eld
observations indicate that this intersection can be improved to accommodate all modes with the
following changes:

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 13
The addition of all-red clearance time, to allow ve hicles to clear the intersection before the next
signal phase;
The addition of a pedestrian interval after every c ycle during school hours, which will stop traffic
in all directions; and
Optimization of the cycle length and splits.
The results of these changes are given in Figure 17 .
Figure 17: Level of Service Results – Optimized
Signalized IntersectionsLOSDelayv/cLOSDelayv/c
Staple St/3rd St
Eastbound, on Lawrence StB190.12B170.06
Westbound, on Lawrence StB190.10B170.11
Northbound, on McDonald StB150.17B160.12
Southbound, on McDonald StB140.11B170.22
2009 – Optimized

This optimization assumes a 40-second cycle length with the following phases;
13 seconds North/South; 7 sec green, 4 sec yellow and 2 sec all-red clearance;
12 seconds East/West; 6 sec green, 4 sec yellow and 2 sec all-red clearance;
15 seconds Pedestrian Phase; 4 sec walk, 9 sec flas h don’t walk, and 2 sec yellow.
2.5.3 Speeds
Speed studies were also conducted on the same day o n McDonald, Lawrence, and Orchard Streets using a
radar gun. The 85th percentile speed is commonly used to establish pos ted speed limits. It represents the
speed at which 85% of drivers feel comfortable driv ing at or below (i.e. only 15% of drivers are observed
driving faster than the 85
th percentile speed). Figure 18 shows the recorded 85th percentile speeds during
the respective observation periods.
Figure 18: Speed Study Results
85th Percentile
Speed (mph)
Orchard Street22.57:50am
McDonald Street26.39:15am
Lawrence Street24.011:00am
The posted speed limit on these three streets is 15 mph. The 85th percentile speeds on all three streets
exceeded the posted speed limit.
Detailed vehicle speed data can be found in Appendi x E.
2.6 Parking
Parking is provided for along the streets surroundi ng the school as shown in Figure 19. Un-restricted,
on-street parking is allowed on most of Orchard and McDonald Streets. Short-term parking is provided
for on Lawrence Street and on sections of McDonald Street and is controlled by signs limiting the
duration to 15 minutes. Parking is prohibited on se ctions of Lawrence and McDonald Street with “No

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 14
Parking Stopping or Standing” and “No Parking Here to Corner” signs as shown (Figure 19). None of the
on-street spaces are delineated with striping.
Figure 19: Parking

Parking for the school is located in spaces along O rchard Street and consists of 16 head-in spaces (tw o of
which are designated for handicap use) and 5 parall el spaces. Vehicles parked in the head-in spaces
obstruct the view of the Orchard Street student dro p-off and pick-up area (see Figure 10, page 8). The
school does not have a parking policy that regulate s use of these spaces. The parking spaces are available
on a first-come first-serve basis. Any overflow park ing is accommodated by the other parking on-street
spaces along Orchard and McDonald Streets.
Although the on-street parking spaces are not marke d, based on standard on-street parking lengths (22’),
there are 73 parking spaces available in the vicini ty of Abe Wing Elementary School (Figure 20 ).
Figure 20: Parking Inventory
Parking Area
SpacesTotal Spaces
School Parking Area19221
Orchard Street*37037
McDonald Street*16016
Lawrence Street000
*In the vicinity of the school property

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 15
Crash data were obtained from the Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council for the period from
November 30, 2005 – November 30, 2008 in the vicini ty of the school. During this three-year period,
there were a total of 28 crashes including 8 crashe s with injuries. There were zero fatalities and no
reported crashes involving pedestrians or cyclists. Four collisions occurred in the immediate vicinity of
the school; including a sideswipe, a vehicle and tr ee, a rear end, and a left turn and thru movement. Crash
locations are shown in Figure 21.
Figure 21: Crash Locations 2005-20081

Detailed crash data can be found in Appendix F.
1 Seven crash locations were reportedly “unknown,” t herefore only 23 crashes are mapped.

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 16
The Warren-Washington County Healthy Heart Program conducted a survey of parents’ opinions and
feelings about their children walking or bicycling to school. The survey was conducted in January 2009 .
The results of this survey indicate that 38-43% of students walk or bike to school. The results are sh own
in Figure 22 and Figure 23.
Figure 22: Student Travel Mode to School (AM) Tra ve l to School Mode s
Walk Bike Drop Of f Carpool2008

Figure 23: Student Travel Mode to Home (PM)
Tra ve l to Home Mode s
Walk Bike Pick Up Carpool

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 17
The parents responded that vehicle speeds and crime were the biggest concerns with their children
walking or bicycling to school. Traffic, sidewalks, and traveling alone were listed as other significa nt
concerns. The number one change that parents would like to see to encourage their students to walk or
bike to school was the installation of a Crime Watc h program. Other changes included another student o r
parent to walk with, less traffic, and improved sid ewalks.
When asked about implementing a “Walk to School” pr ogram, parents felt that safety education would be
the most important factor to the program. Other imp ortant elements include designating “safe houses,”
adult supervision, crossing guards and police patro l, signs and sidewalks. When asked if parents would
allow their child to participate in a walk-to-schoo l program, 57% of parents responded they would be
willing; which is a 19-23% increase over the existi ng walking percentage.
The summarized survey data can be found in Appendix C.
The summary of existing conditions, in combination with on-site field observations, has revealed the
following issues with regard to student arrivals an d departures, and general school safety procedures:
Snow Banks – during winter months, snow banks reduc e the effective width of travel lanes,
restrict drop-off and pick-up areas, and reduce sig ht distances. These issues make it challenging
to drop off and pick up children, reduce the abilit y of drivers to maneuver efficiently and
increase the potential for conflicts. The situation also increases driver frustration which may
occasionally prompt unsafe driving behaviors.
Crime – a potential obstacle to kids walking to sch ool is the number of sexual offenders that,
according to mapping, are distributed throughout th e Abraham Wing School district area. The
school has kept parents aware of this situation. T he parent survey supports this finding.
Drop-off/Pick-up areas – areas are undefined; stude nts are dropped off in front of the school
building on both sides of street; children open the car door onto the street and run across
without looking; difficulty accessing the “line up” area from the roadway.
Sidewalks – there are no sidewalks on Orchard Stree t north of the school building.
Signage – the location of school zone speed limit s igns is not consistent with MUTCD guidelines.
Traffic Signal Phasing – there is no red clearance time and no pedestrian phase.
Based on the issues described in the previous secti on, a series of recommendations have been developed
for the Abe Wing Elementary School to address these deficiencies. The focus of these recommendations is
to create more efficient and safer methods for appr oaching, circulating and departing from the school.
Each of these recommendations is also depicted in p lan form (if applicable), which is included in
Appendix A of this report. Following this discussio n is Figure 27 which presents 2009 order of magnitu de
cost estimates.
Note that Plan 1 shows the existing conditions at A be Wing Elementary School.
6.1 Plan 2 and 3: School Area Improvements
The immediate school area is defined by the three s treets that bound the school property – Orchard
Street, McDonald Street, and Lawrence Street – and the school property line. Each of these

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 18
recommendations can be implemented individually ove r time, or concurrently. The recommendations
presented in this section are shown in Plan 2.
6.1.1 Pavement Markings
School visibility is a key priority to the safety o f its students. To this end, we recommend marking t he
pavement with the word “SCHOOL” on both approaches of these streets, for a total of six locations as
shown in Plan 1.
Existing crosswalks should be enhanced by having lo ng-lasting Streetprint Duratherm Textured Asphalt
Paving, which imprints the look of brick or pavers into the existing asphalt. This textured surface is an
additional reminder to drivers to slow down. Exampl es of these two recommendations are shown in
Figure 24.
Figure 24: Pavement Treatments

“SCHOOL” pavement treatment
Streetprint Duratherm Textured Asphalt
At a minimum in the near term, a painted crosswalk should be installed for the westbound approach at
the Orchard Street/Lawrence Street intersection.
6.1.2 Lawrence Street/McDonald Street Intersection
The Lawrence Street/McDonald Street intersection tr affic signal should be updated with the revised
signal timings recommended in section 2.5.2., which are:
40-second cycle length;
13 seconds North/South (7 sec green, 4 sec yellow a nd 2 sec all-red clearance);
12 seconds East/West (6 sec green, 4 sec yellow and 2 sec all-red clearance);
15 seconds Pedestrian Phase (4 sec walk, 9 sec flas h don’t walk, and 2 sec yellow).
At a minimum, the industry standard of 4 seconds ye llow time and 2 seconds red clearance should be

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 19
Although a school crossing guard is present during key school hours, pedestrian safety would be
enhanced at this intersection by installing pedestr ian equipment and an exclusive pedestrian phase in the
signal timing. These changes would allow pedestrian s to cross the street in any direction, or diagonally
(which is the desired path of many students, based on site observations) while vehicles on all approaches
are stopped by a red light. A pedestrian-actuated p ush-button would allow this phase to be called
whenever a pedestrian is present (rather than every cycle), which would minimize delay to drivers.
Lastly, the addition of exclusive pedestrian phase pavement markings and Streetprint Duratherm
crosswalks would further increase driver awareness and encourage student safety (Figure 25).
Figure 25: Exclusive Pedestrian Phase Pavement Markings at the Lawrence St/McDonald St intersection

6.1.3 Roadway Design Changes
Changes to the existing roadway design are recommen ded to slow vehicles down, increase driver
awareness, and to encourage orderly parking. Recomm endations include:
Install curb bump-outs – to reduce pedestrian cross ing distance and to reduce travel speeds
Remove perpendicular parking and add parallel parki ng on Orchard Street – to improve
circulation and access. Sheet 2 in Appendix A shows the parallel parking alternative. Sheet 3
presents an alternative with perpendicular parking.
Define on-street parking spaces – to minimize impac t of parked vehicles to neighbors, confusion
in parking areas, and improve access to sidewalks a nd crosswalks that directly access the school
Define drop-off/pick-up zones – to create short-ter m parking for students being dropped off and
to move temporarily stopped vehicles out of the roa dway travel lane
Define bus area on McDonald Street – to create a sa fe and efficient means for the school bus to
drop off and pick up students
Stripe centerlines – to indicate to drivers that st opping in the travel lanes is not permitted
Extend sidewalks – to connect new parking and exist ing neighborhoods to the school
All new loading zones and parking areas should be s igned as such. Pavement markings should be used to
reinforce the signage.

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 20
6.2 Plan 4: School Zone Traffic Control Signs
As noted in Figure 7: School Signage Deficiencies o n page 6, the existing location for most of the school
speed limit signs is inconsistent with MUTCD guidel ines. The guidelines recommend that reduced speed
limit signs should be installed 100 ft from the sch ool property. Advance Warning signs shall be instal led
200 to 700 ft from the school property. Plan 3 show s the recommended location (and the 100 and 200 ft
perimeter lines) of these signs. The final location may vary somewhat based on field conditions
(driveways, trees, etc.).
Installing flashing beacons on the school speed lim it signs will
further contribute to drivers’ awareness of the sch ool zone. As
there are six approaches to the school property, th ese beacons
can be installed at all locations, or selectively. Based on input
from the October 5, 2009 PTA meeting, the following locations
are the highest priority:
1. Lawrence Street Eastbound
2. McDonald Street Northbound
Flashing beacons should also be installed at the fo llowing
locations as funding is available (the locations ar e listed in
order of highest to lowest traffic volumes):
3. Lawrence Street Westbound
4. McDonald Street Southbound
5. Orchard Street Southbound
6. Orchard Street Northbound

Figure 26: Flashing Beacons and Speed Limit Sign

6.3 Programmatic Changes
While changes to the physical environment can impac t vehicle speeds and pedestrian safety, awareness
and public perception are just as critical to the o verall feelings of safety and security. The followi ng
programmatic changes are recommended; some to suppo rt the physical changes, while others can be
implemented at any time.

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 21
1) The School District should assume responsibility fo r removing snow from parking areas, loading
zones, and bus drop-off areas.
2) Develop and conduct a pilot program that allows stu dents that walk home to depart the school five or
ten minutes sooner than students that are being dri ven. This off-set will allow walkers to clear the
school zone before vehicles begin departing and wou ld help avoid potential conflicts. It would also
provide an incentive to students by rewarding those that choose to walk.
3) Encourage a staff member to monitor arrival and dis missal. On-site observations showed that many
parents drop their child off on the opposite side o f the street and allow their children to cross in front
of or behind their car, thereby darting out in fron t of other moving vehicles. Staff supervision would
aid in the training of parents to pull into the loa ding zone or a parking spot and escorting their
children to the nearest sidewalk. The same behavior should be encouraged for dismissal.
4) Organize “walking school buses,” which is a group o f children walking to school with one or more
adults. Parents can take turns walking kids to scho ol; picking up children at their houses along the
way. Safety is just one accomplishment of this prog ram; camaraderie and fitness are other positive
byproducts. Additional reference material is provid ed in Appendix G.
5) Implement AAA Northway’s School Safety Patrol progr am – a program that supplies schools with
information about forming a student patrol, and pro vides the necessary equipment needed for the
student patrol members. This program is at no cost to the school. The “Quick Reference Checklist” for
starting a patrol is included in Appendix H of this report. For additional information, including the
AAA booklet and student materials, contact:
 Kelley Baker, Traffic Safety Administrator, AAA No rthway
 (518) 761-6058
6) Education efforts for children and parents, includi ng:
– One-time school assemblies or after school assembli es, with speakers ranging from teachers
and parents to health officials (school nurse or pu blic representatives) and local law
enforcement officers.
7) Integrating educational efforts into lesson plans, such as:
– Calculating average walking speeds or distances in math class.
– Walking outdoors and collecting nature samples in s cience class.
– Calculating heart rates and using pedometers in hea lth class.
– Designing posters encouraging students to walk/bike in art class.
8) Communicating regularly with parents, such as:
– Sending home printed materials and posting informat ion on the school website.
– Posting signs and/or flyers on illegally parked veh icles reminding them of parking
regulations and rules.
– Media stories about walking and biking efforts on l ocal news programs.

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 22
– Offering bicycle training and safety classes for pa rents, who may not feel they have the skills
to adequately train their children.
6.4 Cost Estimates
Cost estimates for each of these recommendations, i f applicable, are shown in Figure 27.
Figure 27: Recommendation Cost Estimates
Estimated CostNotes
Apply roadway pavement marking: "SCHOOL”$1,200 Per application. Six applications shown in plan.
Install curb bump-outs & pavement markings$73,000 Incl. all bump outs and markings shown in plan.
Stripe centerline to decrease lane width$1,900 Incl. stripe on Orchard, McDonald, and Lawrence Streets
Signs for 15 minute parking area, loading zone, etc .$700 Per sign.
Add pavement; extend parking on Orchard Street$28,500 Incl. pavement removal, topsoil and sodding
Install sidewalk on Orchard Street$150,000 5ft wide., Incl. pavement removal
Install crosswalk on WB approach of Lawrence/Orchar d$240 ~
Remove side parking lot pavement; add handicap spaces$38,200 Incl. pavement removal, topsoil and sodding
Install signal timing changes$2,500 With consultant assistance.
Install pedestrian signal equipment and phasing$17,000 ~
Exclusive pedestrian phase pavement markings$240 ~
Enhance cross-walks with pavement treatments$16,000 Streetprint Durathurm Textured Asphault Paving
Install flashing beacon speed limit sign$3,400 Per installation. Incl. flashing beacon, sign and footing
Abe Wing Elementary School Recommendation Cost Esti mates
Plan 1: Immediate School Area

The findings and recommendations in this report wer e presented at the October 5, 2009 Parent Teacher
Association (PTA) meeting. Meeting participants inc luded the Abraham Wing School Superintend, a
teacher and approximately eight parents. The follow ing comments were offered by the meeting
The meeting participants emphasized that snow banks are a significant issue. There was some
concern with the study’s recommendation that Abe Wi ng should take responsibility for removing
snow banks. The recommendation was made because the City DPW does not remove the snow
banks quickly enough. Some participants stated that since they already pay taxes to the City, the
school should not be responsible for the cost of re moving the snow banks. In addition, property
owners should be reminded that they are responsible for removing snow from the sidewalks.
A handicap space should be provided on Lawrence Str eet to provide closer access to the front of
the school. This space would primarily be used by p eople accessing the school for evening
The highest priority location for a flashing beacon speed sign should be Lawrence Street
eastbound between Prospect Street and Orchard Stree t. The second priority should be McDonald
Street northbound between Maple Street and Lawrence Street (this suggestion has been included
in the final report).

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
Page 23
A suggestion was made to allow students walking hom e to leave earlier than students that are
being picked up by parents with cars. A five or ten minute head start may be sufficient. This
strategy would allow walkers to clear the school zo ne before cars begin departing (this
suggestion has been included in the final report).
There was some discussion on whether or not a neigh borhood bus operated by Abe Wing would
be feasible. Funding mechanisms administered by A/G FTC do not readily support bus
enhancements . In addition, the purpose of this plan is to encoura ge more walking and biking and
to improve safety around the school, If Abe Wing wa nts to purse a bus, it will need to find a
source of funds to purchase a bus and then to opera te and maintain it on an annual basis.
The AGFTC will work with Abe Wing to identify poten tial funding sources for the
recommendations from city, state and federal source s.
This study identifies and evaluates walking, biking and vehicular access issues at the Abraham Wing
Elementary School in Glens Falls, NY. This report presents a summary of existing conditions, summariz es
the major access and safety issues and includes pro gram and transportation facility design
recommendations to help improve access for all tran sportation modes serving the school. The study is
funded by the Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council (AGFTC) and has been prepared by
Resource Systems Group, Inc.

October 26, 2009 Final Report Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Pl an
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Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Plan October 26, 2009
Conceptual Plans

Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Plan October 26, 2009
Meeting Notes

Page 1 
Abraham Wing Multimodal Transportation Plan  
May 21, 2009 Meeting Notes      
Glens Falls, NY 
Attendees:   Ella Collins, Superintendent; Aaron Frankenfeld, Sarah Gebbie‐Measeck, 
Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council; Joe Segale, Beth Isler, Amanda Clancy 
Prepared: May 22, 2009 by Joe Segale 
Aaron provided background on how the project was initiated. Ella descried her expectations, answered 
RSG questions and provided information about the school as summarized below.  
• A focus should be the evaluation of student drop‐off/pick‐up points. PTA has considered doing 
different dismissal points instead of the 2 at the rear, but it could be difficult to organize the 
students since a family may have kids in different classes. 
• The school is happy with the “line up” area, but getting to and from that point is difficult. 
• There is little signage to indicate the school zone. Abraham Wing is the only school with flashing 
warning lights and feedback speed display. 
• The study should identify funding options for recommendations. 
• The Healthy Heart program supplied bike helmets and safety vests. The school is looking into 
getting bike locks for students. 
• June 1
st will be Walk to School Day. 
• About 50% of kids walk, 50% are picked up/dropped off in cars. This approximation was 
validated by a survey of parents conducted in January 2009 anticipation of his study. Ella 
provided RSG with a copy of the survey results. 
• The school does not have a parking policy. Some faculty/staff have to park on‐street. 
• The school designate where children exit the building as follows: 
o  Grades K‐2 exit at the rear of the school (north) from the east wing (close to McDonald 
o Grades 3‐6 exit at the rear of the school from the west wing (close to Orchard Street) 
• Renovations and a new library addition will be built this summer. RSG was provided with a set of 
plans. There are no changes to parking, driveways, or sidewalks as part of the project. 
• A crossing guard is provided by police. Only one crossing guard is provided per school. Crossing 
guards are paid. The guard monitors the Lawrence‐McDonald intersection. 
• School population: 187 students; 32 staff; about 25‐30 kids are in the breakfast program. 
• Students are not allowed to ride a bike without a helmet.  

Abraham Wing School Kick‐off Meeting Notes – May 22, 2009 
22 May 2009 
Page 2 of 2 
• The school does not have a set curriculum for teaching kids that focuses on traveling safely to 
and from school. Teachers address walking and biking in their classes and safety is occasionally 
addressed at monthly student assemblies. Third and fourth graders (55 kids) participate in the 
bike rodeo (provided by the Cornell Cooperative Extension). Third graders can only ride to 
school if they’ve completed the bike rodeo; fourth to sixth can ride regardless.  
• There is one bus to transport students to Special Education programs at other schools. 
• A likely obstacle to kids walking to school is the number of sexual offenders that, according to 
mapping, are distributed throughout the Abraham Wing School district area. The school has kept 
parents aware of this situation.   
• There have been no serious pedestrian or cyclist injuries or fatalities in recent memory. 
• Ella noted the boundaries of the school district on a map. Aaron has the boundaries of the school 
district in GIS.  The school district does not cross Dix Avenue. 
• Dismissal at 2:45 pm. On Thursdays, Homework Club goes until 3:45. 
• Orchard Street is their biggest problem. 
• Investigate whether or Kid’s Safety Patrol‐is illegal in NY. 
Next Steps and Schedule 
• RSG is conducting field work today.  
• AGFTC will provide crash statistics, traffic count data, and base GIS data including the Abraham 
Wing school district boundaries 
• RSG will write a draft report that summarizes findings and presents alternatives and 
recommendations for review by the AGFTC and School staff (mid‐July) 
• A final draft report will be presented at a PTA meeting in September. 

Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Plan October 26, 2009
Travel-to-School Survey

Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Plan October 26, 2009
Traffic Data

2009 AM – OPT.txt

HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2009 AM Peak Hour – Optimized

3: Int 6/9/2009


Lane Configurations 0 <1> 0 0 <1> 0 0 <1> 0 0 <1> 0

Volume (vph) 12 11 10 6 34 9 18 32 13 7 23 20

Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900

Total Lost time (s) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Frt 0.96 0.97 0.97 0.95

Flt Protected 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.99

Satd. Flow (prot) 1754 1804 1786 1749

Flt Permitted 0.87 0.95 0.89 0.95

Satd. Flow (perm) 1548 1733 1619 1671

Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92

Adj. Flow (vph) 13 12 11 7 37 10 20 35 14 8 25 22

RTOR Reduction (vph) 000000000000

Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 36 0 0 54 0 0 69 0 0 55 0

Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Perm

Protected Phases 4826

Permitted Phases 4826

Actuated Green, G (s) 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0

Effective Green, g (s) 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0

Actuated g/C Ratio 0.18 0.18 0.20 0.20

Clearance Time (s) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

Lane Grp Cap (vph) 271 303 324 334

v/s Ratio Prot

v/s Ratio Perm 0.02 c0.03 c0.04 0.03

v/c Ratio 0.13 0.18 0.21 0.16

Uniform Delay, d1 13.9 14.1 13.4 13.2

Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Incremental Delay, d2 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.1

Delay (s) 15.0 15.3 14.9 14.3

Level of Service BBBB

Approach Delay (s) 15.0 15.3 14.9 14.3

Approach LOS BBBB
Intersection Summary

HCM Average Control Delay 14.9 HCM Level of Service B

HCM Volume to Capacity ratio 0.20

Actuated Cycle Length (s) 40.0 Sum of lost time (s) 25.0

Intersection Capacity Utilization 18.8% ICU Level of Service A

Analysis Period (min) 15
c Critical Lane Group

Baseline Synchro 7 – Report

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2009 AM.txt

HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2009 AM Peak Hour

3: Int 6/9/2009


Lane Configurations 0 <1> 0 0 <1> 0 0 <1> 0 0 <1> 0

Volume (vph) 12 11 10 6 34 9 18 32 13 7 23 20

Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900

Total Lost time (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Frt 0.96 0.97 0.97 0.95

Flt Protected 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.99

Satd. Flow (prot) 1754 1804 1786 1749

Flt Permitted 0.94 0.98 0.95 0.98

Satd. Flow (perm) 1686 1786 1715 1725

Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92

Adj. Flow (vph) 13 12 11 7 37 10 20 35 14 8 25 22

RTOR Reduction (vph) 000000000000

Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 36 0 0 54 0 0 69 0 0 55 0

Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Perm

Protected Phases 4826

Permitted Phases 4826

Actuated Green, G (s) 26.0 26.0 28.0 28.0

Effective Green, g (s) 26.0 26.0 28.0 28.0

Actuated g/C Ratio 0.43 0.43 0.47 0.47

Clearance Time (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

Lane Grp Cap (vph) 731 774 800 805

v/s Ratio Prot

v/s Ratio Perm 0.02 c0.03 c0.04 0.03

v/c Ratio 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.07

Uniform Delay, d1 9.8 9.9 8.9 8.8

Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Incremental Delay, d2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2

Delay (s) 10.0 10.1 9.1 9.0

Level of Service ABAA

Approach Delay (s) 10.0 10.1 9.1 9.0

Approach LOS ABAA
Intersection Summary

HCM Average Control Delay 9.5 HCM Level of Service A

HCM Volume to Capacity ratio 0.08

Actuated Cycle Length (s) 60.0 Sum of lost time (s) 6.0

Intersection Capacity Utilization 51.7% ICU Level of Service A

Analysis Period (min) 15
c Critical Lane Group

Baseline Synchro 7 – Report

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2009 PM – OPT.txt

HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2009 PM Peak Hour – Optimized

3: Int 6/9/2009


Lane Configurations 0 <1> 0 0 <1> 0 0 <1> 0 0 <1> 0

Volume (vph) 11 37 18 9 37 7 14 46 12 12 30 11

Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900

Total Lost time (s) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Frt 0.96 0.98 0.98 0.97

Flt Protected 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99

Satd. Flow (prot) 1778 1812 1803 1791

Flt Permitted 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92

Satd. Flow (perm) 1673 1700 1692 1657

Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92

Adj. Flow (vph) 12 40 20 10 40 8 15 50 13 13 33 12

RTOR Reduction (vph) 000000000000

Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 72 0 0 58 0 0 78 0 0 58 0

Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Perm

Protected Phases 4826

Permitted Phases 4826

Actuated Green, G (s) 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0

Effective Green, g (s) 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0

Actuated g/C Ratio 0.18 0.18 0.20 0.20

Clearance Time (s) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

Lane Grp Cap (vph) 293 298 338 331

v/s Ratio Prot

v/s Ratio Perm c0.04 0.03 c0.05 0.03

v/c Ratio 0.25 0.19 0.23 0.18

Uniform Delay, d1 14.2 14.1 13.4 13.3

Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Incremental Delay, d2 2.0 1.5 1.6 1.2

Delay (s) 16.2 15.5 15.0 14.4

Level of Service BBBB

Approach Delay (s) 16.2 15.5 15.0 14.4

Approach LOS BBBB
Intersection Summary

HCM Average Control Delay 15.3 HCM Level of Service B

HCM Volume to Capacity ratio 0.24

Actuated Cycle Length (s) 40.0 Sum of lost time (s) 25.0

Intersection Capacity Utilization 18.2% ICU Level of Service A

Analysis Period (min) 15
c Critical Lane Group

Baseline Synchro 7 – Report

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2009 PM.txt

HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2009 PM Peak Hour

3: Int 6/9/2009


Lane Configurations 0 <1> 0 0 <1> 0 0 <1> 0 0 <1> 0

Volume (vph) 11 37 18 9 37 7 14 46 12 12 30 11

Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900

Total Lost time (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Frt 0.96 0.98 0.98 0.97

Flt Protected 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99

Satd. Flow (prot) 1778 1812 1803 1791

Flt Permitted 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.96

Satd. Flow (perm) 1744 1777 1760 1741

Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92

Adj. Flow (vph) 12 40 20 10 40 8 15 50 13 13 33 12

RTOR Reduction (vph) 000000000000

Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 72 0 0 58 0 0 78 0 0 58 0

Turn Type Perm Perm Perm Perm

Protected Phases 4826

Permitted Phases 4826

Actuated Green, G (s) 26.0 26.0 28.0 28.0

Effective Green, g (s) 26.0 26.0 28.0 28.0

Actuated g/C Ratio 0.43 0.43 0.47 0.47

Clearance Time (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

Lane Grp Cap (vph) 756 770 821 812

v/s Ratio Prot

v/s Ratio Perm c0.04 0.03 c0.04 0.03

v/c Ratio 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.07

Uniform Delay, d1 10.0 10.0 8.9 8.8

Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Incremental Delay, d2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2

Delay (s) 10.3 10.1 9.2 9.0

Level of Service BBAA

Approach Delay (s) 10.3 10.1 9.2 9.0

Approach LOS BBAA
Intersection Summary

HCM Average Control Delay 9.6 HCM Level of Service A

HCM Volume to Capacity ratio 0.10

Actuated Cycle Length (s) 60.0 Sum of lost time (s) 6.0

Intersection Capacity Utilization 51.7% ICU Level of Service A

Analysis Period (min) 15
c Critical Lane Group

Baseline Synchro 7 – Report

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Lawrence St/McDonald S
note:Source: Resource Systems Group
Glens Falls, NY
AM: 5/21/2009
PM: 5/21/200915 Min Hour
AM: 3rd Thursday
(t) T (t) R (t)
(t) T (t) R (t)
(t) T (t) R (t)
(t) T (t) R (t) EB WB NB SB Total Total
PM: 3rd Thursda
6:00 AM00000000000000000000000000000
6:15 AM00000000000000000000000000000
6:30 AM00000000000000000000000000000
6:45 AM000000000000000000000000000000
7:00 AM000000000000000000000000000000
7:15 AM000000000000000000000000000000
7:30 AM000000000000000000000000000000
7:45 AM10001020110008011020103031572174444
8:00 AM20613011120305040303011309100294993
8:15 AM602030104030007040111301004301355148
8:30 AM3020301061215010040105030010547195
8:45 AM008010007010007230004010000034185
9:00 AM00000000000000000000000000000136
9:15 AM0000000000000000000000000000081
9:30 AM0000000000000000000000000000034
9:45 AM000000000000000000000000000000
10:00 AM000000000000000000000000000000
10:15 AM000000000000000000000000000000
10:30 AM000000000000000000000000000000
10:45 AM000000000000000000000000000000
11:00 AM000000000000000000000000000000
11:15 AM000000000000000000000000000000
11:30 AM000000000000000000000000000000
11:45 AM000000000000000000000000000000
12:00 PM000000000000000000000000000000
12:15 PM000000000000000000000000000000
12:30 PM000000000000000000000000000000
12:45 PM000000000000000000000000000000
1:00 PM000000000000000000000000000000
1:15 PM000000000000000000000000000000
1:30 PM000000000000000000000000000000
1:45 PM000000000000000000000000000000
2:00 PM000000000000000000000000000000
2:15 PM000000000000000000000000000000
2:30 PM90807020804060806020401001226565
2:45 PM20120302183302011230901205241222080145
3:00 PM0070603070003011210107000002348193
3:15 PM001002010110003011120006130203051244
3:30 PM00000000000000000000000000000179
3:45 PM0000000000000000000000000000099
4:00 PM0000000000000000000000000000051
4:15 PM000000000000000000000000000000
4:30 PM000000000000000000000000000000
4:45 PM000000000000000000000000000000
5:00 PM000000000000000000000000000000
5:15 PM000000000000000000000000000000
5:30 PM000000000000000000000000000000
5:45 PM000000000000000000000000000000
AM (6AM‐12PM) Peak 195
PM (12PM‐6PM) Peak 244
AM Peak HourAM Peak Hour
Lawrence St/McDonald S
LT12 6 18 7 L
T0.50 1.00 1.00 0.88 20 23 7
Glens Falls, NY TH 11 34 32 23 TH 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.44
5/21/2009 RT 10 9 13 20 195 RT 0.83 0.75 0.81 0.50 12 9
3rd Thursday Enter 33 49 63 50 195 Appr. 0.75 1.00 1.00  0.50 18 11 34 21
RSG Count Exit 31 72 53 39 195 Int. 10 6
 % Trucks 3.0% 6.1% 0.0% 6.0%    
 Peds 18 21 2 64 PHF  18 32 13
 Peak Hour 0.89  2
PM Peak HourPM Peak Hour
Lawrence St/McDonald S
LT11 9 14 12 L
T1.00 0.75 1.00 0.33 11 30 12
Glens Falls, NY TH 37 37 46 30 TH 0.77 0.84 0.88 0.63
5/21/2009 RT 18 7 12 11 244 RT 1.00 0.58 1.00 0.39 11 7
3rd Thursday Enter 66 53 72 53 244 Appr. 0.97 0.78 1.00  0.47 6 37 37 13
RSG Count Exit 61 62 64 57 244 Int. 18 9
 % Trucks 0.0% 7.5% 6.9% 5.7%    
 Peds 6 13 9 25 PHF  14 46 12
 Peak Hour 0.76  9 Eastbound Westbound
7:45 AM ‐ 8:45 AM Peak Lawrence St
Lawrence St
McDonald StPedestrians Southbound
Lawrence St McDonald St Northbound
Lawrence St
2:30 PM ‐ 3:30 PM Peak0.76
Lawrence St
PHFMcDonald St
McDonald St McDonald St
Lawrence St
McDonald St

Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Plan October 26, 2009
Speed Data

Street Name: Date:5/21/09
Count Location: Time:11am
Posted Speed:30
/Motorcycle? Speed N/SCar/Truck/Bus 
/Motorcycle? Speed N/SCar/Truck/Bus 
/Motorcycle? Speed
1 N Car 28 34 N Car 30 67 N Car 24
2 N Car 22 35 S Car 24 68 N Car 22
3 N Car 27 36 S Car 22 69 N Car 25
4 S Car 25 37 N Car 25 70 N Car 26
5 S Car 22 38 S Car 19 71 S Car 23
6 S Car 23 39 N Car 24 72 N Car 27
7 N Car 15 40 N Car 24 73 N Car 22
8 N Car 25 41 N Car 27 74 S Car 21
9 S Car 18 42 S Car 22 75 S Car 21
10 N Car 18 43 N Car 16 76 S Car 30
11 N Car 32 44 N Car 18 77 S Car 14
12 S Truck 25 45 N Car 27 78 N Car 19
13 N Car 24 46 N Car 19 79 N Car 26
14 N Car 20 47 N Car 29 80 S Car 14
15 S Car 23 48 N Car 23 81 N Car 20
16 S Car 17 49 N Car 24 82 S Car 25
17 N Car 22 50 S Car 21 83 N Car 21
18 S Car 27 51 N Car 26 84 S Truck 15
19 N Car 30 52 N Car 19 85 N Car 24
20 N Car 23 53 N Car 28 86 N Car 23
21 N Truck 28 54 N Car 24 87 N Car 25
22 S Car 10 55 S Car 17 88
23 N Car 16 56 N Car 22 89
24 N Motorcycle 15 57 N Car 23 90
25 N Car 19 58 N Car 21 91
26 S Car 25 59 S Car 18 92
27 S Motorcycle 17 60 S Car 20 93
28 S Car 20 61 N Truck 24 94
29 S Car 16 62 S Car 18 95
30 S Car 25 63 N Car 28 96
31 S Car 15 64 N Car 26 97
32 N Car 25 65 N Car 24 98
33 N Car 24 66 N Car 25 99McDonald St
Southbound on McDonald Street, Northeast of 
School Property

Street Name: Date:5/21/09
Count Location: Time:9:15am
Posted Speed:30
/Motorcycle? Speed E/WCar/Truck/Bus 
/Motorcycle? Speed E/WCar/Truck/Bus 
/Motorcycle? Speed
1‐Truck 20 34 W Car 21 67 E Car 19
2‐Truck 23 35 W Car 18 68 W Car 23
3‐Car 31 36 W Car 20 69 W Car 18
4‐Car 23 37 W Car 19 70 W Car 17
5‐Car 23 38 W Car 12 71 W Car 24
6‐Car 21 39 E Truck 10 72 W Car 15
7‐Car 29 40 E Truck 22 73 E Car 22
8‐Car 24 41 W Car 31 74 E Car 12
9‐Motorcycle 13 42 E Car 27 75 E Motorcycle 19
10‐Car 22 43 W Car 27 76 E Car 19
11‐Car 14 44 E Truck 18 77 E Car 18
12‐Car 25 45 W Car 26 78 W Car 16
13 E Car 19 46 W Car 15 79 W Car 19
14 E Car 16 47 W Car 19 80 E Car 20
15 E Car 12 48 W Car 24 81 E Car 12
16 E Car 19 49 W Car 26 82 W Car 18
17 E Car 13 50 W Car 22 83 W Car 22
18 E Car 18 51 E Car 22 84 E Car 12
19 W Car 17 52 W Car 27 85 E Car 21
20 W Car 21 53 W Car 22 86 E Car 23
21 W Motorcycle 15 54 E Car 22 87 E Bus 12
22 W Car 16 55 W Car 23 88 W Car 12
23 W Car 14 56 E Car 21 89 W Car 21
24 W Car 20 57 E Car 23 90 W Car 18
25 E Car 23 58 E Car 18 91 W Car 23
26 E Car 13 59 W Car 25 92 E Car 19
27 W Car 19 60 W Car 28 93 W Car 13
28 E Car 13 61 E Car 20 94 W Car 20
29 E Car 13 62 E Car 19 95 E Car 20
30 E Car 18 63 E Car 18 96 E Car 14
31 E Truck 20 64 E Car 18 97 E Car 18
32 E Car 30 65 E Car 23 98 W Car 25
33 W Car 25 66 E Car 27 99 W Car 18
100 E Car 24 Lawrence St
Southeast corner of Lawrence & Orchard 
pointed Eastward

Street Name: Date:5/21/09
Count Location: Time:7:50am
Posted Speed:30
/Motorcycle? Speed N/SCar/Truck/Bus 
/Motorcycle? Speed N/SCar/Truck/Bus 
/Motorcycle? Speed
1 S Car 23 34 67
2 S Car 18 35 68
3 N Car 25 36 69
4 N Car 38 37 70
5 S Car 17 38 71
6 S Car 19 39 72
7 S Car 13 40 73
8 S Car 10 41 74
9 S Motorcycle 13 42 75
10 S Car 20 43 76
11 S Car 22 44 77
12 N Car 32 45 78
13 N Car 20 46 79
14 S Car 18 47 80
15 S Car 20 48 81
16 S Car 24 49 82
17 N Car 12 50 83
18 N Car 15 51 84
19 N Car 11 52 85
20 N Car 11 53 86
21 N Car 15 54 87
22 N Car 18 55 88
23 N Car 20 56 89
24 N Car 17 57 90
25 N Car 22 58 91
26 S Car 20 59 92
27 S Car 15 60 93
28 S Car 15 61 94
29 N Car 18 62 95
30 N Car 20 63 96
31 N Car 28 64 97
32 N Car 17 65 98
33 N Car 15 66 99Orchard St

Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Plan October 26, 2009
Safety Data

05/22/09 09:01
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Accident Verbal Description Report Program:clas4200NYSDOT Safety Information Management SystemDate:All Accidents (Links & Nodes)Complete Accident Data From NYSDMV Is Only Available thru 31-OCT-2008Regn/Cnty: 17 WARREN Municipality: 01 C GLENS FALLS Dates: JAN-01-2003 – DEC-31-2007 Street: MAPLE ST Links:23672 – 23674 Thru 23680 – 23700 *** Node: 23672 MCDONALD ST *** FEB-28-2004 SAT 05:22PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: A Case: 2004-30871916 Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 1 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH OTHER Traffic Control: STOP SIGN Manner of Collision: OTHER Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3216 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 56 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: YES School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Second Event: COLLISION WITH BUILDING/WALL Apparent Factors:LOST CONSCIOUSNESS UNKNOWN *** Node: 23702 PROSPECT ST *** OCT-09-2004 SAT 12:00AM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: B Case: 2004-31316696 Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 1 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH BICYCLIST Traffic Control: STOP SIGN Manner of Collision: OTHER Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DARK-ROAD LIGHTED Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: PED/BICYCLIST AT INTERSECTION Action of Ped/Bicycle: CROSSING AGAINST SIGNAL Veh: 1 OTHER Registered Weight: UNKNOWN State of Registration: UNKNOWN Num of Occupants: 0 Driver’s Age: UNKNOWN Sex: UNKNOWN Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Veh: 2 BICYCLE Registered Weight: N/A State of Registration: N/A Num of Occupants: N/A Bicyclist’s Age: 27 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: NORTH-WEST Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors:ALCOHOL INVOLVEMENT PEDESTRIAN’S ERROR/ MAY-24-2005 TUE Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2005-31494503 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: NOT ENTERED Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: STOP SIGN Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT/ GRADE Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2419 State of Registration: NY

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Accident Verbal Description Report Program:clas4200NYSDOT Safety Information Management SystemDate:All Accidents (Links & Nodes)Complete Accident Data From NYSDMV Is Only Available thru 31-OCT-2008Regn/Cnty: 17 WARREN Municipality: 01 C GLENS FALLS Dates: JAN-01-2003 – DEC-31-2007 Street: MAPLE ST Links:23672 – 23674 Thru 23680 – 23700 *** Node: 23702 PROSPECT ST (Continued) *** Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 50 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Veh: 2 TRUCK Registered Weight: 57000 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 25 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Truck/Bus Clsf.: NOT ENTERED NOV-30-2005 WED 06:00PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2005-31670466 Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: NOT ENTERED Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: STOP SIGN Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DUSK Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2509 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 2 Driver’s Age: 21 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Veh: 2 OTHER Registered Weight: UNKNOWN State of Registration: UNKNOWN Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 35 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN *** Node: 23677 LEONARD ST *** AUG-29-2005 MON 01:20PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2005-31611374 Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: RIGHT TURN (WITH OTHER CAR) Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 5000 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 20 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO

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Accident Verbal Description Report Program:clas4200NYSDOT Safety Information Management SystemDate:All Accidents (Links & Nodes)Complete Accident Data From NYSDMV Is Only Available thru 31-OCT-2008Regn/Cnty: 17 WARREN Municipality: 01 C GLENS FALLS Dates: JAN-01-2003 – DEC-31-2007 Street: MAPLE ST Links:23672 – 23674 Thru 23680 – 23700 *** Node: 23677 LEONARD ST (Continued) *** Pre-Accd Action: MAKING RIGHT TURN Apparent Factors:TURNING IMPROPER UNKNOWN Veh: 2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3095 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 4 Driver’s Age: 21 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: STOPPED IN TRAFFIC Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN *** Node: 23700 KEENAN ST *** DEC-22-2003 MON 11:31AM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2003-31087212 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: NOT ENTERED Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: UNKNOWN Manner of Collision: SIDESWIPE Weather: UNKNOWN Road Surface Condition: UNKNOWN Road Char.: UNKNOWN Light Condition: UNKNOWN Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 38 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: UNKNOWN Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Veh: 2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3404 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 2 Driver’s Age: 24 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: UNKNOWN Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN TOTAL NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS PRINTED: 6 ABSENCE OF NODE OR LINK WITHIN A SPECIFIED ROADWAY SECTION + TIME PERIOD INDICATES NO ACCIDENTS FOUND *** END OF REPORT ***

05/22/09 08:58
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Accident Verbal Description Report Program:clas4200NYSDOT Safety Information Management SystemDate:All Accidents (Links & Nodes)Complete Accident Data From NYSDMV Is Only Available thru 31-OCT-2008Regn/Cnty: 17 WARREN Municipality: 01 C GLENS FALLS Dates: JAN-01-2003 – DEC-31-2007 Street: MCDONALD ST Links:23654 – 23672 Thru 30303 – 30337 *** Node: 23654 WARREN ST NY32 *** MAY-01-2003 THU 02:19PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2003-30919491 Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3950 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 38 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: STARTING IN TRAFFIC Apparent Factors:OTHER (HUMAN) UNKNOWN Veh: 2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3665 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 2 Driver’s Age: 34 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: STOPPED IN TRAFFIC Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN JUL-18-2003 FRI 07:15PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2003-30966481 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: UNKNOWN Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 1938 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 24 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: BACKING Apparent Factors:BACKING UNSAFELY UNKNOWN Veh: 2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3310 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 46 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: STOPPED IN TRAFFIC Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN JUN-02-2004 WED 09:21PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2004-31232492 Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 1 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH BICYCLIST Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: OTHER Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DARK-ROAD LIGHTED

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Accident Verbal Description Report Program:clas4200NYSDOT Safety Information Management SystemDate:All Accidents (Links & Nodes)Complete Accident Data From NYSDMV Is Only Available thru 31-OCT-2008Regn/Cnty: 17 WARREN Municipality: 01 C GLENS FALLS Dates: JAN-01-2003 – DEC-31-2007 Street: MCDONALD ST Links:23654 – 23672 Thru 30303 – 30337 *** Node: 23654 WARREN ST NY32 (Continued) *** Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: PED/BICYCLIST AT INTERSECTION Action of Ped/Bicycle: ALONG HIGHWAY AGAINST TRAFFIC Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 6000 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 51 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: SOUTH-WEST Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: MAKING RIGHT TURN Apparent Factors:NOT APPLICABLE UNKNOWN Veh: 2 BICYCLE Registered Weight: N/A State of Registration: N/A Num of Occupants: N/A Bicyclist’s Age: 30 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors:PEDESTRIAN’S ERROR/CONFUSION PASSING OR LANE USA JAN-27-2005 THU 09:00AM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2005-31363236 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: NOT ENTERED Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: UNKNOWN Manner of Collision: RIGHT ANGLE Weather: UNKNOWN Road Surface Condition: UNKNOWN Road Char.: UNKNOWN Light Condition: UNKNOWN Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 4000 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 57 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: UNKNOWN Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Veh: 2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3450 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 55 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: UNKNOWN Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN NOV-10-2006 FRI 02:24PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2006-32106745 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: NOT ENTERED Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: UNKNOWN Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: UNKNOWN Road Surface Condition: UNKNOWN Road Char.: UNKNOWN Light Condition: UNKNOWN Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3541 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 27 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: UNKNOWN

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Accident Verbal Description Report Program:clas4200NYSDOT Safety Information Management SystemDate:All Accidents (Links & Nodes)Complete Accident Data From NYSDMV Is Only Available thru 31-OCT-2008Regn/Cnty: 17 WARREN Municipality: 01 C GLENS FALLS Dates: JAN-01-2003 – DEC-31-2007 Street: MCDONALD ST Links:23654 – 23672 Thru 30303 – 30337 *** Node: 23654 WARREN ST NY32 (Continued) *** Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Veh: 2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2372 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 62 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: UNKNOWN Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN JAN-17-2007 WED 09:24AM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2007-32116714 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: LEFT TURN (AGAINST OTHER CAR) Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2617 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 47 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: SOUTH-EAST Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors:FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY UNKNOWN Veh: 2 TRUCK Registered Weight: 73021 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 23 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Truck/Bus Clsf.: NOT ENTERED JUL-06-2007 FRI 10:45AM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2007-32320746 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: RIGHT TURN (AGAINST OTHER CAR) Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2998 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 69 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: MAKING RIGHT TURN Apparent Factors:PASSING OR LANE USAGE IMPROPERLY TURNING IMPROPER Veh: 2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2626 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 21 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO

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Accident Verbal Description Report Program:clas4200NYSDOT Safety Information Management SystemDate:All Accidents (Links & Nodes)Complete Accident Data From NYSDMV Is Only Available thru 31-OCT-2008Regn/Cnty: 17 WARREN Municipality: 01 C GLENS FALLS Dates: JAN-01-2003 – DEC-31-2007 Street: MCDONALD ST Links:23654 – 23672 Thru 30303 – 30337 *** Node: 23654 WARREN ST NY32 (Continued) *** Pre-Accd Action: MAKING RIGHT TURN Apparent Factors:NOT APPLICABLE UNKNOWN AUG-08-2007 WED Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2007-32295409 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: NOT ENTERED Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: UNKNOWN Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: UNKNOWN Road Surface Condition: UNKNOWN Road Char.: UNKNOWN Light Condition: UNKNOWN Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 4135 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 2 Driver’s Age: 55 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: MAKING RIGHT TURN Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Veh: 2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 51 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: UNKNOWN Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN *** Link: 23654 – 23672 ***MAY-23-2003 FRI 01:33PM Case: 2003-30547319 Accident Class: NON-REPORTABLE Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 2 *** Node: 23672 MAPLE ST *** FEB-28-2004 SAT 05:22PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: A Case: 2004-30871916 Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 1 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH OTHER Traffic Control: STOP SIGN Manner of Collision: OTHER Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3216 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 56 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: YES School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Second Event: COLLISION WITH BUILDING/WALL Apparent Factors:LOST CONSCIOUSNESS UNKNOWN

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Accident Verbal Description Report Program:clas4200NYSDOT Safety Information Management SystemDate:All Accidents (Links & Nodes)Complete Accident Data From NYSDMV Is Only Available thru 31-OCT-2008Regn/Cnty: 17 WARREN Municipality: 01 C GLENS FALLS Dates: JAN-01-2003 – DEC-31-2007 Street: MCDONALD ST Links:23654 – 23672 Thru 30303 – 30337 *** Link: 23672 – 23675 *** SEP-09-2006 SAT 11:41AM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2006-31917605 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: SIDESWIPE Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2881 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 20 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: YES Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: AVOIDING OBJECT IN ROADWAY Apparent Factors:DRIVER INATTENTION UNKNOWN Veh: 2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 4309 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 2 Driver’s Age: 26 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN NOV-21-2006 TUE 04:24AM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2006-32025133 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 1 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH TREE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: OTHER Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DARK-ROAD UNLIGHTED Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 24 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: YES School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors:FELL ASLEEP NOT APPLICABLE *** Node: 30303 LAWRENCE ST *** JAN-23-2007 TUE 05:58PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2007-32066572 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DARK-ROAD LIGHTED Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3360 State of Registration: NY

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Accident Verbal Description Report Program:clas4200NYSDOT Safety Information Management SystemDate:All Accidents (Links & Nodes)Complete Accident Data From NYSDMV Is Only Available thru 31-OCT-2008Regn/Cnty: 17 WARREN Municipality: 01 C GLENS FALLS Dates: JAN-01-2003 – DEC-31-2007 Street: MCDONALD ST Links:23654 – 23672 Thru 30303 – 30337 *** Node: 30303 LAWRENCE ST (Continued) *** Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: UNKNOWN Sex: UNKNOWN Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: PARKED Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Veh: 2 OTHER Registered Weight: UNKNOWN State of Registration: UNKNOWN Num of Occupants: 0 Driver’s Age: UNKNOWN Sex: UNKNOWN Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors:PASSING OR LANE USAGE IMPROPERLY UNKNOWN SEP-09-2007 SUN 07:41PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 2 Extent of Injuries: CC Case: 2007-32321661 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: RIGHT ANGLE Weather: RAIN Road Surface Condition: WET Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DARK-ROAD LIGHTED Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3266 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 28 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: YES Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors:ALCOHOL INVOLVEMENT FAILURE TO YIELD RI Veh: 2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3139 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 42 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN *** Link: 30303 – 30337 *** SEP-08-2004 WED 03:20PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2004-31276326 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: NOT ENTERED Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2635 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 39 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD

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Accident Verbal Description Report Program:clas4200NYSDOT Safety Information Management SystemDate:All Accidents (Links & Nodes)Complete Accident Data From NYSDMV Is Only Available thru 31-OCT-2008Regn/Cnty: 17 WARREN Municipality: 01 C GLENS FALLS Dates: JAN-01-2003 – DEC-31-2007 Street: MCDONALD ST Links:23654 – 23672 Thru 30303 – 30337 *** Link: 30303 – 30337 (Continued) *** Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Veh: 2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3389 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: UNKNOWN Sex: UNKNOWN Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: PARKED Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN *** Node: 30337 DIX AVE *** MAR-30-2005 WED 03:45PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2005-31459807 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: NOT ENTERED Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2698 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 40 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: MAKING RIGHT TURN Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Veh: 2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: UNKNOWN State of Registration: UNKNOWN Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 33 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: OTHER Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN TOTAL NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS PRINTED: 16 ABSENCE OF NODE OR LINK WITHIN A SPECIFIED ROADWAY SECTION + TIME PERIOD INDICATES NO ACCIDENTS FOUND *** END OF REPORT ***

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Accident Verbal Description Report Program:clas4200NYSDOT Safety Information Management SystemDate:All Accidents (Links & Nodes)Complete Accident Data From NYSDMV Is Only Available thru 31-OCT-2008Regn/Cnty: 17 WARREN Municipality: 01 C GLENS FALLS Dates: JAN-01-2003 – DEC-31-2007 Street: LAWRENCE ST Links:30300 – 30301 Thru 30303 – 30304 *** Node: 30301 PROSPECT ST *** FEB-12-2007 MON 07:14AM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2007-32116922 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: STOP SIGN Manner of Collision: RIGHT ANGLE Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 BUS Registered Weight: UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 2 Driver’s Age: 71 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: STARTING IN TRAFFIC Apparent Factors:FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY UNKNOWN Truck/Bus Clsf.: NOT ENTERED Veh: 2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 4500 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 32 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors:NOT APPLICABLE UNKNOWN *** Node: 30303 MCDONALD ST *** JAN-23-2007 TUE 05:58PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2007-32066572 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DARK-ROAD LIGHTED Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3360 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: UNKNOWN Sex: UNKNOWN Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: PARKED Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Veh: 2 OTHER Registered Weight: UNKNOWN State of Registration: UNKNOWN Num of Occupants: 0 Driver’s Age: UNKNOWN Sex: UNKNOWN Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors:PASSING OR LANE USAGE IMPROPERLY UNKNOWN SEP-09-2007 SUN 07:41PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 2 Extent of Injuries: CC Case: 2007-32321661

05/22/09 08:59
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Accident Verbal Description Report Program:clas4200NYSDOT Safety Information Management SystemDate:All Accidents (Links & Nodes)Complete Accident Data From NYSDMV Is Only Available thru 31-OCT-2008Regn/Cnty: 17 WARREN Municipality: 01 C GLENS FALLS Dates: JAN-01-2003 – DEC-31-2007 Street: LAWRENCE ST Links:30300 – 30301 Thru 30303 – 30304 *** Node: 30303 MCDONALD ST (Continued) *** Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: RIGHT ANGLE Weather: RAIN Road Surface Condition: WET Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DARK-ROAD LIGHTED Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3266 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 28 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: YES Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors:ALCOHOL INVOLVEMENT FAILURE TO YIELD RI Veh: 2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3139 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 42 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN *** Node: 30304 PLATT ST *** MAR-15-2005 TUE 02:20PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2005-31421019 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: NOT ENTERED Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: WET Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3208 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 53 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Veh: 2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 9900 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 45 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN TOTAL NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS PRINTED: 4

05/22/09 08:59
Page: 3
Accident Verbal Description Report Program:clas4200NYSDOT Safety Information Management SystemDate:All Accidents (Links & Nodes)Complete Accident Data From NYSDMV Is Only Available thru 31-OCT-2008Regn/Cnty: 17 WARREN Municipality: 01 C GLENS FALLS Dates: JAN-01-2003 – DEC-31-2007 Street: LAWRENCE ST Links:30300 – 30301 Thru 30303 – 30304 ABSENCE OF NODE OR LINK WITHIN A SPECIFIED ROADWAY SECTION + TIME PERIOD INDICATES NO ACCIDENTS FOUND *** END OF REPORT ***

05/22/09 09:00
Page: 1
Accident Verbal Description Report Program:clas4200NYSDOT Safety Information Management SystemDate:All Accidents (Links & Nodes)Complete Accident Data From NYSDMV Is Only Available thru 31-OCT-2008Regn/Cnty: 17 WARREN Municipality: 01 C GLENS FALLS Dates: JAN-01-2003 – DEC-31-2007 Street: ORCHARD ST Links:23674 – 30308 Thru 30302 – 30335 *** Link: 23674 – 30308 *** NOV-08-2003 SAT 01:00AM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2003-31055211 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: NOT ENTERED Num of Veh: 2 Type of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: UNKNOWN Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: UNKNOWN Road Surface Condition: UNKNOWN Road Char.: UNKNOWN Light Condition: UNKNOWN Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2383 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 18 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Veh: 2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3046 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver’s Age: 36 Sex: MALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: UNKNOWN Apparent Factors:UNKNOWN UNKNOWN *** Link: 30302 – 30335 *** JUN-14-2005 TUE 07:47PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2005-31536046 Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: GLENS FALLS CITY PD Num of Veh: 1 Type of Accident: COLL. W/LIGHT SUPPORT/UTILITY POLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: OTHER Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 4995 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 5 Driver’s Age: 20 Sex: FEMALE Citation Issued: NO Direction of Travel: NORTH-EAST Public Property Damage: NO School Bus Involved: NO Pre-Accd Action: BACKING Apparent Factors:DRIVER INATTENTION UNKNOWN TOTAL NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS PRINTED: 2 ABSENCE OF NODE OR LINK WITHIN A SPECIFIED ROADWAY SECTION + TIME PERIOD INDICATES NO ACCIDENTS FOUND *** END OF REPORT ***

Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Plan October 26, 2009
Walking School Bus Information

Why develop a walking school bus?
Studies show that fewer children are walking and biking to
school, and more children are at risk of becoming overweight.
Changing behaviors of children and parents require creative
solutions that are safe and fun.
Implementing a walking school bus can be both.
What is a walking school bus?
A walking school bus is a group of children walking to school
with one or more adults. If that sounds simple, it is, and that’s part
of the beauty of the walking school bus. It can be as informal as two fa
milies taking turns walking their
children to school to as structured as a route with meeting points, a ti
metable and a regularly rotated schedule of
trained volunteers.
A variation on the walking school bus is the bicycle train, in which adul
ts supervise children riding their bikes to school.
The flexibility of the walking school bus makes it appealing to communities of all sizes with varying needs.
Parents often cite safety issues as one of the primary reasons they are
reluctant to allow their children to walk to
school. Providing adult supervision may help reduce those worries for fa
milies who live within walking or bicycling
distance to school.
Starting simple
When beginning a walking school bus, remember that the program can alway
s grow. It often makes sense to start
with a small bus and see how it works. Pick a single neighborhood that
has a group of parents and children who
are interested. It’s like a carpool—without the car—with the added benefits of exercise and visits with friends and
neighbors. For an informal bus:
1. Invite families who live nearby to walk.
2. Pick a route and take a test walk.
3. Decide how often the group will walk
4. Have fun!
When picking a route,
answer these four questions:
1. Do you have room to walk?
Are there sidewalks or paths?
Is there too much traffic?
2. Is it easy to cross the street?
3. Do drivers behave well?
Do they yield to walkers?
Do they speed?
4. Does the environment feel safe?
Are there loose dogs?
Is there criminal activity?

For more help identifying walkable routes, use the Walkability Checklist
that can be found at
Starting a walking school bus:
the basics
Chester, VT
Apex, NC

Reaching more children
Success with a simple walking school bus or a desire to be more inclusiv
e may inspire a community to build a more
structured program. This may include more routes, more days of walking and more children. S
uch programs require
coordination, volunteers and potential attention to other issues, such a
s safety training and liability. The school
principal and administration, law enforcement and other community leader
s will likely be involved.
First, determine the amount of interest in a walking school
bus program. Contact potential participants and partners:
Parents and children Principal and school officials
Law enforcement officers Other community leaders
Second, identify the route(s).
The amount of interest will determine the number of walking routes.
Walk the route(s) without children first.
Third, identify a sufficient number of adults to
supervise walkers.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend
one adult for every six children. If children are age 10 or older ,
fewer adults may be needed. If children are ages 4 to 6, one
adult per three children is recommended.
Next, finalize the logistical details.
Who will participate?
How often will the walking school bus operate? Will the bus
operate once a week or every day?
When do children meet the bus? It’s important to allow
enough time for the slower pace of children, but also to
ensure that everyone arrives at school on time.
Where will the bus meet children—at each child’s home or at a few meeting spots?
Will the bus operate after school?
What training do volunteers need?
What safety training do children need? See “Walking School Bus: Guidelines for talking to children about pedestrian
safety” at
Finally, kick-off the program.
A good time to begin is during International Walk to School Month each October. Walk and look for ways to encourage
more children and families to be involved. Have fun!
For more detailed instructions on how to organize a walking school bus, go to:
How to Organize a Walking/Cycling School Bus, Go for Green Canada, Pick
“English,” then “Tools and Resources.”
The walking bus: A safe way for children to walk to school, Friends of the Earth UK,
Walking School Bus – A Guide for Parents and Teachers, VicHealth Australia, Select
“Local Government,” then “Walking School Bus.” Scroll to bottom to find link to download the guide.
KidsWalk-to-School Guide, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Sacramento, CA
Mill Valley, CA

Abraham Wing Elementary School Access Plan October 26, 2009
Excerpts from the AAA Safety Patrol Program Manual


Message from AAA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Role of the Safety Patrol . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Forming Your Patrol
AAA role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
School role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Parent Teacher Association role . . . . .6
Law Enforcement role . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Community role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Safety of Patrols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
“Stranger Danger” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Securing Official School Authorization . . .9
Limiting Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Organization, Training and Operation
Selecting the Patrol Supervisor . . . . . . .10
Selecting Patrol Members . . . . . . . . . . .11
Selection of Intersections . . . . . . . . . . .12
Parental Permission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13-14
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Officer Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Officer Duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Length of Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Equipment Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Daily Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Mechanics of the Street Patrol . . . . .19
Determining the Gap . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Record Keeping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Supervision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
On Patrol
Role of Patrol
at Signalized Intersections . . .23
Bus Loading and Unloading . . . . . . . . .23
On the Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Car Pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Reporting Dangerous Practices . . . . . . .25
Role of Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Role of Adult Crossing Guards . . . . . . .26
Supporting Your Patrol Program
School Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Morale Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Recognition Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Lifesaving Award Medal . . . . . . . . . .30
National Patroller of the Year . . . . . .31
Related Programs and Resources
School’s Open Drive Safely . . . . . . . . . .32
Best Route to School . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Top Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Table of Contents

Proud AAA tradition
AAA School Safety Patrols play an important role in helping young pedestrians learn and
fulfill responsibilities regarding traffic safety.
Millions of U.S. boys and girls have honorably served their classmates since the AAA
School Safety Patrol program was started in the early 1920s. Interest in the program has
spread around the world. At least 30 other countries, including New Zealand, the
Netherlands, England, Germany and France, have emulated the AAA School Safety Patrol
program. The experience is the same — a reduction in traffic death rates.
Boys and girls who contribute their time as AAA School Safety Patrols deserve special thanks
for their efforts. AAA recognizes the AAA School Safety Patrol program as an outstanding
school safety activity. We commend school personnel who administer the programs and law
enforcement officials who contribute to the success of programs in their communities.
For more than 75 years, AAA clubs have proudly sponsored, promoted and aided AAA
School Safety Patrol programs as a community service in the interest of safety for all
schoolchildren. AAA clubs have been the leading non-school civic agencies active in patrol
work in most communities. During its long and distinguished history, the AAA School
Safety Patrol program has provided a safer pedestrian environment and a wide spectrum
of educational opportunities for millions of children. AAA has provided the means for the
patrol to succeed.
This manual will serve as a resource to community organizations, school administrators
and supervisors who are coordinating AAA School Safety Patrol programs. The policies
and practices presented in this manual are the result of the combined efforts of several
national educational, law enforcement and safety organizations. It represents the
cumulative experience of AAA School Safety Patrol operations in every corner of the
United States.
Consistent, uniform operating procedures across the country are essential for the motorist
and pedestrian to know what to expect. For this reason, uniform AAA School Safety Patrol
identification and operating procedures are highly recommended.
Robert L. Darbelnet,
AAA President and CEO

Role of the School Safety Patrol
AAA School Safety Patrols are school-sponsored student volunteers from upper elementary,
middle, and junior high schools.
Patrols direct children, not traffic. As school-age leaders in traffic safety, patrol members
teach other students about traffic safety on a peer-to-peer basis. They also serve as role
models for younger children who look up to them.
School Safety Patrol members:
• Complete training in traffic safety
• Protect students from the hazards of crossing roads and highways on their
way to and from school
• Assist bus drivers in safely transporting students to and from school
• Teach fellow students about traffic safety.
• Serve other leadership functions under the direction of school officials
Typically, teachers and principals appoint Patrol members, who participate with parental
approval. A teacher usually serves as patrol supervisor.

As members of AAA School Safety Patrols, students have protected their classmates
since 1916.
In the 1930s, three national organizations: the American Automobile Association, the
National Congress of Parents and Teachers, and the National Safety Council —
collaborated on Standard Rules for the Operation of School Boy Patrols. These guidelines
have been updated over the years to become the operating standards for AAA School
Safety Patrols.
Today, more than 50,000 schools sponsor patrols, protecting pedestrians and school bus
riders in all 50 states.
School safety patrol members have grown up to be U.S. presidents, governors, members
of Congress, Supreme Court justices, astronauts, and Olympic medalists, as well as
educators, executives, and community leaders throughout the country.
As the value of the program has gained recognition, two national awards have been
introduced. Lifesaving Awards debuted in 1945. The Patroller of the Year award was first
bestowed in 2002. For more information, please refer to pages 30-31.

AAA School Safety Patrols benefit students, schools, and communities.
Students gain:
• Safety awareness
• Leadership
• Teamwork
• Pride
• Citizenship
• Respect for law enforcement
Schools benefit from opportunities to promote:
• Traffic safety awareness
• Peer-to-peer education
• Character-building opportunities
• A constructive outlet for students’ energy
• A positive relationship with parents, law enforcement, and the
overall community
Communities benefit from:
• Safer environments for pedestrians and motorists
• A spirit of volunteerism and civic-mindedness
• A positive collaboration between students, parents, schools, and
law enforcement

The most effective patrol programs come from a strong partnership between AAA,
schools, Parent Teacher Associations, law enforcement, and the community.
The role of AAA:
• Sponsorship
• Traffic Safety Education and awareness presentations
• Public outreach and recognition
• Source for resources, such as equipment
• Source of patrol guidelines
The role of the school:
• Supervisors are responsible for implementation of school safety patrols in
elementary schools within their school system.
• Principals appoint teachers to serve as patrol supervisors
• Area patrol supervisors meet to exchange best practices
The role of the Parent Teacher Association (where applicable):
• Support of the school’s patrol program, including recognition programs
• Sponsors equipment and training
• Liaison between the school and the community
The role of law enforcement:
• Advisor to the program
• Advocate on behalf of the patrol to motorists and the community
• Contribute to training and development of patrols
The role of the community:
• Civic organizations may provide recognition and community awareness
• These organizations could include
– Police auxiliary
– Women’s clubs
– School booster clubs
– American Legion posts
– Other safety or civic groups
Forming Your Patrol

Safety of Patrols
The safety of Patrols should be achieved through training on traffic safety, operation, and the
responsibilities of each post; dedicated adult supervision; and regular inspections help protect
safety patrols.
To remain safe on duty, patrol members must remain at their assigned posts and always
properly display their belts and badges.
Patrollers are trained to seek adult help in the following examples of specific traffic situations:
• Parked cars blocking the view of an intersection
• Parked cars blocking school bus stop or student loading or unloading zone
• Failure of motorists to obey traffic control device
• Suspicious activity by adult or older students
• Vehicles turning at T-intersections
• Wrong-way traffic on one-way streets
• Emergencies and injuries
• Electrical wires down near the patrol post
• Domestic or wild animal threats
• Student fights
• Emergency vehicle response near the post.
• Any situation beyond the realm of the daily operation of duties at a
patrol post
Forming Your Patrol

Concerns (continued)
“Stranger Danger”
Patrol members are trained to report problems with strangers to the patrol supervisor,
teachers, parents, and/or law enforcement. These “Stranger Danger” precautions are part
of patrol training:
Patrol members should be trained to never:
• Approach cars or allow other students to approach unknown motorists
• Accept candy or presents from strangers
• Help strangers with directions or search for a lost pet
• Allow their photos to be taken
• Divulge their name, address, phone number, or other family information
Patrol members are trained to seek immediate help if:
• They encounter someone who appears to be under the influence of drugs
or alcohol
• They become suspicious of the behavior of older students or adults
• They are followed
Patrol members learn that if they are grabbed by a stranger, they should make as much
noise as possible.
Forming Your Patrol

Securing Official School Authorization
Before school principals institute the AAA School Safety Patrol program, they must obtain
approval from the school superintendent or school board.
The approval process will vary according to community and school system requirements. In
some cases, principals may seek support for the program from community organizations.
Although most superintendents are familiar with patrols in general, they may not
understand the details of operation.
To gain support in the community and in the school system, a principal introducing a patrol
should be prepared to:
• Identify community needs
• Present the patrol’s objectives
• Explain operational requirements
• Outline available resources that will support the program
Limiting Liability
• Create a statement of purpose that outlines the objectives of a school safety patrol program
• Grant authority to principals or supervisors of safety education or transportation to
maintain safety patrols and establish rules and regulations for their supervision
• Limit the age group from which patrols may be selected and determine any exclusions
from participation, such as health concerns
• Extend the same protection to the school safety patrol, supervisors, and those involved
in the program that applies to other student volunteer programs
• Provide guidelines to ensure consistency between patrol programs so students benefit
equally from participation
• Each school should develop a policy regarding times when school safety patrollers
should not be on post due to inclement weather
Forming Your Patrol

Selecting the Patrol Supervisor
The School Safety Patrol Supervisor is a responsible adult, typically a teacher, appointed
by the school principal to oversee the patrol. More than any other individual, the School
Safety Patrol Supervisor determines the success of the program.
The ideal supervisor demonstrates:
• A strong belief in the value of the program
• Knowledge of traffic safety
• Leadership
• Organizational skills
• People skills, including the ability to share praise and constructive criticism
• Ability to inspire confidence and respect
• Dependability
• Ability to establish rapport with students, school leaders, the community,
and law enforcement
Supervisor duties include:
• Serving as the source of information on all aspects of the program
• Selecting patrol members and assigning duties
• Training all patrol members, including officers
• Supervising all patrol operations
• Conducting training sessions, reviews, and administrative meetings
• Advising all adult sponsoring committees on the patrol’s activities
Organization, Training and Operation
Determining Patrol Size
Schools should work with the traffic engineering agency in their area to make the proper
determinations regarding the number of patrols that should be assigned at various
intersections. A traffic specialist can provide traffic data, conduct traffic studies, evaluate
information about the school and help to implement safety procedures for students
walking to and from school. The analysis can be used to plan school safety patrol posts
where they can operate satsifactorily, keeping in mind the age and developmental nature
of Patrol membership. Busy crossings require more than one Patrol member. Occasionally
it will be found best NOT to use the same crossing place to-school pupil traffic as is used
for from-school traffic, because of changes in traffic volumes and direction at different
times of day.

Selecting Patrol Members
AAA encourages the formation of a patrol force that is just large enough to fulfill the needs
of the school. Coordination is much easier with a smaller group. After determining the
optimum size of the patrol a school needs, choose members based on demonstrated:
• Leadership
• Maturity
• Reliability
• Ability to follow rules
• Punctuality
• Health (or ability to perform duties)
• Interest in traffic safety
• Sound judgment
• Good attendance record
• Courtesy
• Respect for classmates and others
• Desire to help others
Select reserve patrol members to ensure trained patrol members are available at all times.
Organization, Training and Operation

Selection of Intersections
In selecting intersections for posts, gather recommendations from:
• School personnel
• Law enforcement
• Bus drivers
• Area businesses
• PTA officials
Review coverage annually. New roads or subdivisions and changes in bus or walking
patterns may change patrol needs.
Assign patrol posts based on:
• Intersections near the school
• The side of the street from which students approach
• Traffic direction and density
• Nearness of the post to patrol member’s home
Parental Permission
Students must have permission from parents or guardians to participate in the patrol program.
When they understand the educational value, service, and character-building aspects of
the program, most parents are proud to give their permission for participation.
AAA can provide a special consent form which explains the aims, objectives, and
operation of the AAA School Safety Patrol. This standard form also contains the
membership application and pledge taken by patrol members.
Organization, Training and Operation

Thorough training is an absolute requirement. Training may take place in school or special
summer camps.
Trainers can be the Patrol Supervisor, a AAA representative, or a law enforcement officer.
When possible, train new patrol members for the upcoming year before the end of the
prior year. Schedule refresher training for both new and veteran members should be
provided before the school year begins.
Information to cover in your training:
• Fundamentals of traffic safety
• Duties of each patrol post
• Identifying sufficient gaps in traffic to allow safe crossing
• Special hazards
• Dealing with pedestrians
• School bus safety procedures
• Safety procedures on school grounds
• Maintaining records (for officers)
School training may be conducted as:
• Classes
• On-the-job personal direction
• Written guidelines and oral or written quizzes
• Joint clinics held in cooperation with other schools and involving new and
veteran members
• Viewing of training videos from the local AAA club or AAA Foundation for
Traffic Safety followed by discussion
• Diagramming a duty corner and highlighting hazards and a patrol plan for
the specific crossing
• School bus drills
Training methods can be used individually or in combination.
Because officers take on more responsibility and have more complex duties, most schools
provide additional training for incoming officers.
Some communities schedule a Patrol Member Training Camp over summer vacation. This
camp may be open to all patrol members or officers.
Organization, Training and Operation

Training (continued)
Camps are ideally scheduled just before school reopens so the training is fresh in the
minds of patrol members on the first day of school.
Camps combine traffic safety education with fun activities. Classes may be taught by law
enforcement, safety experts, and representatives from your local AAA club. Veteran patrol
members also may lead discussion sessions or conduct role-playing exercises.
Most camps end with an exam and “graduation” ceremony in which successful trainees
receive certificates, pins, and a training camp T-shirt.
Civic organizations and PTAs may cover fees for training camps.
Organization, Training and Operation

A formal installation ceremony instills pride and reinforces the importance of your patrol’s
service to the school and community.
Many schools make the installation part of a school assembly or PTA meeting. Some
schools broadcast their installation ceremony on educational or public Television. Your
school district’s information officer may help you promote your ceremony.
Consider inviting the mayor, city official, school officer, a representative from law enforcement
or AAA. Your visiting dignitary may be invited to lead the pledge and present badges.
Reciting the AAA School Safety Patrol Pledge (see appendix), or creating your own
school-specific pledge, is an easy but powerful way to create a spirit of shared
responsibility and teamwork.
AAA can provide a safety patrol ID card (see appendix) that includes the standard pledge.
These cards can be presented at installation, along with badges, belts and other equipment.
Organization, Training and Operation

Officer Selection
The Patrol Supervisor selects officers. The supervisor may do this individually or by
supervising an election by patrol members. Officers generally serve for one semester.
Typically, a patrol has a captain, lieutenant, and a sergeant. The size of the patrol unit
determines the number of officers needed. Patrol officers take on additional responsibility
and help lead activities. Officers also must be trained to substitute for any post. One of the
lieutenants becomes acting captain when the captain is not available for duty.
Encourage officers to rely upon respect and cooperation, rather than authority. Specific
officer duties are outlined later in the manual.
Officer Duties
Captains are responsible for:
• Preparing reports for the Patrol Supervisor
• Proposing the agenda for patrol meetings
• Assigning posts
• Monitoring patrol performance
• Presenting safety talks to younger classes
• Enforcing all patrol rules
• Ensuring patrol members maintain and wear belts and badges
• Arranging for substitutes as needed
• Maintaining the Captain’s Record Book
Lieutenants are responsible for:
• Acting for the captain, as assigned
• Assisting the captain in checking posts and buses
• Contributing to operational reports
• Filling in for absent patrol members
The Sergeant is responsible for:
• Acting as unit secretary
• Maintaining the patrol bulletin board
• Inventorying equipment and recommending repairs, replacements,
and acquisitions
Organization, Training and Operation

Length of Service
AAA recommends that schools appoint a set number of patrols to serve all year with a
selection of alternates to fill in when regular members are absent. Assign only the
necessary number of patrols to a single post.
Being a school safety patrol should be considered “special”. Do not make everyone in the
class a patrol. This dilutes the special feeling of being selected a patrol and seriously
limits resources.
Organization, Training and Operation

The two identifying pieces of equipment for safety patrol members are:
• Official patrol belts
• Badges pinned to the shoulder strap of the belt at chest level
Schools also may provide additional equipment, such as ponchos, caps, and flags.
Assigned equipment should be documented. Officers must maintain a roster with each
patrol member’s name and a notation of equipment provided to them.
Please contact your local AAA club for specific ordering information.
Equipment: Care
Each patrol member must wear a belt and badge when on duty. Assign a sergeant to see
that patrol members are accountable for the care of equipment assigned to them. It is the
sergeant’s responsibility to keep a daily record of the condition of this school property.
Equipment includes:
• Belts • Flags • Ponchos
• Badges • Caps
The sergeant responsible for equipment works with the captain and patrol sponsor to
order replacement equipment. Equipment which is lost or misplaced must be replaced.
Worn out equipment should be destroyed.
Encourage students to refer to the Patrol Member Handbook for proper wear and care of
Patrol equipment.
Organization, Training and Operation
Note: AAA has studied roadside visibility issues and is researching ways to
improve existing equipment to increase the visibility of AAA School
Safety Patrols to approaching motorists.

Daily Operations
Schools should distribute the list of patrollers to staff and train patrol members to leave
their classes quietly and report to an assigned patrol assembly point.
The patrol captain or lieutenant:
• Takes attendance
• Ensures that all members are wearing their belts and badges
• Verifies that all posts are covered.
• Reminds patrol members to walk quietly and carefully to their posts
Mechanics of the Street Patrol
“Mechanics” are defined as the process, moves, and maneuvers of a patroller on duty.
The basic mechanics are:
• Arrive at your post early
• Determine how to judge a safe gap for your posted position
• Take a position at least one step back from the curb (or edge of the
street), arms down at a 45 degree angle, palms facing back
• Check all directions for traffic
• Keep students a safe distance from traffic
• Keep arms and palms positioned to hold all students from traffic until there
is a safe gap
• Never allow students to walk in front of a car that stops to allow them to cross
• Step aside and motion students across the street
• Continue to monitor traffic, when the safe gap ends, cut the flow of students
A patrol member should only step into the street far enough to see around an obstruction.
Organization, Training and Operation

Determining the Gap
The first important duty of patrol members is to determine a safe gap in traffic. The patrol
captain or supervisor will assist patrol members in determining when there is a break in
traffic that will allow students to safely cross the street.
To determine a safe gap, patrol members judge:
• Speed of vehicles
• Traffic volume
• Road and weather conditions
• Number of lanes of traffic
• Time required for small children to cross the street
To establish a safe gap:
• Walk across the street at normal speed when there is no traffic
• Count the seconds to cross safely and add five seconds to allow for
students who start across later than the lead student
• Pick a fixed point – such as a mailbox or signpost – about 1000 feet from
the student crossing point
• When a vehicle passes this point, count the seconds until the vehicle
reaches the crossing
Patrol members must pay attention to parked cars that may enter traffic, and vehicles that
may come from driveways or alleys.
To determine gaps at intersections with signals:
• On average, it takes 10 seconds for a child to cross
• If the signal remains green for 30 seconds, count 20 seconds, then stop
students from crossing until the next green light
Record Keeping
AAA provides two resources that help captains standardize recordkeeping: the Captain’s
Record Book and the Monthly Patrol Record Form.
The Captain maintains the Captain’s Record Book. Patrol records should cover:
• Daily attendance
• Number of times a patrol member is late
• Number of times a patrol member fails to wear proper equipment
Organization, Training and Operation

Schedule meetings twice a month. At least once a month, the school safety officer should
attend. It also may be appropriate to invite the principal, police, adult crossing guards and
bus drivers.
When conducting a meeting, follow parliamentary procedure, which is a set of widely
accepted rules that give meetings structure and order. Procedure books such as the
popular, Robert’s Rules of Ordercan be found in local public libraries.
The Patrol Captain presides at all meetings. The Lieutenant presides in the Captain’s
Patrol members wear belts and badges to meetings.
Patrol officers should plan an agenda focused on both old and new patrol business.
Below is a sample agenda, incorporating parliamentary procedure:
• Call to order
• Pledge of Allegiance
• Roll call and inspection
• Secretary reads minutes of previous meeting
• Captain corrects or approves minutes
• Old business from previous meeting completed
• New business discussed
• Contributions from guests
• Training
• Captain requests motion to adjourn
• Captain asks for motion to be seconded
• Captain states the motion and asks for “ayes” and “nays”
• Captain officially adjourns the meeting (and may announce time and date
of next meeting)
Organization, Training and Operation

The secretary records meetings in a consistent format. A completed set of minutes is
signed by the secretary and becomes part of the official record of the patrol.
Elements which must be in the minutes:
• School name
• Date and time of meeting
• Attendance
• Results of inspection
• Summary of old business
• Summary of new business
• Additional comments/contributions from guests
(such as police officers, principals)
• Additional information (for example, training or recognition)
• Time meeting was dismissed
The secretary signs meeting minutes before turning them in to the captain.
Overall responsibility for the patrol rests with the Patrol Supervisor.
On a daily basis, the Captain assigns posts, enforces rules, arranges for substitutes, and
maintains discipline.
The Captain is assisted by Lieutenants and a Sergeant.
Organization, Training and Operation

Role of Patrol at Signalized Intersections
Only police officers or adult crossing guards can stop vehicles.Patrol members
have specific duties based on their posts.
Duties of patrol members:
• Stand on the sidewalk, at least one step back from the curb and midway
between crosswalk lines
• Watch traffic flow and children approaching
• At red lights, signal students not to enter the intersection by holding arms
down at 45-degree angle to the body
• At green lights, determine all approaching traffic has stopped before
allowing students to cross
• Check traffic in all directions for a suitable gap and then permit children
to cross
• Before the light changes back to red, return to the outstretched arms
position to prevent children from being caught in the middle of
the intersection
Bus Loading and Unloading
Bus stop patrol is an important duty. Students often arrive at bus stops early and may not
pay attention to traffic while waiting.
School officials should encourage students to arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before the bus
is scheduled to arrive. The school also should designate a waiting area away from the road.
The bus stop patrol:
• Keeps students out of the street and away from traffic
• Lines students up for boarding when the bus arrives
• Assists small students in boarding the bus
• Checks the bus stop to ensure no belongings are left behind
• If a school bus must be evacuated, safety patrols may assist bus drivers.
If a bus driver is incapacitated, the patrol may direct the evacuation.
On Patrol

On the Bus
Assign one to three patrol members to a bus. They remain seated when the bus is moving.
Front patrol members sit in the right front seat of the bus and:
• Disembark at all regular stops to assist students entering and leaving the bus
• Assist the driver in keeping objects out of the aisles
• Remind students to keep heads and arms inside the bus
• Reaffirm the track is clear at railroad crossings
Middle patrol members sit in the middle of the bus and:
• Monitor student noise and behavior
• Keep students seated and aisles clear
• Remind students to keep arms and heads inside the bus
• Assist loading and unloading
Rear patrol members sit near the back emergency door and:
• Check the bus for articles left behind by students
• Operate the rear emergency door in case of emergency
Some schools place patrols at pick-up and drop-off spots in front of the school to
protect carpoolers.
Patrol members assigned to these positions:
• Help students enter and exit vehicles safely
• Assist small children and students whose arms are full
• Monitor students and keep them on the sidewalk until traffic has stopped
• Direct students to proceed in an orderly fashion from the parking lot to
the school
On Patrol
Note: Bus Patrol members are typically students from the first bus stops
in the morning and the last bus stops in the evening that provide
assistance to the bus driver for the entire route.

Reporting Dangerous Practices
Part of the pledge school patrollers take is a promise to “report dangerous student
practices.” Just what are those practices? A dangerous practice endangers students.
When a patrol member observes a dangerous practice they should:
• Politely explain the risk to the offender (if it is another student)
• Seek an adult if the behavior continues
• Only touch another student in an emergency
• Report dangerous situations to a patrol officer or Patrol Supervisor for
If another patrol member is involved in a dangerous practice, this should be reported to
the Patrol Supervisor. Individual school system guidelines should be in place to handle
such disciplinary actions, including probation, suspension and dismissal.
Role of Police
In many communities, law enforcement officers work directly with patrols. They serve as
safety patrol coordinators who contribute to operations, training, and development.
Law enforcement can make an important contribution to the success of your patrol
program, including:
• Promoting motorist awareness of patrols
• Promoting community respect for patrols
• Contributing to patrol training
Only police officers and adult crossing guards can stop vehicles.
On Patrol

Role of Adult Crossing Guards
Adult crossing guards may be assigned to high-traffic areas. They can help create safe
gaps in traffic, control turning traffic, and assist large groups of children crossing busy
intersections. They are typically community employees supervised by law enforcement.
Adult crossing guards are typically assigned to:
• High-traffic streets with safe gaps more than a minute apart
• Signalized intersections where turning automobiles are a hazard
• Crossings near schools with a high volume of walking students
• Locations where 85 percent of the traffic speed exceeds the speed limit
• Areas of reduced visibility
• School districts with inadequate school route plans
• Locations beyond the capability of student patrols
Patrols can be deployed to assist an Adult Crossing Guard. This is particularly useful at
wide crossings or locations with heavy pedestrian volumes. The adult crossing guard and
the police will establish procedures consistent with guidelines for patrol deployment
described in this manual.
On Patrol

School Support
The more importance and visibility the school gives to the AAA School Safety Patrol, the
more the potential benefit. The program deserves recognition as:
• A safety measure
• A character-building program
• As a leadership development program
• Citizenship and volunteerism in action
• A real-world “lab” that teaches life skills such as teamwork, responsibility,
problem-solving, and effective communication
• Means to enhance rapport between students and authority figures (school
officers, law enforcement)
• A program that creates positive role models for younger students
• An opportunity for students to learn about traffic safety and the rules of
interfacing with traffic
Schools should encourage teachers to participate, involve the PTA and community groups,
and make the recognition of the contribution made by the AAA School Safety Patrol a priority.
Schools across the country have raised funds for their school safety patrols by:
• Hosting a movie for students and selling popcorn
• Holding a bake sale
• Contacting fundraising companies that provide sale items
• Creating buttons or stickers for a small cost
• Offering a gift-wrapping service at the holidays
• Car washes
• Collecting recyclables
• Setting up a compost heap “fed” by classrooms and the cafeteria each
day. Sell bags of fertilizer in the spring
• Obtaining plants or seedlings from the parks department and selling them
to the community
• Setting up a booth at a town street fair or similar community celebration
and providing face-painting or simple goods or services
• Holding a safety fair and inviting AAA, the Red Cross and other safety
organizations to participate
• Challenging students to a walk-a-thon, bike-a-thon (with helmets!) or
bowl-a-thon and asking sponsors to pledge contributions
Supporting Your Patrol Program

Patrol members must understand there are serious consequences for breaking rules. Most
patrols maintain discipline with a merit/demerit system. Parents should be advised prior to
any disciplinary action.
Merit points are awarded for:
• Work in addition to regular duty
• Conducting safety talks to classes
• Making constructive suggestions
• Additional contributions to teamwork
Demerit points are awarded for:
• Attempting to direct traffic
• Leaving the sidewalk
• Allowing children to cross without ensuring the way is clear
• Leaving their post without permission
• Being tardy or absent without an acceptable reason
• Behavior unbecoming a patroller
• Arriving for duty without badge or belt
• Breaking safety rules
• Disobedience
By accumulating merit points, a patrol member may earn more important assignments.
Accumulating demerits may result in suspension or dismissal from the patrol.
Supporting Your Patrol Program

Morale Building
A key duty of the Patrol Supervisor is to maintain enthusiasm and commitment to the
program. Attention by the school and ownership by students keep morale high.
It is important for schools to recognize the educational value and service of the entire
school patrol.
Many schools recognize this service with certificates of appreciation, merit pins, and
thank-yous to the school patrol in school newsletters and Web sites.
Schools also may ask area businesses for small contributions, such as gift certificates or
coupons for patrol members. Examples of gifts may include inexpensive raincoats or
watches, or catering for a recognition luncheon or dinner.
Activities that may be introduced to build Safety Patrol pride and morale include:
• Reserving a section of the school newsletter or school web site for safety
patrol news
• Assigning a display or bulletin board to the patrol
• Writing personalized notes of appreciation to parents
• Introducing and thanking the patrol at assembly
• Involving the student council in recognition activities
• Creating a safety patrol honor guard
• Hosting an annual patrol luncheon or dinner
• Proclaiming AAA School Safety Patrol Day or Patrol Appreciation Day at a
local attraction
• Promoting a friendly sporting competition between neighboring patrols
• Establishing a special weekly play period for patrol members
• Offering refreshments such as hot chocolate or ice cream to patrol members
• Hosting special events such as pizza parties, movie outings, sporting
events, or end-of-year picnics
Supporting Your Patrol Program

Recognition Programs
AAA makes available award certificates and a pin that can be presented at school
assemblies or celebrations. Contact your local AAA Club for details.
Certificates of Meritare available for students who satisfactorily complete service as a
patrol member.
Service Pinin silver is available for outstanding service while a patrol member.
There are two national awards programs to recognize the efforts of AAA School Safety
Patrollers: The Lifesaving Award Medal and the National Patroller of the Year.
Lifesaving Award Medal
In 1949, AAA held the first Lifesaving Medal Awards to recognize those Safety Patrollers
who while on duty saved a life or prevented the injury of a fellow student. As we approach
2005, over 380 students have been presented with prestigious honor.
The Lifesaving Medal is awarded by an independent review board to a member of any
authorized School Safety Patrol when there is conclusive proof that:
1. The life of the person saved was in imminent danger;
2. The act was performed while the patrol member was on duty, going to or from
a duty post, or while on duty as a bus patrol member;
3. No negligence on the part of the patrol member caused or contributed to the
person rescued being in danger.
The AAA Lifesaving Medal has been presented by U.S. Presidents Ford, Johnson,
Kennedy and Eisenhower; Vice Presidents Mondale, Humphrey, Nixon and Barkley;
First Lady Mamie Eisenhower; justices of the U.S. Supreme Court; cabinet officials; and
other dignitaries.
Supporting Your Patrol Program

Recognition Programs (continued)
National Patroller of the Year
In 2002, AAA introduced the National Patroller of the Year Award to recognize the patroller
that best exemplifies leadership qualities and performs their duties effectively and
responsibly, without incident. The National Patroller of the Year is selected from the field of
Club Patrollers of the Year that our nominated by local AAA clubs.
School Safety Patrol advisers may nominate one current-year patrol member with the
following qualifications. The candidate must:
• Be enrolled in the highest participating grade level of the School Safety Patrol
• Demonstrate leadership qualities, safety skills, school involvement, and
• Value the patrol experience
Contact your local AAA Club for details
Supporting Your Patrol Program

School’s Open Drive Safely
For more than 50 years, AAA has sponsored the School’s Open – Drive Safely campaign.
The goal of this awareness campaign is to reduce the number of traffic crashes involving
school-age pedestrians and school bus riders by reminding drivers to be extra-cautious.
Participating schools may obtain colorful posters for display and other “School’s Open”
items. Contact your local AAA Club for details.
Best Route to School
Safety experts at AAA have developed 10 rules that help parents and children determine the
Best Route to School. Use the following tips to aid AAA School Safety Patrols in the
promotion of safe walking practices to fellow students:
•Walk on sidewalks:Watch out for cars pulling into, and backing out of driveways
•Walk on the left facing traffic if there are no sidewalks:Staying to the left allows you to
watch oncoming traffic and get out of the way if necessary
•Cross only at corners:Avoid the dangerous practice of “jaywalking.” Cross at an
intersection controlled by a traffic light wherever possible
•Stop and look all ways before crossing:If there’s no traffic light, wait until oncoming
cars are at least a block away before crossing
•Watch For Turning Cars:Children sometimes forget to look and unintentionally walk into
the side of a turning vehicle
•Continue to look left, right and left again as you cross:It’s easy to miss an oncoming car
•Never cross between parked cars:It’s almost impossible for drivers to see youngsters
who enter the roadway from between parked cars
•Play away from traffic:Playgrounds, schoolyards and your own backyard are the safest
places to play
•Be especially alert in bad weather:Rain, snow, fog and even umbrellas can obstruct
vision. Also, drivers may be unable to stop quickly. Children should wear brightly
colored and retro-reflective clothing
•Obey police officers, adult crossing guards, AAA Safety Patrol members, and traffic
signals:These “safety guardians” can greatly enhance a child’s safety when going to
and from school
Related Programs and Resources

Resources (continued)
Check with your local AAA club for safety patrol equipment, materials, and awards to
support your AAA School Safety Patrol Program. Available materials may include:
Printed Materials, Guides and Forms
• Handbooks
• Brochures
• Manuals
• Captain’s Record Book
• Policies and Practices
Recognition Awards
• Certificates
• Patches
• Pins
Patrol Equipment
• Belts
• Badges
• Patrol Hats
• Ponchos
• Flags
Related Programs and Resources

Top Tips
• Solicit contributions and expertise from Parent Teacher Associations or Parent Teacher
Organizations, bus drivers, teachers, traffic and safety experts, and law enforcement
• Dedicate a section of the school newsletter or Web site to school safety patrol news
and highlight a patrol member each month
• Encourage communication between patrols by arranging get-togethers, such as shared
training or recognition events
• Reward patrol members with ice cream, hot chocolate, or a meal hosted by Parent
Teacher Associations or Parent Teacher Organizations
• Dedicate an exhibit case or bulletin board to school safety patrol information; including
a map with posts identified. Add a photo of the patrol member assigned to each post
• Write a thank-you note to the members of your school safety patrol and their parents
Related Programs and Resources

Quick Reference Checklist
❏Contact your local AAA Club
❏Develop partnerships with the School, AAA, PTA, Law
enforcement, and the community
❏Secure official school authorization
❏Establish policies and procedures
❏Select Patrol Supervisor
❏Select Patrol Members and obtain parental permission
❏Select posts and intersections for duty
❏Train Patrol Members on equipment care, procedures
and standards
❏Select officers
❏Assign duties and posts
❏School announcements
❏Installation of Patrol
How to begin a AAA School Safety Patrol
Traffic Safety Programs