TIP Project Solicitation

A/GFTC is currently updating its Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the five-year roster of planned federally-funded investments in the surface transportation network. We are conducting a solicitation for federal aid – eligible highway, bridge, public transportation, and bicycle and pedestrian improvement projects to be considered for programming for Federal Fiscal Years 2022/23 through 2026/27.

Project applications must originate from municipalities that own and operate qualifying transportation infrastructure, so please contact your municipal elected officials or A/GFTC staff if there are specific issues or project concepts that you would like to see addressed in the capital program. A copy of the application form is available at this link: https://agftc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/AGFTC-TIP-Project-Application_2022.pdf

DRAFT North Road Pedestrian Feasibility Study

The draft North Road Pedestrian Feasibility Study is now available for public comment. This draft examines the feasibility of various pedestrian and bicycle facilities for the section of North Road between Gray Avenue in the Village of Greenwich to the Thunder Mountain Recreation Area entrance within the Town of Greenwich. Comments may be submitted via email to jack@agftc.org until December 3, 2021.

Village of Greenwich Zoning Update – Open House

A/GFTC, along with the Village of Greenwich and The Chazen Companies, will be hosting an open house for proposed changes to the Village zoning code. The draft code updates are in line with the vision of the Village’s Main Street Streetscape Plan and include providing greater parking flexibility and predictability for new development along Main Street. The Village will be holding an open house for the public to learn more about the proposed zoning changes & provide input. The event will be held in the patio next to Argyle Brewing Company, 1 Main Street, Greenwich, NY, on Friday, August 13th from 5-7 PM. Event is outside and weather dependent. Alternate date to be determined if cancelled due to inclement weather.

A summary of the proposed zoning changes is available here.

A/GFTC Office Open By Appointment Only

As of January 2021, the A/GFTC office continues to be staffed at 50% capacity to accommodate social distancing protocols. Until further notice, in-person visits to the office are by appointment only, and all visitors must wear a face covering and observe social distancing. To make an appointment, email info@agftc.org or call (518) 223-0086.

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Funding Solicitation — Section 5310 Program

2020 Solicitation — Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program (Section 5310)

The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) is pleased to announce the availability of $26.1 million in funding to enhance mobility options for seniors and persons with disabilities.

This funding, administered by NYSDOT and made available through the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program (Section 5310), is intended to improve mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities by removing barriers to traditional transportation services and by expanding community mobility options.  

Funding for projects will be awarded through a competitive solicitation process and will require an applicant match. Prospective projects will be rated based on established criteria that includes performance measures, project relationship to identified gaps in service, and degree of integration and coordination with local transportation planning efforts.

Information regarding assistance identifying candidate projects, program guidance, application forms and details on program webinars will be on found at https://www.dot.ny.gov/divisions/policy-and-strategy/public-transportation/specialized-transportation/5310 shortly. Completed applications will be accepted electronically through March 16, 2020. For further information on this program opportunity or if you have any questions related to the posted materials, please contact NYSDOT at 5310MobilityApplications@dot.ny.gov or (518) 457-8335. Do not contact A/GFTC regarding 5310 application materials.

As part of the application process, applicants are required to reference the A/GFTC Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan (click for link). This plan was adopted on July 10, 2018. Questions regarding the Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan may be directed to A/GFTC via email to jmance@agftc.org.

Funding Opportunity — Pedestrian Safety Action Plan

The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), in coordination with A/GFTC, is pleased to announce the call for pedestrian safety projects included in the Statewide Pedestrian Safety Action Plan (PSAP). The local call for pedestrian safety projects includes $40,000,000 in federal Highway Safety Improvement Program funds for systemic pedestrian safety projects on local and county urban roads and streets.

NYSDOT will host a webinar in late October or early November of 2017 to answer questions about the program and the application process. Additional information about the webinar, program guidance, how to apply, application forms and related materials will be available at https://www.dot.ny.gov/divisions/operating/osss/highway/psap.

Applications must be submitted to NYSDOT by March 09, 2018. For more information, email info@agftc.org or call us at (518) 223-0086.