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A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, January 27, 2011

11 South Street, Suite 203             Glens Falls, NY 12801

Attendees Agency
Brian Abare Village of South Glens Falls DPW
Edward Bartholomew City of Glens Falls
Frank Bonafide NYSDOT-Region 1
Robert Cherry NYSDOT-Region 1
Mike Fiorillo Village of Hudson Falls DPW
Kevin Hajos Warren County DPW
Preston Jenkins Town of Moreau
Wayne LaMothe Warren County Planning
Scott Sopczyk GGFT
Steven Sweeney NYSCC
Scott Tracy Washington County DPW

Jocelyn Blanchard SAIL
Edward Doughney Warren County DPW

Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC
Sarah Gebbie-Measeck A/GFTC
Monika Bulman A/GFTC
Minutes of the Meeting

1. Welcome & Introductions – Aaron Frankenfeld called the meeting to order at 1:30

2. Visitor Issues – Aaron introduced Jocelyn Blanchard, the Coordinator for the Southern
Adirondack Independent Living Center located at Glenwood Avenue. The role of the
Center is to be an advocate for people with disabilities and Ms. Blanchard’s interest in
coming to a meeting is to learn more about transportation options available for
individuals who cannot drive and to make certain that ADA compliance is given
consideration. Aaron noted that part of the A/GFTC program, both through planning and
capital improvements is for non-motorized transportation. The update of the Coordinated
Human Services Transportation Plan for the region is programmed for this upcoming
year. Ms. Blanchard was invited to assist with the update of the HSTP.

3. Administrative Items –
A. TAC Co-chairman election results: Aaron reported that the TAC elected Mike Valentine
to co-chair that committee. He will be the TAC signatory and preside over any issues
raised that involve potential staff conflicts.
B. Operations Plan/Host Agency agreement: Aaron stated that there was nothing to
report other than the RPB was successful in getting loan to cover short-term gaps
between paying A/GFTC expenses and receiving reimbursements.
C. Revision of billing procedures: Aaron reported Region 1 staff and AGFTC staff have
had extensive discussions regarding billing practices that apparently were somewhat
unusual when compared to other MPOs in the State. The A/GFTC program is
reconciled on an annual basis with the UPWP rather than a monthly basis. We will try
Adirondack / GlensFallsTransportationCouncil
11 South Street, Suite 203
Glens Falls, NY 12801
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 – 0584

TAC Minutes, January 27, 2011
Page 2

to resort to a reporting methodology that is consistently more proportional on a
month to month basis. It is hoped that this lessens the concerns of the Expenditures
Unit at DOT. Rob Cherry noted that the outcome from the meetings regarding the
above situation has been met with favorable feedback.

4. Transit
A. GGFT Update: Scott Sopczyk reported the following: In 2010, overall ridership was
on fixed routes was up 3% and trolleys and FAME were up 2%. Typically as the
economy improves, ridership numbers increase. The new low floor buses used last
year were very well received. Delivery of a hybrid low floor bus is expected in about
6-8 weeks. Two replacement vehicles will be procured for the FAME service. The
Transit Development Plan was completed several years ago and public outreach for
changes will hopefully take place soon once the Governor’s budget comes out. Bolton
and the Lake George Chamber of Commerce have been in touch with GGFT
concerning changing some trolley service. Wayne LaMothe asked if GGFT services are
provided to Warrensburg. Currently it is not, but the Town is completing their master
plan and would like to establish some kind of transit service. Scott Sopczyk pointed
out that in order to provide service to rural areas, a Service Agreement that provides
a local match is necessary.
5. Annual Work Program
A. Review of Staff and Consultant Activities
1. Local Transportation Planning and Engineering Assistance Program
a. Lake George Gateway Corridor (Aaron) – The plan has been completed. It
was well-received by the Town and has generated additional capital and
planning requests.
b. Glens Falls residential traffic calming (Aaron) – On hold until spring 2011.
Kathy Varney from GF Hospital is involved in advancing pedestrian issues
and through grants may be able to purchase some traffic calming devices
that could be loaned to various municipalities. Scott Sopczyk reported that
Glens Falls Schools are thinking of changing their starting time and
possibility changing the traffic pattern flow.
2. Travel Demand Modeling contract (Aaron) – A new, functional travel demand
Model (TransCAD) is in place. We are awaiting the final calibration,
methodology report and users guide to the model.
3. GIS Services contract – Sarah reported that not much is new since the last
meeting. Fountains Spatial finalized an agreement with us to host our traffic
count and projects viewers and make some updates as required. Our ridership
application is finished and our pavement application is 99.9% finished.
4. Village of Greenwich bicycle and pedestrian assessment (Sarah) -We have a
draft bike/ ped assessment for the Village that was conducted in the summer
and fall. It is out for comment to the Village and DOT. DOT Region 1 has
some questions regarding its content and what are we planning to do with the
assessment. Rob Cherry felt the document seemed to help to identify
conditions of existing facilities. Identifying where the specific needs are would
add value. Mr. Cherry was not certain what the intention of the assessment
was. Aaron pointed out that we wanted to provide the Village with an
inventory and some general strategies that they may wish to consider.
Additional discussion included ADA requirements. Ms. Blanchard requested a
copy of the draft.
5. iPoolNorth update (Sarah) -There are 96 enrolled users. We renewed our
contract with Ecology Environment. We are waiting for CDTC’s iPool2 to renew
to the upgraded platform Green Ride Connect. Wayne LaMothe asked what
the duration of this effort was and if he should direct interested parties to the
site. Aaron replied that it is ongoing effort with extensive prior commitment.

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B. Upcoming Activities
1. WWIDA Shovel Ready Certification (Aaron) – Met with Tom Jarrett to discuss
some of the needed data that we would need to run some preliminary traffic
analysis for Phase II of the Airport Industrial Park. The data should be
available in about a week. Our highway capacity software has finally been
delivered to us.
2. HUD Community Challenge grant (Aaron) – The City of Glens Falls was
successful in obtaining a grant that has elements of improving non-motorized
transportation. We have committed to work with the City to get the most out
of their investment. Ed Bartholomew reported there have been 2 three-hour
conferences with the representatives in Washington reviewing the budget. It
will probably be another 2 to 3 months before this project gets on the ground.
3. Queensbury commercial/industrial access road (Aaron) – Preliminary
discussion had taken place with Queensbury Supervisor Stec regarding
carrying this task as an element of the upcoming work program. The interest
was reaffirmed at a meeting on 1/26.
C. 2011-2012 Work Program – Aaron went over the summary that was distributed
around the table (handout). Only the known savings was programmed as opposed to
the estimated savings, which would have resulted in an additional $190,000 being
programmed. Mr. LaMothe noted that the current bike pedestrian plan was developed
in 2000. Warren County has appointed an advisory committee to develop
recommendations on new bike routes. The advisory committee asked that the
Planning Department help write the new plan and Mr. LaMothe wondered if A/GFTC
could assume a role in that process. Aaron felt we could help Warren County develop
their bike/ped plan and then incorporate that into our regional plan. Also discussed:
Exit 18 improvements originally included a bike lane that came down Luzerne and
Richardson to connect to the Feeder Canal. Kevin Hajos noted that those are being
progressed. Steve Sweeneyinformed the committee of the availability of a draft
Canalway Trail plan.

A motion was made to approve the draft UPWP for a 30 day public comment period, with the
inclusion of assistance to Warren County for their bicycle and pedestrian plan under Task 3.5
and additional revisions that are forthcoming from Mr. Cherry.


6. TIP
A. Project Updates
1. Warren County (Kevin Hajos)-No significant development since last meeting;
Corinth Road has a skeleton crew doing underground utilities; Milton St.
Bridge in Warrensburg and the Alder Brook Bridge in Chestertown are shut
down for winter; Harrington Road Bridge is out to bid; propose to move the
Middleton Road Bridge about 1½ miles north of current location; Mr. Hajos
introduced Edward Doughney, Warren County’s new senior engineer. Mr.
Doughney will be involved with the federal aid projects. Mr. Doughney
proceeded to report that proposals have been received for four projects. One
project is the reconstruction of Hick’s Road; one is a bridge replacement in
Johnsburg; and two element-specific bridge projects: Lanfear Road and
Palisades Road.
Aaron added, based upon advice from NYSDOT that the Beach Road project
needs to be divided into 2 distinct phases, one that incorporates the County-
owned portions of the roadway and second that incorporates the state owned

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A motion was made to approve this modification


Mr. LaMothe reported that the Warren County Planning Department is working
with ANCA, with DOT funding, to redefine the old Dude Ranch Trail. The Scenic
Byway will be replaced by the First Wilderness Trail.
2. Washington County, Scott Tracy-No new report: Dewey’s Bridge has been
closed to traffic; two public information meetings have been held regarding
County 61 over the Battenkill and a third meeting is planned with much
discussion centering on the design of the bridge.
3. Saratoga County, Mr. Jenkins-The project on Rte 9 near Exit 17 is about done.
It is a tremendous improvement.
4. NYSDOT, Frank Bonafide- NYS 9N over the Hudson was let last week; currently
there appear some savings on jobs, but those may not last long given
commodity pricing trends. Rte 4 is in design; the Route 9 safety project is
being advanced. Lorenzo DiStefano will be assuming some of Ozzie Priotti’s
responsibilities. He advised local project sponsors to continue to send in their
project reimbursement requests as FHWA was applying greater scrutiny
towards projects that appear to be inactive.
B. Amendments and Modifications
1. City of Glens Falls request to reprioritize projects (Aaron)-This was a
previously approved action by this committee to approve for public comment
the City’s request to reorganize their planned TIP projects which would replace
their existing number one priority, Hudson Avenue reconstruction and
rehabilitation, with a similar project for Broad Street, in turn delaying Hudson
Avenue and putting Hudson Avenue in Dix Avenue’s place. We were waiting
for comments from DOT regarding project justification. We have the approval
to move forward with public comment now.
C. Make the Connection solicitation (Sarah) – MTC is a reimbursement program tofill
gaps in bike/ped networks. In October, we sent a solicitation to municipalities and
received 8 proposals, requesting more money than we have. Four projects were
awarded: Warren County for shared use lanes along West Mountain Road; Warren
County for a new connection from the bikeway along Rte 149 to the Rte 9 outlets;
Village of Argyle, for sidewalks along Sheridan Street; Village of Granville (which was
a joint application between the Village and the Town) for sidewalks along Quaker
Street. Award letters have gone out to all of our successful municipalities informing
them that the next step is for them to meet with A/GFTC and Region 1 staff to discuss
the locally administered aid process. The selection process favored construction of
new facilities over maintenance related activities. Region 1 identified some concerns
with issues with the Granville application that have been resolved. A/GFTC staff will
revise application and ranking procedures to satisfy additional concerns raised by
NYSDOT staff.

7. Other Items: Discussion regarding the future transportation economic climate took
place. Region 1 expects to receive about $120-$140 million less than forecasted.
There is no sense of how much money will be available. Wayne LaMothe asked if the
Smart Growth Policy applied to existing roads and bridges. Rob Cherry replied that
this issue has not been resolved.

8. Next meeting schedule and adjourn – Policy Committee meeting will take place
in March.

Mr. LaMothe moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:25.