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A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, October 19, 2010  

October 19, 2010
10:00 – 11:30
Holden Room, Crandall Public Library
251 Glen Street, Glens Falls

Attendees Agency

Stu Baker Town of Queensbury Community Development
Mike Fiorillo Village of Hudson Falls DPW
Tori Riley Washington County LDC
Mary Anne Mariotti NYSDOT Region 1
Scott Sopczyk GGFT
Steve Sweeney NYS Canal Corporation
Jeff Tennyson Warren County DPW
Mike Valentine Saratoga County Planning Department
Richard Wilson Washington County DPW
Walter Young LC-LG RPB

Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC
Sarah Gebbie-Measeck A/GFTC

1. Welcome and Introductions – Aaron Frankenfeld called the meeting to order at
10:05 AM.

2. Visitor Issues – none

3. Administrative Items

A. Co-chairman election – Aaron reported that the voting is currently in
progress. If a tie occurs the committee will deal with it at that time.
B. Items from August meeting – In regards to the Chocolate Moose RV
Campground issue that was brought up at the last TAC meeting, Aaron
reported that A/GFTC sent a letter to the Town of Fort Ann Planning Board
to let them know what staff services were available to them when
considering matters of regional transportation impact. A/GFTC also sent
along the resolution from the last meeting to DOT asking that they
consider requesting further analysis of the proposed campground. DOT did
apply additional consideration to the issue. They have indicated that in
granting the Town’s requested speed limit reduction, in conjunction with
the local enforcement efforts that were committed as part of the request as
well as the Campground’s intent to prohibit pedestrian trips out of the
facility, they are willing to issue thie required highway work permit pedning
site approval from the Adirondack Park Ageny. DOT also reaffirmed that a
stop light at Tripoli/Hadlock/149 intersection is still not warranted. Stu
Baker reported that the APA has approved the project.

Adirondack / GlensFallsTransportationCouncil
11 South Street, Suite 203
Glens Falls, NY 12801
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 – 0584

October 20, 2010
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C. iPoolNorth contract – Sarah reported that A/GFTC has renewed a 3 year
contract with Ecology and Environment for $7,900 a year with a free
upgrade in website platform when CDTC upgrades in conjunction. This was
negotiated down from the $10,000 a year fee that was originally proposed.
D. Operations Plan / Host Agency agreement – Aaron reported that A/GFTC
will be drafting an operations plan. Stu Baker, Wayne LaMothe
(previously), Mike Valentine and Scott Sopczyk agreed to review the plan.
Part of the operations plan includes A/GFTC’s host agreement that will
expire in April 2012. Walter Young reported that the LCLGRPB is fine with
continuing to host A/GFTC aside from the occasional late reimbursements
from DOT. The LCLGRPB is applying for a line of credit from Glens Falls
National Bank to cover A/GFTC expense in the event of lapsed
reimbursements. The loan is still in the process of being approved.

4. Transit
A. GGFT Update – Scott Sopczyk reported that GGFT is still in the process of
completing its ARRA projects. The shelter at Ridge St. is done and much
improved over the old one. A bus is on order for March. They are also
replacing a lift in the garage but have incurred delay due to environmental
conditions. They will also be replacing FAME vehicles in 2011. Ridership is
up 3% for 2010. The trolley season is over and went well. More traffic back
up at 149/9 intersection is anticipated next summer. Scott asked about
consideration for directional signing that would encourage north- and
southbound freight traffic to use Exit 21 instead of Exit 20 to decrease
congestion. Aaron will speak with NYSDOT R1 regarding the warrants for
such signing.

A. Consultant / Staff Activities
1) Local Traffic Engineering Assistance Program
a. Lake George Gateway Corridor – Aaron reported that the
draft plan includes strategies to address pedestrian issues,
stormwater runoff, and traffic calming. The Town of Lake
George wanted to know if DOT could build some of these
recommendations into their planned Route 9 pavement
reconstruction. Mary Anne Mariotti reported that the project
was already let and therefore they could not alter the design
at this point. Mary Anne will also make sure that a DOT
response to the draft Corridor plan has been sent to the
b. Glens Falls residential traffic calming – Aaron reported that
A/GFTC received 2 proposals and selected the one from RSG.
2) Travel Demand Modeling contract – Aaron reported that the
consultant is still working on calibrating the model and anticipates
meeting with him in a couple weeks. A/GFTC has purchased the
TransCAD model software.
3) GIS Services contract – Sarah reported that Fountains Spatial has
completed a traffic count viewer that lists data on traffic counts on
the non-State system in the A/GFTC area. It can be found along
with the TIP project viewer on the A/GFTC website under the
Projects tab. A pavement application is also currently being created
to help A/GFTC and county DPWs score pavement. DOT provided
A/GFTC and DPW staff with a pavement score training session,

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which was very helpful and informative. Aaron reported that the
transit ridership application, also created by Fountains Spatial, will
be used this following Spring for GGFT’s triennial passenger mile
data collection requirements.
4) Village of Greenwich bicycle and pedestrian assessment – Sarah
reported that A/GFTC is currently halfway done with collecting data
for the assessment. Aaron and Sarah will go out again on October
nd to collect the rest of the data and will compile and create a
prioritized list of streets based on bicycle and pedestrian
accessibility for the Village. The Village will use this list to help
determine where improvements are needed and where to best
spend funds.
5) Bicycle map update – Sarah reported that A/GFTC will be updating
their bicycle map. A survey of other MPO bicycle maps was done to
see how many currently rate their roads based on bikeability. About
half do. Various members of the TAC noted that rating the roads
requires a lot of data and can be controversial. The ratings would
have to be defined. Jeff Tennyson noted that A/GFTC would have to
be cautious about avid bicycle groups pushing for funds to improve
roads based on the ratings given. It was also noted that preserving
the distinction between a map and a guide is important. Aaron has
told bicycle advocacy groups before that if they get a municipality to
designate a road as a bicycle route then it would be put on the map
as such.
6) WWIDA Shovel Ready Certification – Aaron reported that the
WWIDA has requested A/GFTC’s help with obtaining shovel ready
certification by satisfying the need for a traffic evaluation. A/GFTC’s
software for this kind of evaluation is currently out of date and
would cost $1,250 to purchase/update. CME gave a cost estimate of
$2,500 for a traffic evaluation. Mary Anne reported that Rob Cherry
did review CME’s scope and besides a few issues it would be
adequate. Mike Valentine felt it was reasonable to ask the WWIDA
to pay for the cost of CME to conduct the traffic evaluation in full.
Tori Riley agreed. Aaron will inform the IDA of the TAC’s decision.

6. TIP
A. Project Updates
1) Warren County – Jeff Tennyson reported that Tannery Bridge in
Stony Creek will be open soon. Construction has started on the Milton
St. Bridge in Warrensburg. The box beams are being set for the Alder
Brook Bridge in Chestertown. Corinth Rd. is still in the utility phase. A
thin overlay will be put down for traffic over the winter. Responsding to
an inquiry from Scott Sopczyk, Jeff will check to see if the Media Drive
intersection will be done before winter. Harrington Road just received
federal authorization. A winter bid and spring construction start are
anticipated. A mid- to late summer bid for a fall construction schedule
is anticipated for Beach Rd in order to avoid construction during peak
summer traffic. A public meeting will be held for this project on October
th at 6:30 PM at the Town of Lake George town hall. Jeff also
reported that the County’s current salvage policy (working salvage for
steel, cut stone etc into bids) has allowed them to save costs on
temporary bridges, culverts, bank stabilization other projects where
they can reuse the salvaged materials. He encouraged others to look
into similar policies.

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2) Washington County – Dick Wilson reported that he is still trying to
get up to speed on all the projects. He is aware that the railroad bridge
project in Whitehall is on a tight schedule, but plans to be done on
time. They have one more bridge deck to pour. The County is currently
trying to finish up projects. Aaron reported that Dewey’s Bridge over
the Champlain Canal is county owned and action does need to be taken
on it or the federal aid eligibility will expire. The County is not
interested in replacing it with another truss bridge. Aaron has asked
FHWA if the County can use federal funds to demolish it if it is not to be
replaced. Aaron also reported that he is working with DOT to address
the shortfall of funds for County Route 68 over Little White Creek due
to a technical issue with the STIP.
3) Saratoga County – Mike Valentine asked about the status of the
Route 9 project at Exit 17 and of the Route 9N bridge replacement over
the Hudson River in Hadley/Luzerne. Mary Anne Mariotti reported that
the Route 9 project was let in May 2010 and that the Route 9N bridge
replacement will be let January 2011. She will check on the status and
timing for both.
4) NYSDOT – Mary Anne Mariotti reported that Bob Hansen is officially
retired. Mary Anne’s group has lost 4 people to early retirement and the
entire DOT Region has lost 70 people. The two I-87 bridges will be done
next year. The Route 372 bridge in Greenwich had a delay, but should
be done next year as well. There are still problems being reported with
trucks hitting the railroad bridge over the project. The I-87 resurfacing
is largely complete to Exit 20 and the rustic rail has been replaced up to
Exit 23. There is a settlement issue with vertical curve on Route 149 in
Warren County that will be corrected next Spring.

B. Amendments and Modifications
1) City of Glens Falls request to reprioritize projects (handout) – Aaron
reported that the City of Glens Falls has requested a TIP
amendment that would effectively add a project for Broad Street as
their top priority, switch Hudson Avenue to their second priority and
take Dix Avenue off of the TIP. Aaron reported that a public
comment period and subsequent Policy Committee approval would
be required. Questions arose about cost estimates, project
description and fund sources. Aaron noted that the fund source and
cost estimates would have to be the same in order to preserve fiscal
constraint. A motion was made to forward this TIP amendment
request on to the Policy Committee (and open it for public
comment) pending the City adequately answers the questions
raised by the TAC regarding funding estimates.


C. Make the Connection solicitation – Aaron reported that A/GFTC will send
out a solicitation for MTC projects soon. It is a $200,000 annual program
that is made available to the A/GFTC region. Projects must be municipally
sponsored. Jeff Tennyson asked if the construction of shoulders could be
included. Aaron would look into it and see if that was a fitting project. Jeff
also offered to share other ideas regarding improvement opportunities.
A/GFTC staff will follow up with Jeff prior to the new solicitation.

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7. Other Items – Mike Valentine asked about the status of Safe Routes to School.
Aaron noted that he was just on a conference call with DOT and the rest of the
MPOs in regards to the next SRTS and Transportation Enhancement Program
solicitations. There is currently one year of accrued funding for both programs.
SRTS would have only about $9 million available statewide and TEP would have
approximately $27 million available statewide.

8. Next meeting schedule and adjourn – Aaron reported that the next meeting will
be held sometime in January 2011. A Policy Committee meeting will be planned for
December. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 AM.