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Transportation Improvement Program 2014-2018

Adirondack  /  Glens  Falls
Transportation  Council

2014 – 2018
Transportation  Improvement Program



Mitchell  C.  Suprenant,  Chair     Supervisor, Town  of  Fort  Edward
Ralph  W.  Bentley,  Vice ‐Chair      Supervisor, Town  of  Horicon
Sam  Zhou,  Secretary     Regional  Director, NYSDOT  Region  1
John  E.  Barton     Mayor,  Village of  Hudson  Falls
Robert  M.  Blais    Mayor,  Village of  Lake  George
Dennis  Dickinson     Supervisor,  Town  of  Lake  George

Jack  Diamond     Mayor,  City of  Glens  Falls
Keith  Donohue     Mayor,  Village of  South  Glens  Falls
Kevin  Geraghty     Chairman,  Warren  County  Board  of  Supervisors
Alan  Grattidge     Chairman,  Saratoga  County  Board  of  Supervisors
Preston  L.  Jenkins,  Jr.    Supervisor,  Town  of  Moreau
John  LaPointe     Chairman,  LC/LG  Regional  Planning Board
James  T.  Lindsay     Supervisor,  Town  of  Kings bur

Michael  Loftus     Director,  Albany  Div.  NYS  Thruway  Authority
Ron  Montesi      Supervisor,  Town  of  Queensbury
John  Rymph      Chairman,  Washington  County  Board  of  Supervisors
Robert  Shay      Supervisor,  Town  of  White  Creek
Matthew  Traver     Mayor,  Village of  Fort  Edward

Technical  Advisory  Committee
Mike Valentine,  Chair     Saratoga  County Planning  Board
Brain  Abare      Superintendent,  Village  of  South  Glens  Falls DPW
Stuart  Baker      Senior  Planner, Town  of  Queensbury
Edward  Bartholomew,  Jr.     Community and  Econ.  Dev.  Director,  City  of  Glens  Falls
Frank  Bonafide     RPPM,  NYSDOT  R1
Brian  Brockway     Superintendent  of  Highways,  Town  of  Fort  Edward
Robert  Cherry     Director  of  Pla nnin

Trace  Conlon      Trustee,  Village  of  Fort  Edward
Michael  Fiorillo     Superintendent  of  Public  Works,  Village  of  Hudson  Falls
David  Harrington     Superintendent  of  Public  Works,  Village  of  Lake  George
Daniel  Hurley    Councilman,  Town  of  Lake  George
Preston  L.  Jenkins  Jr    Supervisor,  Town  of  Moreau
Wayne  LaMothe     Director,  Warren County Planning Department
James  T.  Lindsay     Supervisor,  Town  of  Kingsbury
Scott  Sopczyk     Director,  Greater  Glens  Falls  Transit
Steven  Sweeney     Division  Canal  Engineer,  NYS  Canal  Corporation
Jeffery  Tennyson     Superintendent,  Warren  County DPW
Richard  Wilson     Superintendent,  Washington  County  DPW
Walter  Young     Executive  Director,  LC/LG  Regional  Planning  Board

Advisory  Members
William Baker     Chief  of  Air  Program  Branch,  US  EPA
Chuck  Rappazzo    Passenger  Transport Division,  NYSDOT
Leah  Flax      Community  Planner,  FTA
Chirs  Gatchell    Acting  Division  Administrator,  FHWA
Brigid  Hynes ‐Cherin    Regional  Administrator, FTA  Region  II
Joseph  Ritchey    Commissioner  –  Saratoga  County  DPW
Janine  Simonsen     Director,  NYSDOT  Statewide  Planning  Section

A/GFTC  Staff
Monika  Bulman     Administrative  Assistant
Aaron  Frankenfeld     Director
Kate  Mance      Senior  Transportation Planner


of the  Adirondack  /  Glens  Falls  Transportation  Council

The  Adirondack  /  Glens  Falls  Transportation  Council  (A/GFTC)  is  the  Metropolitan  Planning
Organization  (MPO)  designated  by  the  Governor  of  the  State  of  New  York  for  Warren  and
Washington  Counties  and the Town  of
Moreau  in  Saratoga  County.  It  has  the
responsibility  of  developing  and  maintaining
both  a  Regional  Transportation  Plan  and  a Transportation  Improvement  Program  for
the  area’s  federal  aid eligible  highway  and public  transit  facilities.

The  Council  was  established  in  1982  when
the  population  of  the  Glens  Falls  urbanized
area  exceeded  50,000  as  determined  by  the
1980  Census.   At that  time  the  geographic
area  for  transportation  planning  was  limited
to  the  Census‐ defined  urbanized  area, and
the  original  name  of  the  organization  was  the
Glens  Falls  Urban  Area  Transportation
Council.  In  1993,  the  Council  voted  to
expand  its  coverage  to  include  the  rural
areas  of  Warren  and

Washington  Counties
and  the entire  town  of Moreau  in  Saratoga
County,  as  shown  in  the  map  at  right.  The
official  name  of  the  Council  was  later
formally  chan

ged  to  the  Adirondack  /  Glens
Falls  Transportation  Council  to  reflect  that

A/GFTC  consists  of two  principal  working  groups  –  the  Policy  Committee  and  the Technical
Advisory  Committee.  The  Policy  Committee  is  responsible  for  reviewing  and  approving  all
planning  undertaken  by  the  Council  and

its  staff.   This  committee’s  membership  includes  the
Chairmen  of  the  Boards  of  Supervisors  of  Saratoga,  Warren,  and  Washington  Counties,  the  chief
elected  officials  from  all  urban  area cities,  towns  and villages  (Glens  Falls, Queensbury,  Moreau,
Kingsbury,  South  Glens  Falls,  Hudson  Falls,  Lake  George  and  Fort Edward),  the  Chairman  of the
Lake  Champlain‐ Lake George  Regional  Planning  Board,

the  Regional  Director  from  Region  One
of  the  New  York  State  Department  of Transportation  and  a the  Albany  Division  Director  of  the
New  York  State  Thruway  Authority.  In  addition,  Warren  and  Washington  Counties  each appoint
one  Town  Supervisor  from  outside  of  the  Glens  Falls
Urban  Area  to  act  as  rural  representatives.
The  Federal  Highway  Administration,  the Federal  Transit  Administration,  the  U.S.
Environmental  Protection  Agency,  and  Greater  Glens  Falls  Transit  also  provide  representation
to  the  A/GFTC  Policy  Committee  in  an  Advisory  Member  capacity.

Policy  Committee  members  also  designate  a  representative  to  sit  on  the  A/GFTC  Technical
Advisory  Committee  (TAC).  TAC  members  assume  an  activ

e role  in  the  development  of plans
and  programs  dealing  with local transportation  issues  and  addressing  current and potential
problems  with  the state  and  local  highway  network  and the operation  of  the  area’s  transit
service.  Through  the  intergovernmental  forum of  A/GFTC  and  its Technical  Advisory  Committee,
local  and  regional  transportation  issues  are  discussed  and  transportation  policies  and programs


developed.   The result  of  these  planning  activities  is  documented  in  the  A/GFTC  Long  Range
Plan  and  in this  Transportation  Improvement  Program.

Transportation  Improvement  Program

The  Transportation  Improvement  Program  is a  five ‐year  capital  improvement  program that
allocates  federal  highway  and  transit  funds to  surface  transportation  projects  that  have  been
selected  through  the  MPO  process.  Inclusion  of  a  project  in  this  document  allows  specific
project  development,  design and  construction  activities  to  proceed  using  federal  funds
according  to  the  defined  schedule.  The  TIP  provid

es  information  regarding  federal  funding
assistance  and  project  costs  for  the  2013 ‐2018  time  period.  A/GFTC  typically  updates  the  TIP
every  two  years  to  maintain  a  current  list of  projects  and  to reflect  its  Long  Range
Transportation  Plan  (LRP)  for the  area.  The  LRP  is  a  dynamic  planning  tool  that  integrates  short ‐
term  operational  concerns  with longer ‐term  system  capacity  and

maintenance  issues  for  the

Projects  that  appear  in the  first  four years  of  the  program  are incorporated  into  the  Statewide
Transportation  Improvement  Program  (STIP) and  generally  have  first  priority  for  funding.
Projects  that  appear  in later  years  may  be  advanc
ed if  changes  in  the  first  four years  of  the
programming  of  listed  projects  so that  resources  are  reasonably  available  to  implement  the

Programming  Instruction

The  New  York  State  Department  of Transportation,  as  the  direct  recipient  for  federal
transportation  funds,  has  considerable  latitude  in  the  distribution  of  funds  and  formulation  of
programming  strategies.  Noting  that transportation  funding  needs  far  outweigh  funding
resources,  NYSDOT issued  capital  programming  instructions for  TIPs  and  the STIP  to  all  NYS
MPOs  in  September  2012. The  2013  TIP/STIP  Up
date will  be  the  first  update  cycle  that  will
reflect  the  State’s  “forward  four”  guiding  principles;

 Preservation  first  ‐ preserve  the  functionality  of  the  existing  transportation  system
through  prioritization  of  preventative  maintenance  and  corrective  repairs
 System  not  projects  ‐ consideration  of  how  a  particular  infrastructure  ass
et relates  to
the  larger  transportation  system  as  a  whole
 Maximize  return on  investments  ‐ identification  of  timely,  cost  effective  treatments
that  are  designed  to  maximize  the  useful  life  of  the  particular  asset
 Make  it  sustainable  ‐ cost ‐effective  investments  that promote  economic
competitiveness,  social  equity,  and  environmental  stewardship

This  programming  strategy  constitutes

a  fundamental  shift  from  prior  A/GFTC  TIPs.  Previous
capital  program  rosters typically  contained larger  and  more  costly  system  renewal  and
replacement  projects  that  were  generally  beyond  the scope  of  what  a  sponsoring  municipality
could  reasonably  achieve  without  outside  technical or  capital  assistance.  While  a  small  number
of  capital  renewal  projects are  retaine
d within  this  program,  the  programming  focus has shifted
to  preservation  projects  that  are  designed  to  prevent  infrastructure  that  is  presently  in  fair  to
good  condition  from  deteriorating  into  poor  condition  and  thus becoming  much more  costly to
repair  or  replace.  The  expectation  of this  strategy  is  that  it  will  allow  municipalities  to  maintain
a  greater  percentage  of  transportation  infrastructure  in

fair  to  good  condition  at  a  lower  cost.
Anticipated  consequences  of  such  a  strategy  are  a  near‐ term decline  in  overall  infrastructure


as  work  is  advanced  to  stabilize  the  system  as  well  as  the  continued  deterioration  of
that  infrastructure  that  is  already  in  poor  condition.

How  Projects  Are  Selected  for  Funding

Prior  to  the  programming  of  any  new  projects  for  this  update,  projects  with  existing
commitments  from  the  2010 ‐2015  TIP  were  reviewed  and  updated.  Some projects  required
rescheduling  and  others  needed  cost  revisions.  Most location ‐specific  projects  included  in  this
update  are  projects  that  have  been  advanced  from  the  prior  TIP.

Several  factors

have  resulted  in  reduced  programming  capacity  for  capital  projects  in
comparison  to  previous  TIPs. Revised  federal  program  eligibility  has  significantly  reduced  the
amount  of  available  capital  that  is  available  for  bridge  repair  and replacements,  particularly for
structures  that  carry  or cross  roadways  that  are  not eligible  for  federal  aid  by virtue  of  their

ive  Functional  Classification.  In  addition,  the  State  of  New  York  has  set  aside  30%  of
certain  transportation  funding  sources  for  competitive  statewide  solicitations,  emergencies,
and  NYSDOT  Commissioner  initiatives. Finally,  the  programming  instructions  issued  by  NYSDOT
were  accompanied  by a  preservation  target  that  mandated  a  certain  percentage  of  the  regional
capital  program  from FFY  2014 ‐15  thro

ugh  FFY  2017 ‐18   be  dedicated  towards preservation
projects.  For  these  reasons,  a  formal  solicitation  for  new  TIP  projects  from  area  municipalities
and  other  eligible  project  sponsors  was  not  conducted  for the  2014 ‐18  TIP  update.  While
adjusting  the  program  to reflect  chan
ges in  costs  and  schedules,  a  concerted  effort  was  made
to  maintain  funding  allocations  within this  TIP  in  accordance  with  fiscal  constraints.

Project  needs  that  exceed  present  resources  have  been  identified  as  “illustrative”  projects.
These  projects  were  proposed  for  the  current  or  previous  TIP periods  and have  been
considered  by  A/GFTC  and  endorsed  as  being  valuable  investments  in  the  transportation
system,   but financial  constraints,

regulatory  limitations and  programming  strategy  required
that  those  projects  be  delayed  until  adequate  funding  or  programming  capacity  becomes
available.  Should  additional  resources  become  available,  these  projects  could  be  considered  as
candidates  for programming  provided that  fiscal  constraint  is  preserved  within  the  overall

Amending  the  Transportation  Improvement  Pr


This  Transportation  Improvement  Program  is a  staged,  multi ‐year  program  of  transportation
improvement  projects developed  through  a  cooperative  planning  process  by  A/GFTC  and
federal,  state,  regional  and local  participants.  Projects  are  reviewed  and  evaluated  by the
Technical  Advisory  Committee  (TAC)  and  recommended  for  adoption  by  the  Policy  Committee.
The  adopted  TIP must  be  fiscally  constrained  to  the  federal  transportation  funds  that  are

projected  to  be  available  in  each  year  of the  program.  Changes  to  the  TIP  Table  of  Projects
(including  scope,  year  of  work,  cost  or  addition  of  new  projects)  require  the  review  and
approval  of  the  TAC  and/or  the  Policy  Committee  depending  on  the  nature  of  the  amendment
(specific  procedural

requirements  are  shown  on  the  following  page).  Minor  changes  may  be
approved  by  the  TAC.  More  significant  changes  require  approval  by  the  Policy  Committee.




Funding  Categories

The  following  abbreviations  have  been  used  to  describe  various project  funding  sources.  All
projects  funded  with  Federal  Highway  Administration  and  Federal  Transit Administration  funds
are  required  to  be  listed  in an  approved  TIP  and  STIP.  Certain  non ‐federally  funded
transportation  ‐ related  projects  may  also be listed  within  the  TIP  for  informational  purposes.

Federal  Funding  Categories  & Abbreviations

HSIP  ‐   Highway Safety Improvement  Program:  funding  for  projects  designed  to  achieve
significant  reductions  in traffic  fatalities  and  serious  injuries on  all  public  roads

NHPP‐  National Highway  Performance  Program:  funding  for  projects  that  support
progress  toward achievement  of  national  performance  goals  for  improving
infrastructure  condition,  safety,  mobility,  or  freight  movement  on the  National
Highway  Syst

em,  consistent  with  Metropolitan  and  Statewide  planning
requirements.  Program  combines  the  following  former  programs:  Interstate
Maintenance,  National  Highway  System,  and  Highway  Bridge Program.

STP  Flex  –    Surface  Transportation  Program  (flexible):  funding  for  road  and  bridge  projects
along  any federal ‐aid  eligible  roadway.  A  portion  of  STP  funds  is  eligible  for
transfer  to  transit  capital  purposes  when warranted.


Off   Surface  Transportation  Program  (Off  System  Bridge):  funding  for  repair
Sys.  Br.   or replacement  for  structures  that  are  not  components  of the  federal  aid eligible
highway  network

5307 –    Urbanized  area  formula  grant  program.  Annual  apportionments  made  to
designated  urbanized  areas with  a population  of  50,000+.  Eligible  to  be  used  for
capital  purchases  and/or  to defray  transit  operating  expenses.  Includes  program
eligibility  from former  FTA  5316  (Job  Access  and  Reverse  Commute).
5310  ‐ Transportation  for  Elderly  Persons  and  Persons  with  Disabilities.  Includes

program  eligibility from  former  FTA  5317  (New  Freedoms).
5339  ‐   Bus and  Bus Facilities
5340  ‐    Growing States and  High  Density  States  Formula  Program

Enhancement  –   Special  category  of  federal  STP  funds  available  on  a  competitive  basis  for  a variety  of
projects  that  enhance  the overall  transportation  system.
SDF  (New  York  State  Dedicated  Fund)  ‐  Category  of  New  York State  funds  provided  for  transportation
projects.  A/GFTC  does  not  administer  SDF;  Projects  listed  solely  with  SDF funding  are for  info rmation

purposes  only.

Funding  Balance  and  Fiscal  Constraint

Federal  transportation  law,  MAP ‐21,  requires  that  each  MPO  TIP  be  balanced  and  fiscally
constrained  to  the  amount  of  federal  funds  that  are  reasonably  expected  to  be  available  over
the  TIP  period.  A/GFTC  is  included  in  NYSDOT  Region  1,  which  also includes  the Albany  Capital
District  and  Essex  and  Greene  Counties.  This  document  has  been  prepared  in
consultation  with
Region  1  staff  to determine  expected  funding availability.  Data  listed  in this  TIP  will  be  used  in
the  development  of the  Region’s  program  and the Statewide  TIP  (STIP),  which is  also  required


be  balanced  and  fiscally  constrained.   A fiscal  constraint  table  is  provided  at  the  end  of  this
document  ( Appendix  A ) that  demonstrates  that  programming  proposed  by  this  TIP  is  within
suballocated  funding  shares  as  agreed  upon  by  NYSDOT  and  A/GFTC.

Air  Quality  Impacts  of  the  TIP

The  A/GFTC  Planning  and  Programming  Area  includes  Warren  County  and  Washington  County
and  the Town  of  Moreau  in  Saratoga  County.  Warren  and  Washington  Counties  are  designated
as  attainment  areas  for  air  quality  standards  by the  US  Environmental  Protection  Agency.
Saratoga  County  (including  the  Town  of  Moreau),  as  part  of  the  Albany ‐Schenectady ‐Troy  area
had  been  designated  as  a  marginal  non‐attainment  area  for  ozone  prior  to  July  2012.  The
Capital  District  Transportation  Committee  (CDTC)  planning  area  borders  A/GFTC  and  carries  out
conformity  testing  for all  of  Saratoga  County  in  cooperation  with  A/GFTC  and  its TIP.  In  July  of
2012,  the  United  States  Environmental  Protection  Agency  revoked  the  Transportation
Conformity  requiremen

ts for  1997  8 ‐Hour  Ozone  National  Ambient  Air  Quality  Standards
(NAAQS).  The  Albany ‐Schenectady ‐Troy  area  is  air  quality  attainment  for  the  2008  8 ‐Hour
Ozone  NAAQS.  For  those  reasons,  an   Air  Quality  Conformity  Determination  is  not  required  for
this  2014 ‐18  Transportati
on Improvement  Program.

Community  Participation

Public  involvement  and  consensus  are  important  and  ongoing  elements  of  the  A/GFTC  planning
process.  The  A/GFTC  planning  process  strives  to  be  all ‐inclusive  of  area  community
transportation  interests.  Beyond  the representation included  in  its Technical  Advisory  and
Policy  Committees,  A/GFTC  seeks  additional  public  input  through  a  variety  of  media  that
include  attendance  at  area  community  expositions  and  fairs,  regular  cont
act with  area print  and
radio  media,  wide  distribution  of  documents  and  plans  as they  are developed,  and  opinion
surveys  and  direct  mailings.  Extensive  public  outreach  is  being  conducted  as part  of  the  ongoing
Long  Range  Plan  update  process.  Feedback  received  during  that process  affirms  that  the  project
priorities  programmed  in  this  document  as  being  current  and relevant.


on  Project  Listings:

 Project  amounts  are shown  in $M  (ex:  9.375  =  $9,375,000).  Unless  otherwise  noted,
those  amounts  represent  the  total  cost  of  the  project  inclusive  of  all  applicable  local,
State  and  Federal  shares.

 Projects  listed  in the  Obligated  column  may be  subject  to rolling  over  or  being  carried
forward  into  the  2013 ‐14  through  2017 ‐18  program  years.  Those  projects  may  be  given
priority  over  other  listed

projects  not  yet  initiated.  This may  require  that  other  project
schedules  be  adjusted  as  necessary  to preserve  fiscal  constraint  and  achieve  the
regional  preservation  target  throughout  the  program.

 Project  amounts  were developed  in  Year  2013 dollars.  The  attached  tables  reflect  Year

of  Expenditure  (YoE)  adjustments  as recommended  by  NYSDOT.  Inflation  factors  were
applied  to  subsequent  programming  years  as  follows:
2013‐14    + 3.5%
2014 ‐15    + 3.0%
2015 ‐16    + 3.0%
2016 ‐17    + 3.5%
2017 ‐18    + 3.0%

 Total  federal  funding for  specific  projects  to  be  obligated  before  October  1,  2018  is
$91,319,000.  That  total  represents  an  initial  programmed  amount  that  is  only  76.7%  of
the  previous  A/GFTC 5 ‐year  program,  and

the  smallest  5 ‐year  program  since before
1991.  While  the  current  program  has been  reviewed  and  approved  by  A/GFTC,  no
endorsement  is given  that  this  programming  level  is  in

any  way  an  adequate  sum  to
meaningfully  address  the  mounting  transportation  infrastructure  needs  that  face  the

 The  first  year of  this  program  (FFY 13‐ 14) does  not  count  against  meeting  regional
preservation  targets.  Those  targets  are  in effect  from  FFY14 ‐15  onward.  FFY  13 ‐14  is
largely  devoted  to  execut

ing  project  commitments  from  prior  program  years.

 The  TIP  is  also  viewable   online in  two  interactive  formats:
o The  A/GFTC  website  features  a  map ‐based  project  viewer  that  shows  the
location,  costs,  programming  status and photographs of  individual  projects:

o NYSDOT  hosts  the  electronic  version  of the  Statewide  Transportation
Improvement  Program  at: ‐project ‐rpt


Highway  and Bridge Projects

Capital Projects  ‐ Highway  and Bridge Reconstruction  or Major Rehabilitation
Design and ROW phases
Saratoga  County and Warren  County Construction
/ Inspection
TIP # Project Fund
Source Obligated 5  yr fed $M Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Beyond  Year 5
PIN 2013
‐2014 2014 ‐2015 2015‐2016 2016 ‐2017 2017‐2018 Post ‐TIP
SAR 114U.S. Route 9 Safety Improvements HSIP
104338 Safety project ‐ Feeder Dam / William  St intersection to NYS 32
and River Street  to 5th Street
Village  of South  Glens Falls  / Town of Moreau
Lead Agency: NYSDOT
SAR 115 Route 9 over  Interstate  87 NHPP
4.7510.213 0.1634.375
104342 Bridge Rehabilitation
Town of Moreau
Lead Agency: NYSDOT
WAR  100 Middleton  Bridge over  the Schroon  River STP FLEX
0.000 3.314
175527 Bridge

Replacement on new alignment
Town of Bolton  / Town of Warrensburg
Lead Agency: Warren County
WAR  112 Beach Road  Reconstruction  Phase I (County ‐owned section) STP FLEX
175728 Reconstruction  to correct deficient pavement / drainage
Town / Village  of Lake George
Lead Agency: Warren  County
WAR  130 I‐87 over County  Route 10 and  the Schroon  River I‐M
Bridge Replacement
Town of Bolton  / Town of Warrensburg
Lead Agency: NYSDOT
WAR  131 I‐87 over Route  9 / Pottersville I‐M
172204 Bridge Replacement State Bond
Town of Chester SDF
Lead Agency: NYSDOT
WAR  134 NYS 28N over  the Upper Hudson  Railroad STP FLEX
122316 Bridge Rehabilitation
Town of Johnsburg
Lead Agency: NYSDOT
WAR  146 Aviation  Road  / Dixon Road  / Farr Lane Int.  Improvements STP FLEX
1.595 1.595
175906 Intersection

Reconstruction  to Correct Congestion  / Safety Issues
Town of Queensbury
Lead Agency: Town of Queensbury
TOTAL 6.346 1.595 0.213 0.163 4.375 0.000 3.314

Capital Projects  ‐ Highway  and Bridge Reconstruction  or Major Rehabilitation
Design and ROW phases
Warren  County Construction
/ Inspection
Project Fund Source Obligated 5  yr fed $M Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Beyond  Year 5
PIN 2013‐2014 2014 ‐2015 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 Post ‐TIP
WAR 147 Hudson  Avenue Rehabilitation
3.331 0.040 3.291
175907 Pavement Rehabilitation  / Bike‐Ped Improvements  / Road Diet
City  of Glens Falls,  Glen Street to Broad Street
Lead Agency:  City of Glens Falls
WAR  148 Hicks Road  (CR 52) Reconstruction
STP FLEX3.0210.000
175908 Pavement Reconstruction
Town of Queensbury,  Ridge Road (NYS 9L) to Queensbury Ave.
Lead Agency:  Warren County
WAR  150 Lanfear Road  (CR 76) over Stony  Creek  Bridge Repairs
STP Off Sys. Br.0.250 0.000
Element‐specific  repairs
Town of Stony  Creek
Lead Agency:  Warren County
WAR  151 Crane Mountain  Road over Mill Creek
STP Off Sys. Br.1.713 0.000
175911 Bridge Replacement
Town of Johnsburg
Lead Agency:  Warren County
WAR  152 Valley Road (CR 36)  over Patterson  Creek
STP Off Sys. Br. 1.878 0.092
175912 Bridge Replacement
Town of Thurman
Lead Agency:  Warren County
WAR  153 Blair Road  over Mill Brook
STP Off Sys. Br.0.228

175913Bridge Replacement
Town of Horicon
Lead Agency:  Warren County
WAR  154 Palisades  Road (CR 26)  over Brant  Lake Inlet
STP Off Sys. Br. 0.255 0.255 2.700
175928 Element‐specific  repairs(scour abatement)
Town of Horicon
Lead Agency:  Warren County
WAR  155 Beach Road  Reconstruction  Phase II (State‐owned  section)
STP FLEX5.0000.000
175935 Reconstruction  to correct deficient pavement  / drainage
Town of Lake George
Lead Agency:  NYSDOT
WAR  156 Broad Street Reconstruction
STP FLEX3.0200.000
Reconstruction  to correct deficient pavement  / sidewalks
Hudson  Avenue  to South  Street, City of Glens Falls
WAR  159 Lake George  Complete Streets Project  ‐ Route 9
175969 Implementation  of Complete Streets  Concepts
D. of State 0.200
Town of Lake George
WAR  160 Lake George  Gateway Improvements ‐ Route  9
STP FLEX9.997 0.900
175967Access Management,  Bike‐Ped Improvements
STP FLEX 0.270
NHPP  (STEP) 8.198
Lead Agency:  Town of Lake George
EFC / GIGP 0.629
WAR  161 Town of Warrensburg  Sidewalk Improvements
Various  Locations
Lead Agency:  Town of Warrensburg
WAR  162 Route 9 over  Trout Brook  ‐ Bridge Replacement
STP FLEX2.340 2.340
Town of Chester
Lead Agency:  NYSDOT
TOTAL 20.783 1.444 16.999 2.340 0.000 0.000 2.700

Capital Projects  ‐ Highway  and Bridge Reconstruction  or  Rehabilitation
Design and ROW phases
Washington  County Construction
/ Inspection
TIP # Project Fund
Source Obligated 5  yr fed $M Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Beyond  Year 5
PIN 2013‐2014 2014 ‐2015 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 Post ‐TIP
WAS 38Route 4 Reconstruction,  Phase II NHS
108961 Pavement reconstruction, sidewalks, curbs, water/sewer SDF
/ BOND 0.650
Village  of Hudson  Falls
Lead Agency:  NYSDOT
WAS 100 County Route 12 over  the Mettawee ‐ Bridge Replacement STP Off Sys.
Br.4.083 0.000
175518 Lower Turnpike  over the Mettawee ‐ Bridge Rehabilitation
Town of Granville
Lead Agency:  Washington County
WAS 101 County Route  113 over  Batten  Kill STP FLEX
0.709 0.039
175532 Bridge replacement
Town of Greenwich,  Town of Easton
Lead Agency:  Washington County
WAS 104 County Route 61 over  Batten Kill (Buffum’s Bridge) STP Off Sys.
Br.2.097 0.000
175522 Bridge replacement
Town of Salem, Town of Jackson
Lead Agency:  Washington County
WAS 106 County Route 16 over  Halfway  Brook STP
FLEX 0.346
175514 Bridge replacement
Town of Fort AnnTown o
f Fort
Lead Agency:  Washington County
WAS 118 Dewey’s Bridge over  the Champlain  Canal STP Off Sys.
Br.0.281 0.000
175526 Bridge replacement,  repair or abandonment
Town of Fort Ann
Lead Agency:  Washington County
WAS 126 County Route 10 over  the Poultney  River STP Off Sys.
Br. 0.150 0.150
175725 Bridge replacement 0.606
(Cost  shown = 1/2;  project costs shared with State  of Vermont)
Town of Whitehall
Lead Agency:  State of Vermont
WAS 128 NYS Route  196 over  the Feeder  Canal STP FLEX

102407 Bridge replacement  or rehabilitation 2.511
Village  of Hudson  Falls
Lead Agency:  NYSDOT
TOTAL 11.079 4.766 0.859 0.039 5.415 0.000 0.606

Capital Projects  ‐ Highway  and Bridge Reconstruction  or Major Rehabilitation
Design and ROW phases
Washington  County Construction
/ Inspection
TIP # Project Fund
Source Obligated 5  yr fed $M Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Beyond  Year 5
PIN 2013
WAS 130 NYS Route  197 over  the Hudson  River (west branch) NHPP3.4720.000
102509 Bridge rehabilitation
Town of Moreau,  Village of Fort Edward
Lead Agency:  NYSDOT
WAS 134 U.S. Route 4 over the Champlain  Canal NHPP5.9805.980
194123 Bridge replacement  or rehabilitation
Village  of Whitehall
Lead Agency:  NYSDOT
WAS 136 County Route 12 / Hatch  Hill Road HSIP0.0870.000
175879 Safety Improvements
Town of Granville
Lead Agency:  Washington County
WAS 138 Town of Putnam  Rail Crossing Upgrade
0.340 0.000
193321 Installation  of At‐Grade  Rail Crossing  Equipment
Town of Putnam
Lead Agency:  NYSDOT
WAS 143 Kid Power  & School  Access Project
0.488 0.488
Install  sidewalks, ramps, signsat  various locations
Purchase safety equipment and develop educational   materialsLead Agency: Village of Fort Edward
WAS 150 CP Rail / NYS 149 Rail  Crossing Upgrade
0.275 0.015
193329 Upgrade of At‐Grade  Rail Crossing  Equipment 0.260
Town of Kingsbury
Lead Agency:  NYSDOT
TOTAL 6.743 6.468 0.015 0.260 0.000 0.000 0.000

Regional Setasides
Design and  ROW phases
Construction  / Inspection
Project Fund Source Obligated 5 yr fed $M Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Beyond Year 5
PIN 2013‐201
REG 15 Durable Pavement  Markings 5 (State Highway  System) STP FLEX
180940 Lead Agency: NYSDOT NHPP
REG 15 Durable Pavement  Markings 6 (State Highway  System) STP FLEX
181001 Lead Agency: NYSDOT NHPP
REG 15 Durable Pavement  Markings 7 (State Highway  System) STP FLEX
0.075 0.025
181005 Lead Agency: NYSDOT NHPP
REG 15 Durable Pavement  Markings 8 (State Highway  System) STP FLEX
0.075 0.025
181010 Lead Agency: NYSDOT NHPP
REG 15 Durable

Markings  9 (State Highway  System) STP FLEX
0.075 0.025
181015 Lead Agency: NYSDOT NHPP
REG 16 Bridge Inspection  (State Forces) STP Off Sys.
Br. 1.406
Lead Agency: NYSDOT NHPP
1B1401 0.281
1B1501 0.281
1B1601 0.281
1B1701 0.281
1B1801 0.281
REG 22 Bridge Inspection  (Consultant) STP Off Sys.
Br. 1.563
Lead Agency: NYSDOT NHPP
1B1402 0.313
1B1502 0.313
1B1602 0.313
1B1702 0.313
1B1802 0.313
REG 110 Bridge
Preservation STP

Lead Agency: NYSDOT
180882 Bridge Preservation  5 1.875
180883 Bridge Preservation  6 2.813
180898 Bridge Preservation  7 1.875180957
Bridge Preservation 8
1 875
REG 117 Pavement Maintenance
180942 Lead Agency: NYSDOT
REG 117 Pavement Maintenance  15A NHPP
180947 Lead Agency: NYSDOT
REG 117 Pavement Maintenance  15B STP FLEX
180915 Lead Agency: NYSDOT
REG 117 Pavement Maintenance  16A NHPP
1.125 1.125
181002 Lead Agency: NYSDOT
REG 117 Pavement Maintenance  16B STP FLEX
1.125 1.125
181002 Lead Agency: NYSDOT
REG 117 Pavement Maintenance  17A NHPP
1.406 1.406
181007 Lead Agency:  NYSDOT
REG 117 Pavement

Maintenance  17B STP FLEX
1.406 1.406
180967 Lead Agency: NYSDOT
REG 117 Pavement Maintenance  18A NHPP
1.406 1.406
181012 Lead Agency: NYSDOT
REG 118 ADA Compliance STP FLEX
Lead Agency: NYSDOT
180803 ADA Compliance  15 0.156
180804 ADA Compliance  16 0.156
180906 ADA Compliance  17 0.156
180907 ADA Compliance  18 0.156
22.625 1.888 5.231 5.888 4.106 5.513 0.000

Regional Setasides / Preservation Program
Design and ROW phases
Construction / Inspection
TIP # Project Fund Sourc
Obligated 5 yr fed $M Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Beyond Year 5
PIN 2013‐201
REG 120 Local Pavement Preservation
STP FLEX3.672 0.176 0.000 0.000 0.169
Lead Agency: Local Municipalities 0.000 0.000 1.639 1.688
1TO427 Projects to be award through competitive solicitation
REG 121 Local Bridge Preservation STP FLEX5.221 0.000 0.035 0.16
Lead Agency: Local Municipalities STP FLEX0.000 1.526 1.639 1.688
Projects to be award through competitive solicitation STP Off Sys. Br.0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
1TO428 STP Off Sys. Br.0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
REG 102 Short‐Term Accident Reduction Program HSIP3.3190.000 1.261 0.686 0.686 0.686
180752 Projects to be award through competitive solicitation
SAR 120 CR 27 Bridge (3368290) over the Hudson River  STP Off Sys. Br.0.660 0.025
175972 Bridge painting and associated repairs
Town of Moreau / Village of Hudson Falls
Lead Agency: Saratoga County
SAR 121 CR 24 Pavement Preservation Project STP Flex0.812 0.056
175973 US Route 9 to Potter Road, Town of Moreau
Lead Agency: Saratoga County
SAR 122 Town of Moreau Pavement Preservation Projects STP Flex0.000
176012 Reservoir Road and Feeder Dam Road, Town of Moreau
Lead Agency: Town of Moreau
SAR 123 CR 31 Pavement Preservation Project STP Flex0.000 0.057
US Route 9 south to 1.3 miles, Town of Moreau 0.733
Lead Agency: Saratoga County
WAR 170 CR 44 (BIN 3305330) over the Hudson River Bridge Painting STP Off Sys. Br.0.0700.070
Town of Lake Luzerne / Town of Hadley 1.079
Lead Agency: Warren County
WAR 171 Warren County Bridge Painting Project STP Off Sys. Br.0.970 0.057
176001 BIN 3305180 ‐ CR 31 over the Schroon, Chester
BIN 3305710 ‐ CR 13 over Patterson Brook, Thurman
Lead Agency: Warren County
WAR 172 Warren County Asbestos Abatement / Bridge Painting Project STP Off Sys. Br.0.000 0.055
176002 BIN 3305640 ‐ Denecker Road / Roaring Branch Brook, Stony Creek
BIN 3360330 ‐ CR 78 over 13th Lake Brook, Johnsburg
BIN 3305340 ‐ Hudson Street over Mill Creek, Johnsburg
Lead Agency: Warren County
WAR 173 Warren County Pavement Preservation Project STP Flex0.000 0.000
176003 CR 17, 79, and 52 ‐ Town of Queensbury
Lead Agency: Warren County
WAR 174 Bay Road Pavement Preservation Project STP Flex0.000 0.086
176019 CR 17 to Cronin Road ‐ Town of Queensbury
Lead Agency: Warren County
WAR 175 West Mountain Road Pavement Preservation Project STP Flex0.000
176018Aviation Road to Glen Court ‐ Town of Queensbury 0.749
Lead Agency: Warren County
WAS 145 Washington County Bridge Painting Project STP Flex1.10
176005 BIN 3306120 ‐ Lower Turnpike over the Mettawee, Granvill
BIN 3306710 ‐ Center Falls Road / Batten Kill, Greenwich / Jackson
Lead Agency: Washington County
WWS 100 Regional Bridge Preservation Analysis STP Flex0.065
181021 Lead Agency: A/GFTC
WAS 150 East Street Pavement Preservation Project STP Flex0.025
176007 Village of Fort Edward 0.333
Lead Agency: Village of Fort Edward
TOTAL 15.828 0.257 3.181 9.258 4.302 4.062 0.460


Illustrative  Highway  and  Bridge  Projects

The  following  projects  have  been  identified  as  desired  improvements  to the  transportation
system.  Currently,  insufficient  programming  capacity  exists  to  allow  for  the  inclusion  of  these
projects  within  the  TIP.  Cost  estimates  for  all  of  the  illustrative  projects  have  not  been
generated,  but  the  cumulative  total  cost  to  implement  these  improvements  would  easily
exceed  the  total  amount  of  funds  available  for  this  current


 U.S.  Route  9  /  NYS  149  / Exit  20  Congestion  Improvements

 NYS  149  geometric  improvements  (Fort Ann)

 U.S.  Route  4  /  NYS  32  Intersection  Improvements  (Kingsbury)

 Replacement  of functionally  obsolete  bridges:
o NYS  197  over  the  Hudson  River (Fort  Edward)
o U.S.  Route  4  over  the  Hudson  River (Greenwi ch)
o I‐ 87

over  Corinth  Road  (Exit  18)  (Queensbury)
o Baldwin  Corners  Road  over  the  Champlain  Canal  (Hartford)
o East  Street  over  the  Champlain  Canal  (Fort Edward)

 Other  bridge  replacements:
o NYS  Route  28  over  the  Hudson  River (Thurman)
o Route  67  over  Owl  Kill (White  Creek)
o Church  Street  over  the  Mettawee  (Granville)

  NYS  Route  32  improvements  (Queensbury / Kingsbury)

 Exit  18 reconfiguration


 Route  4  geometric  improvements  (Washington County)


Transit  Projects

Transit Projects
Design phasesConstruction / Purchase
TIP # Project Fund Source Obligated 5 yr fed $M Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Beyond Year 5
PIN 2013‐2014 2014‐2015 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 Post‐TIP
TR 102
Public Transportation Operating Assistance FTA 5307
1.7309.4601.782 1.835 1.890 1.947 2.006
AGFTC02Greater Glens Falls Transit
Federal Share of Listed Amount = 50%
TR 113 Replace 2 2013 Paratransit Buses FTA 5307 and
0.140 0.140
AGFT13Greater Glens Falls Transit FTA 5340
Federal Share of Listed Amount = 80%
TR 114 Mid‐life Rebuild ‐ 4 2009 Gillig Buses FTA 5307, 5339
AGFT14 Greater Glens Falls Transit and 5340
Federal Share of Listed Amount = 80%
TR 115 Facility Rehabilitation FTA 5307, 5339
0.200 0.100 0.100
AGFT15 Greater Glens Falls Transit and 5340
Federal Share of Listed Amount = 80%
TR 127 GGFT Preventative Maintenance FTA 5307
0.1000.5470.103 0.106 0.109 0.113 0.116
AGFT27 Greater Glens Falls Transit FTA 5340
Federal Share of Listed Amount = 80%
TR 128 Replace Four (4) 2008 Mini Buses FTA 5307 and
AGFT28 Greater Glens Falls Transit FTA 5340
Federal Share of Listed Amount = 80%
TR 130 Replace One (1) 2004 Trolley Bus FTA 5307, 5339
AGFT30 Greater Glens Falls Transit and 5340
Federal Share of Listed Amount = 80%
TR 131 Replace One (1) 2005 Trolley Bus FTA 5307, 5339
AGFT31 Greater Glens Falls Transit and 5340
Federal Share of Listed Amount = 80%
TR 132 Replace Roof at GGFT Maintenance and Admin. Facility FTA 5307
AGFT32 Greater Glens Falls Transit
Federal Share of Listed Amount = 80%
TR 133 Replace GGFT Operations Vehicle FTA 5307
0.026 0.026
AGFT33 Greater Glens Falls Transit
Federal Share of Listed Amount = 80%TBD
Transportation Services for the Elderly and Disabled FTA 5310
0.3880.000 0.000 0.104 0.142 0.142
awarded on an annual basis by A/GFTC and NYSDOT, projects listed
for informational purposes($ shown is est. planning target)
TR 134 CWI ‐ Purchase Two 28‐Passenger 5310 Vehicles FTA 5310
0.1730.000 0.000 0.173 0.142 0.142
182398 Community Work and Independence, Inc.
TR 135 FHI ‐ Purchase Two 5310 (16 and 20 passenger) Vehicles FTA 5310
0.080 0.080
182399 Fort Hudson Nursing Center, Inc
TR 136 VNA ‐ Purchase One 16‐Passenger 5310 vehicle  FTA 5310
0.043 0.043
182400 Visiting Nurse Association
TR 138 Replace Battery Module on 2011 Hybrid Bus FTA 5307, 5339
0.050 0.050
AGFT38 Greater Glens Falls Transit and 5340
Federal Share of Listed Amount = 80%
TR 139 Replace Three (3) 2006 Trolley Buses FTA 5307, 5339
0.652 0.652
AGFT39 Greater Glens Falls Transit and 5340
Federal Share of Listed Amount = 80%
TOTAL 2.180 12.319 2.065 2.321 3.227 2.444 2.546 2.206


Make the Connection and
Transportation Alternatives Programs

Transortation Alternatives Program and Make the Connection  Program
Design phases
TIP # Project Fund
Source Obligated 5  yr fed $M Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Beyond  Year 5
PIN 2013‐2014 2014 ‐2015 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 Post ‐TIP
MTC 200 Make the Connection  Program STP FLEX1.0000.000 0.400 0.200 0.200 0.200
1RB001 Regional setaside for small ‐scale bicycle and
pedestrian improvements
Annual  selection process administered  by A/GFTC
MTC 209 Make the Connection  Program STP0.0710.071
175931 Quaker Street Sidewalk Improvements
Town / Village  of Granville
Lead Agency:  Village of Granville
MTC 216 Make the Connection  Program STP0.0750.075
175946 West Brook Conservation  Initiative  ‐ Sidewalk Connection  Project
Village  of Lake George
Lead Agency:  Warren County
MTC 218 Make the Connection  Program STP0.0000.093
175948 Town of Johnsburg  Sidewalk Replacement Project
Town of Johnsburg
Lead Agency:  Town of Johnsburg
MTC 220 Make the Connection  Program STP0.0210.021
175965 Schuyler Street Extension  Sidewalk Improvements
Town of Fort Edward
Lead Agency:  Washington County
MTC 221 Make the Connection  Program STP0.184 0.064
175966 Hudson Street Sidewalk Replacement 0.120
Town of  Warrensburg
Lead Agency:  Town of Warrensburg
WAR  174 Transportation  Alternatives Program STP0.600

176010 Fire Road, Crandall  Park, and Kensington Road Elementary School 0.498
Bicycle  and Pedestrian  Programs ‐ City  of Glens Falls
Lead Agency:   City of Glens Falls
TOTAL 0.000 1.951 0.184 1.260 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.000


A  ‐ Fiscal  Constraint  Table

FFY2014 FFY2015 FFY2016 FFY2017 FFY2018 TOTAL
6.328 7.285 7.285 7.285 7.285 35.468
REG 15 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.250
REG 117 0.000 1.125 1.125 1.406 1.406 5.063
REG 22 0.156 0.156 0.156 0.156 0.156 0.781
REG 16 0.141 0.141 0.141 0.141 0.141 0.703
WAS 134 5.980 5.980
SAR 115 0.213 0.164 4.375 4.751
6.327 1.684 1.636 6.128 1.753 17.528
Difference0.001 5.601 5.649 1.157 5.532 17.939
FFY2014 FFY2015 FFY2016 FFY2017 FFY2018 TOTAL
9.222 5.541 5.541 5.541 5.541 31.384
REG 118 0.000 0.156 0.156 0.156 0.156 0.625
REG 110 0.000 1.875 2.813 1.875 1.875 8.438
REG 115 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.125
REG 117 1.219 1.406 1.125 0.000 1.406 5.156
REG 120 0.232 2.393 1.755 1.808 1.688 7.876
REG 121 0.155 1.700 1.755 1.808 1.688 7.105
WAR 146 1.595 1.595
WAR 147 0.040 3.291 3.331
WAS 101 0.709 0.039 5.415 6.163
WAS 126 0.201 0.500 0.701
WAS 106 2.230 2.230
WAS 128 2.536 2.536
MTC 200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000
Programmed 8.432 12.255 7.868 11.287 7.039 46.880
0.790 ‐6.714 ‐2.327 ‐5.746‐1.498 ‐15.496
FFY2014 FFY2015 FFY2016 FFY2017 FFY2018 TOTAL
STP Off System Bridge
5.847 1.106 1.106 1.106 1.106 10.272
REG 22 0.156 0.156 0.156 0.156 0.156 0.781
REG 16 0.141 0.141 0.141 0.141 0.141 0.703
REG 121 0.155 1.700 1.755 1.808 1.688 7.105
REG 1210.1551.7001.7551.8081.6887.105WAR 1521.549 1.549
WAR 153 0.139 1.239 1.378
WAR 154 0.460 0.460
Programmed 2.139 3.695 2.052 2.105 1.985 11.976
3.708 ‐2.589 ‐0.946 ‐0.999‐0.879 ‐1.704
FFY2014 FFY2015 FFY2016 FFY2017 FFY2018 TOTAL
Highway Safety Imp. Program
0.575 0.686 0.686 0.686 0.686 3.318
REG 1020.575 0.686 0.686 0.686 0.686 3.318
Programmed 0.575 0.686 0.686 0.686 0.686 3.318
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
21.971 14.618 14.618 14.618 14.618 80.441
Programmed17.473 18.321 12.241 20.205 11.463 79.703
Difference4.498 ‐3.703 2.377‐5.588 3.155 0.739
2.278 2.278 2.278 2.278 2.278 11.390
Programmed2.206 2.563 2.141 2.302 2.404 11.616
Difference0.072‐0.285 0.137‐0.024‐0.126 ‐0.226
Note: Transit Program includes positive carryover balance in excess of n
egative balance shown.
24.249 16.896 16.896 16.896 16.896 91.831
Programmed19.679 20.884 14.382 22.507 13.867 91.319
Difference4.570‐3.988 2.514‐5.612 3.029 0.513


Appendix  B  ‐ A/GFTC  Self ‐Certification

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council

2013 Self-Certification


The Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council is the designated MPO for urban
transportation planning and programming in the Glens Falls Urbanized Area. The
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Glens Falls Urban Area
Transportation Council (GFTC) and the Governor was signed in 1982 and amended
in 1985. The MOU describes the roles of GFTC and responsibilities of GFTC and its
committees. In October 1994, by resolution of the Council, the planning and
programming boundaries were extended to the entirety of Warren and Washington
Counties and the Town of Moreau in northern Saratoga County, and in March 1997
another resolution changed the name of the MPO to the Adirondack/Glens Falls
Transportation Council (A/GFTC) to reflec t the expanded planning and programming

As is the case with all MPOs in New York State, A/GFTC is not a legal entity in and
of itself. It depends upon a host agency to provide payroll and legal services and to
contract with consultants for planning studies. At its inception, the host agency for
A/GFTC was the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT). Due to a
desire on the part of area governments to assert local ownership of the MPO, a
change in the host agency arrangement was made in September 1996 that
established the Lake Champlain/Lake George Regional Planning Board (RPB) as
A/GFTC’s host agency. The current staff positions (the Transportation Planning
Director, the Senior Transportation Planner and an Administrative Assistant) are
employed by the RPB and work in the A/GFTC staff office located in the City of
Glens Falls at 11 South Street, Suite 2 03. The staff has the responsibility of
managing consultant studies specified in the UPWP, conducting technical analyses,
purchasing of supplies and equipment, and carrying out the balance of the duties
necessary to function as an MPO. The RPB serves as a member of the various
A/GFTC committees and provides payroll services, audits, accounting and legal
services. The RPB makes first instance payments of the bills for goods and services
contracted for by A/GFTC. The host agency agreement between the RPB and
NYSDOT was renewed in 2012 for a term of ten years. The Joint Cooperative
Planning Agreement was approved by A/GFTC’s Policy Committee in January 2010.
It has been signed by A/GFTC, GGFT and NYSDOT.


The Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council adopted a Unified Planning Work
Program for 2013-2014 in March of 2013. The work program includes ongoing
public participation activities, data colle ction and performance measurement tasks,
traffic modeling, technical assistance to municipalities, Geographic Information
system (GIS) work, long range plan development, and corridor-planning activities

described in the current Long Range Plan. The Local Transportation Planning and
Engineering Assistance program is also demand response to individual community
requests and subject to regional approval and is intended to help communities
address issues in support of A/GFTC goals, objectives, and principals.

2. Transportation Plan
A/GFTC’s 2030 Long Range Plan was adop ted by the Council in January 2010. A
public survey for the LRP was conducted and there was an aggressive outreach
campaign. A portion of the A/GFTC Planning and Programming Area (specifically the
Village of South Glens Falls and the Town of Moreau in Saratoga County) lies within
the Capital District air quality non-attainment area. Conformity determinations for
A/GFTC are coordinated efforts that include CDTC and NYSDOT. A/GFTC and CDTC
use the same horizon dates in their LRPs to avoid repetition of conformity analyses.
Conformity approval was issued in March of 2010 by FHWA and FTA. The LRP lists
all current State and Federal planning fa ctors and emphasis areas as well as
A/GFTC’s own Twelve Planning Principles. The LRP also contains an extensive
Environmental Considerations chapter, developed in consultation with several
natural resource agencies.

An update to the LRP was initiated in 2012. A public survey is ongoing, and data
collection and analysis has begun in antici pation of a January 2014 approval of a
2014-2039 LRP.

3. The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
The 2010-2015 Transportation Improvemen t Program is the current MPO capital
program. It was approved by A/GFTC in June 2010; conformity was most recently
reaffirmed in March 2010. The 2014-201 9 draft Transportation Improvement
Program (TIP) was approved on March 27, 2013 for public review and comment.
Conformity approval will no longer be required for the A/GFTC TIP on account of the
classification of Albany-Schenectady-Troy area as air quality attainment for the
2008 ozone standard effective as of July 20, 2012 and the United States
Environmental Protection Agency’s revocation of conformity requirements effective
on July 20 of 2013. During development of both TIP documents, fiscal constraint
was applied in coordination with NYSDOT Region 1. A/GFTC worked closely with its
members and NYSDOT Region 1 to identify appropriate projects that could safely be
deferred as a result of program limitation s. Through these and similar coordinated
efforts the current TIP has remained both balanced and fiscally constrained.
Individual projects are clearly identifiable and are consistent with the adopted
A/GFTC Long Range Plan. TIP amendment procedures are consistent with guidance
from federal regulatory agencies and were amended in January 2010 to refine the
distinctions between amendments and ad ministrative modifications. The Annual
Listing of Obligated Projects for the most recently completed federal fiscal year is
available on A/GFTC’s website.

A/GFTC’s website features an interactive project viewer that was developed to
address the required visualization techniques. The viewer, based on the intuitive
GoogleMaps platform, displays project data, financial information, maps, and
photographs of planned and completed projects.

4. Technical Studies and Emphasis Areas
Technical studies are proceeding consiste nt with the current UPWP. Bicycle and
pedestrian planning continues to be an emphasis area for A/GFTC, and targeted
safety evaluation are an emerging focus. Studies and projects undertaken during
the last year include:

 Safety evaluation for the intersection of Bay and Cronin Roads on behalf of Warren
County in response to elevated crash occurrences.

 School circulation study on behalf of th e City of Glens Falls and the Glens Falls
School District to analyze the impacts of aligning school start times on the
neighboring surface transportation system.

 Traffic signal warrant analysis and concep tual design for realignment of the Warren
County Bikeway at the intersection of Dix Avenue and Sagamore Street.

 Review of street and subdivision standards for the Town of Warrensburg and
assembled draft revisions designed to further integrate Complete Streets principles.

 Safety evaluation of the Crandall Street and Orville Street intersection in Glens Falls.

 Advancement of the update to the regional Long Range Transportation Plan.

 Review of school crossing guard lo cations in the City of Glens Falls.

 Administration and promotion of iPoolNort h, A/GFTC’s online carpooling service.

 Updated Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan.

 Mapping and technical assistance to Greater Glens Falls Transit.

 Data collection and analysis, including comp letion of the second cycle of pavement

5. Special Considerations in the Transportation Planning Process
(a) Title VI: A/GFTC is a designated sub-recipient under NYSDOT’s DBE program
and maintains ongoing compliance efforts. Title VI/DBE reports are submitted
on a semi-annual basis to NYSDOT and the Council has also signed on to
NYSDOT’s DBE plan. A/GFTC has never received any discrimination
complaints. The Environmental Justice review is updated as plans and

regional demographics change and will be updated in 2013. Special
considerations for elderly and disabled persons are consistent with ADA
requirements and are provided in the transportation planning process and in
community participation projects. Specific outreach to senior organizations
was conducted as part of the LRP update and FTA 5310, FTA 5316, and FTA
5317 solicitations. A/GFTC public transit planning efforts includes
consideration of services for elderly, disabled persons and for those who
choose not to drive. MPO meetings are always held in ADA-accessible
facilities. Accessibility was a key criterion in determining A/GFTC’s site
selection for staff offices in 2010; severa l non-accessible site candidates were
ruled out on that basis. ADA compliance is monitored through the ADA
paratransit services offered by the local transit operator and staff review of
federally-funded projects and plans. Pe riodic review of local demographics
continues to suggest that ethnic populations are insufficiently large to
warrant targeted Limited English Population programs at this time. That data
will be periodically reassessed in conjunction with future updates to the
Environmental Justice review.

(b) Private Operators – Consideration is given to private transportation
providers. Private transportation operators will be considered and involved
in any future planning efforts to devel op additional services to rural areas,
particularly as part of the implementation of the recently adopted
Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan. An update to a staff-
developed transportation provider service directory that includes
information about private services, in cluding taxis and limousine services,
and was originally developed in 1996 and updated in 1999, is planned for
2013. An online mapping and service locator tool is also under
consideration. Both products will be advanced in close consultation with
the newly restarted Coordinated Human Services Transportation

(c) Planning Factors – Up-to-date State and Federal planning factors and
emphasis areas are used to develop A/GFTC plans and programs and to
guide project selection processes. A/GFTC staff continues to maintain its
relationships with local land use planning organizations through
communication and consultation. New programming instructions consistent
with NYSDOT’s Forward Four principles, emphasizing maintenance and
preservation activities over “worst-fir st” infrastructure replacement projects,
have been thoroughly incorporated within the development of the draft 2014-
18 TIP.

(d) Congestion Management Process – No process in place (not required for

(e) Public Involvement – The A/GFTC Public Involvement Policy was updated
and approved in 2005. A/GFTC actively solicits public involvement through
media, public meetings, mailings, and at events where the public gathers. A/GFTC staff regularly meets with loca l officials, participates in public
meetings, and hold public information meetings and planning forums to
involve the general public and concer ned businesses and agencies. Special
efforts are made to involve freight and transit users in all corridor and related
planning activities. Further, all meetin gs of A/GFTC’s Technical Advisory and
Policy Committees are open to the publ ic. Local newspapers are notified of
meetings. The agendas for those meetings regularly include a section for “Visitors Issues”. Legal notices are issu ed during the development of all core
publications, announcing the opportunity for public review and comment. The
A/GFTC website contains all recent MPO products , meeting minutes and the
most current versions of annual or recurring do cuments. The website allows
for public comment on publications and provides opportunities for the public
to contact staff to ask questions about any transportation concern they may
have, and is also a portal that allows for participation in the LRP survey.
A/GFTC staff also utilizes social medi a outlets, including Facebook, Twitter,
and a blog dedicated to outreach related to development of the LRP, to notify
the public of ongoing activities. Copies of the UPWP, TIP, LRP Surveys and
other documents are regularly distribute d to libraries and municipalities as
those documents are drafted.

C. Administrative/Management

1. Progress Reports are prepared and submitted on a monthly basis at the
request of our Host Agency (RPB). They are complete and comprehensive.

2. Bills are submitted and paid based on the processing schedule of the host
agency, the LC/LGRPB. Vendor complaints are typically infrequent but increased
significantly in 2012, mostly due to del ayed State reimbursements to the RPB.
The RPB is a small organization that can encounter difficulty in first-instancing
funds when previous expenditures have not been reimbursed in a timely manner
(longer than 30 days).

3. Audits are completed in a timely manner in conjunction with the host agency.

4. Annual Program is closed out within 3 years in cooperation with NYSDOT.

5. MPO Budget is regularly monitored and updated as needed.

6. Consultant Selection Process A/GFTC has a consultant selection process that
is followed for all professional services agreements. Additional consideration is
given to consultants that contain a mi nimum of 10% DBE participation.

7. Central Staff/Host Relations are positive. MPO staff are accorded equal
status as LC/LGRPB staff. Quality office space and support services to

accommodate A/GFTC staff and activities are provided. Staff has good political
support within the planning and programming area.

8. Decision Making ability is effective in the A/GFTC area. The public is
outspoken on many issues and members listen and fully consider expressed
public concerns. Committees are competen tly and sufficiently staffed. Technical
Advisory Committee meetings are well attended; reaching consensus decisions
has not been a problem. The Policy Committee meets at least twice a year with
additional meetings if action is required. Policy Committee meetings are well
attended. Members are consulted frequently on regional and local matters
concerning their jurisdictions.

9. Governance – In 2012 the A/GFTC host agency, the Lake Champlain/Lake
George Regional Planning Board, rene wed its agreement with NYSDOT through
March 2012. The format of the new agreement was consistent with a new model
recently developed by NYSDOT. The hosting arrangement allows A/GFTC staff to
advance its work without any undue influence from any particular member
municipality. The Policy and Technical Advisory committees have consistent and
balanced representation from throughout the program area, including all urban
area municipalities. A/GFTC’s operating and staffing plans were last updated in
2000 and reconsidered as recently as January of 2013.

10. Procurement – A/GFTC staff is aware of the procurement requirements of
FTA funding recipients, including those lis ted within the FTA Circular Guidance
4220.1F, Third Party Contracting Requirem ents, and the FTA Master Agreement.
FTA-related expenditures are documented. Procurements by A/GFTC utilizing
FTA funds are infrequent.