A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Policy Committee Meeting

Minutes of Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ralph Bentley, Supervisor, Town of Horicon
Frank Bonafide, NYSDOT Reg. 1 (rep. Mary Ivey)
Dennis Dickinson, Supervisor, Town of Lake George
Mitch Suprenant, Supervisor, Town of Ford Edward
Steven Sweeney, NYS Canal Corp. (rep. Michael Loftus)
Mike Valentine, Saratoga County (rep. Thomas Wood)
Wayne LaMothe, Warren County Planning
Scott Sopczyk, GGFT

A/GFTC Staff:

Aaron Frankenfeld, Transportation Planning Director
Kate Mance, Senior Transportation Planner

1. Welcome & Introductions
Chairman Mitch Suprenant called the meeting to order at 1:37.

2. Visitors Issues – None

3. Administrative Items
A. Committee representation update (Aaron): Chairmanship of the
transportation council rotates between our two full counties every two
years. Washington County is now in the position to chair the Council, and
Washington County Board of Supervisors Chairman John Rymph has
appointed Mitch Suprenant, Supervisor of the Town of Fort Edward, to chair
the Council for the next two years. Chairman Dan Stec of Warren County
has appointed Ralph Bentley of Horicon to serve as Vice-Chair. Dennis
Dickinson was welcomed as the new Supervisor of Lake George. In
addition, John LaPointe, Supervisor of the Town of Putnam, is now
Chairman of the LC-LGRPB. Washington County also appointed Supervisor
Bob Shay of White Creek to be the designated rural representative.
B. Host Agency agreement (Aaron): The Lake Champlain – Lake George
Regional Planning Board is the host agency for A/GFTC; host agencies are
required for all Metropolitan Planning Organizations in New York State.
They provide administrative and payroll support as well as first instance
funding for A/GFTC expenses. After consideration of the existing
arrangement and other options, the TAC decided to renew the contract
between A/GFTC and the LC-LGRPB for a term of ten years.
C. Federal reauthorization (Aaron): There are competing Senate and House
reauthorization bills, although the House bill appears to have stalled. At
this point, the Senate bill is the one more likely to move forward. The bill is
a two-year bill programmed at $109 billion, which is roughly level funding.
There is still a possibility that there will be another extension of current
transportation legislation. There is a lot of emphasis within the bill on
Adirondack / GlensFallsTransportationCouncil
11 South Street, Suite 203
Glens Falls, NY 12801
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 – 0584

March 14, 2012
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consolidating federal programs, such as the National Highway System,
Interstate Maintenance and the Highway Bridge Programs, into a single
program that is dedicated to improvements on National Highway System
facilities. The Surface Transportation Program has been renamed the
Transportation Mobility Program and is applicable to non-NHS facilities.
Transportation Enhancements and Safe Routes to School have been
eliminated as programs, although those types of projects remain eligible
for funding. There is a lot of language dedicated to performance measures,
which are likely to be handed down from USDOT, in a somewhat less
iterative process than under the House bill. As an organization, A/GFTC is
most concerned about the tiering system proposed under the Senate Bill.
As noted previously, existing MPOs like A/GFTC, which are under the new
200,000 population threshold for MPOs, would require re-designation by
the Governor and USDOT, the latter of which would depend upon our
ability to meet technical capacity requirements which have yet to be
identified. The House bill did include a provision to grandfather smaller
MPOs. There was a similar amendment to the Senate bill, although it is
unclear whether it was considered. There is concern at the staff level that
the performance measures are being designed with the elimination of small
MPOs in mind. Staff is confident that it has the technical compentency and
flexibility to meet any reasonable requirements. A/GFTC’s data collection
capabilities are better than some other small MPOs, for example. In
addition, the NYSMPO Association fosters a lot of capacity-building and
information exchange among the agencies that benefit NYS MPOs. In terms
of local impacts, eliminating MPO representation will likely make it more
difficult for local project sponsors to have their needs articulated. If the
proposed legislation passes, there will be ample time to make a case for
A/GFTC to be re-designated. Mike Valentine asked for additional
information concerning A/GFTC’s capabilities as compared to other MPOs.
Aaron cited travel demand modeling and the in-house pavement scoring
system as two examples. A/GFTC can respond quickly to new performance
measures once they are issued. In addition, there is the financial capacity
to add staff if needed to address technical requirements. Ultimately, the
certification will come from the Secretary of USDOT.

4. Annual Work Program
D. Completed and ongoing staff and consultant activities (Aaron):
Completed and on-going projects:

• The Queensbury connector road study is being finalized. The study
examined existing traffic conditions in and around the airport and
evaluated the feasibility of the potential construction of a new
connector road between Quaker Road and Queensbury Avenue.
Future developments and growth assumptions were considered. The
study concludes that the transportation system benefits associated
with the new road are limited, and as such a new roadway would be
largely a development-driven project. Significant benefits could be
achieved from upgrading the existing system, notably with a signal
timing improvement at the Quaker / Dix intersection. The
consultant is preparing a memo that details the recommended
change, which can be forwarded to the responsible municipalities.
Wayne LaMothe noted that this has been an ongoing issue and that
the existing system of coordinated signals is not being maintained
properly. He asked what steps can be taken to ensure that the

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signals are maintained in the future. Aaron stated that he had
looked into establishing some sort of signal maintenance setaside to
help address the needs for locally-operated equipment. There are
two clusters of time-based coordinated signals along Quaker Road.
Additionally, the only non-state-owned signals in the A/GFTC area
are within the Town of Queensbury and the City of Glens Falls, so
there should be a manageable way to maintain these facilities.
Currently they are being maintained by City staff, either directly or
through an agreement with the Town. Wayne noted that there was
an older study regarding signal timing. Aaron noted that the issue
with this study is that it was conducted many years ago, and there
is concern at the County DPW that the data may no longer be
relevant. It is not clear whether this setaside would be eligible for
PL funds, or how much such a program would cost. Scott Sopczyk
noted that several years ago there was an idea to swap
maintenance between NYS Route 8 and Quaker Road, which might
present an opportunity to ensure better maintenance.
• Staff completed an initial traffic assessment for the Warren-
Washington IDA in November, as part of the permitting
requirements for NYS Shovel Ready designation. The IDA indicated
that it would not be interested in consultant-based assistance, so
the study was completed in-house at no cost to the IDA by drawing
heavily upon available data. The study concluded that the growth
potential of Phase II of the Airport Industrial Park was not
significant enough to substantially impact the surrounding
transportation system.
• A/GFTC used the on-call engineering assistance agreement on
behalf of GGFT to facilitate a pavement marking re-design for
GGFT’s main terminal in downtown Glens Falls. The design provided
better delineation between space needed for operations of transit
vehicles and on-street parking spaces. Use of the contract enabled
the quick implementation of the project.
• The Glens Falls Residential Traffic Calming project was completed in
October. This was in response to residents’ concerns regarding
speeding vehicles. The study included a speed survey conducted
with residents and volunteers to determine a passing vehicle speed
that residents were comfortable with. This was found to be a couple
miles an hour lower than the posted speed limit. The study also
evaluated the effectiveness of low-cost pavement marking
alternatives designed to influence speeds downward. The striping
deployment was shown to be ineffective in reducing speeds,
although mobile speed feedback signs were found to be effective.
• A/GFTC recently completed the solicitation for our Make the
Connection Program for small-scale bicycle and pedestrian projects.
Full or partial funding was awarded to 7 out 9 projects sponsored by
the following municipalities: Warren County (3 of 4 County
applications were awarded), Village of Fort Edward, Town of
Johnsburg, Village of Salem, and Town of Warrensburg.

Nearly completed projects:

• The Warren County Bicycle Plan has been drafted and presented to
the Warren County DPW committee for their consideration. The
committee asked for time to review the plan, which can be finalized
once any comments are received.

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• The Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan (CHSTP) is
also under production. An update has been presented to the public
via two open houses held on March 13 in Warren and Washington
Counties, and is currently undergoing review and revision based on
comments received.


• A draft of the safety evaluation for the Bay and Cronin intersection
was delivered to A/GFTC staff yesterday. It will be jointly reviewed
by A/GFTC and Warren County DPW staff prior to a presentation by
the consultant team to the DPW committee at an upcoming
meeting. The study is looking at a variety of alternatives in addition
to a traffic signal.
• A draft of the school circulation study for the City of Glens Falls is
expected this week. That study is intended to address some of the
circulation issues that are occurring during pick-up and drop-off.
The study is also part of an evaluation by the school district into
aligning start times for the middle and high school, which are
currently staggered. Having one start time for both could create a
larger number of vehicles at once. The study involves physical and
policy alternatives.
• Our ridesharing match program, ipoolnorth, was recently updated.
We will re-commit to our promotional efforts to recruit new users.
• A/GFTC will continue to work on keeping the TIP up-to-date, and
staff remains available to provide transportation-related technical
assistance to our member municipalities. A/GFTC had been
indirectly tasked with assisting with County Planning Board Section
239 referrals. However, this was a temporary arrangement and the
responsibility will now be handled by Warren County staff. Wayne
LaMothe expressed thanks on behalf of the County in undertaking
the reviews, because it allowed for projects to move forward
through the review process while the requisite local law was being

E. 2012-13 UPWP
1) Aaron reviewed the financial summary, which was reviewed by the
TAC as well. For 2012-13, A/GFTC has been allocated $327,712 in
FHWA Planning funds as well as $43,670 in FTA MPP funds. That
represents the “new” money coming in. The remaining $373,381
is made up of state and local in-kind match and program
carryovers from previous years. The increase $86,000 in available
dollars for this year is attributable to a bigger carryover. There is
also extra $15,000 in FHWA PL that represents a smaller
takedown in PL for statewide shared cost initiatives than had been
subtracted in the prior year. A/GFTC will not spend all of the total
$745,000, and will probably spend less than half that amount.
However, our practice has been to program as much of the
carryover as possible. The funds listed on the summary do not
account for carryover from the immediate year prior, as those
funds have not yet been confirmed by FHWA as being available.
2) Task summary (Aaron): Tasks are broken up into four categories:
administration, general development and comprehensive planning,
long-range planning, and Transportation Improvement Program.

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• Administration typically includes payroll, billing, certification and
compliance documentation and work program development and
does not change significantly from year-to-year.
• Task 2 is most of our ongoing activities, including data
collection, public participation and outreach, promotion of
alternative transportation options, and technical assistance to
municipalities. New tasks for 2012-13 include an update to our
county-wide accident tallies for off-system roadways. We last
completed this in 2003-2004, and County staff has stated that
the summaries were very useful. There may be a need for staff
training on the accident-reporting software used by NYSDOT.
New project proposals for the on-call engineering assistance
program will be entertained by staff and the Technical Advisory
Committee as warranted.
• For Task 3, we plan to initiate the Long Range Plan update,
which is a core document required for all MPOs. This is due in
2014, but since there is a significant amount of work involved,
staff will begin this effort this year. Also, the LRP will contain
some longer-term traffic forecasts using our recently updated
travel demand model.
• Task 3 also includes a regional mobility management plan, which
is a recommendation from the CHSTP. One of the main
comments that is presented most often to staff is that people in
the outlying rural areas lack transportation options. This will
likely be a consultant-assisted project. This plan will attempt to
identify a potential model for coordinating human services
transportation throughout the region.
• Also included is an update to our area-wide Bicycle and
Pedestrian Plan. This would fold in the Warren County Plan, as
well as a similar plan in Washington County, as there is some
interest in a bike plan for that area as well. The regional bike
plan produced by the MPO is now over 10 years old.
• Task 3.6 is the Climate Change Adaptation Planning, which
would look to identify and assessments of transportation
infrastructure that is potentially vulnerable to increased
frequency and severity of weather events. This is a labor-
intensive process which will be driven by interest of the local
municipalities in participation.
• A/GFTC is expected to prepare a TIP sometime this fall, as the
STIP expires this year. The funding levels are still unknown. We
are behind one year in TIP cycle at the behest of NYSDOT; they
were unwilling to provide regional allocations due to uncertain
funding availability. Since the STIP is expiring, the TIP must be

A motion was made to approve the 2012-2013 A/GFTC UPWP.

MOVED BY: Ralph Bentley SECONDED BY: Mike Valentine MOTION

5. Greater Glens Falls Transit Update (Scott Sopczyk): 2011 was a very strong year
for GGFT, with over 340,000 riders, the largest total in the history of the system. So
far for 2012, ridership is over 7% higher than last year. Some of this may be

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related to the cost of fuel or the mild weather. The Capital Plan is in good shape,
with the planned replacement of the paratransit buses scheduled for the summer.
The schedule changes that were implemented last year as part of the Transit
Development Plan recommendations seem to have increased ridership and were
well received. For example, at Adirondack Community College, prior to the schedule
update, sales of monthly passes were around 12 per month. Now, the sales are
around 50 per month. This doesn’t count increases in students riding the bus and
paying cash. GGFT also met with the Dean to discuss the construction of the new
dorms and what types of transportation demand that may create. Financially, State
and Federal resources have been managed well – the availability of necessary
Federal funds appears to be sufficient at this time. Operating costs and the overall
budget could be substantially impacted by a significant rise in fuel costs. Service
planning for the summer is almost completed. Dennis Dickinson asked whether
service ran during Americade, and noted that he had heard from a business owner
interested in discussing services. Scott agreed to follow up.

6. TIP
A. Project Updates (Aaron): There is no direct representation from the DPW
staff of Warren or Washington Counties present. However, DPW staff did
give a comprehensive update at February’s TAC meeting, so if anyone is
interested in those updates and does not have access to the meeting
minutes, A/GFTC can supply them.
1) Warren County: Ralph Bentley noted that the replacement of the
Middleton Bridge over the Schroon River, which had previously been in
a stalemate with DEC, is now moving forward under an agreement with
the Governor and DEC. This is a very important bridge for access to
residents of Horicon and Chester.
2) Washington County: No report.
3) Saratoga County (Mike Valentine) We are continuing to work with
DOT on the Route 9 safety project in South Glens Falls. Capacity and
parking issues are being considered. The Village is also looking to
implement infrastructure improvements concurrently with the highway
project. Frank Bonafide noted that the DOT project is not a
reconstruction project and that subsurface infrastructure work will likely
delay the project.
4) NYSDOT (Frank Bonafide): In terms of project updates, Route 29
bridge over Black Creek in Salem is moving forward, with a spring
letting. Route 4 in Hudson Falls is moving forward with a summer
letting, and DOT has been working with the Village for the sewer
infrastructure betterment. The Route 9 safety project (SGF) discussed
previously is moving forward, with a tentative fall 2012 letting.
However, construction is more likely to occur in 2013, assuming that
the infrastructure issues can be worked out. Aaron noted that this delay
may be advantageous to the Village as it gives them time to work out
the infrastructure issues. Frank noted that DOT is flexible in terms of
the timing. The Route 197 Bridge over the Hudson is on track to be let
in summer 2013, as is the Route 4 Bridge over the Champlain. Route
28N over the Upper Hudson RR in Johnsburg is on track to be let in
fall/winter 2013. Frank thanked the Committee for endorsing the STIP
listings for the Accelerated Transportation Programs. The Governor’s
proposed budget includes numerous items that impact DOT, including
the proposal to create jobs and address infrastructure needs through
the “NY Works” program. The project listings include $250 million
statewide for paving, $212 million statewide for bridges, and $750

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million for signature projects. The recent action was for the bridge and
pavement preservation work. Once the budget is approved, the goal is
to release projects for bid in April and May. The list of projects will not
be released until the budget is passed. The list was generated at the
Regional level based on DOT’s assessment of priorities. Most of the
projects are preservation-oriented and involve thin pavement overlays
or deck replacements on bridges – projects which will be quick to
commence and complete. The goal is to address 2,000 lane miles and
over 100 bridges statewide. As part of this, the Region will get a large
influx of funding in addition to their core program. This will go to
projects that are needed but could not have been afforded otherwise.
DOT is borrowing ahead to accomplish this, but it appears that federal
funding will be level; local projects should therefore not be affected.
Mike Valentine asked who bears the cost of interest associated with
bonding, and Frank noted that he would need to look into that. The
current plan would put DOT three years into the future with regard to
borrowing, which is aggressive in terms of DOT practice but is
conservative compared to other Departments across the country. Mike
asked if the costs will be carried into the TIP, and Frank and Aaron
noted that it will not affect the TIP. Mike asked whether this accelerated
program will push a project through faster than expected. Frank noted
that these are mostly new projects, in addition to DOT’s core program.
Frank also reported on the consolidation efforts in the Governor’s
budget. The current proposal is to consolidate the DOT into six regions
from eleven. In addition, Region 1 is moving as part of the “re-
stacking” effort, and will be co-located with DOT Main Office at 50 Wolf
Road. The move is taking place in April. Regional personnel may be out
of touch by phone for a few weeks, but email should be a good way to
contact DOT.
B. Amendments and Modifications (Aaron): There were none.

7. Other Items: Wayne LaMothe noted that Warren County is finishing a re-designation
of the old Dude Ranch Scenic Byway as the First Wilderness Scenic Byway. This was
initiated by ANCA (Adirondack North Country Association), and the plan is almost
ready to go to DOT for comment. The hope is that the branding completed for the
First Wilderness Heritage Corridor can be included on signage along the byway. The
alignment is being extended south to Corinth and north to Chestertown. The Dude
Ranch was never formally designated, so having a formal designation for the First
Wilderness will open up a funding stream, assuming the scenic byway program is

8. Next meeting and adjourn (Aaron): The next meeting will be in mid-August. It may
be possible to coordinate the meeting with the Adirondack Gateway Council, since
there is a large overlap of membership. If there are any schedule conflicts, please
contact Aaron.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 2:38 PM.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, February 2, 2012  

Attendees Agency
Brian Abare Village of South Glens Falls
Stuart Baker Town of Queensbury Community Development
Edward Bartholomew City of Glens Falls
Frank Bonafide NYSDOT-Region 1
Robert Cherry NYSDOT-Region 1
Edward Doughney Warren County DPW
Mike Fiorillo Village of Hudson Falls
Kevin Hajos Warren County DPW
Preston Jenkins Town of Moreau
Tori Riley Washington County LDC
Scott Sopczyk GGFT
Steven Sweeney NYS Canal Corporation
Scott Tracy Washington County DPW
Mike Valentine Saratoga County Planning Board


Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC
Kate Mance A/GFTC
Monika Bulman A/GFTC
Minutes of the Meeting

1. Welcome & Introductions – Aaron Frankenfeld called the meeting to order at 1:08

2. Visitor Issues – none

3. Administrative Items, Aaron
A. Federal legislation update-The House is considering HR7, which is their version of the
transportation reauthorization bill. Currently it is proposed as a 5-year bill at about
260 billion dollars with a present shortfall of approximately 50-60 billion dollars.
Similar to the Senate bill, the House attempts to consolidate or eliminate a number of
programs. The set-asides for Enhancements would be eliminated, as would the Safe
Routes to School program. Emphasis area include streamlining of review and
accelerated project delivery. The House bill does preserve small MPOs, unlike the
Senate bill. The House bill is scheduled go to the floor on the 13
B. Host Agency agreement- The Host Agency agreement has been signed by the
Regional Planning Board for a term of ten years as prescribed by the NYSDOT.
C. Warren County Planning Board Review Applications-Because Warren County has
disbanded their Planning Board, there is no entity within the County that can legally
process planning review applications. General municipal law 239, those
planning board reviews can be transferred to a Regional Planning Board. The Lake

Adirondack / GlensFallsTransportationCouncil
11 South Street, Suite 203
Glens Falls, NY 12801
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 – 0584

TAC Minutes-February 2, 2012
Page 2

Champlain/Lake George Regional Planning Board will take over reviewing the
applications on a temporary basis until legal issues at Warren County are resolved (2-
3 months estimated). Kate Mance and Aaron will assume these responsibilities on
behalf of the LC-LGRPB.

4. Annual Work Program
A. Ongoing Activities
1) Warren County Bicycling Master Plan, Kate -At the last TAC meeting a
presentation of the draft plan was given. Comments from the TAC and
DOT were integrated into the document. The draft will be presented to
the Warren County DPW Committee on February 28
th. Once sign-off is
made, the draft will go to the full Board of Supervisors in March to get the
Plan adopted. The Healthy Communities Coalition in Washington County
is interested in a similar plan. Ed Bartholomew asked about the
involvement of the Warren County Safe and Quality Bicycling
Organization. Kate stated that they provided recommendations and will
take the implementation part of the plan to the County and local
municipalities. Additional discussion included the Community Challenge
Grant, printing of bike maps, draft plan posting to web site.

2) Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan, Kate-DOT requested an
update to the CHSTP for 2012. Kate has been working on the Plan, which
will not be a full re-write but rather an update of Census data, mapping
and integration of results from an online survey that was sent to
transportation providers. There was a 76% response rate to the survey. A
draft will be sent to all of the agencies that we will follow up with a
stakeholder meeting. It is hoped that the Plan update will generate the
necessary level of interest to pursue a Regional Mobility Management

3) Queensbury Commercial / Industrial Access Road, Aaron – A draft
document has been reviewed by staff and the advisory committee. The
next public meeting will be February 7 at 6:30 at the South Queensbury
Fire House. The findings concluded that construction of a new connector
road does not alleviate any existing traffic conditions on Quaker Road and
Dix Avenue. Upgrading the traffic signal at Quaker and Dix Avenue could
result in some substantial improvements. Rob Cherry suggested that a
statement in the draft report that suggested that “public funds” could be
used towards the project be refined. Aaron agreed to revisit that clause.

4) Traffic engineering services, Aaron- Since the last TAC meeting, the
following on-call services contracts have been initiated.
A. Signal warrant analysis – Bay/Cronin: Warren County would like an
intersection evaluation of Bay/Cronin Roads in the Town of Queensbury.
This intersection has a significant crash history. Creighton Manning will
conduct the analysis. At the County’s request, an aggressive schedule
has been set for the completion of this study.

B. GFSD circulation issues: This study, requested by the City of Glens
Falls on behalf of the Glens Falls School District, will analyze traffic
conditions around the middle and high schools relating to circulation
(student drop-off and pick-up). Access to the school from one of the
primary roads has been restricted during periods of high traffic, and
this restriction has diverted traffic into the adjacent neighborhood.
Resource Systems Group is the consultant on board for this study.

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4) iPoolNorth update, Kate- The software developer decided they needed to
update their platform. A complete overhaul of the system was needed and
took much longer than originally anticipated. The new software should go
on-line by February 6
th. The new system will better along-the-route
matching. The interface looks better and is easier to navigate. The in-
house site management will also be improved. Upon reviewing our
usership, Kate found our site had been spammed with numerous
fraudulent accounts. Kate will reboot the Facebook page. Mike Valentine
wanted to know how many users we had. Kate replied that users totaled
around 120-150. Questions were posed as to how we would market the
availability of the site, and adding profile to the presence of existing park
and ride facilities was suggested.

B. 2012-13 UPWP
1) Financial summary (handout) – Aaron briefly reviewed the financial
summary for the upcoming work program.
2) Task summary (handout) – Aaron briefly reviewed the summary of tasks
for the upcoming work program. Additional detail was provided for the
following listed tasks:
A. Climate Change Adaptation Vulnerability Assessments: Kate
attended a FHWA training session that explored ideas about climate
change mitigation. A large segment of the seminar was on adaptation,
which is planning to preserve infrastructure that could be adversely
affected by weather events that result from continuing climate changes.
We propose a county- or region-wide assessment study to figure
out which climate conditions will actually effect us, what the effects
would be on infrastructure and operations, and what measures may be
possible to mitigate or prevent those effects. After discussion, it was
agreed to retain this project listing within the draft.

B. Regional Mobility Management Plan: Aaron stated that the request
that is most frequently asked of A/GFTC is to do something about
transportation services for rural areas. A plan that would identify the
necessary steps to establish a system of mobility management is the
logical progression of the HSTP.

C. Long Range Plan 2035 update: Aaron explained that the due date
for the LRP update is two years away, but, given the amount of data
collection and outreach that is required, it is not too early to start
working on that update during the upcoming program year.

3) Approval for release for public comment- a motion was made to release the
UPWP for public comment and for Policy Committee consideration at a
meeting in March.


Rob Cherry noted that he had some minor revisions to make to the UPWP.
The committee agreed staff’s request to entertain those changes.

5. Transit Update – GGFT, Scott Sopczyk
2011 was the best ridership year ever. Planning for the summer is taking place. Trolley
changes will be made due to new events coming to Lake George and work on Beach
Road. The schedule should be finalized by early March. Many things hinge on the

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Governor’s Budget/State budget. Fortunately, no cuts to transit are anticipated. Glens
Falls Hospital will be working with Transit. GGFT is exploring the development of a
smartphone-friendly version of its website with Mannix Marketing with the hope of that
being ready by the summer season. GGFT is working with the Washington County
Economic Opportunity Council as they are exploring rural transportation options.

6. TIP
A. Project Updates
1) Warren County – Ed Doughney reported the following:
• Corinth Road: the project is complete and the books are being reconciled
• Middleton Bridge: no significant progress since last TAC, looking at forest
preserve status on the land and to relocate the existing bridge
• Milton Street: project is complete
• Harrington Road: project is complete, the final change order went to DOT
• Beach Road: PS&E was dropped off to DOT at 11 AM today, the ROW is in
process, anticipating an end-of-March letting
• Alder Brook Road: project is complete and closeout is starting
• Hicks Road: A public meeting was held on January 25; project is not
controversial and was well received;, the draft design should be at DOT
within the next two weeks
• Lanfear and Palisades Bridges: projects are in the same stage, design
approvals should be issued tomorrow
• Crane Mountain bridge: draft design report is being reviewed in-house
• Make the Connection projects: West Mountain Road Bike Improvements
have been completed and reimbursement request is ready; the Bikeway /
149 connection will be done in the spring
• Valley Road over Patterson Creek Bridge – Creighton Manning should start
work by the end of March. An amendment to change the dates for
obligation for ROW will be needed.
• Blair Road: Could be progressed ahead of original schedule/

2) Washington County – Scott Tracy reported the following:
• CR 16 over Halfway Brook: consultant (GPI) selected; kick-off meeting was
• CR 12 over the Mettawee River: meeting was recenyl held between
consultant and utility reps
• CR 61 over the Batten Kill: final design approval has been received
• Dewey’s Bridge, Fort Ann: the bridge is advertised for reuse and an RFP is
out for lead paint testing

3) City of Glens Falls – Ed Bartholomew reported that the South Street project
is being closed out and the Broad Street project with Creighton Manning is

4) Town of Queensbury – Stu Baker reported that Creighton Manning has been
selected for the design of the Aviation Road / Dixon Road / Farr Lane

5) Saratoga County/Moreau/South Glens Falls – Aaron reported on the follow-
up meeting with SGF and DOT staff regarding the proposed safety project
on Rte 9 in So. Glens Falls. Concerns persist regarding the proposed design
and impacts on parking. The Village continues to pursue coordination with
desired infrastructure upgrades and this project.

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6) NYSDOT – Frank Bonafide reported that design approval is complete for
Route 29 over Black Creek and a May 2012 letting is anticipated. A July
letting is anticipated for Route 4 in Hudson Falls. Three bridges (Route 197
over the Hudson River, Route 4 over the Champlain Canal, and Route 28N
over the Hudson River) all are 2013 lettings but are currently being
scrutinized to determine if rehabilitations are feasible alternatives. NYSDOT
is leaning towards pursuing rehabilitations in all three cases.

B. Amendments and Modifications
1) Capital Program Update – Frank Bonafide reported that the program was
submitted to the Commissioner in September was rejected. To meet
preservation goals, almost every major road rehabilitation or
reconstruction project with the exception of Route 4 in Hudson Falls was
removed from the program. A requirement now is that any project that is
deemed “beyond preservation” (major rehabs, replacements,
reconstruction) require an in-depth explanation. Local projects fall under
the new stipulations. The current fiscal climate will require that we
collectively look to extract every day of usable life out of all of our assets.

2) New York Works Program – The Governor’s program aims to put people to
work quickly and the best way to do that is to put money into
infrastructure repair in NYS. The Governor is proposing 1.16 billion dollars
in addition to the regular transportation allocations. There will be $250
million statewide for pavement preservation, $212 million for bridge
preservation, $700 million for signature transportation projects throughout
the state. Signature projects are large accelerated projects around the
state that are on the program now or those that were no longer affordable.
This will be funded with advancing construction funding (borrowing forward
upon future allocations) of Federal Aid, which exposes NYS to the risk that
the reimbursements may not be available. The timeframe is very short.
Aaron noted that this is only for state-owned infrastructure and that the
timing is interesting as NYSDOT just subjected all MPOs in the state to a
TIP readjustment in light of future funding uncertainty.

Frank also reported the Governor has also proposed consolidating the
eleven NYSDOT regions down to six statewide. There is no information
available yet. Also, by the end of March, Region 1 will be moving their
offices from Schenectady to the main office in Albany.

Preston Jenkins had some questions about NYS 197 between Routes 9 and
32 and the depth of the ditches on the north and south side as pertaining
to potential flooding. Frank agreed to look into the issue.

3) Make the Connection project solicitation, Aaron
Nine project applications were received. A selection committee, of not directly
involved committee members, will meet to review the applications and
made the selections on February16.

7. Other Items: Rob Cherry complimented Mike Valentine on the success of the recent
Planning Conference held in Saratoga.

8. Next meeting schedule and adjourn
A Policy Committee meeting will be held on the first week in March.
Preston Jenkins made a motion to adjourn at 2:57.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Attendees Agency
Members and Participants
Stu Baker Town of Queensbury
Edward Bartholomew City of Glens Falls
Frank Bonafide NYSDOT
Robert Cherry NYSDOT
Edward Doughney Warren County DPW
Mike Fiorillo Village of Hudson Falls DPW
Wayne LaMothe Warren County Planning
Shawn Raymond Warren County DPW
Scott Sopczyk GGFT
Scott Tracy Washington County DPW
Michael Valentine Saratoga County Planning
John Wheatley EDC of Warren County


Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC
Kate Mance A/GFTC
Monika Bulman A/GFTC
Minutes of the Meeting

1. Welcome & Introductions – Aaron called the meeting to order at 1:40.

2. Visitor Issues – There were no visitor issues.

3. Administrative Items
A. Federal legislation update: Aaron reported that a draft of the highway bill was passed
by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee last Wednesday. Provisions:
keeps funding at current levels for two years, consolidates 90 highway programs
down to 30, eliminates earmarks, includes language requiring MPOs to be tiered
which would require A/GFTC to be recertified. A funding gap of 12 billion dollars still
exists and needs to be reconciled.
B. Host Agency agreement: Aaron noted that the current contract expires at the end of
March 2012. A draft contract is currently under review by the Regional Planning
Board; comments are due from them by November 18.

4. Transit
A. GGFT Update (Scott Sopczyk): The bus and trolley ridership through October is up
5.3%. The restructuring of routes is going well. The New York Public Transit
Association conducted a peer group analysis recently. GGFT has historically
compared favorably with other systems in the state. The Florida Department of
Transportation has a database that used a Transportation Research Board report to
come up with a way to identify peers throughout the US. The analysis showed that
Adirondack / GlensFallsTransportationCouncil
11 South Street, Suite 203  
Glens Falls, NY 12801 
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 – 0584 

GGFT also compares favorably with peer systems in other states. GGFT is in the
process of replacing their radio system with the help of Warren County.

5. Annual Work Program
A. Ongoing Activities
1. Warren County Bicycling Master Plan: Kate presented a summary of the
planning efforts. The existing A/GFTC Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan was
completed in 2000. The Warren County Safe and Quality Bicycling
Organization requested assistance in preparing a bicycling plan for Warren
County. The purpose of the plan is to provide an organizational tool for local
and county decision-makers while providing realistic goals for the WCS&QBO.
Kate briefly went through the contents and sections of the Plan. The plan
includes: an introduction with the benefits of bicycle facilities and goal
statement; an existing conditions inventory including bicycle destinations;
priority connections map which takes into account the needs of various
groups including local municipalities; design standards summarized from
NYSDOT and AASHTO guidance documents; a feasibility analysis which
compares existing shoulder widths to posted speed limits for selected roads in
the county; and implementation guidance including a project selection
flowchart, funding sources, and list of incremental project opportunities. To
allow fro additional review time, Aaron will follow up with a fax ballot within a
couple of weeks seeking concurrence from the TAC that the draft is
acceptable and can be advanced for adoption by Warren County. Kate will
also go back to the Towns and Villages to let them know the process that will
be used to unveil the draft Plan. The plan will be presented to the DPW
committee of the Board of Supervisors for Warren County after the new year.
Hopefully by March or April the Plan will be adopted/endorsed by the Board of
Supervisors. Ed Bartholomew reported that the City of Glens Falls, as a part
of their community challenge grant, has an RFP going out next year that deals
with pedestrians and bicyclists going to and from downtown, the schools, and
will tie in with transit use.
2. WWIDA Shovel Ready Certification (Aaron): The IDA had been looking for
some technical assistance to prepare an initial traffic assessment for the
potential development of Phase 2 of the Airport Industrial Park. A/GFTC
originally offered to facilitate professional consulting services to the IDA but
that offer was declined. The draft, produced by staff using existing data
includes Highway Capacity Software analyses and outputs from A/GFTC’s
TransCAD model. The results indicate that the amount of potential build out
that could occur at that site is not going to significantly impact the adjacent
state owned transportation facility. There are existing deficiencies at some
intersections that are not directly attributable to site development at Phase
II: delays at Dix and Quaker are likely the result of the new Walmart on
Quaker; the 4 hour and 8 hour signal warrants are met at Ridge and Hicks
but no correctable accident pattern is present per an analysis done by
Greenman Pedersen Inc on behalf of Warren County.
3. Glens Falls residential traffic calming study (Aaron): The study is complete
and Resource Systems Group’s final report indicates the striping plan was not
effective in reducing speeds. By way of a speed survey, neighbors and
participants had previously identified a comfort speed between 27 and 28
MPH; most felt on average that 30 MPH was too fast. Striping was deployed in
an attempt to lower speeds to that comfort speed but data collection indicates
that it did not work. A follow up survey went out to people in the
neighborhood. The temporary stop bars and crosswalks were well received.

Several respondents indicated negative reactions to the aesthetic impact of
the striping. These findings will be presented to the Glens Falls Board of Public
Safety in December.
4. Pavement data collection (Aaron): Staff just started utilizing the GIS based
pavement data collection tool. Pavement scores have been given to local
federal aid eligible roadways in Moreau and Glens Falls and we hope to
complete the urban area before snow becomes an issue.
5. Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan (Aaron): A/GFTC has been
asked by DOT to update the HSTP by April 2012. The existing plan has been
reviewed; we will be meeting with GGFT on 11/17 to discuss further. A major
rewrite is not anticipated.
6. Queensbury commercial/industrial access road (Aaron): This project is
underway; three committee meeting and one public workshop have been held
to date. A fourth meeting will take place on November 17
th. The public
workshop was attended by 30 people. The feedback from the public for the
concept is mixed – there is no majority opinion in favor of or opposed to the
construction of new highway link. Creighton Manning is currently evaluating
several alternatives.
7. Requests for traffic engineering services (Aaron): Three requests have been
submitted varying in formality and articulation of need: the Mayor of Glens
Falls is interested in having us analyze some of the traffic pattern changes
implemented by Glens Falls City School District; the City also would like an
analysis to determine if a signal is warranted at Dix/Sagamore; Wayne
LaMothe described a third candidate in the Town of Chester that would entail
access management improvements and potential intersection modifications.
Mike Valentine questioned the readiness of the Chester candidate, suggesting
that it if the plan, produced by Behan Planning and Design, had not been
adopted by the municipality then it was too early in the process for that
project to be considered for this program. Mr. LaMothe replied that he was
keeping conversation active on the concept as opposed to seeking contractual
assistance for the project immediately. Aaron suggested that, given the
discussion and his understanding of the priorities, that the school project be
advanced first.
6. TIP
A. Project updates
1. Warren County (Ed Doughney): Corinth Road is basically complete; Milton St.
Bridge over the Schroon River construction is complete; Harrington Road
construction is complete;Beach Road is still in final design and will hopefully
be advertised for bid in December; Lanfear and Palisades Roads are in design;
a public meeting for Hicks Road is planned for December. The West Mountain
Road Make the Connection project is complete. The bikeway improvements
will take place in the spring. Scott Sopczyk asked about the work schedule
for Beach Road. Ed said at the beginning of the construction season up to
Memorial Day the work will take place on the west end and then the work will
switch to the other end.
2. Washington County (Scott Tracy): The final design report was returned
County Rte 61 over the Battenkill; a public information meeting was held for
Dewey’s Bridge Thursday night with only one resident in attendance;
submitted an amendment to the proof on design report; the county submitted
an amendment to the proof on design report for Truthville bridge (County Rte
21 over Mettawee); letters of interest were sent out for County Rte 16 over
Halfway Brook.

3. City of Glens Falls (Ed Bartholomew): South Street is wrapped up. Lessons
learned from related utility issues will help with the Broad Street project.
4. Town of Queensbury (Stu Baker): Ready to award the design contract for the
Aviation/Dixon/Farr intersection. Five proposals were received.
5. Saratoga County/Moreau/South Glens Falls (Mike Valentine): Mr. Valentine
inquired about the status of the Route 9 project in South Glens Falls and
suggested that we reschedule the planned walk-through of the project. Aaron
agreed to schedule another meeting. Frank Bonafide indicated that things
were a little behind on the design but that the project should be a go in the
next fiscal year.
6. NYSDOT (Frank Bonafide): Rte 4, still working on it but a month or so behind;
the 4/149 intersection in Ft. Ann will also experience some delay.

B. Amendments and Modifications
1. Review of proposed program adjustments (Aaron): A/GFTC and NYSDOT met
with the local project sponsors to confirm cost estimates and desired schedules for
TIP projects in an effort to identify program adjustment that could be made to
reduce upcoming programming totals as a result of allocation estimate reductions.
DOT took sponsor comments into account and proposed a number of adjustments
that were then shared with A/GFTC staff. Aaron summarized the results on the
handout distributed today.
Of all of those changes, only one TIP amendment is required. NYSDOT proposed
delaying an interstate resurfacing project in Saratoga County (PIN 172206),
currently programmed within the first four years of the TIP, to the post-TIP period.
A motion was made to initiate public comment and forward this amendment to the
Policy Committee for consideration.


2. NYSDOT Capital Program Update (Frank Bonafide): The Region has received
instruction from the Main Office. FHWA has been a lot more exacting in
requiring a balance of all the dollar and cents. In the past we had the ability
to move things from year to year, but now offset are required for most
changes. Revised allocations were about $150 million less than what would
have been considered flat. The Capital Program Update is usually linked with
a TIP update, but that is not the case during this cycle. Many more groups
within the Department are involved in reviewing the Region’s program.
Estimates are that about 1/3 of the necessary funding to keep the system in a
safe state of repair is available. As a result, a priority network has been
identified. Frank reported that there will be a letter going out from the
Commissioner to the committee members to give an explanation for the
program adjustments, federal money disbursement, and consideration of
preservation-related projects. Aaron requested that NYSDOT issue some
guidance to local project sponsors that details the types of capital projects
that are favored under a a preservation strategy.
3. Make the Connection project solicitation (Aaron): We are ready to go with
this, we have revised the language in the solicitation. There are issues with
the program regarding execution. There are old projects still not going
forward and it would be nice to put that designated money back in the pot.
The new project solicitation should be going out in the next several weeks.
Aaron would like suggestions on how to deal with delinquencies. After
discussion, it was decided initiation should be done quickly (18 months) and

projects should be completed in three years once the award has been

7. Other Items – Aaron stated a draft UPWP is due by March of 2012, Currently there
are no large-scale activities that have been requested.
8. Next Meeting and Adjourn: There will be TAC meeting in January and a Policy
Committee meeting in February. Mike Valentine made a motion to adjourn the
meeting at 3:40.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, August 15, 2011  

Attendees Agency
Members and Participants
Brian Abare Village of South Glens Falls DPW
Frank Bonafide NYSDOT
Lorenzo DiStefano NYSDOT
Edward Doughney Warren County DPW
Mike Fiorillo Village of Hudson Falls DPW
Kevin Hajos Warren County DPW
Jim Lindsay Town Kingsbury
Wayne LaMothe Warren County Planning
Heidi Romines NYSDOT
Scott Sopczyk GGFT
Steve Sweeney NYS Canal Corp.
Jeff Tennyson Warren County DPW
Scott Tracy Washington County DPW
Michael Valentine Saratoga County Planning
Karen Williams NYSDOT
Dick Wilson Washington County DPW


Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC
Kate Mance A/GFTC
Minutes of the Meeting

1. Welcome & Introductions – Aaron called the meeting to order at 9:30 and explained
that this meeting would be followed by detailed discussion of the status of TIP projects
with project sponsors. The purpose will be to have the sponsors re-affirm the program
and project priorities. The TIP will then be updated accordingly. This is in place of a full
TIP amendment, which has been delayed one year by NYSDOT.
2. Visitor Issues – There were no visitor issues.
3. Administrative Items
A. Host Agency Agreement: Aaron noted that the draft Host Agency Agreement
discussed at the last TAC meeting was approved by the DOT Main Office and will be
sent to the Regional Planning Board.
B. Unified Planning Work Program Amendment. As a result of a federal bill that was
signed in April, there was a reduction in the size of the FTA grant for A/GFTC in the
amount of approximately $59.00. A/GFTC has been asked to complete a UPWP
amendment to account for this change. As the amount of funding is quite minor,
Aaron would like to request approval that the public comment process be waived.
Adirondack / GlensFallsTransportationCouncil
11 South Street, Suite 203  
Glens Falls, NY 12801 
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 – 0584 

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TAC Minutes – August 2011
MOVED BY: Scott Sopczyk SECONDED BY: Michael Valentine MOTION CARRIED
Aaron also noted that there is a $15,000 increase in FHWA funds. This funding can
programmed next year, negating the need for a UPWP amendment.
4. Annual Work Program
A. Ongoing Activities
1. Glens Falls residential traffic calming study: Aaron gave an update on the
status of the study, explaining that the traffic counts are complete.
Temporary striping had been applied earlier in the summer, and the speed
wagon had been deployed as well. Data was collected for the control
condition, the striped condition, and the striping plus speed wagon. Counts
were also collected on two parallel streets to determine if behavior on these
streets was altered. A survey was distributed to the residents. Early feedback
has been mixed, and some negative comments have been made to City Hall
(although not to A/GFTC directly). Once the results of the traffic counts have
been analyzed, further findings will be made to the TAC, probably within the
next few months.
2. Warren County Bicycling Master Plan: Kate Mance updated the committee,
stating that over the last few months a work plan and methodology were
identified to narrow the scope of the project into a feasible product. In
addition, Kate field-verified the shoulder widths and speed limits of the
potential bike routes identified by the Warren County Safe & Quality Bicycling
Organization to determine whether the shoulders would be adequate to
support designated bicycle use. The majority of the roadways do not provide
adequate bicycling space in their current condition. The next step will be to
assist the WCS&QBO to set feasible priorities, and also to add in any local
priorities as identified by municipalities in planning documents. The goal will
be to create an action plan, which can be used by the WCS&QBO in working
with local municipalities to improve bike conditions. Kate also asked for
feedback from the TAC on the desire for WCS&QBO to “rate” specific routes
as part of this plan (i.e. which routes are suitable for experienced cyclists vs.
children or casual cyclists). Kate stated that her understanding is that this
sort of designation is outside the purview of the A/GFTC for this plan.
However, the WCS&QBO could use the GIS layers created as part of this plan
and issue their own map as a separate project, perhaps through Warren
County’s GIS department. Aaron noted that the bike group had identified the
Herkimer-Oneida County Bike Atlas as an example of the type of product
that they would eventually like to produce, but that this is not the type of
project that A/GFTC had anticipated including in the UPWP. Jeff Tennyson
noted that he had also been helping the bike organization, and that
managing their expectations was a large part of their discussions. He stated
that the county’s priorities are on the drivable portions of the roadways
themselves, and stand-alone shoulder projects are not currently feasible.
Finding off-road solutions will be an important component, as will add-ons
from other funding sources like the Make the Connection program. Frank
Bonafide also stated that Enhancement funding or similar sources will
become more important moving forward, and that doing as much of the
preparation as possible prior to seeking funding will help. For example, a
sponsor could obtain design approval for a trail, at their own cost, which

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TAC Minutes – August 2011
would greatly increase the chance of obtaining Enhancement funds by
ensuring that many of the right-of-way and acquisition questions are
answered up front.
3. GIS Services contract: Aaron noted that Fountains Spatial had been
mobilized to revise the transit ridership software to account for route
changes. Given that the Trolley routes only run until Labor Day, it is likely
that this portion of the data collection will have to be collected manually if
the application is not updated in time.
4. Analysis of 2010 Census data: Kate reviewed a preliminary analysis of the
Census 2010 data. The goal of the analysis is to determine what trends are
occurring in the region, so that appropriate transportation priorities can be
set in future planning efforts. As the data is being released on a piecemeal
basis, the analysis will be prepared as the new information is released.
Population, age, and travel time to work summaries have been prepared to
date. Each analysis is composed of a one-page summary with appropriate
mapping and/or charts as appropriate. In terms of population, there was a
trend reversal, in which the communities which had grown from 1990-2000
had lost population from 2000-2010, and vice versa. As such, most of the
villages had increased growth. Kate also noted that no studies of national
trends which mirror the local condition in terms of population had yet been
identified. With regards to age, several communities were identified which
had proportionally higher numbers of 20-30 year old residents, and also had
a lower mean age than the rest of the region. These communities include
many of the villages which also grew in population. Finally, in terms of
travel-to-work, areas closest to Glens Falls had the shortest travel time to
work. Certain areas which also have significant local employment centers,
such as Granville and Whitehall, also have correspondingly shorter travel
times. Jim Lindsay noted that some of the data as presented may be as a
result of Census methodology shifting from 2000 to 2010, especially in
Kingsbury. The local, anecdotal perspective is that coverage of the area for
the 2000 census was not complete, resulting in under-counting. However,
the 2010 methodology was improved and local outreach was better, so the
more recent numbers may be more accurate. Wayne LaMothe also asked
whether there would be any new urbanized areas in NYS. Kate responded
that she had not researched this topic as it was outside the MPO boundary.
Aaron also noted that the local urbanized area boundary criteria had yet to
be finalized.
5. iPoolNorth update: Aaron noted that the iPoolNorth ridesharing software is
being updated, both for A/GFTC and for CDTC, as the two systems are
linked. This update was instigated by the software designers, not the MPOs,
and the update will not result in an increased cost in the software contract.
CDTC is working with the vendor to implement the changes as they have a
larger pool of people enrolled in the system and have more complex user
needs than A/GFTC. Once the modifications are made, the updated software
platform will be activated, probably within the next month or two. This will
also result in needing to re-enroll all participants in the ridesharing program,
as that information cannot be imported to the new program.
6. WWIDA Shovel Ready Certification: Aaron reported that A/GFTC is still
waiting for data to be generated from the Hicks Road reconstruction project.

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TAC Minutes – August 2011
GPI had indicated that turning movement counts would be collected as part
of that project, which would be a valuable inclusion in the Shovel Ready
project. IDA has been contacted for additional background information for
the project as well.
7. Queensbury commercial / industrial access road: Aaron reported that of the
twelve consultants that responded to the RFP, four were interviewed.
Creighton Manning Engineering was selected to complete the study. A kick-
off meeting will be held on Monday, August 22, at 1:00. Jeff Tennyson
recommended holding the meeting in the conference room at the airport, to
facilitate a walk-through. Aaron noted that the feasibility analysis will take
about six months to complete, and will focus on what potential value a
connector roadway will have with regards to traffic operations and economic
5. Transit
A. GGFT Update: Scott Sopczyk noted that July was the busiest month in GGFT’s
history. Most of this is attributable to use of the trolleys. This is partly because of
high gas prices and also due to international and summer workers traveling
between Glens Falls and Lake George. The weather also affected usage. Year-
round routes remained essentially flat. Route changes went into effect July 18.
This resulted in a similar amount of service re-allocated within the transit area.
For example, service to Bay Road/ACC increased, while lesser-used routes
decreased in frequency. Regarding capital projects, the lift in the GGFT garage
has been replaced. The Ridge Street terminal has been rehabbed, and the
pavement/re-striping portion of the project will be completed next week. The
striping design was made possible through the engineering assistance of A/GFTC,
and is intended to prevent cars from parking in the bus drop-off area. GGFT has
been coordinating with the Sheriff’s Department to get space on the radio tower
for a new repeater, which will address radio coverage. Federal funding is stable
through 2012, although State funding is still in question. Mike Valentine asked
what the effect of construction to Exit 18 has been on transit. Scott responded
that the direction of the route was reversed to go out on Luzerne Road and return
on Corinth Road and signs were installed. This has been working well.
6. TIP
A. Amendments and Modifications:
1. Discussion of Beach Road amendment: Aaron noted that a ballot had
been faxed to the TAC for a $1.2 million increase, along with a letter
from the DPW explaining why the increase was necessary. The ballot
was approved for 30-day public review, which is underway. The
comment period will expire at the beginning of September, which will
allow for the Policy Committee to review in time to make the
amendment within the current federal fiscal year. Wayne asked whether
the amendment would affect other TIP projects. Aaron responded that
NYSDOT R1 staff, working with CDTC, was able to find the requisite
offsetting funds within CDTC’s program. This will allow us to process the
amendment without a reduction within the A/GFTC program. Frank
Bonafide noted that any increase will have an effect eventually. Since
the MPOs in the region were not over-programmed, especially A/GFTC,

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TAC Minutes – August 2011
the TAC is not looking at massive cuts in the next few years. Overruns
and unexpected contingencies will also use up much of the leeway in the
under-programmed TIP. Aaron noted that this under-programming was
deliberate and takes into account the need for unexpected offsets. Mike
Valentine asked about the process when an offset is required, but
cannot be obtained from the sponsor. Frank replied that funds within the
region may be shifted, or funding for state projects might be used.
Frank also asked whether the current Beach Road estimate was accurate
and sufficient. The representatives present from Warren County DPW
indicated that it was.
B. Projects: Since the normal discussion of project status will be superceded by the
more detailed discussion between project sponsors and DOT, to happen later
today, Aaron opened the floor to the committee to pose any questions regarding
projects. He began by giving an update regarding the Route 9 Safety Project in
South Glens Falls. NYSDOT, local officials, A/GFTC and Saratoga County Planning
representatives met last week to discuss the DOT’s draft design concepts for the
corridor. This concept includes a continuous two-way left turn lane between
Feeder Dam Road in the south and River Street in the north. Aaron noted that
this concept is likely to have significant impacts to on-street parking. Mayor
Donohue has requested a site walkthrough with DOT, and coordination for this is
ongoing. In terms of the Exit 18 project, Kevin Hajos reported that the project is
85-90% complete. The top course of asphalt will be installed in the next few
days, with topsoil and incidentals to follow. There is an October 1 anticipated
finish date. Scott noted that the placement of the transit signage along the
roadway is also sufficient. Wayne asked about the status of the other City
projects in the vicinity. Aaron noted that Glens Falls does have two capital
projects, Broad Street and Hudson Avenue, that the it is still pursuing. The City
has indicated to A/GFTC that their main priority is to hold the Broad Street
reconstruction project to the current schedule.
C. Reprogramming instructions for FFY 2012-2014: Directly after this meeting,
Warren County representatives will remain behind to discuss individual projects,
and that meeting will reconvene at 1 p.m. with the Washington County project
7. Adjourn: Frank Bonafide made a motion, seconded by Mike Valentine, to adjourn at
10:45. The meeting was adjourned.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, June 14, 2011  

Attendees Agency
Brian Abare Village of South Glens Falls DPW
Edward Bartholomew City of Glens Falls
Robert Cherry NYSDOT – Region 1
Edward Doughney Warren County DPW
Wayne LaMothe Warren County Planning
Mary Anne Mariotti NYSDOT – Region 1
Tori Riley Washington County LDC
Scott Sopczyk GGFT
Michael Valentine Saratoga County Planning

Greg Roy McFarland Johnson

Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC
Kate Mance A/GFTC
Minutes of the Meeting

1. Welcome & Introductions – Aaron Frankenfeld called the meeting to order at 1:30

2. Visitor Issues – There were no visitor issues.

3. Administrative Items
A. Personnel Update: Aaron introduced Kate Mance as the recently hired Senior
Transportation Planner, noting that after Sarah Gebbie-Measeck’s resignation,
approximately 20 potentially viable resumes were received and six interviews
conducted. Kate began work at A/GFTC last week. Aaron requested that the
committee ratify the hiring.


B. Host Agency Agreement: Aaron noted that the current contract with the Lake
Champlain Lake George Regional Planning Board (RPB) is set to expire on July 1. A
smaller committee of the TAC looked into options concerning host agency options for
A/GFTC, namely whether to remain with the RPB or move to another agency. Most of
the sucommittee’s questions regarding the current arrangement were answered.
Aaron stated that his view was that, given the trend in federal agencies to favor
regional planning, A/GFTC should continue its arrangement with the RPB. Wayne
LaMothe asked whether the issues previously raised concerning the financial
arrangement have been addressed, and whether AGFTC has faced any issues with the
timing of reimbursement. Aaron explained that the RPB has taken steps to address
cash flow and ensure timely reimbursements. The DOT is strongly encouraging MPOs
to pursue a 10-year contract with host agencies. Scott Sopcyzk suggested a 5-year
contract with a 5-year renewal clause, if possible. A/GFTC has a draft contract from
Adirondack / GlensFallsTransportationCouncil
11 South Street, Suite 203
Glens Falls, NY 12801
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 – 0584

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TAC Minutes – June 2011
the RPB and Aaron will follow up with DOT on the contract term before executing the
C. Federal Reauthorization: Aaron noted that the Association of Metropolitan Planning
Organizations (AMPO) has obtained a copy of a draft transportation bill proposed by
the Obama administration that would call for the re-certification of all small MPOs,
subject to performance measures which have not yet been identified. A/GFTC is well
positioned to meet any performance measures, and NYS would be likely willing to re-
authorize MPOs, given that the duties would otherwise fall to DOT. There is also no
guarantee that the re-certification provision would be included in the final version of
the bill, as competing bills may set other thresholds. AMPO is circulating letters in
support of small MPOs, and Aaron noted that staff cannot directly lobby federal
agencies, but local elected officials can send letters of support. Resolutions from the
Boards of Supervisors would also be useful. A/GFTC can supply relevant information if
requested. If the MPO was dissolved, there would likely be a period of about 2 years
in which a transition plan would need to be created. Several committee members
requested copies of the draft letter.
4. Transit
A. GGFT Update (Scott Sopczyk): GGFT is in the process of instituting the service
changes as part of last year’s Transit Development Plan. This will provide the same
level of service with a 10% reduction in workforce, which was achieved through
attrition. Some services will be increased, notably Bay Road to ACC/Queensbury Town
Hall, and Glens Falls to Hudson Falls/Fort Edward. The schedule is also more regular.
This plan was put out for public comment, and GGFT worked to address comments
received. The Trolley service begins on a 7-day schedule on 6/25. A recent driver
recruitment effort was successful. The fleet is currently in good shape. Although there
are no immediate issues in terms of federal actions, there is word that a 35%
reduction in 5307 funds may be included in the next transportation bill. If enacted,
this would impact the maintenance of the fleet 4-5 years in the future. Wayne
LaMothe asked for details concerning current ridership and mileage. Scott noted that
annual ridership levels are at about 325,000, and mileage is at about 300,000. This
works out to 1.1 passengers/mile. The cost/hour of the service is the lowest in NY,
and the cost/mile is the second lowest. The cost/passenger trails only transit agencies
with a high proportion of students (such as in Ithaca and Syracuse).
B. Local Engineering Assistance Program (Scott): Creighton Manning was tasked with
designing the new pavement striping pattern under the Local Engineering Assistance
Program, and the City will mill and stripe the pavement in early July.
C. Website Update: Scott noted that enhancements to the website will go live in the next
few weeks. A Google map will be added for the bus routes, which will add
functionality to the site.
5. Annual Work Program
A. Review of Staff and Consultant Activities
1) Queensbury Connector Road RFP (Aaron): Twelve proposals were received on
June 3. A subcommittee comprised of Warren County DPW, T. of Queensbury
Commmunity Development, Washington County LDC, Region 1 Planning, and
the City of Glens Falls have volunteered to review the proposals. The
subcommittee discussed tentative dates to meet, and identified Tuesday, June
21 at 10 a.m. as a possible time. Ed Bartholomew will confirm his availability
to Aaron. NYSDOT may be able to conference in to the meeting as well.
2) Travel Demand Modeling contract (Aaron): The new model is complete. It will
will likely be used on the Queensbury Connector Road and the shovel-ready
site analysis.
3) iPoolNorth update (Aaron): Aaron and Kate attended a meeting at CDTC
offices on June 13 to review changes to the iPoolNorth software platform. The
software, Greenride, is being replaced by the developer with Greenride

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TAC Minutes – June 2011
Connect. The current software will not be supported past 2012. CDTC and
A/GFTC will therefore upgrade the software at the same cost as the current
system. The targeted roll-out is August 2011. The new system will feature an
easier interface and greater local customization of the site. Scott asked about
whether the CDTC park and ride report was complete. Mike Valentine stated
that his understanding was that the report had not been advanced past the
BF&J presentation in March. Aaron will follow up with CDTC and report back.
B. Upcoming Activities
1) WWIDA Shovel Ready Certification (Aaron): A/GFTC has received information
about the Phase 1 buildouts, and will do the traffic analysis for Phase 2. To
complete this, the Hicks Road analysis will be needed. Ed Doughney noted that
GPI was conducting the analysis this week, and would have the information
forwarded to A/GFTC when it is available.
2) Bicycle Map update/reprint (Aaron): A/GFTC is running low on bike maps. The
Warren County Safe and Quality Biking Organization (SQBO) has requested a
number of additions to the map, mainly east-west connectors between
Queensbury and Glens Falls. These routes have not yet been endorsed by the
involved municipalities, and cannot therefore be added to the MPO-issued
map. Aaron has encouraged the SQBO to pursue getting these routes
endorsed by the municipalities. It may be necessary to order a short run of
maps while this effort is underway.
3) Warren County Bicycle Plan (Aaron): A/GFTC is creating a scope of work and
determining whether the Warren County Bike Plan can be an MPO product
given that recreation is a large component of the requested product. It is
possible that A/GFTC can assist with the inventory and conceptual connections,
and that a consultant can be brought in if needed. The next meeting of the
SQBO is on June 29
th. Ed Doughney asked if the plan would include similarities
to CDTC’s priority network. Aaron noted that the A/GFTC’s existing Bicycle and
Pedestrian Plan contained priority corridors that were similar to that concept
and an updated list could be an anticipated product. The intent is also to
produce a document that can be folded into a regional plan which includes the
whole MPO planning area.
4) Aaron noted two items not on the agenda. First, staff is waiting for the GGFT
route changes to go into effect prior to commencing the FTA passenger mile
survey. The recently completed GIS application will make this task faster.
Second, staff will begin work on updating the coordinated Human Services
Transportation Plan. This report was last completed 3-4 years ago, and will be
updated for 2012.
6. TIP
A. Project Updates
1) Warren County (Ed Doughney): Corinth Road is about 75% complete and is
slated to be done in September, ahead of schedule, with reconstruction of the
north side of the roadway complete and coordination to move the power lines
and poles underway. Middleton Bridge is being designed using the relocated
alignment but has been a slow process. Milton St. Bridge in Warrensburg is
about 95% complete, with the water main and walkway being the main
outstanding items. Harrington Road Bridge has been delayed due to high water
levels, and DPW is looking to revise the design to compensate for
groundwater, with a target substantial completion target of September. Beach
Road has received NEPA concurrence and is moving forward with Design
Approval. There was an EPF grant received for pervious pavement for this
project – Ed is meeting tomorrow to identify issues relating to using this
pavement. The final design is anticipated to be complete a bit behind schedule,
with a worse-case scenario construction start of Spring 2012. Construction will

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TAC Minutes – June 2011
not be conducted during the summer tourist season. In response to a question
from Scott, Ed noted that this does not include the DEC portion of the project.
The Alder Brook Bridge is functionally complete after a slight delay from the
high water conditions, with full completion anticipated for August. DPW has
authorized preliminary design on four projects – Hicks Road, Lanfear Road
bridge over Stony Creek, Crane Mountain Road bridge, and Palisades Road
bridge over Brant Lake. In addition, two Make the Connection projects, the
Warren County Bikeway and West Mountain Road bicycle improvements, have
forwarded draft design reports to DOT for approval. DPW anticipates a fall
start on these two projects. Wayne asked whether the TIP amendment for
Broad Street is still going forward. Ed Bartholomew noted that the Common
Council is still pursuing that. Broad Street will not be as complex of a project
as Exit 18 or South Street. The South Street contract will be awarded to
Rifenburg Construction at meeting later that this evening (6/14/11).
2) Washington County: Scott Tracy was not present. Aaron noted that the County
12 bridge in Granville, originally slated for year 4 of the TIP, has been red
flagged and may need to be moved up. The program change could be
accommodated through the changes to the Dewey’s Bridge project. Also, the
CR 61 project has been revised to include a truss, based on the public’s
aesthetic concerns. Mary Anne Mariotti asked about the status was of the
CR10 bridge to Poultney. Aaron noted that the project lead was Vermont, and
that the project had lost some momentum because of the same water issues
facing Warren and Washington Counties. Aaron will look into what kind of
agreement is in place regarding the project and report back to DOT.
3) Saratoga County: Mike Valentine reported that there were no updates from
Saratoga County.
4) NYSDOT: Aaron asked Mary Anne Mariotti for an update on the Route 9 Safety
project in Moreau/South Glens Falls. Mary Anne will check on the status and
report back. The Route 372 bridge over the Battenkill project is on schedule,
with drainage and roadway construction currently underway. The I-87/CR10
project is also on schedule, with an anticipated construction end in June 2012.
The bridge should be open by November 2011. I-87 over Route 9 in
Pottersville has just been awarded; Mary Anne would report back on who had
won the award. I-87 from Exit 18 – Exit 24 is under construction; awaiting
approval from the Main Office for rustic guide railings. Route 9N bridge over
the Hudson is on schedule. Route 196 over the Champlain Canal bridge repair
is underway. I-87 over Gurney Lane bridge repair should be completed by
mid-August. In terms of the Making the Connection project in Argyle, the
project may need to include curbing in order to follow DOT standards. The DOT
residency is providing guidance regarding the extra cost associated with the
curbs. Mary Anne noted that it was a general concern of DOT that the local
participants in the MTC process be aware of the need to incorporate DOT
process and design standards, and that facilities cannot always be replaced in
kind. A pre-application meeting might be useful to let applicants know about
the issues before committing to the projects. Aaron noted that the changes
Mary Anne had submitted previously concerning the next solicitation were
received and would be incorporated. Mike Valentine asked about the status of
the Granville MTC project. Aaron noted that the resident engineer asked that
the sidewalk be moved to the other side of the road, which will require
additional crosswalks. The change will provide added benefits in terms of
pedestrian/vehicle separation and requiring less curbing. Rob Cherry noted
that NYSDOT is still working towards a smart growth policy, and that the policy
could be adapted to solicit projects in the future. Thresholds have yet to be
determined for what constitutes smart growth.

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TAC Minutes – June 2011
B. Amendments and Modifications: none.
7. Other Items: Wayne LaMothe noted that Warren County is sponsoring a
gateway/streetscape project on Route 9 in Pottersville. Cynthia Behan is the consultant
working on the concept design. Wayne and Cynthia met with Mark Kennedy at DOT
Region 1 to incorporate required design and signage elements. The project will require a
DOT permit. Wayne is requesting technical assistance from A/GFTC to advance the
concept design to a point where the Town will be able to apply for a DOT permit. Aaron
noted that the MPO is already committed to the Town of Lake George for engineering
assistance, and will need to check availability. Aaron also noted that A/GFTC is advancing
the residential traffic calming study with engineering assistance, which will identify a
target speed for traffic calming improvements. The project will test a few design
improvements for efficacy, with the goal of identifying a model which could be deployed
in neighborhoods as needed. As part of that process, A/GFTC may need assistance from
Warren County DPW to help with deploying tubes for traffic counts. The Lake George
technical assistance project will commence once the residential traffic calming project is
complete. Rob Cherry asked if the Pottersville streetscape will involve access
management. Wayne stated that it would, especially where needed to incorporate
pedestrian improvements.
8. Next meeting schedule and adjourn – The next TAC meeting was tentatively
scheduled for mid-August.

Mr. LaMothe moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:20.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, March 9, 2011

11 South Street, Suite 203             Glens Falls, NY 12801

Policy Committee Meeting
Minutes of Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Ed Bartholomew, City of Glens Falls (rep. Jack Diamond)
Ralph Bentley, Supervisor, Town of Horicon
Frank Bonafide, NYSDOT Reg. 1 (rep. Mary Ivy)
Preston Jenkins, Supervisor, Town of Moreau
James Lindsay, Supervisor, Town of Kingsbury
Frank McCoy, Supervisor, Town of Lake George
Daniel Stec, Chairman, Warren County Board of Supervisors
Mitch Suprenant, Supervisor, Town of Ford Edward
Steven Sweeney, NYS Canal Corp. (rep. Michael Loftus)
Mike Valentine, Saratoga County (rep. Thomas Wood)
Michael Fiorillo, Village of Hudson Falls
Wayne LaMothe, Warren County Planning
Mary Anne Mariotti, NYSDOT-Region 1
Joseph Rich, Federal Highway Administration
Jeff Tennyson, Warren County DPW

A/GFTC Staff:

Aaron Frankenfeld, Transportation Planning Director
Monika Bulman, Administrative Assistant

1. Welcome & Introductions
Chairman Dan Stec called the meeting to order at 1:37

2. Visitors Issues – None

3. Administration
A. Host Agency agreement (Aaron): Another municipality, the City of Glens Falls,
has presented itself as a possible host agency. GGFT has indicated that their
experience with having the City as a host has been positive. At times the
LC/LGRPB has experienced cash flow problems resulting in late payments to
consultants, but a bank loan recently acquired by the RPB may help avoid
future late payments.

A motion was made to establish a committee to explore alternative hosting


4. Transit
A. 5310 Program- (Aaron) This is a federally funded, state administered program
for vehicle purchases for private not-for-profit transportation providers that
serve elderly and disabled passengers. The deadline to submit applications is
May 4, 2011. A/GFTC will assist in the review and selection of applicants.

Adirondack / GlensFallsTransportationCouncil
11 South Street, Suite 203
Glens Falls, NY 12801
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 – 0584

Policy Committee Minutes
Page 2
March 9, 2011

B. GGFT Update – In absence of a full report from GGFT, Aaron briefly noted that
GGFT was planning to hold public workshops to present possible service
changes as identified in the Transit Development Plan.

5. Annual Work Program
A. Review of Staff and Consultant Activities
1) Local Transportation Planning and Engineering Assistance Program
a. Glens Falls residential traffic calming (Aaron): RSG is continuing
to work on the methodology for a spring 2011 deployment of
data collection and neighbor surveys.
b. Request from GGFT for design services (Aaron): GGFT has
requested using our Local Traffic Engineering Assistance
Program with design, striping, signing and utilization of space at
City Hall for the bus terminal. This would also include specs for
materials. The program has sufficient funds to carry this project
and no committee approval is required to advance this.
c. Request from Town of Lake George (Aaron): Stemming from
their recent gateway corridor study facilitated by A/GFTC, the
Town of Lake George has requested assistance for development
of a wayfinding signing plan. Mr. McCoy reported that currently
the corridor has cluttered signage and lacks pedestrian and
landscaping. Improved signage is the first step in the Town’s
vision for an improved corridor. Frank Bonafide noted that signs
placed in state rights-of-way would require DOT review. Aaron
recommended that this project be initiated following completion
of the GGFT and City of Glens Falls projects noted above. Mr.
McCoy stated that this was acceptable.
2) Travel Demand Modeling contract (Aaron): Warner Transportation
Consulting is completing the methodology report and users guide for
the new model, and is also attempting to reconcile model outputs with
data used by the Interagency Consultation Group in their review of air
quality conformity. The entire project should be completed within two
3) GIS Services contract (Aaron): The data collection tools are complete
and include a transit passenger data collection tool (this will allow us to
assist GGFT with FTA ridership requirements), pavement scoring data
collection device and on-line TIP project and traffic count browsers.
GGFT has requested a transit map browser which we will work over the
course of the upcoming state fiscal year pending UPWP approval.
4) iPoolNorth update (Aaron): We currently have 115 people signed up.
The increase is due to Glens Falls Hospital publicizing the program to its
employees. Additional increases are likely to coincide with rising fuel
B. Upcoming Activities
1) WWIDA Shovel Ready Certification (Aaron): A preliminary traffic
generation estimate for IDA in support of their shovel-ready
certification request from New York State is on hold pending data
collection done on behalf of Warren County as part of the Hicks Road
2) Bicycle Map update/reprint (Aaron): Reprinting of the regional bicycle
map is on-hold as Queensbury and Glens Falls consider designating
additional on-street bicycle routes.

Policy Committee Minutes
Page 3
March 9, 2011

C. 2011-2012 Work Program
1) Review of Draft (Handout): Aaron summarized the work program and
pointed out that we had to make a change of $142.00 from the initial
draft. The total program amount is $656,799. We are anticipating an
additional $190K carryover in savings from the 2010-2011 year but,
because those savings have not been released by FHWA, they were not
included in the draft program. Without these funds, A/GFTC has
adequate funds to accomplish the tasks in the UPWP. If we find that
mid-year we need the carryover funds for additional tasks, the UPWP
can be amended.

A motion was made to approve the 2011-2012 UPWP.


6. TIP
A. Make the Connection (MTC) Awards (Aaron): Four projects were awarded:
Warren County for establishing bicycle space along West Mountain Road;
Warren County for the bikeway a new connection between the Warren County
Bikeway and the factory outlet stores on Route 9; Village of Argyle for
sidewalks along Sheridan Street; Village of Granville (joint venture with Town)
for sidewalks. Recommendations for improvements to the application and the
selection process are a high priority. Jeff Tennyson wondered if some of the
additional UPWP funds could be used towards the development of stronger
MTC projects. Aaron noted that A/GFTC was not leaving the additional funds
on the table but that those were savings from prior years and that the TAC
could explore MTC project development in greater detail as the year

B. Project Updates
1) Warren County (Jeff Tennyson) Consultant selection for Crane Mountain
Road Bridge (Creighton Manning Engineering) and Hicks Road
reconstruction (Greenman – Pedersen Inc.) has taken place; bids are in
for Harrington Road Bridge; the utility phase for Corinth Road is nearing
2) Washington County: No one was present to give project report, but Jim
Lindsay expressed concerns about the limitations of the bridge program
as related to Dewey’s Bridge over the Champlain Canal. A new road
could easily be constructed for what it would cost to replace the bridge,
which doesn’t see much traffic. Aaron agreed that the proposed road
solution was something that A/GFTC generally concurs with but that
that is not a permissible solution within the current program. Funding
programs could change as part of the new federal highway bill.
3) Saratoga County (Preston Jenkins): The Spier Falls safety project had
good results, there are concerns about dark conditions along Route 9
between Exit 17 and the new intersection. Mr. Jenkins also expressed
concern with vehicular speeds exiting I-87 at Exit 17 to Route 9
northbound. Mary Anne Mariotti agreed forward these concerns to the
appropriate personnel at NYSDOT R1.
4) NYSDOT- (Mary Anne Mariotti): Design for the Route 4 project in
Hudson Falls is progressing; there will be public meeting in the
summer, the soil on John Street is being tested. The beams are being
installed for the Route 372 bridge project in Greenwich.

Policy Committee Minutes
Page 4
March 9, 2011

Frank Bonafide reported that the new DOT Commissioner is Joan
McDonald. The Federal Transportation Act has been extended through
the end of September. The new bill could be ready at the end of the
fiscal year.
Joe Rich stated that the $38 billion included in the extension is
approximately 2/3 of what is needed for basic maintenance of the
existing transportation system.
Mitch Suprenant wanted to know the status of the 197 bridges over the
Hudson River. NYSDOT responded that work on the west branch
structure is scheduled to begin in spring of 2013. Because of recent
repairs, the east branch (concrete arch) structure is currently in better
condition than the west branch structure and it is not currently
programmed for rehabilitation or replacement.
Jeff Tennyson noted his concerns with state reimbursements for federal
aid project costs incurred at the local level. The delays have forced the
County to bond certain projects and increased project costs. Frank
Bonafide acknowledged the problem and noted that cash flow is an
issue for many state agencies.

C. Amendments and Modifications
1) City of Glens Falls request to reprioritize projects (Aaron): The City of
Glens Falls has requested adding the Broad Street project to the TIP,
while deferring the Hudson Avenue and Dix Avenue projects as
necessary to preserve fiscal constraint. The thirty-day public comment
period for this amendment is complete.

A motion was made to approve adding the Broad Street project to the TIP.


2) Aviation Road scope expansion (Aaron): The Town of Queensbury has
requested a scope of expansion of the existing Aviation Road / Dixon
Road intersection project to include the entrance to Queensbury
Schools. Chairman Stec noted that installation of a right turn lane was
included as a possible alternative within the recently completed Aviation
Road Corridor Study. Aaron indicated that, working with NYSDOT R1,
we believe that we have found a sufficient amount of financial offset to
add the project. Additional funds for design have already been included.
3) Route 9 Outlets/Exit 20 ramp Discussion took place regarding the
possibility of a rear access road behind the outlets (east side of Rte 9).
There is land available for this road. The Town f Queensbury may come
forward with a more formal request for this project.

7. Other Items
Mr. Suprenant referred back to the Fort Edward Truck Access study and asked about
the recommendation for constructing a new access road between Route 4 and County
Route 37. Aaron stated that a TIP project request was never received from the Town.

8. Next meeting and adjourn

At 3:20 a motion was made to adjourn the meeting.


A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, January 27, 2011

11 South Street, Suite 203             Glens Falls, NY 12801

Attendees Agency
Brian Abare Village of South Glens Falls DPW
Edward Bartholomew City of Glens Falls
Frank Bonafide NYSDOT-Region 1
Robert Cherry NYSDOT-Region 1
Mike Fiorillo Village of Hudson Falls DPW
Kevin Hajos Warren County DPW
Preston Jenkins Town of Moreau
Wayne LaMothe Warren County Planning
Scott Sopczyk GGFT
Steven Sweeney NYSCC
Scott Tracy Washington County DPW

Jocelyn Blanchard SAIL
Edward Doughney Warren County DPW

Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC
Sarah Gebbie-Measeck A/GFTC
Monika Bulman A/GFTC
Minutes of the Meeting

1. Welcome & Introductions – Aaron Frankenfeld called the meeting to order at 1:30

2. Visitor Issues – Aaron introduced Jocelyn Blanchard, the Coordinator for the Southern
Adirondack Independent Living Center located at Glenwood Avenue. The role of the
Center is to be an advocate for people with disabilities and Ms. Blanchard’s interest in
coming to a meeting is to learn more about transportation options available for
individuals who cannot drive and to make certain that ADA compliance is given
consideration. Aaron noted that part of the A/GFTC program, both through planning and
capital improvements is for non-motorized transportation. The update of the Coordinated
Human Services Transportation Plan for the region is programmed for this upcoming
year. Ms. Blanchard was invited to assist with the update of the HSTP.

3. Administrative Items –
A. TAC Co-chairman election results: Aaron reported that the TAC elected Mike Valentine
to co-chair that committee. He will be the TAC signatory and preside over any issues
raised that involve potential staff conflicts.
B. Operations Plan/Host Agency agreement: Aaron stated that there was nothing to
report other than the RPB was successful in getting loan to cover short-term gaps
between paying A/GFTC expenses and receiving reimbursements.
C. Revision of billing procedures: Aaron reported Region 1 staff and AGFTC staff have
had extensive discussions regarding billing practices that apparently were somewhat
unusual when compared to other MPOs in the State. The A/GFTC program is
reconciled on an annual basis with the UPWP rather than a monthly basis. We will try
Adirondack / GlensFallsTransportationCouncil
11 South Street, Suite 203
Glens Falls, NY 12801
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 – 0584

TAC Minutes, January 27, 2011
Page 2

to resort to a reporting methodology that is consistently more proportional on a
month to month basis. It is hoped that this lessens the concerns of the Expenditures
Unit at DOT. Rob Cherry noted that the outcome from the meetings regarding the
above situation has been met with favorable feedback.

4. Transit
A. GGFT Update: Scott Sopczyk reported the following: In 2010, overall ridership was
on fixed routes was up 3% and trolleys and FAME were up 2%. Typically as the
economy improves, ridership numbers increase. The new low floor buses used last
year were very well received. Delivery of a hybrid low floor bus is expected in about
6-8 weeks. Two replacement vehicles will be procured for the FAME service. The
Transit Development Plan was completed several years ago and public outreach for
changes will hopefully take place soon once the Governor’s budget comes out. Bolton
and the Lake George Chamber of Commerce have been in touch with GGFT
concerning changing some trolley service. Wayne LaMothe asked if GGFT services are
provided to Warrensburg. Currently it is not, but the Town is completing their master
plan and would like to establish some kind of transit service. Scott Sopczyk pointed
out that in order to provide service to rural areas, a Service Agreement that provides
a local match is necessary.
5. Annual Work Program
A. Review of Staff and Consultant Activities
1. Local Transportation Planning and Engineering Assistance Program
a. Lake George Gateway Corridor (Aaron) – The plan has been completed. It
was well-received by the Town and has generated additional capital and
planning requests.
b. Glens Falls residential traffic calming (Aaron) – On hold until spring 2011.
Kathy Varney from GF Hospital is involved in advancing pedestrian issues
and through grants may be able to purchase some traffic calming devices
that could be loaned to various municipalities. Scott Sopczyk reported that
Glens Falls Schools are thinking of changing their starting time and
possibility changing the traffic pattern flow.
2. Travel Demand Modeling contract (Aaron) – A new, functional travel demand
Model (TransCAD) is in place. We are awaiting the final calibration,
methodology report and users guide to the model.
3. GIS Services contract – Sarah reported that not much is new since the last
meeting. Fountains Spatial finalized an agreement with us to host our traffic
count and projects viewers and make some updates as required. Our ridership
application is finished and our pavement application is 99.9% finished.
4. Village of Greenwich bicycle and pedestrian assessment (Sarah) -We have a
draft bike/ ped assessment for the Village that was conducted in the summer
and fall. It is out for comment to the Village and DOT. DOT Region 1 has
some questions regarding its content and what are we planning to do with the
assessment. Rob Cherry felt the document seemed to help to identify
conditions of existing facilities. Identifying where the specific needs are would
add value. Mr. Cherry was not certain what the intention of the assessment
was. Aaron pointed out that we wanted to provide the Village with an
inventory and some general strategies that they may wish to consider.
Additional discussion included ADA requirements. Ms. Blanchard requested a
copy of the draft.
5. iPoolNorth update (Sarah) -There are 96 enrolled users. We renewed our
contract with Ecology Environment. We are waiting for CDTC’s iPool2 to renew
to the upgraded platform Green Ride Connect. Wayne LaMothe asked what
the duration of this effort was and if he should direct interested parties to the
site. Aaron replied that it is ongoing effort with extensive prior commitment.

TAC Minutes, January 27, 2011
Page 3

B. Upcoming Activities
1. WWIDA Shovel Ready Certification (Aaron) – Met with Tom Jarrett to discuss
some of the needed data that we would need to run some preliminary traffic
analysis for Phase II of the Airport Industrial Park. The data should be
available in about a week. Our highway capacity software has finally been
delivered to us.
2. HUD Community Challenge grant (Aaron) – The City of Glens Falls was
successful in obtaining a grant that has elements of improving non-motorized
transportation. We have committed to work with the City to get the most out
of their investment. Ed Bartholomew reported there have been 2 three-hour
conferences with the representatives in Washington reviewing the budget. It
will probably be another 2 to 3 months before this project gets on the ground.
3. Queensbury commercial/industrial access road (Aaron) – Preliminary
discussion had taken place with Queensbury Supervisor Stec regarding
carrying this task as an element of the upcoming work program. The interest
was reaffirmed at a meeting on 1/26.
C. 2011-2012 Work Program – Aaron went over the summary that was distributed
around the table (handout). Only the known savings was programmed as opposed to
the estimated savings, which would have resulted in an additional $190,000 being
programmed. Mr. LaMothe noted that the current bike pedestrian plan was developed
in 2000. Warren County has appointed an advisory committee to develop
recommendations on new bike routes. The advisory committee asked that the
Planning Department help write the new plan and Mr. LaMothe wondered if A/GFTC
could assume a role in that process. Aaron felt we could help Warren County develop
their bike/ped plan and then incorporate that into our regional plan. Also discussed:
Exit 18 improvements originally included a bike lane that came down Luzerne and
Richardson to connect to the Feeder Canal. Kevin Hajos noted that those are being
progressed. Steve Sweeneyinformed the committee of the availability of a draft
Canalway Trail plan.

A motion was made to approve the draft UPWP for a 30 day public comment period, with the
inclusion of assistance to Warren County for their bicycle and pedestrian plan under Task 3.5
and additional revisions that are forthcoming from Mr. Cherry.


6. TIP
A. Project Updates
1. Warren County (Kevin Hajos)-No significant development since last meeting;
Corinth Road has a skeleton crew doing underground utilities; Milton St.
Bridge in Warrensburg and the Alder Brook Bridge in Chestertown are shut
down for winter; Harrington Road Bridge is out to bid; propose to move the
Middleton Road Bridge about 1½ miles north of current location; Mr. Hajos
introduced Edward Doughney, Warren County’s new senior engineer. Mr.
Doughney will be involved with the federal aid projects. Mr. Doughney
proceeded to report that proposals have been received for four projects. One
project is the reconstruction of Hick’s Road; one is a bridge replacement in
Johnsburg; and two element-specific bridge projects: Lanfear Road and
Palisades Road.
Aaron added, based upon advice from NYSDOT that the Beach Road project
needs to be divided into 2 distinct phases, one that incorporates the County-
owned portions of the roadway and second that incorporates the state owned

TAC Minutes, January 27, 2011
Page 4

A motion was made to approve this modification


Mr. LaMothe reported that the Warren County Planning Department is working
with ANCA, with DOT funding, to redefine the old Dude Ranch Trail. The Scenic
Byway will be replaced by the First Wilderness Trail.
2. Washington County, Scott Tracy-No new report: Dewey’s Bridge has been
closed to traffic; two public information meetings have been held regarding
County 61 over the Battenkill and a third meeting is planned with much
discussion centering on the design of the bridge.
3. Saratoga County, Mr. Jenkins-The project on Rte 9 near Exit 17 is about done.
It is a tremendous improvement.
4. NYSDOT, Frank Bonafide- NYS 9N over the Hudson was let last week; currently
there appear some savings on jobs, but those may not last long given
commodity pricing trends. Rte 4 is in design; the Route 9 safety project is
being advanced. Lorenzo DiStefano will be assuming some of Ozzie Priotti’s
responsibilities. He advised local project sponsors to continue to send in their
project reimbursement requests as FHWA was applying greater scrutiny
towards projects that appear to be inactive.
B. Amendments and Modifications
1. City of Glens Falls request to reprioritize projects (Aaron)-This was a
previously approved action by this committee to approve for public comment
the City’s request to reorganize their planned TIP projects which would replace
their existing number one priority, Hudson Avenue reconstruction and
rehabilitation, with a similar project for Broad Street, in turn delaying Hudson
Avenue and putting Hudson Avenue in Dix Avenue’s place. We were waiting
for comments from DOT regarding project justification. We have the approval
to move forward with public comment now.
C. Make the Connection solicitation (Sarah) – MTC is a reimbursement program tofill
gaps in bike/ped networks. In October, we sent a solicitation to municipalities and
received 8 proposals, requesting more money than we have. Four projects were
awarded: Warren County for shared use lanes along West Mountain Road; Warren
County for a new connection from the bikeway along Rte 149 to the Rte 9 outlets;
Village of Argyle, for sidewalks along Sheridan Street; Village of Granville (which was
a joint application between the Village and the Town) for sidewalks along Quaker
Street. Award letters have gone out to all of our successful municipalities informing
them that the next step is for them to meet with A/GFTC and Region 1 staff to discuss
the locally administered aid process. The selection process favored construction of
new facilities over maintenance related activities. Region 1 identified some concerns
with issues with the Granville application that have been resolved. A/GFTC staff will
revise application and ranking procedures to satisfy additional concerns raised by
NYSDOT staff.

7. Other Items: Discussion regarding the future transportation economic climate took
place. Region 1 expects to receive about $120-$140 million less than forecasted.
There is no sense of how much money will be available. Wayne LaMothe asked if the
Smart Growth Policy applied to existing roads and bridges. Rob Cherry replied that
this issue has not been resolved.

8. Next meeting schedule and adjourn – Policy Committee meeting will take place
in March.

Mr. LaMothe moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:25.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, December 10, 2010  

Policy Committee Meeting Minutes

Friday, December 10, 2010


Ed Bartholomew, City of Glens Falls (rep. Jack Diamond)
Ralph Bentley, Supervisor, Town of Horicon
Rob Cherry, NYSDOT Region 1 (rep. Mary Ivey)
Mike Valentine, Saratoga County (rep. Willard Peck)
Steve Sweeney, NYSCC (rep. William Rinaldi)


Wayne LaMothe, Warren County Planning
Mary Anne Mariotti, NYSDOT Region 1
Kevin Hajos, Warren County DPW
Scott Sopczyk, GGFT
John Wheatley, EDC Warren County

A/GFTC Staff:

Aaron Frankenfeld, Transportation Planning Director
Sarah Gebbie-Measeck, Transportation Planner

1. Welcome and Introductions
In the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair, Aaron called the meeting to order at
1:35 PM.

2. Visitor Issues

3. Administrative Items
A. TAC Co-chairman Election Results – Aaron reported that the TAC elected
Mike Valentine as the committee co-chair.
B. Operations Plan / Host Agency Agreement
The current host agency agreement with the Lake Champlain – Lake
George Regional Planning Board will expire in April 2012 and the
agreement takes about a year to renew. Aaron reported that the LCLGRPB
has been challenged to cover our finances due to late reimbursements from
NYSDOT. The LCLGRPB recently obtained a line of credit to help with these
cash flow issues and are agreeable to continuing to host A/GFTC. Wayne
LaMothe asked if there were other options. Warren County and the City of
Glens Falls were listed as possible alternatives.
C. In-kind Reporting
Aaron reported that A/GFTC will be contacting TAC and Policy Committee
members to request information that will allow staff to better document
committee member in-kind time.
4. Transit
A. GGFT Update
Scott Sopczyk reported GGFT capital projects have included adding two
new trolley buses to replace to old ones, executing a bid award for one new
Adirondack / GlensFallsTransportationCouncil
11 South Street, Suite 203
Glens Falls, NY 12801
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 – 0584

December 12, 2010
Policy Committee Meeting Minutes
Page 2

hybrid bus, completing the relocation of the Ridge Street transfer station
and the update of computer and telephone systems. A radio system
replacement and new in ground vehicle lift are planned for early 2011.

GGFT has seen 2010 ridership increase by approximately 2%. Work is
continuing on the implementation of the Transit Development Plan
recommendations. A new shared website with A/GFTC has been developed.
Scott also noted data (handout) that demonstrated, that despite the
comparatively small scale of its operations, GGFT achieved very low
operating costs per mile and operating costs per passenger

Discussion ensued regarding an estimate of the percentage of ridership
that originated from tourist trips. Scott estimated that approximately 1/3
of all trolley trips were taken by tourists. Bolton has also seen an increase
in ridership and GGFT will be looking into increasing the frequency of trips
to Bolton.

B. FTA 5310 Awards
Aaron reported that two out of the four applications from the A/GFTC area
were awarded FTA 5310 (services for elderly and disabled passengers)
funds – Community, Work & Independence (CWI) and Battenkill
Community Services. CWI’s application was ranked #1 statewide by

5. Annual Work Program
A. Review of Staff and Consultant Activities
1) Local Transportation Planning and Engineering Assistance Program
a. Lake George Gateway Corridor
Aaron reported that the Gateway Corridor study is essentially
final and anticipates that the Town of Lake George will
consider the document for adoption at its 12/13 meeting.
b. Glens Falls Residential Traffic Calming
Aaron reported RSG was hired as the consultant for this
project. A neighborhood walk through was conducted. The
methodology for the project will be refined over the winter
and data from demonstrations will be collected in the spring.
This will include assessing local residents’ perception of
vehicle speed. The primary concern of residents seems to be
speed of vehicles and safety for pedestrians.
2) Travel Demand Modeling Contract
Aaron reported that Warner Transportation Consulting has created a
working model continues to refine calibration. We should have a
complete model within another month and a half.
3) GIS Services Contract
Sarah reported that Fountains Spatial has completed a Traffic Count
viewer, a TIP Project viewer (both on the A/GFTC website) and a
Transit Ridership application (which will assist GGFT with calculating
their passengers per mile as required by FTA). The Pavement
Scoring application will completed very soon. The last of the issues
were being worked out this morning.

December 12, 2010
Policy Committee Meeting Minutes
Page 3

4) Village of Greenwich Bicycle and Pedestrian Assessment
Sarah reported that, as part of A/GFTC’s UPWP and in conjunction
with the Washington County Healthy Communities Coalition, a
bike/ped assessment was completed for the Village of Greenwich
this past fall. Each Village street was assessed for bicycle and
pedestrian accessibility and assigned a score and then ranked. A
draft assessment was given to the Village for their comments and
then A/GFTC will open it up to NYSDOT comments.
5) iPoolNorth Update
Sarah reported that Ecology and Environment agreed to lower the
annual maintenance fee from $10,000 to $7,900 for iPoolNorth
based on the smaller user base. iPoolNorth currently has 94 users.
We will upgrade to new platform (GreenRide Connect) when CDTC
(ipool2 is the Capital District’s ridesharing site) does. A/GFTC is
considering expanding iPoolNorth to include commuters in Essex
County. Mary Anne Mariotti asked to be notified as to what A/GFTC
decides to do.
B. Upcoming Activities
1) WWIDA Shovel Ready Certification
Aaron reported that the WWIDA asked A/GFTC for assistance with
completing an informal traffic impact analysis in order to obtain
shovel ready certification. An estimate to complete such an analysis
by a consultant would be $2,500. The TAC felt the WWIDA should
use their own funds for such an analysis. WWIDA presented this at
their last meeting and have decided not to hire a consultant, but will
request A/GFTC staff assistance to complete this. This is contingent
upon A/GFTC upgrading its HCS software and travel demand model,
which is currently being done. A/GFTC staff will complete as much
of the analysis as they feel they are capable of doing.
2) Bicycle Map Update / Reprint
Aaron reported that it is time to reprint and update the existing bike
map. There is one trail segment that is currently shown as stone
dust and it has since been paved. The Warren County Safe and
Quality Bicycling Organization has expressed an interest in having
the map show additional cycling routes, Aaron has indicated to both
Queensbury and Glens Falls that they will need municipal
designations of routes in order for them to be included on the map.
Wayne LaMothe noted that there is an interest to expand the
Warren County bikeway through Lake George and into the towns of
Warrensburg and Chestertown and would like to explore the process
for local municipalities to designate portions of State highways.
3) HUD Community Challenge Grant
Ed Bartholomew reported that the City of Glens Falls was awarded a
planning grant for $200,000. This will assist with planning for a
parking structure in downtown Glens Falls with the possibility for a
GGFT stop/access and housing for community elements such as the
Glens Falls Farmer’s Market and other festivities. A/GFTC has
agreed to provide staff time for in-kind services.
C. 2011-2012 Work Program
1) Candidates for inclusion
Aaron reported that GGFT has approached A/GFTC about adding
some upgraded mapping to the transit website. Aaron also
reported that the Town of Queensbury has mentioned potentially

December 12, 2010
Policy Committee Meeting Minutes
Page 4

doing a feasibility study for a connector road between Quaker
Road and Queensbury Avenue (south of the airport).Scott Sopczyk
added that A/GFTC could include a study to assess the park and
ride adequacy at each exit along I-87 and tie in with CDTA’s
current park and ride study (which only goes to Exit 20).
2) Solicitation
Aaron asked if the committee would like A/GFTC to go ahead with
a formal solicitation. The committee responded that yes a formal
solicitation should be conducted.
6. TIP
A. Project Updates
1) Warren County
Kevin Hajos reported that Tannery Road bridge has been completed.
The Milton Street bridge has wrapped up construction for this year and
will finish next year. Corinth Road will have a skeleton crew working on
utilities over the winter and then full road reconstruction will begin in
the spring. Beach Road is still in the design phase. Harrington Road
bridge will go out to bid in 2011. The RFP just went out for Hicks Road
and Crane Mountain Road. Warren County will also be submitting a few
applications for the Make the Connection program.
2) Washington County – no report
3) Saratoga County
Mike Valentine reported that the Route 9 project at Exit 17N now has
striping in, but the light is not operational yet. Mary Anne Mariotti
reported that the light should be working by the end of the month.
Aaron noted that NYSDOT will be in contact with the Village of South
Glens Falls and the Town of Moreau regarding their safety project
Mary Anne reported that the Route 9 bridge over the Hudson River in
Hadley/Luzerne will be completed in 2012. The resurfacing of Route 9
and drainage on West Brook Road in Lake George is starting now. The
resurfacing of I-87 is complete to Exit 20. The two bridges on I-87 over
the Schroon River will resume March 1
st, 2011. Route 372 in the Town
of Easton will also resume March 1st, 2011. Trucks were not being
rerouted and DOT will work with online programs like mapquest and
google maps to fix this.
Aaron reported that he met with the Village of Hudson Falls and DOT
last week to confirm the Route 4 project design limits. The project will
be designed up to the Feeder Canal bridge.
Wayne LaMothe reported that Warren County is working with the Town
of Corinth to identify ways to increase the railroad services between the
two counties. Wayne also noted maps that the NYS Rail Plan needs to
be corrected to show that Warren County’s rail line is active. Wayne
would like to start an amendment process to clarify this with DOT.
B. Amendments and Modifications
1) City of Glens Falls request to reprioritize projects
Aaron reported that the City of Glens Falls has asked to reprioritize
their projects in the TIP. They would like to replace their number
one priority (Hudson Ave) with a new project (Broad Street) and
replace their number two priority (Dix Ave) with Hudson Avenue.
The TAC previously approved this amendment pending resolution of
questions posed by DOT, which is ongoing.

December 12, 2010
Policy Committee Meeting Minutes
Page 5

C. Make the Connection Solicitation
Aaron reported that A/GFTC is soliciting for projects under the Make the
Connection program. In past years A/GFTC has been able to fund all
project applicants. This year we are anticipating more requests than we
can fund. We will be asking committee members to serve on a
subcommittee to rank and select project awards after the proposals are
due on December 15
th. Wayne LaMothe indicated he’d be available to serve
on that committee.

7. Other Items
None reported at this time

8. Next meeting and adjourn
Aaron reported that the TAC will meet in mid-January and mid February to approve
the draft 2011-2012 UPWP. The Policy Committee can then expect to meet again in
early March to adopt the final UPWP.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 PM

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, October 19, 2010  

October 19, 2010
10:00 – 11:30
Holden Room, Crandall Public Library
251 Glen Street, Glens Falls

Attendees Agency

Stu Baker Town of Queensbury Community Development
Mike Fiorillo Village of Hudson Falls DPW
Tori Riley Washington County LDC
Mary Anne Mariotti NYSDOT Region 1
Scott Sopczyk GGFT
Steve Sweeney NYS Canal Corporation
Jeff Tennyson Warren County DPW
Mike Valentine Saratoga County Planning Department
Richard Wilson Washington County DPW
Walter Young LC-LG RPB

Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC
Sarah Gebbie-Measeck A/GFTC

1. Welcome and Introductions – Aaron Frankenfeld called the meeting to order at
10:05 AM.

2. Visitor Issues – none

3. Administrative Items

A. Co-chairman election – Aaron reported that the voting is currently in
progress. If a tie occurs the committee will deal with it at that time.
B. Items from August meeting – In regards to the Chocolate Moose RV
Campground issue that was brought up at the last TAC meeting, Aaron
reported that A/GFTC sent a letter to the Town of Fort Ann Planning Board
to let them know what staff services were available to them when
considering matters of regional transportation impact. A/GFTC also sent
along the resolution from the last meeting to DOT asking that they
consider requesting further analysis of the proposed campground. DOT did
apply additional consideration to the issue. They have indicated that in
granting the Town’s requested speed limit reduction, in conjunction with
the local enforcement efforts that were committed as part of the request as
well as the Campground’s intent to prohibit pedestrian trips out of the
facility, they are willing to issue thie required highway work permit pedning
site approval from the Adirondack Park Ageny. DOT also reaffirmed that a
stop light at Tripoli/Hadlock/149 intersection is still not warranted. Stu
Baker reported that the APA has approved the project.

Adirondack / GlensFallsTransportationCouncil
11 South Street, Suite 203
Glens Falls, NY 12801
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 – 0584

October 20, 2010
Page 2

C. iPoolNorth contract – Sarah reported that A/GFTC has renewed a 3 year
contract with Ecology and Environment for $7,900 a year with a free
upgrade in website platform when CDTC upgrades in conjunction. This was
negotiated down from the $10,000 a year fee that was originally proposed.
D. Operations Plan / Host Agency agreement – Aaron reported that A/GFTC
will be drafting an operations plan. Stu Baker, Wayne LaMothe
(previously), Mike Valentine and Scott Sopczyk agreed to review the plan.
Part of the operations plan includes A/GFTC’s host agreement that will
expire in April 2012. Walter Young reported that the LCLGRPB is fine with
continuing to host A/GFTC aside from the occasional late reimbursements
from DOT. The LCLGRPB is applying for a line of credit from Glens Falls
National Bank to cover A/GFTC expense in the event of lapsed
reimbursements. The loan is still in the process of being approved.

4. Transit
A. GGFT Update – Scott Sopczyk reported that GGFT is still in the process of
completing its ARRA projects. The shelter at Ridge St. is done and much
improved over the old one. A bus is on order for March. They are also
replacing a lift in the garage but have incurred delay due to environmental
conditions. They will also be replacing FAME vehicles in 2011. Ridership is
up 3% for 2010. The trolley season is over and went well. More traffic back
up at 149/9 intersection is anticipated next summer. Scott asked about
consideration for directional signing that would encourage north- and
southbound freight traffic to use Exit 21 instead of Exit 20 to decrease
congestion. Aaron will speak with NYSDOT R1 regarding the warrants for
such signing.

A. Consultant / Staff Activities
1) Local Traffic Engineering Assistance Program
a. Lake George Gateway Corridor – Aaron reported that the
draft plan includes strategies to address pedestrian issues,
stormwater runoff, and traffic calming. The Town of Lake
George wanted to know if DOT could build some of these
recommendations into their planned Route 9 pavement
reconstruction. Mary Anne Mariotti reported that the project
was already let and therefore they could not alter the design
at this point. Mary Anne will also make sure that a DOT
response to the draft Corridor plan has been sent to the
b. Glens Falls residential traffic calming – Aaron reported that
A/GFTC received 2 proposals and selected the one from RSG.
2) Travel Demand Modeling contract – Aaron reported that the
consultant is still working on calibrating the model and anticipates
meeting with him in a couple weeks. A/GFTC has purchased the
TransCAD model software.
3) GIS Services contract – Sarah reported that Fountains Spatial has
completed a traffic count viewer that lists data on traffic counts on
the non-State system in the A/GFTC area. It can be found along
with the TIP project viewer on the A/GFTC website under the
Projects tab. A pavement application is also currently being created
to help A/GFTC and county DPWs score pavement. DOT provided
A/GFTC and DPW staff with a pavement score training session,

October 20, 2010
Page 3

which was very helpful and informative. Aaron reported that the
transit ridership application, also created by Fountains Spatial, will
be used this following Spring for GGFT’s triennial passenger mile
data collection requirements.
4) Village of Greenwich bicycle and pedestrian assessment – Sarah
reported that A/GFTC is currently halfway done with collecting data
for the assessment. Aaron and Sarah will go out again on October
nd to collect the rest of the data and will compile and create a
prioritized list of streets based on bicycle and pedestrian
accessibility for the Village. The Village will use this list to help
determine where improvements are needed and where to best
spend funds.
5) Bicycle map update – Sarah reported that A/GFTC will be updating
their bicycle map. A survey of other MPO bicycle maps was done to
see how many currently rate their roads based on bikeability. About
half do. Various members of the TAC noted that rating the roads
requires a lot of data and can be controversial. The ratings would
have to be defined. Jeff Tennyson noted that A/GFTC would have to
be cautious about avid bicycle groups pushing for funds to improve
roads based on the ratings given. It was also noted that preserving
the distinction between a map and a guide is important. Aaron has
told bicycle advocacy groups before that if they get a municipality to
designate a road as a bicycle route then it would be put on the map
as such.
6) WWIDA Shovel Ready Certification – Aaron reported that the
WWIDA has requested A/GFTC’s help with obtaining shovel ready
certification by satisfying the need for a traffic evaluation. A/GFTC’s
software for this kind of evaluation is currently out of date and
would cost $1,250 to purchase/update. CME gave a cost estimate of
$2,500 for a traffic evaluation. Mary Anne reported that Rob Cherry
did review CME’s scope and besides a few issues it would be
adequate. Mike Valentine felt it was reasonable to ask the WWIDA
to pay for the cost of CME to conduct the traffic evaluation in full.
Tori Riley agreed. Aaron will inform the IDA of the TAC’s decision.

6. TIP
A. Project Updates
1) Warren County – Jeff Tennyson reported that Tannery Bridge in
Stony Creek will be open soon. Construction has started on the Milton
St. Bridge in Warrensburg. The box beams are being set for the Alder
Brook Bridge in Chestertown. Corinth Rd. is still in the utility phase. A
thin overlay will be put down for traffic over the winter. Responsding to
an inquiry from Scott Sopczyk, Jeff will check to see if the Media Drive
intersection will be done before winter. Harrington Road just received
federal authorization. A winter bid and spring construction start are
anticipated. A mid- to late summer bid for a fall construction schedule
is anticipated for Beach Rd in order to avoid construction during peak
summer traffic. A public meeting will be held for this project on October
th at 6:30 PM at the Town of Lake George town hall. Jeff also
reported that the County’s current salvage policy (working salvage for
steel, cut stone etc into bids) has allowed them to save costs on
temporary bridges, culverts, bank stabilization other projects where
they can reuse the salvaged materials. He encouraged others to look
into similar policies.

October 20, 2010
Page 4

2) Washington County – Dick Wilson reported that he is still trying to
get up to speed on all the projects. He is aware that the railroad bridge
project in Whitehall is on a tight schedule, but plans to be done on
time. They have one more bridge deck to pour. The County is currently
trying to finish up projects. Aaron reported that Dewey’s Bridge over
the Champlain Canal is county owned and action does need to be taken
on it or the federal aid eligibility will expire. The County is not
interested in replacing it with another truss bridge. Aaron has asked
FHWA if the County can use federal funds to demolish it if it is not to be
replaced. Aaron also reported that he is working with DOT to address
the shortfall of funds for County Route 68 over Little White Creek due
to a technical issue with the STIP.
3) Saratoga County – Mike Valentine asked about the status of the
Route 9 project at Exit 17 and of the Route 9N bridge replacement over
the Hudson River in Hadley/Luzerne. Mary Anne Mariotti reported that
the Route 9 project was let in May 2010 and that the Route 9N bridge
replacement will be let January 2011. She will check on the status and
timing for both.
4) NYSDOT – Mary Anne Mariotti reported that Bob Hansen is officially
retired. Mary Anne’s group has lost 4 people to early retirement and the
entire DOT Region has lost 70 people. The two I-87 bridges will be done
next year. The Route 372 bridge in Greenwich had a delay, but should
be done next year as well. There are still problems being reported with
trucks hitting the railroad bridge over the project. The I-87 resurfacing
is largely complete to Exit 20 and the rustic rail has been replaced up to
Exit 23. There is a settlement issue with vertical curve on Route 149 in
Warren County that will be corrected next Spring.

B. Amendments and Modifications
1) City of Glens Falls request to reprioritize projects (handout) – Aaron
reported that the City of Glens Falls has requested a TIP
amendment that would effectively add a project for Broad Street as
their top priority, switch Hudson Avenue to their second priority and
take Dix Avenue off of the TIP. Aaron reported that a public
comment period and subsequent Policy Committee approval would
be required. Questions arose about cost estimates, project
description and fund sources. Aaron noted that the fund source and
cost estimates would have to be the same in order to preserve fiscal
constraint. A motion was made to forward this TIP amendment
request on to the Policy Committee (and open it for public
comment) pending the City adequately answers the questions
raised by the TAC regarding funding estimates.


C. Make the Connection solicitation – Aaron reported that A/GFTC will send
out a solicitation for MTC projects soon. It is a $200,000 annual program
that is made available to the A/GFTC region. Projects must be municipally
sponsored. Jeff Tennyson asked if the construction of shoulders could be
included. Aaron would look into it and see if that was a fitting project. Jeff
also offered to share other ideas regarding improvement opportunities.
A/GFTC staff will follow up with Jeff prior to the new solicitation.

October 20, 2010
Page 5

7. Other Items – Mike Valentine asked about the status of Safe Routes to School.
Aaron noted that he was just on a conference call with DOT and the rest of the
MPOs in regards to the next SRTS and Transportation Enhancement Program
solicitations. There is currently one year of accrued funding for both programs.
SRTS would have only about $9 million available statewide and TEP would have
approximately $27 million available statewide.

8. Next meeting schedule and adjourn – Aaron reported that the next meeting will
be held sometime in January 2011. A Policy Committee meeting will be planned for
December. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 AM.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, August 18, 2010

11 South Street, Suite 203             Glens Falls, NY 12801

August 18, 2010
Holden Room, Crandall Public Library
251 Glen Street, Glens Falls

Attendees Agency

Brian Abare Village of South Glens Falls DPW
Stu Baker Town of Queensbury Community Development
Ed Bartholomew City of Glens Falls
Mike Fiorillo Village of Hudson Falls DPW
Bob Hansen NYSDOT-Region 1
Wayne LaMothe Warren County Planning Department
Jeff Tennyson Warren County DPW
Scott Tracy Washington County DPW
Mike Valentine Saratoga County Planning Department

Kevin Hajos Warren County DPW
David King Lake George RV Park
Mary Anne Mariotti NYSDOT-Region 1

Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC
Sarah Gebbie-Measeck A/GFTC

1. Welcome / Introductions – Aaron Frankenfeld called the meeting to order at 1:05 PM.

2. Visitor Issues

A. Dave King of the Lake George RV Park – wants to be involved in the discussion of and
offer his knowledge on the proposed Chocolate Moose RV Park on Route 149 in the
Town of Fort Ann. Mr. King stated that from his experience the proposed entrance
design is inadequate for the standing and storing of inflow traffic during peak times. A
600 ft, 2-lane entry is proposed and he would expect traffic to back up onto Route
149 as well as lack of access for emergency vehicles during peak days and hours. This
congestion is also made dangerous with the existing intersection of Tripoli Rd, the
curve and limited sight distance and the set speed of the Route 149.

Mr. King pointed out that due to the existing land use across from the proposed RV
park (mini-golf and ice cream parlor) that people will still attempt to cross the road
regardless of the pedestrian rules the RV park puts in place. This has potential for
pedestrian accidents.

The Chocolate Moose is proposed as a seasonal RV park as opposed to one that caters
towards shorter-term visits, but elements of their proposed development do not
appear to be consistent with that model.

Adirondack / GlensFallsTransportationCouncil
11 South Street, Suite 203  
Glens Falls, NY 12801 
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 – 0584 

August 18, 2010
Page 2

The traffic impacts and resulting congestion during peak times will decrease the
ability of emergency services to reach their destinations on an already congested
corridor.Mr. King suggested that creating a longer interior access road to the back of
the property would better handle the stacking of inflow traffic. The longer road as well
as appropriate screen along Route 149 would also discourage people from attempting
to cross Route 149 to access other attractions.

Discussion among the TAC included what action is Mr. King asking the TAC to take,
that the TAC was asked by the Town of Fort Ann at the last meeting to support
requesting DOT to do a speed/safety study for the 149 corridor, if there is anything
that can be done now since the Town Planning Board has already granted site
approval, if A/GFTC’s Access Management Guide could be used in this situation and if
a traffic impact study is needed. Mike Valentine sought assurance that these concerns
were not being raised by Mr. King on account of him owning a potentially competing
operation. Mr. King stated that these issues were not raised out of any sense of
economic self-interest.

A motion was made to encourage
the Department to require that a traffic study that
better quantified both the site-specific and corridor-wide traffic impacts of the
proposed development be conducted prior to the issuance of the driveway permit, and
that that responsibility be placed on the applicant.

Bob Hansen abstained

A motion was made to send a letter to the Town of Fort Ann Planning Board and offer
assistance with future site plan reviews of regional impact and c.c. the Washington
County Planning Board Chairman.


3. Administrative Items

A. TAC structure / meeting administration – Aaron – We are currently without a TAC
chair and TAC co-chair due to Willy Grimmke’s departure and Bill Lamy’s retirement.
Past committee chairs have felt it was harder to be involved in TAC discussions while
also running the meeting, but there is some value to filling the position as it is
periodically necessary to process ongoing MPO activities.

A motion was made to recommend to the Policy Committee that Aaron would chair
the TAC for the purpose of running meetings, while a TAC member would be
appointed Co-Chair that could handle occasional administrative items or run meetings
in Aaron’s absence.


B. Sustainable Communities Grant Application Resolution – Aaron – the City of Glens
Falls is applying for a regional grant and the MPO is a required participant. The Policy
Committee approved and signed a resolution for A/GFTC’s participation and the
contribution of in kind services as needed to the project. Mr. Bartholomew stated that
most municipalities are on board and a few more will be approached for resolutions
this week. They are looking at a more regional approach (like the A/GFTC structure)
to planning and economic development. GGFT and SUNY Adirondack are also both on
board. Aaron noted the City of Glens Falls is also applying for a HUD Community
Challenge grant for that A/GFTC has also sent a letter of support.

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A. Consultant / Staff Activities
1) GIS Services – Sarah – Fountain Spatial is working out the last few bugs with the
Traffic Count Viewer and we hope to make it available on our website soon. They
are also working on the pavement scoring application, which we hope to start
using this fall. Mr. Tennyson noted that Warren County would like to be involved
in the data collection and work together with A/GFTC to cover the entire County
system. Ms. Mariotti wanted to make sure we will be standardizing the data and
perhaps receiving training. Mr. Tennyson also noted pavement scoring training
with PDHs was available.

2) iPoolNorth contract – Sarah – we are having issues with the lack of scalability of
pricing and no longer being able to communicate with ipool2 due to an upgrade on
their part. We have asked Ecology & Environment to look into scaling the
maintenance fee we pay for iPoolNorth to reflect the fewer users we have
compared to ipool2 in the Capital District. We will wait to hear from Ecology &
Environment before pursuing other options.

3) Road Safety Assessment training – Sarah – the 2-day workshop was offered by
FHWA and was well received by the participants. Mr. Baker noted the outdoor case
study was very helpful. Aaron would like to require Road Safety Assessments for
each TIP highway project. Mr. Tennyson agreed as long as it was offered to non-
TIP projects as well. Aaron noted that it was already in our UPWP to offer RSAs to
non-TIP projects at the request of the project owner. Mr. Hansen noted that
identifying needed safety improvements could help projects get partially funded
by safety funds.

A motion was made to require Road Safety Assessments for each TIP project.


4) Travel Demand Modeling – Aaron – Aaron, Marc Warner of Warner Transportation
Consulting Services, Chris O’Neill of CDTC and Nathan Erlbaum of DOT met
recently to discuss the model for A/GFTC and issues that Marc Warner is
encountering with model calibration. We hope to receive a final model by the end
of this year.

5) Local Traffic Engineering Assistance Program
a. Lake George Gateway Corridor – Aaron – Chazen Companies is working with
the Town of Lake George to plan improvements to the entrance/gateway
corridor from Exit 21 north into the Village along Route 9. A public meeting has
been held and a second public meeting is scheduled to coincide with the Town
Board meeting in September. The result will be a conceptual map, list of
recommendations and a firm list of funding sources.

b. Residential Traffic Calming Demonstration Project – Aaron – The City of Glens
Falls is requesting assistance with a traffic calming demonstration project on a
residential street. Lincoln Avenue residents approached the City’s Board of
Public Safety with concerns about vehicle speed and children walking to the
nearby schools. Aaron disclosed that he lives on Lincoln Avenue but was not
involved in his neighbors’ efforts to raise the issue. The residential traffic
calming demonstration project was offered to the City of Glens Falls when
Scott Sopczyk was A/GFTC Director but the City never acted on the original
offer. The $20,000 study budget could potentially allow for analyses of
multiple locations.

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A motion was made to accept the City of Glens Falls request to conduct a
residential traffic calming demonstration project and to share the study results
with other municipalities.

MOVED BY: Wayne LaMothe SECONDED BY: Mike Valentine

c. Greenwich Bicycle/Pedestrian Assessment – Sarah – As part of our UPWP and
part of the Healthy Communities Coalition of Washington County we are
providing a bicycle/pedestrian assessment to the Village of Greenwich. Mr.
Tennyson noted that the Town of Queensbury had approached him about
bicycle improvements and stated that if there were bicycle improvement funds
available the County could potentially make use of them. Aaron noted that we
do have the Make the Connection program specifically for filling in gaps in the
bicycle and pedestrian network. There is also potential for A/GFTC to offer staff
resources to help municipalities complete ADA transition plans.

B. Transit
1) GGFT Update – none provided

5. TIP
A. 2007-2012 TIP
1) Project Updates
a. Warren County – Kevin Hajos – Corinth Road, Alder Brook Bridge, Tannery
Street Bridge and Milton Street Bridge are all on schedule and under
construction. Mr. Tennyson asked about the Beach Road right of way
acquisition. Aaron noted it was held up by miscommunication on the E-STIP.
He will check with DOT on the STIP approval. Aaron relayed GGFT’s concern
about maintaining trolley service during the construction of Beach Road. Mr.
Tennyson noted there would be an 8:30 AM meeting on August 19
th with
primary stakeholders.

b. Washington County – Scott Tracy – Clinton Street and Division/Saunders
Street Bridges in Whitehall are slated to be completed by late 2010. A public
meeting for CR 61 over the Batten Kill (Buffum’s or Tackle Box Bridge) will be
held soon and the final design will be done soon after that.

c. Saratoga County – Mike Valentine – None, but eagerly anticipating the Spier
Falls intersection improvements.

d. NYSDOT – Mary Anne Mariotti – Construction is underway the aforementioned
Route 9 / Spier Falls Road intersection project. Exits 18 – 24 on I-87 are also
under construction with 1R resurfacing and replacement of rustic rail. Route 4
in Hudson Falls has a letting date of November 2011. The design is underway,
but the northern project limit has not been defined yet due to potential
drainage issues in the design process. Construction is anticipated for 2012.

Mr. Hansen noted that the constraints on the DOT budget are forcing state and
local system letting targets to be combined. DOT will have to decide the
appropriate splits. Scheduling will be more of an issue now. FHWA reviews will
lead to changes in construction management plans. Some discussion ensued
on eSTIP communication protocol. Warren and Washington County are late in
submitting ARRA 1R bills. The Regions have been directed to identify any
potential savings in ARRA projects.

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2) Amendments and Modifications – None

B. 2010-2015 TIP – None

6. Other Items – None

7. Next meeting schedule and adjourn – Aaron – the next meeting will be scheduled for
mid October.

A motion to adjourn at 3:10 PM was made.