DRAFT Argyle Pedestrian Improvement Plan

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Argyle Pedestrian Improvement Plan

DRAFT August 2024

I. Project Background, History, and Goals
Over the course of the last few years there have been several efforts to identify potential improvements to the pedestrian facilities in and around the Village of Argyle. In particular, two in-depth planning efforts were undertaken; the 2018 Argyle Pedestrian Network Extension Study, which examined potential connections to the Dollar General, and the 2022 Argyle Sidewalk Assessment conducted by the Argyle Improvement Association.
This plan intends to incorporate and build upon these previous efforts by developing concepts, streetscape typologies, and cost estimates for pedestrian amenities in and around the Village.
II. Project Area and Jurisdiction
The study area includes most of the Village of Argyle as well as portions of the surrounding Town. See Figure 1 for study area boundaries. Within the study area, Main Street (NYS 197 & NYS 40) and Sheridan Street (NYS 40) are under the jurisdiction of NYS Department of Transportation (NYSDOT). In terms of County Roads, Washington County has jurisdiction over County Route 47. All other roads within the study area are Village-owned.
A. Maintenance Responsibility
Under NYS Highway Law, the maintenance of sidewalks along State routes is the responsibility of the local municipality. This includes both corrective and preventative maintenance. Although NYSDOT may choose to construct or repair sidewalks, in most cases municipalities elect to undertake sidewalk projects on their own by seeking grant funding. Historically, as long as the facilities meet applicable State design standards, NYSDOT is usually amenable to grant the necessary work permits and may also provide limited technical assistance or project coordination in certain cases.
During the course of “pavement alteration” projects on State highways, NYSDOT is required to make any necessary repairs or upgrades to existing curb ramps which are located along the roadway to bring such facilities into compliance with ADA guidelines. It is anticipated that the next round of pavement preservation undertaken by NYSDOT within the Village (currently slated for the 2024 construction season) will include a number of improvements to curb ramps as well as the introduction of marked crosswalks. These locations have been integrated into the concepts proposed in section IV of this document.

B. Pedestrian Infrastructure Condition
In July 2023, staff from the Lake Champlain-Lake George Regional Planning Board assessed existing pedestrian infrastructure to determine accessibility according to the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Sidewalks and curb ramps were rated as Not Accessible, Less Accessible, More Accessible, and Fully Accessible according to criteria used by NYSDOT. This data was collected using a GIS smartphone app developed by Warren County GIS staff.
The results of the assessment can be seen in Table 1

Table 1 – ADA Statistics, Sidewalks and Curb Ramps*
1 – Not Accessible: 0.56 miles of sidewalk
1 – Not Accessible: 9 curb ramps
2 – Less Accessible: 0.31 miles of sidewalk
2 – Less Accessible: 8 curb ramps
3 – More Accessible: 1.04 miles of sidewalk
3 – More Accessible: 2 curb ramps
4 – Fully Accessible: 0.02 miles of sidewalk
4 – Fully Accessible: 0 curb ramps
*As of 2023 there were no marked crosswalks in the study area.

C. Roadway Characteristics
The state highways within the study area have varying shoulder widths. In some areas, wide shoulders are used for on-street parking. In certain places, especially near the funeral home, the current roadway striping is insufficient to accommodate demand for on-street parking. Curbing is present in some locations but is inconsistent. Public outreach indicates that drainage is an issue, especially in areas where curbing is insufficient.
County Route 47 is a two-lane marked highway with narrow shoulders. Although vehicles frequently park along the grassy shoulder for events at the American Legion, there is no designated on-street parking. There are no curbs along this roadway.
The Village-owned streets are narrow, unmarked roadways. Curbing is inconsistent, leading to significant drainage issues during storm events. Some residents and visitors park on the grassy area between the sidewalk and road, which can lead to degraded vegetation, rutted turf, and occasional blockages of the pedestrian facilities.
1. AADT and Speed
Traffic volume, as expressed in Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT), is listed in Table 2 below. Traffic counts are conducted by NYSDOT on a periodic basis for all State-owned and federal-aid eligible roadways as well as a sampling of local roads. The % of truck traffic has also been included for reference.
In terms of vehicle speed, data was collected for the Argyle Sidewalk Extension Study in 2018, with additional data collected in 2024 for this study by the consultant team at Creighton Manning, a GAI Company. All locations were within the 30 MPH posted speed limit.
It is worth noting that all speed data collected indicated that the 85th percentile speed (i.e., the speed at which 85% of drivers drive at or below) was above the posted 30 MPH speed limit. Although vehicle speed did not appear to play a significant factor in the crash data as reviewed in Section II.C.2, the consistent trend of vehicle speeds above the posted limit is a factor to be considered for pedestrian crossings and streetscape design.
2. Crash History
Crash statistics for the study area were accessed using NYSDOT’s CLEAR Safety tool. The most recent five years of data (03/31/2018 – 03/31/2023) were pulled to capture pre-pandemic conditions. In this period, 23 accidents occurred. In terms of severity, three involved injuries while the remaining 20 were property damage only. One of the noted injury crashes, located near 37 Sheridan Street, involved serious injury to a pedestrian.

III. Initial Public Input
After discussing multiple formats and options, the project steering committee elected to gather the initial round of public input via a paper survey and mapping exercise. This option was judged to be the most accessible to the community. Copies of the survey were distributed by members of the Argyle Improvement Association (AIA) at the Thistle Day event on Saturday, September 30, 2023. In addition, the survey was made available at the Argyle Free Library and the Post Office. The survey was closed on October 30, 2023.
A. Public Survey Results
Sixty-eight (68) surveys were completed, providing a thorough cross-section of residents and visitors to Argyle. In terms of the survey questions, 56% of respondents indicated that they regularly walk within the Village, while 76% said they would walk more often if the sidewalk conditions improved. The biggest concern regarding walking was safety.

In addition to the survey questions, respondents were invited to share their opinions regarding the locations of potential crosswalks as well as the replacement and/or installation of new sidewalks. The most desired locations for crosswalks included:
* Main Street/Sheridan Street (35 votes)
* Sheridan Street/East Street (25 votes including nearby votes for a crossing at the library)
* Main Street/Barkley Avenue/Post Office (25 votes split between a crossing at Barkley and a crossing at the Post Office)
* School/Firehouse (9 votes)
* Sheridan Street/CR 47 (8 votes)
In terms of the most desired locations for existing sidewalk repair or replacement, the most popular locations were Main Street from Sheridan Street to West Road and Sheridan Street from Main Street to just past East Street. New sidewalks were desired in the following locations:
* NYS 40 from Argyle Central School to Firehouse
* Sheridan Street between East Street and Argyle Central School
* Main Street from Sheridan Street to Dollar General
* East Street

In addition, respondents were given the opportunity to provide additional ideas or concerns. These responses included:
* I can’t use my skateboard
* Lots of people walk to Dollar General. A sidewalk and crosswalk would be awesome!
* Mud on “sidewalk” on s. side of Sheridan is like ice when wet. VERY BAD!!
* Difficult sidewalks make using a stroller impossible
* For exercise we choose to walk in rural areas/roads as opposed to the Village. Argyle Rec Field and the school offers walking for walkers.
* Dogs
* It is difficult to cross to the Post Office.
* Crossing Rt-40/Rt-197 is at the pedestrian’s peril; traffic in the village is too fast and there are no crosswalks.
* Drainage
* There is no safe way to cross the street to Dollar General!
* I would walk more if my street had a sidewalk. It is too dangerous to walk.
* Crosswalks near Stewarts would be very beneficial
* [Regarding the intersection of County Route 47 and State Route 40] Can we square this to a T so people coming off Route 40 are not going 65
* Sidewalks are rough
* Would walk if sidewalk were safer
* Walking our kids & dogs is difficult.
* How about sidewalk with curbs
* Protect the school kids
* I would like to see a crosswalk or two available to Argyle School students and pronounced sidewalks

B. Argyle Improvement Association November 2023 Meeting
The results of the public survey were presented to the AIA during the November 2023 meeting. After discussing the survey and initial delineation of Priority Locations and Streetscape Typologies (see Section IV), a number of additional suggestions were made. In addition, the discussion provided additional context regarding the history of pedestrian-related issues within the village. Specific topics of discussion included:
* Regarding the locally-owned streets, sidewalks were only ever installed on one side of the roadway. This may complicate efforts to install sidewalks along both sides of the street (as opposed to re-establishing sidewalks which once existed).
* Although West Road was not a major focus of the survey results, it should be included within potential streetscape typology areas (see Section IV).
* There is an existing Village access road that links the back of the Highway Department property on Route 40 to the Prospect Hill Cemetery, which is a popular place for locals to walk. This access road could potentially be used to create a loop for pedestrians, in conjunction with other improvements.
* The idea of creating a more direct pedestrian access to the Argyle Recreation Field was discussed. All agreed that improved pedestrian access was needed. Some felt that having additional entries could make it more difficult to keep track of children during large events and that one entryway was sufficient.
* The need for improved storm drainage and/or curbs was discussed, especially in areas where decades of road repaving have raised the elevation of the travel lanes. Ultimately this will require an engineering solution.
* Recent repaving and restriping on NYS 197 near the MB Kilmer Funeral Home has reduced the availability of on-street parking. Although the overall roadway width has not changed, the shoulder on the west side of the roadway has been reduced in width due to the placement of pavement markings. Vehicles still park along the shoulder in this location, but often encroach on the travel lane.
IV. Priority Locations and Streetscape Typologies
Using the results of the public survey and subsequent AIA input, Priority Locations and Streetscape Typology areas have been delineated. These can be seen in Figure 8.
Priority Locations refer to discrete intersections where crosswalks are desired. These concept plans should take into account traffic volume and speed, intersection stopping sight distance, streetscape elements such as trees and benches, pavement markings, lighting, and signage as appropriate. The locations shown in Figure 8 are approximate; see section IV.A for recommended crossing location details. In addition to the five crossing locations listed in Section III.A above, the crossing location at the Dollar General previously identified in the 2018 Argyle Sidewalk Extension Study is to be incorporated by reference.
Streetscape Typologies refer to roadway cross-sections which may include sidewalks, snow storage, curbing, on-street parking (if needed), streetscape elements such as trees and lighting, and travel lanes, as appropriate. The exact boundaries of the typology areas have not been designated; the boundaries in Figure 8 are approximate. The three typologies are:
* Village Core, which features higher-density mixed-use development, high traffic volumes, and on-street parking
* Village Connectors, which have lower-density mixed-use development, high traffic volumes, higher vehicle speeds, and limited on-street parking
* Neighborhood Streets, which feature higher-density residential development, low traffic volume and speed, and may integrate on-street parking or grass snow storage

A. Recommended Improvements
1. Pedestrian Crossing Concepts
Due to the potential for pedestrian/vehicle conflict, crosswalks are a critical component of a safe, comfortable pedestrian network. There are several factors which influence the design and location of pedestrian crossings. These include:
* Visibility. Good crossing locations will allow drivers to see pedestrians waiting to cross the street, to give vehicles enough time to yield properly. Visibility is often a combination of sufficient street lighting and signage as well as infrastructure design that allows for adequate sight distance so that pedestrians are not blocked by parked cars or other features.
* Sidewalk alignment. Many pedestrians seek the most efficient route of travel. As such, crosswalks should be aligned with existing sidewalks wherever possible to reduce the likelihood of pedestrians crossing at unmarked locations.
* Predictability. Through effective signage, drivers should be able to anticipate the potential for pedestrian activity, especially in mid-block locations.
* Crossing distance. Where possible, it is usually desirable to reduce or minimize the length of crosswalks to limit the potential for pedestrian exposure to vehicles. Shorter crossings are also more comfortable for those with mobility challenges. In locations with overly wide travel lanes and/or shoulders, crossing distance can be reduced through curb bump-outs. However, the tradeoff of curb bumpouts is reduced on-street parking and the potential for more complicated snow removal.
The following section of this report contains excerpts of concept plans for the recommended pedestrian crossings. For the full version of the drawings, see Appendix A.


a) Main St./Sheridan St.
The Main Street and Sheridan Street intersection forms the heart of the Village of Argyle. This location carries the most traffic within the Village and also provides access to a convenient store/gas station, restaurant, hardware store, and local bank branch. In addition, there is a vacant lot which is often used as a pull-off for freight truck drivers and area residents for pop-up farm stands.
Currently, this intersection does not feature any crosswalks, despite having sidewalks on all approaches. As such, many pedestrians cross at existing business driveways or wherever they happen to park their car on-street. This makes it difficult for drivers to anticipate predictable locations where pedestrian activity might occur.
The upcoming NYSDOT repaving includes the establishment of painted crosswalks and ADA accessible curb ramps on the east and south approaches to the intersection. In addition, this plan recommends the addition of a crosswalk and associated curb ramps on the north approach, as shown in Figure 9. The concept also includes the establishment of new curbing and sidewalks along the southeast corner of the intersection. This will define the edges of the existing vacant lot, which will improve access management and reduce the potential for pedestrian/vehicle conflicts while also improving the aesthetics of this important community node.
b) Barkley Ave/Town Hall/Main St. (NYS 40)
This section of Main Street is home to the Argyle Town Hall and a US Post Office, while Barkley Avenue provides access to the Argyle Presbyterian Church and the Community Garden. As such, there is a fair amount of pedestrian activity on this section of roadway, which was also noted as a priority area during the public survey. As part of the NYSDOT pavement project, a crosswalk and curb ramps will be added to Barkley Avenue.
Several alternatives for Main Street crossing locations were considered, including the north and south side of Barkley Avenue as well as a mid-block crossing at the Post Office. Ultimately, the north side of Barkley Avenue was selected based on factors such as sight lines, existing driveways, and the alignment with existing sidewalks. See Figure 10.
To improve the visibility of pedestrians, this concept also calls for the establishment of a “no parking” zone for approximately 20’ on either side of the crosswalk. This is a critical safety factor to ensure that parked cars do not block the visibility of pedestrians from drivers on the roadway. As an option to further increase visibility, an RRFB could be considered during detailed design, in coordination with NYSDOT.
c) Sheridan Street/Elm Street/Library
The East Street/Sheridan Street intersection provides access to the Argyle Free Library, an important community resource. The library has no off-street parking lot, making on-street parking a priority. The parking lane on the north side of Sheridan Street is wide and heavily sloped, which increases the crossing distance for pedestrians. In addition, there is no curb ramp; users with mobility challenges or pushing a stroller must use a nearby driveway to get access to the sidewalk. Other factors which influence the location of a crosswalk include existing street lighting on the southwest corner of the intersection, and the alignment of existing sidewalks along the west side of East Street.
To address these issues, the proposed concept plan includes creating a short pedestrian bump-out in front of 25 Sheridan Street with a crosswalk to align with the sidewalk on East Street (see Figure 11). This will result in displacing approximately 2 on-street parking spaces. However, two mitigations are proposed to make up for this impact. First, it is recommended that the on-street parking spaces should be delineated with pavement markings. This will result in more efficient utilization of the space that currently exists. In addition, the existing grassy buffer/maintenance strip to the east of the driveway at 25 Sheridan Street could be removed and replaced with on-street parking. This scenario maintains a meaningful amount of green space in front of the private residence while creating additional parking for the library.
d) Sheridan St./County Route 47
A crossing is proposed on the east leg of the three-way intersection of Sheridan Street and County Route 47, as shown in Figure 12. This location provides access to the proposed sidewalk to connect to the American Legion and Prospect Hill Cemetery. No crosswalk is currently proposed for County Route 47; however, if sidewalks are installed on the south side of Sheridan Street in the future, a crosswalk should be considered at that time.
e) Sheridan St./School/Fire Department
Establishing a connection between the school and Highway Department/Fire Department is a major priority for both residents and stakeholders. These facilities are heavily used by the community for a variety of events. For example, students walk to the Fire Department for field trips; the Fire Department is also the designated evacuation location for the school. In addition, there is a pedestrian connection between the rear of the Highway Department property and the Prospect Hill Cemetery.
GIven the existing sidewalks within the Argyle Central School property as well as sight distances, it is recommended that the crosswalk be located in front of the Highway Department. This would require the construction of an additional sidewalk/sidepath on the north side of the road to connect to the school as well as sidewalks on the south side of the road to connect to the Fire Department. (See Figure 13). As an option to further increase visibility, an RRFB could be considered during detailed design, in coordination with NYSDOT. Although not strictly pedestrian-related, other options to reduce driver speed (and thereby improve pedestrian safety) could include the installation of speed feedback signs and the establishment of a reduced speed school zone.

2. Streetscape Typologies
The elements of roadway design are contingent on a variety of factors including surrounding land use, vehicle speed, stormwater drainage, right-of-way width, and traffic volume. As such, not all streets are built the same.
To capture the character and context of the Village of Argyle, three streetscape typologies were developed. These represent generic idealized snapshots of the road network; for any given location, certain elements may need to be adapted to fit the available right-of-way. The design standards and guidance below were excerpted from NYSDOT Highway Design Manual, the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, and the NACTO Urban Street Design Guide. The streetscape elements include:
* Travel Lanes. The minimum standard for travel lanes in most situations is 10’; wider lanes may be desirable to accommodate larger vehicles such as freight trucks or agricultural equipment. However, lane width is also correlated strongly with vehicle speed; in general, drivers will go faster as lane widths increase. In a village setting with a 30 mph speed limit, it is therefore recommended to keep lane widths below 12’.
* Parking Lanes/Shoulder. A 4’ shoulder is generally accepted as the minimum width to accommodate cyclists, while the minimum width for a parking lane is 7’. However, larger vehicles such as light-duty trucks may not fit comfortably into the minimum guidelines; 8-9’ shoulders would allow for a wider variety of vehicles to park on-street.
* Curb/Gutter. Curbs are used both to channel stormwater and to provide vertical separation for sidewalks. Gutters or mountable curbs allow for stormwater channelization while also protecting the integrity of the pavement edge somewhat against degradation from vehicle traversal.
* Grass Buffer. Also known as a maintenance strip, this is the linear area between the shoulder and the sidewalk. This buffers pedestrians from traffic, provides a place for utility poles and mail boxes, and allows for snow storage in the winter. This can be occupied by low vegetation/grass or it may be paved with concrete or decorative pavement. To maintain vegetation, a minimum width of 3’ is preferred with an outside range of 2-6’. If space is not available within the right-of-way, the buffer can be eliminated; however in that case it is recommended that 6” curbs be installed to separate the road edge from the sidewalk and sidewalk width should be increased to 6’, preferably 8’, to provide extra separation from the roadway.
* Sidewalks. The ADA minimum standard width in most cases is 5’, although this can be reduced to 4’ in specific circumstances. For areas with higher traffic volume and greater pedestrian activity, it is usually recommended to place sidewalks on both sides of the road.
Not all roads will feature all elements. A description of the streetscape typologies is included below.
a) Village Core
The Village Core represents the heart of the community where the majority of commercial and community events take place. These roadways feature the highest pedestrian and traffic volumes and have right-of-way widths varying from 55’-70’.
Currently, most of this area features ad-hoc on-street parking along the road shoulder. Over many decades, curbs have become degraded in many locations as the state highways have been repeatedly paved over, raising the height of the pavement. In addition, parking incursions have reduced the viability of much of the grass buffer area, to the point where the on-street parking “lane” now abuts the sidewalk.
The proposed roadway section (Alternative 1, see Figure 14) would restore the curb and re-establish a grass buffer between the sidewalk and on-street parking. Even accounting for sidewalk widening to bring the facilities into compliance with ADA standards, this design concept would result in an overall narrowing of the road profile in many locations, essentially allowing for additional space to be used for front yards. As an option where right-of-way does not allow for parking on both sides, Alternative 2 (see also Figure 14) would instead have a shoulder on one side. Although this shoulder is not wide enough to allow for parking, the use of mountable curbs or concrete gutters would accommodate the occasional delivery truck or emergency vehicle to pull on to the grass buffer while still maintaining the integrity of the pavement edge.

b) Village Connectors
The density of commercial and residential land uses in these areas is lower than the core; however, there are still important pedestrian connections to be maintained and enhanced. Currently, there are sidewalks only on one side of the road. On the other side, the road shoulder meets the adjoining land without curbs; stormwater is accommodated via swales or direct absorption.
Two alternatives are proposed, as shown in Figure 15. Alternative 1 calls for sidewalks on both sides, which would maximize pedestrian connectivity. However, given that historically sidewalks were never established on both sides, this would require the support of dozens of property owners to achieve, which could make this a long-term prospect for implementation. Alternative 2 calls for sidewalks on one side, which would still improve pedestrian conditions overall, especially if improved crosswalks are installed as called for elsewhere in this plan.

c) Neighborhood Streets
Elm Street, East Street, West Street, and Barkley Avenue are representative of the traditional residential land uses found in villages throughout the northeast US. Currently, these un-curbed streets feature narrow sidewalks on one side only with 9-10’ travel lanes. Some residents choose to park on-street, pulling the vehicle into the grass buffer between the street and the sidewalk (or on to the lawn, in cases where no sidewalk exists). As a result, the edge of pavement and grass is degraded in many locations. Alternative 1, seen in Figure 16, would replace and improve the existing elements of the roadway. This would include an ADA-compliant 5’ sidewalk as well as a grass buffer with a mountable curb or concrete gutter, which would allow the current occasional on-street parking to continue while maintaining the edge of pavement. Alternative 2 includes sidewalks on both sides of the roadway (see sidebar for additional information).

V. Implementation and Next Steps
A. Cost Estimates
The following cost estimate information was broken down into several categories to enable the Village to prioritize future project phasing. These include:
* Intersection improvements, which encapsulate the pedestrian crossing concepts recommended in this report
* Sidewalk replacement, to bring all existing sidewalks up to ADA standard and establish any other features recommended in the streetscape typologies such as curbing
* New sidewalk construction (high priority), to install new sidewalks in locations which were identified as a higher need from the public survey and mapping exercise
* New sidewalk construction (low priority), to install new sidewalks in locations which were identified as a lower need from the public survey and mapping exercise, but would still provide pedestrian connectivity overall
These have further been broken down into logical segments as seen in Table 4, so that the Village may “mix-and-match” the project into discrete phases as appropriate. It should be noted that these estimates were created with the assumption that federal funding would be utilized, which involves material sourcing guidelines, labor regulations, and project elements such as construction inspection. These factors may not be relevant if construction is undertaken without federal aid. However, in all cases, public pedestrian infrastructure must be designed and built according to the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act, regardless of the funding source used.
Table 4: Argyle Pedestrian Plan Cost Estimate Summary
Intersection Improvements
Construction Cost
Total Project Cost
Main St./Barkley Ave. Improvements: $53,000 construction/$69,000 total cost
Sheridan St./East St. Improvements: $76,000 construction/$99,000 total cost
Sheridan St./Main St. Improvements: $117,000 construction/$153,000 total cost
Sheridan St./Route 47 Improvements: $35,000 construction/$46,000 total cost
Mid-Block Crossing at School: $61,000 construction/$80,000 total cost
Subtotal – Intersection Improvements: $342,000 construction/$447,000 total cost
Sidewalk Replacements
East Side of Main Street (Sheridan to West): $173,000 construction/$225,000 total cost
West Side of Main Street (Argyle Laundromat to West): $493,000 construction/$641,000 total cost
North Side of Sheridan St (Main to Argyle Central School): $291,000 construction/$379,000 total cost
South Side of Sheridan St (Main to East): $70,000 construction/$91,000 total cost
South Side of Elm St (Main to East): $70,000 construction/$91,000 total cost
South Side of West Rd (Main to 360′ west of intersection): $30,000 construction/$39,000 total cost
North Side of Barkley Ave (Main to Presbyterian Church): $45,000 construction/$59,000 total cost
South of Barkley Ave (320′ south of Barkley along parking lot): $43,000 construction/$56,000 total cost
Subtotal – Sidewalk Replacements: $1,215,000 construction/$1,581,000 total cost
New Sidewalk Construction (High Priority)
East Side of Main St (Sheridan to Dollar General): $181,000 construction/$236,000 total cost
South Side of Sheridan St (East to County RT 47): $94,000 construction/$123,000 total cost
North Side of County RT 47 (Sheridan to Cemetery): $125,000 construction/$163,000 total cost
North Side of Sheridan St (Argyle School to Highway Dept): $45,000 construction/$59,000 total cost
South Side of Sheridan St (Argyle Highway Dept to Fire Dept): $33,000 construction/$43,000 total cost
West side of East St (Elm to Barkley): $87,000 construction/$114,000 total cost
North Side of Barkley Ave (Presbyterian Church to East): $48,000 construction/$63,000 total cost
Subtotal – New Sidewalk Construction (High Priority): $613,000 construction/$801,000 total cost
New Sidewalk Construction (Low Priority)
South Side of Sheridan St (County Rt 47 to Argyle Highway Dept): $319,000 construction/$415,000 total cost
North Side of Elm St (Main to East): $117,000 construction/$153,000 total cost
East Side of East St. (Sheridan to Community Gardens): $257,000 construction/$335,000 total cost
Subtotal – New Sidewalk Construction (Low Priority): $693,000 construction/$903,000 total cost
Grand Total – All Improvements: $2,863,000 construction/$3,732,000 total cost

B. Funding
Although some communities opt to make incremental infrastructure improvements through annual budget expenditures, most municipalities seek grant funding to offset the cost of large-scale capital construction projects all at once. For additional information concerning project phasing options, see section V.C. below.
1. Federally Administered Funding Programs
There are a number of federal grant programs that can be used to design and construct sidewalks and related pedestrian infrastructure. Given that programs are introduced and retired on a regular basis, the most comprehensive and up-to-date list of federal funding programs can be accessed on the FHWA website. This list includes programs which are administered by NYSDOT or A/GFTC (see below for more information) as well as programs which are solicited directly by the Federal Highway Administration. Specific programs of note which are solicited directly through FHWA include Safe Streets 4 All (SS4A) and the Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program (ATIIP).
2. State and Locally Administered Funding Programs
A/GFTC Make the Connection: The intent of this program is to improve the non-motorized travel network in the A/GFTC region by addressing gaps or deficiencies that discourage or physically impede efficient and safe bicycle and pedestrian activities. The local match for this program is 20%; in-kind labor is not allowed as a match source. This program is limited to design-only for project sponsors without direct federal-aid experience. The next round of MTC is anticipated to be released in fall 2024 and is administered directly through A/GFTC.
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP): This program is administered by NYSDOT every other year and allows for the design and construction of a wide variety of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. Project applicants must compete within their applicable NYSDOT Region, in this case Region 1 which also includes the greater Capital District. The minimum federal share for each project is $500,000; with a 20% match of $125,000, the resulting minimum total project cost is $625,000.
Carbon Reduction Program (CRP): CRP funds may be obligated for projects that support the reduction of transportation emissions, including facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other nonmotorized forms of transportation. In the A/GFTC region, applicants can seek CRP funding two ways: a limited A/GFTC-only allocation which is solicited as part of the overall regional Transportation Improvement Program or co-solicited with the TAP program through NYSDOT every other year. For the combined NYSDOT TAP/CRP solicitation, the TAP project minimums apply. As this is a relatively new program, it is recommended that potential applicants seek guidance from A/GFTC and NYSDOT Region 1 prior to seeking funding.
C. Project Phasing/Partnerships
To undertake a project of this magnitude, it may be desirable to phase the project or to seek opportunities to bundle the sidewalk construction with other projects, or to work with partners to reduce the overall burden on the Village. Some options include:
* Bundle with sewer/water upgrades. The Village is already exploring a variety of options for water and sewer infrastructure. In some cases, these projects would require digging up some of the existing sidewalks anyway, which could provide a logical opportunity to replace them with better pedestrian facilities. There may also be ways to use multiple funding sources to reduce local match requirements for grants.
* Phase design first. One option would be to pursue design for sidewalk and pedestrian improvements as a stand-alone project. This could be self-funded or grants such as MTC could be used. The benefit of this approach is that having a completed design and accurate cost estimates is a valuable metric for certain funding applications such as TAP, since many of the potential unknowns of construction have already been identified.
* Phase high priority locations first. Another option would be to seek funding for the highest priority locations, while leaving lower priority areas for the future. This would reduce the short-term financial impact to the Village. However, given recent historical inflation trends, it is likely that the cost of sidewalk construction even a few years in the future will be more expensive. In addition, this approach creates multiple seasons of construction, which could be frustrating for residents and business owners.
* Incremental improvements. Like many municipalities in New York, the Village already has a policy which allows for cost-sharing with residents and property owners for sidewalk improvements at individual parcels. Although in theory this should result in the incremental improvement of sidewalks, in practice very few property owners actually utilize this program. In addition, it is likely that there will be at least a few property owners who are unwilling to participate, leading to inconsistent sidewalk conditions. If those locations were then improved at the Village’s expense in the future, this could lead to frustration and resentment of any property owners who did contribute to improvements in good faith. The other drawback to this approach is that the repeated mobilization of contractors for short segments of sidewalk construction can be more expensive on a unit basis than undertaking longer sections at the same time.
A related concept would be to form a sidewalk district which would collect a nominal fee from property owners on an annual basis, which could then be used to fund future sidewalk improvements. This option would likely take several years to result in enough funding to make meaningful improvements, but it would eliminate the potential inconsistency inherent in the current local law.
* Explore local fundraising options. The Village of Argyle is an active, engaged community. Groups such as the Argyle Improvement Association and the local American Legion could potentially lead a large-scale fundraising effort dedicated to sidewalk improvements. Although it is unlikely that this would result in enough funding to completely offset a match for construction, it may be feasible to use this funding as a match for a design-only project or for a smaller-scale construction effort.
* Consider partnerships with Town and/or County. Although the main focus of this plan is on Village infrastructure, there are concepts which would require the involvement of the Town of Argyle and Washington County to bring to fruition. A multi-jurisdictional approach could not only reduce the administrative and/or financial burden on the Village but would also result in a more competitive application for funding.
D. Maintenance
Maintenance of pedestrian infrastructure is a key concern for any municipality. For the purposes of this plan, “maintenance” includes short-term upkeep, such as removing leaves, snow, and debris, as well as long-term preservation of pavement, drainage, and general infrastructure condition to ensure ADA accessibility. This section is intended to provide a general overview of issues related to pedestrian infrastructure maintenance.
1. Short-term maintenance
In New York State, many municipalities have enacted local laws which delegate the removal of snow, leaves, and/or other debris to the adjoining landowner; Argyle sets forth these provisions in Local Law 1 of 2007. However, some landowners may not be physically capable, available, and/or willing to engage in timely snow removal. Argyle’s regulation levies a fine in the case of noncompliance within a set time period, in this case 48 hours after a snowfall. Although this may be effective in some cases, not all municipalities have the capacity to enforce these types of violations. Another option would be to purchase dedicated snow-removal equipment and have municipal employees undertake the snow removal throughout the Village as needed. Although this will increase overall accessibility in the Village, it is also more expensive.
2. Long-term maintenance
Regarding long-term maintenance, Argyle’s sidewalk regulations state that “The owner of premises abutting on any street
or road who owns the property where a sidewalk has been laid shall repair, maintain, replace and reconstruct such sidewalk.” However, no guidance is included regarding standards for maintenance and repair and there are no references to the ADA. This could create some confusion as there is no clear threshold established for when repair and replacement should take place. In addition, as stated above, many property owners choose not to repair or replace their sidewalks, even though the Village of Argyle currently has a policy which enables cost-sharing to offset the expense.

These types of local laws, although very common in NYS, can lead to legal confusion with regards to property owner liability for injury related to poor pavement condition (i.e. trip-and-fall lawsuits) versus municipal requirements to maintain ADA accessibility under federal law. In general, although these types of local laws may lead to some incremental advances, they do not ensure consistent sidewalk maintenance in the long term. The most effective way to ensure that accessible, safe sidewalks are available is for the Village to undertake the design, construction, and long-term maintenance of the pedestrian infrastructure network.

Ultimately, the ADA states that municipalities are responsible for general upkeep of sidewalks to ensure they remain open and usable to persons with disabilities. However, in practice this may require a more nuanced interpretation of local, state, and federal regulations. Therefore, it is recommended that a land use attorney be consulted prior to enacting any local laws or policy. For a more in-depth overview, please refer to “Land Use Law and Sidewalk Requirements Under the Americans with Disabilities Act” published by the Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal, available here: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3019506

Glens Falls Middle School – High School Circulation Study

Study requested by the Glens Falls School District and the City of Glens Falls to identify transportation alternatives to improve safe and efficient access to Glens Falls Middle School and Glens Falls High School during arrival and dismissal periods.

Rural Workforce Transportation Plan

The following text has been provided to facilitate screen reader technology. For the full report including graphics, maps, and appendices, please refer to the pdf version.

Rural Workforce Transportation Plan
FINAL 12/13/2023

I. Key Findings
Transportation needs and gaps arise from a variety of factors, including geographic barriers, the high cost of housing and transportation, worker access to vehicles, gaps in the existing public transportation network and service, and a lack of alternatives to single-occupancy vehicle use.
Most rural workers travel to the Glens Falls area; however a significant number of workers travel within the region to other rural areas or outside the region to other urban centers such as Rutland, Bennington, Saratoga Springs, and the greater capital district.
Employers and business leaders have faced difficulties with attracting and retaining workers due to transportation issues; some efforts to address these issues on a piecemeal basis have met with limited success.
Traditional public transit systems will not be able to meet the demand of rural transportation; alternative transportation modes and new technologies may be able to address certain gaps.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach which will work for the entire region. Public-private transportation solutions could be developed to meet the specific needs of discrete locations.
High priority areas for potential pilot programs have been identified with a focus on the Village of Granville and the hamlet of Warrensburg. Additional priority areas may also have feasible potential for solutions depending on community and employer buy-in.
Local land use and development decisions do not always take into account transportation needs.

II. Introduction
A. Background
The issue of rural transportation needs has been an ongoing concern in the region. The Lake Champlain Lake George Regional Planning Board (LCLGRPB), which provides regional planning and economic development services throughout Clinton, Essex, Hamilton, Warren, and Washington Counties, identified rural workforce transportation as a topic of concern within the Forward Together: Economic Resiliency Plan (2021). Similarly, the Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council (A/GFTC), which conducts transportation planning services in Warren and Washington Counties, and in the Town of Moreau (Saratoga County), has engaged in related planning efforts. Notably, the 2017 Rural Transportation Needs Assessment and Options Analysis and the 2018 Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan examined rural transportation needs, though neither plan focused on workforce issues specifically.
To address this issue, the LCLGRPB and A/GFTC have collaborated to develop a Rural Workforce Transportation Plan for areas within the A/GFTC Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).
B. Goals
* Develop a comprehensive understanding of the transportation needs and gaps which hinder workforce participation in the region.
* Identify opportunities to improve connectivity of workers to employment centers.
* Identify transformative transportation infrastructure projects.
III. Existing Conditions Summary
A. Regional Overview
The geographic focus of this plan is on the A/GFTC Planning and Programming Area, which includes all of Warren and Washington counties as well as the Town of Moreau and Village of South Glens Falls in Saratoga County. For the purposes of this plan, the term urban core refers to the area comprised of the city of Glens Falls, the villages of South Glens Falls, Hudson Falls, and Fort Edward, as well as some surrounding areas of the towns of Queensbury, Kingsbury, and Fort Edward. (See Map 1). The remainder of the focus area is referred to as rural . This definition is distinct only for the purposes of this plan and does not reflect the official urban area boundary as delineated by the US Census. Within the rural areas, hamlets and villages may be referred to as rural population centers .
1) Existing Transit Service
Greater Glens Falls Transit (GGFT) began operation in 1984 through a collaborative agreement among eleven contiguous municipalities centered around the Glens Falls urban area from Lake George/Bolton Landing in the north, south to the Towns of Moreau and Fort Edward (see Map 1). It operates a fleet of eighteen transit vehicles and historically carried over 350,000 riders a year. With some exceptions, year-round service operates from 6:30am through 10:00pm Monday through Friday with a more limited schedule on Saturdays, with a service span of Lake George to Moreau/Fort Edward. GGFT also operates a summer season trolley bus service between Bolton Landing/Lake George and Glens Falls from late June through Labor Day (and on weekends in spring and fall).
GGFT has periodically studied and considered various scheduled transit services to the rural area but has consistently found insufficient demand to justify the local financial support required to make them feasible. The only recent exception to this was a pilot expansion of the summer trolley route which included occasional service to Warrensburg. This service has since been discontinued.
Like all small transit operators in New York, GGFT faced a significant, ongoing drop in ridership due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although mandated restrictions on bus capacity have been lifted, ridership has not yet returned to historic levels. Another challenge exacerbated by the pandemic has been finding qualified drivers, especially for the summer trolley service. Despite these challenges, GGFT has nonetheless expanded access to transit in other ways. In particular, GGFT recently debuted a new mobile electronic fare payment platform to allow riders to purchase bus fare through a mobile app. This system also allows fares to be transferred electronically, which will allow bus tokens to be sent to anyone with a smartphone.
GGFT offers complementary paratransit service to individuals unable to access the fixed-route services. This service is branded as Freedom and Mobility Express (FAME). FAME is available for travel within mile of GGFT s fixed-route services and all passenger pick-ups and drop-offs must be within this area. The service is available during the fixed-route operating hours and based on the route schedule. Fares for FAME trips are double the fare on the fixed-route system.
In addition, GGFT partnered with CDPHP in 2021 to expand the Cycle! bikeshare system to the Glens Falls/Lake George area. The provision of low-cost bikeshare in the vicinity of two of the area s busiest transit hubs Ridge Street in Glens Falls and Beach Road in Lake George will benefit transit riders looking to make the first mile/last mile connection.
In terms of other transit services, the Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) historically maintained an extension of the Northway Express in South Glens Falls. This provided access to Saratoga, Clifton Park, and the larger Capital District area. However, this service was discontinued in 2020 with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.
In February 2023, GGFT and CDTA, in conjunction with the City of Glens Falls, proposed a merger between the two transit providers. This proposal was approved by the Warren County Board of Supervisors in May 2023. Under the terms of this transition, GGFT routes will be operated by CDTA; GGFT vehicles will be incorporated into the CDTA fleet and re-branded accordingly. In addition, to accommodate CDTA operating procedures, transit operations will be shifted from flag-down to fixed-stop service. As of November 2023, CDTA signs in the Glens Falls urban area have begun to be installed. Further operational changes may be undertaken as the transition progresses.
B. Demographic, Economic, and Transportation Conditions
To gain a thorough understanding of the characteristics of the population in the region, a variety of statistics were analyzed. These are summarized below; for the complete analysis including data, graphs, and maps, see Appendix 1.
* Population Density and Distribution: Villages and hamlets contain pockets of higher-density housing, services, and employment which service the surrounding rural area. The Village of Whitehall and the hamlet of Warrensburg contain the highest densities of population in the rural study area.
* Race and Ethnicity: The area has low rates of racial and ethnic diversity; however, distribution of minorities is unequal, with the hamlets/villages of North Creek, Bolton Landing, Lake George, Lake Luzerne, Granville, and Greenwich having higher percentages of minorities compared to the surrounding towns.
* Age: The highest concentrations of working age residents can be found in Chestertown, Lake George (village), Lake Luzerne, Whitehall, Fort Ann, and Salem. Hague, Horicon, Putnam, Dresden, and northern Queensbury had the highest concentrations of senior population.
* Education: The highest concentration of residents with a bachelor s degree or higher can be found in the towns of Queensbury, Lake George, Moreau, Greenwich, and Cambridge. Conversely, over 15% of residents in Whitehall, Hampton, Hebron, and portions of Granville, Fort Edward, and Glens Falls lack a high school diploma.
* Poverty Status: The rural population centers with the highest estimated rates of poverty are Argyle, Whitehall, and Granville. The tract with the highest estimated poverty rate was located in Hebron.
In terms of employment statistics, the following factors were examined:
* Unemployment Rates: After a rise in unemployment due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the region has largely recovered and current unemployment rates are comparable to 2019 levels. The rural population centers of Salem, Argyle, Chestertown, and Bolton Landing had higher unemployment rates than the surrounding area. Conversely, the towns of Kingsbury, Lake George, Putnam, and Dresden had the highest rates of unemployment when measured by census tract.
* Work-From-Home Rates: After peaking during the Covid-19 lockdowns, work-from-home rates have declined to about 7,500 residents, which is still significantly higher than pre-2019 levels.
* Labor/Industry Profile: A comparison of jobs by sector from August 2019 and August 2022 shows a loss of jobs across almost all sectors except for Natural Resources, Mining, and Mineral Extraction. However, the overall proportion of jobs has not changed, with the top three sectors comprised of Leisure and Hospitality; Trade, Transportation and Utilities; and Education and Health Services.
* Employment Clusters: There are discrete areas in which mostly rural residents work, namely Rutland, Bennington, and Manchester within Vermont, as well as the rural portions of Warren and Washington Counties.
To gain an understanding of the movement of residents throughout the region, as well as any transportation-related barriers and burdens which may be experienced by the population, the following analyses were completed:
* Commuting Patterns: Most travel for work flows towards the urban core or the capital district. However, there are some discernable patterns of commutation within the rural areas, for example between Whitehall and Vermont. There are minor travel patterns from the urban core area to Lake George, Warrensburg, Fort Ann, Granville, and Argyle.
* Employment Inflow-Outflow: Each rural population center was analyzed to compare inflow-outflow rates, which captures how many people travel into an area, stay within the area, or travel outside the area for work.
* Commute Distance: Over 60% of rural work trips are less than 15 miles. Another 26% are for trips of 16-30 miles; altogether, this indicates that 86% of work trips originating from these hamlets and villages are less than 30 miles.
* Access to Vehicles: The Village of Cambridge, City of Glens Falls, and towns of Whitehall and Hampton have the highest rates of population without access to vehicles.
* Transportation Cost Burden (TCB): This metric quantifies transportation costs as a percentage of income of the typical household for the region. The towns of Putnam, Dresden, and Argyle have the highest TCB rank.
* Areas of concentrated disadvantage: The towns of Hebron, Whitehall, Hampton, Granville, and Fort Edward have the highest ranks when considering combined disadvantage metrics according to criteria measured by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
C. Survey and Stakeholder Input
Beginning in October 2022, the Lake Champlain-Lake George Regional Planning Board and its consultant partners conducted two surveys concurrently over a two-month time period. One survey was focused on those who work in the region while the other was focused on regional employers.
The surveys were marketed online and via social media campaigns. In addition, fliers were posted throughout the region, including at local libraries, town/county offices, and at Stewart s shops. Several employers and agencies also distributed this survey to their employees/constituents via email. Over 200 employees and 26 regional employers in Warren and Washington Counties completed this survey. It is important to note that, as these respondents elected to participate, the data below has some inherent limitations when compared to a true randomized sample.
* Transit limitations. Several participants noted that existing transit services could not accommodate the specific schedules or work locations, while there was a moderate number of responses indicating a willingness to use transit if it was available.
* Ridesharing limitations. According to employers, carpooling among employees is already occurring on a regular basis. Although this allows for those without a vehicle or license to attend work, the practice is not without downsides. For example, if the carpool driver is sick, on vacation, or not scheduled that day, the other employees may be without options to get to work.
* Incentives and opportunities. The surveys indicated varying levels of success with programs to provide transportation assistance. Bus tokens and gas cards can assist workers, but only if they live close to existing transit or have access to a vehicle. Direct transportation services, such as Tech Valley Shuttle and private taxis, were also utilized by individual businesses. However, the high cost of these services (in one case estimated at $10,000 per month) are not sustainable long-term. Discontinued programs, such as Wheels to Work and the Second-Chance program for previously incarcerated individuals, could also help fill gaps if these programs are re-instated.
* Housing. It was noted that affordable housing options are often located well outside of the areas served by transit or other transportation services. In a related issue, several large employers noted that the catchment area for their employees is outside of the A/GFTC area, which may complicate efforts to coordinate certain transportation solutions.
* Childcare. Several participants pointed out that a lack of affordable, convenient childcare compounds transportation issues.



IV. Rural Workforce Mobility Needs Analysis
To identify regional needs, the elements of a successful workforce transportation system must be clearly defined. These characteristics, or measures of success, can then be used to define the parameters of potential solutions.
It is important to note that no one program or project will fulfill every measure of success. However, identifying a range of potential solutions which work together can act as a framework to address most, if not all, elements.
A. Characteristics for Successful Rural Workforce Transportation:
* Availability and predictability: Aside from on-call positions, most jobs are scheduled at least a week in advance. For regular day-to-day commuting, workers need to have reasonable assurance that transportation services will be available when they need it, in a predictable fashion. In addition, transportation services must be available within a reasonable time before/after work (ideally no more than a 30-minute wait).
* Cost/Affordability: The link between transportation and employment can often seem to pose a chicken or the egg conundrum: those without the means or ability to own a vehicle find it difficult to get a job, which in turn further hampers any effort to get a vehicle. As such, any solutions proposed should take into consideration cost to the user; programs which are too expensive for the target audience to afford will be doomed to failure. Similarly, employer-focused solutions should also take financial sustainability into account.
* Technology: Many new transportation services are reliant on smartphone apps or web access. This poses a barrier to those without smartphones or who live or work in areas without reliable cell service. Options to allow scheduling over the phone are a must in order to accommodate these workers.
* Safety and accessibility: The employee survey indicated that 96% of respondents would be willing to walk up to a half mile to access a bus stop or carpool; a significant portion would walk up to a mile. However, many areas of the region lack dedicated sidewalks, or even wide road shoulders, which could feasibly accommodate pedestrians. These first-mile/last-mile issues are often related more to local transportation and land use decisions than they are to transit operations. In addition, not all workers are able to walk. Transportation service pick-up points should be located within a reasonable, safe walking distance of origin points and must accommodate accessibility from an ADA perspective.
* Flexibility: Although the daily commute can often be predicted well in advance, flexibility for emergency trips and/or errands is highly desirable. The ability to go home early or late, to deviate from the normal route to run errands, or to accommodate childcare drop offs/pickups, was cited as one of the main reasons workers choose to drive alone. Ideally, transportation services would also allow this flexibility to some extent.
B. Needs/Gaps/Barriers
With the parameters of a hypothetical system of transportation services now defined, it is important to take stock of the specific needs, gaps, and barriers which were revealed through the existing conditions analysis and the survey/stakeholder input. These also include general issues which could complicate the facilitation of programs and projects aimed at rural workforce transportation.
1) Travel from rural areas to urban core
The existing conditions data analysis of travel patterns indicates that the prevalent direction of travel for work trips flows towards urban core areas. This was also underscored by the results of the survey and stakeholder analysis. In particular, the existing condition analysis noted significant travel flow to the core urban area from Warrensburg, Lake George, Lake Luzerne, Whitehall, Granville, Fort Ann, Argyle, and Greenwich. To a lesser extent, this rural-to-urban pattern also applies to the following links: Greenwich to Saratoga/Wilton, Whitehall to Fair Haven/Castleton/Rutland Vermont, Cambridge to Bennington, Warrensburg to Saratoga/Wilton, and Warrensburg to Albany.
Together, these travel corridors represent probable areas of transportation need, as there are no established transportation services which allow for these movements aside from ad hoc ridesharing and/or incentive programs set up by individual employers. It can be assumed that there is a potential for additional workers in the rural areas to find jobs in the urban core but are prevented by lack of transportation.
One major barrier to providing transportation services between rural and urban areas is the low population density and diffuse land use patterns outside of the urban core. Smaller population centers may have the potential to act as collection points for rides to the urban area, but this might not accommodate workers in the most rural areas. In addition, workforce transportation needs are inherently somewhat fluid as workers change jobs or enter or leave the workforce, which can make it difficult to engage in route planning for transportation services seeking to fill this need.
Another barrier is that these travel patterns do not conform to established programmatic service areas. For example, a significant number of workers in Whitehall and Cambridge commute to Vermont. Even if there was a public transportation agency in Washington County which could provide workforce transportation, setting up a service which crosses state boundaries represents a major (though not unsurmountable) hurdle in terms of administration. Similarly, it has been historically difficult to establish a strong connection between downtown Glens Falls and Saratoga, due to the boundaries of the GGFT and CDTA service areas.
2) Travel within rural areas
Commute travel pattern data from the existing condition analysis indicates that movement between rural communities is more common for rural residents; fewer residents from the urban core travel to the rural areas for work. Although not the focus of this study, this also affects human service agencies and their clients.
Although the sparse travel patterns make it difficult to identify catchment areas, the inflow-outflow information seems to indicate three types of patterns: population centers that export workers, population centers that import workers, and population centers which are more or less balanced. For example, Whitehall, Warrensburg, Granville, Greenwich, Argyle, and Cambridge send more workers than they receive , which suggests that there may be potential for transportation services tailored to the workers who live in those areas and work elsewhere. Conversely, Lake George, North Creek, Bolton Landing, and Pottersville appear to be destinations for employment. When taken together, these patterns begin to suggest areas of probable need from a transportation perspective.
In terms of barriers, the same issues of low population density and fluid origin points stated above also apply to transportation within rural areas. In addition, employment centers in the rural areas may be located outside of hamlet areas, which complicates efforts to identify or create shared transportation services. However, one potential mitigating factor is that the work trip distance analysis indicates that most workers travel relatively short distances less than 30 miles. Potential transportation services could theoretically have a limited service area while still meeting the needs of many residents in and around these rural population centers.
3) Expansion of GGFT Schedule/Service Area
Survey responses and stakeholder outreach indicate that evening/weekend transit services do not adequately address the needs of employees. This is compounded by confusion regarding the services which currently exist; in some cases employers cited schedule conflicts based on outdated or inaccurate information. Previous efforts to provide night/evening service have met with mixed results; currently, evening/weekend services must balance rider demand with the lack of available drivers. There may be potential for complementary services, such as guaranteed ride home programs or after-hours transportation, to address gaps in scheduling.
Similarly, survey and stakeholder outreach indicated gaps in transit service coverage within the core urban area. Specifically, the industrial parks on Queensbury Avenue and to SUNY Adirondack (both the main campus and satellite Culinary Arts building in Glens Falls) were mentioned. It is important to note that these two areas have been the focus of specific outreach efforts and service proposals by GGFT. In particular, a route to the Culinary Arts building was the focus of a pilot service, which was later discontinued due to lack of riders.
One major barrier is the ongoing driver shortage at GGFT. Currently, large scale route and schedule expansions are unlikely unless this issue can be addressed. In addition, previous attempts at route and schedule expansion may indicate that merely providing service may not result in transit usage without additional support. As such, long-term transit planning efforts should also take into account the need for robust, ongoing efforts to attract and retain riders. This includes not only the transit provider but also employers and related economic development/planning agencies.
4) Vehicle Access and Affordability
Lack of consistent access to vehicles is one of the most difficult gaps in rural transportation to address. This can include not having a car at all; having only infrequent access to a vehicle; lacking resources to maintain, insure, and fuel a vehicle; and/or the inability to drive.
According to the existing conditions analysis, lack of access to a vehicle affects up to 15% of working age residents in certain rural areas. Individuals and households without vehicles are sometimes located far from community centers or hamlets, making access even more difficult. In addition, many towns were noted to have an especially high Transportation Cost Burden by the Justice40 parameters set by FHWA.
Lack of vehicle access is an issue can affect almost anyone without warning, in the case of a car crash, financial difficulties, or changes in the household due to death or divorce. For those looking to learn to drive, driver s education courses may not be accessible either. As such, vehicle access represents a distinct gap facing the region.
Obviously, the cost of vehicle purchase and maintenance are the largest burdens in this case. Some programs exist to address these issues on an individual basis; see section V.F for more information. Although providing vehicles to workers and families is a beneficial goal (and often results in reduced burden on human service agencies as a whole), it cannot address large-scale gaps on a regional basis.
Although ridesharing is often suggested as a solution to this issue, stakeholder input indicated it can cause problems for both employees and employers if the rideshare driver is unavailable due to sickness or vacation. In that case, employees may face lost wages and employers must deal with multiple absences. Potential solutions should take into account the need for consistent scheduling and access to rides as well as addressing the root financial or logistical needs for those seeking to gain access to a vehicle.
Another potential long-term solution would be to increase the number of jobs located within walking distance of the rural population centers, thereby reducing the need for a vehicle during the daily commute.
5) Housing and Childcare
Although these issues do not necessarily constitute transportation challenges, the lack of affordable housing and childcare options can complicate or prevent access to employment. In some cases, an employment center may be accessible from a transportation perspective, but the transit or work schedule might not allow for childcare drop-offs/pickups. Similarly, if housing costs are not in line with wages, those with limited transportation options might be forced to choose between a roof over their heads or a job. Local land use decisions may also fail to take the housing-transit connection into account, leaving transportation operators in a reactive, rather than proactive, role.
These concerns may fall outside of the scope of achievable solutions identified in this plan. However, it is crucial to note the interconnected nature of the issues. Without considering housing and childcare needs, even a perfectly balanced array of transportation solutions will fail to meet the needs of vulnerable populations.
6) Coordination gaps
The issues related to transportation and employment in the rural areas are further complicated by a lack of coordination among relevant agencies and constituents. Bringing together the interests of economic development, public transit, transportation, employment services, education, planning, local municipalities, and vulnerable populations is no small task. Indeed, this is not an issue unique to the region; across the U.S., the field of mobility management continues to grow and evolve in recognition of the importance of providing coordination to identify and implement potential solutions.
As mentioned previously, administration and funding can constitute a barrier to increased coordination. Government agencies are limited to specific geographic areas of influence; as such, the potential for projects and programs often ends at the border, leaving few options for workers and employers that span more than one municipality, region, or state.
C. Opportunities:
Although the list of transportation needs and barriers can seem overwhelming, there are also several promising opportunities within the region.
1) Merger of Transit Providers
In February 2023, GGFT and CDTA, in conjunction with the City of Glens Falls, proposed a merger between the two transit providers. This proposal was approved by the Warren County Board of Supervisors in May 2023.
Although it is too soon to predict how transit service may change in the A/GFTC region as a result of this merger, there is a possibility of an eventual increase in the available resources for transit marketing, technological innovation, and new service modalities. Specifically, CDTA will be undertaking a Transit Development Plan, which could take into account the merger and identify opportunities for service efficiencies. In addition, the merger will raise awareness of transit issues in general, which can build support and engagement in the community.
A merger may also result in stronger transit connections between the Glens Falls area and the greater capital district. Although this may not directly benefit rural residents, it represents a step forward for connectivity within the region as a whole.
2) Funding Availability
Recent expansion of transportation funding has increased financial opportunities through FTA and FHWA. Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, many established transit programs have seen increased funding allocations. In addition, new programs such as FTA s Helping Obtain Prosperity for Everyone (HOPE) are creating additional opportunities specifically for rural transit access. Cross-cutting projects which are targeted towards not only workforce issues, but increased mobility of seniors, low-income individuals/families, or the disabled communities, would likely be very competitive.
3) Technological Advances
Ongoing development and advances in data and technology have increased the availability of innovative transit solutions. This includes vendor-based programs and platforms, which reduce the need for small transit organizations to take on the burden of complicated, expensive technology. This, in turn, creates opportunities for dynamic routing/scheduling, which can make more efficient use of limited resources such as vehicles and drivers. Systems which rely on smaller vehicles also reduce the need for CDL drivers.
4) Collaboration and Innovation
Stakeholder input revealed that some employers are willing to explore collaborative and innovative solutions to transportation issues. This creates potential for private or public-private partnerships; not only do pooled resources usually stretch farther, but successful collaboration can increase the likelihood of obtaining grant funding under certain circumstances.
D. Geographic priority areas
Although the needs, barriers, and opportunities listed above apply to the whole region, certain areas are more affected than others. In addition, the specific combination of factors in each location may influence the viability of potential transportation solutions.
1. Granville: This Village has a very high Transportation Cost Burden as well as high percentages in terms of lack of vehicle access and low educational attainment. However, Granville is also home to several large employers and has a dense population center. At one point the Village was able to maintain a limited local transit service, which could indicate the potential for success for future efforts. There is also a fair amount of reciprocity in terms of workers traveling to and from Whitehall, which could indicate potential for services shared between the two villages.
2. Warrensburg: In terms of access to vehicles, educational attainment, transportation cost burden, worker outflow, population, and stakeholder input, Warrensburg represents a good candidate for workforce transportation programs. As with Whitehall, there have been numerous efforts to establish transportation services in Warrensburg in the last decade. GGFT has successfully expanded the seasonal trolley service to the hamlet in the past; however, this is not a year-round solution. There have also been efforts to establish a private livery/transit hybrid service, which never came to fruition. Warrensburg faces a specific challenge in that the worker outflow is relatively diffuse, with workers traveling not only to the core urban area but to Lake George, Bolton, and Chestertown. The hamlet also has significant worker inflow, which suggests that residents in the surrounding area would require travel into Warrensburg. Services in this area might also call for the inclusion of Bolton Landing and/or Lake George; if so, the high number of seasonal positions should be taken into account.
3. Whitehall: The Village of Whitehall stands out in terms of having a high working age population, low educational attainment, high numbers of limited access to vehicles, overall economic disadvantage, high worker outflow, dense population, and stakeholder input. Historically, this area was the focus of a pilot program which expanded GGFT routes along Route 4 to the Village of Whitehall. Fixed route transit did not prove to be viable in the long term and the pilot was terminated over a decade ago. However, this underscores the regional need for transportation solutions focused on this area. As stated previously, plans for future transit or transportation services should integrate cross-border travel into Vermont.
4. Lake Luzerne: With a high transportation disadvantage, high TCB, and relatively high percentage of working age population, this hamlet is also relatively isolated from the rest of the county, which could limit potential transportation solutions. Additional analysis which includes Corinth and possibly Greenfield may be warranted.
5. Pottersville/North Creek/Chestertown: These three hamlets have high transportation cost burdens; North Creek in particular also has a relatively high percentage of individuals without access to a vehicle. In addition, there is a minor, but discernable, pattern of reciprocity for work trips between the three hamlets, which might indicate the potential for services in this area. The heavy reliance on seasonal jobs may pose an additional layer of complication.
6. Greenwich/Cambridge/Salem: These three population centers are relatively isolated from the rest of the County. Despite their proximity to each other, there is not a significant discernable pattern of commutation between the three. However, there is some overlap among the outflow destinations. For example, both Salem and Greenwich send workers to the core urban area and Saratoga, while both Salem and Cambridge send workers to Bennington and Greenwich. There may be potential for certain service modes to strengthen these linkages, thereby increasing opportunities for workers in southern Washington County.
7. Fort Ann and Argyle: Although these Villages are not in proximity to one another, they share characteristic inflow/outflow patterns. In both cases, there is a strong outflow towards the core urban area, as well as a discernable inflow in the other direction. Depending on the service mode (such as commuter lines) there may be opportunities to strengthen these linkages in both directions.


V. Summary of Potential Transportation Options
There are a wide variety of potential transportation service models and initiatives which could be considered. This report includes as many options as could be identified. Relevant examples have been provided where possible; in particular, initiatives from within rural areas in New York State have been highlighted, since these solutions are more likely to be feasible in the A/GFTC region.
A. Fixed-route service:
This refers to transit service provided on a repetitive, fixed schedule basis along a specific route with vehicles stopping to pick up and deliver passengers to specific locations. Each fixed route service trip serves the same origins and destinations. In general, the population density for effective fixed-route service is 2,000 people per square mile, or 3 people per acre. GGFT operated fixed-route services in the urban core area with a combination of fixed stop locations and flag-down service.
* Fixed-route commuter services or shuttles allow for fixed-route transit to origin or destination clusters which may not otherwise meet density thresholds, such as industrial parks, college campuses, or isolated hamlets. These services are generally operated 1-2 times in the morning and evening. Although this may accommodate workers with traditional 9-5 schedules, it does not support off-peak shift work.
B. Flexible-route service:
This refers to transit service within a determined area which may deviate from set routes or points. Options include:
* Route Deviation: the vehicle may deviate from the scheduled route to stop at locations within a defined distance (for example, mile or 2 blocks) of the route. When this is done, the bus must return to the route where it deviated to continue service. Flexible routes are appropriate in areas where there is some clustering of origins and destinations, but not a high enough population density to support fixed route services. This service can support employment trips provided both origin and destination are located within the service area; however, timing may be less predictable than with fixed-route service.
* Checkpoint Service: a hybrid service in which vehicles serve designated stops at scheduled times but operate in demand-responsive mode between stops. Spontaneous travelers use the service by boarding and disembarking from buses at the designated checkpoint stops without advance reservation. Riders may access a demand-responsive service outside of checkpoints with advance reservation. There is no designated route between checkpoints. Since sufficient time must be built into the schedule to allow for the deviations between checkpoints, the overall running times between checkpoints are longer than they would be on a fixed route, but checkpoint stops are predictable. This service model can support employment trips provided both origin and destination are located within the service area; however, timing may be less predictable than with fixed-route service.
* Zone Service: provides limited transit access over a large area that could not otherwise support service. Zone service can assign fixed-route, demand-response, or other type of service to certain zones on certain days. Zone service is ideal for trips dedicated to occasional appointments or shopping but is not usually able to accommodate employment trips due to decreased frequency of the service.
C. Demand Response:
In this system, vehicles do not operate over a fixed route or on a fixed schedule; passengers must request a trip by contacting the transit agency or using a website or phone app.
* Subscription/Vanpool: passengers request repetitive rides on an ongoing basis. This works well for clustered origins or destinations and low daily frequency of demand (1-2 trips a day), making it a good option for employment trips. Vanpool services may also qualify for tax benefits for commuters. However, this service usually does not accommodate flexibility in terms of emergencies or schedule deviations.
* Advance Reservation: allows requests with a requirement for advance notice (3-72 hours is a common range). This can accommodate low-density origins and destinations in areas of low demand.
* Real-time Scheduling: operates similar to a taxi or ride-hailing service. Works best with high density areas and short trip distances. Allows for flexibility for emergencies or schedule deviations; however, trip timing may be unpredictable.
D. Microtransit/Mobility on Demand:
Similar to demand response service, microtransit is operated with smaller vehicles and may be contracted through a vendor. Mobile technology provides dynamic routing and curb-to-curb or corner-to-corner service; vehicles are usually vans or minivans, which can be operated without a CDL license. Many microtransit vendors will work directly with employers or on a subscription basis. For community-wide service, a mix-and-match approach can offer a variety of demand response types.

E. Ridesharing:
Also known as carpooling, this option encourages employees to share rides to work. This often occurs on an ad-hoc basis; however, employers or other agencies can opt to proactively facilitate this activity. The drawback to this approach is that employees who are dependent on the service may be unable to get to work if the driver is sick, on vacation, or otherwise unable to drive. In addition, jobs with flexible scheduling, such as retail and service positions, can make it difficult to arrange rides consistently. Ridesharing can also occur with employees of different businesses. This can be facilitated through individual coordination or with ridematching services such as 511NY. The A/GFTC area already has a dedicated rideshare portal, which also includes information regarding transit, traffic conditions, and park-and-ride lots.
F. Commuter Incentives:
This option includes direct or indirect subsidies to employees to reduce the cost of commuting and/or promote transit use. This can include a wide range of initiatives such as providing gas cards, ridesharing incentives, bus passes, car sharing, guaranteed ride home programs, or related perks. This can provide additional support to transportation-insecure employees who may face occasional issues getting to work. Since these initiatives may not provide direct transportation services, they are most useful as supplements to other programs.
* Wheels to Work Program: A transportation assistance program designed to support income eligible households in acquiring safe, reliable transportation so adults may get to and from work. The program helps low-income adults by coordinating the purchase of affordable/used vehicles, offering financial assistance for vehicle repairs, and general financial management skills. In some cases, these types of programs are offered exclusively to families with children. Although Warren County had a Wheels to Work Program, it was discontinued about ten years ago.
G. Volunteer Driver programs:
These systems rely on the services of volunteers to provide transportation which is scheduled in advance. In most cases, volunteers drive their own vehicles and are reimbursed for mileage. For this type of system to succeed, there must be an agency which provides oversight of the drivers, facilitates scheduling, and manages the funding sources and reimbursement process. Finding volunteers to participate is often difficult, especially with regards to trips on weekends and after business hours. This type of service is most useful to provide occasional trips to medical appointments or shopping, rather than regularly-scheduled work trips. However, in theory it could be useful for occasional work-related trips, as long as the rides can be scheduled in advance.
H. Transportation Service Option Comparison
Given the wide range of service modes and program options, this plan attempts to provide additional clarity regarding which options are most applicable for workforce transportation. This includes:
* Minimum required population density (high, medium, or low)
* Whether the service is appropriate to public (municipal), private, or public-private operation
* What type of trip demand is accommodated
* Whether the service accommodates variable origin and destination points
* The timing predictability
* Whether the service can accommodate schedule flexibility
* Overall determination of applicability for workforce transportation (high, medium, low)

Additional detailed analysis would be required to determine the viability of these options within specific priority areas of the A/GFTC region.
1) Options for Implementation/Operation
There are a number of public and private options to establish and operate transportation services. Some considerations include:
* Public agencies: In addition to transit operators, there are several public organizations which could potentially operate or manage transportation services. Indeed, some agencies already offer transportation service to specific groups such as seniors, veterans, and the disabled. A public operational model offers a number of benefits, including access to federal and state grants and broad applicability to the public at large. There may be opportunities to coordinate and collaborate with existing human service transportation providers as well. However, there may be geographic or other limitations which may pose difficulties to establish services that extend outside of the region. Service modalities which are more suited to public administration include fixed-route/commuter service, demand response/microtransit, and commuter incentives such as Wheels to Work.
* Private organizations: Businesses, chambers of commerce, or similar private organizations can also operate transportation services. In terms of benefits, private operational models are often nimbler and more flexible than public agencies, which means services can be set up and respond to changes in demand more quickly. However, access to grant funding is limited. In addition, employer-based transportation services only benefit the workers at that specific company rather than the region at large. Service modalities which are more suited to private operation include vanpool, vendor-based microtransit, enhanced ridesharing, and commuter incentives such as gas cards, transportation stipends, or bus tokens.
* Public-private partnerships: This option can tap into the strengths of both public and private organizations, allowing for a wide array of service modes. However, this requires a significant amount of coordination to maintain communication and collaboration. One option to foster this type of organizational structure would be a Transportation Management Association (see sidebar). The creation of an agency dedicated specifically to providing transportation oversight, management, and coordination could focus regional efforts and reduce inefficiencies.
VI. Next Steps/Priorities
1) Improve coordination and identify opportunities for collaboration and implementation.
For decades, various public and private agencies have attempted to increase coordination and expand transportation options, whether directed towards workforce issues, human service transportation, or public transit in general. However, these efforts have been hampered by legal limitations on authority, lack of resources or funding, or competing priorities. Given the opportunities afforded by the proposed transit merger, increased funding for transportation, and a renewed focus on economic development, the time is ripe to identify a champion to carry forth the priorities of the region. This could take the form of a staff position within an existing agency or a dedicated institution such as a Transportation Management Association (see sidebar).
Regardless of the administrative details, a key priority of this coordination should be to maintain momentum and continue to keep communication channels open, especially between the transit agencies, the business community, and the various public entities involved.
2) Identify location(s) for priority pilot projects and pursue needed analysis/collaboration for implementation.
As noted in section IV, there are several possible transportation options which may prove viable in the region, pending additional detailed analysis. This plan also identified priority locations based on various demographic, economic, and geographic factors. However, one factor which has not been accounted for is buy-in from the local municipal and business community. This participation will be crucial to take the next step in analysis and potential project/program development. Reaching out to these stakeholders to determine the level of interest should occur prior to developing a scope of work for implementation.
By combining the results of the geographic priority analysis and the transit option analysis, two possible locations for different pilot projects have been identified. These represent the locations with the most pressing needs while also creating the greatest opportunities for successful implementation of the identified modalities.
* Village of Granville: Employer-based Microtransit or Vanpool
As stated previously, the Village of Granville contains several large employers, imports a significant number of employees from other areas of the region, and is in itself a dense population center. In addition, the demographic and economic data provide strong evidence of the need for additional transportation services. These qualities, when combined, create a ripe opportunity for an employer-based microtransit or vanpool service pilot project.
In terms of next steps for implementation, a lead agency would need to be identified, such as the Regional Planning Board or another organization (see item 1 above). The lead agency should begin by canvassing large employers to determine the level of interest. Next, a Request for Information (RFI) could be developed in partnership with relevant stakeholders such as A/GFTC and CDTA. Pending the results of the RFI, funding could then be identified and sought through appropriate channels and/or public-private partnerships. A contract with the vendor would then be held by the lead agency to provide the proposed transit service. This service model is becoming more and more common throughout the US as more vendor-based transportation providers are established.
* Warrensburg/Central Warren County: Community-based Microtransit/Mobility Management
The central portion of Warren County, centered roughly around Warrensburg but extending east to Bolton Landing and south to Lake George, also represents an area of opportunity. As stated previously, the demographic and economic conditions in this area speak to a clear need for additional transportation services in general, and specifically regarding workforce transportation. In addition, municipal leaders and community stakeholders in Bolton Landing and Warrensburg have repeatedly sought out opportunities for expanded transit service, which might indicate a high level of community buy-in.
In terms of implementation, this area will be more complicated to address; the lack of large employers and the high number of seasonal jobs may make it difficult to identify year-round service hubs. Currently, the overwhelming majority of employees in Warrensburg and Bolton Landing travel south to the core urban area for work, though there is some cross-pollination between Warrensburg and Bolton Landing. Lake George Village currently has year-round transit service to Glens Falls, so theoretically potential workers from Warrensburg and Bolton Landing could use this existing service, if they had means to access it. However, previous and ongoing trolley service to these communities does not address the need for year-round employment transportation. In addition, while the scheduling of the trollies provides some support for a south-to-north commute (i.e., workers from Glens Falls and Lake George traveling to Bolton Landing), the reverse is not necessarily the case.
To address these needs, a thorough service planning analysis will be necessary. This should involve the lead agency, community stakeholders, CDTA, and large employers at a minimum. It may be possible to support a significant number of workers simply by providing a robust and ongoing rideshare system to complement year-round transit in Lake George. Or it might also be beneficial to craft an RFI for a community-based microtransit service which could provide rides to/from Glens Falls or Lake George in the morning/evening commute, while also providing local rides for general transportation needs in Warrensburg and Bolton Landing during the day. In either case, a dedicated service planning analysis would be needed to identify opportunities and solutions.
3) Explore opportunities to improve transit service with the CDTA/GGFT merger.
The merger of CDTA and GGFT will not result in immediate changes to the established transit service in the region. In the short term, CDTA will be undertaking a Transit Development Plan beginning in spring 2023. As part of that effort, the needs of the A/GFTC region should be included so that any future service changes take local needs into consideration. Ultimately, the merger may create opportunities for improved inter-regional connections as well as more expansive marketing/education and newer technologies such as real-time transit service mapping.
4) Support the re-establishment of the Wheels-to-Work program in Warren County and explore expansion to Washington County.
Even with adequate transit options to rural areas, there will always be gaps due to lack of private vehicles. The Wheels-to-Work program is an effective way to help residents to purchase and maintain their own vehicle. This results in direct benefits to the resident and their family, as well as benefits to public agencies in terms of deferred assistance. As of early 2023, Warren County has already expressed interest in re-establishing this program. This effort should be supported. In addition, there may be opportunities to derive helpful lessons learned which could be applied to determine whether a similar program would be viable in Washington County.
5) Strengthen the land use and transit connection.
An ongoing issue within the urban and urban-adjacent areas in the region is the lack of coordination between local land use decisions and public transportation. In particular, local planning boards, zoning boards, and other municipal officials often fail to consider public transit in the land use planning and decision-making process. This disconnect often leaves the transit operator in a reactionary position, striving to accommodate the expansion of housing, retail, and employment development in areas which may be difficult or impossible to service. Another common issue is that transit provisions such as bus shelters, bike racks, and pedestrian connections are left out of development proposals, even within the areas serviced by transit routes. The lack of first-mile/last-mile links is a barrier to increased transit ridership. Without comfortable, convenient facilities and easy pedestrian connections, there is little incentive for residents and employees to choose transit over other transportation options. Although this affects the urban core area more than the rural areas, supporting a strong transit service through sound land use planning benefits the region as a whole.
To that end, it is recommended that outreach and training for local land use boards and municipal officials be developed. This could include educational websites, fact sheets, and/or training modules. Where possible, certification for education credits should be provided to fulfill requirements for planning and zoning board training. This effort could be led by MPO, RPB, or County planning staff or consultants in partnership with CDTA.



Old Fort Edward Junction Locks Trail Extension Feasibility Study

The following text has been extracted from the report to facilitate screen reader technology. For the full report including graphics and appendices, please refer to the .pdf file.


FINAL Feasibility Report
Old Fort Edward Junction Locks Trail Extension
Prepared for:
Adirondack |Glens Falls Transportation Council
11 South Street, Suite 203 Glens Falls, New York 12801
Village of Fort Edward
118 Broadway Fort Edward, NY 12828
Revision 2 November 2023

Prepared by Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C. 10 Airline Drive, Suite 200 Albany, New York 12205

This report examines the feasibility of providing on-road and off-road bicycle and pedestrian accommodations between the Empire State Trail (EST) at the intersection of NYS Route 4 and Argyle Street and existing on-road bicycle and pedestrian facilities on Canal Street. Two different off-road alignments are being considered, one along the former canal alignment between the junction lock walls and the other along the former towpath just to the east of the canal junction locks. This report also assesses potential bridge crossing options over Bond Creek, and the necessary improvements to provide the continuous bicycle and pedestrian accommodations along Argyle Street and Canal Street, to connect the EST to this portion of the off-road trail.
Improvements to the southern connection to the EST consist of a new shared-use path along the north side of Argyle Street, new pedestrian crossing of Broadway at the intersection with Argyle Street, ADA accommodations, signage, pavement markings, and an improved parking area.
The two off-road alternatives will provide a 10 ft. wide crushed stone shared use path that follows within, or adjacent to the former canal junction lock structure. This project segment includes crossing Bond Creek with a new prefabricated bridge or the rehabilitation of the existing stone arch bridge that is on the original tow path alignment.
The northern connection to the EST consists of formalizing Canal Street as a Walk/Bike Roadway by installing Share the Road signage and the EST sign assembly.
The total costs for Construction, Engineering, and Construction Inspection for each project segment are shown below:
. Southern EST Connection on Argyle Street = $216,000

. Off-road Alignment Alternative 1 = $628,000

. Off-road Alignment Alternative 2 = $717,000

. Northern EST Connection on Canal Street = $6,000

The Old Fort Edward Junction Lock, located northwest of the intersection of US Route 4 and Argyle Street, formerly connected the modern Champlain Canal to the Glens Falls Feeder Canal. The lock was abandoned in the 1940 s and today, the concrete walls, steel components, and former towpath remain in place. The A/GFTC has retained Barton & Loguidice, DPC, (B&L) to examine the existing conditions of the Village of Fort Edward owned corridor from Argyle Street to Canal Street (including the former canal junction lock) and recommend improvements to transform this corridor into an off-road multi-use path. This report will also investigate existing conditions and required improvements associated with connecting the off-road corridor to the current route of the EST at both the southern end along Argyle Street, and along the northern end on Canal Street.

A site visit was conducted on May 25, 2023 to inventory the existing project area conditions. The inventory included signing, striping, roadway widths, existing structures, and any noteworthy features or conditions. The existing conditions of the potential multi-use path routes are described below as well as displayed on the existing conditions map in Appendix A.
2.1. Southern Connection along Argyle Street
The southern connection for the trail will extend from the existing EST on Broadway (US Route
4) east along Argyle Street (NYS Route 197) to the existing gravel parking area (approximately 175 ft.). At the intersection of Broadway and Argyle Street there is one crosswalk present to cross Argyle Street. There are no crosswalks or curb ramps installed to cross Broadway at this intersection. Sidewalks are present and in fair condition along both sides of Broadway, and on the south side of Argyle Street. There are no pedestrian, bicycle, or crossing signage present within the vicinity of the intersection.
Table 2.1 (below) contains traffic data for both Broadway and Argyle Street that was obtained from the NYSDOT Traffic Data Viewer.
Table 2-1: Roadway Data
Roadway Broadway (US Route 4) Argyle Street (NYS Route 197)
Functional Classification Principal Arterial Minor Arterial
National Highway System Yes No
AADT 7,555 3,147
Percent Trucks 7% 8%
Posted Speed Limit 30mph 30mph
85th Percentile Speed 34mph –

Broadway is curbed on both sides and currently has a centerline double-yellow pavement stripe with no edge lines. The pavement width is 27 ft. with 13.5 ft. between the curb and the centerline which constitutes a wide-curb lane according to the NYSDOT Highway Design Manual Chapter 2 to accommodate vehicles and bicyclists.

Argyle Street consists of two 11 ft. travel lanes in both directions delineated by white edge lines and a center double-yellow line with a 4-ft. shoulder on the north side and a 1-ft. shoulder on the south. Both sides of the roadway are curbed, and the Right-of-Way width is approximately 56 ft., with approximately 25 ft. of available ROW on the north side of roadway between the curb and the ROW boundary.

2.2. Off-Road Route The off-road segment of the proposed project utilizes the alignment of the former junction lock to connect Argyle Street to Canal Street. This connection consists of two different alternatives, one that utilizes the area between the lock walls, and one that uses the former towpath alignment. The off-road connection will also cross Bond Creek with a new prefabricated bridge or rehabilitation of the existing stone arch bridge that is on the tow path alignment.
2.2.1. Alternative 1 Within the Lock Structure The existing junction lock walls are 19 ft. wide on the southern portion of the structure, then widen to 42-50 ft. on the northern portion where the structure intersects with Bond Creek. The wide section of the lock structure has a concrete slab base that is relatively level. The concrete walls are approximately 8 ft. tall and in good condition. Some of the steel hardware, such as tie-off straps and valve doors, are still intact. See photos below.

Construction debris has been disposed of within the structure walls over the years, such as granite curb pieces, bluestone sidewalk slabs, various other rubble, and plastic sewer pipes. There are also other lock infrastructure remains at the intersection with Bond Creek, such as block retaining walls, a stone arch bridge that carries the towpath on the east side, and another bridge like structure on the west. The northern bank of Bond Creek is contained by a block retaining wall and the southern bank appears to also be contained by a retaining wall as well, but this wall has since collapsed into the creek. There is minor vegetation growth within this area as it appears that it is regularly mowed and maintained. North of the Creek, heavy vegetation overgrowth has enveloped the area between the lock walls, which appear to be mostly intact. The lock structure ends at the southern terminus of Canal Street, adjacent to the Mills Apartments.
2.2.2. Alternative 2 Along the Existing Towpath The towpath on the east side of the lock structure is directly adjacent to the lock wall and can be accessed from the parking area off Argyle Street via a path just east of the structure. The path rapidly climbs 8 ft. in elevation to become level with the top of the lock walls. The path begins on a narrow plateau that is 8 ft. in width from the concrete wall to the top of bank and is heavily overgrown. The width of the plateau gradually increases in width to approximately 14 ft. Continuing north, the path then crosses Bond Creek over the existing stone arch structure. The path then continues in similar conditions to the southern terminus of Canal Street. See photos below for representative photos of the existing towpath.

An existing stone arch bridge carries the towpath over Bond Creek approximately 400 ft. to the North of the Argyle Street entrance. Record documents indicate that this bridge was built in 1830 as part of the Champlain Canal and the lock/gate system. The existing bridge consists of a dry-stacked stone arch with stone abutments, wingwalls and spandrel walls. The stone wingwalls tie-in to the existing stone/concrete walls along the creek and the remains of the canal structure.
A full structural assessment of the stone arch bridge was completed by the Village in May 2022 and can be found in Appendix C. Overall, the arch bridge is in poor condition with several areas of the stone structure that have partially failed. The stone abutment at the southwest corner of the bridge has partially failed with areas of voids, shifted and cracked stones. This condition at the abutment is resulting in loss of compression continuity in the arch stones as evidence by displaced and missing stones along the east and west fascia and spandrel walls. There are also several areas of the wingwalls that have missing stones and voids and the walls are displaced or bulging toward the creek. The structural assessment indicates that while the bridge appears to be stable at this time, the degradation will continue over time and could result in partial or complete failure of the bridge making it unsafe for public access in its current condition .

2.3. Northern Connection along Canal Street Canal Street is a dead-end local Village roadway with approximately 12 ft. of available pavement width. There are currently no sidewalks or curbing. The roadway provides access to five residences and has a ROW width of approximately 60 ft. There is approximately 42 ft. of ROW width between the western edge of pavement and the ROW boundary. Existing traffic volumes are not available on the NYSDOT Traffic Data Viewer but is assumed to be a very low volume road only providing access to the five residences.


3.1. Standards
The proposed design layouts and recommendations are based on the following standards:
. AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities 4th ed., 2012,

. NYSDOT Highway Design Manual (HDM),

. AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 7th ed., 2018,

. FHWA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), 2009,

. NYS Supplement to the MUTCD,

. NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide, and

. EST Design Guide, October 2017

. AASHTO LRFD Guide Specifications for the Design of Pedestrian Bridges


3.2. Southern Connection along Argyle Street
To connect the southern entrance of the off-road trail to the EST along Broadway, installing an asphalt paved or concrete 10 ft. wide multi-use path on the north side of Argyle Street is proposed. The 175 ft. long path will start in the northeast quadrant of the intersection and extend along Argyle Street where it would meet the existing gravel parking area. From this point the alignment would turn north and become the off-road Junction Locks trail. A durable, impervious surface adjacent to Argyle Street, such as asphalt or concrete, is recommended for use within the NYSDOT ROW to reduce maintenance costs and increase service life. A buffer of 2-4 ft. between the existing curb and the path should be used to provide snow storage and a buffer between the active roadway for pedestrians and cyclists.
The multi-use path on the north side of the roadway can be constructed within the available 25 ft. of ROW and will provide simple access for both pedestrians utilizing the sidewalks and bicyclists utilizing the shared lanes along Broadway. However, consideration should be given to the property adjacent to this proposed portion of the trail. The property is a rental property that has the potential for several cars to park in the adjacent driveway. Potential options to reduce the impacts to the adjacent property on the north side of Argyle Street could include a reduction in the shoulder width on the north side of Argyle Street to 1-ft. to match the southern side. The NYSDOT HDM states that the minimum allowable shoulder width on curbed Urban Arterials with no accommodations for bicyclists may be 0-ft. Additional mitigation measures include installing vegetation screening between the new path and the building, or fencing to shield the view between path users and the residents. If this option is pursued for construction, the design team should consult with the Village and the property owner to make sure that the proposed plan is conveyed and what changes will be made.
Another alternative measure that was reviewed was utilizing the existing 4-ft.-wide shoulder on the north side of Argyle Street as a narrow bike lane, however, the NYSDOT HDM recommends the use of a 5 ft. shoulder for bicyclists on Urban Arterials, requiring the curb to be reset 1-ft. behind its current location. Additionally, the southern side of the roadway only has a 1-ft.
shoulder, the ROW required to widen the shoulder to 5 ft. is limited, and this alignment would require an additional road crossing on Argyle Street to be installed at the entrance to the off-road trail alignment.

The concept shown in figure 3-1 includes a formalized gravel parking area with a new driveway shifted east on Argyle Street to provide direct route for the shared-use path to transition from Argyle Street to the off-road alignment. The minimum available ROW within the Village owned parcel is 85 ft., providing an opportunity to increase the area for vehicle parking.
A crosswalk across Broadway on the north side of the intersection with Argyle Street is proposed to line up the pedestrian circulation route on the west side of Broadway with access to the off-road portion of the trail connection on the north side of Argyle Street. The crossing provides the shortest direct route across Broadway to the Argyle Street path and is placed in the typical location at the intersection where drivers would expect to see a crosswalk. The crosswalk could be moved away from the intersection creating a mid-block crossing on Broadway, although this will require additional path construction to connect from the crossing location to Argyle Street as well as creating a layout that will allow an Argyle Street westbound right turning vehicle to now accelerate northbound before approaching the crosswalk. The crosswalk at the intersection where the right turning vehicle is at a stop is preferred.
This crossing location has an available stopping sight distance for vehicles traveling southbound on Broadway of 300 ft., and 600 ft. for vehicles traveling northbound which are both greater than the NYSDOT HDM Chapter 2 minimum Stopping Sight Distance of 250 ft. This value was determined using a design speed of 35 mph, which is slightly higher than the measured 85th percentile speed of 34mph in the vicinity of the project area.
For the proposed crossing of Broadway, the EST Guide lists a marked and signed crosswalk and Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) as the desired treatment. Several additional treatments could also be used based on engineering judgement. As a minimum treatment, ADA compliant features such as curb ramps and detectable warning units should be installed at the crossing and advanced pedestrian crossing signage and pavement markings should be installed on Broadway in accordance with Figure 3-2. The warning signs should be fluorescent yellow-green and should include the retroreflective signpost strip and the crosswalk should be NYSDOT Type LS that includes parallel stripes and ladder bars to enhance visibility.

Source: NYSDOT TSMI 17-07 PSAP Countermeasure Details, Drawing UC-2, Detail 3
Additional signage that should be installed at this crosswalk location include an R10-15 ( Turning Vehicles Yield to Pedestrians ) sign which reminds vehicles that are turning right from Argyle Street to yield the Right of Way to pedestrians in the crosswalk. Another sign that should be installed on the multi-use path at the
crosswalk is an R9-6 sign which reminds cyclists that
Source: 2009 MUTCD
pedestrians have the right of way within a crosswalk and on the multi-use path, or to remind cyclists that may be
on Broadway that they need to yield to pedestrians within the crosswalk.
3.3. Off Road Multi-Use Path
The off-road segment of the path will utilize the alignment of the former junction lock to connect Argyle Street to Canal Street. This connection consists of two different alternatives, one that utilizes the area between the lock walls, and one that uses the former towpath alignment. The connection will also need to cross Bond Creek.
3.3.1. Alternative 1 Within the Lock Structure This alternative would direct the path from Argyle Street between the existing concrete lock walls and continue north to Canal Street. The existing walls are in good shape and would provide for a unique experience as pedestrians and cyclists travel through the former canal. There is minimal vegetation growth between Argyle Street and Bond Creek. The construction debris that was disposed of here would need to be removed.
The major constraint to this alternative is the crossing of Bond Creek. There is currently no bridge in this location and no obvious alternative to cross the creek using the existing infrastructure. A pre-fabricated steel or concrete pedestrian bridge could be installed at this location to carry the trail over the Bond Creek. The prefabricated bridge would have a span length of approximately 30 ft. to cross the natural banks of Bond Creek. The steel or concrete bridge superstructure would be supported on concrete footings and abutments. The bridge would carry a width of 10 ft. to match the trail on the approaches and would include pedestrian railing along both sides.

Another constraint to this alternative is the northern section of this alignment is heavily vegetated and will require a significant amount of clearing and grubbing in order to construct the trail. There is also a section of the canal walls that the trail will also need to rise above as it approaches Canal Street. Otherwise, this alternative should be relatively straightforward to construct and could provide a unique walk-through history.
3.3.2. Alternative 2 Along existing Towpath This alternative includes the construction of a 10-ft. wide dedicated off-road multi-use path along the alignment of the former towpath adjacent to the eastern wall of the canal. This alignment would utilize the existing arch bridge to cross Bond Creek once repairs are performed. However, this alternative has several restrictions that need to be addressed in order to transform this into a useable trail meeting EST guidelines. These items to be addressed are:
8-ft. climb in elevation at the southern end of the canal structure to reach the tow path plateau on top. To be ADA compliant, the slope of the path must be 5% or less in grade, which would require at least a 160-ft. long ramp (nearly half of the length of the lock structure) and would require a significant amount of earthwork to meet this grade. Additional pedestrian railing would also be required adjacent to steep slopes or drop-offs.

Significant amount of clearing and grubbing to widen the existing path to meet EST guidelines

Railing would need to be installed on the top of the canal wall, and on the eastern side of the towpath to prevent users from falling down the steep slopes.

The existing Stone Arch structure needs significant rehabilitation efforts to be improved for public use. It is noted that these repairs are short-term (10 15 year service life) structural repairs and do not consider historic restoration or historic preservation of the structure (if that is requested by the State Historic Preservation Office):

Remove stones and debris from the waterway

Clear trees adjacent to bridge to alleviate additional tree root damage to structure

Re-point joints and cracks in masonry substructures

Replace and grout missing stones along arch, spandrel walls and substructures

Grout voids in the southeast abutment along the creek


The Arch structure is 11 ft. wide and will require railings to be installed along both sides.

A review and determination of historical significance of the remaining canal structure should be obtained from the New York State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) prior to pursuing this option. Any alterations to the existing structure are subject to their review which may require additional consultation and/or historically accurate construction materials and techniques.

3.4. Northern Connection along Canal Street As discussed in section 2.4, Canal Street is a low volume dead-end local roadway that provides access to five residences. In accordance with the EST Guidelines, Canal Street is classified as a Walk/Bike Roadway which is a very low volume road (fewer than 400 vehicles per day) that is designed to serve pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles all within the asphalt roadway area. Due to the low volumes and narrow widths, centerlines should not be marked. Regular pull-off areas to allow for passing event should be provided and is accomplished on Canal Street by the existing driveways and the gravel parking area near Notre Dame Street. Canal Street is recommended to be signed with Share the Road signs as well as the EST assembly.
3.5. Environmental / Permitting Requirements Preliminary investigations into Environmental and Cultural Resources and potential impacts and recommendations are included in the following discussion, along with the anticipated permitting needs. Additional detailed environmental investigations will be required during the Engineering phase, depending on the type of funding that is secured.
3.5.1. Surface Waters Review of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Environmental Resource Mapper (ERM) indicated that Bond Creek is a mapped NYSDEC Class C Stream with C Standards, is identified as resource PWL:1101-0085, and is a tributary of the Upper Hudson River. The ERM also indicated that the creek is listed as a 303(d) stream due to nutrient loading and low dissolved oxygen. The banks of this surface water could be impacted by bridge installation or rehabilitation operations and would require review by the NYSDEC. There are no mapped NYS wetlands located within or adjacent to the project area.
The National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mapping was reviewed to determine whether any wetland polygons are depicted within the project limits. Multiple NWI polygons were identified, especially to the northwest of the existing towpath, and will need to be field confirmed during the design phase. See Appendix D for wetland polygon mapping and additional information regarding Bond Creek.
3.5.2. Flood Zone The 100- or 500-year flood zone of Bond Creek does not encroach into the project area within the on-road portions of the project, or the off-road portions along the former canal junction locks, according to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map. See Appendix D for the Flood map.

3.5.3. Historical Resources A review of the New York State s Office of Historic Preservation s (SHPO) Cultural Resource Information System (CRIS) was completed. The review indicated that the corridor is not located within an historical district, and there are no recorded National Register (NR) Listed, Eligible buildings, or structures within or substantially contiguous to the proposed improvements. However, since the canal walls and arch bridge are over 50 years old, there is the potential for those structures to be historically significant and should be reviewed by SHPO for inclusion on the NR. There are also four buildings located on US Route 4 and Argyle Street that have an Undetermined Status according to the CRIS system. Coordination with SHPO should be progressed once the SEQR process begins and a Lead Agency for the project has been established or coordination with a permitting agency requiring SHPO coordination such as NYSDEC or USACE has begun.
3.5.4. SEQRA/NEPA Review If Federal funding is obtained for the project, a review under the National Environmental Policy Act is required. The project will likely be categorized as a Categorical Exclusion. If State funding or a permit is required from a State Agency, then a review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act is required. The project will likely be categorized as an Unlisted Action and the Village of Fort Edward will be able to issue a Negative Declaration as the Lead Agency.
3.5.5. Anticipated Permits -NYSDOT Highway Work Permit for work associated with the southern connection -Blanket Section 401 Water Quality Certification (NYSDEC)1 -Nationwide Permit 14 from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)2 -Section 404 Clean Water Act (USACE)2
1Required if work occurs within the banks of Bond Creek. 2Required if Federal wetlands are present and disturbed by the project.
3.6. Wayfinding Signage The Village s goal for this trail is to shift the existing alignment of the EST along Broadway and Notre Dame Street to this primarily off-road trail. All proposed wayfinding signage should be consistent with the EST Guidelines and will consist of the EST confirming/reassurance assembly that should be placed just beyond intersections or locations where a turn has been made. Also, the Route Sign Assembly with Auxiliary

3.7. Surface Course It is anticipated that the surface course on the Village owned off-road segment will be crushed stone. Areas expected to be encroached upon by motor vehicles, or adjacent to existing roadways, should consider utilizing asphalt or concrete pavement.
Crushed stone aggregate surface course that is bound by clay particles has proven to be successful in demanding environments and the natural materials of this surface course appeals to the environmental setting of this project. Examples of this durable stone course system use includes NYS OPRHP Minnewaska State Park, the Rockefeller State Park Preserve, and the Ashokan Rail Trail in Ulster County.

Old Fort Edward Junction Locks Trail Extension Final Feasibility Report
Preliminary cost estimates were prepared for the three project area segments, including the two alternatives for the off-road trail alignment. The cost estimates were prepared with the assumption that the project would receive funding through a federal or state grant and constructed through the traditional design-bid-build process. Federal or state grant programs typically provide funding to cover 50% to 80% of the total project costs. The total costs for Construction, Engineering, and Construction Inspection for each project segment are shown below:
. Southern EST Connection on Argyle Street = $216,000

. Off-road Alignment Alternative 1 = $628,000

. Off-road Alignment Alternative 2 = $717,000

. Northern EST Connection on Canal Street = $6,000


There are several potential funding opportunities that are available for pedestrian and bicyclist improvement and trail connection projects. The Village should be aware that all of the funding sources are reimbursement programs that will require the Village to expend the initial project costs and then receive reimbursements from the funding source. Most of the programs also require the local municipality to provide a portion of the total grant amount, which varies by program.
NYSDOT Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) is available for projects that improve the quality of life of the community through the construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities and pedestrian safety improvements. The program is a Set-Aside of funds from the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program. The FHWA has set aside a minimum of $1.4 Billion annually for this program through 2026.
The current round is open with applications due January 9, 2024

20% Local Match

Federal Aid Procedures Apply

Design & Construction: Minimum = $500,000; Maximum = $5 Million

Canalway Grant Program awards up to $1 Million dollars annually for Canal related capital projects. Projects must be located along one of the four canals of the NYS Canal System, trail linkages, connections to existing trail segments, or along the historic canal alignment. In addition, the program supports projects that help to enhance or tie into the EST Initiative and/or provide connectivity to the EST. This program can be applied for through the NYS Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) in 2024.
50% Local Match

Grant awards range from $25,000 to $150,000

A/GFTC Make the Connection Program is available to assist municipalities with funding to improve the region s non-motorized travel network. Project types that are considered in the program include new sidewalk and trail connections, pedestrian safety improvements, and pavement marking improvements. Make the Connection funding is available through the FHWA and administered by the A/GFTC.
20% Local Match

Design Only Projects have a minimum of $25,000

Design & Construction or Construction Only Projects have a minimum of $75,000

Federal Aid Procedures Apply

NYSOPRHP Recreational Trails Program (RTP) provides funding for the development and maintenance of recreational trails or trail-related facilities. RTP funding is available through the FHWA and administered by the NYSOPRHP. RTP can be applied for through the NYS CFA in 2024
20% Local Match

Federal Aid Procedures Apply

Design & Construction: Minimum = $25,000; Maximum = $250,000

$1.9 Million available during the 2023 CFA application period

NYSOPRHP Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) provides funding for the development and planning of parks and recreational facilities open to the public to preserve these lands for recreation, or conservation purposes. EPF projects can be applied for through the NYS CFA in 2024.
Grant will fund up to 50% of total project cost

Design & Construction: Minimum = $25,000; Maximum = $500,000

$26.0 Million available during the 2023 CFA application period

Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant is a federal grant program initiated by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides for $5 billion in grants over 5 years. The second round of funding is open now through July 10, 2023 and provides funding to support planning and operational initiatives for all roadway users including pedestrians and bicyclists. The Federal DOT has set the minimum award amount at $2.5 million for the FY 2023 period. However, they state that they reserve the right to modify the minimum and maximum amounts based on the available pool of applications.
20% local match

Federal aid procedures apply

Applications in previous years were due in July

The project will need to be combined with other similar initiatives to meet the minimum award amount

Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC), Catalyst Program is designed to stimulate economic growth and inspire partnerships that improve rural economic vitality across the NBRC region that includes public infrastructure and outdoor recreation projects. The 2023 application process has already passed so the spring 2024 program should be targeted.
100% Federal Funds (0% Local Match)

Federal Aid Procedures Apply

$45 Million was available during the 2023 application period