Requested TIP Amendments from CDTA

The Capital District Transportaiton Authority is seeking the following amendments to the A/GFTC Transportation Improvement Program to direct Federal Transit Administration Section 5307 and 5339 funds to the following proposed expenditures:

  • $1.145M to support Information Technology enhancements and replacements
  • $1.823M for purchase or lease of trolleys and buses to meet service demands
  • $0.040M for replacement of non-revenue support vehicles

These requests are for elements included within CDTA’s approved State Fiscal Year 24-25 budget. The notice of intent to apply for these funds was advertised regionally via legal notices as of May 11, 2024. The requests will be considered for approval by the A/GFTC Policy Committee at its next meeting on June 12, 2024. Public comments on the proposed expenditures will be accepted through June 11, 2024 and can be submitting in writing to or conventional mail to A/GFTC, 11 South Street, Suite 203, Glens Falls, NY.

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