RFP for On-call Planning and Engineering Services

A/GFTC is currently seeking proposals from qualified transportation planning and engineering firms to provide as-needed assistance to A/GFTC municiaplities and staff to implement and advance elements of our annual work program. The RFP is available here. Proposals are due to A/GFTC on 2/21/25. Please contact staff if additional information is requested.

Draft UPWP available for public comment

A/GFTC’s draft UPWP (Unified Planning Work Program) is now available for public comment. The UPWP is A/GFTC’s annual work program and contains a listing of proposed and intended federally funded transportation planning tasks to be carried out during the upcoming State Fiscal Year (4/1/25 – 3/31/26) by staff, member agency staff, and consultant assistance. Click here to view the document. Comments will be accepted in writing until February 6, 2025. Please send comments via email to info@agftc.org or via conventional mail to A/GFTC, 11 South St. Suite 203, Glens Falls, NY 12801.

Next Planning Committee meeting

The next meeting of the A/GFTC Planning Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, December 11 at 10:30 AM via Zoom. Access information is as follows:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 338 059 8825

Passcode: 586562

Next Planning Committee Meeting

The next meeting of the A/GFTC Planning Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, October 9 at 10:30 AM via Zoom. Meeting access information is included below:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 338 059 8825
Passcode: 586562

One tap mobile
+16469313860,,3380598825#,,,,*586562# US
+16465588656,,3380598825#,,,,*586562# US (New York)

Final report available – Fort Ann / Empire State Trail connection plan

On behalf of the Town and Village of Fort Ann, LaBella Associates has completed the final report for the Fort Ann / Empire State Trail Connections Plan. It identifies potential non-motorized transportation improvements to infrastrucuture in the Village of Fort Ann to better highlight Empire State Trail users to local amenities. The final report is avaiable here:

Final report available – Hudson Avenue Intersections Pedestrian Improvements

The Hudson Avenue intersections pedestrian improvement study has been completed by Barton & Loguidice. The study was requested by the City of Glens Falls to identify potential pedestrian safety improvement concepts for two locations – (1) the crosswalk at the intersection of South Street and Hudson Avenue between the Village Green Apartments and the US Post Office, and (2) the crossing between the Glens Falls Hospital parking lot and 14 Hudson. The final report is available here:


Draft Fort Ann / Empire State Trail connection plan available for public comment

The draft final report of the Fort Ann Empire State Trail Connection Plan has been approved for release for public review and comment through August 2, 2024. A link to the doucment is available here: https://agftc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/draft-final-report_Fort-Ann-Empire-State-Trail-connection-plan.pdf

The draft plan contain short- and longer-term recommendations to enhance the profile of and access to the Village of Fort Ann for users of the adjacent Empire State / Champlain Canalway Trail. Comments will be accepted by A/GFTC staff through August 2nd, 2024 and may be submitted in writing to info@agftc.org or by conventional mail to A/GFTC, 11 South Street, Suite 203, Glens Falls, NY, 12801.