Attendees Agency Phone Fax
Stuart Baker Town of Queensbury 761-8222 745-4437
Michael Fiorillo Village of Hudson Falls 747-4544 747-5597
Willy Grimmke Washington County DPW 746-2440 746-2441
William Lamy Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
Mayor Bob Phinney South Glens Falls 793-1455 793-3063
David Rettig NYSDOT 388-0456 388-0430
Scott Sopczyk GGFT 792-1086 792-7952
Mike Valentine Saratoga Planning 884-4705 884-4780
Frank Bonafide NYSDOT 388-0424 388-0430
Pat Fisher 747-3011
Lisa Penistan Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
Steve Szanto Creighton Manning 446-0396
Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Kristina Hong A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Monika Bulman A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Minutes of the Meeting
1. Welcome & Introductions –TAC Chair Willy Grimmke called the meeting to
order at 1:37.
2. Visitor Issues – None
3. Administrative Items –A. Approval of last meeting’s minutes
A motion was made to approve the April 24
th meeting minutes.
4. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
A. On-call engineering services contracts, Aaron
Received 11 responses to the RFP; the 3 contracts were awarded to
Creighton Manning, RSG, and Chazen. These are for individual projects
with a 10K cap including 20% minimum local match.
B. Aviation Road and Access Management studies, Aaron
Both of these studies are moving along; a revised existing conditions
report which includes the westward extension out to West Mountain Road
for Aviation Road has been received; the graphics are still missing; once
they are received the document will be posted online.
There will be a Steering Committee meeting for the Access Management
Study Tues., May 29 at 9 am. A final cut of the educational slide show
should be ready; this slide show will be made available to planning and
zoning members. Letters have been sent out to planning and zoning
Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council
Washington County Municipal Center
383 Broadway, Room A-231 Fort Edward, New York 12828
phone: (518) 746-2199 fax: (518) 746-2441
gftc.org info@agftc.org
TAC Minutes
May 24, 2007
Page 2
boards asking for their consideration in granting training credits for their
board members.
5. TIP
A. 2007-2012 Draft TIP, Aaron (handouts)
At the last meeting we came away with an understanding that we were
carrying a significant amount of over-programming in this area, some of
which was front loaded in the first 3 years of the TIP. This practice was
deemed inacceptable by the Main Office. Changes to the TIP are necessary
that involve moving some obligations out of the 3 SFY and 5 SFY year
periods. The Region sent some draft proposals and Aaron shared them
with the project sponsors. Comments regarding the proposals have been
1. Proposed changes to NYSDOT projects and discussion- Frank Bonafide
Because projects are not always let when scheduled in the TIP there
has been a snowball effect. In the first part of the 5 year program
there are a lot of local projects. The intent is to balance the program
to the actual yearly allocations. Expenditures need to be spread
evenly through the years. Mr. Bonafide went back to his database to
balance the fund sources in 2005-2010 program and then the new five
year period 2007-2012. Hopefully there will be minimal impact to
projects so the first attempt was made to move things back by a few
months but some projects needed to be pushed back more. There is
some flexibility within fund sources but net over-programming is no
longer allowed. Mr. Bonafide referred to the handout material. The big
question remains, “How much can the state afford to reimburse the
counties for their expenditures?” Local projects were reviewed
beginning with Washington County on the handout titled Planned
Obligation Moves to Balance Program. A correction to the NHS project
listing was made, Pin #124814 should be for Rte 197 not 149.
Willy Grimmke identified HBRR projects 175518 (Saunders and
Division) and 175515 (Clinton St.) as potential problems. Both of
these projects are over the CP rail and Mr. Grimmke feels there are
many people who have a vested interest in them. These bridges
represent approx. $3mil. in federal funds. Another project of concern
to Mr. Grimmke is the longevity of County Rt 61 (Buffum’s) over the
Battenkill. This is not in the 3 year TIP because of a suspect
inspection. On Truthville, the County just held a public meeting that
indicated construction would be later this year. Willy would prefer that
Truthville and Buffum’s remain in the program as scheduled.
Bill Lamy reported that the design for both of his bridges (WAR 126)
and (WAR 104) has been completed to bid them together and put in
one temporary bridge to serve as a detour while they are both under
construction. One of the bridges was delayed on the adjusted TIP.
The suggestion was made to move both bridges out or to move WAR
120 out. Harrington Road will be moved out of the 3 year TIP.
Middleton has an 18 month delay.
Exit 18 project is going forward as scheduled which is a major
concession by DOT.
TAC Minutes
May 24, 2007
Page 3
Discussion took place regarding the safety of some of the bridges. The
result: Buffum’s will be brought back in, conceding the Truthville
delay. Harrington Road was pushed out and this should allow the two
Stony Creek structures to be coordinated as scheduled. Shushan is
being kicked out of 2009 to 2012.
Buffum’s will be reintroduced via committee action as soon as possible.
A project has to be eligible for HBRR funding before a TIP amendment
can take place. (Note: Buffum’s has since been red-flagged due to
poor condition rating – AF).
Aaron commented on 197 over the Hudson being brought into the 3
year TIP by DOT. This is a $6 Mil NHS job. Aaron noted that it was
hoped that this was done for the sake of project coordination because
moving it forward was contrary to the fiscal constraint exercise.
No projects were added or deleted from the TIP so Dave Rettig felt it
was not necessary to have another public comment period.
Warren County Woolen Mill Bridge Amendment Request was necessary
because of the addition of a temporary pedestrian bridge, some
alteration of an abutment wing wall, some realignments, etc. The
current amount listed on the TIP was an estimated amount when the
TIP was updated. The new amount is the actual consultant agreement
A motion was made to approve the TIP amendment request by Warren
DOT also had a TIP amendment request involving switching SDF to
STP conversion. $2.1 mil for paving on Rte 8 in Warren County.
A motion was made to approve the changes discussed at today’s
6. Next meeting/adjourn – A Policy Committee meeting is scheduled for June
13 at 10 am. The next TAC will be July 24 at 10 am.
Mike Valentine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 3:02.