
NYSDOT TIP Amendment Request – CR 61 / Battenkill RR Grade Crossing Signal Improvements

The New York State Department of Transportation is requesting an amendment to the 2016-2021 A/GFTC Transportation Improvement Program to add $231,000 of Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) – Rail funds for a rail crossing signal upgrade in the Town of Salem. The full request is available in the Publications section under TIP Amendment. A public comment period is required before the Policy Committee can approve this request.
Comments may be transmitted to A/GFTC at 11 South Street, Suite 203, Glens Falls, NY 12801 or by email to; questions may also be directed by phone at (518) 223-0086. Comments will be accepted through February 12, 2019.

Draft UPWP available

The draft of the A/GFTC’s annual work program is available for public comment between now and February 12, 2019. The UPWP is the annual listing of planned staff activities intended to support and advance regional transportation planning objectives. The draft is available under the Publications sections as the 2019-2020 UPWP (draft). Printed copies are also available on request. Comments may be transmitted to A/GFTC at 11 South Street, Suite 203, Glens Falls, NY 12801 or by email to; questions may also be directed by phone at (518) 223-0086.

RFP – Transportation Planning and Engineering Assistance Contracts

The Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council (A/GFTC), as the MPO for Warren and Washington Counties and the Town of Moreau in Saratoga County, is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide transportation planning and engineering services to the Council and its participating municipalities on an as-needed basis to enhance MPO activities and to assist with the implementation and execution of the biannual work program.

A/GFTC may use these agreements and assign work either in cooperation with area municipalities for selected projects or to assist A/GFTC staff with data collection or design review. A roster of three firms will be maintained. It is expected (but not guaranteed) that over the course of a year not more than two projects may be assigned to each selected firm. The total initial cost of each individual project issued under this contract will not exceed $20,000. Each agreement will establish an hourly rate schedule for services based upon assigned staff. The duration of the contract will be for a term of two (2) years with an optional renew clause for another two (2) years.  These projects are federally funded and will be subject to the certifications and conditions thereby required.

Please contact Aaron Frankenfeld, Transportation Planning Director, at or by calling (518) 223 – 0086 , to confirm interest and obtain sample contracts and requirements.

Proposals will be accepted now through 3:00 p.m. on Friday, February 12, 2021. No proposals received after that time will be considered. Proposal evaluation and selection is anticipated by early March 2021. Please send one hardcopy and one PDF  version of the final proposal to A/GFTC at 11 South Street, Suite 203, Glens Falls, NY, 12801.

Town / Village of Argyle Pedestrian Network Extension Study

A/GFTC has commissioned an analysis of recommended pedestrian network improvements in the Village and Town of Argyle.  CHA has prepared the final report, available for public review and comment prior to finalization by A/GFTC. Please see the attached and contact A/GFTC staff with any comments. The Planning Committee will consider finalizing the document at its December 12 meeting.


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