Drafts Available: Granville Trail Connections/CR 24 Complete Streets Plan

Draft reports are now available for the Village of Granville D&H Rail Trail Crossings and Resurfacing Recommendations and CR 24 (North Street) Complete Streets Analysis.

Comments will be accepted until April 7, 2025. To submit a comment, please email Jack Mance at jack@agftc.org or mail written comments to:

Jack Mance, A/GFTC
11 South St, Suite 203
Glens Falls, NY 12801

Greenwich Bike and Pedestrian Connectivity Improvements – Survey Available

Working with the Town and Village of Greenwich, A/GFTC has identified draft recommendations to improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity. This effort focuses on developing a network between the Town/Village and the Empire State Trail and concepts for key priority areas.

The survey, as well as a video presentation about the draft recommendations, is available at the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GreenwichBikePed In addition, boards are available to view in Town & Village Hall as well as the library. The survey will be available until March 14th.

Granville Trail Connections/Complete Streets — Public Presentation

A presentation will be made on March 3, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. to the Village Board meeting in Granville, located at 51 Quaker Street, Granville NY 12832.

This presentation will summarize the results of two projects: the D&H Rail Trail Crossings and Resurfacing Recommendations Analysis and the CR 24 (North Street) Complete Streets Evaluation.

As part of our 2024 planning activities, A/GFTC received a request for technical assistance from the Village of Granville to analyze conditions in and around the D&H Trail, as recommended in the 2023 Recreation Economy for Rural Communities Action Plan. In addition, the Washington County DPW also requested assistance to examine the feasibility of bicycle/pedestrian improvements on County Route 24, especially with respect to connections to the Amazon Fulfillment Center.

Staff from A/GFTC and the consultant team at Barton & Loguidice DPC will be available to answer questions. After the meeting, the draft reports will be posted on this site for a minimum 14-day public review period.

Request for Proposals – Route 9 Corridor Study

The Village of South Glens Falls has requested assistance from the Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council (A/GFTC) to analyze the Route 9 corridor for the purposes of identifying opportunities to improve traffic congestion, safety, and multimodal access.

Specific emphasis areas of this study are to include:

  1. Analysis of signal timing, including a comparison of traditional coordination techniques versus Adaptive Signal Control Technology (ASCT) principles, to determine whether congestion can be improved1
  2. Concept-level design recommendations for pedestrian improvements at key intersections
  3. Identification of additional opportunities for pedestrian crossings, especially along Saratoga Avenue
  4. Identification of opportunities for bicycle accommodations

The full Request for Proposals, including submission instructions, is available at this link. The deadline for proposal submission is 3:00 p.m. on November 8, 2024.

DRAFT Argyle Pedestrian Improvement Plan Now Available

The draft Argyle Pedestrian Improvement Plan is now available for public review and comment at this link: https://agftc.org/publications/draft-argyle-pedestrian-improvement-plan/. This plan builds upon previous pedestrian planning efforts in the Village and Town of Argyle by developing concepts, streetscape typologies, and cost estimates for pedestrian amenities in and around the Village.

Comments will be accepted until Friday, October 4. Comments must be submitted in writing via email (preferred) to jack@agftc.org or via letter to: A/GFTC, 11 South St Suite 203, Glens Falls, NY 12801.

Presentation of Draft Argyle Pedestrian Improvement Plan

A/GFTC staff, along with representatives from Creighton Manning Engineering, LLC, will give a public presentation to introduce the DRAFT Argyle Pedestrian Improvement Plan. The presentation will be held on Tuesday, September 3 at 5:30 p.m. at the Argyle Fire Department, located at 5072 NY-40, Argyle, NY 12809. After the presentation, the draft report will be posted to this website for a public comment period. Please direct any questions or ADA accommodation requests to jack@agftc.org or 518-223-0086 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

2024-25 Make the Connection Solicitation

The 2024-2025 Make the Connection Program solicitation is now available. This program assists municipal project sponsors to fund improvements to the region’s bicycle and pedestrian travel network. The intent of the program is to improve the non-motorized travel network by addressing gaps or deficiencies in the existing surface transportation system that discourage or physically impede efficient and safe bicycle and pedestrian activities.

The solicitation can be accessed at this link. Applications are due October 31 and are available for download here.

Rural Workforce Transportation Plan Now Available

The Rural Workforce Transportation Plan was declared complete by the A/GFTC Planning Committee on December 13, 2023. This plan, created in partnership with the Lake Champlain-Lake George Regional Planning Board, is intended to develop a comprehensive understanding of the transportation needs and gaps which hinder workforce participation in the A/GFTC region, identify opportunities to improve connectivity of workers to employment centers, and identify transformative transportation infrastructure projects. A link to the plan can be found here: https://agftc.org/publications/rural-workforce-transportation-plan/

Town & Village of Greenwich Bicycle Pedestrian Connectivity Plan – Request for Proposals

The Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council (A/GFTC), acting on behalf of the Town and Village of Greenwich, is seeking consultant assistance to prepare a joint Town/Village pedestrian and bicycle connectivity plan. The project goal is to examine existing connections and network gaps at the municipal scale and identify opportunities to improve pedestrian accessibility and bicycle connectivity to key nodes.

This Request for Proposals (RFP) seeks responses from interested and qualified professional transportation planning and engineering firms to develop a plan that identifies opportunities for improved bike-ped connectivity, establishes concepts and cost estimates for high-priority projects, and recommends a framework for implementation including realistic funding opportunities. The selected consultant team will work closely with A/GFTC staff, the Town and Village of Greenwich, NYSDOT Region 1, and community stakeholders to complete this analysis.

The full RFP, including submission requirements and deadlines, is available at the link: https://agftc.org/publications/greenwich-bike-ped-plan-rfp-2/

DRAFT Rural Workforce Transportation Plan now available

The DRAFT Rural Workforce Transportation Plan is now available for public comment at the following link: https://agftc.org/publications/draft-rural-workforce-transportation-plan/

This plan, created in partnership with the Lake Champlain-Lake George Regional Planning Board, is intended to develop a comprehensive understanding of the transportation needs and gaps which hinder workforce participation in the A/GFTC region, identify opportunities to improve connectivity of workers to employment centers, and identify transformative transportation infrastructure projects.

Comments will be accepted via email to jack@agftc.org until December 5.