
Draft TIP available for public comment

The A/GFTC Planning Committee has approved the draft 2019-2024 Transportation Improvement Program, Self-Certification, and Capital District Air Quality Conformity Determination for public review and comment prior to Policy Committee consideration. Please follow the attached link. Comments will be accepted through June 10, 2019.

TIP Amendment request – GGFT

A/GFTC has received a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) amendment request from Greater Glens Falls Transit (GGFT). The request is to add a new project to purchase a replacement service truck and related equipment with Federal Transit Administration Section 5307 funds to be obligated during Federal Fiscal Year 2018-19. The total amount requested is $65,000, including 80% federal funds and a 20% local match. The purchase would utilize funds previously allocated to GGFT; no new funds are requested. A/GFTC requires that a public comment period be completed before its Policy Committee can consider adding a new project to the TIP. Printed copies of this amendment application are also available on request. Comments may be transmitted to A/GFTC at 11 South Street, Suite 203, Glens Falls, NY 12801 or by email to; questions may also be directed by phone at (518) 223-0086. Comments will be accepted until May 13, 2019.

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TIP Amendment request – Fort Edward Canal bridges

NYSDOT is requesting an amendment to the A/GFTC TIP to program a new project to paint and repair three bridges over the Champlain Canal in the Town of Fort Edward and Village of Whitehall. The full text of the request is available under our Publications tab. Public comments will be accepted through March 5, 2019 prior to consideration for final approval. Please utilize the Contact Us feature on this site to register a comment, or contact the office directly.

TIP Amendment request – Brayton Avenue over the Feeder Canal

NYSDOT is requesting an amendment to the A/GFTC TIP to program a new project to rehabilitate or replace the bridge over the Feeder Canal south of Brayton Avenue in Queensbury. The full text of the request is available under our Publications tab. Public comments will be accepted through March 5, 2019 prior to consideration for final approval. Please utilize the Contact Us feature on this site to register a comment, or contact the office directly.

TIP Amendment request – Bay Road culvert (Bridge NY)

NYSDOT is requesting an amendment to the A/GFTC TIP to program the recently awarded Bridge NY project to repair or replace the culvert carrying Halfway Brook under CR 7 (Bay Road) in the Town of Queensbury. The full text of the request is available under our Publications tab. Public comments will be accepted through March 5, 2019 prior to consideration for final approval. Please utilize the Contact Us feature on this site to register a comment, or contact the office directly.