A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, September 25, 2007  

Attendees Agency Phone Fax
Mayor LeRoy Akins City of Glens Falls 761-3804 761-0234
Mark Galough Wash. County Planning 746-2290
Dale Granger City of Glens Falls, DPW 761-3834
Willy Grimmke Washington County DPW 746-2440 746-2441
Harry Gutheil Town of Moreau 792-1802 792-1062
William Lamy Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
Mayor Bob Phinney South Glens Falls 793-1455 793-3063
David Rettig NYSDOT 388-0456 388-0430
Scott Sopczyk GGFT 792-1086 792-7952
Mike Valentine Saratoga County Planning 884-4705 884-4780
Walter Young LC/LGRPB 668-5773 668-5774

Jeff Tennyson Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
John Wheatley EDC Warren County 761-6007

Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Kristina Hong A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Monika Bulman A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Minutes of the Meeting

1. Welcome & Introductions –TAC Chair Willy Grimmke called the meeting to
order at 10:05.

2. Visitor Issues – None

3. Administrative Items –A. Approval of last meeting’s minutes

A motion was made to approve the July 24
th meeting minutes.

B. Host agency agreement-Aaron, A/GFTC has opted to renew the host
agency agreement with the LC/LGRPB for four years beginning in 2008. The
LC/LGRPB has also passed a resolution in support of this and has forwarded it
to DOT. No additional administrative action is needed.

4. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
a. Aviation Road, Aaron
Since the last meeting, there have been two study advisory committee
meetings. The public work session held at the Ramada Inn was well
attended (60+ people). The presentation to the public was a segment by
segment and intersection by intersection look at the alternatives available
based on the feedback received from the consultants. Aaron distributed a
copy of the alternatives presented at the meeting for members to look
over. The consultants are working on traffic projections, a build out

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council

Washington County Municipal Center
383 Broadway, Room A-231 Fort Edward, New York 12828
phone: (518) 746-2199 fax: (518) 746-2441
gftc.org info@agftc.org

TAC Minutes
September 25, 2007
Page 2

analysis, etc. Roundabouts are being proposed. The study goes to West
Mountain Road/Aviation Road intersection at the request of the County.
Suggestions regarding the high accident rates at WMR included
additional advisory signage, narrowing the striping, flashers on the other
side of the road, traffic signal.
b. Access Management, Aaron
RSG is working on the revisions to the access management guidebook.
Most of the technical documentation is already in place. The educational
slideshow is complete. Aaron and Bob Chamberlin will present the topic at
the Region 1 Planning and Land Use Conference on October 3
rd. The same
topic will be discussed at the Saratoga Planning Conference on January
th. Aaron gave examples of some of the locations with access issues
(sight distance, approach angle) and the possibility of using medians in
some areas.
c. HSTP, Aaron
Not much has been done on this since the last meeting. Draft of the
introductory material is in place. Scott Sopczyk has had an opportunity to
review the draft. Pete Rae will also review the draft. A meeting with
Washington County has been set up for Friday, September 28. The
services that need to be improved will need to be prioritized and a project
selection methodology needs to be developed.
d. Long Range Plan, Aaron (handouts)
A completed draft of the public survey results was distributed. The
responses to the survey questions are graphically represented. Mr.
Sopczyk and Mr. Rettig have had an opportunity to review the draft.
Committee members were requested to look over the draft. Aaron went
over some of the results. Currently staff is working on pavement
condition analysis, bridge condition analysis (draft handout). A mistake
located on the top graph, locally owned bridges in Washington County are
shown as being 27% deficient but should be 24%.
e. Make the Connection applications, Aaron
This was the bike/pedestrian spot improvement. We had $200K in
unmatched federal funds available for this round of funding. Every other
year this program will be available. Four applications were received: the
Village of So. Glens Falls, the City of Glens Falls, Warren County Park and
Recreation and the Village of Whitehall. Scott Sopczyk, Mike Valentine,
Willy Grimmke and Aaron will review the applications and make a
determination. This meeting will take place after the TAC. Once the
selections are made, another meeting will be set up with the project
sponsors and Region 1 reps.

5. TIP
A. Status of TIP/STIP, Aaron
Notification was received this week that air quality conformity has been
determined for the TIP.

B. Amendments,(handouts) Aaron
Whitehall RR bridges
-when we went through the project selection portion
of developing the TIP, the Region came to us with some revised numbers
as to what was affordable. The two bridges in Whitehall are
being reconstructed to provide vertical clearance for double stacked
freight cars on the Canadian Rail. These two projects are being
reinstated. This does not impact anyone else’s bridge schedule.

TAC Minutes
September 25, 2007
Page 3

A motion was made to approve the Amendment Request by Washington County


NYS RT.197 bridge over the Hudson
-this probably qualifies in TIP jargon as
a significant scope change to an existing project. What is being proposed
by the Region is to rehabilitate rather than replace the 197 bridge
over the Hudson River (East Branch). The question raised, are we allowed
to federally fund a rehabilitation of a functionally obsolete (FO) structure
that doesn’t fix the FO? The question was asked why is there a scope
change now? It was decided to table this amendment until the next TAC
meeting in November. Mr. Rettig will bring Mary Ricard to our next TAC
meeting to answer questions.

C. Project Updates
a. Warren County, Bill Lamy
Corinth Road
, have actively been pursuing the acquisition of right
away. As soon as the master agreement is processed completely
by the State, payments can be made and property can be
procured. If everything goes as planned, bidding should take
place and construction should start in the spring.
Quaker Road Signals
, A meeting was held with Frank Bonafide
and other staff at DOT and the agreement was made that they
would go out and check the signals and hardware/software.
What is currently in place needs to be reprogrammed. DOT
volunteered to work with local representatives who have
maintained the signal lights in the past.
Beach Road Project,
a second public informational meeting was
held, received comments and sometime before the end of the
month an alternative plan should be received from the
consultant. This plan will be presented to the public.
, busy trying to get master agreements updated, getting
cash flow in place and just have some minor engineering work to
do on some of the bridges. On October 1 consultant selection will
take place on Alder Brook Bridge.

b. Washington County, Willy Grimmke
CR 42
, moving along
Covered Bridges
, they are complete; had the ribbon cutting on
August 4th.
Whitehall Bridges
, is preparing to send design approval
CR 12
, is on hold because of schedule delay but hope to work
with DOT for an amendment to our agreement.
c. Town of Moreau/Saratoga County
Mr. Gutheil asked if there was any news regarding the Round
Lake Bypass. Mr. Gutheil realized that this a questions for the
other MPO. Mr. Rettig reported that DOT is trying to award it.
d. Glens Falls, Dale Granger
The roundabout is just about done; the trees are finally in. Mr.
Granger thanked everyone for their assistance on this project.
e. Queensbury, no representation
Mr. Wheatley had a question regarding the status of the eastern
part of Quaker Road. The project had been on the capital
program but had to be deferred because of rising costs of other

TAC Minutes
September 25, 2007
Page 4

projects. Mr. Wheatley also asked what is happening with Exit
20: A study will take place once Aviation Road and Access
Management projects are complete. Data collection at Exit 20
should take place next year during peak traffic season.
f. NYSDOT, Dave Rettig
The deadline to registeration for the October
3rd Transportation
Land Use Conference in Schenectady has been extended. The
number of people registered is smaller than anticipated. Mr.
Rettig suggested calling Pat, his secretary, to register.The
legislation that was recently signed that has to do with
congestion pricing in NY requires a form of program update. The
Department is attempting to get some input from MPOs on how
to handle this. It is not clear what “new program” means in the
legislation. This should take place by March. The STIP is very
late and needs to get out for public review by October 5
th. There
are political issues at NYMTC that are delaying their TIP. Not
delaying the design portion of the HBRR projects may turn out to
be good strategy, as it is not unreasonable to expect the
possibility of a larger bridge program that may allow delayed
projects to be accelerated.
g. Greater Glens Falls Transit, Scott Sopczyk (agenda omission)
Ridership on the trolleys was up 20%; overall ridership through
the end of August was up by 5%. Will be replacing small buses
in 2008 and larger buses in 2009. Funding appropriations are in
place for this. Still waiting on results from the community
services for transportation grant applications. This would provide
funding for operating some evening hour transportation services.
h. Other – Mark Galough- the bio-diesel facility in Hampton is going
through the final permitting process. Peckham has purchased a
facility at the intersection of 149 and the Canal. They have
applied for funding and gone before the Town Planning Board on
several occasions. Anticipate increased traffic, certainly rail
traffic, at that facility. At the Industrial Park at the airport there
are currently 3 buildings under construction on the Kingsbury
side and another one should be obtaining a building permit in the
next two weeks.

Mr. Wheatley-the Queensbury Industrial Road construction has

5. Next meeting and adjourn- Next meeting will be held on November 13 at 10am.

Mayor Phinney made a motion to adjourn at 11:26 .

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, July 24, 2007  

Attendees Agency Phone Fax
Stuart Baker Town of Queensbury 761-8222 745-4437
Mark Galough Wash. County Planning 746-2290
Willy Grimmke Washington County DPW 746-2440 746-2441
Harry Gutheil Town of Moreau 792-1802 792-1062
William Lamy Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
Mayor Bob Phinney South Glens Falls 793-1455 793-3063
David Rettig NYSDOT 388-0456 388-0430
Scott Sopczyk GGFT 792-1086 792-7952

Lisa Penistan Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
Jeff Tennyson Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
John Wheatley EDC Warren County 761-6007

Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Kristina Hong A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Monika Bulman A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Minutes of the Meeting

1. Welcome & Introductions –TAC Chair Willy Grimmke called the meeting to
order at 10:05.

2. Visitor Issues – None

3. Administrative Items –A. Approval of last meeting’s minutes

A motion was made to approve the May 24
th meeting minutes.

4. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

A. Aviation Road, Aaron
A project newsletter went out to committee members and to people who
had attended the first public meeting. The newsletter is available on line.
The school board met yesterday to discuss the Master Site Plan.
Consideration is being given to a new access point west of the campus.
An Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday at 2 at the
Queensbury Town Office Building. A second public work session will be
scheduled for August or September.

B. Access Management, Aaron
The technical document is complete; working with RSG to revise the
guidebook to include suggestions from the study committee; will delay
training classes for planning and zoning board personnel until next year;
we will use our consultants to give public outreach presentations at large

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council

Washington County Municipal Center
383 Broadway, Room A-231 Fort Edward, New York 12828
phone: (518) 746-2199 fax: (518) 746-2441
gftc.org info@agftc.org

TAC Minutes
July 24, 2007
Page 2

functions (Oct. 3
rd Land Use Conference and/or the Saratoga Safety
Planning Conference).

C. Progress on HSTP and LRP, Aaron
(handout) The draft introductory material based upon available
demographics and survey data is complete, but we would like to have
comments from DOT and committee members before the material is
submitted to the public. Would like comments back within 2 to 3 weeks.
The next step will be to formulate an action plan with the survey
respondents and interested municipalities. The intent was to have a
rewritten survey analysis available to handout today, but it will be emailed
to committee members in several weeks. Assistance with the LRP includes
getting some help from DOT in compiling bridge conditions, pavements
scores, VMTR, traffic information, etc.

D. NYSMPO Annual Meeting review, Aaron
The second annual NYSMPO conference was held in June at West Point;
the brainstorming session on the direction MPOs will be taking was of
special interest (handout); a more direct relationship with federal policy
and FHWa, expanded voting membership, limiting proxy voting, being
more than a conduit of federal funds. A discussion followed regarding the
voting membership qualifications with the point made that elected officials
represent the desires of their constituents.

5. TIP
A. Status of TIP/STIP, Aaron
The TIP and draft STIP are in reasonable agreement with some minor
changes and a couple of larger changes. Dave Rettig explained why Diamond
Point Road (Exit 23) was put back to 2012 due to the problem with 9P???over
the Northway (Exit 14). Additional funding went to 17201 and 17204. No
committee action is needed for these changes. An updated TIP will be online

B. Amendments
A TIP amendment request was made by Greater Glens Falls Transit
(handout). GGFT will purchase one supervisory vehicle utilizing proceeds
from the sale of ’94 trolley. This capital project is to be included in an
upcoming grant application to the FTA in late September. Existing funds that
have already been allocated to GGFT will be utilized and will not require any
reprogramming or additional local funds.

A motion was made to approve the Amendment Request by GGFT


C. Project Updates

a. Warren County, Lisa Penistan
Corinth Road
, RK Hite is working on acquiring property
Beach Road
, had a public meeting at the Town Hall in Lake
George on July 11th. The meeting was not well attended but the
weather could have been a contributing factor. Discussion has
taken place about having another meeting. Comments regarding
the project have been coming in. A meeting was also held with
DEC to discuss their section of Beach Road.

TAC Minutes
July 24, 2007
Page 3

Woden Mill Bridge
, getting the supplemental approved for the
Historic Documentation, ROW and contract inspection is in the
Tannery and Grist Mill Bridges
, received concurrence on SHPO
and NEPA classification; final design report was sent to DOT and
the County for approval
Harrington Bridge
, getting all the agreements in place so CHA can
Middleton Bridge,
getting scope approved and agreement in
place so FAA can start.

b. Washington County, Willy Grimmke
CR 21
, is complete and open
On August 4 there will be a celebration on the reopening of the
Burkirk, Eagleville and Rexleigh covered bridges after major
reconstruction. There will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony.
CR 42
, blah, blah to Whitehall RR Bridge has the final design
report approaching??????????????HELP

c. Town of Moreau/Saratoga County

d. Glens Falls, Aaron
There was an article in the Post Star regarding the roundabout
and in general the comments were favorable. Dave Rettig
questioned the lack of representation from the City of Glens Falls
at our meetings. Scott Sopczyk said he would talk to Mayor

e. Queensbury, Stu Baker
The connector road project was award to Kubricky Construction
Corp. Work should start this fall. Discussion regarding whether
the traffic generated by the Industrial Park was calculated in the
traffic projections

Mr. Gutheil reported the County water project has been let.

f. NYSDOT, Dave Rettig
The paving has been completed between 26-28. Work on 24-26
began last week.
Rte 4, the issues with Irving Tissue have been worked out.
Clay Hill Road surcharge ???????????
On October 3
rd there will be a Transportation Land Use
Conference in Schenectady
Phase 1 of Rte. 4 should be completed in Feb. 2008. Phase 2
may start in June 2010.

5. Next meeting and adjourn- Next meeting will be held on September 25 at 10am.

Mayor Phinney made a motion to adjourn at 11:02.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, June 13, 20017

Policy Committee Meeting

Minutes of Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Ralph Bentley, Supervisor, Town of Horicon
Harry Gutheil, Chairman, Saratoga County Board of Supervisors
James Lindsay, Supervisor, Town of Kingsbury
Bob Phinney, Mayor, Village of South Glens Falls
Merrilyn Pulver, Supervisor, Town of Fort Edward
Dave Rettig, NYSDOT- Region 1
Robert Shay, Supervisor, Town of White Creek
Dan Stec, Supervisor, Town of Queensbury
William Thomas, Chairman, Warren County Board of Supervisors
JoAnn Trinkle, Chairman, Washington County Board of Supervisors
Walter Young, Director, LC/LGRPB

Willy Grimmke, Washington County DPW
Bill Lamy, Warren County DPW
Lisa Penistan, Warren County DPW
Joe Rich, FHWA
Scott Sopczyk, Director, Greater Glens Falls Transit
Steve Sweeney, NYS Canal Corp
A/GFTC Staff:

Aaron Frankenfeld, Transportation Planning Director
Kristina Hong, Transportation Analyst

I. Welcome & Introductions
Chairman Bill Thomas called the Policy Committee to order at 10:07 am.
II. Visitors Issues-
Jeff Jacobs inquired about the lack of bicycle and pedestrian accomodations
on the newly paved and striped West Mountain Road in Queensbury. Mr. Stec
deferred discussion to Chairman Thomas, who in turn, allowed Bill Lamy to
explain the decision to not stripe for bikes. Mr. Lamy explained that Warren
County DPW had looked into bicycle lanes for the entirety of West Mountain
Road, and that for a safe travel lane, the County would invoke eminent
domain to in order to acquire ROW from some residents along the road. The
DPW Committee then voted to not use eminent domain since the lanes would
be for recreation purposes. Mr. Jacobs countered that shared shoulders along
the road would not require eminent domain to be used, and that travel along
West Mountain Road would not be for just recreational uses, and that bicycle
lanes are also a mode of transportation. Chairman Thomas reiterated that Mr.
Jacobs’ complaints were best directed at him in his capacity as Chairman of
the Board of Supervisors.

III. Administration
1. Approval of last meeting’s minutes
Motion was made to approve the March 14, 2007 minutes

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council

Washington County Municipal Center
383 Broadway, Room A-231 Fort Edward, New York 12828
phone: (518) 746-2199 fax: (518) 746-2441
gftc.org info@agftc.org

Policy Committee Minutes
Page 2
June 13, 2007

IV. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
1. Transit Report – GGFT – Scott Sopczyk handed out and discussed GGFT’s
report. Three new diesel, air-conditioned trolley have been placed into
service this Spring. GGFT is also planning to replace four 16-passenger
minibuses in 2008 and four 30ft transit buses in 2009 in order to meet
2007 diesel emissions standards. Additionally, GGFT is working with
downtown businesses and attractions to operate a trolley loop through the
central business districts this Summer on a demonstration basis.
A proposed 25 cent base fare increase is expected to be effective in July
after a public comment period. There will also be a series of public forums
in late June for comments and suggestions on GGFT services.
2. Consultant Projects-Aaron
a. Access Management Study-RSG has finished the Educational Slide
Show to share with the public and municipal board members.
Additionally, the Regional Guidebook is nearly finished, as is the
technical documentation that illustrates many of the scenarios of traffic
demand resulting from increased development. A letter was also sent
out to municipalities about a Summer workshop asking for credit for
planning and zoning members that attend. Hopefully the finished
product will be ready for adoption by the next meeting and that
municipalities will in turn adopt the guidebook.
b. Aviation Road Corridor Study – The study has progressed slowly as
Wilbur Smith Assoc. and the Chazen Companies wait for developments
from the School District about their next steps. The study scope has
been expanded to include the intersection with West Mountain Road.
There is a July being scheduled to discuss alternatives. Mr. Stec
emphasized the community desire to see some results from this
c. Traffic Count Program-Lochner Engineering is being retained to do
additional traffic counts. The next count will come in August to better
understand our peak seasonal traffic. If there are other municipal
count requests, we can forward them to our consultant for
d. On-call Engineering Services- From eleven received proposals, staff
selected the firms of Creighton Manning Engineering, Chazen
Companies and Resource Systems Group. The three cover a range of
expertise. Municipalities that wish to take advantage of the program
should contact Aaron with candidate projects. Study amounts are
limited to $10,000 including local match.
3. Staff Activities – Aaron
a. Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan
This plan is required to access funding from three FTA programs.
Meetings were held with both Washington and Warren County Boards
to discuss transit services in each county, and surveys were distributed
to department heads to better understand the populations served and
underserved. 24 surveys were returned, and now a census-based
needs assessment is being under development.
b. SAFETEA Compliance/ Long Range Plan update
The Committee has received the SAFETEA Compliance Plan which
addresses our efforts to continue to comply with federal mandates of
the transportation bill. Work on the Long Range Plan continues; we
are keeping in step with work that CDTC is finishing on air quality
conformity, and are on track to finish in the fall.

Policy Committee Minutes
Page 3
June 13, 2007

V. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
1. Discussion altered from agenda – The handouts)represent schedule and
funding changes since the last approved draft TIP. No deletions to projects
have been made. All dates indicate construction years.
A. NYSDOT – Dave Rettig
The Regional offices have been dealing with a lot of
overprogramming on a statewide level – and changes needed to
be made in order to provide funds for many of the projects.
Typically the MO is willing to accept minor overprogramming but
will not during this cycle. The two handouts of changes to the
2007-2012 TIP illustrate those projects that have delayed or
otherwise changed to preserve fiscal constraint. (list was
B. Warren County – Bill Lamy
All of the bridge projects are moving ahead in one form or
another. The Corinth Road project is in the ROW acquisition
phase, and there was recently a DOT meeting to make sure there
was enough funding for this project. The Connector Road is also
progressing, and the hope is for Spring 2008 construction.
Warren County is additionally entering into a partnership with the
Department of Environmental Conservation to do a reconstruction
of Beach Road in Lake George. The beginnings of scoping are
moving ahead there.
C. Washington County – Willy Grimmke
Covered bridge projects are nearly done. Buffum’s bridge was
recently red flagged, so hopefully the inspection report will be
forwarded quickly so the bridge can be added to the HBRR list.
Discussion ensued about the 197 bridge over the Hudson being
functionally obsolete, and that rehabilitation does not seem to be
the best option, although DOT is considering not replacing the
structure due to historical artifacts in the land around the site.
D. Saratoga County/ Town of Moreau
Mr. Gutheil wonders if the Spiers Falls intersection realignment
will include Fortsville Road, and also if a left turn signal from the
westbound portion of 197 to the southbound portion of Route 9
will be in place any time soon. Aaron will check on both items.
E. City of Glens Falls – Not Present.
F. Town of Queensbury
Nothing to report outside of the Aviation Road study.
2. Draft 2007-2012 Transportation Improvement Program
A. Review of changes from previous draft (handout)
B. Approval of final 2007-2012 TIP and Air Quality conformity
A Motion was made to approve the final 2007-2012 TIP and Air
Quality Conformity Determination


VI. Other Business
Irving Tissue would like access improvements as part of the Route 4
reconstruction. Dave Rettig noted that a formal request must be sent to his
office very soon in order for that to happen.
VII. Next meeting and Adjourn
September 12 at 1:30 PM – Warren County Municipal Center, Room 6-103
The meeting adjourned at 11:30.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, May 24, 2007  

Attendees Agency Phone Fax
Stuart Baker Town of Queensbury 761-8222 745-4437
Michael Fiorillo Village of Hudson Falls 747-4544 747-5597
Willy Grimmke Washington County DPW 746-2440 746-2441
William Lamy Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
Mayor Bob Phinney South Glens Falls 793-1455 793-3063
David Rettig NYSDOT 388-0456 388-0430
Scott Sopczyk GGFT 792-1086 792-7952
Mike Valentine Saratoga Planning 884-4705 884-4780

Frank Bonafide NYSDOT 388-0424 388-0430
Pat Fisher 747-3011
Lisa Penistan Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
Steve Szanto Creighton Manning 446-0396

Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Kristina Hong A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Monika Bulman A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Minutes of the Meeting

1. Welcome & Introductions –TAC Chair Willy Grimmke called the meeting to
order at 1:37.

2. Visitor Issues – None

3. Administrative Items –A. Approval of last meeting’s minutes

A motion was made to approve the April 24
th meeting minutes.

4. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

A. On-call engineering services contracts, Aaron
Received 11 responses to the RFP; the 3 contracts were awarded to
Creighton Manning, RSG, and Chazen. These are for individual projects
with a 10K cap including 20% minimum local match.
B. Aviation Road and Access Management studies, Aaron
Both of these studies are moving along; a revised existing conditions
report which includes the westward extension out to West Mountain Road
for Aviation Road has been received; the graphics are still missing; once
they are received the document will be posted online.
There will be a Steering Committee meeting for the Access Management
Study Tues., May 29 at 9 am. A final cut of the educational slide show
should be ready; this slide show will be made available to planning and
zoning members. Letters have been sent out to planning and zoning

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council

Washington County Municipal Center
383 Broadway, Room A-231 Fort Edward, New York 12828
phone: (518) 746-2199 fax: (518) 746-2441
gftc.org info@agftc.org

TAC Minutes
May 24, 2007
Page 2

boards asking for their consideration in granting training credits for their
board members.

5. TIP
A. 2007-2012 Draft TIP, Aaron (handouts)
At the last meeting we came away with an understanding that we were
carrying a significant amount of over-programming in this area, some of
which was front loaded in the first 3 years of the TIP. This practice was
deemed inacceptable by the Main Office. Changes to the TIP are necessary
that involve moving some obligations out of the 3 SFY and 5 SFY year
periods. The Region sent some draft proposals and Aaron shared them
with the project sponsors. Comments regarding the proposals have been
1. Proposed changes to NYSDOT projects and discussion- Frank Bonafide
Because projects are not always let when scheduled in the TIP there
has been a snowball effect. In the first part of the 5 year program
there are a lot of local projects. The intent is to balance the program
to the actual yearly allocations. Expenditures need to be spread
evenly through the years. Mr. Bonafide went back to his database to
balance the fund sources in 2005-2010 program and then the new five
year period 2007-2012. Hopefully there will be minimal impact to
projects so the first attempt was made to move things back by a few
months but some projects needed to be pushed back more. There is
some flexibility within fund sources but net over-programming is no
longer allowed. Mr. Bonafide referred to the handout material. The big
question remains, “How much can the state afford to reimburse the
counties for their expenditures?” Local projects were reviewed
beginning with Washington County on the handout titled Planned
Obligation Moves to Balance Program. A correction to the NHS project
listing was made, Pin #124814 should be for Rte 197 not 149.

Willy Grimmke identified HBRR projects 175518 (Saunders and
Division) and 175515 (Clinton St.) as potential problems. Both of
these projects are over the CP rail and Mr. Grimmke feels there are
many people who have a vested interest in them. These bridges
represent approx. $3mil. in federal funds. Another project of concern
to Mr. Grimmke is the longevity of County Rt 61 (Buffum’s) over the
Battenkill. This is not in the 3 year TIP because of a suspect
inspection. On Truthville, the County just held a public meeting that
indicated construction would be later this year. Willy would prefer that
Truthville and Buffum’s remain in the program as scheduled.

Bill Lamy reported that the design for both of his bridges (WAR 126)
and (WAR 104) has been completed to bid them together and put in
one temporary bridge to serve as a detour while they are both under
construction. One of the bridges was delayed on the adjusted TIP.
The suggestion was made to move both bridges out or to move WAR
120 out. Harrington Road will be moved out of the 3 year TIP.
Middleton has an 18 month delay.

Exit 18 project is going forward as scheduled which is a major
concession by DOT.

TAC Minutes
May 24, 2007
Page 3

Discussion took place regarding the safety of some of the bridges. The
result: Buffum’s will be brought back in, conceding the Truthville
delay. Harrington Road was pushed out and this should allow the two
Stony Creek structures to be coordinated as scheduled. Shushan is
being kicked out of 2009 to 2012.

Buffum’s will be reintroduced via committee action as soon as possible.
A project has to be eligible for HBRR funding before a TIP amendment
can take place. (Note: Buffum’s has since been red-flagged due to
poor condition rating – AF).

Aaron commented on 197 over the Hudson being brought into the 3
year TIP by DOT. This is a $6 Mil NHS job. Aaron noted that it was
hoped that this was done for the sake of project coordination because
moving it forward was contrary to the fiscal constraint exercise.

No projects were added or deleted from the TIP so Dave Rettig felt it
was not necessary to have another public comment period.

Warren County Woolen Mill Bridge Amendment Request was necessary
because of the addition of a temporary pedestrian bridge, some
alteration of an abutment wing wall, some realignments, etc. The
current amount listed on the TIP was an estimated amount when the
TIP was updated. The new amount is the actual consultant agreement

A motion was made to approve the TIP amendment request by Warren


DOT also had a TIP amendment request involving switching SDF to
STP conversion. $2.1 mil for paving on Rte 8 in Warren County.


A motion was made to approve the changes discussed at today’s


6. Next meeting/adjourn – A Policy Committee meeting is scheduled for June
13 at 10 am. The next TAC will be July 24 at 10 am.

Mike Valentine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 3:02.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, April 24, 2007  

Attendees Agency Phone Fax
Brian Boucher Town of Fort Edward 747-5501
Michael Fiorillo Village of Hudson Falls 747-4544 747-5597
Willy Grimmke Washington County DPW 746-2440 746-2441
Dan Hajeck Village of Lake George 668-5771
Wayne LaMothe Warren County Planning 761-6410 761-6411
William Lamy Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
Mayor Bob Phinney South Glens Falls 793-1455 793-3063
David Rettig NYSDOT 388-0456 388-0430
Scott Sopczyk GGFT 792-1086 792-7952

Lisa Penistan Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772

Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Kristina Hong A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Monika Bulman A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Minutes of the Meeting

1. Welcome & Introductions –TAC Chair Willy Grimmke called the meeting to
order at 1:37.

2. Visitor Issues – None

3. Administrative Items –A. Approval of last meeting’s minutes

A motion was made to approve the February 28th meeting minutes.


4. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
A. Transit Report GGFT- Scott Sopczyk: The Glens Falls road closures are being
dealt with better than anticipated; have three new trolleys going into service;
Rte 4 construction may necessitate the use of the Northway for one of the
legs of trips due to resultant congestion at Exit 20; hiring has gone well; FTA
will be coming for review around the middle of May.
B. Consultant Projects, Aaron
1. Access Management Study, Consultants are completing the educational
slide show; working on traffic build outs for the demonstration corridors
assuming that there are access management improvements in place; next
meeting is rescheduled for May 29; RSG has been great to work with.
2. Aviation Road Corridor Study, there was a meeting on March 26 with the
school to discuss their concepts; they are looking at access modifications from
Aviation Road. WSA is modeling the potential impacts of those modifications.
The contract extension to West Mountain Road was approved.

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council

Washington County Municipal Center
383 Broadway, Room A-231 Fort Edward, New York 12828
phone: (518) 746-2199 fax: (518) 746-2441
gftc.org info@agftc.org

TAC Minutes
April 24, 2007
Page 2

3. Traffic Count Program, Our first year counts resubmitted (prior formatting
issues) to us from Lochner Engineering; we have given them a schedule for
the second year counts and are seeing if it will be possible to include the
needed counts for Beach Road (Warren County).
C. Staff Activities, Aaron
• Warren County accident analysis draft has been completed and mailed
to DPW. The results were very different than those for Washington
• Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan is moving along;
Scott Sopczyk and Aaron were invited to speak to Warren County
department heads and told them about the upcoming survey. The
Warren and Washington County administrators distributed the surveys
to their department heads that offer human transportation services
meeting. We have received 15 completed surveys from Warren
County and 8 from Washington County. We will follow up with the
County administrators. Processing of the survey results has begun.
D. Make the Connection Program, Aaron
A draft of the bicycle and pedestrian Make the Connection program was
mailed to committee members. This is modeled very closely to CDTC’c Spot
Improvement Program and was in the 2005-2010 TIP for 2 rounds of STP
funding at $250K a piece. The first round was supposed to be this year.
We need to get a program in place to identify project selection procedure.
Aaron asked for comments. Project candidates were requested to not depend
on actions from other municipalities. This will be forwarded to Region 1 to
determine the mechanism to administer this program.
E. On-call engineering services RFP, Aaron
The RFP went out last week and proposals are due back to us May 7. Not
many incoming calls yet from engineering firms.

Aaron indicated that no comments on the draft TIP have been received which leads
him to believe that the funding assumptions and project costs that we had been
working with were fairly accurate.

Prior to going to the TIP issues Dave Rettig shared some information with the
Committee. All of the Regions handed in their programs. Mr. Rettig felt Region 1
was in pretty good shape, but statewide there are programming issues. When doing
the TIPs we updated the costs and in previous years we were overspent. There were
setasides for armor coating projects, traffic signal improvements but a lot of state
projects had to be pushed out. When doing the TIP at A/GFTC and CDTC no local
projects were pushed but Mr. Rettig now feels that this will have to be done. Two
time frames are being looked at, up to April 2010 and to April 2012. A/GFTC’s TIP is
top heavy, front loaded. The statewide overprogramming amounts to approx. 7-8
billion dollars over a five year program. We are overprogrammed in Federal funds
but underprogrammed in State funds. This gets more confusing when the finance
plan/Governor’s budget is factored in. The Finance Plan is based on $ that DOT
anticipates receiving in Federal dollars. This number is lower that what is authorized
in the Transportation Bill. This is good news because we ended up getting a little
more Federal money. Region 1 is still overprogrammed by about 10%. A decision
has been made to increase the amount of advance construction of Federal dollars
that we use. STP funds will also be used to address a shortfall in SDF. Willy Grimmke
noted that it would appear that at the state level there was a lack of strategic

TAC Minutes
April 24, 2007
Page 3

Two TIP amendments were brought to the table by Mr. Rettig that convert SDF
projects to STP but yet will not hurt A/GFTC allocations because advance
construction funding will be used. Mr. Rettig acknowledged that this is an awkward
process of deferring locally administered projects while using newly available federal
money for state jobs.

Aaron asked if we would have a better idea of our standing before the final TIP has
to be approved. Mr. Rettig replied that that is largely dependent upon on how the
Main Office reacts to Region 1’s strategy. Short-term, the Policy Committee meeting
on May 9 will need to be postponed in favor of another TAC meeting.

The TIP request from DOT would shift funding for 2 projects (Rt. 22: Rt. 40 to Rt. 4
resurfacing, and Rt. 9: Glens Falls City Line to Round Pound Road) from SDF to
STP Flex.

A motion was made to approve the funding source change


5. TIP
A. 2007-2012 TIP Development, Aaron
1. Draft document comments – adjustments will be made resulting
from the information shared at this meeting.
Administratively an adjustment was made to WAR 127 to add $40K in
construction costs.
2. Self-Certification/SAFETEA compliance, Aaron
Draft self-certification was faxed to committee members. This is a
required annual document to show that we are meeting federal
planning requirements.

A motion was made to refer the Self Certification Draft to the Policy Committee for


The Draft SAFETEA Compliance Plan was distributed at the meeting. FHWA had
asked the MPOs to put together a strategy to address the various requirements in
SAFETEA. Aaron took the final rule section-by-section and addressed the areas that
we were either in compliance with or listed actions necessary to become compliant.
Aaron reviewed the 10 steps to SAFETEA Compliance outlined on page 8 of the draft
document. There was a brief discussion regarding the date the LRP needs to be

B. TIP amendments (already covered)
C. Project Updates
1. Warren County, Lisa Penistan
• Grist Mill and Tannery Bridge-Draft design report went to DOT
and APA for approval. Comments were received and sent to the
consultant. Ready to submit final design report
• Woolen Mill Bridge (Milton St.)-Preparing for bid. ROW is being
worked on.
• Corinth Road-ROW for the county is taking place. Utility
easements are still are questionable. Need to get a firm decision
who will be paying for them. Everything else is ready to go.

TAC Minutes
April 24, 2007
Page 4
Bill Lamy added that there are still problems between the Town
and the utility companies. The utilities wish to wait until the
lawsuit is settled before going ahead with the work.
• Beach Road is in the scoping phase. NYSDEC has agreed to
participate in the project.
• Middleton Bridge and Harrington Rd. Bridge are in the scoping
2. Washington County, Willy Grimmke
• Covered bridges are proceeding with construction and seem to
be ahead of schedule. Should be complete late June or July.
• Whitehall Railroad Bridges-Utility coordination meeting is
• County Route 21-winter shutdown is over and work is
• County Route 12-draft design report has been sent to DOT for
• County Route 42-bid opening is in two weeks
3. Town of Moreau – no report
4. Glens Falls- Aaron, roundabout is on schedule, we need to identify
TAC representation from the city
5. Queensbury – no report
6. NYSDOT-Dave Rettig
• Before July 4
th work between Exit 26-28 should be completed
• Rte 4 in Fort Edward-working on utilities, water and sewer work
will progress
• Hudson Falls-work on the retaining wall on 254 has begun
• Clay Hill Road work has begun
• Rte 372, Rt. 29, 74A – the costs are getting out of control and
the project may need to be scaled back. Mary Ricard is the new
project manager.

7. Next meeting/adjourn – The next meeting is scheduled for
Thursday, May 24
th at 1:30 pm in the 2nd floor classroom at
Washington County Municipal Center. The meeting adjourned at 3:02.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, February 28, 2007  

Attendees Agency Phone Fax
Blanche Alter Town of Queensbury 761-8221 745-4437
Michael Fiorillo Village of Hudson Falls 747-4544 747-5597
Mark Galough Washington Cty.Planning 746-2290
Willy Grimmke Washington County DPW 746-2440 746-2441
Tom Kearney FHWA-NY 431-4125 431-4121
Wayne LaMothe Warren County Planning 761-6410 761-6411
William Lamy Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
Mayor Bob Phinney South Glens Falls 793-1455 793-3063
David Rettig NYSDOT 388-0456 388-0430
Scott Sopczyk GGFT 792-1086 792-7952
Mike Valentine Saratoga County Planning 884-4705 884-4780
Walter Young LCLGRPB 668-5773 668-5774

Lee Ecker Clough Harbour & Assoc 453-3984
Len Fosbrook EDC Warren County 761-6007 761-9053
Larry Mulvaney NYSDOT 388-0432
Lisa Penistan Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772

Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Kristina Hong A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Minutes of the Meeting

1. Welcome & Introductions –TAC Chair Willy Grimmke and called the meeting to
order at 10:07 AM with ten voting members present.

2. Visitor Issues – Lee Ecker of Clough Harbour & Associates was in attendance,
and will do a presentation on the Fort Edward Industrial Access study at this
group’s request.
3. Administrative Items –A. Approval of last meeting’s minutes

A motion was made to approve the January 10th meeting minutes.


4. Fort Edward Industrial Access study – Lee Ecker of Clough Harbour &
A request at the January 10 meeting for a presentation detailing the study for
Fort Edward’s Industrial Park, was given by Lee Ecker of CHA. The presentation
detailed the background of the study, undertaken by the Town of Fort Edward, to
find solutions and evaluate alternatives for access to the Industrial Park.
Lee answered questions about current occupancy, ownership, future development
and the dewatering facility.

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council

Washington County Municipal Center
383 Broadway, Room A-231 Fort Edward, New York 12828
phone: (518) 746-2199 fax: (518) 746-2441
gftc.org info@agftc.org

TAC Minutes
February 28, 2007
Page 2

5. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
Due to time constraints, discussion of ongoing UPWP tasks was limited.
A. Transit Report GGFT- Scott Sopczyk: GGFT has submitted its five year capital
program for inclusion in the upcoming TIP. 5310 procedure was discussed.
Staggered bus procurement was suggested to smooth out the budget, but
Scott noted that buying vehicles in large groups was advantageous for
B. Consultant Projects, Aaron
2. Aviation Road Corridor Study
A possible expansion of scope of this project to include Aviation Road
westward to West Mountain Road was raised. The WMR intersection has an
elevated accident occurrence. The committee agreed that it is worth
investigation given the reasonable fee offered by WSA.
C. Staff Activities, Aaron
• Problems between Exit 20 and 149 persist and officials in Warren
County believe that the area warrants further consideration. We can
add this to our draft UPWP but another planning study may need to be
removed as a result of limited staff resources. The committee directed
staff to recommend a revision to the draft TIP to the Policy Committee.
• Scott and Aaron had a meeting with Washington County at its request
to discuss analysis of human services transportation. A similar meeting
with Warren County’s department heads has been scheduled for March
The draft has been sent to committee members and delivered to public offices
for a 30 day public comment period. It is also available on our website.

6. TIP
A. Project Updates
Due to time constraints there were no reported project updates.
B. 2007-2012 TIP Development
1. Preliminary list of Projects
A draft of the 2007-2012 Transportation Improvement Program’s
preliminary listing of projects was distributed. Project dates and accuracy
were reviewed. Discussions included:
Saratoga County projects

• The bridge between Hadley and Luzerne WAR 144 is no longer on
the TIP because it is not HBRR-eligible.
Warren County

• Project 175382 and 175557, Routes 9 and 254 congestion
improvements and Quaker Road signal coordination saw a
significant cost increase, which limits the amount of funds to be
carried forward. Additionally, the signal coordination portion seems
incomplete. NYSDOT, Warren County, and the Town of Queensbury
are working to resolve the situation.
• Exit 18/Corinth Road (WAR 02 and 03) is still Warren County’s
main priority. Cost increases are included in the obligated column
of the draft. The eligibility of Senator Betty Little’s earmark was
raised as the funds are SDF and potentially not applicable to off-
system projects. It is Aaron’s understanding Bob Hansen had
suggested applying these funds towards the local match of the
NHS-eligible segment of the corridor. Dave Rettig concurred that
this was likely an eligible application.

TAC Minutes
February 28, 2007
Page 3
• Beach Road reconstruction (Project 175728) currently comprises
the county owned portions of the roadway on either side of the
state park. Warren County is currently in discussion with DEC
about combining the section of the highway (within the state park)
with the outer portions. More information on STP funds
(programmed vs. allocated) is needed to determine if there is room
in the TIP for an expanded Beach Road project. Bill Lamy stated
that he believed that Beach Road would be considered to be a
higher priority within Warren County than the second section of
Corinth Road west of Big Bay Room.
Washington County

• The resurfacing on Route 22 and the armor coating on Route 196
should be listed as Post-TIP, not “deleted.”

Bridge Projects
• CR 61 (Buffum’s) is currently not HBRR-eligible despite its poor
condition. Willy noted that Buffum’s is a higher priority than
Shushan and would like to reverse the dates for those projects. As
non-eligible projects cannot be programmed in the first three
years, the County will wait until a new inspection report is available
before requesting a TIP amendment.
• Additionally, CR 10 over the Poultney in Whitehall is currently not
HBRR-eligible, but Washington County is working with Vermont to
align inspection scheduling as maintenance and rehabilitation for
this structure is a shared cost.

A motion was made to approve the reviewed projects as the contents of the
draft TIP for Policy Committee consideration pending additional review from
NYSDOT and A/GFTC staff.


7. Next meeting/adjourn – The next meeting is scheduled for
Tuesday, April 24
th at 1:30 pm in the 2nd floor classroom at
Washington County Municipal Center. Wayne LaMothe made a motion to
adjourn the meeting at 12:25 pm.