
TIP Amendment request – I-87 bridges over Route 9, Lake George

The New York State Department of Transportation has requested an amendment to the Transportation Improvement Program to add $10.325M in additional Construction and Construction Inspection programming to facilitate the project to replace the two bridges carrying Interstate 87 over Route 9 between Exits 22 and 23 in the Town of Lake George. The specific amendment request is available here. Amendment requests of this fiscal scale require that the public be provided with an opportunity to review and comment prior to A/GFTC Policy Committee consideration for approval. Comments will be accepted through July 15, 2021 and may be transmitted in writing by email to, conventional mail to A/GFTC, 11 South Street #203, Glens Falls, NY, 12801, or by utilizing the Contact Us module of this website.

Request for Proposals

A/GFTC seeks to hire two professional consulting firms to provide transportation planning and engineering assistance to Council staff and member municipalities. Please the the RFP, linked here:

Responses are due to A/GFTC staff by 3:00 PM, Friday, February 12, 2021.

Public comment – draft UPWP

The draft Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), the annual work program for A/GFTC, is available for public comment prior to Policy Committee consideration.

The link to the summary document is:

Comments will be accepted until February 16, 2021 and can be submitted through the Contact module of this website, by email at info, or by mail at A/GFTC, 11 South Street # 203, Glens Falls, NY.

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Public comment – draft TIP amendments

Four requested TIP amendments are available for public comment prior to consideration by the A/GFTC Policy Committee. The link to the summary document is : Comments will be accepted until February 16, 2021 and can be submitted through the Contact module of this website, by email at info, or by mail at A/GFTC, 11 South Street # 203, Glens Falls, NY.

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