
Rural Workforce Transportation Plan Now Available

The Rural Workforce Transportation Plan was declared complete by the A/GFTC Planning Committee on December 13, 2023. This plan, created in partnership with the Lake Champlain-Lake George Regional Planning Board, is intended to develop a comprehensive understanding of the transportation needs and gaps which hinder workforce participation in the A/GFTC region, identify opportunities to improve connectivity of workers to employment centers, and identify transformative transportation infrastructure projects. A link to the plan can be found here:

Town & Village of Greenwich Bicycle Pedestrian Connectivity Plan – Request for Proposals

The Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council (A/GFTC), acting on behalf of the Town and Village of Greenwich, is seeking consultant assistance to prepare a joint Town/Village pedestrian and bicycle connectivity plan. The project goal is to examine existing connections and network gaps at the municipal scale and identify opportunities to improve pedestrian accessibility and bicycle connectivity to key nodes.

This Request for Proposals (RFP) seeks responses from interested and qualified professional transportation planning and engineering firms to develop a plan that identifies opportunities for improved bike-ped connectivity, establishes concepts and cost estimates for high-priority projects, and recommends a framework for implementation including realistic funding opportunities. The selected consultant team will work closely with A/GFTC staff, the Town and Village of Greenwich, NYSDOT Region 1, and community stakeholders to complete this analysis.

The full RFP, including submission requirements and deadlines, is available at the link:

DRAFT Rural Workforce Transportation Plan now available

The DRAFT Rural Workforce Transportation Plan is now available for public comment at the following link:

This plan, created in partnership with the Lake Champlain-Lake George Regional Planning Board, is intended to develop a comprehensive understanding of the transportation needs and gaps which hinder workforce participation in the A/GFTC region, identify opportunities to improve connectivity of workers to employment centers, and identify transformative transportation infrastructure projects.

Comments will be accepted via email to until December 5.

GFSD access safety – presentation

Please see the links below to a pre-recorded presentation on improvement concepts identified by Creighton Manning on behalf of the Glens Falls School District to address concerns regarding non-motorized student access and safety. The presentation is intended to be viewed at your convenience. Please use the contact information within to provide feedback. Public comments received will be considered in formulation of the draft and final reports.

Public Meeting Recording:


draft Old Fort Edward Junction Locks trail concept feasibility report available for public comment

The draft Old Fort Edward Junction Locks Trail Extension feasibility report, commissioned on behalf of the Village of Fort Edward, is available for public review and comment through October 6, 2023. A link to the document is here: Please submit comments to A/GFTC staff at or by conventional mail at A/GFTC, 11 South Street Suite 203, Glens Falls, NY 12801.

Next A/GFTC Policy Committee meeting

The next A/GFTC Policy Committee meeting is scheudled for Friday, September 29 at 10:30 Meeting access information is as follows:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 338 059 8825
Passcode: 586562

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• +1 646 931 3860 US
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Meeting ID: 338 059 8825
Passcode: 586562

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DRAFT Long Range Plan Now Available

The draft Long Range Plan update, 2045 Ahead, is now available for public review and comment. A video summary of the draft plan is also available on youtube:

Comments will be accepted until September 14, 2023. Comments must be made in writing, via email to or via mail to A/GFTC, 11 South St. Suite 203, Glens Falls, NY 12801. Comments made on social media or over the phone will not be accepted.

NOTE: This document also includes the draft Albany – Schenectady – Troy, NY Air Quality Conformity Determination, which addresses all transportation projects in the Capital Region Transportation Council (CRTC, formerly known as Capital District Transportation Committee) 2022-2027 Transportation Improvement Program and the New Visions 2050 Long Range Plan, the Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council (A/GFTC) 2022-2027 Transportation Improvement Program and 2045 Ahead Long Range Plan, and the Capital Program of Transportation Projects in Greene, Montgomery and Schoharie Counties.

DRAFT Long Range Plan Presentation

A presentation of the Draft Long Range Plan update, 2045 Ahead, will be given at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 9, 2023 as part of the A/GFTC Planning Committee meeting. The presentation will include an overview of planning principles and future priorities concerning safety, road and bridge conditions, traffic congestion, public transportation, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and more. A recording of the presentation and the draft plan will be posted on this website after the meeting. Please contact A/GFTC at (518) 223-0086 or in advance if communications assistance for language translation services, hearing, or visual impairments is required.

To access the meeting, please use the login below:

Time: Aug 9, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Meeting ID: 338 059 8825

Passcode: 586562