Title Pub Date Link Text
Draft Glen / Sanford / Grant pedestrian safety study 11/10/2022 Text
Salem Pedestrian Connections Study 09/14/2022 Text
Carey Road Industrial Park – access analysis and buildout assessment 07/07/2022 Text
draft 2022-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 06/16/2022 Text
NYSDOT TIP Amendment request – I-87 resurfacing (PIN 172271) 05/19/2022 Text
GGFT TIP Amendment Request – purchase two 30′ buses 04/27/2022 Text
Draft 2022-23 Unified Planning Work Program 01/12/2022 Text
Glen St. Intersections Pedestrian Study – Final 01/05/2022 Text
North Road Pedestrian Feasibility Study 12/16/2021 Text
Draft Glen Street Intersections Pedestrian Access Study 11/04/2021 Text
TIP amendment request – NYSDOT regional paving projects 08/12/2021 Text
Draft 2021-2022 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) amendment 08/12/2021 Text
Chestertown Pedestrian Improvements report 08/11/2021 Text
Big Cross Street School Access Study 07/15/2021 Text
Draft Chestertown Pedestrian Improvements Report 06/23/2021 Text
TIP Amendment Request – I-87 over Route 9 bridges, Town of Lake George 06/09/2021 Text
Regional Bicycle Plan 02/17/2021 Text
Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) – SFY 2021-2022 – final draft 02/10/2021 Text
TIP Amendment Summary 2021-01 01/13/2021 Text
Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) – SFY 2021-22 (draft) 01/13/2021 Text