A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, June 8, 2010 

Policy Committee Meeting

Minutes of Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Ed Bartholomew, City of Glens Falls (rep. Jack Diamond)
Ralph Bentley, Supervisor, Town of Horicon
Mary Ivey, NYSDOT Region 1
Bill Lamy, Warren County DPW (rep. Fred Monroe)
Frank McCoy, Town of Lake George
Daniel Stec, Supervisor, Town of Queensbury
Mike Valentine, Saratoga County (rep. Willard Peck)

Stu Baker, Town of Queensbury
Michael Fiorillo, Village of Hudson Falls DPW
Wayne LaMothe, Warren County Planning
Mary Anne Mariotti, NYSDOT-Region 1
Joe Sullivan, City of Glens Falls DPW

A/GFTC Staff:

Aaron Frankenfeld, Transportation Planning Director
Sarah Gebbie-Measeck, Transportation Planner

I. Welcome & Introductions
1. Chairman Dan Stec called the meeting to order at 1:37 PM

II. Visitors Issues
1. Route 149 Study Request
Aaron reported that the Town of Fort Ann sent him a letter requesting an accident
analysis and speed study for Route 149. DOT had previously done a speed study
in May 2006. According to NYSDOT Region 1 staff, it would not be inappropriate
for them to revisit the speed issue now. Aaron will send a letter to the Town of
Fort Ann supporting their request for NYSDOT to conduct a safety analysis and
speed study.

III. Administration
1. Approval of January, 2010 minutes

No approval of the minutes were made due to a lack of quorum.

IV. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
1. 2007-2012 Transportation Improvement Program
A. Amendment requests/summary
Aaron reported on the following TIP amendments that were processed since
the January 2010 meeting: Expanded I-87 paving (Exits 18-24), adding the
Make the Connection projects, County Route 12 and Lower Turnpike bridges.

Adirondack / GlensFallsTransportationCouncil
11 South Street, Suite 203
Glens Falls, NY 12801
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 – 0584

June 8, 2010
Policy Committee minutes
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B. Recent Developments or Action Items for Ongoing Federal Aid Projects

Ms. Mariotti reported that payments to contractors are sporadic, but
stimulus is being paid. They are currently adding up all the MPO TIP
amounts for the STIP. Ms. Ivey noted that the Lake Champlain bridge
has been awarded to Flat Iron. They have an aggressive schedule – the
proposed opening is 2011. Batchellerville Bridge has been awarded but
not let. Route 9P in Saratoga County has been let and awarded.
ii. Warren County DPW
Mr. Lamy reported that Corinth Rd is under construction. Milton St.
Bridge in Warrensburg was temporarily delayed due to utilities, but is
back on track now. Alder Brook bridge in Chester was been awarded.
Tannery Bridge in Stony Creek was delayed due to needing a temporary
pedestrian crossing to supplement Grist Mill Road Bridge as a detour.
Harrington Rd Bridge in Johnsburg is waiting on federal authorization.
Beach Rd will no longer include DEC as a project partner. Construction
is expected to begin in spring 2011. Glenwood Ave and Corinth Rd
(west of I-87) are both being milled and paved as part of the ARRA 1R
stimulus paving.
iii. Washington County DPW
None reported
iv. Saratoga County/Town of Moreau
None reported
v. City of Glens Falls
Mr. Bartholomew reported that the preliminary design for South St was
submitted to DOT. They expect to go to bid by Spring 2011. Mr.
Sullivan reported that Bay St is nearly complete and he is waiting to
hear from Mayor Diamond about finishing two sidewalks for the 2007
Make the Connection round of funding.
vi. Town of Queensbury
None reported

2. 2010 – 2015 Transportation Improvement Program
A. Review of Project Roster
Aaron asked if there were any comments on the proposed TIP. Mr. Lamy noted
that the Palisades Rd Bridge over the Spuytenduival Brook in Horicon was
previously ineligible for major rehabilitation because of the bridge rating but
was just recently yellow-flagged. Ms. Mariotti indicated that it might now be
eligible for element specific work.

Ms. Mariotti asked about the cost of the Route 9 safety project in South Glens
Falls. Aaron discussed that was a change in the project. There were previously
two projects, one to handle congestion mitigation with a roundabout, and one
was a safety project on Route 9. They were combined into one overarching
safety project that will address congestion with coordinated signals. This will
also allow sidewalks to be installed along Route 9 to address a gap in the
system. Mr. Valentine noted that he was pleased to see a project come from
the Route 9 Corridor Study done by BFJ in 2002.

June 8, 2010
Policy Committee minutes
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B. Approval of TIP/Self-Certification
Motion was made to approve the 2010-2015 TIP and Self-Certification
pending consensus approval from those voting members not in


C. Air Quality Conformity Approval Authority – Aaron asked the Policy Committee
to defer approval of the conformity decision to the Technical Advisory
Committee. This will require another 30-day comment period.

V. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
1. GGFT Report – none

2. Consultant Projects
A. Travel Demand Model Upgrade – Aaron reported that Warner Transportation
Consulting is creating an expanded and more user friendly model for A/GFTC.
It should be complete in 3 to 4 months and then staff will receive training.

B. Lake George Corridor – A/GFTC has hired Chazen Companies to create
a streetscaping plan for the Route 9 Corridor entering Lake George from the
south. A public workshop is planned for July 7

C. GIS Services – Sarah reported that Fountains Spatial has completed the TIP
project viewer (Google maps based viewer) and it is now on our website under
the Projects tab. They are working a similar viewer for traffic count data. A
desktop application for pavement scoring is also underway and we hope to
have it complete by the end of this summer.

3. Staff Activities – Aaron reported A/GFTC has moved to a new office location in
Glens Falls. We are planning on hosting a Road Safety Assessment training in
August. We had success with using the RSA process for Route 10 in Washington
County. It is currently in the TIP for $85,000, a low cost for potentially significant
safety improvements. We also sent out a letter to each member municipality
highlighting our availability to conduct RSAs, bicycle/pedestrian and sidewalk
assessments and the ability to retain a consultant for no more than $20,000 as we
are doing for the Town of the Lake George for the Lake George Gateway Corridor

V. Other Items
None reported

VI. Adjourn

Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 2:15 PM


A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Attendees Agency
Stu Baker Town of Queensbury
Mike Fiorillo Village of Hudson Falls DPW
Willy Grimmke Washington County DPW
Preston Jenkins Town of Moreau
Bob Hansen NYSDOT-Region 1
William Lamy Warren County DPW
Jim Lindsay Town of Kingsbury
Scott Sopczyk Greater Glens Falls Transit
Mike Valentine Saratoga County Planning Department
Mary Anne Mariotti NYSDOT-Region 1
Peter Faith GPI
Jeff Tennyson Warren County DPW
John Wheatley EDC of Warren County
Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC
Sarah Gebbie-Measeck A/GFTC

Minutes of the Meeting

1. Welcome and Introductions – TAC Chair Willy Grimmke brought the meeting to order
at 10:05 AM.

2. Visitor Issues – None

3. Administrative Items

A. Self –Certification – Aaron – the draft Self-Certification was made available for
committee review on the A/GFTC website. It is required as part of the TIP process. A
motion was made to approve the Self-Certification for Policy Committee


B. Long Range Plan – Aaron – A/GFTC received FTA and FHWA approval on the LRP’s
conformity designation. The LRP is now officially completed and approved.

A. Consultant / Staff Activities
1) Travel Demand Modeling – Aaron – A RFP was put out to upgrade and provide
a more user friendly modeling program for the office. Warner Transportation
Consulting was chosen as the consultant. There is a possibility that the office will
migrate away from VISUM and to TransCAD. Bob Hansen asked if TransCAD data
can easily be input into VISUM. It is assumed that the data can be interchanged.
2) GIS Services / Website updates – Sarah – Fountain Spatial has created a TIP
Project Viewer that is now available on the website under the Projects tab. It will
be updated as the TIP is updated. A similar Google Map-based application will be
created for our Traffic Counts data. Fountain Spatial also created a Transit
Adirondack / GlensFallsTransportationCouncil
11 South Street, Suite 203
Glens Falls, NY 12801
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 – 0584

April 14, 2010
TAC Minutes
Page 2

Ridership Application that we are testing the last bugs out of now. This will also
evolve into a Pavement Scoring Application that the staff will use for local roads in
the Federal Aid Eligible road network. There is potential to score other roads as
requested. A/GFTC also recently revamped its current website, which includes
hosting the Greater Glens Falls Transit website. It is hoped this will give GGFT
more visibility and ability to post updated schedules and data as needed.
3) iPoolNorth – Sarah – iPoolNorth will have its one year anniversary on Earth
Day, April 22
nd. We will be challenging current iPoolNorth users to make one
transportation difference during the week of Earth Day and pushing the message
of iPoolNorth and the challenge to the public through the media. Mike Valentine
suggested we take this message to the school districts and let children take the
message home to their parents as well.
4) Local Traffic Engineering Assistance Program
a. Lake George Gateway Corridor – Aaron – the two school studies in
Glens Falls are done. There is currently a solicitation out for the Lake
George Gateway Corridor Plan. Responses are due today.
b. Solicitation – Aaron – Discussion ensued regarding taking on projects
first come/first serve or soliciting for projects and then ranking them
against each other. Aaron was concerned since the limit was raised to
$20,000 and local match was no longer required that we would be
overwhelmed with projects, but the Lake George Gateway Corridor is the
only one we’ve received so far. It was decided to stay with the first
come/first serve idea.
B. Transit
1) GGFT Update – Scott – A few of the TDP recommendations have been
implemented, including adding a midday run on Route 2 and extending Route 19
to the Village of Lake George more frequently. Will wait to implement other TDP
recommendations until the State budget finalizes. The ARRA projects are proving
difficult and tedious given the amount of money received. The smaller projects are
taking longer than anticipated.
2) JARC and New Freedom solicitation – Aaron – DOT issued a solicitation for
JARC (Job Access Reverse Commute) and New Freedom funds. If there are no
proposals received from small urban areas, DOT will open up the solicitation to
rural areas. Mike Valentine asked for an explanation of the programs. A/GFTC had
awarded the full JARC allocation to GGFT in 2009. GGFT opted to not pursue the
reimbursement award due to the administrative requirements attached to the
funding and not being able to meet those requirements while also undertaking
ARRA requirements.
3) NX Connector – Aaron – A/GFTC staff surveyed NX riders for feasibility of
connecting the NX and GGFT Route 5 trips. A minimum number of positive
responses were identified that would make the connection worthwhile. Discussion
ensued about NX and transit services on the Northway.

5. TIP
A. Project Updates
1) Warren County – Jeff – Corinth Rd. is underway and the detour had to be
implemented earlier than anticipated. Woolen Mill bridge will be demolished next
week. The area near Tannery Rd bridge has been cleared for a temporary bridge.
Bids have been received on the Alder Brook bridge. Contracts are being finalized
on the Stimulus 1R paving projects (Glenwood Avenue and Corinth Road west of
the Northway). Beach Rd is still in design and held up by DEC’s indecision on the
cost sharing agreement. DEC owns approximately 39% of the roadway and
therefore 39% of the project costs. If DEC backs out of the project that portion of
the project will not get done and therefore the project cost will decrease. Jeff
asked if that funding will stay in the MPO or not – Aaron responded that that 39%
was not necessarily programmed into the current TIP.

April 14, 2010
TAC Minutes
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2) Washington County – Willy – The 1Rs went to bid and were awarded. The
major drainage on the Whitehall bridges have been done. The Clinton Street
bridge has been demolished. County Route 61 will have a design report in June or
July. Working on incorporating the Lower Turnpike bridge into the project design
report for County Route 12. Trying to get the demolition for Dewey’s Bridge
funded. County Route 10 is waiting for DOT’s response on the project scope.

3) Saratoga County – Preston – The safety project at Route 9 and Spier Falls Rd
is planned for a December completion. The lights were changed at the Route 9
and 197 intersection allowing for protected SB left turn phase. Traffic tickets have
been issued and the population is starting to adjust their behavior, therefore
making a safer intersection.

4) NYSDOT – Bob – The Department is on a week-to-week budget. All projects
except the Crown Point bridge have been pushed to a April 29
th letting date.
Crown Point bridge is scheduled to be led on 4/15/10. DOT is paying ARRA and
CHIPs bills, but holding payment on all other bills.

B. Amendments and Modifications – Aaron – no new TIP amendments, but gave a list of
the amendments that have been added since 1/1/10.
• I-87 resurfacing was extended to exit 24
• South Street earmark added
• Funds were added to the Alder Brook project
• Right of Way was added to Beach Rd project

C. Draft 2010-2015 TIP
1) Draft Roster of Projects – Aaron – although this our smallest program since
2003, this draft program prepared in conjunction with Region 1 staff and based
upon the results of our Project Prioritization meeting addresses a number of
substantial transportation needs.
a. Review / Questions – Scott asked if JARC and New Freedom needed to be
on the TIP. Aaron will look into that. Jeff pointed out that there was an
oversight with not carrying over a previous project into this TIP.
Middleton bridge was on the last TIP. It needs to be relocated on a trout
stream, which is expensive and requires adhering to DEC regulations.
There is a fair amount of funding flexibility that we will be able to put it
on this TIP. Aaron will need the schedule from Warren County ASAP to
put it on this TIP. Discussion about Harrington Rd bridge also came up.
It was in the last TIP but not on this TIP. Aaron was under the
impression that Warren County was going to obligate that during this
TIP period. Warren County will get federal authorization by October 1
st in
order to finish it during this TIP period. Mike asked if $1 million is
enough for the bike/ped set aside. Aaron pointed out that we are
moving from $500,000 to $1 million over a five year period by changing
from two solicitations of $250,000 to annual solicitations of $200,000.
b. Illustrative Projects – Aaron noted that we can identify program needs in
the TIP narrative, such as Exit 20 and functionally obsolete structures.
We should also add in the TIP narrative the projects that were submitted
for this TIP but were not able to be accommodated due to lack of
c. Approval for Public Comment – Aaron hopes that this document will lend
itself to public review more so than previous formats. Discussion ensued
regarding the adequacy of time following the comment period to
meaningfully address any public comment.

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d. Schedule – Aaron – TIP needs to be in Main Office by May 29
th. There is
discussion that NYMTC will be unable to meet that deadline, so if we are
a few days late (for example, if public comment generates the need for
significant revisions) we won’t be holding up the STIP. A motion was
made to accept the 2010-2015 TIP with changes made as discussed.


6. Other Items – None

7. Next meeting schedule and adjourn – Aaron – Next TAC meeting will be planned for
late June. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting.


A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council

Washington County Municipal Center
383 Broadway, Room A-231 Fort Edward, New York 12828
phone: (518) 746-2199 fax: (518) 746-2441 www.a
gftc.org info@agftc.org

Policy Committee Meeting
Minutes of Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ralph Bentley, Supervisor, Town of Horicon
Bill Lamy, Warren County DPW (rep. F. Monroe)
Frank McCoy, Town of Lake George
Daniel Stec, Supervisor, Town of Queensbury
Steven Sweeney, NYS Canal Corp. (rep. Bill Rinaldi)
Mike Valentine, Saratoga County (rep. Willard Peck)
William Watkins, Wa shington County
Stu Baker, Town of Queensbury
Ed Bartholomew, City of Glens Falls
Michael Fiorillo, Village of Hudson Falls
Willy Grimmke, Washington County DPW
Robert Hansen, NYSDOT Region 1
Wayne LaMothe, Warren County Planning
Mary Anne Mariotti, NYSDOT-Region 1
Patti Miller, Warren County STOP – DWI
Scott Sopczyk, GGFT
John Wheatley, EDC of Warren County

A/GFTC Staff:

Monika Bulman, Admini strative Assistant
Aaron Frankenfeld, Transportation Planning Director

I. Welcome & Introductions
1. Introductory remarks- Chairman Dan St ec called the meeting to order at
1:38 PM
II. Visitors Issues – None
III. Administration
1. Approval of March 4, 2009 minutes

Motion was made to approve the March 4, 2009 minutes


2. Approval of Officers 2010-2012, Aa ron-Every two years the chairmanship
for the PC and TAC rotates between Warren and Washington County. The
Policy Committee chair goes to Warre n County for two years and the
Technical Advisory Committee chair goes to Washington County. Policy
Committee: Dan Stec, Chai rman; Mike Suprenant, Vice Chairman; and Mary
Ivey, Secretary. Technical Advisory Committee: Willy Grimmke, Chairman;
Bill Lamy, Vice Chairman.

Motion was made to approve the Officers for 2010-2012


Policy Committee Minutes
Page 2 January 27, 2010

3. Approval of Joint Cooperative Pla nning Agreement (handout), Aaron-On
November 18
th the TAC was provided with this agreement and asked to
review it and discuss it with the Policy Committee. This is a required
document that outlines the cooperative planning agreement among the MPO,
the State Department of Transportati on and the Transit Operator when
developing the major financial documents that guide the planning process.

Motion was made to allo w Aaron Frankenfeld to sign the agreement and
forward it to DOT and Transit for their respective signatures.


4. New contact information, Aaron-A/GFTC will be moving to a new space in
Glens Falls by February 10. The addr ess will be 11 South Street, Suite 203.
We will have new phone and fax numbers. The Washington County e-mail
extension will change to agftc.org. When all the contact information is in
place, it will be forwarde d to committee members.

IV. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
1. GGFT Report (handout) Scott Sopczyk – Capital projects included the
procurement and delivery of new buse s; completed the Transportation
Development Plan; overall system riders hip was down 6.2% last year but can
be attributed to a service change during Americade week. Mr. Hansen
reported that CDTA was down 10% but not due to one event. Mr. Sopczyk’s
transit budget took into account anticipated cuts. Mr. Hansen still feels there
needs to be synergy between Glens Falls Transit and CDTA for interregional

2. Consultant Projects
A. Transit Development Plan (Adoption)

Motion was made to adopt the Transit Development Plan

B. Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan (Adoption), Mr. Stec told the PC
that on Monday night (1/25) the Town of Queensbury passed a
resolution adopting the Plan. Aaron said that by adopting the Plan the
concepts in the document are give n some programming weight. Some
concepts that have been speculated about for years have been put to
rest. The public meetin gs were well attended.

Motion was made to adopt the Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan


C. School Circulation Studies, Aaron-The Abraham Wing (GFCSD) circulation
study has been completed. Big Cro ss (GFSD) study should be completed
shortly. The purpose of the studies was to assist the schools in coming up
with ideas to improve the school distri cts’ conditions for elementary school
students that walk or bike to school. Safety and congestion concerns were
reviewed. The crime and safety i ssue is difficult to address from a
transportation element. Other issues resulting from the studies:

Policy Committee Minutes
Page 3 January 27, 2010

Non-standard sign placement, st aff parking, crosswalks, safety
education, crossing guard programs.

D. GIS Services, Aaron-Attempti ng to work out some technical
problems with the ridership tool used to collect data for laptop entry.
Have a very nice project visualization tool that shows where all the TIP
projects are, financial info, pictures, and programming information.
The contract will continue to the next state fiscal year to allow work on
a pavement management inventory tool.

3. Staff Activities A. Long Range Plan (Adoption), Aaron-The public comment period
closed at the first of the year. The plan has been under development
for four years and is the core planning document of the transportation
planning process. The Plan suppor ts our programming activities (TIP)
and our UPWP. Once we have MPO approval, it will be sent to
Environmental Sciences Bureau of DOT who will forward it to FHWA
and FTA. FHWA and FTA need to ap prove the air quality conformity
statement which also went out for public comment.

Motion was made to approve the Long Range Plan for adoption


Aaron extended his thanks to everyone who participated in preparing and
reviewing the document.

B. Proposed Work Program (UPWP) 2010-2011, (handout),Aaron
went over some of the accomplishments in 2009 as listed on the
handoutand reviewed how our funding works. We will be getting
$312,949 from FHWA and $43,722 from a Grant from FTA. Both of
those amounts are the same we re ceived last year. Our unspent
money will increase the pot by $235, 000. The money is distributed to
four categories: Program Suppo rt and Administration, General
Development and Comprehensive Pla nning, Long Range Transportation
Planning and Transportation Improvement Program. Since there is no
large engineering study planned for 2010, the focus will go to assist
member municipalities in providing local engineering traffic consulting
services. This is how the school studies were funded. The Lake
Luzerne concept of intersection realignment and a streetscape design
project for Mr. McCoy, in the To wn of Lake George, are current
candidates for engineerin g services. Aaron would also like to get out
some safety roadside assessments contracts. The above fall under
Task 2. Under Task 3 an upgrade to the travel demand model is a
priority. An RFP is out for this. Also, hope to update the regional
bicycle and pedestrian plan. Before we can go forward with the Fort
Edward/Kingsbury Canal Corridor Indust rial Area Re-use Plan, we need
some direction from Washington Count y. Task 4 is the Transportation
Improvement Program. Project soli citation is out. Should have
projects returned to our offi ce by the end of the week.

Motion was made to approve the draft UPWP for a 30 day public comment


Policy Committee Minutes
Page 4 January 27, 2010

V. Transportation Improvement Program(TIP)
1. 2010-2015 Transportation Improvement Program, Aaron
A. Project Solicitation-due by the end of the week
B. Allocations, the sub-allocations provided to A/GFTC are smaller
than what we are accustomed to. Adjustments will have to be
made to the program as a resu lt. We are getting some new
highway project candidates. We will have more projects than the
program can support.

Mr. Hansen pointed out that the numbers that are out now are
conjecture and we won’t really kn ow where we stand until the next
highway act comes through.

C. Program Reconciliation (discussed above)
D. Second stimulus round- Mr. Hansen, The House bill is pretty well
formulated. The Senate appears to be the sticking point. What
we can expect is probably around another $100mil for the Region,
a very short time to put a project out on the street, project has to
be shovel ready, ROWs need to be done. On Stimulus 1, FHWA is
aggressively monitoring construction specs.

2. 2007-12 TIP
A. Amendment request – I- 87/Pottersville, Aaron-Half of the project
was programmed (replacing only one of the two structures) but
now it is better to have both structures replaced at the same time.
We will adjust the Interstate Maintenance funds to comply with
DOT’s request. This amendment request was approved by the TAC
but because of the $ scale, a pub lic comment period was required.
It has been out for public comment and closed on January 23,
2010 with no comment.

Motion was made to approve amendm ent request for I-87/Pottersville


Aaron- We missed a TIP update cycle because of the challenges some of the other
MPOs had in putting together a TIP. Some of the larger MPOs are struggling with the
TIP timeframe again. If one MPO in the Stat e fails to deliver a TIP, then there is no
STIP. DOT has asked us to approve language in the TIP and state that the 4
th year
of our TIP program can be rolled up into the STIP.

Motion was made to change the language in the TIP from 3
rd to 4th year

B. Other Amendments-(handout), Aaron-one needs an administrative
change and deals with the railroad bridges in Whitehall.
The next amendment is a rail project initiative and is not a formal
amendment. This is a service upgrade.

Motion was made to approve the amendment requests from NYSDOT


Policy Committee Minutes
Page 5 January 27, 2010

C. Recent developments or action items for ongoing federal aid
a) New York State Department of Transportation, Bob Hansen-
Batchellerville Bridge-next week CD TC will entertain an amendment
to proceed with construction.NYSDOT has replied to the Village of
Hudson Falls regarding the Rout e 4 project.Congressman Murphy
requested DOT to come up with suggestions for special line items.
Mr. Hansen came up with Main Street in South Glens Falls,
Roundabout at Burgoyne Avenue, and the Roundabout at Fort Ann.

b) Warren County DPW, Bill Lamy-Construction has started on the
Corinth Road/Exit 18 project; Milton Street has been awarded; the
second stimulus-funded bridge in Stony Creek will go to
construction this year; Alter Brook Bridge in the Town of Chester
should begin construction in 2010 ; Beach Road project should be
going to bid later in this year and construction should start in

c) Washington County DPW, Willy Grimmke-one stimulus project is
underway but is shut down for the winter, a portion of the drainage
work is complete and the bridge work will start in the spring;
County Rte 12 supplemental has been authorized.

d) Saratoga County/Town of Moreau, Mike Valentine-nothing to
present. Aaron met with Mr. Jenk ins when the project solicitation
went out. Mr. Jenkins pointed out a safety project that the
department had been planning for Rte 9. This project will be

e) City of Glens Falls, Ed Bartholomew-The City is waiting for the
official letter from Senator Schumer/DOT for the $970K grant for
So. Street.

f) Town of Queensbury, Mr. Stec- The Town is excited about Main
Street getting started.

VI. Proposed meeting schedule, Aaron-will probably have another PC meeting
in May to approve the TIP. TAC will probably meet in February.

VII. Other Items, Frank McCoy asked if he had to bring up his streetscape
project now. Aaron noted that A/GFTC should be able to provide some
assistance.Wayne LaMothe questioned whether the dollar amount of the
engineering service projects should be increased from $10K to 20K since we
do not have a big consulting project on the table this year. Aaron said we can
do this but we may not be able to do as many of them.

Motion was made to increase the small engineering projects to 20K


VIII. Motion made to adjo urn the meeting at 2:58.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, November 18, 2009  

Attendees Agency Phone Fax
Stu Baker Town of Queensbury 761-8222 745-4437
Brian Brockway Town of Fort Edward 747-5501 746-1071
Chris DeBolt Wash. County Planning 746-2290 746-2293
Willy Grimmke Wash. County DPW 746-2442 746-2441
Bob Hansen NYSDOT-Region 1 388-0456 388-0430
Wayne LaMothe Warren County Planning 761-6410 761-6411
William Lamy Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
Joe Sullivan City of Glens Falls, DPW 761-3834 761-3874
Steven Sweeney NYS Canal Corp. 471-5033 471-5035
Mike Valentine Saratoga Co. Planning Bd. 884-4705 884-4780

Robert Cherry NYSDOT-Region 1 388-0228 388-0430
Kevin Hajos Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
Mary Anne Mariotti NYSDOT-Region 1 388-0439 388-0430
Keith Oborne Town of Queensbury 761-8265
Jeff Tennyson Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772


Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Sarah Gebbie-Measeck A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Monika Bulman A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Minutes of the Meeting

1. Welcome & Introductions –TAC Chair William Lamy called the meeting to
order at 10:08 am.

2. Visitor Issues – None

3. Administrative Items –
A. Conformity MOU, Aaron- This was an item already approved by the TAC via
mail ballot. FHWA suggested the MOU be developed between A/GFTC and CDTC
and basically outlining the planning relationships and responsibilities that need to
happen within the air quality non-attainment area. This document has been
reviewed, approved and with Mr. Lamy’s signature today will be sent to CDTC.

B. Joint Cooperative Planning Agreement, Aaron-(handout) This is a federal
requirement requesting us to develop an agreement among DOT, the transit
operator (GGFT) and the MPO to identify the joint responsibilities and develop
financial plans related to the federal transportation planning process. Mr. Sopczyk

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council

Washington County Municipal Center
383 Broadway, Room A-231 Fort Edward, New York 12828
phone: (518) 746-2199 fax: (518) 746-2441
gftc.org info@agftc.org

TAC Minutes
November 18, 2009
Page 2

was not able to attend today and indicated a preference to be present for any
substantial discussion. Aaron suggested the TAC review the agreement and get
back to him with comments or suggestions. If there are no additional comments,
Aaron will sign the agreement.

Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
A. Consultant/Staff Activities
1) LRP update, Aaron- The draft LRP was approved by the TAC via ballot.
Going public with the draft long range plan hinges on the Interagency
Consultation Group (ICG), a statewide committee of resource agencies and
transportation organizations that is tasked with oversight of the air quality
conformity process. We are seeking conformity determination approval on our
document by stating that we are not having an impact upon conformity by not
having any substantial capacity related projects listed in the Town of Moreau.
We hope to be able to go out for public comment soon.

2) Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan, Aaron- This Plan is complete.
Copies are available on our web site and we have a limited number of paper
copies. The Plan accomplished what was intended. The consultants looked at
several of the bigger concepts that have floating around for years such as new
interchanges and a direct connection to the Great Escape. Mr. Lamy asked
what the next steps were to implement the study’s recommendations. The Plan
identifies some solutions and it now comes down to programming,
prioritization, and balance. The next step is to get TAC approval for the Plan
to be submitted to the Policy Committee to formally adopt the Plan. A motion
was made to have the Plan referred to the Policy Committee, DOT and to the
Town for their consideration.


Mr. Valentine asked if the Plan could be implemented in segments. Aaron
remarked that this is a very small corridor and there are various alternative
recommendations and does not feel this should be taken on in phases. A
brief discussion followed regarding if the involved parties have the will to
move forward with the recommendations/alternatives in the Plan. This plan
did not have a preferred alternative. Mr. Hansen pointed out that because of
the current financial turbulence facing New York State, there are no
guarantees when or if this project could even move forward.

3) Abe Wing/Big Cross Pedestrian Circulation Assessments, Aaron-These
school access studies were taken on as part of our local traffic engineering
assistance program. The Abe Wing document is completed. There are good
recommendations in the study and the school district is very interested in
some of them (crosswalk delineation, moving advance warning signs for
pedestrians around, changing the signalization of adjacent signalized
intersection). We are working on a similar document for the Big Cross School.
This is in a different school district (Abe Wing is in the FG Common School
District while Big Cross is in the GF Unified School District) and the process is a
little different. Hope to have a PTA meeting for Big Cross in December to
present some of the recommendations. The maximum cost for each of the
studies was $10K with no cost to the municipalities.

TAC Minutes
November 18, 2009
Page 3

4) Lake Luzerne intersection analysis, Aaron-This is a candidate project
for the local traffic engineering assistance program. The County Planning
Department brought his project to our attention. The request is to get
engineering assistance for redesigning an intersection to make it a more
conventional configuration. Mr. LaMothe presented the request on behalf of
the Town of Lake Luzerne. The County is working with the Town on a
streetscape program and the redesign of their main street. We have three
consultants on call for the local traffic engineering assistance program. The
TAC approved this study as a candidate project but Mr. Lamy wished to discuss
this project with Aaron before involving an outside consultant.

5) Travel Demand Modeling, Aaron-An RFP has been sent out to get an
outside consultant to come in and look at our traffic model in anticipation of
the non-attainment designation for the two-county area. This necessitates an
expansion of our current model from beyond the urban area (Exit 17 to Exit

6) GIS Services/Website update, Sarah-Fountains Spatial has been
creating a ridership application, a program that will allow staff to ride the
transit buses and count the riders getting on and off and record the
information on a laptop. This replaces the old system of recording the data on
paper, coming back to the office and entering the information to the computer.
The program is currently being tested in-house to work out any possible
problems. Fountains Spatial has also done a web application that will give us
better transparency of our TIP and the TIP projects so the public can get a
better idea of what we are doing, when, where, how and why. This application
is ready to go and we are waiting for the A/GFTC website to be reformatted.
Sarah asked the committee to visit A/GFTC’s website and give us ideas on how
they think it can run better. The intent is to improve the layout, format, make
it user friendly, par down information. Mannix Marketing is our consultant.

7) iPoolNorth, Sarah-About seven months ago the iPoolNorth website was
set up. There are 68 members and the hope is to increase the membership to
100. A free give-away (reusable shopping bags) is offered as incentive to get
people to signup. Ads have been put in the newspapers and we are using other
resources to get people to participate in the program. One of the tools on
iPoolNorth is a commuter calendar and people using the program enter
information. The results from people using this tool: $1,000 has been saved
in fuel, over 2,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide has been prevented from entering the
air, and 90 trips were eliminated. Not all of the iPoolNorth users record
information on the commuter calendar.

The boundaries for iPoolNorth are for those commuting in or out of Warren,
Washington and Saratoga Counties. The program does interact with the
Capital District’s web site (iPool2). Other commuting boundaries were

B. Transit
1) GGFT Update-Mr. Sopczyk was not in attendance

2) Transit Development Plan, Aaron-This study was recently completed
by Nelson/Nygaard. Elements reviewed: transit’s routing structure, public
surveys for transit riders and non-riders; scenarios for future funding.

TAC Minutes
November 18, 2009
Page 4

N/N came up with good recommendations; some of them are already being
considered for implementation by Mr. Sopczyk.

3) NX Connector Survey, Aaron-Sarah and Aaron have started surveying
passengers that are using the existing NX. This is a coach bus that goes
between Exit 17 (South Glens Falls Park and Ride Lot is on Marion Avenue
just west of Rte. 9) and downtown Albany. There is a stop in Clifton Park.
An attempt is being made to determine if the passengers would have an
interest in a local bus connection to the Park and Ride. GGFT has agreed to
try this as a pilot if we can demonstrate that there are a reasonable number
of riders willing to pay for it. Brief discussion regarding fare boxes, unified
swipe cards, single-seat rides and CDTA involvement took place.

5. TIP
A. Make the Connection Program, Sarah-Five applications were received; three
will be fully funded and one will receive partial funding. Fully funded: Town of
Granville to do work on their rails to trails; Town of Warrensburg to do some
sidewalk replacement; Village of Whitehall to do sidewalk replacement and
Partial funding: Town of Lake Luzerne to do some sidewalk installation along
Route 9N. There were more applications asking for money than there was
money available. Aaron had a discussion with Mary Anne Mariotti regarding
letting dates for this program. Because of the success of this program, it may
become an annual program.

B. Project Updates
1) Warren County, Kevin Hajos-Bids have been opened on Corinth
Road; opened bids last Thursday for the Milton Street project; Stony Creek
and Grist Mill were completed about a month ago and work on the
Warrensburg Road Bridge will resume in the Spring.

Joe Sullivan reported on the Bay Street stimulus project. The project is
70% completed from Sanford Street to city line. Seeding. installing curbs and
site work left to be done. Paving will take place in Spring 2010. The project
should be completed in June.

Jeff Tennyson- Beach Road will be let next fall; additional money will
be needed (2-3% increase); looking to add a ROW portion to the project; TIP
amendment will be needed. Aaron had suggested to Mr. Tennyson the
completion of a new TIP application rather than an amendment.

2) Washington County, Willy Grimmke-Mr. Grimmke started with the
stimulus projects. The bridges in Whitehall have been contracted and
awarded; the bulk of the work will not start until spring; the two 1R projects
will be delayed, due in part to a FHWA audit); Cty Rte 12 supplemental to
include the Lower Turnpike Bridge rehab; County 61 over the Battenkill is in
the process of progressing design and working on ROW.

3) Saratoga County, Mike Valentine had a question about the progress on
Rte. 9 and Cty. Rte. 24 Spier Falls. Mr. Hansen did not have the material with
him to answer the questions.

TAC Minutes
November 18, 2009
Page 5

4) NYSDOT, Robert Hansen – Congress is looking hard at a potential
second stimulus package for roads and bridges; discussion has taken place
with Hudson Falls about the ongoing Route 4 project; there are two projects
coming up before the end of the year, assuming the budget doesn’t collapse
completely – I-87 Rte 9 in Pottersville and Rte. 372 over the Battenkill.

C. Amendments and Modifications-none

D. Next TIP Update
1) Allocations, Aaron has no numbers yet. Projects have to be ready to
go if and when the stimulus package becomes available. This raises the
question whether we want to introduce more design for more projects earlier
in the process without necessarily putting construction phases in because we
don’t have the money. Mr. Grimmke brought up the concern with the Brooks
Act and the ramifications. We have no allocations and we don’t know what we
are dealing with yet, but we need to get projects ready. Aaron would still like
to receive from project sponsors new applications whether they are already in
the TIP or not.

2) Selection Procedures: (handouts) The process went fairly well the last
time. The projects were easy to score. People were generally satisfied with
the results of the scoring process. Ms. Mariotti said she had developed some
selection criteria for bridges and would be happy to share them with us.
Aaron wanted to point out to the municipalities that we have to be in a
position to entertain federal funding for pavement rehabs. Local
municipalities have not usually approached us with this.

3) Solicitation for TIP and UPWP projects: Aaron wondered whether we
should be dong a solicitation for TIP or UPWP projects and if there were big
planning projects that require assistance from A/GFTC, locally or regionally.
Aaron would like to see the annual planning program going in the direction of
smaller projects (school studies, safety assessments).

6. Other Items- Wayne LaMothe thanked Warren County DPW for the
work done on the canal trail along the Feeder Canal. The trail was resurfaced.
Bob Hansen-Aaron received some information about the state finance plan for the
remainder of this year and was advised where there may be an issue regarding
temporary restrictions on new federal and state authorizations unless they are
under $100K.

7. Next Meeting schedule and adjourn- Aaron asked if he sent out a project
solicitation could he reasonably expect to get project applications back by end of the
year. The end of January was suggested. A meeting will be scheduled in February.
TIP should be updated by the summer of 2010 for a final committee-approved
document. Aaron also brought up E-STIP. All the MPOs will feed their information
into standardized software that generates the STIP from the TIPs.

Mr. Valentine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:50 AM.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, May 19, 2009  

Attendees Agency Phone Fax
Stu Baker Town of Queensbury 761-8222 745-4437
Brian Brockway Town of Fort Edward 747-5501 746-1071
Chris DeBolt Wash. County Planning 746-2290 746-2293
Mike Fiorillo Village of Hudson Falls 747-5426 747-5597
Willy Grimmke Wash. County DPW 746-2442 746-2441
Bob Hansen NYSDOT-Region 1 388-0456 388-0430
Preston Jenkins Town of Moreau 792-1802 792-1062
Jim Lindsay Town of Kingsbury 747-2188 747-9115
Scott Sopczyk GGFT 792-1086 792-7952
Joe Sullivan City of Glens Falls, DPW 761-3834
Steven Sweeney NYS Canal Corp. 471-5033 471-5035

Mary Anne Mariotti NYSDOT-Region 1 388-0439 388-0430
Jeff Tennyson Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772


Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Sarah Gebbie-Measeck A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Monika Bulman A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Minutes of the Meeting

1. Welcome & Introductions –TAC Vice Chair Willy Grimmke called the meeting
to order at 1:03 pm.

2. Visitor Issues – None

3. Administrative Items –

A. Approval of last meeting’s minutes

A motion was made to approve the January 5
th meeting minutes


B. NYSDEC nonattainment designation recommendation, Aaron:
Warren and Washington County have been proposed for ozone nonattainment
designation based upon a monitor reading located in Stillwater. Aaron drafted
technical arguments to oppose this recommendation especially since we have an
almost rural population density. The Census data being used to designate
nonattainment areas also appears to be misapplied.

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council

Washington County Municipal Center
383 Broadway, Room A-231 Fort Edward, New York 12828
phone: (518) 746-2199 fax: (518) 746-2441
gftc.org info@agftc.org

TAC Minutes
May 19, 2009
Page 2

The designation recommendation goes into effect next year and until then Corinth
Road and the Quaker Road projects that had once been proposed are exempt.
Washington County passed a resolution opposing the recommendation and sent it to
the congressional delegation. Warren County indicated they would follow the path
Washington County has taken and a motion was made to present to the Policy
Committee for approval the opposition of the NYSDEC nonattainment designation


4. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
A. Transit
1. GGFT Update, Scott Sopczyk
Mr. Sopczyk received a call from the FTA Regional Office with a grant
number for a stimulus project so funds can start to be obligated. There is a
meeting tonight to discuss the physical relocation of the GGFT terminal to a
nearby location on Ridge St just south of the existing terminal.
2. Transit Development Plan, Scott Sopczyk
Very close to developing and producing a draft recommendation.
Conceptually what we want to accomplish is the elimination or reduction of
unproductive feeder routes and increase the service on Glen St., Corinth
Rd., So. Glens Falls, Bay Rd., Ft. Edward runs. The hope is to increase
service without increased cost. There has been reasonable public input and
the TDP is moving along.
3. CDTA/GGFT service connection (NX), Nothing new on this
4. 5316/5317 solicitation, Aaron
The application deadline for FTA for program 521/5317 was last Thursday.
GGFT submitted an application for $43K for sustaining some of the evening
services that had been utilizing another funding source that has since run
out. Also some of the money will go towards the coordination service
initiative on Bay Road. A motion was made to endorse GGFT’s application.


5. Ridesharing software demonstration – Sarah:
For Earth Day a new web site was launched called iPoolNorth.org and it
coordinates with the Capital District car pooling web site, iPool2. The
objective of this site is to allow people interested in ridesharing to log into
the site and find a commute partner. It is very easy to use and to date 37
users have signed up and the monthly report given to A/GFTC indicates the
site is averaging one match per search. Seven users are in
communication. Hopefully the planned advertising blitz will result in more
users/matches. Mr. Sopczyk asked if this would be useful for patients
getting to medical office visits.

B. Consultant / Staff Activities

GIS Services, Aaron
Fountains Spatial, the consultant we hired, is updating and improving our
in-house data system, developing desktop data tracker, getting some
handheld data collection to repeat the FTA passenger survey and to
establish a web based application we can use to share data with the public.

TAC Minutes
May 19, 2009
Page 3

Hope to have three web google maps available on our web site. One will
deal with data, one will deal with conditions (bridges, pavement), one will
deal with TIP projects.

Mr. Hansen asked what the background for the database was – Aaron said
it was satellite imagery. We were encouraged by our consultant to go with
Google Maps because it is an interface that many web users are familiar
with. Ms. Mariotti expressed her concerns with the compatibility of this
program with public and private use.

2. Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan, Aaron
A committee meeting is scheduled for May 22
nd at 10 am at the Warren
County Municipal Center, Room 6-103 to review the draft final report
prepared by Creighton Manning Engineering. Some recommendations:
Access management; back access off of Exit 20 north bound; interchange
modification; improvements with signalized intersections. After the
meeting on the 22nd a third public meeting will be held to present the
findings of the study.

3. Abe Wing / Big Cross Pedestrian Circulation Assessments, Aaron
These projects were selected through our on-call consulting services
agreement with Resource Systems Group, Inc. A request for letter of
interest was sent to our consultants and RSG had the most appealing
approach. They have a certified Safe Routes to School trainer on their
staff and will engage the public during a regularly scheduled school
meeting. Abe Wing had an interest in having some of the pedestrian
circulation issues reviewed (drop off zones, speed, bike facilities, traffic
signal operations. Data collection will be done at Abe Wing on May 21st.
Big Cross also expressed an interest in using our on-call engineering
consultant. The local match previously needed for these types of projects
has been waived.

5. TIP
A. Amendments and Modifications (handout), Aaron
DOT requested that we list two enhancement projects: West Brook
Conservation Initiative and Dix Bridge Rehabilitation. Adding these requires
no committee action.

ARRA (Stimulus) Projects
A new request is the Batten Kill RR over NYS 372 (picture handout-illustrates
a clearance issue with the structure); Mr. Hansen pointed out that the
Governor passed these stimulus projects down to the Regional Office for
consideration only. The projects need to be ready to go. Mr. Grimmke
explained how he came up with the cost for this project and after some
discussion it was decided to increase the cost to $3M. The motion was made to
present to the Policy Committee this project for addition to the TIP after a 30
day comment period is completed. Doing so does not guarantee that this
project will receive ARRA funding.


TAC Minutes
May 19, 2009
Page 4

1R Paving Projects were previously approved and require no formal
amendment. Mr. Hansen distributed a handout.

Safety Projects: County Rte. 12, Granville was added to the TIP via
administrative modification, having been derived from a regional setaside.

Spier Falls Road/Rte. 9
Mr. Hansen said that the main office has been pushing for the use of SHIP
funds. Everyone appears to be having difficulty finding candidates for this
funding source. There are safety needs out there but no clear local candidates
other than County Route 12 project (noted above)have emerged. This project
includes a state to federal shift of funding, so this needs a public comment
period, Policy Committee approval and an amendment.

A motion was made to release the proposed Spier Falls Road/Route 9 Project
amendment for public comment.


NYSDOT Bridge 5-7 Repairs letter was distributed and a motion was made to
release the proposed amendment for public comment.


B. Project Updates, It was proposed to forego project updates, but

1. Warren County, Jeff Tennyson did want to report the following to the
Committee: There are almost weekly meetings now with the Town of
Queensbury regarding Corinth Road; the utility issues are still being worked
out; have concerns about being ready for the September deadline for funding;
should know by July if the September deadline will be met.

6. Other Items
– Annual MPO Conference June 4-5, Aaron relayed the information about the
conference to the Committee
– Mr. Sopczyk announced there would be a NYPTA meeting at the Queensbury
Hotel June 10-12.

7. Next meeting and adjourn, the next meeting TBA; adjournment took place at
2:40 pm

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, March 4, 2009  

Policy Committee Meeting

Minutes of Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ralph Bentley, Supervisor, Town of Horicon
Jack Diamond, Mayor, City of Glens Falls
Keith Donohue, Mayor, Village of So. Glens Falls
Preston Jenkins, Supervisor, Town of Moreau
Bill Lamy, Warren County DPW (rep. F. Monroe)
James Lindsay, Supervisor, Town of Kingsbury
Brian Rowback, Regional Director, NYSDOT Region 1
Daniel Stec, Supervisor, Town of Queensbury
Steven Sweeney, NYS Canal Corp. (rep. Bill Rinaldi)
Louis Tessier, Supervisor, Town of Lake George
JoAnn Trinkle, Chairman, Washington County Board of Supervisors
Brian Brockway, Town of Fort Edward (rep. M. Suprenant)
Tom Donohue, City of Glens Falls
Willy Grimmke, Washington County DPW
Dan Hall, City of Glens Falls
Robert Hansen, NYSDOT Region 1
Frank Komoroske, NYSDOT
Mary Anne Mariotti NYSDOT-Region 1
Scott Sopczyk, GGFT
Mike Valentine, Saratoga County Planning Board

A/GFTC Staff:

Monika Bulman, Administrative Assistant
Aaron Frankenfeld, Transportation Planning Director
Sarah Gebbie-Measeck, Transportation Planner

I. Welcome & Introductions
1. Introductory remarks- Chairman JoAnn Trinkle called the meeting to order
at 1:35 PM
II. Visitors Issues – None
III. Approval of March 12, 2008 minutes

Motion was made to approve the March 12, 2008 minutes


IV. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
1. Transit
A. GGFT Report-(handout) Scott Sopczyk – Mr. Sopczyk reviewed
the capital projects as outlined in the handout. GGFT intends to
make full use of the anticipated ARRA funds expected to be
allocated to public transit capital improvements in the Glens Falls
area. This will go towards projects that funds were not available
Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council

Washington County Municipal Center
383 Broadway, Room A-231 Fort Edward, New York 12828
phone: (518) 746-2199 fax: (518) 746-2441
gftc.org info@agftc.org

Policy Committee Minutes
Page 2
March 4, 2009

for previously including replacement for an in-ground vehicle lift
in the garage, rehab and slight relocation of the Ridge Street
terminal, and the purchase of a hybrid bus.

B. Transit Development Plan (TDP), GGFT has been working with
A/GFTC and a consultant to prepare a new Transportation
Development Plan. Existing service structure is being examined
and a set of recommendations for future service levels will be
developed. A public Open House is scheduled March 9
th so the
draft recommendations will be reviewed. Final recommendations
are expected this summer.

2008 Transit ridership was the highest in the history of the
system which began operation in 1984. Mr. Hansen asked Mr.
Sopczyk if he was still working with CDTA on the NX runs. Mr.
Sopczyk said discussion is still taking place and a unified fare
medium is under consideration. Discussion also took place
regarding potential services generated by Luther Forest.

2. Consultant Projects
A. Aviation Road Corridor Study-Approval, Aaron – The study is
complete and has resulted in a good product. The Study has been
approved by the Town of Queensbury. The core recommendations
yield about 3.4 million dollars worth of potential improvements.

A motion was made to adopt the Study.


Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan-Aaron, Expecting a draft of the
final plan within a month. There are not many easy solutions
along this corridor and interchange options are limited. Rte 9 is
the core problem.

B. GIS Services, Aaron-Our consultant, Fountains Spatial, has
delivered to us an updated data system including a desktop map
management tool bar for us. Currently they are working on a web
application that will improve our ability to visualize our data, show
our TIP and planning projects, etc. They are also working on a
transit data ridership collection tool. Hope to complete all of these
services by late spring.

3. 2009 UPWP Update Approval, (handouts) Aaron – There are a few active
consultant projects that will carry over into this UPWP. New in the work
program are the offering of road safety audits and training for municipal
staff (planning and zoning boards). The training will kick off April 14 with
the offering of access management training session. This is an ITE web
session so it is eligible for professional development hours.
The on-call engineering services are still being offered and do not require
a local match. The cap is $10K. Also planned is an update to the bike/ped
plan. The overall program is smaller this year due to unreleased carryover
and the threat of rescission.

Policy Committee Minutes
Page 3
March 4, 2009

A motion was moved to approve the administrative 2008 UPWP
Update pending any public comments received prior to March 11.


4. Long Range Plan, Aaron-Drafts of all the chapters are complete. Still
working on the financial chapter. Once the financial element is complete,
the draft LRP will be submitted to the TAC for its approval and subsequent
public comment and review.

V. Transportation Improvement Program(TIP)
1. 2007-2012 Transportation Improvement Program
A. Stimulus Program (handout), Brian Rowback gave a powerpoint
presentation highlighting the information on the handout. The NY
share for high and bridges under the bill is estimated to be $1.120
billion, the NY share for transit $1.245 billion. Rail discretionary is
one of the big surprises in this bill and covers high speed rail
under the discretionary program, but we still do not know how the
funds may be applied. Aviation also received discretionary grants.
For statewide funds there are provisions that 50% must be
obligated within 120 days of apportionment. For any state $ with
obligated balances, the funds will be redistributed to other states.
There is a locally administered federal aid project manual
available. Mr. Rowback pointed out that Mary Anne Mariotti is the
key person to contact for all of A/GFTC projects, issues and
concerns as it relates to DOT or federal aid.
Mr. Rowback commented that our MPO is unique in that most of
our projects are local projects. Even with the stimulus package
there is still a much larger need that DOT sees growing (bridges
and pavements). Region 1’s strategy will be to prevent all of this
aging infrastructure from requiring major work simulataneously.
Robert Hansen -There are some set-asides that are required to be
done for rural areas and small urban areas. Bay Street in Glens
Falls would help to satisfy our small urban requirement and the
bridge projects in Washington and Warren Counties will help to
satisfy the rural requirements.
B. Stimulus Amendment – Aaron – The material faxed out on Friday
is different than what is in front of you (handout). Aaron
summarized the projects. The bridge projects for Warren County
did not include the Woolenmill Bridge project in today’s handout
because of a fear of not meeting the deadline date due to a lack of
utility agreements to date. Also the list of Transit projects is
different than what was faxed out. Aaron noted that FHWA will
not require a TIP amendment in order to make transfers of
existing TIP projects eligible for receipt of stimulus funds.
Additional discussion included: front loading TIPs; adding new
projects to the STIP as illustrative which means they do not
appear in the fiscal totals and a possible round two/highway act.

Policy Committee Minutes
Page 4
March 4, 2009

A motion was made to approve the Stimulus TIP Amendment


C. Adjustment of TIP change procedures (handout), Aaron- Not too
different from the previously approved amendment procedure in
2000. It identifies any TIP deletion or addition as requiring a TIP
amendment. Anything that is deemed to be a TIP amendment
requires public comment. The handout is self-explanatory. Bob
Hansen mentioned that the scope and cost changes on our
procedures are different than CDTC.

A motion was made to approve the TIP change procedures


D. Change in TIP schedule, Aaron-The stimulus program has caused
uncertainty. The MPO directors, after a discussion, decided to
delay TIP cycles for 6 months. DOT suggested delaying it for a
year. To keep the TIP current we just need to take more action by
TIP amendment or administrative modifications.

2. Recent developments or action items for ongoing federal aid projects
A. New York State Department of Transportation, Brian
Rowback/Robert Hansen-Marchiselli money may be reassigned; the
CHIPS program is up in the air.

B. Warren County DPW, Bill Lamy –
-The Corinth Road/ Exit 18, Have to meet a September deadline to
have access to the funds needed. Last ROW of being acquired;
Town is finishing up the underground utility design; Supervisor
Stec is very confident the September deadline will be met.
-The two bridges that were included in the stimulus amendment
are ready to go.
Mr. Hansen asked if Mr. Lamy had an updated estimate for Corinth
road. Mr. Hansen would like to go through the estimate to
determine if everything is eligible and that there is enough to pay
for it.

C. Washington County, Willy Grimmke –
-As per the amendment the railroad brides in the Village of
Whitehall are stimulated. Working with DOT and A/GFTC to address
CR 12 and Lower Turnpike over the Mettawee.
D. Saratoga/Town of Moreau, Preston Jenkins-nothing to report

Mr. Rowback- prior to the stimulus package which includes a 3%
setaside for enhancement projects, an announcement was going to
be made as to what projects were selected. Now things have to be

E. City of Glens Falls, Mayor Diamond
Is happy the Bay Street project is back on the TIP; the city will be
doing the infrastructure subsurface improvements needed; moving
along with some issues on South Street

Policy Committee Minutes
Page 5
March 4, 2009

F. Town of Queensbury, Dan Stec
Thanked A/GFTC for help with the studies on Aviation Rd. and Exit
20; electrical utility work on Corinth Road is in final design;
easement issues should be resolved soon; Queensbury is
committed to the Corinth Road project and will meet the deadline.

VI. Revised meeting schedule, Aaron-previously a meeting schedule was
distributed but it is difficult to adhere to with meeting conflicts. Tentatively a
TAC meeting is planned for May and a Policy Committee meeting for June.

VII. Next meeting and adjourn
Next meeting is anticipated in June.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 3:15

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Attendees Agency Phone Fax
Brian Brockway Town of Fort Edward 747-5501 746-1071
Michael Fiorillo Village of Fort Edward 747-5426 747-5597
Mark Galough Wash. County Planning 746-2290 746-2293
Willy Grimmke Wash. County DPW 746-2442 746-2441
Preston Jenkins Town of Moreau 792-1802 792-1062
Wayne LaMothe Warren County Planning 761-6410 761-6411
William Lamy Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
Mayor Phinney Village of So. Glens Falls 793-1455 793-3063
Scott Sopczyk GGFT 792-1086 792-7952
Joe Sullivan City of Glens Falls, DPW 761-3834
Steven Sweeney NYS Canal Corp. 471-5033 471-5035
Mike Valentine Saratoga County Planning 884-4705 884-4780

Frank Bonafide NYSDOT-Region 1 388-0440 388-0430
Chris DeBolt Wash. County Planning 746-2290 746-2293
Robert Cherry NYSDOT-Region 1 388-0228 388-0430
Sarah Gebbie-Measeck LC/LGRPB 668-5773 668-5774
Kevin Hajos Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
Lisa Penistan Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
Mayor Traver Village of Fort Edward 747-4023 747-2493

Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Kristina Hong A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Monika Bulman A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Minutes of the Meeting

1. Welcome & Introductions –TAC Chair Bill Lamy called the meeting to order at
1:33 pm.

2. Visitor Issues – None

3. Administrative Items –

A. Approval of last meeting’s minutes

A motion was made to approve the February 8th meeting minutes with the minor
corrections Mr. Valentine requested.


Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council

Washington County Municipal Center
383 Broadway, Room A-231 Fort Edward, New York 12828
phone: (518) 746-2199 fax: (518) 746-2441
gftc.org info@agftc.org

TAC Minutes
July 16th, 2008
Page 2

B. Personnel update
Kristina Hong announced that she will be leaving A/GFTC to attend law
school. A personnel search was conducted and effective August 4
th Sarah
Gebbie-Measeck, from the RPB, will be joining our staff.

Dave Rettig has left the NYSDOT Region 1 in for the Main Office of DOT. Bob
Hansen will be the acting Regional Planning and Program Manager.

Mark Galough will be leaving his position and Chris DeBolt, County Planner,
will be representing the Washington County Planning Department at A/GFTC

Aaron requested a motion to endorse the hiring of Sarah Gebbie-Measeck.


4. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
A. Transit
1. GGFT Update, Scott Sopczyk
There has been unprecedented interest in contacts regarding ridership
from local service, Warrensburg, North Creek, etc. Yesterday Aaron and
Mr. Sopczyk met with CDTA to look at ways to link certain operations.
Ridership for GGFT through May is up 7%. Since 2006 trolleys have seen
an increase of 27%. Despite ridership being up, fuel prices have
escalated. Transit systems around the entire country are faced with this
problem. GGFT took delivery of 4 new small buses and is in the process of
developing a specification to purchase 4 replacement large transit buses
for 2009. The larger buses are needed for service to Fort Edward, the
Mall, and upper Rte. 9. Mr. Valentine had questions regarding the evening
services. There is no evening service in the summer, but GGFT hopes to
start it again in September.

2. Transit Development Plan
The last adopted UPWP includes a task to prepare a Transit Development
Plan; the RFP is nearly complete. The Study will allow an outside
perspective to take a comprehensive look at the service routes,
frequencies and intervals.

Mr. Valentine asked how the AlterNet Rides program was working.
Aaron replied that membership to the car pooling service is growing.
Approximately 20 people are signed up. Glens Falls Hospital has
sponsored their own site. We will continue to push the AlterNet Rides
program. Mr. Sopczyk said that at CDTA, people have been inquiring
about service connections between Albany, Saratoga and Glens Falls.

3. 5310 / Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan, Aaron
This is the vehicle procurement program for transportation operations to
assist elderly and disabled clients. As part of the Plan, at the MPO level,
the recommendations we make will be given more consideration at the
State level than in the past. This MPO has 3 applications to review and a
subcommittee of the human services transportation working group has

TAC Minutes
July 16th, 2008
Page 3

been assembled to do so. They will meet on July 29

4. FTA passenger mile survey, Aaron
Kristina is working to complete the data collection before her last day with

B. Consultant Activities

1. Aviation Road Corridor study, Aaron
Wilbur Smith is drafting the final document and it will be presented to the
public at a work session to be held at the Ramada Inn on July 31 at 6:30.
The recommendations from that work session will be brought before the
Study Advisory Committee for review before a final document is approved.

2. GIS Services, Aaron
The selection committee comprised of Washington County DPW, Warren
County Planning, Saratoga County Planning, Washington County RPS/GIS
took part in the reviewing the three presentations. Two of those
presentations were very strong. The committee recommended that the
contract be offered to Fountains Spatial, Inc. based in Schenectady.

Aaron requested a motion to approve the hiring of Fountains Spatial


Mr. Grimmke pointed out that the selection process had nothing to do with
execution of the presentation; content was the issue.

3. Exit 20 Corridor Management Plan, Aaron
Out of 7 responses to our RFP, Creighton Manning Engineering was the
clear favorite once scores from various reviewing municipalities were
averaged. CME has already conducted the first introductory meeting with
the study advisory committee. The intent of this study is to come up with
a manageable, fiscally constrained short term solution that will take care
of the issues on the corridor and analyze bigger picture items that have
been floating around for a while (Exit 20 reconfiguration, 149 flyover and
the direct access to the Great Escape). CME has put together an
aggressive schedule. Hope to have this plan completed by December.
Service roads need to be reconsidered. Access management will play a
big role. Mr. LaMothe would like to be involved with this study. Mr.
LaMothe indicated that there were 27 curb cuts from Exit 20 to 149.

C. Staff Activities
1. Long Range Plan, Aaron
Draft chapters have been circulated for review. There are 3 draft chapters
left to complete: freight, bike/ped, finance. The environment chapter will
be revisited to incorporate energy independence

A brief discussion took place regarding travel trends and changes due to
increase in fuel prices. VMTs appear to be going down but not all data is

TAC Minutes
July 16th, 2008
Page 4

2. Local System Short Term Accident Reduction, Aaron
A project solicitation went out. A Road Safety Audit that we hosted
through a statewide contract with the MPO Association was performed at
the intersection of County Route 12 and Hatch Hill Road in Granville. Two
days were spent on how to conduct a safety audit and a team actually
went out to conduct a field visit and do a visual assessment. Washington
County has indicated that it will use the resulting RSA documentation as
support of an STAR-LH application. The regional solicitation that went out
offered 2 million dollars to the eight counties in Region 1. Mr. Bonafide
explained the intent of this program was to partner with the 8 counties
and find the best candidates and to look for a mechanism to determine
where there would be the most benefit based on data provided. Mr.
Bonafide encouraged everyone to go back to see if there are additional
safety candidates that have demonstrable (data-supported) accident
histories. A/GFTC will assist with this at municipal request.

5. TIP
A. Amendments, Aaron

1. NYS149 – use of toll credits
Mr. Bonafide- there is a 200 million dollar gap in State Dedicated Funds
and there is a need to find ways to move the program forward without the
money. One of the ways was to look at the State-funded projects and to
see if there were other opportunities to fund a project. NYSDOT looked at
toll roads and knew if the criteria the Feds set up was met, credits would
be the compensation. At some point the credits can be used as a match
for Federal Aid project. This results in funding changes from 80/20 split to
100% federal with the Toll Credits. A part of WAR 59 is still 100% SDF.
Local projects will not be affected by this. There will be a September 18
letting. After additional discussion,

A motion was made to approve the NYS149 amendment requeset.

Note: Mr. Sweeney abstained from voting.

2. NYS 197 over the Hudson River bridge rehabilitation
Earlier in the year, DOT approached the committee to request a change in
scope for the project and an amendment to change the bridge
replacement to rehabilitation. A/GFTC requested that DOT re-engage the
public in reviewing options. Do we want to preserve a bridge that is
functionally obsolete for the kind of traffic it carries? NYSDOT feels that
spending 4-5 million makes it safe and useful for 20 years. Given funding
shortages and declining structural conditions, NYSDOT generally cannot
entertain functional obsolescence as a selection criterion. A new bridge
would be over 10 million. Mayor Traver questioned the possibility of
waiting five years. Mr. Bonafide pointed out that the money for a
replacement bridge may not be available in five years or even ten years.

A motion was made to forward this to the Policy Comm. for consideration.


TAC Minutes
July 16th, 2008
Page 5

3. GGFT amendment, Scott Sopczyk
There are vehicles that were replaced several years ago, but because of
their condition they are not in service. Because of capacity, the fleet needs
to be increased and two new trolleys are required. Capital money will be
used in the upcoming grant application to FTA in late September.

A motion was made to approve the GGFT amendment


B. Project Updates
1. Warren County, Lisa Penistan
Mr. Lamy introduced Kevin Hajos, who joined the Warren County DPW
staff on Monday.

Grist Mill Road
and Tannery, ROW acquisition and final design are in the
works; Middleton Bridge,
the will be a public meeting August 6 in
Warrensburg; Woolen Mill Bridge,
finalizing ROW acquisition; Alder Brook,
Beach Road, and Harrington Bridge all are in the design phase; Corinth
Road, the Town of Queensbury is in the process of acquiring ROW.

Mike Valentine asked about the status of the underground utilities. Mr.
Lamy told him that the underground utilities will be part of the project and
will be funded by either National Grid or the Town of Queensbury. Aaron
inquired about the Beach Road public outreach; a member of the LG Town
Planning Board had approached Aaron to indicate that he felt out of the
loop. Mr. Lamy said there had been several meetings and the department
would be happy to accept calls. Mr. Sopczyk requested a copy of the
scoping document as did Aaron. Mr. LaMothe reported that Mr. Tessier
came to the Planning Department with plans for the redevelopment of the
Gaslight Village property.

2. Washington County, Willy Grimmke
County Rte. 61 over the Battenkill,
have the state grant application;
hope to get the engineering going quickly since it was red flagged
again; County Rte. 42
awaiting approval of a change order; Clinton
and Division, there were some design revisions enhancements to
accommodate ongoing drainage issues. Mr. Brockway asked about Rte
42. Mr. Grimmke said weeds had been removed taking care of
visibility problems; once the grading is completed there shouldn’t be
an issue.
3. Town of Moreau, Preston Jenkins
Route 197 and Rte 9 Intersection,
no turn lane lights; this is a
problem; this was contracted out but nothing has been done.
Mr. Bonafide will find out what is happening with the situation. Mayor
Phinney added that next week the Village of So. Glens Falls will be
exercising the grant to resurface the Betar Byway.

4. NYSDOT, Frank Bonafide
, are on track; Rte. 4, work is going on right now; Rte
4 phase 2, locally people are concerned about security and

TAC Minutes
July 16th, 2008
Page 6

Mr. Galough noted that Washington County
has 1 million dollars
coming in for the rehab for the Battenkill Railroad.

Mr. Lamy had a question regarding the correct procedure for bridge
and highway projects and TIP money based on planning figures
that are outdated. As the bidding phase comes up, Mr. Lamy knows
things will be higher than noted in the TIP or engineer’s estimate
and wondered if there will be money to cover these shortages and
if the process to move a TIP amendment forward is quick enough
to keep the bids valid? The issue of rising costs has been
problematic for years, but Aaron asserted that A/GFTC’s TIP
amendment processes are about as responsive as they can be.

5. Next meeting and adjourn – Next meeting will take place September 17
at 1:30. The meeting adjourned at 3:10.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Policy Committee Meeting

Minutes of Wednesday, March 12, 2008 (draft)

Brian Rowback, Regional Director, NYSDOT Region 1
Robert Shay, Supervisor, Town of White Creek
Steven Sweeney, NYS Canal Corp. (rep. Bill Rinaldi)
JoAnn Trinkle, Chairman, Washington County Board of Supervisors
Brian Brockway, Town of Fort Edward (rep. M. Suprenant)
Willy Grimmke, Washington County DPW
Bill Lamy, Warren County DPW (rep. F. Monroe)
Gina LeClair, Deputy Supervisor, Town of Moreau
Dave Rettig, RPPM, NYSDOT- Region 1
Scott Sopczyk, GGFT
Mike Valentine, Saratoga County Planning Board

A/GFTC Staff:

Monika Bulman, Administrative Assistant
Aaron Frankenfeld, Transportation Planning Director
Kristina Hong, Transportation Analyst

I. Welcome & Introductions
1. Introductory remarks- Chairman JoAnn Trinkle called the meeting to order
at 1:37 PM and, on recommendation of staff, declared a quorum of
affected parties.
II. Visitors Issues – None
III. Administration
1. Approval of Officers 2008-2010 (handout)
Aaron explained that the Chairmanship of each committee alternates every
two years between Warren and Washington Counties. 2008 is the first
year of a new two-year cycle.

Motion was made to approve officers for the Policy Committee: JoAnn
Trinkle, Chairman; Dan Stec, Vice Chairman; and Brian Rowback, Secretary;
for the Technical Advisory Committee: Bill Lamy, Chairman; Willy
Grimmke, Vice Chairman


Mr. Valentine asked if the Chairmanship would every end up in Saratoga
County. Aaron answered that there was nothing to preclude that should there
be interest expressed by Saratoga County – based representation.

2. Approval of last meeting’s minutes

Motion was made to approve the December 18, 2007 minutes

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council

Washington County Municipal Center
383 Broadway, Room A-231 Fort Edward, New York 12828
phone: (518) 746-2199 fax: (518) 746-2441
gftc.org info@agftc.org

Policy Committee Minutes
Page 2
March 12, 2008

IV. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
1. Transit
A. GGFT Report-Scott Sopczyk – Several weeks ago Betty Little’s
office contacted GGFT regarding the potential of GGFT providing
transportation services to southern Washington County. It was
requested that Scott put together an outline of discussion topics
and hold a meeting for interested parties. Scott also wanted to
express his thanks to NYSDOT for accommodating the installation
of two new passenger shelters as part of the repaving project on
Route 9.

B. Human Services Transportation Plan, Aaron- Seeking approval
of this plan contingent on any comments received before the close
of the public comment period on March 20. The plan is intended to
satisfy a federal requirement that we prepare a locally developed
plan addressing the issues for furthering coordinated human
transportation in our area. A handout portion of the plan, (Vision,
Actions and Recommendations), was distributed to the committee
for discussion. Aaron noted that recently received NYSDOT Region
1 comments were to be incorporated.

A motion was made to approve the Plan with comments included


2. Consultant Projects, Aaron
A. Access Management Study, Aaron – Seeking approval today of
this study. Following the last TAC meeting, members were allowed
additional time to review the document and submit comments.
The TAC recommended the AMS to the Policy Committee for
approval. Since we don’t have the ability to reopen the technical
analyses, comments received from NYSDOT R1 regarding certain
driveway closures on certain parcels in the Study will be noted
within the document that the analysis did not take certain elements
into account and that there are other considerations besides
turning movements within an access change.

A motion was made to approve the Study


The Study will be delivered to municipalities. Part of the Study product was
the development of an educational slideshow. Mr. Valentine requested a
copy be given to CDTC.

B. Aviation Road Corridor Study, Aaron – At the Town’s request we
have expanded the scope of the study for the consultant to take a
more in-depth look at three individual roundabouts that had been
emerging through the planning process as being beneficial to the
corridor. The scope was expanded for a cost of $14,500.

Policy Committee Minutes
Page 3
March 12, 2008

C. On-call engineering services, Aaron – wanted to remind
everyone that we do have 3 contracts available with consulting
engineering firms with the express purpose of assisting
municipalities in the form of transportation engineering services.
These were set up to provide municipalities with services for which
we do not have staff expertise. The contracts are capped at $10K
and a local match of 20% is required. Mr. Rettig suggested that
this service be brought more to the attention of our municipalities.
Mr. Rowback pointed out that when we do these types of studies
on state highways, the municipality stands to benefit not only from
consulting services but from a working partnership with DOT.

D. Exit 20 RFP, Aaron – the RFPs for Exit 20 and GIS Services
should go out within the end of the week. Hope to have
consultants on board for the Exit 20 study to allow work to begin
during the summer peak season. Mr. Rowback and his department
will be paying particular attention to the Exit 20 study.
Replacement of aging parking infrastructure at the Outlets could
factor into a recommended improvement package.

3. 2008 UPWP Update Approval, Aaron – This is an administrative update to
revisit the finances and list progress we made on the existing 2007-2009
program. This update was mailed to our committee members for review.

A motion was moved to approve the administrative 2008 UPWP


4. Long Range Plan, Aaron – At previous meetings a list was circulated for
members to note if they wished to review draft LRP chapters as they were
completed. The drafts would be sent to those people. Drafts of the
Highway and Environmental chapters are nearing completion. Dave Rettig
suggested coming up with a timeline so we meet the October
deadline. Aaron affirmed that it was his understanding that conformity
analysis does not need to be redone providing that the horizon year 2030
is consistent with A/GFTC and CDTC.

5. Review of open funding opportunities, Aaron – This is a reminder to
everyone that the Short-Term Accident Reduction Program for local
highways is available. Applications should be received by April 1
st. In
response to a question from the Town of Moreau regarding the
intersection of US 9 and NYS 197, it was clarified that we are not
considering intersections with state highways as part of this program.
This funding is for local, town, village and county highways.
We do not know how much of the regional allocation of $2.0M will be
awarded to A/GFTC-area projects but we hope to select the best projects
for $400K or under that show a small financial investment coupled with a
substantial safety benefit. We will assist applicants with obtaining
accident data upon request. Mr. Rowback said that NYSDOT was not
choosing to not address safety locations on its system through this
program but rather that NYSDOT has its own safety selection process for
its system and this local funding source was established to address
accident histories on locally-owned roadways that often display a
disproportionately high crash history. Furthermore he noted that the

Policy Committee Minutes
Page 4
March 12, 2008

Department did wish to be informed by local officials of suspected accident
problems on the State system.

V. Transportation Improvement Program(TIP)
1. 2007-2012 Transportation Improvement Program
A. Review of TIP actions Dec 07 to Mar 08, Aaron – Two TIP actions
taken since the last Policy Committee meeting included approving
an additional $1 million for the Rt. 149 job in the Town of
Queensbury and reintroduced County 61 Buffum’s Bridge back
into the program where it belongs.

B. Adjustment of TIP change procedure, Aaron – This is on the
agenda as it pertains to SAFETEALU and its provisions for public
notification and public participation in regards to TIP changes. Any
major amendment needs a 30 public comment period. We are
more or less doing this since any major amendment brought
before the Policy Committee goes before the TAC first, but this will
be formally revised to satisfy the federal organizations.

2. Recent developments or action items for ongoing federal aid projects
A. New York State Department of Transportation, Dave Rettig –
The public meeting for the 197 bridge over the Hudson has not
been held and will probably take place in April. A/GFTC
consideration for changing the scope of the project in the TIP from
a replacement to a rehab has been requested. Since the last Policy
Committee meeting, the department held a transportation forum
on 20-year transportation needs. The existing funding mechanism
rewards fuel consumption and this seems somewhat
counterproductive and places NYS at a disadvantage. Over 20
years $37 billion are set aside for transportation needs. This will
only allow us to keep our system in a little better shape.
Mr. Rettig is trying to set up a meeting with the public and local
officials similar to one that was recently held in the Capital District.
All the elected officials will be invited so they can see what has
been accomplished and what is planned for the area.

B. Warren County DPW, Bill Lamy –
-The Corinth Road/ Exit 18 Corridor Project is currently in ROW
acquisition. Next Wednesday a public meeting on the eminent
domain procedures law will be held. Options for both above ground
power and buried power will be presented. The financial details are
still being worked out.
-The Beach Road Corridor Project, a completed scoping document
has been received and is under review.
-Bridge Projects, they are in various stages of planning.
Stony Creek bridges questions still not answered.
Dave Rettig noted that DOT has a project coming up For Route 9
resurfacing that will require coordination with construction of Beach
Road. The environmental issue of West Brook still needs to be

C. Washington County, Willy Grimmke –
– Rte. 42 is under construction. There have been issues with ROW
with one property owner.

Policy Committee Minutes
Page 5
March 12, 2008
-Whitehall Bridges over the railroad – have ADP under review as
well as comments from the Village. There has been communication
regarding drainage. There is an outstanding issue that the
agreement has to be clear that this is not the county’s bridge.
Washington County DPW is administering the project for the
benefit of the Village. The understanding with the railroad is that
they will be paying non-state, non-federal share. To date Mr.
Grimmke has no signed agreement stating that that is the case and
without that, the County will not advance the project. When it is
time to go to bid, the railroad’s budgeted share must be paid.
-County Rte. 61 is now HBRR-eligible; waiting for a revised
proposal from consultant
-County Rte. 113 over the Battenkill and County 41 reconstruction,
consultant selection is starting
-County 68, should have permission to advertise soon

D. Saratoga/Town of Moreau, Gina LeClair – question re:9/197 was
raised earlier in meeting.

E. City of Glens Falls – no representation

F. Town of Queensbury – no representation

Other Items:

Availability of the enhancement program, Aaron
Deadline for enhancement projects is June 27. Workshops will be held here in April.
Brief discussion on Rogers Island project and the how the selection process is
determined. Mr. Rettig will check on whether Marcheselli funds are available.

Also, question regarding 372 bridge in Greenwich was addressed to Mr. Rettig.
There will be a Village election in several weeks so the meeting should be postponed
until then.

Mr. Brockway let everyone know that the Rte 4 project will start up again and that
there will be detours starting on the 17

VI. Next meeting and adjourn
Next meeting is anticipated in June.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 2:57.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, February 8, 2008  

Attendees Agency Phone Fax
Mark Galough Wash. County Planning 746-2290
Preston Jenkins Town of Moreau 792-1802 792-1062
Wayne LaMothe Warren County Planning 761-6410 761-6411
William Lamy Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
David Rettig NYSDOT 388-0456 388-0430
Scott Sopczyk GGFT 792-1086 792-7952
Joe Sullivan City of Glens Falls, DPW 761-3834
Mike Valentine Saratoga County Planning 884-4705 884-4780
Walter Young LC/LGRPB 668-5773 668-5774

Lisa Penistan Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772
Jeff Tennyson Warren County DPW 761-6556 623-2772

Aaron Frankenfeld A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Kristina Hong A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Monika Bulman A/GFTC 746-2199 746-2441
Minutes of the Meeting

1. Welcome & Introductions –TAC Chair Bill Lamy called the meeting to order at

2. Visitor Issues – None

3. Administrative Items –

A. Approval of last meeting’s minutes

A motion was made to approve the November 13th meeting minutes.


B. Air quality conformity resolution (handout), Aaron
This new resolution is required based on the fact that CDTC approved its
2030 long range plan. A/GFTC and CDTC are in the same air quality
non-attainment area and both are required to demonstrate conformity.
The plan has been put out for public comment. None were received. As no
non-exempt projects are planned for the Town of Moreau, we can continue to
state that we are in compliance with air quality conformity.

A motion was made to approve the resolution


Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council

Washington County Municipal Center
383 Broadway, Room A-231 Fort Edward, New York 12828
phone: (518) 746-2199 fax: (518) 746-2441
gftc.org info@agftc.org

TAC Minutes
February 8, 2008
Page 2

C. Annual List of Obligated Projects (handout), Aaron
This is a re-emphasized federal requirement from SAFETEA designed to
improve the transparency of the federal transportation planning process. It is
an annual list of federal obligated projects and will be available on our web-
site. Mr. Sullivan had a question about funds remaining for the Warren Street
project and was told the project may not yet be closed out.
D. In-kind service forms (handout), Aaron
New committee members or those with salary changes should complete the
form and return it to A/GFTC as soon as possible.

4. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
A. Transit
1. GGFT Update, Scott Sopczyk
Since the last meeting, some transit evening services have been initiated
between Fort Edward and Upper Glen. There has been a small but steady
ridership. Plans for summer trolley service are underway. There will be
an Advisory Committee Meeting next week. New vehicles will be delivered
in May.
2. AlterNet Rides, Aaron
This is an internet car pool initiative. At this time 6 people have signed up
as users. Glens Falls Hospital and The Great Escape are interested in
sponsoring their own pages on the site. They will contribute to what it
costs us to establish their locations as destinations and this will in turn
allow them to have some control of online features. In the future we want
to advertise this service on a larger scale. We have received good press
about the initiative.

Mr. Sopczyk mentioned that the Town of Queensbury and the Adirondack
Regional Chamber of Commerce have expressed interest in sponsoring
some bus shelters on Rte. 9. Additional bus/trolley shelters may become
a possibility at locations where repaving is planned.

Mr. Jenkins relayed to Mr. Sopczyk the interest seniors have in a regular
bus service at the Third Street Midtown Apartments. On-demand bus
service is available via a phone call, but existing services can be
reevaluated if there is significant need.

3. Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan (handout)
This draft is available on line. The Plan is required by Federal Transit
Administration to be in place in order to access three different FTA
programs: Section 5310-Elderly and individuals with disabilities; Section
5316-Job access and reverse commute (JARC); Section 5317-New
freedom. The draft plan contains some census data, reasons why there is
a need to do the plan and geographic analysis. The preliminary materials
and results from our survey were shared with a number of human services
agencies that had returned the original survey. Aaron reviewed the draft
plan in depth for the TAC and discussed some of the modifications and
additions to the draft that will be forthcoming. Aaron asked for approval
of the draft with the additions and updates for public comment. The
desire is to start the public comment period around the 12
th. To make
certain that one has the current draft on our web site, checking the post
date was suggested.

TAC Minutes
February 8, 2008
Page 3

A motion was made to approve the draft edited CHSTP for public comment


4. FTA passenger mile survey, Aaron
GGFT asked us to repeat the 2005 survey again to satisfy a Federal
Transit Administration requirement. Approximately 500 bus/trolley rides
are necessary to complete the survey. This year in addition to our staff,
temporary clerks will be hired. FTA requires that this passenger mile
study be done every three years to allow the allocation of federal funds
in urbanized areas with a population of over 200,000. Mr. Sopczyk is
hopeful that the new buses coming for 2009 will have passenger counters
and a way to automate and make the calculations required easier.
B. Consultant Activities
1. Access Management study, Aaron Most of the chapters are on line for
review. It is a large document. There was been good committee
participation on this study. This project has been on our work program for
quite some time (1999) and ended up being a regional study.
a. Presentation of final document-Aaron gave the presentation to
the TAC focusing on the results of two of the four case studies:
Rte. 9 (Upper Glen Street in Qsby) and NYS 32 (Dix Avenue in
Kingsbury). The guidebook includes the two other case studies:
NYS 197 in Moreau and Quaker Road in Queensbury. There is a
great deal of technical documentation included. We would like to
recommend this guidebook for Policy Committee consideration to
adopt it.

Mr. Rettig requested more time to have the guidebook reviewed
by his staff. A letter will be sent out to the TAC to get approval
for the guidebook by the 29
th of February so it can be presented
to the Policy Committee.

2. Aviation Road Corridor study, Aaron
a. Status of Work: An expansion of the scope of work has been
requested by the Town of Queensbury and the Queensbury
School District. Three primary intersection improvements were
identified; all three involve possible roundabouts. Queensbury
would like the consultants to analyze the locations of the
potential roundabouts more carefully. ROW was discussed. The
revised price to reanalyze the three locations was $14K. Mr.
LaMothe questioned if the School had completed their Master
Plan. Aaron said the contents of the Plan are known to include a
new access on the western end of the campus; they are looking
at a modification to the main entrance (a roundabout).

A motion was requested to allow the consultant to go ahead with
the analysis


TAC Minutes
February 8, 2008
Page 4

3. Upcoming RFPs, Aaron
Hope to have the RFP out for Exit 20 soon.

About a year ago Mr. Lamy and Mr. Bill Thomas met with DOT-Region 1 to
talk about the Exit 20 corridor. Mr. Lamy received a letter recently from
Mark Kennedy describing their findings regarding signal coordination and
issues with backups on the ramp. A copy will be sent to A/GFTC.

Mr. LaMothe pointed out that there are 21 curb cuts from the exit ramp to
the traffic light at 149. This is the same amount of square footage as the
original Crossgates Mall and there is 1/3 of the parking. The initial
recommendation from the County Planning Board when the first project
was presented was to put in service roads but the Town of Queensbury did
not wish to do so.

The GIS RFP would allow someone to come in and look at our data
system. This would include scanning the other MPOs around the state to
see what types of things they are doing with GIS. We want to improve
our internet mapping capabilities. Hope to get this RFP out soon.

Mr. Rettig invited A/GFTC staff to attend a regional GIS coordination
meeting on February 20
th at the regional office.

C. Staff Activities
1. Long Range Plan, Aaron
In the next several weeks staff will be able to resume work on various
chapters of the Plan.

2. Local System Short Term Accident Reduction, Aaron
Several months ago Mr. Rettig came to a TAC meeting and outlined the
desired direction of STP safety money as a local system short term
accident reduction program that would be funded by taking the safety
allocation and turning it over to locals on a regional basis. This would
allow the 8-county region to select projects based upon the most pressing
identifiable safety needs. CDTC has decided that they are entitled to a 70-
75% sub-allocation of these funds. As a result 3 solicitations within the
Region will need to be done.

D. 2008 UPWP Updates (handout), Aaron
We are required to do an administrative update. Last year we had a two year
work program approved. We will go back to a one year work program after
this year. The financial tables reflect carryovers and new FHWA funds.
One major change in the narrative is the description of technical services
contract that we would administer as a Shared Cost Initiative (an NYSMPO
mechanism for taking funds that would have gone to an individual MPO off
the top of the allocations and pooling them towards consulting studies that
are of value to all). This is being changed to hosting a software and
visualization standardization cost initiative.

TAC Minutes
February 8, 2008
Page 5

5. TIP
A. Amendments, Aaron
The processed amendments included getting Buffum’s Bridge back in the
program and a $1 million NHS amendment for ROW acquisition for the 149

Mr. Rettig reported that statewide, NHS funds are tremendously over

B. Project Update
1. Warren County, Jeff Tennyson
Alder Brook Road
, have received proposals and are in the consultant
selection phase
Grist Mill Road
and Tannery, expect a small increase on some
construction costs for Tannery Bridge; to proceed with the two bridges
at the same time and to provide a single detour has undergone some
review by DOT.
Beach Road
, expect scoping soon
Corinth Road,
the Town of Queensbury has decided to pursue
underground utilities regardless of whether they win their court case or
not. ROW money is being distributed. Aaron asked if the Town is now
committed to paying for the underground utilities. A Town Resolution
is expected. Construction may start at the earliest in the spring of
Woolen Mill Bridge,
is stalled in ROW incidentals and acquisitions;
expecting some final resolution and hoping to move forward
2. Washington County – no report
3. Town of Moreau, Preston Jenkins
Had nothing to report
4. Glens Falls, Joe Sullivan
Working on paving schedule.
5. Queensbury – no report
6. NYSDOT, Dave Rettig
NYS 149-NYS 372
, There is a slope failure on NYS 372,
consequently this cannot wait and has to be accelerated into the
149 project.
197 over East Branch of Hudson
, still need to have a public
meeting since the project is now a rehab not a replacement.
Rte 372
, there will be an advisory committee meeting

On February 15 there will be a 20 years needs roundtable
discussion at DOT, Wolf Road from 1 to 3:30. The Commissioner
will give a presentation at this meeting. Subtopics will include
energy and environment.

5. Next meeting and adjourn- Will schedule the next meeting as needed. Mr.
LaMothe made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:34.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, December 18, 2007

Policy Committee Meeting

Minutes of Wednesday, December 18, 2007


Ralph Bentley, Supervisor, Town of Horicon
Harry Gutheil, Supervisor, Town of Moreau
James Lindsay, Supervisor, Town of Kingsbury
Brian Rowback, Regional Director, NYSDOT Region 1
Dan Stec, Supervisor, Town of Queensbury
Louis Tessier, Supervisor, Town of Lake George
Steven Sweeney, NYS Canal Corp. (rep. Bill Rinaldi)
William Thomas, Chairman, Warren County Board of Supervisors
JoAnn Trinkle, Chairman, Washington County Board of Supervisors


Willy Grimmke, Washington County DPW
Bill Lamy, Warren County DPW
Dave Rettig, NYSDOT- Region 1
Scott Sopczyk, GGFT
John Wheatley, EDC Warren County

A/GFTC Staff:

Monika Bulman, Administrative Assistant
Aaron Frankenfeld, Transportation Planning Director

Prior to the official start of the meeting Aaron expressed appreciation to Mr. Thomas
and Mr. Gutheil for their many years of supportive contribution to our Committee.
They will be missed. We wish them well in their retirement.

I. Welcome & Introductions
A. Introductory remarks-Chairman William Thomas introduced Mr. Brian
Rowback, the new Regional Director for NYSDOT Region 1.
Mr. Rowback has been in his current position since October 1, having
previously worked in the Main Office in addition to previous experience
with an MPO. He is working on becoming familiar with the unique regional
issues and the regional program. He assured the Policy Committee he is a
hands-on person and is accessible. Mr. Rowback commented on the
Adirondack Park (three separate regions cover the Park) and the need for
uniformity. Mr. Lamy expressed his concerns to Mr. Rowback with pass
through projects and the backlog with the State Comptrollers Office. Mr.
Grimmke indicated he was very happy with residency relationships.

Chairman Bill Thomas called the formal Policy Committee to order at
10:17 am.
II. Visitors Issues – None
III. Administration
1. Approval of last meeting’s minutes

Motion was made to approve the June 13, 2007 minutes

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council

Washington County Municipal Center
383 Broadway, Room A-231 Fort Edward, New York 12828
phone: (518) 746-2199 fax: (518) 746-2441
gftc.org info@agftc.org

Policy Committee Minutes
Page 2
December 18, 2007

IV. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
1. Transit
A. GGFT Report-Scott Sopczyk (handout)
Two small buses will be replaced in 2008; an agreement will be
entered to replace larger buses in 2009; new trolleys with air
conditioning were put into service this year; extended evening
services have started and will operate on a trial basis through
June; an agreement has been entered with West Mountain ski
center to operate a shuttle service between Glens Falls and the
West Mountain facility to accommodate skiers and employees;
overall ridership in 2007 was up except for FAME.
B. AlterNet Rides development-Aaron, GGFT brought an internet-
based carpooling match finding service to A/GFTC’s attention; it
is now on our website. It allows members to search for or offer
rides to 20 preset destinations. Membership is free. Corporate
sponsorship is what A/GFTC would like to obtain to support this
program. Destinations include Glens Falls Hospital, City of Glens
Falls, Washington County Municipal Center, Sagamore Resort,
etc. A/GFTC has paid for the web application. The Aviation Mall
had security and capacity concerns for a park and ride and after
some discussion, Dave Rettig has agreed to have Region 1 staff
contact the mall to pursue a possible leasing arrangement.

2. Consultant Projects, Aaron
A. Access Management Study-expecting production of the final
document to begin next week; the report will be presented to the
Policy Committee at its next meeting for MPO adoption.
B. Aviation Road Corridor Study-the study advisory committee will
be meeting today at 3; in June there was a very well attended
public workshop at the Ramada; we had over 60 people; the
documentation of the plan needs work; the recommendations are
very solid and have good support from the School and the Town.
Intersection modifications were examined; a series of
roundabouts appear to be very beneficial work. A revised draft of
the plan will be posted on our website.
C. Traffic Count Program-we just received our second season of
traffic count data from our consultant; we are in the process of
reviewing this new information against our old count data.
D. On-call engineering services-Aaron wanted to remind everyone
that we do have 3 contracts available with consulting engineering
firms with the express purpose of assisting municipalities in the
form of transportation engineering services. These were set up to
provide municipalities with services that we do not have staff
expertise for. The contracts are capped at $10K and a local
match of 20% is required. Brief discussion ensued regarding Exit

3. Staff Activities – Aaron
A. Long Range Plan Update,
1. Status of Plan development/draft chapter
The Plan has been taken on at a chapter by chapter basis; the
introductory materials, setting, goals and objectives,
summary of public survey results, draft copies of the

Policy Committee Minutes
Page 3
December 18, 2007

public transportation chapter and the bridge chapter are
completed; we still have considerable work remaining on the
highway chapter, need to update the bicycle and pedestrian
chapter and a chapter on rail and freight and finances.

2. Review and approval of draft Principles-(handout)
Aaron envisions the Principles as a conclusion to the
Long Range Plan. These set general policies for the Council as it
considers future projects and programs.

A motion was made to approve the Principles


B. Coordinated Human Services Transportation Program-Aaron
This Program is a required Plan in order for areas to access three
different Federal Transit Administration programs designed to provide
additional transportation services for elderly and disabled individuals
as well as access to jobs and reverse commuting. Since the last
meeting, tabulations of a number of returned surveys from municipal
department heads have been completed. A funding prioritization
strategy for the program needs to be established. Hope to complete
this Plan before April.

V. Transportation Improvement Program(TIP)
1. Recent development or action items
for ongoing federal aid projects:
A. New York State Department of Transportation, Dave Rettig –
Most of the projects have been shut down during winter; several
projects are in design; at the last TAC meeting, Mary Ricard,
Project Manager for the 197 bridge, explained the reasoning for
the change in the scope of the project and the need for a TIP
amendment. At the TAC the consensus was that DOT allow the
public to hear more about the project before changing the
original scope. There will be a public informational meeting on
this project. Region 1 staff and Aaron attended a meeting at
CDTC to discuss a proposed local highway STAR (short-term
accident reduction) program. The MPOs agreed with the Region1
proposal to apply all of the Region’s STP Safety money to this
program, using a data driven approach with no suballocations.
Discussion took place regarding source and use of accident data.
B. Warren County, Bill Lamy
▪Corinth/Exit 18 Corridor-in the process of acquiring ROW; going
through the actual payment of checks to property owners for
about half of the of the 90 parcels that will need to be acquired.
There has been a statute change in the eminent domain process
resulting in the need for another public hearing. Working closely
with the Town of Queensbury to come to an ultimate decision on
whether the undergrounding of utilities is the way the project will
be presented in final design. It is doubtful this project will be
under construction in 2008.
▪The Beach Road Corridor – The County has partnered with
NYSDEC to do the entire corridor. 60% of the road is owned by
Warren County, 40% by NYSDEC. There have been several public
informational meetings. Close to finalizing a scoping document.

Policy Committee Minutes
Page 4
December 18, 2007

▪Construction on the Padanarum Road Bridge in the Town of
Bolton is completed.
C. Washington County DPW, Willy Grimmke
▪Since the last Policy Committee, the following bridge projects
have been completed: County Rte. 21 over the Mettawee in the
Town of Granville, and the rehabilitation Buskirk, Eagleville and
Rexleigh Covered Bridges.
▪County Rte. 12 over the Mettawee in Granville is under design
▪County Rte. 42 in the Town of Fort Edward is under construction
and should be complete in the spring of 2008
▪County Rte. 41 getting ready to go to consultant selection
▪County Rte. 61 over the Battenkill has been reopened
D. Saratoga County/Town of Moreau, Harry Gutheil – no recent

City of Glens Falls, no representation present
Town of Queensbury, Dan Stec
▪Rte 149, business owners are concerned about the duration the
timing of the closure on Rte. 149. Mr. Stec hoped it would be
possible to pick and choose what end of the stretch the
construction would start on. The suggestion was also made to
have a second or off shift construction schedule to expedite the
▪Rte 9 will be resurfaced, going from city line to Round Pond Rd.
▪Bridge slated for replacement on 9L near Haviland Road
▪Dunhams Bay Bridge in Lake George has very low clearance and
should have greater clearance.
2. 2007-2012 Transportation Improvement Plan
A. Status of STIP, the STIP has been approved
B. TIP Changes/Amendments
• Make the Connection Program, Aaron
This program allowed for small – scale bike/pedestrian
projects. Our solicitations resulted in 4 applications.
Three applications were accommodated in full in addition to
the partial funding of the fourth request.
C. Annual Listing of Obligated Projects, Aaron
MPOs have to put together a list of obligated projects. We are
working on it.
Mr. Rowback had some closing comments, noting his favorable
impression with scope of the MPO activities.
Mr. Gutheil asked about Exit 12.

VI. Next meeting and adjourn
Hope to have a meeting in March
Mr. Thomas adjourned the meeting at 11:40.