A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes  
Wednesday, June 17, 2015  1:15 PM 
Attendees    Agency 
Brian Abare    Village of South Glens Falls DPW 
Stu Baker    Town of Queensbury Community Development 
Audrey Burneson    NYSDOT Region 1 
Frank Bonafide    NYSDOT Region 1 
Rob Cherry    NYSDOT Region 1 
Tracy Conlon    Trustee, Village of Fort Edward 
Chris DeBolt    Washington County Planning Department 
Ed Doughney    Warren County DPW 
Ben Fischer    FHWA
 NY Division 
Steve Haskins    Washington County DPW 
Fred Mastroianni    Greenman ‐ Pedersen Inc. 
Dan Rourke    Barton and Loguidice 
Greg Wichser    NYSDOT Region 1 
A/GFTC Staff 
Aaron Frankenfeld 
Kate Mance 
1. Welcome and Introductions ‐ The meeting was called to order at 1:15. 
2. Visitors Issues ‐ no visitors present. 
3. UPWP 
A. 2015‐16 Work Program activities 
1) Dix Avenue reassessment (Aaron): 4 proposals received; proposal review resulted 
in little score separation; interviews were conducted with Top 3; project has 
awarded to The Chazen Companies; contract has been transmitted ‐ completion 
requested 6 months from contract signature. 
2) Exit 18 rezoning analysis (Aaron): The Town of Queensbury has requested an 
analysis of trip generation impacts of proposed zoning changes at Exit 18; project 
was circulated to our on‐call consultants and
 awarded to CHA; initial traffic data 
collection is complete and a meeting is scheduled for next week to confirm 
development assumptions; project has been fast‐tracked at the Town’s request. 
3) River Street Concept Plan (Kate): The draft final has been subjected to a public 
review period and was presented 
during a well‐attended meeting of the 
Warrensburg Town Board. The Town has already endorsed the report. Per 
Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council 
11 South Street, Suite 203  
Glens Falls, NY 12801 
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 –  0584 

A/GFTC’s Public Participation Plan, TAC approval is required in order to finalize 
the document 
A motion was made to approve the River Street Streetscape and Revitalization Plan. 
Moved by: Stu Baker  Seconded by: Chris DeBolt    Motion carried. 
4) Warren County Safety Analysis ‐ (Kate):  The safety scan for Warren County is
complete. Warren County has communicated that there are no outstanding issues 
with the report. Previous safety scans conducted by A/GFTC have been internal 
documents, but our Public Participation Plan calls for public comment 
opportunity and committee approval for all A/GFTC technical reports. Kate 
reported that Warren County DPW had no 
objection to releasing it for public 
comment. Committee members present questioned the liability implications of 
releasing a document that highlighted areas with known crash occurrences to the 
public. Rob Cherry suggested that not approving the document as final may 
prevent abuse of the data therein. Chris DeBolt asked Ed Doughney if
document had been circulated to the Warren County Attorney’s office for 
opinion. Greg Wichser noted a NYSDOT disclaimer used in conjunction with crash 
reporting may be applicable here. Staff noted that the intent of the document 
was to inform further investigation and programming decisions; no 
recommended mitigations are included. 
Chris DeBolt stated that concerns over 
liability should not dissuade staff from compiling this type of information. No 
action was taken on the plan. An executive summary will be added to clarify the 
intent of the report, the document will be shared with the County Attorney for 
comment, and NYSDOT will
 provide their disclaimer for illustration and possible 
5) NCHRP Project ‐ Commercial Vehicles in Smart Growth Environments (Aaron): A 
workshop was held on May 21 to discuss commercial vehicle operations in 
downtown GF as a case study for a national research project; participation was 
great, thanks in particular to the 
Glens Falls Fire Department, ARCC, the Wood 
Theater, Independent Drivers Association. Delivery of the report is expected by 
the end of the year. 
4. GGFT Update ‐ Scott Sopczyk provided a written summary to Aaron, noting the extension of 
seasonal trolley services to Warrensburg and Thurman Station, recent delivery of new 
and ongoing work on the FFY 2016 grant application to the Federal Transit Administration. 
5. TIP 
A. Bridge Preservation analysis (Aaron):  the draft reports for all three counties as well 
as the regional roll‐up were delivered last week; those have been forwarded to the 
counties asking for comments 
back to me by June 26 (Saratoga County’s comments 
have been received already). 

B. Amendments and Modifications ‐ no amendments are requested today, but please 
convey any needed changes prior to the middle of July as Aaron will be away and 
eSTIP modifications will be a challenge from outside of the office. 
C. Project updates from sponsors  
 Warren County ‐ Ed Doughney reported on 
a number of ongoing federal aid 
projects (update attached) 
 Washington County ‐ Steve Haskins reported that CR 16 is complete, design 
work continues on CR 113, and CR 10 has received federal authorization with 
approval on the interstate agreement with Vermont expected by June 19. 
 Saratoga County / Town of
 Moreau ‐ no report 
 Glens Falls ‐ no report 
 Queensbury ‐Stu Baker noted that a Title VI audit is underway for the  
Aviation / Dixon / Farr Lane project. 
 Fort Edward ‐ no report 
 NYSDOT ‐ Frank Bonafide noted: 
o the letting of approximately 31 lane miles of repaving, including 
sections of NYS 32 in Queensbury and Kingsbury, NYS 254 in 
Queensbury, NYS 8 in Thurman and Johnsburg, NYS 40 in Easton, and 
an additional 5 lane miles of NYS 22 in Granville. 
o three bridges to be replaced under Governor Cuomo’s Bridge Scour 
program ‐ NYS 28 over the Hudson River,
 NYS 196 over the Feeder 
Canal and US Route 4 over the Feeder Canal. 
o the Route 9 Gateway Project contract was still being reviewed by the 
Comptroller’s office. 
D. Program solicitation updates 
1) Bridge and Pavement Preservation programs  ‐ based upon discussion at the last 
meeting and follow‐up with
 the Counties to affirm priorities, staff has identified a 
funding proposal that would allow for the programming of pavement 
preservation projects for Bay Road and West Mountain Road in Queensbury and 
Fortsville Road in Moreau, as well as bridge painting projects for Center Falls Road 
and Lower Turnpike (see attached). 
This addresses top preservation program 
priorities from all three counties; all remaining STP Flex bridge preservation 
setasides would be converted to STP Off System Bridge funds. 
A motion was made to approve the programming changes. 
Moved by: Stu Baker  Seconded by: Steve Haskins  Motion carried. 
2) FTA 5310 (Kate): Application
 deadline was June 8. Review committee is in place, 
although participants have not been contacted by NYSDOT (pending). It is unclear 
how many applications were generated within the area; only two are known at 
this point. The compressed timeline may necessitate committee balloting for 
project approvals to prevent lapsing of 
FFY 2013 funds. 

3) Proposed revisions to the Make the Connection program solicitation (Aaron): The 
revised Make the Connection solicitation was distributed at the last meeting for 
committee comment. No comments have been received. The project minimum 
for construction has been raised to $75,000 ($60,000 federal share). Staff would 
like to make one more
 attempt at a program solicitation prior to the TIP update. 
The committee had no objection. Staff will time the new project solicitation to 
coincide with the onset of the next federal fiscal year.  
E. State transportation budget (Aaron): ‐ current federal program extension through 
7/31, (33 such extension to date) ‐ 6
 year bill sought by administration, $100B 
funding gap; Congress looking at repatriation of offshore taxable revenue. 
Uncertainty at federal level impacts TIP update and State capital programming. Frank 
noted that level funding appears to be the operating assumption moving forward, but 
a significant amount of local program projects let during 
the last few years will have a 
negative impact on future program balances. 
6. Other Items ‐ Chris DeBolt raised three issues: 
 Concern among members of the Board of Supervisors regarding the long‐term plans for 
the redundant structures bridging US Route 4 over the Champlain Canal to Galusha 
and the relationship to the Champlain Canalway trail. 
 The desire for bicycle and pedestrian improvements to be incorporated as part of the 
CR 113 over the Batten Kill bridge replacement project; discussion ensued; Frank 
Bonafide noted that the issue was not necessarily the responsibility of Region 1; while 
cost is
 always a consideration, the decision on what facilities are to be included in the 
final design is a function of the locally‐administered design process; Aaron noted that it 
has been A/GFTC’s philosophy to programmatically support ongoing major projects to 
the extent that it can ‐ this doesn’t guarantee that funds 
will be available, but there is 
preference to get the best possible project from ongoing initiatives. 
 The mechanisms for CFA project support letters were discussed. Aaron noted that staff 
letters of support for were easily done and have been done in the past. Articulating 
committee support is more challenging, as
 the State participants would have to 
abstain, but those too can be done if warranted. 
7. Adjourn ‐ The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 16.  
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 2:20 PM. 
Moved by: Frank Bonafide  Seconded by: Steve Haskins  Meeting adjourned. 

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes  
Wednesday, April 15, 2015  1:00 PM 
Attendees    Agency 
Brian Abare    Village of South Glens Falls DPW 
Stu Baker    Town of Queensbury Community Development 
Frank Bonafide    NYSDOT Region 1 
Tracy Conlon    Trustee, Village of Fort Edward 
Paul Cummings    The Chazen Companies 
Lindsay Donnellon    FHWA NY Division 
Ben Fischer    FHWA NY Division 
Karen Hulihan    NYSDOT Region 1 
Steve Haskins    Washington County
Fred Mastroianni    Greenman ‐ Pedersen Inc. 
Scott Sopczyk    Greater Glens Falls Transit 
Jeff Tennyson    Warren County DPW 
Mike Valentine    Saratoga County Planning Department 
Greg Wichser    NYSDOT Region 1 
A/GFTC Staff 
Aaron Frankenfeld 
Kate Mance 
1. Welcome and Introductions ‐ Aaron called the meeting to order at 1:00. 
2. Visitor Issues ‐ none. 
3. UPWP 
A. 2014‐15 Work Program activities (Kate) 
1) EV Network Screen ‐ The final revision was released for a two‐week public comment 
period. Substantive comments were received
 from SUNY Albany (possibly resulting from 
a presentation that Kate did for Capital District Clean Communities at CDTC) and will be 
incorporated into the document, which will then be transmitted to the urban area 
municipalities. Scott asked if any materials were available for Earth Day activities at SUNY 
Adirondack; staff 
agreed to check. 
2) Crash Data Analysis ‐ The draft Warren County report is complete and being reviewed by 
DPW. It should be ready for committee review by the June 17 meeting. The report could 
be used as a template for other areas. New data includes roadway departures and 
intersection analyses; the
 new content is a significant improvement over previous staff‐
based analyses. 
3) River Street Conceptual Plan ‐ The draft has been made available for public comment 
(Kate circulated copies of the document). A public meeting was held in conjunction with 
the Warrensburg Town Board meeting. Comments were generated at the meeting, 
and a 
Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council 
11 South Street, Suite 203  
Glens Falls, NY 12801 
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 –  0584 

volume of comments have been received from NYSDOT. The final draft will be sent to the 
TAC in May with a goal of a June approval to support any CFA applications that may be 
forthcoming from the Town. The Town is happy with the plan. Kate thanked Paul 
Cummings of Chazen
 for helping to prepare a solid report. Jeff Tennyson asked if the 
report had generated any controversy; Kate noted that there was no dispute from the 
public. A detailed cost estimate was prepared by Chazen but is not being included in the 
final report. 
4) GGFT brochure ‐ Kate noted the 
ongoing work on behalf of GGFT; Scott Sopczyk 
circulated a draft. The new version consolidates all route information into one handout. 
B. 2015‐16 Work Program activities (Aaron) 
1) Dix Avenue reassessment  ‐ This project will review a 2000 corridor study and update of 
conceptual improvements and assessment of forecasted traffic 
and growth. RFPs were 
sent to over 20 consulting firms; target cost at $35,000; responses are due Friday. 
Volunteers will be sought to evaluate the proposals. 
2) Exit 18 rezoning and trip generation analysis ‐ The Town of Queensbury has requested a 
traffic impact analysis of proposed zoning changes in the Exit
 18 area to: 
 determine the effects of maximum buildout on the surface transportation system 
 conceptual improvements needed to accommodate buildout 
 applicability of impact fees and cost‐sharing models 
 and potential changes to the zoning that would prevent capacity from being 
The Town is in a 
position to move this and has indicated to staff that this is a high 
priority. We will work on a request letter with the Town and circulate to our on‐call 
consultants. This effort will force us to put Halfway Brook Trail connector on hold to limit 
cash flow issues with
 host. This project would be administered as an on‐call project. The 
committee concurred that this was worthwhile effort. 
3) Performance‐Based Planning Transition Strategy ‐ A/GFTC staff has been advised by our 
NYSAMPO staff consultants to hold off on this, pending further developments at the 
State and national level. 
Development of an Indirect Cost Rate ‐ NYSDOT has communicated to A/GFTC that there 
is a federal requirement to develop an indirect cost rate (the ratio of costs not 
attributable to any particular deliverable to direct costs, including salaries and project 
related expenses). The value of this exercise remains unclear. This appears
 to be a 
requirement of the host agency and is to be established between it and its largest federal 
contributing agency. LC‐LGRPB has no such rate in place. The risk is perceived to be 
inability for the feds to reimburse for our expenses, so we will be working with 
and their accountants to satisfy the requirement. A motion was made to request that 
LC‐LGRPB share in the accounting cost to satisfy this requirement. 
Moved by : Frank Bonafide Seconded by: Stu Baker  Motion Carried. 
Jeff Tennyson asked what office of NYSDOT was requesting this information; Frank 
Bonafide replied that it was the Statewide Planning bureau in the Main Office. 
5) NCHRP Project ‐ Commercial Vehicles in Smart Growth Environments ‐ The National 
Cooperative Highway Research Program has contracted with Cambridge Systematics to 
develop a guide for incorporating commercial vehicles within smart growth 
environments. They have identified Glens Falls 
as smart growth environment by virtue of 

being retrofitted aging commercial corridor, and would like to include this area as a case 
study.  They have looked to A/GFTC to help put this together and assemble a stakeholder 
meeting. After some discussion pertaining to the role of NCHRP, it was determined that 
there was no committee objection to staff
 assisting Cambridge Systematics with this 
 Aaron noted to Tracy Conlon that staff would be in touch with the Village regarding the 
 planned trail project in Moreau. 
4. GGFT Update ‐ Scott Sopczyk reported that GGFT was preparing for trolley season. A second larger 
trolley has been received. These new
 vehicles accommodate standees better than the older fleet 
vehicles and will be used on the Glens Falls to Lake George runs. GGFT is actively seeking drivers for the 
summer season. Ridership is up in 2015 by 7.4% compared to the quarter of 2014; this is noteworthy 
given the long winter. 
The value of the brochure (agenda Item 3.A.4.) was discussed. Scott noted that 
GGFT was working with a private venture that is looking to obtain operating authority to provide transit 
services between Warrensburg and Glens Falls. There are some apparent logistical issues associated 
with the application. GGFT is interested in having
 the proposed new service connect to existing GGFT 
operations, possibly in Lake George or at the Warren County Municipal Center. 
5. TIP 
A. Bridge Preservation analysis ‐ Aaron ‐ A revised application including prior comments and a 
cost estimation utility was circulated to the DPWs and DOT for comment; no additional 
 were received. GPI is working to incorporate data from all three counties by the 
end of the month, with the report to follow. 
B. Amendments and Modifications 
1) STP Off System Bridge Program ‐ Aaron ‐ amendments to the bridge program have been 
processed following PC approval; some eSTIP issues persist. 
Route 9 over Trout Brook  ‐  Aaron ‐ TIP amendment request for a new project from 
NYSDOT. Bridge preservation had been proposed, but the structure’s condition is beyond 
preservation and is a candidate for replacement. The funding offset has been identified 
as a rural county pavement preservation setaside. Frank reported the 
costs as $2.1M for 
construction and $0.240M for construction inspection. Design is being advanced with 
State funds. New projects require Policy Committee approval. A motion was made to 
approve this request for public comment and Policy Committee consideration.  
Moved by : Mike Valentine Seconded by: Scott Sopczyk  Motion Carried. 
CR 10 over the Poultney River ‐ Aaron ‐ The State of Vermont has requested that it be 
allowed to move ahead with this bi‐state project, with future reimbursements from 
Washington County. They are only looking to advance design at this point; Frank noted 
that it is anticipated that the construction 
schedule can be coordinated with 
development of the TIP update. Discussion ensued regarding the source of funds; Frank 
indicated that we will continue to be overprogrammed in STP Off System Bridge funds. A 
motion was made to program $0.150M for the reintroduced PE phase. 
Moved by : Mike Valentine Seconded 
by: Frank Bonafide  Motion Carried. 

4) Transit 
i. Facility Rehabilitation ‐ Scott articulated the request to move FFY 14‐15 facility 
improvement funds to FFY 15‐16. This constitutes an administration 
modification; no amendment is required. Staff will make the change. 
ii. Operations Vehicle ‐ Scott Sopczyk communicated GGFT’s request that a project 
be added to the TIP
 to allow GGFT to replace the 2003 operations vehicle. The 
project cost is $0.026M. Aaron stated to the committee that since this 
constitutes a new project, a public comment period and Policy Committee 
approval were necessary. A motion was made to approve this request for public 
comment and Policy Committee 
Moved by : Mike Valentine Seconded by: Jeff Tennyson  Motion Carried. 
C. Project updates from sponsors  
 Warren County ‐ Jeff Tennyson ‐ Working on scope change for Palisades Road from 
element specific rehab to replacement; Valley Road bids were opened on the 7th and 
were under budget. Blair Road is
 in the ROW acquisition phase, letting in August. The 
bridge painting project will proceed this month. MTC projects will be constructed this 
 Washington County ‐ Steve Haskins ‐ CR 113 bridge design agreements are being 
signed and returned. 
 Saratoga County ‐ no ongoing projects 
 City of Glens Falls ‐ no 
 Town of Queensbury ‐ Stu Baker ‐ final payments and closeouts for Aviation Road will 
follow last billing. 
 NYSDOT ‐ Karen Hulihan distributed the Regional Directors commitment list for the 
preceding year; local delivery of projects was good. Frank Bonafide noted that there 
were 31 local projects administered by the Region
 during the year, totaling $60M. 
The large program was a strain on capital and staff resources.  The negative funding 
balance may have to be accommodated within the TIP update. Route 9 Gateway is 
let, $1M under estimate. Frank credited GPI for getting the project designed within a 
year. Maintenance paving 
projects include Route 40 in Easton, Routes 32/911E/254 
in Hudson Falls and Queensbury, Route 8 in Thurman and Johnsburg (31 miles). 
D. Capital Project Setasides 
1) Pavement Preservation ‐  Aaron ‐ A/GFTC received $4.365m in applications (14 projects) 
against approximately $1.819 in available funds.  
2) Bridge Preservation ‐ Aaron‐  there is $1.561M tied 
up in hard‐to spend STP Flex eligible 
bridge preservation. Committee may wish to consider moving that money to pavement 
preservation. Doing so yields $3.380M, enough to fund priority pavement projects 1 and 
2 from Warren County and Saratoga County, as well as 1, 3, and 4 from Washington 
County. Frank
 Bonafide has explored trading in that STP Flex for STP Off System, which is 
much more in demand within A/GFTC. This may not be permissible; Frank is awaiting a 
response from NYDOT Main Office. Jeff Tennyson noted that he would prefer to have 
more flexibility with bridge funding, as the 
paving projects are easier projects to 
administer with County resources. If allowed, we could move some to pavement and 
some to Off System bridge. Frank should have an answer within 2 weeks. The decision to 
award pavement projects was deferred pending receipt of additional information 
regarding funding options. 

3) FTA 5310 
i. Solicitation process  ‐ Aaron briefly noted the program and the lapsed solicitation 
schedule. Kate explained the Sharepoint application process is new and issues had to 
be resolved. Once up and running, it should be an improvement. 
ii. Selection criteria ‐ Kate ‐ MPOs will be rating and ranking the projects
 for the first 
time (formerly a State responsible). A priority listing of goals from Coordinated 
Human Services Transportation Plan was distributed. That list is intended to serve as 
a guide for applicants and reviewers. Committee members will be asked to assist 
with project evaluations. Scott asked if sustaining operations was 
identified as a 
priority. Kate replied that since the priorities were developed from an operator 
survey, that wasn’t specifically called out in the list. We will add that to the list for 
E. Proposed revisions to the Make the Connection program solicitation ‐ Kate ‐ In an attempt to 
address project 
deliver issues associated with MTC, staff has revised the solicitation 
narrative. Changes include: 
 sidewalk repairs are not eligible 
 no ROW is emphasized 
 allowing design as an eligible expense; requiring new sponsors to apply for design 
 project minimum ($50,000 fed) for construction and $20,000 for design 
 2 year solicitation 
 no in‐kind service matches 
 Frank asked what the implications of design‐only projects might be on the ten year rule. He 
 also noted previous discussion encouraging applicants to have design completed before 
 approaching the MPO for funding. Discussion ensued regarding sponsoring municipalities, 
staff assistance to applicants, increasing the project minimum, staff‐facilitated training, 
 outside funding opportunities, and consultant ‐ assisted training. Aaron asked that the 
 committee review the draft and be ready to provide comments to Kate within a couple of 
F. State transportation budget ‐ no specific details were discussed. Jeff
 asked Frank for a listing 
of ongoing State‐sponsored transportation projects to provide information to town and 
county officials. 
6. Other Items ‐ Aaron noted that a solicitation for the TIGER program was underway. Frank noted the 
following changes:  Matt Driscoll has been announced as the new NYSDOT Commissioner; Rosemary 
 is the new Chief Operating Officer. Karen Hulihan and Greg Wichser will be responsible for the 
development of the Region’s entire State and local capital program. 
7. Adjourn ‐  next meetings are June 17, then September 16. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting 
at 3:20. 
  Moved by :
 Frank Bonafide Seconded by: Brian Abare Motion Carried. 

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes  
Wednesday, January 21, 2015  1:00 PM 
Attendees    Agency 
Brian Abare    Village of South Glens Falls DPW 
Stu Baker    Town of Queensbury Community Development 
Frank Bonafide    NYSDOT Region 1 
Rob Cherry    NYSDOT Region 1 
Tracy Conlon    Trustee, Village of Fort Edward 
Chris DeBolt    Washington County Planning Department 
Steve Haskins    Washington County DPW 
Wayne LaMothe    Warren County Planning Department 
Scott Sopczyk
    Greater Glens Falls Transit 
Scott Tracy    Washington County DPW 
A/GFTC Staff 
Aaron Frankenfeld 
Kate Mance 
1. Welcome and Introductions  ‐ meeting was called to order at 1:03. 
2. Visitor Issues ‐ none 
3. UPWP 
A. 2015‐16 Work Program Development 
1) Review of draft program ‐ Aaron called the committee’s attention to a handout 
summarizing the contents of the proposed UPWP. Funding is
 approximately level. All 
unprogrammed funds from previous work programs have been fully reprogrammed; no 
savings have been withheld. No suggested tasks were declined; all concepts submitted 
by committee members were included. Wayne LaMothe provided background 
information on the First Wilderness Heritage Corridor Market Study Update task; that 
had not been 
discussed at the December meeting. The A/GFTC UPWP typically serves as 
a menu of options rather than an absolute schedule; there are more tasks included than 
what can be accomplished at current staffing levels. The UPWP is intentionally 
overprogrammed so that options are not exhausted throughout the year. Chris DeBolt 
 if additional full time staff would be necessary to execute the program.  Aaron 
noted that, if needed, staff could be added along with the requisite UPWP amendment 
during the year, but expressed concern about having a consistent workload year‐round 
to justify a staff expansion. Scott Sopczyk suggested utilizing consultant 
contracts to 
deal with non‐recurring program tasks. 
2) Approval to initiate public comment period. 
   A motion was made to approve the draft UPWP for public comment. 
   Moved by:  Wayne LaMothe  Second by: Stu Baker      Motion Carried. 
Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council 
11 South Street, Suite 203  
Glens Falls, NY 12801 
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 –  0584 

 The public comment period for the UPWP will run through March 6, 2015. Approval of 
 the UPWP will be on the agenda for the March 11, 2015 A/GFTC Policy Committee 
4. TIP 
A. Bridge Preservation Analysis  ‐ Aaron ‐ Committee comments on the draft application have 
been sent to GPI
 for their consideration. Aaron credited Ed Doughney at Warren County DPW 
for submitting a very thorough and thoughtful list of comments.  
B. Amendments and Modifications ‐ outcome of bridge funding discussion ‐  Aaron summarized 
the outcome of the meeting on January 14, 2015 that included NYSDOT, A/GFTC, and staff 
from all three 
counties. The A/GFTC TIP is carrying  approximately $10M in overprogramming 
towards the STP Off System Bridge fund source, which is not tenable from a program 
management or project delivery perspective. NYSDOT and A/GFTC staff made some 
recommendations to the counties that would allow for the continued implementation of the 
highest priority
 projects while deferring lesser priorities. While the funding source is still 
overprogrammed, the program deficit was reduced by over half and no municipality was 
asked to forego a major priority. Because amendments will be required for some of the 
project deferrals, staff will format all of the changes as a 
single amendment and circulate for 
TAC approval. 
C. Project updates from sponsors (new developments) ‐ Washington County  ‐ Scott Tracy 
reported that CR 16 had its final inspection in December; contractor will return in the spring 
to complete topsoil and seeding work. 
5. 2015 Meeting Calendar ‐ Aaron asked if there were any 
known conflicts with the proposed dates on the 
draft meeting calendar. None were identified. Meeting times for the TAC will be 1:00. The committee agreed 
that it would be useful for staff to end out email appointments for the entire calendar. 
6. Other Items ‐ Wayne LaMothe noted that changes to 
the rail station in Corinth were under consideration, 
and the adjacent surface transportation system could be impacted by changes in utilization. Rail 
improvements are also being pursued; $3.5M in improvements have been identified and funding assistance 
is needed. Rob Cherry reported that the Regional Director’s Commitment List for the upcoming SFY
under development. 
7. Adjourn  ‐  
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 1:55 
Moved by:  Wayne LaMothe  Second by: Frank Bonafide      Meeting adjourned. 

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 
Wednesday, December 17, 2014  2:00 PM 
Attendees    Agency 
Brian Abare    Village of South Glens Falls DPW 
Stu Baker    Town of Queensbury Community Development 
Ed Bartholomew    EDC of Warren County 
Frank Bonafide    NYSDOT Region 1 
Rob Cherry    NYSDOT Region 1 
Tracy Conlon    Trustee, Village of Fort Edward 
Chris DeBolt    Washington County Planning Department 
Christina Doughney    CHA 
Ben Fischer    FHWA 
 Hajos    Warren County DPW 
Robert Hansen    CME 
Steve Haskins    Washington County DPW 
Karen Hulihan    NYSDOT Region 1 
Preston Jenkins    Supervisor, Town of Moreau 
Wayne LaMothe    Warren County Planning Department 
Fred Mastroianni    GPI 
Joe Orlow    Mayor, Village of South Glens Falls 
Chris Round    The Chazen Companies 
Owen Shevlin    NYSDOT Region 1 
Scott Sopczyk    Greater Glens Falls Transit 
Scott Tracy    Washington County DPW 
Mike Valentine    Saratoga County Planning Department  
Ian Weibel    FHWA 
A/GFTC Staff 
Aaron Frankenfeld 
Kate Mance 
1. Welcome and Introductions 
2. Visitor Issues 
3. UPWP 
A. Completed / Ongoing Studies 
1) Exit 17 Land Use study ‐ Aaron reported that the study was adopted by the Policy 
Committee at its October meeting, and that the Town of Moreau had been encouraged 
do the same. 
2) On‐call assistance projects 
a. Jackson Heights ES (Aaron) ‐ per our Public Involvement Policy, the TAC is to 
consider technical reports for approval technical reports following a public 
comment period. No public comments were received; the school’s Principal has 
Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council 
11 South Street, Suite 203  
Glens Falls, NY 12801 
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 –  0584 

since taken this study to the GF Board of Public Safety for consideration and 
implementation where the recommendations were favorably received. A motion 
was made to approve the report as final. 
Moved by: Stu Baker Seconded by: Kevin Hajos  Motion carried. 
b. River Street Streetscaping Concept (Kate) ‐ A concept 
plan was presented by 
Chazen in November, including a more detailed analysis for a one mile section 
from Judd Bridge west as well as more general set of recommendations for the 
remainder of the roadway. Based upon committee review, Chazen is revising the 
concepts in advance of public outreach and a
 Town Board meeting in mid‐ 
3) EV Charging Station Network Identification (Kate) ‐  Draft report was completed in 
September; goal was to provide information to municipalities that were interested in 
installing electric vehicle charging stations. Staff is looking for input on how to best 
present this information (interactive map, website, 
report). Report will be distributed 
along with en EV fact sheet expected from the New York State Association of MPOs 
additional municipal input will be sought at that time. Mike Valentine asked if private 
charging data could be acquired to inform potential usage. Kate offered that that data 
would be difficult
 to obtain. Wayne LaMothe asked if local EV registration is available; 
Kate replied that it is. 
4) Regional crash data review (Kate) ‐ primary analysis for Warren County is complete. 
Staff analysis capabilities are much greater than during previous efforts thanks to 
enhanced methodologies and data processing. Much like the EV 
network report, staff is 
looking for input on how to make the most of this information and will be reaching out 
to County DPW for input before expanding the effort to include Saratoga and 
Washington Counties. 
B. 2015‐16 Work Program Development 
1) Funding levels and programming instructions, and 
Project requests ‐ Aaron reviewed a summary handout (attached) that included 
information on approximately level planning funding for the upcoming program year, 
state and federal emphasis areas potential formatting changes to the UPWP as 
suggested by NYSDOT’s UPWP Handbook, and program requests received from 
municipalities, including several bicycle and pedestrian improvement concepts
Queensbury and Moreau. In addition, Ed Bartholomew noted in incoming request from 
the City of Glens Falls regarding the Murray Street connection to Pruyn’s Island. Satff 
will prepare a draft UPWPW based on this information for committee consideration at 
the 1/21 meeting. 
C.   On‐call contracts ‐  Aaron reported that
 of the eight proposals received and evaluated by 
 members of this committee, a clear top three of CME, RSG and CHA had emerged. All responding 
 firms have been notified of the results. 
D.   Pavement scoring ‐ As Aaron was reporting on the status of the annual pavement scoring project, 
Bob Hansen of CME delivered the report.  
4. Transit 
A. GGFT Update ‐  Scott reported that, based upon the delivery and testing of new larger trolley, an 
option to purchase another has been exercised and both vehicles 2 larger trolleys will be in service 

in 2015. A new overhead door was installed at the GGFT garage. Overall system ridership in 2014 
was up about 25, noteworthy given a condensed summer tourist season. 
5. TIP 
A. Bridge Preservation Analysis  ‐ Aaron ‐ GPI has been retained to conduct this task; initial 
database development efforts were presented to 
the Counties and NYSDOT at a meeting on 
12/3 using Warren County’s work as a template; comments from the Counties are due back 
to GPI by the end of the month. 
B. Transportation Alternatives Program ‐ The Crandall Park / YMCA / Fire Road / Kensington 
School proposal was among the four
 projects within Region 1 that were awarded TAP funding 
(480,000) ;  Region One once again outperformed initial allocation estimates. 
C. Amendments and Modifications ‐ Aaron referred to the handout summarizing the requested 
amendment from NYSDOT. Frank Bonafide reviewed the history of the project and the two 
statewide competitive solicitation awards that 
it had received. The project needs to be on 
the TIP prior to an anticipated March ‐ April letting. Aaron stated that there was no impact 
upon previously programmed funds, and the request should be treated as an addition of a  
new project from regional setaside, allowing for TAC approval.  A 
motion was made to 
approve the requested amendment. 
Moved by: Wayne LaMothe  Seconded by: Stu Baker  Motion carried. 
D. Project updates from sponsors 
1) Warren County ‐ Kevin Hajos reported the following:  
 Valley Road was on track for a March letting, consistent with the regional 
commitment list. 
 Blair Road
 was moving towards an April letting, also consistent with the 
regional commitment list. 
 Palisades Road bridge is stalled; necessary repairs now exceed what can be 
executed through element‐specific work. 
 Make the Connection projects are anticipated to be completed by May 
 West Brook sidewalk requires a 
Phase 1 review; County will accomplish this 
with its own resources and not seek reimbursement. 
 Federal agreements for bridge preservation projects have been requested 
but not received from NYSDOT. 
 Pavement preservation projects will be designed in‐house and constructed 
in August. 
2) Washington County  ‐ Scott Tracy reported the following:
 CR 16 opened  on 11/25; demolition of the old structure will be completed 
this week. 
 CR 113 ‐ pre‐design meeting was held with GPI. 
 An agreement was in place to allow Saratoga County to lead the painting 
project  for the Fenimore Bridge between Moreau and Hudson Falls. 
3) Saratoga County ‐ Preston Jenkins reported that the Town of Moreau had also 
approved the Exit 17 report. 
4) City of Glens Falls ‐ Ed Bartholomew reported the Broad Street was nearly 
complete (awaiting final installation of traffic signals), and that the draft design 
report for Hudson Avenue had been approved. 

5) Town of Queensbury ‐ Stu Baker reported that DOT had issued final inspection of 
the Aviation Road roundabout in October. 
6) NYSDOT ‐ Frank Bonafide reported on the following: 
 Harsh Winter program paving of NYS 9L has been complete; remaining 
section of 9L in Lake George likely to be incorporated into
 Gateway project 
 372 between Greenwich and Cambridge has been resurfaced 
 NYS Route 28 over 13th  Lake Brook is under construction 
 Route 9 over Trout Brook in Chester is in design 
Chris DeBolt asked if the Region had received any input on a state budget 
surplus. Frank replied 
that no specific instruction had been given, but internal 
project lists were being prepared in anticipation. Ed Bartholomew suggested that 
A/GFTC staff take the lead on surveying its members regarding funding priorities. 
Aaron suggested that the starting point for a request for funding assistance be 
based upon unfunded or at‐risk
 TIP projects. The committee concurred with this 
6. 2015 Meeting Calendar ‐ Aaron called attention to the draft 2015 meeting calendar, asking for any revisions 
by 1/21. 
5E . Bridge Funding Discussion ‐ Aaron reported that within the last two weeks he had been made 
aware of an overprogramming issue 
with regards to STP Off System Bridge, the fund source 
that is used to fund work on locally owned bridges that do not carry or cross a federal aid 
eligible facility. That source is under a lot of stress based on the eligibility limitations for off 
system bridges that accompanied MAP
 21. Projects that were believed to be STP‐Flex eligible 
are no longer eligible. Local project sponsors have had agreements delayed by the Region in 
advance of additional discussions on how to deal with the shortage of funds. Discussion 
ensued. CR 113 in Washington County is an expensive project; the 
Region’s first inclination 
was to allow that project to move forward. Warren County reiterated the importance of their 
projects. While it is not expected that we zero‐out overprogramming, some progress needs 
to be made. Allowing local project sponsors to start design on projects is feasible, but that 
would start the
 clock on the ten year rule requiring ROW acquisition or construction to 
commence within 10 years of project initiation. It was agreed that A/GFTC staff would 
convene additional discussion between local project sponsors and DOT in advance of the 
next TAC meeting.    
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:45. 

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, October 15, 2014  

Policy Committee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Attendees    Agency
A/GFTC Committee Members
Kevin Geraghty, Chair    Chairman, Warren County Board of Supervisors
Ed Bartholomew    EDCWC
Rob Cherry    NYSDOT Region 1
Chris DeBolt    Washington County Planning Department
Wayne LaMothe    Warren County Planning Department
Keith Oborne    Town of Lake George Planning Department
Scott Sopczyk    Greater Glens Falls Transit
John Strough    Supervisor, Town of
Frank Thomas    Supervisor, Town of Stony Creek
Mike Valentine    Saratoga County Planning Department

Lou Bach    Greenman Pedersen, Inc.
Fred Mastroianni    Greenman Pedersen, Inc.
Chris Round    The Chazen Companies
Edmund Snyder    Greenman Pedersen, Inc.

A/GFTC Staff
Aaron Frankenfeld
Kate Mance

1. Welcome and Introductions ‐ Chairman Geraghty called the meeting to order at 1:32; participants
introduced themselves.

2. Visitors Issues

3. Lake George Gateway Project Update ‐ Aaron gave a brief summary of the project’s origins and
introduced Ed Snyder of GPI. Ed, as Project Manager, reviewed some of the project
priorities identified
in earlier planning efforts that would be incorporated in to the project’s design, including bicycle and
pedestrian improvements, green infrastructure, access management, and corridor aesthetics. Lou
Bach discussed the project alternatives (null, full median with roundabouts, and hybrid center
median), indicating that the hybrid center median option that would
include two 11′ travel lanes, 5′
bike lanes and 5′ sidewalks in each direction was emerging as the most feasible alternative that
satisfied the project objectives. The project timetable was also reviewed; the project is on an
accelerated schedule and will need to be able to be let in March
of 2015 in order to qualify for
construction funding through the Strategic Transportation Enhancement Program administered by
New York State. Final design approval is sought by mid‐November. A speed limit reduction is being
Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council
11 South Street, Suite 203
Glens Falls, NY 12801
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 –  0584

pursued. Scott Sopczyk emphasized the need for clearly identifiable transit stop and suggested that
additional crosswalk locations be identified . John Strough noted that any crosswalks needed to be
well‐lit. Accommodations for and mitigations to snowmobiling would be included in the design. The
impacts to parking at the A&W restaurant
were noted; GPI replied that no response to outreach
efforts was received. Rob Cherry credited GPI on their outreach and adherence to a tight design
schedule. GPI in turn acknowledged Region 1 staff’s responsiveness. Aaron requested a copy of the
draft design report for staff review.

4. Annual Work Program

A. Summary of completed and ongoing tasks ‐ Aaron listed the following updates:
 Regional Bicycle and pedestrian plan
was completed and adopted by this committee in
 Bridge preservation analysis
‐ A/GFTC recently signed a contract with GPI to review all
inspection reports for all locally owned bridges in the area and develop a preservation
strategy to provide a recommend sequence of bridge repairs
o Project is being funded with capital dollars rather than planning dollars, DOT has
identified a mechanism
to relieve us of the required local match
o Each county will be provided with a bridge asset management plan
o Results will inform future bridge program project selection
o $57,000; schedule to be complete by February
 River Street ‐ Warrensburg

o Plan will include recommendations for bicycle and pedestrian improvements
and streetscaping enhancements for the River Street / 418 corridor, including a
focus area for the developed area west of the Judd Bridge
o Selected Chazen Companies in July
o Kickoff meeting, field visits and existing conditions analysis are complete
o Conceptual designs are being drafted for committee review
o Completion anticipated within 2‐4 months
 Electric Vehicle Network Analysis:

o Analyze public parking areas within the Urbanized Area to determine which sites
may be desirable locations for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations.
o Demand is currently low for public charging stations, the need is anticipated to
increase quickly.
o Focus is on public parking locations; project could also be expanded
to be
applicable to private parking areas if desired.
o GIS analysis complete. Initial findings to be presented to TAC at next meeting, to
determine best format for the information (likely a digital, web‐map approach).
 Warren County Safety Screening

o Crash data for local and county roads will be analyzed, using a methodology that
relies upon statistics from the Highway Safety Manual
o Data has been entered; waiting on traffic counts from DPW
o Results, along with prior analyses for the other counties, will be used to inform
selection for our Highway Safety Improvement Program funds
 Jackson Heights Elementary School Transportation Study

o RSG was selected to develop recommendations for the City and school district
to improve congestion and safety issues around the school
o Worked with the PTA to identify issues and review preliminary concepts
o Several programmatic, operational and capital improvements were identified
and shared with the GF Board of
Public Safety

o School is favoring implementation of a temporary one‐way circulation pattern
during arrival and dismissal, similar to what has been done at Glens Falls HS/MS
o Document is available for public comment now through 10/28

5. Greater Glens Falls Transit Update (advanced in sequence from original agenda)
Scott Sopczyk
distributed a summary report (handout) and discussed the following:

 facility overhead doors (ca. 1989) have been replaced
 a replacement trolley has been purchased (new vehicle is larger and better accommodates
standing passengers)
 overall system ridership is up despite a compressed calendar for  the summer tourist season

GGFT has been working with NYS to assign more non‐emergency Medicaid trips to public

B. (continued from 4.) Adoption of Route 9 / Exit 17 Land Use and Transportation Study  ‐ Aaron
reported the following:
 Conducted for the Town of Moreau in recognition that planned expansions of sewer
network along Route 9 would likely increase development and traffic pressures
 Creighton Manning and Behan Planning conducted an inventory of undeveloped
property, existing land uses and zoning to produce development forecasts and
potential traffic impacts
 if the corridor was to be fully developed as available acreage and zoning currently

allow (2m SF, 900 residential units, which is very unlikely), travel times along the
corridor would likely quadruple without major changes to the transportation system
 the corridor can however accommodate up to 500,000 sq of additional commercial
development and 250 additional residential units with capacity improvements at
intersections, signal
timing, and zoning changes
 Recommendations:
o Promotion of a development threshold
o Zoning changes to improve operations and community character, promote
access management
o Prepare a Generic Environmental Impact Statement associated with the
sewer expansion to identify impacts and shared public and private
responsibilities for necessary transportation improvements
o Longer
‐term concepts: if development were to approach full build, a major
expansion (5‐lane section) could be the necessary mitigation to preserve
travel times
 Final report has been delivered to A/GFTC and the study committee following the
conclusion of the public comment period
 A committee vote to adopt
the document would acknowledge receipt of the final
and allow A/GFTC to entertain and support planning and capital project requests
that are related to the findings and recommendations

A motion was made to adopt the Exit 17 / Route 9 Transportation and Land Use Study.
Moved by: Mike Valentine  Seconded
by: John Strough  Motion Carried

Chris DeBolt asked if there was an estimated timeframe for attaining the development
thresholds based upon local historic growth patterns. Aaron replied that while  historic data
was used in preparing background growth assumptions, the forecast was not time‐based given

that previous growth rates would not likely be comparable to development associated with
extended sewer coverage.

C. 2015‐16 program
Program solicitation for next year’s work program will be developed in the next couple of
weeks, pending receipt of guidance letter from NYSDOT. Level funding is expected, but the
new federal emphasis on performance based planning could have an impact on staff and
consultant resources. Draft program will be developed by staff and TAC, released for public
comment, and voted on by the Policy Committee in March.

6. Transportation Improvement Program
A. Capital Project Updates (major developments since March
1) Warren County ‐ no update provided; Aaron would follow up with DPW and pass
along any information provided.
2) Washington County ‐ DPW notified Aaron that they would be unable to attend, but
did provide a list of updates, including:
 CR 16 over Halfway Brook (Fort Ann) ‐ Deck
was poured on October 10,
approach slabs within one week
 CR 10 over the Poultney River (Whitehall) ‐ State of Vermont is lead agency;
public information scheduled for 10/23, &PM, West Haven Town Hall.
 GPI has been designated as the project consultant for the CR 113 over the
Batten Kill
bridge replacement.
3) Saratoga County ‐ Mike Valentine informed Rob Cherry that NYSDOT may be
contacted by the Village of Glens Falls regarding some ongoing pavement quality issues
associated with the Route 9 rehabilitation.
4) City of Glens Falls ‐ Ed Bartholomew reported the following:
 Broad Street was complete with the
exception of traffic signals. Operational
issues with curb extensions and access for longer vehicles will require additional
consideration by Creighton Manning Engineering.
 Public comment period on draft design report for Hudson Avenue has expired.
Comments received are under consideration; would like final design by the end
of the year.
Town of Queensbury ‐ John Strough reported the following:
 Ribbon cutting for Aviation Road roundabout was held on October 10. Feedback
to his office from the public has been overwhelmingly positive.
 The Chazen Companies will be preparing revised zoning coverage for the Exit 18
corridor. A/GFTC will participate in
review of potential traffic impacts.
 Town is still working to conduct a meeting of property owners along the Exit 20
corridor to establish consensus on priorities, which has not been evident to
date. Grant funding is being sought for additional study of the area. Talks have
progressed with the Sheriff’s
Department regarding limiting access to the Law
Enforcement Center.
Mike Valentine commented on the continued challenge of implementing access
management practices at the local planning board level.
6) NYSDOT ‐ Rob Cherry noted the successful year in program delivery at the local and
State level. Capital project updates included Route 28
over 13th Lake Brook, NYS 9L
resurfacing, and planned paving projects for Route 8 in Thurman, Route 40 in
Easton, and Route 32 in Kingsbury and Queensbury.

B. Funding Opportunities ‐ Aaron listed the following:
1) TAP announcement ‐ An announcement of projects selected by NYS  was scheduled
for October 8 but was not issued ‐ staff has no additional information at this time.
2) Pavement and bridge preservation programs ‐ pavement
‐ A/GFTC will conduct
solicitations for design and construction of pavement preservation projects ‐ design
in FFY 14‐15 and construction in FFY 15‐16; approximately $1.6M in programmed
funds ; bridges ‐
solicitation will be developed following the preservation analysis
mentioned earlier ‐ approximately $3M available for FFY 15‐16 construction
3) Highway Safety Improvement Program ‐ Here again, solicitation will be developed
based upon results of the safety screenings; safety money has been challenging to
program, previous solicitations have not generated much interest; $1.26
M this
year, approximately $700,000 in subsequent years
4) FTA 5310 ‐ program to provide transportation services to the elderly and disabled.
Project application process is still under refinement at NYSDOT; effectively no
change in status since last meeting.
5) Make the Connection Program:
 program has been temporarily suspended pending
a review and refinement
of selection procedures
 program has had some successes, but overall delivery record has been poor
 projects require a significant amount of oversight, particularly when
inexperienced sponsors are involved
 funds will carryover into either a revised specific solicitation or returned
into a general project solicitation
with expanded eligibility considerations.

C. TIP Update ‐ Aaron ‐ The TIP update cycle was delayed on account of the lack of a long‐term
federal transportation bill. Barring additional delays, it is expected that we will begin the
program development process this Summer or Fall. Staff is hopeful that the State
restore a greater degree of capital improvement programming eligibility but has no
information to suggest that more funds will be available ‐ the last TIP was the smallest roster
in terms of dollars programmed since the mid 1990s.

7. Other Items ‐ Wayne LaMothe noted that the proposed interchange reconfiguration included
in the
Exit 17 study could have air quality impacts within the Capital District air quality nonattainment area
(that includes all of Saratoga County). Aaron concurred that reductions in operational efficiencies
could have a negative consequence by way of increased emissions. The conceptual realignment was
intended to be a safety
improvement rather than a capacity project. Project‐level conformity
demonstrations are no longer required within the Capital District due to recently updated regulations.

8. Next meeting and adjourn ‐ next meeting tentatively scheduled for March 11, 2015. The meeting was
adjourned at 3:01.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, August 19, 2014

Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 
Tuesday, August 19, 2014  1:30 PM 
Attendees    Agency 
Stu Baker    Town of Queensbury Community Development 
Frank Bonafide    NYSDOT Region 1 
Mike Breault    Washington County DPW 
Rob Cherry    NYSDOT Region 1 
Chris DeBolt    Washington County Planning Department 
Ed Doughney    Warren County DPW 
Preston Jenkins    Supervisor, Town of Moreau 
Joe Orlow    Mayor, Village of South Glens Falls 
Shawn Raymond    Warren County
Chris Round    The Chazen Companies 
Dan Rourke    Barton and Loguidice 
Owen Shevlin    NYSDOT Region 1 
Scott Tracy    Washington County DPW 
Mike Valentine    Saratoga County Planning Department  
A/GFTC Staff 
Aaron Frankenfeld 
Kate Mance 
1. Welcome and Introductions ‐ Aaron called the meeting to order at 1:30. 
2. Visitor Issues ‐ none 
3. Federal update 
A. Highway Trust Fund ‐ Aaron reported that a short‐term funding measure was passed by 
Congress to address insolvency in the Highway Trust Fund until May 2015. The measure 
a redirection of funds and included no long‐term fix for addressing continued  revenue 
B. Rulemaking Summary ‐ Metropolitan Planning ‐ Aaron briefly reviewed a staff summary of 
the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Statewide and Metropolitan Planning.  The new 
emphasis on performance‐based planning will impact the Transportation Improvement 
 and Long Range Plan; rulemakings on performance measures are anticipated by 
December. Other core requirements for small MPOs remain largely unchanged. The New 
York State Association of MPOs has formulated comments and submitted those to the 
Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council 
11 South Street, Suite 203  
Glens Falls, NY 12801 
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 –  0584 

4. UPWP 
A. Completed / Ongoing Studies 
1) Exit 17 Land Use Study ‐ Aaron reported that the public comment period had 
closed on August 4. Comments from NYSDOT and Harry Gutheil were compiled 
and sent to the consultant (CME) for consideration. CME has requested and been 
granted a $5,000 supplemental agreement
 to complete the study. Preston Jenkins 
stated that the Town was still actively pursuing the expansion of sewer services 
along the corridor. Rob Cherry requested that a disclaimer be included in the 
study to state that the planning concepts were illustrative and would require 
additional engineering review. Aaron agreed to 
include language to that effect in 
the final document. Rob also asked how comments would be addressed within the 
document. Aaron said that past practice was to incorporate as many viable 
comments as possible without generating a formal response to each comment 
2) Bike/Ped Plan update ‐  Aaron reported that the
 Policy Committee had voted to 
adopt the Bike/Ped plan update, and he also credited Kate with the major 
upgrades incorporated within the newly adopted document. 
3) On‐call Assistance Projects 
1. Jackson Heights ES Transportation Study ‐ Aaron reported that a draft plan 
to address congestion and safety issues has been 
sent to the school’s 
principal for review and comment. Additional time has been requested for 
that review. Recommendations included in the draft for consideration 
include circulation changes, student drop‐off procedure modifications, and 
crossing guard operations optimization. 
2. River Street Streetscaping Concept  ‐ Kate reported that a study advisory 
committee has been
 formed and a kick‐off meeting was held on July 21. 
Thorough public outreach will be emphasized. A walking tour (with notice to 
the public) is planned. Rob Cherry reported that traffic counts were recently 
taken and were being processed and should be available by the end of the 
He also noted that the record plans would be available to the 
consultant (The Chazen Companies) from the residency. Kate also raised the 
issue of changing the Functional Classification (FC) of NYS 418, as the Town 
of Warrensburg has expressed an interest in doing so. Aaron noted that  418 
is the
 only State‐owned highway within the region that is not federal aid ‐ 
eligible, but eligibility is no guarantee of funding availability. Staff does not 
wish for the FC issue to become a distraction. Frank Bonafide, while noting 
that DOT has a process in‐house to evaluate proposed FC changes, added 
that federal aid eligibility does not necessarily improve the likelihood of 
improvements to State‐owned infrastructure.  
4) EV Charging Station Network Evaluation ‐ Kate presented the initial results 
(handout) from an analysis intended to inform the potential siting of municipal 
charging stations for electric vehicles. This effort was modeled from a 
analysis for the City of Albany and focuses on potential locations within 
municipally‐owned parking areas for Type II charging stations. Those areas were 
buffered with employment and land use data in an attempt to generate potential 
medium and longer‐term parking stays. Discussion ensued regarding designated 
reserved spaces for
 EVs and the ability of the public to reserve those spaces. Staff 
will continue with this effort by producing similar analyses for municipalities 
within the urban area. 

5) Intersection Safety ‐ Training Recap ‐ Kate attended an Intersection Safety 
training course in Albany presented by the Cornell Local Roads Program. During 
the course of the training, methodologies for conducting safety analyses that did 
not rely upon traffic count data were discussed. Intersection count data has been 
hard for A/GFTC to
 obtain in the past as local system counts are scarce. These new 
methods hold promise for advancing systemic safety analyses in the absence of 
extensive traffic counts. Kate will look to apply this approach to highways in 
Warren County and evaluate the results. 
5.  GGFT Update  ‐ Schedule conflict; no 
6. TIP 
A. Project Updates from Sponsors 
1) Warren County ‐ Ed Doughney reported the following: 
 Valley Road / Combs Road is on track for an early Spring letting. 
Consultant is working to modify design report. 
 Blair Road  is also on schedule for an early Spring letting. 

Federal authorization has been obtained for the Make the Connection 
projects, with the exception of the West Brook sidewalks. 
 A beyond preservation request is planned for the Palisades Road bridge. 
The County questions the value of doing element‐specific work to repair a 
bridge with other aging and deteriorating components.
 Mike Valentine 
asked if there was a process in place to determine what projects could 
qualify as replacement candidates; Aaron noted that this project has been 
on the program well before the preservation programming mandate was 
 Design for the three bridge preservation projects can be safely 
reprogrammed from
 FFY 14 to FFY 15 without impacting the County’s 
construction schedule. 
2) Washington County ‐ Scott Tracy reported the following: 
 Work is progressing on Cr 16 over Halfway Brook. South abutments have 
been poured. Schedule is aggressive. 
 CR 12 /Hatch Hill Road safety project was completed in June and 
coordinated with two paving projects. 
3) Saratoga County  ‐ Mayor Orlow noted some continuing operational concerns 
with the recently completed safety project on Route 9 in South Glens Falls. 
Queuing issues have been observed and associated with the new pavement 
markings, and some signal actuation appears to be delayed. Frank Bonafide 
offered to follow up. 
4) City of Glens Falls ‐ no report. 
5) Town of Queensbury ‐ Stu Baker reported that roundabout at the intersection of 
Aviation Road / Dixon Road / Farr Lane was open to traffic, with only landscaping 
left to be completed. 
6) NYSDOT ‐ Frank Bonafide reported that NYS 9L
 would likely be re‐paved this year. 
Given existing physical and ROW limitations, there are no feasible opportunities to 
safely create additional shoulder space. Frank also distributed the A/GFTC‐area 
project commitment list and reported that Region 1 was among the highest 
performing in the State with regards to on‐
time project delivery and that that 

would likely continue. He then thanked the local project sponsors for contributing 
towards that result. 
B. Amendments  and Modifications 
1) CR 10 over the Poultney ‐ Washington County submitted a TIP amendment 
request to delay construction from FFY 14‐15 to FFY 16‐17. The State of Vermont 
is the lead agency
 on the project and there has been considerable uncertainty 
with regards to project priority and schedule. A concern was expressed that 
Vermont could move on the project before the delay date; Aaron reported that 
there was no administrative pressure to delay the project. Given the uncertainty 
regarding the project’s existing 
status, the TIP amendment was tabled. 
2) Preservation Projects ‐ schedule adjustments ‐ Aaron reported that the 
preservation projects appear to be on track. Some design phases will need to be 
moved from FFY 13‐14 to FFY 14‐15. Staff is unclear of status of the Town of 
Moreau’s projects and wants
 to be sure that the Town is proceeding in a manner 
that will not jeopardize their ability to collect federal reimbursements; Supervisor 
Jenkins said that he would look in to it. 
C. Bridge Preservation Analysis ‐ Aaron reported that GPI sent a draft agreement without cost 
information to staff; that was 
reviewed by the committee and returned to GPI with 
comments and a request for cost information. A revised draft agreement has been provided 
that includes a cost estimate that is considerably higher than what was expected. The 
review committee will need to have another look; as the funding for this project
 is derived 
from the capital bridge repair setaside, staff has a goal of keeping the cost of this analysis 
under the amount that it would cost to design or implement a repair project. 
D. Transportation Alternatives Program ‐ Aaron reported that staff has completed its ranking 
of all eligible TAP projects 
received by Region 1; the review meeting is scheduled for 8/25. 
The regional review process has been successful for similar solicitations in the past. 
7.  Other Items / Adjourn 
 The next TAC meeting is December 17; a Policy Committee meeting is scheduled for October 15. 
 A  motion was made
 to adjourn the meeting. 
 Moved by: Stu Baker  Seconded By: Ed Doughney Meeting adjourned at 3:22. 

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes (draft) 
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 
Attendees    Agency 
Brian Abare    Village of South Glens Falls 
Ed Bartholomew    EDCWC 
Frank Bonafide    NYSDOT Region 1 
Bryan Cross    NYSDOT Region 1 
Chris DeBolt    Washington County Planning Department 
Christina Doughney    CHA 
Ed Doughney    Warren County DPW 
Ben Fischer    FHWA 
Karen Hulihan    NYSDOT Region 1 
Wayne LaMothe    Warren County Planning Department 
Fred Mastroianni    Greenman
 ‐ Pedersen, Inc. 
Ron Shaffer    NYSDOT Region 1 
Dan Rourke    Barton and Loguidice 
Jeff Tennyson    Warren County DPW 
Mike Valentine    Saratoga County Planning Department  
A/GFTC Staff 
Aaron Frankenfeld 
Kate Mance 
1. Welcome and Introductions ‐ Aaron called the meeting to order at 1:40. 
2. Visitor Issues ‐ none 
3. Items From Last Meeting ‐ Exit 20 Corridor  ‐ Staff remains on hold regarding next steps on the 
request for an updated study of Exit 20. Aaron attended two meetings with Town officials and
economic development interests to discuss hybrid alternatives related to the recommendations 
contained within the original study, and has suggested that the Town consider pursuing completion of 
a project design process to arrive at final alternative. At last word, Supervisor Strough had planned to 
contact other County officials to determine interest 
in working to address the issue. A/GFTC staff is 
prepared to advance an initiative given additional input from the Town. 
4. UPWP 
A. Completed / Ongoing Activities 
1) Exit 17 Land Use Study ‐ Aaron ‐ a revised draft was sent to A/GFTC by CME last 
week. Staff has not yet had 
an opportunity to review. It will be interesting to see 
how much urgency is attached to the completion of this study now that the sewer 
referendum in Moreau was defeated. It is estimated that completion of this effort 
Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council 
11 South Street, Suite 203  
Glens Falls, NY 12801 
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 –  0584 

is still at least 2 months out given the need for a public meeting and a public 
comment period. 
2) Bike / Ped Plan Update ‐ Kate ‐ The draft document contains several 
enhancements over the existing document, including revised design standards, an 
updated bicycle priority network, a project development flowchart, and an
expanded pedestrian section that includes pedestrian activity generator maps. 
The committee was asked to consider a concurrent review period along with the 
public comment period. A motion was made to release the document for a 45‐day 
public comment period.  
   Moved By: Wayne LaMothe   Seconded by: Ed Doughney  Motion 
3) On‐call assistance projects 
a. Jackson Heights ES traffic study ‐ Aaron ‐ A request for letters of interest 
has been distributed to the participating consultants for a traffic study 
for the area around Jackson Heights Elementary School, as requested by 
the Principal and Mayor Diamond. Responses are due to 
A/GFTC by 
4/17. This is similar to past studies produced for other schools in Glens 
Falls and Greenwich. Wayne LaMothe asked about the implementation 
history of those prior studies. Aaron noted the school districts have 
advanced many of the recommendations, including parking 
modifications, sidewalk construction, changes in drop‐off zones, and
circulation changes. Mike Valentine asked if any those prior studies had 
led to any Safe Routes to School program applications; Aaron replied 
that they had not. 
4) Town of Warrensburg study requests ‐ Kate reported on two initiatives under 
consideration in response to requests from the Town. The first involves an 
crash analysis that appears to confirm an elevated incidence of crashes occurring 
at NYS 418 and River Street. NYSDOT R1 staff has reviewed the data and arrived at 
a similar conclusion. Ed Doughney suggested that sight distance is a potential 
contributing factor. Secondly, the Town is also requesting assistance in
a streetscape design for River Street. A motion was made directing staff to pursue 
procurement of consulting services on behalf of Warrensburg pending receipt of a 
project request. 
  Moved By: Wayne LaMothe   Seconded by: Chris DeBolt  Motion carried 
5) CHP2LWP Smart Growth Assessment ‐ Kate ‐ Staff is assisting the
 Creating Healthy 
Places to Live, Work and Play Program to procure consulting services to assist with 
two smart growth assessments it will be conducting, one for the Town of Lake 
George and one for the Town of Fort Edward. Should these assessment prove to 
be successful, we may wish to 
consider partnering on future efforts. 
B. FTA MPP Adjustment ‐ Aaron ‐ a revised FTA MPP allocation for New York State has been 
released via the Federal Register. A/GFTC’s share of this increase is $533. A UPWP 
amendment is required for any financial changes to the FTA program. A motion was made 
open the public comment period for the UPWP amendment. 
  Moved By: Mike Valentine   Seconded by: Frank Bonafide  Motion carried 

5. Transit 
A. GGFT Update ‐ Aaron shared the update originally supplied for the 3/14 Policy Committee 
B.  FTA 5310 ‐ still nothing firm from NYSDOT on a solicitation. A working model of the 
application is expected to be delivered to the MPOs this week. 
C. AGC Sustainable Communities Planning Project
 ‐ Aaron ‐ GGFT and A/GFTC are working with 
Dr. Ann Ruzow Holland and the Adirondack Gateway Council on the transportation and 
housing element of the AGC Sustainable Communities Planning Grant. A meeting was held 
in March to review related work to date and to formulate work efforts; additional staff time 
be devoted to this as the effort moves forward. It is anticipated that the data collected 
through this effort will serve as a foundation for the Rural Transportation Study project 
listed in the UPWP. 
6. TIP 
A. Amendments and Modifications ‐ Aaron ‐ no actions required. A request to delay the CR10 
bridge of the Poultney (to account for Vermont’s schedule) is anticipated from Washington 
B. Project updates from sponsors 
 Warren County ‐ Ed Doughney reported the following: Construction on Hicks Road 
has resumed; completion is anticipated in June. Valley Road ‐ FHWA concurrence 
has been received for the scope to include replacement
 of two structures; the 
primary structure and locally‐owned bridge to be used as a detour. The Draft Design 
Report for Blair Road has been submitted; a May 2015 letting is anticipated. A 
beyond preservation scope is under consideration for Palisades Road over Brant 
Lake inlet. The Route 149 sidewalk 
MTC project will be completed during this FFY; 
the Cameron and Lawton access trails and the Bikeway intersection striping projects 
also will be completed in 2014. Phase I of the West Brook sidewalk is being done in‐
 NYSDOT ‐ Karen Hulihan distributed the Regional Director commitment list. Frank  
Bonafide reported
 that Beach Road will be open for Memorial Day. Brian Abare 
raised concerns about the pavement quality on the newly rehabilitated portion of 
Route 9 in SGF (Frank said that he would follow up) as well as operational concerns 
with the left turn on the southern approach to 5th and 
Main. Aaron offered to 
transmit these issues to Mark Kennedy pending receipt of a summary of the issues.  
C. Preservation Program  
1) Bridge paint and pavement preservation candidates ‐ Aaron ‐ applications 
received were tallied and presented in relation to available funding. There are 
sufficient funds to program all of the bridge paint
 candidates that were submitted, 
but there is a significant shortfall in pavement funding. After some discussion 
about partial funding of one candidate in Saratoga County as well as the 
timeliness and unit costs of some of the proposed treatments, the committee 
decided to fully fund all 9 of the bridge 
paint candidates and 8 out of the 10 
pavement projects and reserve the balance for potential cost increases for those 
projects. A motion was made to approve the roster of projects, allowing for 
additional discussion among NYSDOT and project sponsors regarding scope and 
 Moved By: Wayne LaMothe   Seconded by: 
Mike Valentine  Motion carried 

2) Draft RFP for bridge asset management plans ‐ Aaron ‐ the draft RFP has been 
provided for committee review. The intent is to provide information to the 
Counties. It will not yield a firm prioritization schedule. Chris DeBolt asked if this 
was meant to be an ongoing effort or a one‐
time snapshot of data. As it written, 
the draft appears to ask for a snapshot. Ed Doughney suggested revising the draft 
to include a renewal clause without a fixed timetable.
7. Other Items / Adjourn ‐ Wayne LaMothe raised the issue of a Scenic Byway redesignation that had 
been submitted to NYSDOT  in 2012; Frank Bonafide agreed to follow up pending receipt from Wayne 
of additional information. Mike Valentine asked if any additional discussion of the NYS 9N issues 
raised at a
 previous meeting had transpired. Aaron replied that nothing to his knowledge had taken 
place. The next meeting will be on June 18th. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 3:32. 
  Moved By: Mike Valentine  Seconded by: Jeff Tennyson  Motion carried 

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, March 12, 2014  

Policy Committee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Attendees Agency
Kevin Geraghty, Chair Chairman, Warren County Board of Supervisors
Ed Bartholomew President, EDCWC
Frank Bonafide RPPM, NYSDOT Region 1
Tracy Conlon Trustee, Village of Fort Edward
John Strough Supervisor, Town of Queensbury
Jeff Tennyson Superintendent, Warren County Department of Public Works
Frank Thomas Supervisor, Town of Stony Creek
Mike Valentine Senior Planner, Saratoga County

A/GFTC Staff:
Aaron Frankenfeld
Kate Mance

1. Welcome and Introductions – Chairman Geraghty called the meeting to order at 1:55.
Staff advised that representation from all three counties and NYS allows for the
declaration of a quorum of affected parties.

2. Visitors Issues – No visitors present.

3. Committee Membership 2014-15 – Aaron noted the roster of A/GFTC committee
members and staff (handout) and listed changes to official positions and voting
membership to the Policy Committee for calendar year 2014:

Officers (two year term)

Chair – Kevin Geraghty, Chairman, Warren County B. of Supervisors
Vice-Chair – Mitch Suprenant, Supervisor, Town of Fort Edward
Secretary – Sam Zhou, Regional Director, NYSDOT Region 1

New Members for 2014

Paul Sausville – Chairman, Saratoga County Board of Supervisors
John Strough – Supervisor, Town of Queensbury
Frank Thomas – Supervisor, Town of Stony Creek

4. Completed and Ongoing Staff and Consultant Activities
A. Summary of tasks – Aaron reviewed the list of accomplishments and ongoing
activities (handout).

Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council
11 South Street, Suite 203
Glens Falls, NY 12801
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 –  0584

B. Approval of Public Participation Plan – Aaron reviewed the contents of the Public
Participation Plan and noted changes to document approval procedures that
would follow.A motion was made to approve the Public Participation Plan.

Moved by: John Strough Seconded by: Frank Thomas Motion Carried

C. Approval of Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan (CHSTP) – Aaron
reviewed the CHSTP update, noting that it was largely and administrative update
to account for changes to federal transportation policy in MAP-21. A motion was
made to approve the CHSTP.

Moved by: Frank Bonafide Seconded by: Frank Thomas Motion Carried

5. Annual Work Program (UPWP)
A. Summary of proposed program – Aaron reviewed the funding levels and content
of the proposed 2014-15 Unified Planning Work Program (handout). Tasks and
activities discussed in more detail included increased performance measurement
requirements, the rural transportation mobility assessment, and the corridor
study reassessments. Jeff Tennyson asked about the performance measurement
requirements – what types of measures would be evaluated, and whether those
would be tied to funding. It was noted that A/GFTC staff data collection
responsibilities were likely to increase. John Strough asked if the mobility study
would focus on developing areas in Moreau and Kingsbury; Aaron answered that
the study would be targeted to more rural, outlying areas. Discussion ensued
regarding the Exit 20 corridor, one of the corridors listed in the draft work
program as a candidate for reassessment. John Strough noted private developers
are willing to construct a portion of a new access road on the east side of Route
9, and that preliminary concepts have been discussed with the Town of
Queensbury. The Town’s next step is to approach the County leadership to
determine potential levels of involvement or support. Aaron reiterated that
A/GFTC is committed to working with the developers and municipal interests
towards a solution.
B. Approval of UPWP – A motion was made to approve the UPWP.

Moved by: Frank Bonafide Seconded by: Frank Thomas Motion Carried

6. Greater Glens Falls Transit Update – Aaron called attention to the summary provided
by GGFT (handout).

7. TIP
Capital Project Updates (major developments since November 2013)
1) Warren County – Jeff Tennyson reported the following:
 Hicks Road – anticipated completion by June 2014
 Crane Mtn. Rd. – structure in place, completion in Spring 2014
 Palisades Road – concurrence obtained on Final Design Report, letting
in Summer 2014
 Make the Connection projects to be constructed this summer,
excluding West Brook MTC, which requires additional archaeological
 Valley Road – DPW is seeking federal concurrence for an alternative
that would entail programming the replacement of a Town -owned
structure for use as a detour, as opposed to constructing a temporary
detour. Anticipated letting in September.
2) Washington County – no report provided.

3) Saratoga County – Mike Valentine noted that the draft Exit 17 / Route 9
would require revisions. He also asked Frank Bonafide if the pavement
markings on the recently completed section of Route 9 in the Village of South
Glens Falls would be re-done, noting that the pavement markings were placed
in late November and not all had adhered to the pavement. Frank said that he
would look in to it.
4) City of Glens Falls – Ed Bartholomew reported that construction on Broad
Street would begin soon, and that design work on Hudson Avenue would
begin in 2015.
5) Town of Queensbury – John Strough reported that the Town is considering
a zoning overlay zone for the Exit 18 corridor that may have traffic impacts
that warrant some analysis. Construction on the Aviation Road / Dixon Road
intersection will begin in April. The Town has completed tree removal on its
own rather than use outside funding. Concerns about the Dix and Quaker
intersection had been raised during the planning process for the South
Queensbury Brownfield Opportunity Assessment. Aaron replied that signal
retiming plan had been developed as part of the Queensbury Avenue
connector road study and that that was awaiting implementation.
6) NYSDOT – Frank Bonafide reported that bids have been received for the
DEC-owned section of Beach Road; winning bid was under the engineer’s
estimate. Substantial completion is expected prior to Memorial Day. Also,
Sam Zhou has been officially appointed to the position of Regional Director.
Kevin Geragthy noted some ongoing traffic related concerns in the Town of
Warrensburg: congestion on Route 9 that will likely worsen with the new
commercial development, and accommodation of left turns near the gazebo.

B. Funding Opportunities
1) Pavement and bridge preservation programs – Aaron reported that a
workshop was held in January to discuss these programs. Solicitations are
currently underway for pavement and bridge preservation project
candidates – bridge program for 2014-15 is limited to bridge painting only;
$3.0M programmed, do not expect to receive this much in requests;
pavement program – $1.790 M, pavement repairs and thin single course
overlays for federal aid eligible facilities; communities with eligible
infrastructure should consider taking advantage of this program.
2) Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) – Aaron reported that eligibility
includes on-road and off-road trail facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists,
community improvement activities, including improving roadway safety in
transportation rights-of-way and erosion control, and environmental
mitigation activities. Participation in training webinars is required for
applicants; two are scheduled for next week. Staff would send around
links for those. Application deadline is June 11.
3) FTA 5310 – announcement of funding program is still pending. Additional
details will be distributed once those are available.

8. NYSAMPO Issues – Aaron summarized the HTF briefing letter prepared by NYSAMPO
staff, highlighting potential funding issues with highway trust fund (insolvency by fourth
quarter if no congressional action is taken). Notices of proposed rulemakings are starting
to be released; many of these will address performance measurement requirements
included in MAP-21; impact on A/GFTC staff responsibilities could be significant; also
unclear how well Preservation First programming strategy fits in with these.

9. Other Items – none

10. Next meeting and adjourn – Next meeting – October 15 – Meeting adjourned at 3:05.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Technical Advisory Co mmittee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Attendees Agency
Brian Abare Village of South Glens Falls
Stu Baker Town of Queensbury
Ed Bartholomew EDCWC
Frank Bonafide NYSDOT Region 1
Rob Cherry NYSDOT Region 1
Tracy Conlon Chairman, Warre n County Board of Supervisors
Christina Doughney CHA
Mike Fiorillo Village of Hudson Falls
Harrison Freer Warren County Safe and Quality Bicycling Organization
Karen Hulihan NYSDOT Region 1
Chris Round The Chazen Companies
Dan Rourke Barton and Loguidice
Scott Sopczyk Director, GGFT

A/GFTC Staff:
Aaron Frankenfeld
Kate Mance

1. Welcome and Introductions – Aaron called the meeting to order at 1:32.

2. Visitor Issues – Harrison Freer introduced himself as a representative of the Warren
County Safe and Quality Bicycling Organization. He stated that improving conditions for
bicyclists along New York State Route 9L wa s a top priority of WCSQBO, and he asked
about the planned repairs scheduled for 2015 . Frank Bonafide replied that the NYSDOT
was currently faced with bicycling improvemen t requests for both Route 9L and 9N; with
reconstructions unlikely in the short-term, it would be difficult to implement an adequate
level of improvement within the scope of a pa vement repair project. For that reason, the
9L improvements have been pushed from 2015 to 2016 to allow for additional
considerations. Additional details will be shared with the committee as the project evolves.

3. Items From Last Meeting
A. NYS 9N Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Is sues – DOT responded to the request for
a bicycle and pedestrian-speci fic safety analysis with a letter to A/GFTC dated
November 7; that was forwarded to the municipalities on 12/9. The conclusion
articulated in the response was that, base d upon a review of bike/ped – related
crashes, there was no correctable pattern of bike/ped incidents present along the
corridor. An additional a ssessment has since been conducted by the Department,
Adirondack  /  G lens  F alls  Transportation  C ouncil  
11 South  Street,  Suite 203  
Glens  Falls,  NY  12801  
p:   (518)  223  – 0086   f:    (518)  223  –  0584  

also concluding that no safety recommendations are to be made as a result of
crashes along the corridor .
B. Exit 20 Corridor – There has been no wo rd from the Town of Queensbury or EDC
on any developments regarding a meeting of property and business owners that
was to be assembled in response to a request for a re-evaluation of the Exit 20
study. Stu Baker stated that the Town was working to advance this. Ed
Bartholomew stated that there was interest on behalf of the owner of the former
Montcalm Restaurant property. Aaron noted meeting with ownership and
management of Lake George RV Park to discuss their concerns pertaining to the
corridor. Rob Cherry asked if an articulation of the changes in conditions that had
been requested by the TAC had materializ ed; Stu responded that that would be
up to the stakeholders. The Town ha s data collected from development

A. Completed / Ongoing Activities
1) On-call assistance projects
1. Fire Road pedestrian improvemen ts – final document has been
received from Creighton Manning Engineering.
2. Bay / Sanford crash analysis – following incorporation of comments
from the Glens Falls Board of Pub lic Safety, the final document has
been received from CHA.
3. Crandall / Sherman intersection analysis – the Glens Falls Board of
Public Safety has approved the recommendations within the draft
plan and will pursue removal of a tr affic signal that meets no signal
warrants. Final document has b een received from The Chazen
4. Pavement scoring report – paveme nt scoring report was completed
by CME in early December – 2nd year of analysis – scores are
pretty consistent, average down by .07. Frank asked when the
previous analysis had been done; Aaron guessed that it was either
2004 or 2006. Rob asked if the contract was a one-year
assignment. Aaron responded that it was, but the second year was
awarded to the winning firm from the first year to preserve
evaluation consistency and minimize initiation costs.
2) Exit 17 Land Use study – a draft plan has been produced by CME and will
be reviewed by staff and the commi ttee prior to scheduling a public
outreach session.
3) Bike/Ped plan update – Kate pres ented initial work on a GIS-based
pedestrian generator model based on a similar approach developed by
SMTC. The model is intended to foreca st anticipated pedestrian activity
from a variety of inputs, including residential and commercial land uses.
Significant discussion ensured regarding criteria. Staff will investigate
incorporation of commercial lodging and recreational facilities. The
general consensus was that this approach is useful addition to the
bicycle and pedstrian plan.
4) Document Updates
1. CHSTP – Kate stated the reason for updating the plan (compliance
with MAP-21) and that the Plan wa s just updated one year

prior. A
motion was made to approve the CHSTP update for public review.

Moved By: Scott Sopczyk Seconded by: Stu Baker Motion carried
2. Public Participation Plan – Aaro n summarized the elements of the
draft, including:

 regular meetings will be advertised and held in accessible
locations; time devoted to visito rs issue will be included on
the agenda
 staff will retain office hours, also in an accessible location
 establishes a hierarchy of pr oducts, with core documents
and major planning studies (those with distinct tasks in the
UPWP) 30 day public comment pr ior to approval, with core
documents accompanied by legal notice
 technical reports will be made available in draft form online
for 14 days
 affirms website as primary me ans of communication, to be
supplemented by social media
A 45-day public comment period is required by MAP-21. Scott
Sopczyk noted that GGFT references the MPO’s public
participation plan and reques ted that the relationship between
the public transportation operator and the MPO be called out
within the document. Rob note d that the enclosed graphic, as a
linear depiction of the project development process, may not
accurately capture the actu al MPO process. Aaron agreed to
have another look at the graphic.
A motion was made to approve the draft for public review.
Moved By: Stu Baker Seconded by: Brian Abare Motion carried
5) 2014-15 Program
1. Summary of Proposed Program – Aaron summarized the draft
UPWP (handout). Carryover funds are up slightly, with incoming
new federal funds essentially le vel from the current year. New
tasks were highlighted, includin g those requested by various
municipalities (Warren County, Fo rt Edward, Glens Falls). Major
studies are to include corridor study reassessments and a regional
public transportation study for non-urban areas.
2. Approval for Public Comment – A motion was made to approve the
document for public review.

Moved By: Frank Bonafide Seconded by: Stu Baker Motion carried

5. Transit
A. GGFT Update – Scott Sopczyk that GGFT wa s in the process of receiving a new
trolley and selling a reti red vehicle at auction.
B. FTA 5310 Update – Kate reported on NYSD OT’s timeline to conduct a solicitation
for FTA 5310 funds. The targeted date fo r applications is April 2014, and program
workshops are planned for stakeholder outreach.

6. TIP
A. Amendments and Modificati ons – Aaron summarized the minor administrative TIP
actions taken since the last meeting – (11,000 ROW to CR 16; 70,000 INCD to
Lake George Gateway project).
B. Project updates from sponsors – A a

ron read from a summary provided by Warren
County DPW, noting among other items the ongoing discussion of alternatives for
Valley Road. Scott Tracy reported that PS&E for CR 16 had been delivered on
time. Stu Baker stated that closings on 3 of the 4 properties required for the
Aviation Road project had been scheduled, with eminent domain required for the
fourth. A letting is anticipated in March. Ed Bartholomew noted that Broad Street
was moving towards a Spring 2014 construction. Frank reported that the low bid

for Route 4 over the Champlain was below estimate, and that most of this year’s
capital program had already been let.
C. Preservation program meeting recap – Aaron summarized the 1/16 meeting of
area public works and highway superint endents to discuss the preservation
programs – turnout was moderate, but the municipalities with the majority of
eligible highways were there – among the items discussed for pavement were
eligibility, possible treatmen ts and the availability of a state contract for vendor
placed pavement that could reduce admi nistrative and design activities; on
bridges, a consultant-based project se lection approach was discussed. Warren
County DPW has concurred with the consultant-based approach provided that the
counties are still empowered to choose their own candidates.
D. Make the Connection solicitation – Aaro n – one application received so far;
deadline is January 31 – will be looking for volunteers to review and prioritize the
E. Highway Safety Improvement Program solicitation – NYSDOT is conducting a
solicitation for safety projects – that has been forwarded to committee members
with a deadline of 2/21. Frank noted the funding mechanism established by MAP-
21. Aaron noted that an annual HSIP setaside (separate from this solicitation)
was available to be programmed. Chris Round asked if the Bay/Sanford
intersection, recently studied by A/GFTC, was a potential candidate.
F. Transportation Enhancements Program announcement – Aaron – TEP awards
were announced last week – the LG Ga teway Project was among four from the
region that were selected. Frank noted that projects within the region fared well
and that this was likely somewhat attribut able to the regional concurrence on a
singular list of priorities.

7. Draft 2014 meeting schedule – Aaron passed out the draft schedule, noting a potential
change of the December meeting to No vember. Committee members were asked to
identify any potential schedule conflicts and notify A/GFTC staff.

8. Other Items / Adjourn – the meeting was adjourned at 3:03.

A/GFTC Planning Committee Minutes – Wednesday, November 12, 2013

Policy Committee Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Attendees Agency
Mitchell Suprenant (Chair) Supervisor, Town of Fort Edward
Ralph Bentley (Vice Chair) Supervisor, Town of Horicon
Sam Zhou (Secretary) Regional Director, NYSDOT Region 1
Frank Bonafide Planning and Program Manager, NYSDOT Region 1
Kevin Geraghty Chairman, Warren County Board of Supervisors
Scott Sopczyk Director, GGFT
John Strough Deputy Supervisor, Town of Queensbury
Jeff Tennyson Superintendent, Warren County DPW
Mike Valentine Senior Planner, Saratoga County

A/GFTC Staff:
Kate Mance
Aaron Frankenfeld

1. Welcome and Introductions: Chairman Mitch Suprenant opened the meeting at 10:10. A
quorum of affected parties was declared.
2. Visitors Issues: none
3. AGC – EDC Infrastructure Study – no report
4. Completed and Ongoing Staff and Consultant Activities – Aaron reported on the following
 Exit 17 / Route 9 Study – Town of Moreau. Goal is to formulate transportation and land
use strategies that encourage economic development while preserving the functionality
of the existing transportation systems. The study is about 60% complete. Preliminary
analysis indicates that should future development occur at a level equivalent to what
existing zoning permits then the Town could be faced with sever traffic congestion. The
next advisory committee meeting and a public workshop will be scheduled soon.
 Fire Road / Crandall Park / Kensington School area pedestrian improvements report is
in final draft; plan identifies a mix of sidewalks and a multiuse path as the preferred
solution for reasons of cost and effectiveness – estimate is $468,000.
 We are awaiting word from the Town of Queensbury regarding a new analysis for Exit
20. The TAC was presented with a request to have another look at the corridor, and in
turn requested that the Town look to set up a meeting with the development
community to determine interest and commitment before initiating any additional
technical work.
 Regional bicycle and pedestrian plan is in development; the hiring of an intern was
beneficial to this effort; analysis refinement is ongoing.
 Bay / Sanford crash analysis is also in final draft, awaiting comments from the Glens
Falls Board of Public Safety – study concluded that signal visibility may be a
contributing factor in the crash history
Adirondack / Glens Falls Transportation Council
11 South Street, Suite 203
Glens Falls, NY 12801
p:  (518) 223 – 0086  f:   (518) 223 –  0584

 Initiated an intersection review of the intersection of Crandall and Sherman to review
safety data and determine any beneficial alteration to the signal, including removal
 Completed crossing guard location analysis for the GFPD
In response to a question from Sam Zhou, Aaron listed the consultants engaged in those
projects as follows: Creighton Manning Engineering: Exit 17 and Fire Road; CHA:
Bay/Sanford; Chazen Companies: Crandall / Sherman
5. A/GFTC Long Range Transportation Plan – Aaron summarized Resolution 13-7, the adopting
resolution for 2035 Ahead, the A/GFTC Long Range Plan. The resolution affirms that the LRP
 prepared in consultation with NYSDOT, GGFT, and state and local resource agencies
 made available for public comment and reviewed in a public meeting
 fiscally constrained, and
 approved by the TAC and recommended to the Policy Committee for its consideration
Chairman Suprenant requested a motion to approve Resolution 13-7:
 Motion: Ralph Bentley Second: Sam Zhou Motion Carried
Aaron acknowledged Kate’s efforts in writing the plan, crediting her for the
improvements in the plan’s organization, content and formatting. Chairman Suprenant also
expressed appreciation.
6. Greater Glens Falls Transit Update (Scott Sopczyk) – Scott briefed the committee on ongoing
transit capital and operating projects. The original (1989) roof at the GGFT facility was
recently replaced. Four replacement mini-buses have been purchased. The 2014 FTA grant
will facilitate preventative maintenance for existing GGFT equipment and the purchase of one
new trolley. Annual ridership is down around 2%; poor weather during Memorial Day and
Americade as well as major road projects were cited as contributing factors. SUNY Adirondack
services have been well-utilized, but recently reinstated evening services have
underperformed to date. Sam Zhou asked about revenue; Scott replied that farebox revenue
amounted to about $250,000 for a recovery rate of about 24 percent.
7. TIP
A. Project Updates (major developments since May 2013)
1) Warren County: Jeff Tennyson gave the following project updates:
 The Grist Mill Road reimbursement dispute with FHWA has been resolved, with
the County receiving its full reimbursement. Jeff credited Region 1 for its
 Milton Street disputed work issues have been resolved.
 Beach Road is complete. EFC has withdrawn funding for long-term monitoring of
environmental factors, but Darrin Freshwater Institute has expressed an interest
in future analysis.
 Lanfear Road Bridge is complete.
 Hicks Road is underway and should be completed in Spring 2014.
 Crane Mountain Road bridge will open this week; wetland work will continue in
Spring 2014.
 Blair Road, Palisades Road, and Valley Road bridges are in design. Creighton
Manning has been awarded the design contract for the project
 MTC projects are progressing. Complications are expected with the West Brook
sidewalks given the other projects underway in the area. In response to a

question from Sam Zhou regarding the letting schedule, Jeff noted that the work
would be done in-house next summer.
2) Washington County – Aaron shared the report from Washington County DPW
presented at the last TAC meeting, with some updates:
 CR 12 over the Mettawee River is now open
 CR 61 over Batten Kill should be completed in Spring 2014.
 The county is working to resolve utility relocation issues related to CR 16
over Halfway Brook in Fort Ann.
 Closeout was progressing on the Dewey’s Bridge removal.
 County Route 12 / Hatch Hill Road safety project will be started in Spring
3) Saratoga County – Mike Valentine noted the continued planning effort for Exit 17
and Route 9, following through on prior recommendations from the 2002 BF&J
study, the Regional Access Management Plan, and the updated Comprehensive
Plan. He also noted the rapid progress of and minimal delays associated with the
Route 9 safety project in South Glens Falls.
4) City of Glens Falls – no report.
5) Town of Queensbury – John Strough reported on Aviation Road. The Town Board
recently approved ROW acquisition for portions of four parcels. Project completion
is expected in Spring 2014.
6) NYSDOT – Frank Bonafide gave the following project updates:
 Vendor Placed Pavement (VPP) contracts are out for Route 22 in White
Creek, Cambridge, and Salem, as well as Route 372 in Cambridge.
 Route 4 / 149 intersection was let. Contract is for $1.3M.
 Beach Road Phase II has encountered delays involved with archaeological
discoveries. Letting is scheduled for December.
 VPP for 372 between Greenwich and Cambridge is scheduled for 2014.
 Route 28N over the Hudson River was let last month.
 Whitehall bridges (removal of the theater bridge and replacement of the
Route 4 bridge over the Champlain Canal) should be let soon.
 Route 9 over Trout Brook and Route 196 over the Feeder Canal are in
design and scheduled for repair, depending upon timetable and budget.

Ralph Bentley asked about the status of pavement repairs to Route 8, noting that it
was in very bad shape. Frank reported that those repairs would likely be pushed out
another year; 28N in Newcomb and I-88 have had large impacts upon the regional
capital program. Sam Zhou has traveled the road, noting that eastbound was in
worse shape than westbound, possibly due to loaded logging trucks headed in one
direction and empty trucks returning in the other. Sam has asked the Residency to
shim the roadway as a short-term repair.

Jeff Tennyson noted that DEC had been referring to the Beach Road project as a two-
phase project. Frank Bonafide stated that the parking lot repairs were not part of the
NYSDOT project., but were a separate DEC project. Jeff stated that there may be
some complaints with the road project, as it appears to be inconsistent with the
public comments received while Warren County was administering the project. The
County had no input into the latest design, which appears to be based upon an
earlier inclusion in the design report. Frank stated that DEC was very concerned

about pedestrian safety near the beach entrance, and that those concerns may
account for the change in traffic pattern.

Ralph Bentley raised the issue of the Middleton Bridge replacement, contending that
ORPS has stated that the land bordering the Schroon River, (which would be the
preferred location for a new structure to replace the one that is currently closed) is
not Forest Preserve. Sam Zhou stated that NYSDOT legal staff had contacted DEC
legal staff to present a way forward that would not entail amendments to the state
constitution; he also stated that he would look into the status of that discussion.

Sam Zhou announced that Rob Fitch was NYSDOT’s new Resident Engineer for
Warren County.
B. Transportation Enhancements Program: Aaron reported that review and prioritization of
regional projects had been completed through a collaborative process involving staff from
A/GFTC, CDTC, NYSDOT, and Essex and Greene Counties. A list of five projects was sent from
Region 1 to NYSDOT Main Office. The Warrensburg streetscaping and pedestrian improvement
project was among the five on the list. Frank stated that the list was comprised of the
Region’s recommendations; those responsible for project selection could choose other
projects, but having a good, single list that includes regional priorities should be beneficial to
the process. An end-of December project award announcement is still targeted. Sam and
Aaron both noted the cooperation evident in the regional prioritization process, with Aaron
directing credit to Frank and his staff.
C. Upcoming Funding Solicitations
1) Pavement and bridge preservation programs – Aaron informed the committee that
the Transportation Improvement Program listed over $3.0M in bridge preservation
and $2.2M in pavement preservation that would be available for qualifying projects
in FFY 2014-5. Design funds for those projects would be made available via project
solicitation soon; additional discussions with potential project sponsors would be
needed to inform the solicitation process.
2) Make the Connection Program will be available within the week. The purchasing of
speed feedback signs has been added to the list of eligible expenses. Application
deadline will be December 16, 2013.
3) FTA 5310 – MAP -21 has changed the program requirements, which has caused a
delay in the program solicitation. Staff will be participating in an information
webinar on 11/13.
4) UPWP Projects – Also upcoming is the annual solicitation for planning projects to be
undertaken by staff and its consultants. In addition to level funding from the
current year, we anticipate a surplus of between $150k and $200k so we will have
the programming capacity to entertain a variety of municipal requests. We have
already been presented with some regional trail projects and a safety study
candidate. Staff and the TAC will work on assembling the work program over the
winter – which will be presented to this committee in March for approval.
Sam Zhou asked if the municipalities were considering packaging the preservation
projects together. Jeff responded that this was under active consideration, perhaps even
among multiple municipalities.
8. Other Items: Aaron Thanked Mitch Suprenant for chairing the committee during the last two
years, and noted the impending retirements of Ron Montesi and Ralph Bentley (currently our
longest-serving committee member).

Sam Zhou encouraged the committee to participate with the ongoing Capital District
Regional Economic Development Council’s Infrastructure Workgroup, to ensure that the
northern portion of the region was represented. Aaron noted that the Adirondack Gateway
Council AGC was actively participating, and that a regional infrastructure needs survey that
was recently completed by AGC and EDC of Warren County was largely consistent with
previously identified MPO priorities.

9. Next meeting and motion to adjourn – The next meeting will be held in the first or second
week of March in order to approve the annual work program.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting.

Motion: Ralph Bentley Second: Sam Zhou Motion Carried -meeting adjourned at 11:12.